Essay - The Conduct of the War at Sea
A translation of Admiral Dönitz' review of the German Navy's participation in World War
II and his opinions on the causes of defeat - originally dictated to and typed by Colonel-General Jodl in the summer of 1945 |
Report - Considerations for the Employment of the Type XXI
Translation of a July 1944 report from Admiral Dönitz to training agencies and U-boaters with theoretical considerations on the employment of the Type XXI boat. |
Leadership Lecture given by Kapitän zur See Wolfgang Lüth on December, 17 1943 |
Seizure of the MS Odenwald by USS Salem and Somers, November 6, 1941
Records of the seizure and salvage of the Odenwald and the internment of her crew. The first prisoner of war taken by U.S. Forces in WWII came from the crew of this vessel. |
Bomber Command Raid on Lorient France, October 21, 1942
Headquarters VIII Bomber Command
Report on October 21 Operations, dated 30 December 1942 |
Sinking of H.M.S. Royal Oak
British Naval Intelligence Department report on the sinking of H.M.S. Royal Oak by U-47 (Post war report from captured documents) |
Warfare Operations Research Group Report 27
Anti-submarine Operations by
CVE Based Aircraft, dated April 1, 1944 |
Dogs in the U-boat War (on
the light side) Photographs and stories of dogs
in the U-boat War. |