- 1 - |
09.06. - 11.06.44 |
Kiel |
Outfitted. Weapons shooting, shooting exercises, final trim test, completion of t remaining work. |
12.06.44 |
Kiel - Kristiansand South |
09.13 |
Departed Kiel for 1st war patrol. In convoy to Kristiansand South. In accordance with Outbound Orders, Operations Order No. 56 is in effect for the boat. |
12.00 |
AO 7731 |
Day's run: Surfaced 22.6 nm |
SW 5-6, Sea 3-4, cloudy, Vis. good, 1010 mb |
Submerged / nm |
22.6 nm |
16.00 |
AO 7469 |
SWbyW 5,. Sea 3-4, cloudy, Vis. good, 1011 mb |
20.00 |
AO 7511 |
W 4-5, Sea 3, heavily cloudy, Vis. good, 1013 mb |
24.00 |
AO 7169 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, heavily cloudy, Vis. good, 1013 mb |
13.06.44 |
Kiel - Kristiansand South |
04.00 |
AO 7218 |
WSW 5, Sea 3, half overcast, Vis. medium, 1015 mb |
08.00 |
AO 4883 |
WSW 4, Sea 2, lightly cloudy, Vis. medium, 1015 mb |
12.00 |
AO 4818 |
Day's run: Surfaced 141.6 nm |
WbyS 2, Sea 2, few clouds, Vis. good, 1015 mb |
Submerged / nm |
141.6 nm |
16.00 |
AO 4547 |
WSW 3-4, Sea 2, half overcast, Vis. medium, 1012 mb |
20.00 |
AO |
SW 3, Sea 2, light rain, overcast, Vis. moderate, 1008 mb |
21.42 |
Deep dive attempt. |
- 2 - |
continued |
13.06.44 |
Kiel - Kristiansand South |
Cable bushing for the Fu.M.O. antenna leaks. Was flanged off. Diesel construction hatch began to leak lightly at depth 2 A meters. Otherwise no issues. |
23.30 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
AN 3626 |
SW 3, Sea 1-2, rain, misty, 1002 mb |
14.06.44 |
Kiel - Kristiansand South |
04.00 |
AN 3612 |
SWbyS 2-3, Sea 1-2, overcast, inshore clearing and visibility improvement, 1001 mb |
05.15 |
Made fast Kongsgaardbukt. Lubricating oil and fuel oil supply. |
11.35 |
Departed Kristiansand in convoy. |
12.00 |
Day's run: Surfaced 152.4 nm |
Submerged 6.8 nm |
159.2 nm |
16.00 |
AN 3526 |
W 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good, 1004 mb |
20.00 |
AN 3199 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast, Vis. 6 nm, 1005 mb |
22.01 |
Released from convoy southwest of Egerøy. Moved off from the coast on course 250°. |
23.36 |
Dived to proceed submerged. Depth 30 meters. |
24.00 |
AN 3188 |
NW 4, Sea 3, heavily cloudy, Vis. medium, 1005 mb |
15.06.44 |
West coast of Norway. |
04.00 |
AN 3184 |
08.00 |
AN 3181 |
12.00 |
AN 3155 |
Day's run: Surfaced 110.5 nm |
Submerged 19.9 nm |
130.4 nm |
16.00 |
AN 3143 |
18.36 |
Surfaced to charge. |
20.00 |
AN 2975 |
NW 3-4, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
- 3 - |
continued |
15.06.44 |
20.36 |
Dived to proceed submerged, Depth 30 meters. |
16.06.44 |
04.00 |
AN 2866 |
08.00 |
AN 2839 |
08.39 |
Began snorkeling. |
09.56 |
Ended snorkeling. |
10.57 |
Began snorkeling. |
12.00 |
AN 2833 |
Day's run: Surfaced 25.2 nm |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 58.1 nm |
83.3 nm |
12.11 |
Ended snorkeling. |
14.50 |
Surfaced to charge. |
16.00 |
AN 2313 |
N 2-3, Sea 1-2, overcast, Vis. good, 1012 mb |
18.00 |
Dived to proceed submerged. Depth 30 meters. |
19.45 |
2 detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
AN 2336 |
22.14 |
N 3, Sea 2, nearly overcast, bright north horizon, Vis. good |
Incoming Radio Message 2013/16/061 Kr Kr: Boat sinking slowly. Square AF 8787. |
U-998 |
I am located 11 nm southeast of U-998. 2-1/2 hours have passed since the detonations. |
I believe that in the mean time U-998 has sunk. My intention is to immediately surface and assist U-998. While submerged, I announce what is at stake to the crew and that aircraft attack can be expected. |
22.30 |
Surfaced to search for U-998 (Fiedler). |
22.45 |
Recognition Signal exchanged with a German sea emergency aircraft (Do 24). I follow the aircraft, because obviously the position of Fiedler or the sinking location is known. In so doing . . . |
22.59 |
"Aircraft" alarm - a twin-engine land-based aircraft. Range 7000-8000 meters. Flies past then immediately turns towards. Recognition Signal requested at about range = 5000 meters, No immediate answer. Gave permission to fire for the 3.7 cm cannon. After 3 shots stoppage due to loading mechanism failure. The aircraft immediately fires the correct German Recognition Signal, turns away briefly and then flies exactly from astern with a dive angle of about 25°. Permission to fire for all weapons at range 2500-3000 meters. The 3.7 cm cannon gets off only one shot. The twins work well. The aircraft shoots with on board weapons however at the same time received hits from the 2 cm twins, draws close over the conning tower. Initially pulls up smoking and then goes lower in a left turn, then pulls up again and disappears in the dark southern horizon. |
- 4 - |
continued |
16.06.43 |
West coast of Norway |
During the overflights no bombs were thrown. A new attack by the aircraft, which in the meantime was identified as a "Mosquito" did not follow. On the conning tower I have 3 severely and 5 lightly wounded. Severely wounded are: |
Obstrm. Berhardt (Gunnery Officer) |
Mtr.Gfr. Machler (Gunner, port twin) |
Masch.Gfr. Adolf (Loader on the starboard twin) |
Lightly wounded are: |
Mtr.Gfr. Schmidt, Gunner on the starboard twin |
Masch.Gfr. Nork, Loader on the port twin |
Masch.Mt. Zscharnak, Ammunition Man |
Masch.Mt. Vollheide, Ammunition Man |
Oblnt.z.See. d.R. Meyer, Kommandant |
23.04 |
Outgoing Radio Message: Was attacked by aircraft, square AN 2333. U-804. |
23.24 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2310/16/067: Aircraft attack fended off. Several wounded. Position square AN 2333. |
Meyer. |
23.32 |
Dived to put together a new anti-aircraft watch. |
On the aircraft attack: Own speed before and during the attack AK. No marine phosphorescence. One approach exactly from astern at low altitude. Machine gun fire, no bombs, no detection. Fliege, Mücke, Wanze were manned. Gear was operable. According to statements by U-Müller, which recovered the crew of the Mosquito, they testified that they flew visually by day and that also in this case the boat was sighted and not located [by radar], that one of the 4 German Recognition Signals at hand were shot at random, and that bomb throwing did not take place because of hits to the engines. |
Range when the aircraft came in sight was 7000-8000 meters. Target angle about bow left 70°, altitude 800-1000 meters, no battery charging. Communications gear was manned. |
There is no great desire to surface below deck. I'm not quite sure whether in the immediate vicinity of own coast (30 nm) full commitment of a U-boat to rescue comrades is justified. I must assume that other aircraft were summoned. |
Therefore surfacing was delayed and steered in the direction of the suspected sinking location of U-Fiedler submerged. |
24.00 |
AF 8787 |
NW 4, Sea 3, cloudy, Vis. good, dark southern horizon. |
17.06.44 |
00.59 |
Surfaced and continued to search for U-Fiedler. |
- 5 - |
continued |
17.06.44 |
xx.30 |
U-"Bode" sighted. Continued to search together. |
02.05 |
Incoming Radio Message 0149/17/70: Damaged U-Fiedler just now entered Bergen in convoy. |
11. U-Flottille. |
02.00 |
Aircraft sighted on the bright northern horizon. Range about 10000 meters. |
02.11 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0115/17/071: 11. U-Flottille. Search up to now without results. Aircraft shot German Recognition Signal. 3 severely 5 lightly wounded, going to Bergen. |
U-Meyer. |
02.21 |
Dived to proceed submerged to Bergen. |
03.40 |
Surfaced. |
03.42 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0320/17/073: Position 17.June 12.00 hours at Hellisøy. Meyer. |
03.44 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
AF 8789 |
NW 3-4, Sea 2-3, cloudy, Vis. good |
05.08 |
Incoming Radio Message 0334/17/074: U-Meyer: Break off search. Be at Hellisøy on 17 June at 07.00 hours. Enter in convoy with U-boat escort boat "UNITAS". |
11. U-Flottille. |
06.20 |
Incoming Radio Message 0255/17/072: All boats operating on Fiedler. Continue transit and go to position. |
F.d.U. Mitte. |
06.29 |
Incoming Radio Message 0029/17/069: Boats operating on Fiedler do not let your own safety out of consideration. Expect surface vessels to assist. |
F.d.U. Mitte. |
06.34 |
Incoming Radio Message 2301/16/068: Boats for sea emergency Fiedler (U-998). Departed or have taken off: Vorpostenboot "UNITAS", 1 aircraft protection vessel, 1 sea emergency aircraft (Do 24) no fighters. |
11. U-Flottille. |
06.34 |
Surfaced. Surface transit to Bergen. |
08.00 |
NW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
Passed Hellisøy inbound. |
08.44 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0821/17/078: Passed Hellisøy 08.00 hours. Waiting at Skjelanger. Meyer. |
At Skjelanger check fired the 3.7 cm cannon. Have not been able to shoot a magazine without stoppage. The cause was the firing mechanism. Finally barrel plugged by flooded ammunition. |
09.18 |
Incoming Radio Message 0521/17/076: By perfect observation by own aircraft in the vicinity, during an attack on U-804 (Meyer) off the West coast of Norway English aircraft shot German recognition signal. |
- 7 - |
continued |
20.06.44 |
12.00 |
AF 8754 |
Day's run: Surfaced 46.3 nm |
NW 2-3, overcast, quite quiet Sea, Swell 2-3, Vis. good |
Submerged 40.3 nm |
86.6 nm |
12.20 |
Ended snorkeling. |
16.00 |
AF 8719 |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, Vis. 5-6 nm, overcast |
18.20 |
Began snorkeling. |
19.55 |
Ended snorkeling. Proceeded submerged at depth 50 meters. |
20.00 |
AF 8712 |
NW 2-3, long NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
24.00 |
AF 8478 |
21.06.44 |
West coast of Norway |
01.27 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.15 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.18 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 8471 |
NW 2-3, Sea 1-2, long NW-Swell, Vis. medium |
04.12 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
AF 7675 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 60.9 nm |
60.9 nm |
15.25 |
Began snorkeling. |
15.55 |
AF 7638 |
Crash dive for flying boat, northwesterly course, parallel flight, range 4000-5000 meters. Went to depth A +60 meters. No bombs. No Wanze detection. |
16.00 |
AF 7638 |
Proceeded submerged at depth 50 meters. |
NWbyN 2, Sea 1-2, NW-Swell, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AF 7634 |
NW 2, heavily cloudy, long NW-Swell, Vis. good |
22.22 |
Incoming Radio Message 1525/21/044: U-804 Meyer: |
On 22 June 08.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
24.00 |
AF 7633 |
Weather unchanged |
Continuous twilight. |
22.06.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.27 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.02 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 7382 |
05.37 |
Began snorkeling. |
- 8 - |
continued |
22.06.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
06.03 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AF 7354 |
12.00 |
AF 7343 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 63.1 nm |
63.1 nm |
12.52 |
Began snorkeling |
13.20 |
Crash dive for flying boat. Range 6000-7000 meters, altitude 500-1000 meters, from left to right. Initially went to depth A +60 meters, then continued at depth 50 meters. No bombs. |
16.00 |
AF 7319 |
NW 2-3, Sea 1-2, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AF 7315 |
Began snorkeling |
NW 4, Sea 3, Vis. good |
22.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AF 7232 |
Continuous twilight. |
23.06.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.10 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 4886 |
08.00 |
AF 4886 |
12.00 |
AF 4881 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 69.5 nm |
69.5 nm |
14.03 |
Flying boat sighted at periscope depth. Range about 10000 meters flying past ahead from left to right, altitude about 500 meters. |
16.00 |
AF 4873 |
SW 2-3, Sea 1-2, NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. good |
17.49 |
Began snorkeling. |
18.00 |
Ended snorkeling. |
20.00 |
AF 4848 |
Weather unchanged. |
21.03 |
At periscope depth U-boat sighted, northwesterly course, range about 4 nm, type 9 D 2 boat. |
21.15 |
U-boat out of sight, probably dived. |
Before and during the sighting no sound bearings. |
Initially gave up the intention to snorkel to avoid a sound bearing. Moved off 40° to the west. Doubt arose if it even was a German U-boat. The net deflector seemed to me to go over a scaffolding on the conning tower, however theplacement of the cannons was like a 9 D 2 boat. |
24.00 |
AF 4844 |
24.06.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
02.31 |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, at times fog |
Began snorkeling. |
- 9 - |
continued |
24.06.44 |
03.25 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.44 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 4739 |
SSW 3-4, Sea 2-3, clearing, Vis. changing |
05.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
AF 4722 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 65.1 nm |
65.1 nm |
16.00 |
AF 4487 |
19.00 |
8-10 depth charges far off. |
19.05 |
4-6 depth charges far off. |
20.00 |
AF 4479 |
Wind shifting 2-3, squally weather, Sea 1-2, confused, overcast, Vis. medium |
23.08 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.58 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AF 4477 |
25.06.44 |
Iceland Passage - Norwegian Sea |
03.00 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 6698 |
NE 3-4, freshening to 5-6, Sea 4-5, misty |
05.10 |
Ended snorkeling. Proceeded submerged at depth 50 meters. |
08.00 |
AE 6689 |
12.00 |
AE 6688 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
ENE 6, Sea 5, cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 64.5 nm |
64.5 nm |
13.07 |
Began snorkeling. |
13.55 |
Ended snorkeling. |
16.00 |
AE 6676 |
20.00 |
AE 6675 |
NE 2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. changing |
23.23 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 6595 |
26.06.44 |
Iceland Passage |
01.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 6586 |
07.10 |
One detonation far off. |
08.00 |
AE 6585 |
12.00 |
AE 6585 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 64.0 nm |
64.0 nm |
- 10 - |
continued |
26.06.44 |
15.42 |
Began snorkeling. |
16.00 |
AE 6575 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, cloudy, Vis. good |
17.01 |
Ended snorkeling. |
20.00 |
AE 6575 |
24.00 |
AE 6733 |
Continuous twilight. |
27.06.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.47 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 6768 |
06.35 |
Began snorkeling. |
06.43 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AE 6761 |
NE 5, Sea 3-4, overcast, showery weather, Vis. changing |
09.14 |
Began snorkeling. |
11.15 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
AE 6755 |
16.00 |
AE 6757 |
20.00 |
AE 6773 |
24.00 |
AE 6778 |
NE 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. good |
28.06.44 |
Iceland Passage |
04.00 |
AE 9111 |
NE 6-7, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. medium |
05.00 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
05.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
07.10 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AE 8334 |
12.00 |
AE 8329 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 65.9 nm |
65.9 nm |
16.00 |
AE 8352 |
NEbyN 7, Sea 6, overcast, Vis. changing |
18.05 |
Began snorkeling. |
20.00 |
AE 8348 |
Wind abated somewhat, otherwise weather unchanged |
20.15 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 8371 |
NNE 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. medium |
- 11 - |
29.06.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.45 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.50 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 8296 |
06.00 |
Began snorkeling. |
07.54 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AE 8297 |
NNE 4, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. good |
12.00 |
AE 8523 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 71.5 nm |
71.5 nm |
16.00 |
AE 8525 |
NNE 2-3, NNE-Swell 2-3, overcast, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AE 8527 |
21.10 |
During an all around sweep a sailing fishing cutter bearing 285°T. Target angle bow right 10°, range 2 nm. |
I believe that its mission is surveillance. |
Went to silent running and slowly went deeper. After that the cutter proceeded with an engine. No indication that he had noticed us. |
23.05 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 8542 |
NNE 2, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
30.06.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.27 |
Smoke cloud bearing 295°T, crash dive, ended snorkeling and ran towards it with both motors HF. Every 10-15 minutes a thick smoke cloud arises. About 01.00 hours I recognize that it is a search group, consisting of 3 fishing trawlers, bow left target angle 40° and range about 4 nm. Turned away, put astern and went to depth A +50 meters. |
01.06 |
Silent running. |
7 depth charges, medium range. |
01.07 |
2 depth charges. |
01.39 |
5 depth charges. |
02.24 |
3 depth charges far off. Came to old course 235°. |
All around sweep clear. Proceeded submerged at depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
AE 8541 |
08.00 |
AE 8466 |
NNE 1, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good |
11.19 |
Began snorkeling. |
- 12 - |
continued |
30.06.44 |
12.00 |
AE 8468 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Weather unchanged |
Submerged 58.1 nm |
58.1 nm |
12.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
16.00 |
AE 8491 |
20.00 |
AE 8486 |
20.45 |
AE 8485 |
Independent fishing trawler, continual speed and bearing changes, minimum range 4 nm. Seemed to be a patrol vessel. |
24.00 |
AE 8485 |
01.07.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.15 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.50 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 8413 |
08.00 |
AE 8413 |
10.07 |
Began snorkeling. |
11.00 |
AE 8717 |
Sailing vessel (fishing cutter) in the sun sector bearing 90°T, bow left, target angle 30-40°, range 1 1/2 to 2 nm. |
ENE 2, Sea 1, heavily cloudy, Vis. good except for the sun sector |
Ended snorkeling. Sailing vessel runs with an engine. |
Possibly these sailing fishing cutters are on patrol in the Iceland Passage. |
11.45 |
Sailing vessel out of sight. |
12.00 |
AE 8717 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Weather unchanged. |
Submerged 51.5 nm |
51.5 nm |
14.57 |
Began snorkeling. |
17.00 |
Ended snorkeling. |
17.20 |
8-10 depth charges far off. |
18.00 |
Depth charge series far off. |
19.45 |
Depth charges far off. |
20.00 |
AE 7968 |
Weather unchanged. |
21.22 |
Depth charges far off. |
21.30 |
" " |
23.50 |
" " |
23.54 |
" " |
24.00 |
AE 7991 |
Continuous twilight. |
NE 1-2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. good, |
02.07.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.19 |
Depth charges far off. |
03.58 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 7986 |
Weather unchanged |
06.15 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AL 3113 |
11.28 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
11.33 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
AL 3114 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 66.8 nm |
66.8 nm |
- 13 - |
continued |
02.07.44 |
15.14 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
15.22 |
Dived. |
15.20 |
AE 8798 |
The correct position is AE 8798. Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 83°T, 108 nm |
16.00 |
AE 8798 |
NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
17.05 |
Began snorkeling. |
18.43 |
Crash dive for Wanze detection on 187 cm. |
20.00 |
AL 3235 |
22.01 |
At periscope depth smoke clouds bearing 63°T, turned towards. Vessel smokes every 10-15 minutes strongly. 22.50 hours last smoke cloud sighting. |
Did not operate on it because it was probably a patrol vessel and due to the proximity to the Iceland Passage. |
24.00 |
AL 3237 |
NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
03.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.50 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AL 3252 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
05.15 |
Began snorkeling. |
07.55 |
End of snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AL 3246 |
12.00 |
AL 3247 |
Day's run: Surfaced 2.0 nm |
E 1, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. changing |
Submerged 72.7 nm |
74.7 nm |
15.36 |
One detonation, far off. |
16.00 |
AL 3169 |
Calm, E-Swell, at times misty, overcast |
20.00 |
AL 3192 |
EbyS 2-3, Sea 1, rainy, Vis. changing |
20.32 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.08 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AL 3186 |
Continuous twilight. |
04.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
03.15 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
AL 3179 |
E 2, Sea 1, low hanging clouds, Vis. changing, at times rain. |
04.03 |
Dived. |
05.10 |
Began snorkeling. |
06.51 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AL 3314 |
11.38 |
Surfaced. |
- 14 - |
continued |
04.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
11.45 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
AL 2436 |
Day's run: Surfaced 11.3 nm |
Calm, S-Swell, overcast, Vis. good, 1018 mb |
Submerged 63.5 nm |
74.8 nm |
16.00 |
AL 2437 |
Weather unchanged |
20.00 |
AL 2453 |
Surfaced. |
Wind calm, overcast, confused Swell, Vis. good |
20.17 |
Dived. |
24.00 |
AL 2455 |
Weather unchanged. |
05.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.56 |
Surfaced. |
01.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report as passing report in accordance with Radio Message 1606/26/104 of 27.06.44. |
01.49 |
Dived. |
03.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AL 2472 |
NW 2, long W-Swell, overcast, at times rain, Vis. changing |
06.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AL 2398 |
NW 1, long NW-Swell, cloudy, Vis. good |
12.00 |
AL 2397 |
Day's run: Surfaced 10 nm |
Weather unchanged |
Submerged 55.4 nm |
65.4 nm |
12.09 |
Surfaced. |
12.23 |
Dived. |
15.59 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
AL 2399 |
Wind calm, N-Swell, Vis. medium |
16.10 |
Dived. |
16.05 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 69°T, 18.2 nm. |
20.00 |
AL 2531 |
24.00 |
AL 2526 |
06.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.07 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.10 |
End of twilight. |
03.11 |
Incoming Radio Message 1637/5/167: "Meyer", "Sauerberg". New objective square Green Cäsar Quatsch 33 (North square). [Square BC 30] |
04.00 |
AL 2528 |
W 3, W-Swell, rain, Vis. 2 nm |
- 15 - |
continued |
06.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
04.20 |
Beginning of twilight. |
04.37 |
Surfaced. |
05.47 |
Dived. |
06.22 |
Began snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AL 1669 |
NW 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast, rain, Vis. 2 nm |
08.25 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
AL 1692 |
Day's run: Surfaced 19.1 nm |
Submerged 62.8 nm |
81.9 nm |
16.00 |
AL 1694 |
NW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. 5 nm |
17.00 |
G.H.G. out of service. The fault is urgently sought. |
20.00 |
AL 1688 |
NW 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. 4 nm |
20.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.55 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AL 1813 |
07.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
02.57 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AL 1815 |
NW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. changing |
04.48 |
Beginning of twilight. |
05.55 |
Began snorkeling. |
07.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AL 1739 |
12.00 |
AL 1762 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
NW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 64.3 nm |
64.3 nm |
16.00 |
AL 1764 |
20.00 |
AL 1759 |
20.34 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.00 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AL 1782 |
08.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.50 |
Surfaced. |
02.24 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0031/8/108: G.H.G. out of service. Position 3 preamplifier no AC voltage for control grid. Question how much and the source of the voltage. Path according to the drawing only found up to the delay chain. (AL 1781). Meyer. |
02.46 |
End of twilight. |
- 16 - |
continued |
08.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
03.01 |
Crash dive Fliege detection with Volume 5. |
04.00 |
AL 1778 |
04.57 |
End of twilight. |
08.00 |
AL 1991 |
ENE 2, Sea 1, rain, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
AK 0333 |
Day's run: Surfaced 15.2 nm |
Shower weather, nearly overcast, Vis. changing |
Submerged 53.7 nm |
68.9 nm |
16.00 |
AK 0335 |
20.00 |
AK 0337 |
20.26 |
Beginning of twilight. |
21.15 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
AK 0353 |
09.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.08 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.35 |
End of twilight. |
02.45 |
Incoming Radio Message 1602/8/118: To "Meyer". To Radio Message 0031/8/108 |
1.) Check both sides of transformer (Pos. 3) with circuit tester for continuity. |
2.) In the absence of grid bias voltage check cathode resistor 39 for continuity and if condenser Pos. 50 is burned through. |
3.) If not operable take out associated tube 15 and thus switch off the receiver. |
4.) Also check the rectifier and check anode voltage of the other tubes. |
04.00 |
AK 0354 |
NW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
05.13 |
Beginning of twilight. |
05.54 |
Began snorkeling. |
07.32 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AK 0372 |
12.00 |
AK 0371 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 62.1 nm |
62.1 nm |
15.18 |
Surfaced. |
15.22 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 3996 |
19.04 |
Surfaced. |
19.14 |
Dived. |
19.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 57.5°T, 54 nm. |
20.00 |
AK 0353 |
NW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good |
- 17 - |
continued |
09.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
2x.x1 |
Steamer sighting, range 5 nm, bow right target angle 110°. Steamer is found exactly on the Swedish Route however is not identified as Swedish with certainty. |
2x.x0 |
Surfaced and pursued after the steamer passed out of sight. |
2x.37 |
Vis. deteriorating in the N to NE. |
Crash dive for Fliege detection, Volume 5. |
Submerged I come to the conviction that the steamer is certainly Swedish. No zigzags as well as the course and appearance of the steamer attest to that. Came back to old course. |
24.00 |
AK 0377 |
SSE 3, Sea 2, heavy mist. |
10.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.39 |
Incoming Radio Message 1435/9/130: On Swedish Route on 9 July 12.00 hours are: |
1.) Inbound: "SUNNANLAND" AK 67, "KRAGHOLM" AK 83, "ULLAREN" AK 89. |
2.) Outbound: "DAGMARSALEN", "SVAABORG" and "DALIA" AF 76. |
3.) All naval squares. 4.) Repeated on Wallenstein. |
By plotting the sighted steamer was "SUNNANLAND". The radio message came too late for me. |
02.52 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AK 0362 |
05.04 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.08 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.30 |
End of snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AK 0356 |
SWbyW 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good |
08.45 |
Began snorkeling. |
09.41 |
AK 0358 |
Swedish steamer sighting on the Swedish Route. Bow left target angle 70°, range 5 nm. |
09.43 |
Ended snorkeling. |
10.29 |
Began snorkeling. |
11.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
AK 0381 |
Day's run: Surfaced 19.3 nm |
Submerged 64.7 nm |
84.0 nm |
16.00 |
AK 0376 |
SSW 1, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good |
16.48 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
17.03 |
Dived. |
19.52 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 28.5°T, 12.2 nm. |
- 18 - |
continued |
10.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
20.00 |
AK 0376 |
SE 1, Sea 1, lightly cloudy, Vis. very good |
20.03 |
Dived. |
24.00 |
AK 0377 |
SSE 3, Sea 2, overcast, heavy mist |
11.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.45 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
02.26 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AK 6227 |
SE 3, Sea 2, fog, weak marine phosphorescence., 1014 mb |
04.55 |
Dived. |
05.15 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 6244 |
09.11 |
Thick fog |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
09.48 |
Vis. improving |
Dived. |
12.00 |
AK 6169 |
Day's run: Surfaced 53.7 nm |
S 2-3, Sea 1-2, at times fog |
Submerged 42.0 nm |
95.7 nm |
16.00 |
AK 6191 |
SE 3, Sea 2, fog patches |
16.40 |
Several depth charge detonations far off. |
20.00 |
AK 6168 |
20.42 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.15 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AK 6188 |
12.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.28 |
S 1, thick fog, marine phosphorescence, 1008 mb |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
02.14 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AK 6417 |
Clearing |
04.58 |
Dived. |
05.21 |
Beginning of twilight. |
05.35 |
Surfaced. |
05.38 |
Dived. Damage control exercises. |
08.00 |
AK 6564 |
SW 2, Sea 1, fog patches |
12.00 |
AK 5659 |
Day's run: Surfaced 37.7 nm |
WNW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 46.5 nm |
84.2 nm |
- 19 - |
continued |
12.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
16.00 |
AK 5682 |
WNW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AK 5681 |
20 25 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.30 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AK 5678 |
13.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.52 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
02.06 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AK 5835 |
W 5-6, Sea 4-5, cloudy, Vis. medium, faint marine phosphorescence |
04.40 |
Dived. |
06.08 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 5851 |
12.00 |
AK 5855 |
Day's run: Surfaced 27.4 nm |
W 5-6, Sea 4-5, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 48.1 nm |
75.5 nm |
14.46 |
Incoming Radio Message 1132/13/196: "Meyer" 1) On 14 July 08.00 switch to America 1 Circuit. |
2) Tonight give short experience report concerning Iceland Passage. |
15.32 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
15.40 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 5854 |
19.11 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
19.15 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
AK 5853 |
W 4-5, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
24.00 |
AK 5855 |
14.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.48 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
02.00 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AK 5874 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, misty |
04.30 |
Dived for the moon rising behind the clouds, which was seen as a red ray of light. Went to depth A +80 meters. |
Submerged I slowly realize what it was. |
05.58 |
Surfaced. |
06.37 |
Beginning of twilight. |
Since 06.15 hours attempted to send Radio Message concerning experience in the Island Passage. After frequency change at 06.47 hours while diving finally communication. Intend to send the Radio Message the next night. |
- 20 - |
continued |
14.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
06.47 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
AK 8131 |
Switched to America 1 Circuit. |
W 2, long NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
12.00 |
AK 8123 |
Day's run: Surfaced 44.6 nm |
Submerged 45.8 nm |
90.4 nm |
15.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 1452/14/131: To Meyer: Remain in reached area. Due to return transit of "Nollau" on 19 July occupy square Green SO southern half [southern half of AK] as attack area and weather reporting area. 2 times daily between 11.00 to 15.00 and 23.00 and 03.00 hours report weather by Short Signal. After each report dive and move off submerged, because of continued surveillance by carrier aircraft and search groups may be expected. First report on 19 July. |
16.00 |
AK 8121 |
SE 4-5, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
AK 8113 |
SE 8, Sea 7, rain, fog |
24.00 |
AK 8112 |
15.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.36 |
Surfaced. |
02.07 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AK 7331 |
SW 6, Sea 5-6, overcast, misty, 987 mb |
04.42 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0359/15/240: Iceland Passage patrol groups, independent patrol vessels, 2 sailing fishing cutters, no air encountered, always snorkel charging, G.H.G. remains out of service, 210 cbm. Position AK 7331. |
U-Meyer. |
04.47 |
Dived and moved off to the south. |
06.46 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 7326 |
SW 7, Sea 6, overcast, misty, rain |
11.30 |
3 detonations far off. |
12.00 |
AK 7329 |
Day's run: Surfaced 25.4 nm |
SW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, misty |
Submerged 44.3 nm |
69.7 nm |
16.00 |
AK 7356 |
20.00 |
AK 7359 |
SW 4-5, high confused Sea, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
24.00 |
AK 7383 |
- 21 - |
16.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
0x.x3 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.x8 |
End of twilight |
0x.x6 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AK 7631 |
WSW 2-3, high W-Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
0x.x2 |
Began snorkeling. |
06.01 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 7631 |
Ended snorkeling. |
NW 4, Sea 2-3, long W-Swell, lightly cloudy, Vis. good |
12.00 |
AK 7656 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
NNW 6, Sea 4-5, somewhat cloudy, Vis. very good |
Submerged 67.3 nm |
67.3 nm |
1x.22 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
1x.33 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 7661 |
1x.15 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
1x.23 |
Dived. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 13.5°T, 13.1 nm. |
20.00 |
AK 7667 |
24.00 |
AK 7691 |
NW 5-6, Sea 4-5 |
17.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.48 |
End of twilight. |
02.27 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
AK 7923 |
NW 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, misty, 1005 mb |
05.45 |
Dived. |
07.11 |
Beginning of twilight |
08.00 |
AK 7952 |
NW 7-8, Sea 7, overcast, misty, strong marine phosphorescence. |
12.00 |
AK 7958 |
Day's run: Surfaced 40,4 nm |
Submerged 34.9 nm |
85.3 nm [typo 75.3] |
16.00 |
AK 7982 |
NNW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AK 7991 |
20.40 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.55 |
Ended snorkeling. |
- 22 - |
continued |
17.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
24.00 |
AK 7993 |
NW 4-5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium |
18.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.38 |
End of twilight. |
02.55 |
Surfaced. Charged. |
04.00 |
AK 7993 |
NW 5, Sea 4, overcast, strong marine phosphorescence., 1014 mb |
04.37 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged. |
07.15 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 8782 |
12.00 |
AK 8783 |
Day's run: Surfaced 19.2 nm |
NW 4, Sea 3, overcast, misty |
Submerged 50.8 nm |
70.0 nm |
16.00 |
AK 8791 |
20.00 |
AK 8793 |
21.42 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.52 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AK 8872 |
NW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
19.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.33 |
End of twilight. |
01.43 |
Surfaced. |
02.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.34 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
AK 8881 |
WNW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium, strong marine phosphorescence, 1018 mb |
07.12 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.53 |
Began snorkeling. |
08.00 |
AK 8883 |
09.12 |
Ended snorkeling |
12.00 |
AK 8892 |
Day's run: Surfaced 7.8 nm |
Wind calm, NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. changing, 1015 mb |
Submerged 60.4 nm |
68.2 nm |
13.48 |
Surfaced. |
14.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
14.11 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 8971 |
20.00 |
AK 8972 |
- 23 - |
continued |
19.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
24.00 |
AK 8973 |
SSE 1, quiet Sea, weak NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. good |
20.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
0x.11 |
Began snorkeling. |
0x.12 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.23 |
End of twilight. |
0x.24 |
Surfaced, proceeded on the surface. |
04.00 |
AK 8925 |
SSE 2, NW-Swell, quiet Sea, nearly overcast, Vis. good, 1013 mb |
0x.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
0x.12 |
Dived. |
0x.06 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AL 8688 |
SE 4, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. changing |
12.00 |
AK 8685 |
Day's run: Surfaced 28.7 nm |
Submerged 48.3 nm |
77.0 nm |
1x.48 |
Surfaced. |
1x.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
1x.30 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 8659 |
SE 5, Sea 4, overcast, misty |
20.00 |
AK 8661 |
SE 6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. changing |
20.20 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.37 |
Ended snorkeling. |
22.29 |
Began snorkeling |
23.41 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AK 8635 |
Weather unchanged. |
21.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.27 |
End of twilight. |
01.30 |
Surfaced, charged on the surface. |
01.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 2345/20/201 |
1) Assassination attempt on the Führer by Generals clique, attempted military coup, leading the clique were General Fromm, General Höpner and Generalfeldmarschall von Witzleben. |
2) At General Fromm Headquarters Reichsführer SS Himmler has taken over as Befehlshaber das Ersatzheer. [Reserve Army] |
3) Kriegsmarine immediately placed on highest readiness. |
- 24 - |
continued |
21.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
4) In this situation orders to Kriegsmarine only by Ob.d.M., orders from Army Headquarters are not to be followed. |
5) Orders and instructions of the Reichsführer are to be complied with. |
6) Immediately inform all duty stations. |
Long live the Führer |
Dönitz, Grossadmiral |
Repeated by Nordmeer, Wallenstein and U-boat Short Wave II. |
The crew was informed of the contents of this Radio Message. |
04.39 |
Incoming Radio Message 0157/21/202 - 0214/21/203 - 02xx/21/204: |
10.30 |
02.43 |
Below to all subordinate areas and publicly in all Orders of the Day |
Soldiers of the Kriegsmarine: The insidious assassination attempt on the Führer fills each of us with holy and bitter anger against our criminal enemies and their hired accomplices. Providence saved the German people and their armed forces from unimaginable misfortune. We see in the rescue of the Führers a renewed confirmation of the justice of our fight. We will only rally even more closely around the Führer. We will only fight harder until victory is ours. |
Dönitz, Grossadm. |
03.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.12 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
AK 8395 |
ESE 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium, 1011 mb |
06.55 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 8392 |
ESE 6-7, Sea 5-6, overcast, misty |
11.52 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
AK 8365 |
Day's run: Surfaced 22.2 nm |
ESE 7, Sea 6, nearly overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 54.3 nm |
76.5 nm |
12.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
12.11 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 8362 |
ESE 6, Sea 5, nearly overcast, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
AK 8335 |
21.06 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
- 25 - |
continued |
21.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
24.00 |
AK 5998 |
E 6, Sea 5, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
22.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.34 |
End of twilight. |
01.34 |
Surfaced. Charged on the surface. |
01.56 |
Incoming Radio Message 1817/21/215: |
On 20 July a bomb attack on the Führer was perpetrated by a high-ranking officer of the Army. The Führer suffered only minor skin injuries, from his party numerous Generals and Admirals were wounded some lightly and some severely. The Führer began his work immediately and at night gave a speech to the German people in which he said a tiny clique of stupid criminal officers wanted to eliminate him. He sees in the failure of the coup confirmation of the order of Providence to pursue his life's goal. The criminals had nothing in common with the Wehrmacht, whose Glory is untouched. |
04.00 |
AK 5953 |
ENE 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium, 1018 mb |
04.49 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
04.51 |
Dived. |
06.47 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 5929 |
12.00 |
AK 5937 |
Day's run: Surfaced 37.4 nm |
ENE 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium to bad |
Submerged 51.2 nm |
88.6 nm |
14.45 |
Surfaced. |
15.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
15.14 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 5962 |
18.51 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
18.59 |
Dived. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 281°T, 31.6 nm. |
20.00 |
AK 5925 |
21.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.28 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AK 5937 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
23.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.42 |
End of twilight. |
02.00 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
- 26 - |
continued |
23.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
04.00 |
AK 6718 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good, 1019 mb |
03.41 |
Incoming Radio Messages 0544/23/236 - 0858/23/237x - 0904/23/238 - 0046/23/230 - 0142/23/231 - 0237/23/233 |
04.40 |
10.49 |
10.20 |
(See excerpt of the Radio Log). |
10.11 |
10.31 |
05.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
05.12 |
Dived to depth 40 meters. |
06.42 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 6754 |
Went to periscope depth. |
ENE 2, Sea 1, cloudy, foggy |
10.50 |
Surfaced. |
11.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
11.11 |
Dived. Periscope depth. |
12.00 |
AK 6752 |
Day's run: Surfaced 33.4 nm |
Submerged 52.0 nm |
85.4 nm |
16.00 |
AK 6726 |
17.20 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
17.38 |
Dived, periscope depth. |
20.00 |
AK 6731 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.38 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.08 |
Ended snorkeling. |
22.33 |
AK 6495 |
Steamer sighting. On the Swedish Route. The announced Swedish "VRAGAHOLM". Range 4 nm. |
24.00 |
AK 6495 |
24.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.32 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.35 |
End of twilight. |
03.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.31 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
06.38 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.00 |
Went to periscope depth. |
08.00 |
AK 6751 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. medium |
11.32 |
Surfaced to determine the weather. |
11.38 |
Dived. Periscope depth. |
12.00 |
AK 6746 |
Day's run: Surfaced 23.4 nm |
NE 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium, 1013 mb |
Submerged 52.8 nm |
76.2 nm |
- 27 - |
continued |
24.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
12.07 |
Outgoing Radio Message over the snorkel runddipol. The Signal was heard in the homeland with Volume 3. |
14.10 |
Incoming Radio Message 1206/24/854: Weather boats due to return transit of "Premauer" occupy: |
1.) "Meyer" square Green G N 43 to 93. [BD 43-93] |
2.) "Bode" square Green Y L southern - |
3.) "Ohlsen" northern half. Proceed carefully. Send reports from 27 July 2 times daily between 11.00-15.00 and 23.00-03.00 hours. After each report dive, move off submerged. Caution, expect encounters with carrier aircraft and U-boat hunting groups. |
16.00 |
AK 6772 |
16.48 |
AK 6772 |
Steamer sighting on Swedish Route. The announced Swedish tanker "LILLOEHUS". Range 3 nm. |
17.02 |
Came to course for ordered area. |
20.00 |
AK 6774 |
NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
20.19 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.48 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AK 8333 |
NW 4, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
25.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.26 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.29 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
AK 8356 |
NW 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast, Vis. medium, very strong marine phosphorescence |
04.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
04.31 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
06.55 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 8382 |
NNW 2, Sea 1-2, Vis. medium, overcast |
12.00 |
AL 8379 |
Day's run: Surfaced 33.8 nm |
Submerged 53.8 nm |
87.6 nm |
12.56 |
Surfaced. |
13.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.10 |
Dived. Periscope depth. |
16.00 |
AK 8373 |
16.12 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
16.18 |
Dived. Periscope depth. |
16.15 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 347°T, 12.6 nm. |
- 28 - |
continued |
25.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
20.00 |
AK 8373 |
24.00 |
AK 8611 |
Weather unchanged |
26.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.11 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.24 |
End of twilight. |
03.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.49 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
04.00 |
AK 8564 |
WNW 1, low NE-Swell, Vis. medium |
07.09 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AK 8559 |
To Periscope depth. |
12.00 |
AK 8585 |
Day's run: Surfaced 32.4 nm |
Submerged 48.3 nm |
80.7 nm |
13.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report via snorkel runddipol. |
No radio reception confirmation was received for this Short Signal weather report. |
16.00 |
AK 8588 |
Wind calm, low NE-Swell, cloudy, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AK 8821 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, Vis. good |
20.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.07 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AK 8818 |
27.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.20 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.20 |
End of twilight. |
02.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
No radio reception confirmation is received for this Short Signal weather report. |
02.51 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. Every two hours at periscope depth. |
04.00 |
AK 8766 |
SE 3, low S-Swell, cloudy, Vis. changing, at times rain |
07.24 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
AK 8795 |
Day's run: Surfaced 15.4 nm |
Submerged 54.9 nm |
70.3 nm |
12.50 |
Surfaced. |
13.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.10 |
Dived. Depth 30 meters. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
AK 8794 |
Weather unchanged. |
16.55 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
- 29 - |
continued |
27.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
16.55 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 49°T, 21.0 nm. |
17.03 |
Dived. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
20.00 |
AK 8795 |
W 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.13 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.57 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 1335 |
28.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.17 |
End of twilight. |
01.25 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.07 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.10 |
Dived. Depth 25 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 1366 |
W 3-4, Sea 2-3, Vis. medium, strong marine phosphorescence |
07.31 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BD 1368 |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BD 1391 |
Day's run: Surfaced 18.0 nm |
S 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 58.5 nm |
76.5 nm |
12.51 |
Surfaced. |
13.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.29 |
Dived. Hourly at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
BD 1386 |
Depth 30 meters. |
20.00 |
BD 1622 |
SSE 4, Sea 3, fog, rain |
20.55 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.11 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 1627 |
SSE 4, Sea 3, misty |
29.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.57 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.16 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
BD 1641 |
SSW 6, Sea 5, misty, marine phosphorescence |
04.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
04.50 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
07.45 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BD 1568 |
Wind abated |
Every two hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BD 1591 |
Day's run: Surfaced 31.6 nm |
SW 4, Sea 3, rain showers, misty |
Submerged 41.2 nm |
72.8 nm |
13.18 |
Surfaced. |
13.27 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
- 30 - |
continued |
29.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
13.30 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters, Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
BD 1593 |
Weather unchanged |
20.00 |
BD 1823 |
24.00 |
BD 1825 |
WNW 2, Sea 1, nearly overcast, Vis. good |
30.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.05 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.08 |
End of twilight. |
03.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.50 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 1892 |
WNW 2-3, Sea 1-2, overcast, Vis. medium |
07.56 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BD 1894 |
Wind and Sea increasing. |
11.35 |
Surfaced. |
11.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
11.50 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BD 1889 |
Day's run: Surfaced 38.3 nm |
WNW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. changing |
Submerged 45.2 nm |
83.5 nm |
16.00 |
BD 4226 |
20.00 |
BD 4228 |
24.00 |
BD 4251 |
WNW 6-7, Sea 5-6, high NW-Swell, Vis. changing, rain squalls |
31.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.51 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.02 |
End of twilight. |
03.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.49 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 4521 |
NW 6-7, Sea 5-6, Vis. changing, rain showers |
07.05 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BD 4525 |
WNW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, shower weather |
12.00 |
BD 4526 |
Day's run: Surfaced 34.4 nm |
Submerged 45.4 nm |
79.8 nm |
14.54 |
Surfaced. |
15.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
15.10 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
- 31 - |
continued |
31.07.44 |
North Atlantic |
16.00 |
BD 4537 |
NW 8, Sea 7, overcast, shower weather |
20.00 |
BD 4562 |
24.00 |
BD 4566 |
01.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.39 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
00.49 |
End of twilight. |
03.27 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.29 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 4831 |
WNW 5-6, Sea 4-5, high NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. good, rain showers |
08.00 |
BD 4832 |
WNW 4, otherwise unchanged |
08.07 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BD 4911 |
Day's run: Surfaced 32.1 nm |
Submerged 44.3 nm |
76.4 nm |
12.53 |
Surfaced. |
13.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.10 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
14.18 |
Incoming Radio Message Officer-Only Otto 1227/1/120: As a reminder: All boats begin return transit so that Norwegian harbor can be reached in case the situation in the west area requires orders to that effect. |
"As a reminder" I do not understand. Up to now this instruction was not known to me. |
16.00 |
BD 4912 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 3, medium-high Swell, overcast, Vis. good |
17.17 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
17.19 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
BF 4821 |
21.10 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
21.18 |
Dived. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 29°T, 63.2 nm. |
24.00 |
BD 5411 |
02.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.45 |
End of twilight. |
02.07 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.09 |
Dived. Depth 30 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 5189 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
- 32 - |
continued |
02.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
08.00 |
BD 5197 |
W 4-5, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good |
08.01 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.25 |
Began snorkeling. |
10.00 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 5433 |
Day's run: Surfaced 31.1 nm |
W 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 53.2 nm |
84.3 nm |
14.54 |
Surfaced. |
14.58 |
3 destroyers bearing 90°T, sharp target angle, range = 6 nm. |
15.00 |
Dived with crash dive, afterwards went to Action Stations and periscope depth. |
I believe that the destroyers have sighted us too. |
2 destroyers come closer without zigzags and speed changes, the 3rd I cannot see in the attack periscope. My course is 270°. The two destroyers approaching from astern take me right in the center. |
15.31 |
Reversal shot from tube 5 on the starboard aft destroyer: bow left target angle 45°, target speed 10 knots, range 2500 meters, depth 4 meters, W S [far shot setting] |
15.33 |
Reversal shot from tube 2 on the destroyer positioned to port: bow right target angle 80°, target speed 10 knots, range 2500 meters, depth 4 meters, W S. |
When getting back to the destroyer shot first I see that his course has changed and he is heading exactly for the periscope at target angle 0° and higher speed. It is already quite close. |
15.36 |
Reversal shot from tube 6: target angle 0°, target speed 16 knots, range 1500 meters, depth 4 meters, W S. The range at the shot was no more than 1000-1200 meters. |
Afterwards went to depth A +70 meters. |
In order to not have a large bow down angle when being overrun, went deep with a slight down angle. |
At depth 40 meters was over run by a destroyer. Shortly before the shot at 15.36 hours there was a detonation fainter than the following depth charges and accompanied by strong rushing sounds. The Soldiers with several patrols took this to be a torpedo hit. I myself have still not heard a torpedo detonation however noted that the first detonation was different than the depth charges. It must have been from the torpedo from tube 2, which was shot at 15.33 hours, at the time of this detonation I saw a water column at the destroyer running astern to starboard however I had the impression that it had thrown depth charges. |
15.36 |
2 detonations (close) depth charges. |
15.40 |
2 " " further away than the one that was spoken of as a torpedo detonation. |
- 33 - |
continued |
02.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
15.42 |
2 detonations, further off (depth charges). |
15.49 |
1 " " , further off (depth charges). |
15.51 |
1 " " , close (depth charge). |
The boat is hardly shaken by this depth charge, water entry followed at depth 2 A meters through the "Drain air exhaust head valve". Water intake in the diesel room. It was later determined that the exhaust duct above the head valve was cracked in several welds near weld joints and compressed along a total length of about 1.25 meters. Bad welds were recognized as the cause. The exhaust duct had a diameter of about 300 mm and is made of 5 mm thick steel sheets welded together. As can be seen at the fracture site, the abutting edges showed a bond thickness of a only about 1 mm. In several places the weld seem was heavily contaminated by slag. |
The crushed air duct was removed at the flange of the exhaust foot valve and the opening blind flanged off by 2 5 mm sheets one after the other. |
Occasionally went to high speed. Despite the significant racket in the Control room nothing came from above. |
I can only make sense of this if something happened above. It seemed that the boat's position was exactly known by the approaching destroyers. The overrun was very loud. Exact observations could not be made because the G.H.G. was out of service (since 6 July 1944). |
16.00 |
BD 5514 |
1x.x6 |
2 detonations, far off. |
1x.x7 |
1 detonation, far off. |
1x.x7 |
2 detonations, far off. |
1x.x8 |
Went to periscope depth. |
When beginning the all around sweep there is a bang. At first I suspect a bomb throwing aircraft over the boat. Nothing is seen of the destroyers. Went to depth A +50 meters. |
When deep it became clear that taking the all around sweep and the detonation must have been a coincidence. |
1x.59 |
2 probable aircraft bomb detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
BD 5542 |
Went to periscope depth. Nothing seen. |
W 2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. good |
2x.05 |
2 detonations, far off. |
2x.x5 |
2 detonations, far off. |
2x.30 |
2 detonations, far off. |
24.00 |
BD 5545 |
03.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.33 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
BD 5572 |
- 34 - |
continued |
03.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
04.58 |
Began snorkeling. |
07.58 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BD 5812 |
S 4, Sea 3, very misty |
08.08 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 5816 |
Day's run: Surfaced 0.8 nm |
SSW 5, Sea 4, misty |
Submerged 65.2 nm |
66.0 nm |
16.00 |
BD 5827 |
20.00 |
BD 5828 |
SSW 4, Sea 3, overcast, fog patches. |
22.08 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.39 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 5861 |
Weather unchanged. |
04.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.26 |
End of twilight |
00.55 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.30 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 5949 |
08.00 |
BD 5981 |
Beginning of twilight. Hourly at periscope depth. |
S 1, low S-Swell, nearly overcast, Vis. changing |
12.00 |
BD 5982 |
Day's run: Surfaced 33.8 nm |
Weather unchanged |
Submerged 49.0 nm |
82.8 nm |
14.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
16.00 |
BD 5986 |
20.00 |
BD 5994 |
SW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good |
21.05 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 5998 |
05.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.14 |
End of twilight. |
01.55 |
Very bright night |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.42 |
Dived. |
03.09 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
BD 9114 |
SW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
04.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report over the snorkel runddipol. |
04.50 |
Ended snorkeling. |
07.57 |
Beginning of twilight. |
- 35 - |
continued |
05.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
08.00 |
BD 9143 |
Weather unchanged |
12.00 |
BD 9151 |
Day's run: Surfaced 9.1 nm |
SW 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 56.9 nm |
66.0 nm |
14.55 |
Surfaced. |
15.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
15.09 |
Dived. Hourly at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
BD 9158 |
18.05 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
18.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 322°T, 17.4 nm. |
18.11 |
Dived. Hourly at periscope depth. |
20.00 |
BD 9151 |
24.00 |
BD 9155 |
Wind calm, half overcast, Vis. good |
06.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.07 |
End of twilight. |
0x.52 |
Began snorkeling. |
0x.00 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.19 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface and to overhaul the snorkel (float caught). |
03.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.51 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 9164 |
07.56 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BD 9165 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
08.22 |
Began snorkeling. |
08.57 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 9169 |
Day's run: Surfaced 19.7 nm |
Submerged 45.6 nm |
65.3 nm |
13.35 |
Surfaced. |
13.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.51 |
Dived. Hourly at periscope depth. |
16.00 |
BD 9271 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
16.15 |
Began snorkeling. |
18.25 |
Ended snorkeling. |
20.00 |
BD 9279 |
24.00 |
BD 9521 |
07.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
End of twilight. |
00.16 |
Surfaced. |
02.35 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0129/7/106: |
1) 2 August 15.31 hours Naval square BD 5514 3 T 5 on 2 of 3 destroyers, westerly course. 2 detonations |
- 36 - |
continued |
07.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
after 3 and 4.5 minutes, occasional depth charges, no pursuit. |
2) 180 cbm, 49 days provisions, intend return transit 15 August. BD 9561, SW 4, medium Vis. and Swell, steady. |
Meyer. |
02.38 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 9537 |
WSW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
07.49 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BD 9529 |
Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BD 9524 |
Day's run: Surfaced 30.6 nm |
WNW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 51.0 nm |
81.0 nm [typo 81.6 nm] |
13.20 |
Began snorkeling. |
13.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report over snorkel runddipol. |
13.49 |
Ended snorkeling. |
14.29 |
Incoming Radio Message 1349/7/108: "Meyer": Remain in area as long as fuel and provisions allow because relief is still not possible, however no special stretching of inventories. |
I was outfitted up to 25 September. If instead of merely reaching a harbor in the western area I receive orders for a Norwegian harbor, I can reach this by the end of September. Therefore, as long as my return harbor has not been determined, I must begin return transit on 15 August. |
16.00 |
BD 9516 |
20.00 |
BD 9512 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.55 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.25 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.59 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 9433 |
08.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.15 |
Surfaced. |
01.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
01.30 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 9198 |
NW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
07.57 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
BF 9197 |
08.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
09.43 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 9185 |
Day's run: Surfaced 2.3 nm |
NW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 63.8 nm |
66.1 nm |
- 37 - |
continued |
08.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
1x.30 |
Surfaced. |
1x.x6 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
1x.09 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 9173 |
20.00 |
BD 9172 |
24.00 |
BD 9147 |
09.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.05 |
End of twilight. |
02.05 |
Surfaced. |
02.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.29 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 8356 |
08.00 |
BD 8355 |
W 1, overcast, fog patches |
12.00 |
BD 8355 |
Day's run: Surfaced 40.3 nm |
Submerged 43.9 nm |
84.2 nm |
14.53 |
Surfaced. |
15.07 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
15.08 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 8342 |
SW 2, Sea 1, nearly overcast, Vis. good |
18.07 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
18.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 109°T, 32 nm. |
18.15 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
BD 8356 |
24.00 |
BD 8355 |
10.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.09 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.30 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 8239 |
SW 4, Sea 3, overcast, misty |
08.00 |
BD 8235 |
08.07 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BD 8234 |
Day's run: Surfaced 32.8 nm |
W 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 46.2 nm |
79.0 nm |
13.35 |
Surfaced. |
13.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.48 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 8226 |
N 4, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium |
- 38 - |
continued |
10.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
20.00 |
BD 8225 |
20.54 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.17 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 8224 |
N 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
11.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.14 |
End of twilight. |
00.15 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.30 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 5882 |
07.58 |
Began snorkeling. |
08.00 |
BD 5857 |
Hourly at periscope depth. |
08.16 |
Beginning of twilight. |
09.02 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 5848 |
Day's run: Surfaced 29.4 nm |
E 1, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 51.2 nm |
80.6 nm |
12.36 |
Surfaced. |
12.48 |
Dived. |
13.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report over the snorkel runddipol. |
16.00 |
BD 5844 |
20.00 |
BD 5766 |
20.05 |
Several detonations, far off. |
20.11 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.41 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 5844 |
E 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. medium |
12.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.13 |
End of twilight. |
01.55 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
04.00 |
BD 5819 |
ESE 7, Sea 6, overcast, at times rain, Vis. changing |
04.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
04.50 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
08.00 |
BD 5828 |
Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
08.17 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BD 5829 |
Day's run: Surfaced 24.6 nm |
S 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, misty |
Submerged 46.6 nm |
71.2 nm |
15.17 |
Surfaced. |
15.27 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
15.28 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
16.00 |
BD 5861 |
- 39 - |
continued |
12.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
20.00 |
BD 5865 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, overcast, Vis. medium |
24.00 |
BD 5866 |
13.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.09 |
End of twilight. |
00.41 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.31 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 5959 |
SSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium, 1011.5 mb |
08.00 |
BD 5991 |
08.10 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 5991 |
Day's run: Surfaced 36.6 nm |
WSW 4, Sea 3, nearly overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 44.7 nm |
81.3 nm |
13.16 |
Surfaced. |
No outgoing Short Signal weather report due to transmitter failure. |
13.31 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
16.00 |
BD 5994 |
20.00 |
BD 5995 |
24.00 |
BD 5999 |
WSW 4, Sea 3, cloudy, Vis. good |
14.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.01 |
End of twilight. |
00.20 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.12 |
BD 9193 |
Aircraft detection Volume 4. Dived with crash dive. |
W 4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. good |
04.00 |
BD 9121 |
04.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report over the snorkel runddipol and with the 40 Watt transmitter. |
08.00 |
BD 9125 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, shower weather, Vis. changing |
08.06 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.48 |
Began snorkeling |
09.46 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 9129 |
Day's run: Surfaced 23.3 nm |
WSW 4-5, Sea 3-4, cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 43.9 nm |
67.2 nm |
16.00 |
BD 9160 |
16.15 |
Surfaced. |
16.25 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 341.5°T, 18 nm. |
16.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report (with the 40Watt transmitter). |
- 40 - |
continued |
14.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
16.49 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
BD 9136 |
24.00 |
BD 9218 |
15.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.20 |
Incoming Radio Message Officer-Only Emil 1258/14/114: |
To all 9 C boats! Defense situation off "Bordeaux" at the moment is very intensified. Therefore all boats, unless ordered otherwise, after exhaustion of combat power, no longer proceed to France instead (return transit) to Norway. |
Therefore I can remain in the operations area 14 days longer. |
03.08 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
04.00 |
BD 9251 |
W 4, Sea 3, changing cloudiness, Vis. good |
04.29 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report: |
Will begin return transit on the 1st day of the following month. |
Because the 200 Watt transmitter is out of service, sent with the 40 Watt transmitter. |
04.30 |
Dived. Depth 30 meters. |
04.59 |
Began snorkeling. |
06.25 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
BD 9258 |
08.02 |
Beginning of twilight. Hourly all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 9285 |
Day's run: Surfaced 19.5 nm |
WSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 51.8 nm |
71.3 nm |
13.13 |
Surfaced. |
13.27 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.22 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: + 0 nm. |
13.28 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 9288 |
20.00 |
BD 9595 |
20.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.30 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.46 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 9518 |
W 5, Sea 4, cloudy, Vis. medium |
16.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.39 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.32 |
Dived. Depth 30 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 9274 |
08.00 |
BD 9193 |
W 5, Sea 4, overcast, misty |
08.04 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
- 41 - |
continued |
16.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
12.00 |
BD 9192 |
Day's run: Surfaced 25.6 nm |
WSW 4, Sea 3, overcast, misty |
Submerged 47.9 nm |
73.5 nm |
14.16 |
Surfaced. |
14.30 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
14.33 |
Dived. Depth 30 meters. |
Apparently my Short Signal of 15 August was not heard. I intend to send again with my now operable 200 Watt transmitter. |
16.00 |
BD 9159 |
20.00 |
BD 9158 |
20.45 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.52 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 9151 |
17.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.52 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
00.56 |
Incoming Radio Message 1733/16/147: |
Tonight report by Short Signal: |
1) "Ohlsen" "Bode": fuel inventory. |
2) "Meyer": return transit date. |
01.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
01.51 |
Dived. Depth 30 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 9116 |
WSW 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. medium, strong marine phosphorescence |
04.52 |
Surfaced to send Short Signal. |
05.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal: Intend to begin return transit on the 1st day of the following month. |
U-804. |
05.10 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
08.00 |
BD 9112 |
08.09 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
09.14 |
Began snorkeling. |
10.14 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 8333 |
Day's run: Surfaced 11.9 nm |
WSW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 56.4 nm |
68.3 nm |
14.16 |
Surfaced. |
14.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
14.30 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 5997 |
17.55 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
18.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 118°T, 27 nm. |
20.00 |
BD 8333 |
W 4, Sea 3, clear weather |
21.05 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.58 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.54 |
End of twilight |
24.00 |
BD 8332 |
- 42 - |
18.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.22 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.18 |
Dived because the Fu.M.B. is out of service. |
02.48 |
Surfaced. Fu.M.B. in service. |
04.00 |
BD 5956 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, few clouds, Vis. good |
04.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
04.17 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
08.00 |
BD 5958 |
08.12 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
BD 5181 |
Day's run: Surfaced 35.5 nm |
WNW 5-6, Sea 4-5, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 46.0 nm |
81.5 nm |
13.36 |
Surfaced. |
13.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.48 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
16.00 |
BD 5976 |
20.00 |
BD 5979 |
W 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
20.26 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.26 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.41 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 5974 |
19.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.44 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.50 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 5991 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BD 5859 |
08.17 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 5858 |
Day's run: Surfaced 25.0 nm |
Submerged 45.3 nm |
70.3 nm |
14.00 |
Surfaced. |
14.09 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
14.12 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
16.00 |
BD 5857 |
Hourly all around sweeps. |
WNW 2, Sea 1, NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. good |
20.00 |
BD 5846 |
Wind calm, otherwise unchanged |
24.00 |
BD 5845 |
20.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.01 |
End of twilight |
- 43 - |
continued |
20.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.35 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.18 |
BD 5763 |
Light glow in sight bearing 280°T. |
W 1, overcast, misty, strong marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BD 5841 |
Somewhat clearer |
05.32 |
After closing the steamer was perfectly identified as a hospital or Red Cross ship. Large illuminated red cross on the smokestack, brightly illuminated white hull with dark stripe, otherwise highly visible illumination. Course NE, speed 14 knots. |
05.50 |
Turned away. Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
05.53 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BD 5815 |
08.24 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 5814 |
Day's run: Surfaced 58.6 nm |
WSW 1, overcast, fog |
Submerged 39.7 nm |
98.3 nm |
13.16 |
Surfaced. |
13.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.30 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 5733 |
Thick fog |
20.00 |
BD 5757 |
Thick fog |
20.40 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.14 |
Ended snorkeling. |
21.28 |
Surfaced. Worked on the snorkel flooding mechanism. |
22.31 |
Dived. |
24.00 |
BD 5491 |
21.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.02 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
00.04 |
End of twilight. |
04.00 |
BD 5445 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, fog |
04.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
04.12 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
08.00 |
BD 4666 |
Fog |
08.26 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 4662 |
Day's run: Surfaced 56.3 nm |
S 3, Sea 2, fog |
Submerged 33.7 nm |
90.0 nm |
13.30 |
2 detonations, far off. |
13.52 |
9 " " , far off. |
16.00 |
BD 4661 |
SW 4, Sea 3, fog |
- 44 - |
continued |
21.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
16.17 |
Surfaced. |
16.29 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
16.30 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
BD 4629 |
SSW 4-5, Sea 3-4, cloudy, Vis. good |
21.53 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.29 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 4625 |
22.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.12 |
End of twilight. |
00.32 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.24 |
S 5, Sea 4, fog, marine phosphorescence |
Incoming Radio Message 0055/22/129: On 54 meters at 23.16 hours a radio message was picked up completely garbled. Contents up to 16 groups: |
Convoy BD 2271, NE, 13 knots, low. . . remaining groups not solved up to now. Continuing to puzzle over. |
By this I am about 200 nm behind the convoy. Therefore did not operate on it. |
02.42 |
Incoming Radio Message 0214/22/130: On 54 meters 00.48 hours with Volume 1 garbled Short Signal following contents: Convoy 11-13 knots, in naval square BD 2541. Contact lost. |
U-863 |
However, by the reported position the convoy steers a southerly course and I am 180 nm to the south. If I assume that yesterday's detonations originated from the convoy that would mean a NE-course. A strong zigzag is also a possibility. Intention: dive at 03.50 hours and ensure immediate reception over the snorkel runddipol. |
03.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.50 |
Dived. Periscope depth. |
04.00 |
BD 4383 |
Came to course 90°. |
S 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
07.00 |
All Radio Messages were received. Went to depth 30 meters. |
08.00 |
BD 4391 |
08.32 |
Fog |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 4368 |
Day's run: Surfaced 30.3 nm |
SSW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, shower weather |
Submerged 45.1 nm |
75.4 nm |
14.15 |
Surfaced. |
14.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
14.30 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 4361 |
20.00 |
BD 4337 |
24.00 |
BD 4334 |
- 45 - |
continued |
23.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.11 |
Wind abating, cloudy, Vis. good |
End of twilight. |
00.26 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.29 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 4391 |
W 3, Sea 2, high W-Swell, cloudy |
08.00 |
BD 4383 |
08.29 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 4382 |
Day's run: Surfaced 34.5 nm |
Submerged 43.3 nm |
77.8 nm |
13.36 |
Surfaced. |
13.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report |
13.49 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
16.00 |
BD 4381 |
20.00 |
BD 4372 |
24.00 |
BD 4375 |
24.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.10 |
W 3, Sea 2, misty, marine phosphorescence, 1018 mb |
End of twilight. |
00.35 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.51 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.53 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 4642 |
08.00 |
BD 4641 |
08.36 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BD 4563 |
Day's run: Surfaced 30.9 nm |
W 2, Sea 1, misty, 1022 mb |
Submerged 40.9 nm |
71.8 nm |
12.36 |
Surfaced. |
12.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
12.50 |
Dived. |
14.22 |
1 aircraft bomb detonation, medium range. |
16.00 |
BD 4565 |
17.25 |
2 aircraft bomb detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
BD 4564 |
W 3, Sea 2, light fog |
21.32 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.18 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 4528 |
25.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.11 |
End of twilight. |
00.49 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.10 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.11 |
Dived. Program depth and reception over the snorkel runddipol. |
- 46 - |
continued |
25.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
04.00 |
BD 4513 |
SW 5-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. good |
08.00 |
BD 4279 |
08.43 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
08.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
10.50 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
BD 4271 |
Day's run: Surfaced 12.0 nm |
Submerged 62.0 nm |
74.0 nm |
13.01 |
1 detonation, far off (depth charge). |
16.00 |
BD 4169 |
SW 4, Sea 3, overcast, misty |
16.36 |
Surfaced. |
16.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
16.50 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
BD 4165 |
22.04 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.32 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
BD 4161 |
26.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.16 |
End of twilight. |
01.27 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.49 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.50 |
Dived. Depth 40 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 4123 |
SW 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BD 4125 |
Wind abated |
08.48 |
Beginning of twilight. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
12.00 |
BD 4152 |
Day's run: Surfaced 21.5 nm |
SW 3, Sea 2, fog |
Submerged 44.8 nm |
66.3 nm |
12.55 |
Surfaced. |
13.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.10 |
Dived. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
16.00 |
BD 4155 |
SW 4, Sea 3, few clouds, Vis. very good |
19.00 |
Several detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
BD 4158 |
Thick fog |
24.00 |
BD 4184 |
- 47 - |
continued |
27.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.14 |
End of twilight. |
00.28 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
03.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.30 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
BD 4437 |
SW 3, Sea 3, fog, 1025.7 mb |
08.00 |
BD 4461 |
08.53 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BD 4464 |
Day's run: Surfaced 32.9 nm |
Fog |
Submerged 42.3 nm |
75.2 nm |
14.18 |
SW 3, Sea 2, Vis. good, 1026 mb |
Surfaced. |
14.24 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 105°T, 50.1 nm. |
14.27 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
14.28 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 4588 |
17.17 |
2 aircraft bombs, far off. |
17.18 |
4 " " , medium range. |
17.26 |
1 aircraft bomb, close. |
17.28 |
1 " " , close. |
I believe that the enemy has taken bearings on us and has thrown scare bombs in our exact position. There must be an aircraft carrier in our vicinity. |
20.00 |
BD 4822 |
24.00 |
BD 4826 |
SSW 4, Sea 3, misty, 1028 mb |
28.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.01 |
End of twilight. |
00.20 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
01.29 |
Very bright night |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 4839 |
SW 4, Sea 3, misty, marine phosphorescence |
05.04 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
06.30 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
06.32 |
Dived. Every 2 hours all around sweep. |
08.00 |
BD 4943 |
08.51 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BD 4951 |
Day's run: Surfaced 31.9 nm |
SW 3, Sea 2, Vis. medium |
Submerged 44.5 nm |
76.4 nm |
16.00 |
BD 4927 |
SW 3, Sea 2, Vis. good, 1028 mb |
16.19 |
Surfaced. |
- 48 - |
continued |
28.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
16.25 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 222°T, 8.6 nm. |
16.29 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
16.30 |
Dived. |
20.00 |
BD 4952 |
21.08 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.12 |
Ended snorkeling because the float caught. |
23.53 |
End of twilight |
24.00 |
BD 4956 |
29.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.26 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.30 |
BD 4939 |
A large shadow bearing 110°T, sharp or broad target angle [it was unclear to the Kmdt.], range 1500-2000 meters, recognized as an aircraft carrier. Because there is no indication of target angle and speed, also my tubes must be shifted from circle setting to long loops, turned away hard to port. The carrier was soon indistinct and passed out of sight briefly. Turned towards again and put [the carrier] ahead to starboard. Course of the carrier is approximately NE, therefore had a broad target angle. While maneuvering ahead there was another larger shadow ahead to port with a destroyer on the right. Initially put astern with hard starboard and ahead AK, then to starboard astern and came to the course of the carrier. The destroyer passed out of sight, then came in sight abeam to starboard with target angle bow right. Initially it seemed that he had not noticed us, then he turned into our wake to bow right target angle 10-15°, quickly grew larger at high speed. At range 700-1000 meters red light emission (2 searchlights in the fighting top), at the same time artillery fire. |
SW 4, Sea 3, heavily misty, Vis. about 2000 meters, drizzle, light marine phosphorescence |
I have the impression that the forecastle gun could not bear on us due to the low range and enemy [vessels] in the field of fire. |
02.53 |
After "Fire" was ordered for 2 circling [torpedoes] from tubes 5 and 6, dived with "Crash dive". |
Set values: Circle shot, depth 4 meters, initial run 500 meters, ancillary enemy speed 10 knots, bow right 90°. When submerged I determined that the torpedoes in tubes 5 and 6 did not fire. "Ready" did not get through to the stern room, the tubes were still safe. |
Even though the circle fan from tube 5 and 6 had little prospect of hitting, not firing remains a failure of the Kommandant and the First Watch Officer who had to ensure the fan was fired despite the short time available. The Order Failure can not be criticized because the time from "Ready" to "Fire" was too brief from the beginning of the shot. On the other hand, staying on the surface longer was no longer possible. The reason for the fan not firing was switching too late from the 4 fan (for the attack on the carrier), to the 2-circle. |
02.54 to 02.55 |
About 10 artillery and depth charge detonations, close. |
- 49 - |
continued |
29.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
03.32 |
2 detonations, faint. |
03.34 |
2 " " , faint. probably explosive locating. |
03.37 |
2 " " , faint. |
04.00 |
BD 4939 |
After diving there was no overrunning by the destroyer. |
I suspect that the destroyer turned to port during my dive so that he could shoot. |
05.07 |
4 detonations, far off. |
08.00 |
BD 5717 |
08.49 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BD 5719 |
Day's run: Surfaced 32.1 nm |
Submerged 44.7 nm |
76.8 nm |
16.00 |
BD 5727 |
17.30 |
2 detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
BD 5752 |
21.20 |
4 aircraft bombs, medium range. |
21.44 |
3 aircraft bombs, medium range. |
22.28 |
1 detonation, far off. |
23.25 |
4 aircraft bombs, medium range. |
In addition to these detonations there were more at long range. |
I have the impression that the carrier aircraft were dropping their loads at my plotted position before darkness. |
23.43 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 5753 |
30.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.45 |
Moonshine, very bright night |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
BD 5762 |
WSW 2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. very good, bright moon horizon |
04.50 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 80 meters. |
08.00 |
BD 5817 |
08.43 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
BD 5815 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 59.8 nm |
59.8 nm |
16.00 |
BD 5813 |
Wind calm, high NW-Swell, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
BD 5579 |
23.38 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 5584 |
31.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.42 |
SW 2, Sea 1, high N-Swell, thick fog, 1022 mb |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
- 50 - |
continued |
31.08.44 |
North Atlantic |
03.37 |
Incoming Radio Message 1616/30/184 |
1) Since 28 August there have been no reports, attention is drawn to their importance. However, do not attempt to get through more than 3 times in succession. |
2) "Ohlsen" is reminded of passage report. |
3) "Meyer" until ordered otherwise, "Bode" until arrival square Green AW also continue on return transit. Transmit irregularly to impede enemy bearing finding ability to recognizing the return transit course. |
I had the impression, shortly before the encounter with the aircraft carrier, that he had continually taken bearings and monitored with heavy day air. The bomb throwing was often relatively well placed. In order to not continually give the carrier nearby my position sending stopped from 29 August. |
04.00 |
BD 5534 |
04.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
04.49 |
Dived. Depth 80 meters. |
08.00 |
BD 5294 |
12.00 |
BD 5291 |
Day's run: Surfaced 49.8 nm |
W 4, Sea 3, overcast, fog patches |
Submerged 40.1 nm |
89.9 nm |
13.53 |
Surfaced. |
14.07 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
14.08 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
BD 5265 |
20.00 |
BD 5262 |
21.59 |
About 10 detonations, far off. |
22.50 |
About 20 detonations, medium range. |
The carrier aircraft dropping their loads before landing. |
23.39 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 5238 |
NW 5, Sea 4, few clouds, Vis. very good |
01.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.01 |
NW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
01.35 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
BD 5233 |
04.26 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
06.19 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
06.20 |
Dived. |
06.55 |
Began snorkeling. |
08.00 |
BD 2948 |
08.17 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.30 |
Begininng of twilight. |
12.00 |
BD 2949 |
Day's run: Surfaced 30.7 nm |
Wind calm, long NNE-Swell, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 47.5 nm |
78.2 nm |
- 51 - |
continued |
01.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
16.00 |
BD 2955 |
17.48 |
Several detonations, far off. |
17.53 |
" " " , far off. |
20.00 |
BD 2952 |
21.00 |
Began snorkeling. |
21.15 |
Ended snorkeling. |
21.23 |
10-15 detonations, far off. |
22.40 |
1 detonation, far off. |
23.34 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
BD 2926 |
SE 4, Sea 3, rain, misty |
02.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.03 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
04.00 |
BD 2653 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
SE 6, Sea 5, rain, misty, 1017 mb |
04.02 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BD 2626 |
08.27 |
Beginning of twilight. |
11.34 |
Several detonations, far off. |
12.00 |
BD 2623 |
Day's run: Surfaced 47.6 nm |
S 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 41.7 nm |
89.3 nm |
15.12 |
Began snorkeling. |
15.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report over the snorkel runddipol. |
16.00 |
BD 2386 |
16.06 |
Ended snorkeling. |
20.00 |
BD 2383 |
SSW 1, overcast, Vis. medium |
22.45 |
Distant rumble. |
23.10 |
5 detonations, far off. |
23.36 |
End of twilight. Surfaced. |
23.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
23.49 |
Dived. |
24.00 |
BD 2356 |
03.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
01.05 |
Several detonations, far off. |
01.54 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
BD 2329 |
SW 4, Sea 3, cloudy, Vis. good |
04.15 |
Ended snorkeling. |
05.25 |
Surfaced. |
05.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
05.49 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
BD 2323 |
- 52 - |
continued |
03.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
08.24 |
Beginning of twilight. |
11.20 |
Several detonations, far off. |
12.00 |
AK 9786 |
Day's run: Surfaced 4.6 nm |
WbyN 5, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 58.4 nm |
63.0 nm |
16.00 |
AK 9783 |
17.56 |
Surfaced. |
18.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
18.10 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
20.00 |
AK 9756 |
23.36 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
AK 9761 |
04.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.12 |
N 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. good |
Surfaced. |
03.18 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.22 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
AK 9733 |
08.00 |
AK 9577 |
NNW 7, Sea 6, cloudy, Vis. good |
08.23 |
Beginning of twilight. |
10.29 |
2 detonations, medium range. |
12.00 |
AK 9574 |
Day's run: Surfaced 23.7 nm |
Submerged 42.8 nm |
66.5 nm |
12.37 |
3 detonations, medium range. |
16.00 |
AK 9572 |
19.55 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
AK 9549 |
N 7, Sea 6, cloudy, Vis. good, 1021 mb |
20.08 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
20.09 |
Dived. |
23.35 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
AK 9554 |
05.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
Surfaced. |
03.49 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
03.51 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
AK 9513 |
N 5, Sea 4, lightly cloudy, Vis. good, 1025 mb |
08.00 |
AK 9287 |
08.21 |
Beginning of twilight. |
11.10 |
1 detonation, far off. |
12.00 |
AK 9284 |
Day's run: Surfaced 25.6 nm |
Submerged 41.2 nm |
66.8 nm |
- 53 - |
continued |
05.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
1x.x5 |
Surfaced. |
1x.x0 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 284°T, 20.8 nm. |
1x.x7 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
1x.x8 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AK 9248 |
20.00 |
AK 9245 |
2x.22 |
8 detonations, probably aircraft bombs, far off. |
2x.x1 |
8 " " , " " " , " |
23.52 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
AK 9243 |
NW 5-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. good |
06.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
0x.03 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
AK 6891 |
0x.22 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
0x.19 |
Surfaced. |
0x.47 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
0x.48 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
08.00 |
AK 6865 |
NW 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. good, 1025.5 mb |
08.19 |
Beginning of twilight. |
0x.20 |
Detonations, long range. |
0x.35 |
" " , " " |
0x.06 |
" " , " " |
0x.30 |
" " , " " |
12.00 |
AK 6863 |
Day's run: Surfaced 53.9 nm |
NW 7, Sea 6, overcast, Vis. good |
Submerged 38.2 nm |
92.1 nm |
1x.10 |
Detonations, long range. |
1x.35 |
" " , " " |
1x.55 |
" " , " " |
16.00 |
AK 6914 |
1x.18 |
Detonations, long range. |
1x.37 |
Surfaced. |
1x.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
1x.49 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters |
20.00 |
AK 6912 |
NW 4, Sea 3, high NW-Swell, overcast, Vis. good |
23.26 |
End of twilight. |
23.54 |
Surfaced |
24.00 |
AK 6679 |
- 54 - |
07.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
02.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.51 |
Dived. |
03.10 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AK 6656 |
NW 3 Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good, 1021.5 mb |
05.58 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
08.00 |
AK 6638 |
08.04 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
AK 6635 |
Day's run: Surfaced 29.5 nm |
Submerged 53.0 nm |
82.5 nm |
13.21 |
7 aircraft bombs, medium range. |
13.35 |
9 " " , " " |
13.40 |
2 " " , " " |
13.48 |
9 " " , " " |
15.08 |
9 " " , " " |
16.00 |
AK 6633 |
19.24 |
Began snorkeling. |
19.33 |
Ended snorkeling. |
20.00 |
AL 4174 |
22.08 |
8 aircraft bombs, medium range. |
23.52 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
AL 4171 |
ENE 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. changing, strong marine phosphorescence, 1023 mb |
08.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.24 |
Dived due to extraordinarily strong marine phosphorescence |
02.00 |
Surfaced. |
02.29 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
02.31 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
03.40 |
Began snorkeling. |
06.57 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
08.00 |
AL 4146 |
ENE 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good |
08.06 |
Beginning of twilight. |
12.00 |
AL 4122 |
Day's run: Surfaced 8.7 nm |
Submerged 57.9 nm |
66.6 nm |
15.20 |
Surfaced. |
15.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
15.30 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
16.00 |
AL 1988 |
20.00 |
AL 1986 |
20.55 |
6 detonations, far off. |
- 55 - |
continued |
08.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
23.01 |
End of twilight. |
23.51 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
AL 1967 |
E 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. good |
09.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.49 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
00.51 |
Dived. |
01.32 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AL 1939 |
05.57 |
Ended snorkeling. |
08.00 |
Beginning of twilight. |
11.38 |
Several detonations, far off. |
12.00 |
AL 1878 |
Day's run: Surfaced 11.3 nm |
Submerged 64.0 nm |
75.3 nm |
14.55 |
Surfaced to take a navigation fix. |
15.03 |
Dived. |
16.00 |
AL 1876 |
SE 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good |
18.18 |
Surfaced. |
18.23 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 352°T, 11.0 nm. |
18.27 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
18.28 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
20.00 |
AL 1843 |
21.44 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.03 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.16 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
AL 1828 |
S 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium, 1019 mb |
10.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
Surfaced. |
01.28 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
01.29 |
Dived. Program depth. |
03.03 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AL 1697 |
S 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium |
05.03 |
Ended snorkeling. |
07.53 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AL 1692 |
12.00 |
AL 1668 |
Day's run: Surfaced 16.3 nm |
Submerged 57.0 nm |
73.3 nm |
13.37 |
Surfaced. |
13.48 |
Outgoing Short Signal weather report. |
13.49 |
Dived. |
- 56 - |
continued |
10.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
14.41 |
Incoming Radio Message 0922/10/178: |
1) "Meyer" no further weather reports. |
2) "Rademacher" last report from 8 September. Attempt to send up to 3 times, because it is important. |
16.00 |
AL 1666 |
S 6, Sea 5, overcast, rain, misty |
20.00 |
AL 2541 |
23.08 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
AL 2158 |
S 6, Sea 5, overcast, misty, 1010 mb |
11.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.12 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
02.57 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
AL 2389 |
07.45 |
Beginning of twilight. |
10.15 |
3 detonations, medium range. |
12.00 |
AL 2368 |
Day's run: Surfaced 35.2 nm |
Submerged 41.8 nm |
77.0 nm |
13.25 |
8 detonations, far off. |
15.30 |
8-10 detonations, long range. |
16.00 |
AL 2363 |
SSE 7, Sea 6, overcast, Vis. medium |
17.47 |
Began snorkeling. |
18.24 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
20.00 |
AL 2417 |
23.03 |
End of twilight. |
23.21 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.47 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.55 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AL 2415 |
12.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
02.11 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.16 |
Ended snorkeling. |
Due to the frequent catching of the float did not complete snorkeling with the weather conditions. |
03.47 |
Surfaced to charge on the surface. |
04.00 |
AL 2287 |
S 8, Sea 7, overcast, rain, misty |
05.34 |
Dived. |
07.39 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AL 2259 |
09.20 |
2 weak detonations. |
- 57 - |
continued |
12.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
09.25 |
10 weak detonations. |
09.42 |
2 " " " |
12.00 |
AL 2264 |
Day's run: Surfaced 21.5 nm |
SSE 7, Sea 6, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 55.6 nm |
77.1 nm |
16.00 |
AL 2262 |
20.00 |
AL 2236 |
S 4, wind and sea abating, overcast, Vis. good |
23.01 |
End of twilight. |
23.12 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AL 3111 |
S 2, Sea 1, high S-Swell, overcast, Vis. good |
13.09.44 |
North Atlantic |
00.04 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.21 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.28 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.06 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 7789 |
04.55 |
Ended snorkeling. |
06.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
07.07 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
07.34 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AE 7982 |
12.00 |
AE 7958 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
WSW 2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. very good |
Submerged 60.6 nm |
60.6 nm |
After replacing a condenser the G.H.G., which has been out of service almost the entire patrol, is working again. The condenser was taken from the Radione. |
1x.08 |
8 detonations, far off. |
1x.56 |
5 " " . " |
1x.07 |
6 " " . " |
1x.15 |
2 " " . " |
1x.25 |
6 " " . " |
20.00 |
AE 7937 |
22.51 |
End of twilight. |
23.20 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 7935 |
14.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
0x.20 |
Ended snorkeling. |
0x.22 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 7933 |
0x.28 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
07.25 |
Beginning of twilight. |
- 58 - |
continued |
14.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
08.00 |
AE 8478 |
Wind calm, SW-Swell, cloudy, Vis. very good |
12.00 |
AE 8476 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 59.1 nm |
59.1 nm |
13.30 |
2 detonations, far off. |
14.32 |
6 " " , " |
15.34 |
1 detonation, far off. |
16.00 |
AE 8473 |
16.11 |
1 detonation, far off. |
16.24 |
1 " " , " |
16.53 |
8 detonations, far off. |
18.30 |
9 " " , " |
20.00 |
AE 8481 |
SW 2, Sea 1, heavily cloudy, Vis. good |
22.43 |
End of twilight. |
23.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 8458 |
15.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.15 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
02.52 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 8461 |
04.47 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
07.18 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AE 8438 |
SW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
12.00 |
AE 8439 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 58.2 nm |
58.2 nm |
16.00 |
AE 8514 |
WbyS 4, Sea 3, lightly cloudy, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AE 8512 |
22.36 |
End of twilight. |
23.22 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 8279 |
16.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.34 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
02.47 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 8285 |
04.25 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
07.14 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AE 8283 |
SSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium |
- 59 - |
continued |
16.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
12.00 |
AE 8267 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
S 7, Sea 6, overcast, rain, misty |
Submerged 58.2 nm |
58.2 nm |
16.00 |
AE 8265 |
20.00 |
AE 8263 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, misty, rain |
22.27 |
End of twilight. |
23.33 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.41 |
Ended snorkeling (float caught). |
23.45 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.58 |
Ended snorkeling (float caught). |
24.00 |
AE 8341 |
17.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.01 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.01 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 30 meters. |
03.47 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.59 |
Ended snorkeling (float caught). |
04.00 |
AE 8319 |
04.02 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.06 |
Ended snorkeling (float caught). |
04.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
06.07 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
07.08 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AE 8327 |
S 8, Sea 7, overcast, misty |
12.00 |
AE 8325 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 59.2 nm |
59.2 nm |
12.50 |
1 detonation, close. |
Went to depth 80 meters. |
16.00 |
AE 8323 |
19.52 |
1 detonation, medium range. |
20.00 |
AE 8331 |
22.17 |
End of twilight. |
24.00 |
AE 5998 |
SSW 6, Sea 5, high SW-Swell, cloudless, Vis. very good |
18.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.10 |
Began snorkeling. |
00.40 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
AE 6774 |
04.12 |
Began snorkeling. |
- 60 - |
continued |
18.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
05.43 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.15 |
1 detonation, medium range. |
07.01 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AE 6772 |
SSW 1, medium-high S-Swell, cloudy, Vis. good |
12.00 |
AE 6749 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 54.6 nm |
54.6 nm |
16.00 |
AE 6757 |
20.00 |
AE 6755 |
20.55 |
S 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, rain |
1 detonation, far off. |
22.08 |
End of twilight. |
23.08 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.12 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.18 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.27 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 6753 |
19.09.44 |
Iceland Passage |
00.14 |
Began snorkeling. |
00.22 |
Ended snorkeling. |
00.27 |
Began snorkeling. |
00.34 |
Ended snorkeling. |
With the weather the float no longer opens so I must surface. |
01.04 |
S 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, misty, rain, 1002 mb |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
03.31 |
Dived. Depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
AE 6811 |
S 7, Sea 6, overcast, misty, rain |
06.54 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AE 6578 |
12.00 |
AE 6579 |
Day's run: Surfaced 27.1 nm |
Submerged 46.6 nm |
73.7 nm |
16.00 |
AE 6548 |
17.55 |
8 detonations, far off. |
20.00 |
AE 6582 |
S 3, Sea 2, high S-Swell, clear weather |
20.17 |
3 detonations, far off. |
20.20 |
1 detonation, far off. |
21.57 |
End of twilight |
24.00 |
AE 6583 |
- 61 - |
20.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.34 |
Began snorkeling. |
00.41 |
Ended snorkeling. |
01.05 |
Surfaced to work on the snorkel float valve. |
01.31 |
Dived. |
01.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AE 6593 |
Ended snorkeling. |
SbyE 4, Sea 3, overcast, marine phosphorescence, 1011 mb |
04.46 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.26 |
Ended snorkeling. |
05.30 |
Began snorkeling. |
06.00 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.46 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AE 6672 |
12.00 |
AE 6673 |
Day's run: Surfaced 3.0 nm |
Submerged 58.9 nm |
61.9 nm |
16.00 |
AE 6681 |
S 4-5, Sea 3-4, few clouds, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
AE 6683 |
21.44 |
End of twilight. |
22.51 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AE 6692 |
21.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.44 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.51 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.27 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.34 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.41 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 4471 |
SbyE 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, misty, rain |
04.08 |
Surfaced, to make the snorkel float valve operable. This could not be carried out due to the weather. |
04.10 |
Dived. |
04.42 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.35 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.43 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AF 4473 |
10.10 |
1 aircraft bomb, medium range. |
10.38 |
1 " " . " " |
12.00 |
AF 4484 |
Day's run: Surfaced 0.2 nm |
Submerged 61.2 nm |
61.4 nm |
16.00 |
AF 4485 |
SW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
AF 4486 |
- 62 - |
continued |
21.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
21.30 |
End of twilight |
23.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 1949/21/119: On 22 September at 08.00 hours switch to Coastal Circuit: "Ohlsen", "Meyer", "Lamby", "Lange", "Förster", "Reith", "Brauel", "Rasch". |
24.00 |
AF 4497 |
22.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
01.04 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.07 |
Ended snorkeling. |
01.28 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.12 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 4499 |
S 4-5, Sea 3-4, cloudy, Vis. good |
04.12 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.04 |
Ended snorkeling. |
06.38 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AF 4811 |
SbyE 7, Sea 6, overcast, Vis. medium |
12.00 |
AF 4815 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 52.7 nm |
52.7 nm |
16.00 |
AF 4818 |
SSE 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, misty |
20.00 |
AF 4843 |
21.18 |
Incoming Radio Message 1706/23/82: Return harbor for all IX c boats is Kristiansand South. Convoy intake at Egerö, lighthouse bearing 45°T 5 nm. Report arrival at intake point 36 hours ahead of time. |
21.20 |
End of twilight. |
21.26 |
Incoming Radio Message 1342/23/80: All boats proceeding to Kristiansand South between the latitudes of 60°N and 58°50'N do not cross longitude 4°E to the east because [in that area] there is a U-boat hunt by own U-boats. |
11. U-Flottille. |
22.32 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.58 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.02 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AF 4846 |
23.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.32 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.07 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.33 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.49 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.09 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 4849 |
- 63 - |
continued |
23.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
05.15 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.32 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.35 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AF 4881 |
Wind and Sea abating |
12.00 |
AF 4884 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 57.5 nm |
57.5 nm |
16.00 |
AF 4888 |
20.00 |
AF 7223 |
S 1, high S-Swell, cloudy, Vis. good |
21.11 |
End of twilight. |
22.37 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AF 7237 |
24.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
01.04 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.25 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 7266 |
04.40 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.37 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AF 7347 |
12.00 |
AF 7372 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
NbyW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good |
Submerged 64.8 nm |
64.8 nm |
16.00 |
AF 7375 |
20.00 |
AF 7349 |
20.59 |
End of twilight. |
21.53 |
Incoming Radio Message 2147/23/88: All boats with return harbor Kristiansand South: Because of changes situation convoy intake point for Kristiansand South 58°1.3'N, 6°40.5'E. Report arrival 48 hours ahead of time. Repeated on Ireland and Diana Circuit. 11. U-Flottille |
22.50 |
Began snorkeling. |
25.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.47 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 7628 |
05.02 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.07 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.36 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AF 7652 |
12.00 |
AF 7656 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 55.2 nm |
55.2 nm |
16.00 |
AF 7691 |
SSE 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
AF 7694 |
- 64 - |
continued |
25.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
21.51 |
End of twilight |
22.55 |
Began snorkeling. |
22.58 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AF 7698 |
26.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.13 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.47 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AF 7931 |
04.12 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.39 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.35 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AF 8717 |
WbyN 6, Sea 5, nearly overcast, Vis. medium |
12.00 |
AF 8741 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 59.3 nm |
59.3 nm |
16.00 |
AF 8744 |
WNW 7, Sea 6, cloudy, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
AF 8771 |
20.48 |
End of twilight. |
22.51 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.55 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AF 8777 |
27.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
02.40 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.02 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.03 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.24 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.39 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AN 3213 |
04.35 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.04 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.39 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AN 2327 |
W 7, Sea 6, cloudy, Vis. good |
12.00 |
AN 2328 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 56.6 nm |
56.6 nm |
16.00 |
AN 2329 |
NWbyW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
AN 2362 |
- 65 - |
continued |
27.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
20.34 |
End of twilight. |
23.29 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.36 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.38 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.56 |
Ended snorkeling. |
In the weather snorkeling is impossible with the frequently catching float valve. Therefore I intend to lay stopped between 40 and 50 meters on a strong layer located there and await for the weather to improve. |
24.00 |
AN 2366 |
28.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.15 |
Boat stopped at depth 45 meters. Flooding and pumping is not necessary. |
04.00 |
AN 2363 |
08.00 |
AN 2363 |
12.00 |
AN 2363 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 28.2 nm |
28.2 nm |
16.00 |
AN 2363 |
WSW 4, Sea 3, high W-Swell, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AN 2363 |
2035 |
End of twilight. |
21.41 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AN 2445 |
29.09.44 |
Norwegian Sea |
01.16 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AN 2482 |
06.53 |
Beginning of twilight. |
07.32 |
2 aircraft bombs, medium range. |
08.00 |
AN 2491 |
11.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 285°T, 83 nm. |
(Navigation fix determined by sounding series and Sonne 1) |
12.00 |
AN 2324 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
SW 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. medium |
Submerged 48.6 nm |
48.6 nm |
16.00 |
AN 2327 |
20.00 |
AN 2355 |
20.29 |
End of twilight. |
22.19 |
Incoming Radio Messages 0147/28/52 - 0207/28/53 - 0239/28/54 Escort for boats running to Kristiansand South positioned 28 September 18.30 hours/29 September, 18.30 hours/30 September 16.00 hours at intake point 58°1.3' N, 6°40.5' E, escort waits 2 hours. For these days no arrival report, radio silence. |
22.08 |
21.45 |
- 66 - |
continued |
29.09.44 |
Northern North Sea |
2) Radio Beacon Group Bergen South "Utsira" and "Lister" run 28 September 03.00-06.00 hours/29 September 00.00-03.00 hours/30 September 02.00-05.00/13.00-15.00 hours. |
3) Elektrasonne 1 position 58° 37' 32" N, 05° 37' 49" E, frequency 319 kHz. Sonne 20 position 69° 17' 29" N 16° 08' 47" E 269 kHz. Transmitting times 03.00-03.30/08.30-09.00/14.00-14.30/21.00-21.30 hours. |
4) Boats which cannot reach the escort at these times no report, set off from the coast and join the next convoy. Repeated on Ireland Circuit. |
23.14 |
Began snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AN 2359 |
30.09.44 |
Northern North Sea |
00.10 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.00 |
Began snorkeling. |
03.56 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AN 2386 |
Began snorkeling. |
NW 6, Sea 5, cloudy, Vis. good |
04.34 |
Ended snorkeling. |
06.56 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AN 2823 |
12.00 |
AN 2826 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 57.0 nm |
57.0 nm |
16.00 |
AN 5853 |
NWbyW 6, Sea 5, lightly cloudy, Vis. good |
20.00 |
AN 2856 |
20.43 |
4 detonations, far off. |
20.53 |
End of twilight. |
23.05 |
Very bright night |
Began snorkeling. |
23.50 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AN 2891 |
01.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
01.05 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.20 |
Incoming Radio Message 2206/1/30 Kr Kr: In the night of 2 October own surface warships will be on the Coastal Route between X 3 and X 9 and south therefrom. Avoid meeting. |
Admiral Westküste |
01.34 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AN 2894 |
NW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, very bright night |
05.14 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
05.27 |
Began snorkeling. |
05.37 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
06.58 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AN 4331 |
11.23 |
6 detonations, far off. |
12.00 |
AN 4334 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 54.0 nm |
54.0 nm |
- 67 - |
continued |
01.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
15.17 |
2 detonations, far off. |
16.00 |
AN 4338 |
NWbyW 4, Sea 3, cloudy, Vis. very good |
20.00 |
AN 4365 |
20.15 |
End of twilight. |
22.19 |
3 detonations, far off. |
22.35 |
Incoming Radio Message 1506/1/20 - 1538/1/21: |
22.43 |
1) For boats entering Kristiansand South escort 2 October 16.00 hours 3 October at 18.00 hours at intake point 58°1.3' N 6°40.5' E. Escort waits 2 hours. No arrival reports, radio silence. |
2) Radio Beacon Group Bergen South, Utsira and Lister run 2 October from 00.00-02.30 hours and 12.00-14.00 hours, 3 October from 02.30-05.00 hours and 16.00-18.00 hours. |
3) Elektrasonne 1 located 58°37' 32" N, 05°37'49" E, frequency 319 kHz. Transmit times 03.00-03.30, 08.30-09.00, 14.00-14.30, 21.00-21.30 hours. |
4) Boats which cannot reach the escort at these times report, set off from the coast and wait for the next convoy. |
F.d.U. West. |
23.04 |
NNW 5, Sea 4, cloudy, Vis. good, very bright night |
Began snorkeling. |
23.16 |
Ended snorkeling. |
23.37 |
2 detonations, long range. |
24.00 |
AN 4368 |
02.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
00.15 - 00.30 |
Several detonations, far off. |
00.53 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
02.13 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.00 |
(D.S.Z.) |
Boat clocks were set back 1 hour to 02.00 hours (M.E.Z.) |
02.40 |
(M.E.Z.) |
Began snorkeling. |
03.24 |
Ended snorkeling. Depth 50 meters. |
04.00 |
AN 3172 |
05.59 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AN 3173 |
NW 6-7, Sea 5-6, cloudy, Vis. very good |
12.00 |
AN 3179 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 56.2 nm |
56.2 nm |
16.00 |
AN 3421 |
19.02 |
End of twilight. |
19.45 |
Began snorkeling. |
- 68 - |
continued |
02.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
20.00 |
AN 3425 |
SW 4-5, freshening, Sea 3, confused Sea, cloudy, Vis. good |
21.21 |
Incoming Radio Message 1055/2/38: In Radio Message 15.06 of 2 October Paragraph 4 must mean: Boats which cannot arrive at this time no report, move off and join the next convoy. F.d.U. West. |
22.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 2136/29/88: |
1) German Summer Time ends 2 October 03.00 hours. At the same time all clocks should be set back from 03.00 to 02.00 hours. |
2) For the first twice appearing hour from 02.00-03.00 hours in all records such as K.T.B.s, Radio Messages, note DSZ, 2nd hour with MEZ. |
3) Time groups of Radio Messages for the 1st hour append the letter "a" the 2nd hour the letter "b". |
4) New U-boat Atlantic Circuit begins on 2 October 02.00 MEZ, so in effect the moment the clocks are set back. |
5) Repeated by Nordmeer. |
22.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
22.19 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.16 |
SW 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. medium |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AN 3452 |
03.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
00.12 |
Began snorkeling. |
01.25 |
Ended snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AN 3422 |
Azimuth from Sonne 1 with the radio direction finder antenna at depth 10 meters and sounding series. |
SW 3, Sea 2, cloudy, Vis. good, bright moonshine |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 322°T, 28.4 nm. |
06.10 |
Beginning of twilight. |
06.51 |
1 detonation, medium range. |
07.22 |
1 " " , " " |
08.00 |
AN 3425 |
12.00 |
AN 3434 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 57.1 nm |
57.1 nm |
15.26 |
2 detonations, medium range. |
16.00 |
AN 3437 |
SW 5, Sea 4, cloudy, Vis. good |
16.17 |
1 detonation, medium range. |
16.59 |
1 " " , close to medium range. |
17.15 |
1 " " , far off. |
18.52 |
End of twilight. |
20.00 |
AN 3437 |
SW 4, Sea 3, cloudy, Vis. good |
- 69 - |
continued |
03.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
20.10 |
Began snorkeling. |
20.22 |
Ended snorkeling. |
20.28 |
1 detonation, close to medium range. |
24.00 |
AN 3464 |
04.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
00.27 |
AN 3461 |
Shortly before snorkeling and with raised snorkel mast, sound bearing 260°T, quickly growing louder. |
E 1-2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. good |
On the basis of the peculiar detonation after the first snorkeling, I suspect there is an enemy U-boat hunting group at the intake point. Went to depth 2A meters and silent running. |
00.27 - 02.14 |
Further 6 sound bearings one after another come into listening range in the sector ahead to port and pass out astern to starboard. A few vessels, probably S-Boote from time to time. The course of the vessels is approximately Lister - Scotland. |
00.35 |
1 detonation, medium range. |
04.00 |
AN 3544 |
Ended silent running |
06.02 |
Beginning of twilight. |
06.30 |
1 detonation, far off. |
08.00 |
AN 3544 |
ENE 4-5, Sea 3-4, cloudy, Vis. very good |
08.06 |
Began snorkeling. |
08.20 |
Ended snorkeling. |
09.48 |
Boat stopped on a water layer at depth 30 meters. Intention: wait on the next convoy and complete snorkeling during the night. |
12.00 |
AN 3518 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
Submerged 41.0 nm |
41.0 nm |
13.45 - 13.50 |
12 detonations, medium range. |
16.00 |
AN 3518 |
18.49 |
End of twilight. |
19.33 |
Began snorkeling. |
20.00 |
AN 3518 |
20.32 |
Ended snorkeling. |
22.54 |
Began snorkeling. |
23.09 |
Ended snorkeling. |
24.00 |
AN 3543 |
05.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
00.21 |
4 detonations, suspect mines, medium range. |
01.46 |
Began snorkeling. |
02.40 |
Ended snorkeling. |
03.33 |
Began snorkeling. |
04.00 |
AN 3543 |
Wind calm, cloudless, quiet Sea, Vis. very good |
- 70 - |
continued |
05.10.44 |
Northern North Sea |
04.11 |
Crash dive for searching aircraft searchlight. It was not perfectly recognized what it was was. No bombs. |
05.15 |
2 detonations. |
06.00 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AN 3527 |
WNW 2, Sea 1, cloudy, Vis. very good |
10.46 |
Began snorkeling. |
11.21 |
Ended snorkeling. |
14.13 |
Began snorkeling. |
14.45 |
Ended snorkeling. |
15.54 |
Began snorkeling. |
16.00 |
AN 3524 |
NW 3-4, Sea 2-3, otherwise unchanged. |
16.43 |
Ended snorkeling. |
18.46 |
End of twilight. |
20.00 |
AN 3529 |
23.47 |
Incoming Officer-Only Radio Message 2347/4/73/838: Naval square AN 3xxx right half, 3513 and 3516 northern half blocked due to mines. F.d.U. West. |
24.00 |
AN 3529 |
06.10.44 |
Northern North Sea - Farsund |
04.00 |
AN 3517 |
06.00 |
Beginning of twilight. |
08.00 |
AN 3517 |
08.54 |
Began snorkeling. |
08.58 |
Ended snorkeling. |
12.00 |
AN 3514 |
Day's run: Surfaced / |
WNW 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, rain showers, Vis. good |
Submerged 21.6 nm |
21.6 nm |
15.08 |
Began snorkeling. |
15.33 |
Ended snorkeling. |
16.00 |
AN 3528 |
16.38 |
Incoming Radio Message 2121/5/84: Correction to Serial No. 2010/4/70. For boats with return harbor Kristiansand South escort positioned on 6 October not at 13.00 hours and 7 October not 16.00 hours but instead convoy intake on 6 and 7 October at 19.00 hours. F.d.U. West. |
18.35 |
End of twilight. |
19.00 |
AN 3514 |
19.05 |
Surfaced at objective point. |
Recognition Signals exchanged with escort vessels. |
20.04 |
Made fast alongside escort boat "M 407" in Farsund. Waiting on further escort. |
07.10.44 |
Farsund |
Waiting on further escort. |
- 71 - |
08.10.44 |
Farsund - Kristiansand South |
18.50 |
With escort for Kristiansand South. |
23.35 |
Made fast U-boat Base. |
09.10.44 |
Kristiansand South - Flensburg |
21.10 |
Cast off U-boat Base. Transit with "U-548" and "U-218" for Flensburg. |
10.10.44 |
03.00 |
AO 4416 |
"Aircraft" alarm for 2 side by side lights, appearance like red lights. Was initially thought to be approaching aircraft and shot at. Suspect they were distant parachute flares. Phenomena appeared 2 x again. |
SW 4, Sea 3, cloudy, bright moonshine, Vis. good |
06.59 |
Taken in convoy by patrol boat 905. |
Deployed noise buoys. |
12.00 |
AO 4815 |
Day's run: Surfaced 153.8 nm |
Submerged / |
153.8 nm |
23.55 |
AO 7216 |
Anchored due to fog. |
S 4, Sea 3, fog |
11.10.44 |
Kristiansand South - Flensburg |
08.20 |
Continued transit. |
11.30 |
In convoy with "Patrol Boat 1923". |
12.00 |
AO 7244 |
Day's run: Surfaced 84.3 nm |
Submerged / |
84.3 nm |
17.32 |
"Aircraft" alarm for approaching land-based aircraft. |
On request, initially no Recognition Signal, shot at. Aircraft turned away, hesitated, and first shot Recognition Signals after passing our wake. |
12.10.44 |
Kristiansand South - Flensburg |
06.30 |
Escort change at Kiel Lightship. |
11.45 |
Released from convoy. |
12.00 |
Day's run: Surfaced 81.5 nm |
Submerged / |
15.30 |
Made fast Flensburg U-boat Base. |
End of the 1st War Patrol. |
Comments on the K.T.B. |
1st patrol with a new boat, new crew and first war patrol of the Kommandanten. |
The attack of the "Mosquito" on the Norwegian coast brought the boat and crew valuable experience. It was recognized that operation against aircraft requires extreme caution. The encounters with the destroyer group and the escorts of the aircraft carrier put the boat in a tight spot, which was overcome with good fortune. |
No significant observations were made concerning surfaced and submerged detections. Bolde and Aphrodite were not used. |
The morale and health of the crew during the patrol was good. |
Oblt.z.S. d.R. and Kmdt. |
Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote |
on the K.T.B. of "U 804" (Meyer) from 12.6. - 12.10.1944. |
1st patrol with a new boat. The aircraft attack on 16 June gave the young crew the opportunity to prove themselves and get to know the most dangerous side of the U-boat war. The shoot down of the aircraft was a good start. Attack on destroyer group on 2 August was handled well and calmly. Unfortunately the boat was not allowed the satisfaction of a sinking. Hits on 2 units possible. The rare encounter with an aircraft carrier was not decisively exploited due to confusion, rapidly changing situation and the understandable internal difficulties of the attack. |
On final remarks: The Kommandant does not grade his own Kriegstagebuch! |
Accredited success: 1 aircraft shot down. |
2 destroyers hits possible. |
For the Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote |
- The Chief of the Operations Department - |