15.08.44 |
04.28 |
ßß |
Will begin return transit on the 1st day of the following month. |
U-804 |
17.08.44 |
ßß |
05.08 |
Intend to begin return transit on the 1st day of the following month. |
U-804 |
18.08.44 |
0522/17/156 |
01.29 |
1.) From "Meyer" on 36 meters with Volume 5 received: |
Intend to begin return transit on 1 September. |
2.) "Hauber" gave on 54 meters at 05.08 hours, received with Volume 3, his position naval square CG 44. |
Additionally from Radio Control: 17.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
31.08.44 |
1616/30/184 |
03.37 |
Weather boats: |
1) Since 28 August there have been no reports, attention is drawn to their importance. However, do not attempt to get through more than 3 times in succession. |
2) "Ohlsen" is reminded of passage report. |
3) "Meyer" until ordered otherwise, "Bode" until arrival square Green AW also continue on return transit. Transmit irregularly to impede enemy bearing finding ability to recognizing the return transit course. |
31.08.44 |
ßß |
04.48 |
Am positioned at ordered meeting point, have not met boat. |
U-855 |
10.09.44 |
0922/10/178 |
14.41 |
1) "Meyer" no further weather reports. |
2) "Rademacher" last report from 8 September. Attempt to send up to 3 times, because it is important. |
21.09.44 |
1949/21/119 |
23.11 |
On 22 September at 08.00 hours switch to Coastal Circuit: |
"Ohlsen", "Meyer", "Lamby", "Lange", "Förster", "Reith", "Brauel", "Rasch". |
23.09.44 |
1320/23/79 |
21.35 |
Return harbor "Bergen" for U-296 (Rasch), U-445 (Treuberg), U-480 (Förster), U-92 (Brauel). |
Return harbor Kristiansand South with convoy intake point "Egerö" in 45° 5 nm for: |
U-516 (Tillessen), U-855 (Ohlsen), U-804 (Meyer), U-530 (Lange), U-190 (Reith), and U-858 (Bode). |
Announce arrival at intake point 36 hours ahead of time. |
11-U-Flottille. |
Repeated on Ireland and Diana. |