- 1 - |
03.08.43 |
20.00 |
Narvik, alongside "METEOR" |
Reported to F.d.U. Norwegen. |
22.03 |
Narvik "METEOR" |
Cast off. |
22.43 |
Narvik "HUASCARAN" |
Made fast. |
04.08. - 12.08.43 |
Narvik. alongside "HUASCARAN" |
Completed minor repairs. As always "HUASCARAN" works with great dedication. Fu.M.G. cannot be repaired, because there is no specialist present. |
07.08.43 |
Torpedo loading. |
13.08.43 |
11.20 |
Cast off "HUASCARAN". Sea trial, trim test, deep diving test. |
15.04 |
Skjomenfjord alongside "KÄRNTEN" |
Made fast. Outfitting, provisions loading, discharge of unnecessary secret items. |
22.31 |
Cast off "KÄRNTEN". |
14.08.43 |
00.11 |
Narvik. alongside "HUASCARAN" |
Made fast. |
07.00 |
Cast off. |
07.27 |
Narvik, alongside "METEOR" |
Made fast. |
09.30 |
Cast off for war patrol together with U-636 (Hildebrandt). Farewell by F.d.U. Began transit to Tromsö together with U-636 in accordance with Outbound Orders. |
12.00 |
Proceeded on the Archipelago Route steering in accordance with the instructions of the Kommandant |
Day's run: 32.0 nm, 0.0 nm, total 32.0 nm |
12.07 |
Off Lödingen |
Pilot Winter on board. |
16.00 |
Proceeded on the Archipelago Route to Tromsö steering in accordance with the instructions of the Kommandant |
19.28 |
Tromsö, alongside steamer "GORSIAS" |
Made fast. |
20.10 |
Cast off. |
21.45 |
Tromsö, Sea Plane Base, alongside "BERNHARD VON TSCHIRSKY" |
Made fast. |
15.08.43 |
08.30 |
Outfitting and supply at Tromsö Sea Plane Base. |
12.00 |
Day's run: 138.0 nm, 0.0 nm, total 138.0 nm |
- 3 - |
continue |
17.08.43 |
11.00 |
Outbound on the Archipelago Route |
Released escort "R 151". Moved off from the coast on course 20° and both GF. |
12.00 |
Norwegian Sea |
Day's run: 42.0 nm, 1.8 nm, total 43.8 nm |
AC 7248 |
Sea 1, misty 10/10, Swell, Vis. bad |
16.00 |
AC 4855 |
Test dive. |
17.46 |
Surfaced. After high voltage regulation at the 6 KVA rectifier the F.u.M.G. [radar] was in service again. |
17.47 |
AC 4855 |
Recognition Signals exchanged with "U 636". |
18.13 |
AC 4855 |
"Machine Guns Out" for training. |
18.16 |
AC 4852 |
Crash dive for training. |
18.40 |
AC 4852 |
"Machine Guns Out" for training. |
18.55 to 19.11 |
AC 4853 |
Crash dive for training. |
19.22 |
AC 4837 |
Drifting mine shot. |
20.00 |
AC 4838 |
NE 3, Sea 1-2, 10/10, 1004 mb, Swell, Vis. good |
18.08.43 |
00.00 |
AC 4913 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 1004 mb, at times fog |
04.00 |
AC 4695 |
05.35 |
AC 5471 |
Drifting mine shot. |
08.00 |
AC 5454 |
NNE 2-3, Sea 2, 9/10, 1000 mb, rain showers |
11.55 |
AC 5439 |
Drifting mine shot. |
12.00 |
AC 5439 |
Day's run: 139.0 nm, 6.0 nm, total 145.0 nm |
12.43 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1140/707: F.d.U. from Brünner: 1) Am missing Serial No. 745 and 755. |
2) Flood valves of both negative buoyancy tanks out of service. Will attempt repairs later. |
3) Position square AC 5461 |
4) NE 3, Sea 2, 10/10, Vis. good, 999 mb. |
13.01 - 13.16 |
AC 5517 |
Crash dive for training. |
14.30 - 14.41 |
AC 5515 |
Crash dive for training. |
- 4 - |
continued |
18.08.43 |
Norwegian Sea |
16.00 |
AC 5521 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 996 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
16.05 - 18.12 |
AC 5521 |
Test dive, damage control exercises. |
20.00 |
AC 5294 |
19.08.43 |
00.00 |
AC 5348 |
NE 5, Sea 4, 10/10, 991 mb, Vis. changing, rain showers |
04.00 |
AC 5329 |
08.00 |
AC 6111 |
N 5, Sea 4, 10/10, 984 mb, misty, rain showers |
12.00 |
AC 6111 |
Day's run: 150.5 nm, 5.0 nm, total 155.5 nm |
In accordance with Radio Message 728/729 high frequency part of the Metox receiver placed under lock (Use of Metox receiver is prohibited). |
13.45 - 14.08 |
AC 3776 |
Crash dive for training. |
16.00 |
AC 3784 |
W 5, Sea 4, 8/10, 986 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
16.01 - 17.52 |
AC 3784 |
Test dive, fire control training. |
18.42 |
AC 3763 |
Drifting mine shot. |
20.00 |
AC 3767 |
20.08.43 |
00.00 |
AC 3842 |
SW 6, Sea 4, 10/10, 987 mb, at times fog |
04.00 |
AC 3831 |
08.00 |
AC 3675 |
SSW 6, Sea 4-5, 10/10, 990 mb, Vis. changing |
10.56 - 11.16 |
AC 3658 |
Crash dive for training. |
12.00 |
AC 3667 |
16.00 |
AT 1419 |
Day's run: 140.5 nm, 4.5 nm, total 145.0 nm |
S 5, Sea 4, 10/10, 998 mb, at times fog |
17.53 |
AT 1424 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
AT 1431 |
22.07 |
Presented Radio Message 1643/20/770: Contents: Search for emergency landing of B.V. 138 in square AT 2288 and switch to aircraft frequency. |
22.11 |
AT 1431 |
Both GF, course 87° to crash location. |
- 5 - |
21.08.43 |
Norwegian Sea |
00.00 |
AT 1294 |
SSE 5, Sea 4, 10/10, 998 mb, Vis. 3-8 nm |
00.57 |
Presented Radio Message 0050/21/789: Have met sea plane. "U-601". |
01.00 |
Continued transit. Course 75°. |
02.07 |
Outgoing Short Signal 0107/21/790: Arrive in 24 hours. |
"U-703". |
04.00 |
AT 1383 |
08.00 |
AT 2146 |
S 3-4, Sea 3, 9/10, 1005 mb, misty |
12.00 |
AT 2163 |
Day's run: 224 nm, 3 nm, total 227 nm |
16.00 |
AT 2237 |
Test dive. |
16.33 |
SW 2-3, Sea 2, 8/10, 1007 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
20.00 |
AT 2321 |
22.00 |
ÄF 8895 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 75°T, 46 nm. Novaya Zemlya in sight. |
22.08.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3126 |
04.00 |
AT 3148 |
04.20 |
AT 3148 |
"U-601" (Grau) in sight. |
08.00 |
AT 3149 |
Anchored off Cape Pinigin with "U-601". In accordance with Outbound Orders WF Land gear "Gerhart" established. Reg.Rat. Stoebe and Insp. Ernst transfered to Grau. From Grau took over Oblt. Stieler (Operation Leader) and Lt. Drepper, as well as 6 man Luftwaffe for B.V. operations. Additionally spare parts for B.V. taken over. |
12.00 |
AT 3149 |
Day's run: 137 nm, 1.8 nm, total 138.8 nm |
16.00 |
AT 3149 |
20.00 |
AT 3149 |
23.05 |
AT 3149 |
Outgoing Short Signal 2308/22/770: Yes, "U-703" in accordance with Outbound Orders. |
23.08.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3149 |
00.50 |
AT 3149 |
Work and personnel exchange ended. Weighed anchor. |
02.20 - 03.05 |
AT 3142 |
Test dive. |
03.10 |
Presented Radio Message 0006/22/772: Brünner, ice reconnaissance in accordance with Operations Order Article 5, afterwards every 50 nm to 80°E then observe Landing Place 1 and 2 and reconnaissance to the south. |
"F.d.U." |
- 6 - |
continued |
23.08.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
03.10 |
Contrary to this order ran first to "U-255" (Harms) at Landing Place 1 to transfer the Operations Leader and perhaps spares. |
04.00 |
AT 3119 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 7/10, 1016 mb, Vis. bad, fog |
08.00 |
AT 8896 |
12.00 |
AT 3225 |
Day's run: 117.5 nm, 2.5 nm, total 120 nm |
WSW 1, Sea 1, 9/10, 1006 mb, Vis. changing |
Lighthouse at Cape Jelanija in sight. Moved off. |
14.15 |
Landing place 2 recognized. |
16.00 |
AT 3276 |
16.55 |
AT 3276 |
Recognition Signal exchanged with U-255 (Harms). |
17.53 |
AT 3276 |
Stopped beside U-255 at Landing Place 1. Operations Leader Oblt. Stieler transferred to Harms. Gave over 200 liters of cold start mixture and some provisions. Harms will report meeting later by Radio Message. |
20.00 |
AT 3278 |
24.08.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3278 |
E 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 1007 mb, rain showers |
00.45 |
AT 3278 |
Departed Landing Place 1. Intention: Observe the roadstead off Jelanija for the minesweepers of the Russian Chief White Sea Flotilla announced by Officer-Only Radio Message. Then ice reconnaissance in accordance with orders. |
04.00 |
AT 3252 |
07.35 |
AT 3215 |
Back and forth in position in thick fog off Jelanija. |
08.00 |
AT 3215 |
E 3, Sea 1-2, 10/10, 1003 mb, thick fog |
10.30 |
AT 3216 |
Fog persists, moved off for ice reconnaissance. |
10.39 - 11.18 |
AT 3216 |
Test dive, nothing heard. |
12.00 |
AT 3221 |
Day's run: 108.0 nm, 2 nm, total 110.0 nm |
16.00 |
ÄF 8945 |
Course N, diesel-electric LF. |
E 3, Sea 1-2, dog, 10/10, 1000 mb |
20.00 |
ÄF 8675 |
- 7 - |
25.08.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
00.00 |
ÄF 8615 |
E 3, Sea 2, fog, 10/10, 1000 mb |
04.00 |
ÄF 8348 |
08.00 |
ÄF 8312 |
E 4, Sea 3, 10/10, 1003 mb, Vis. changing |
12.00 |
ÄF 5942 |
Day's run: 195.0 nm, 0.0 nm, total 195.0 nm |
16.00 - 19.01 |
ÄF 5678 |
Test dive, topped up battery II. |
NE 5-6, Sea 5, 10/10, 1005 mb, snow showers |
20.00 |
ÄF 5675 |
20.45 |
ÄF 5942 |
Ice limit in sight. Followed the ice limit to the east. |
26.08.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 5658 |
NE 5, Sea 5, 10/10, 1005 mb, Vis. good |
04.00 |
ÄF 5662 |
08.00 |
ÄF 5633 |
12.00 |
ÄF 6646 |
Day's run: 158.5 nm, 4.5 nm, total 163.0 nm |
NE 3, Sea 1-2, 10/10, 1008 mb, Vis. 8 nm |
16.00 |
ÄF 6479 |
Test dive. |
16.43 |
NE 3, Sea 1-2, 10/10, 1011 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
"Cannon Ready" for training. |
20.00 |
ÄF 6737 |
27.08.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 6796 |
NNE 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1011 mb, Vis. 12 nm |
02.42 |
Vize Island in sight. Came to within 5 nm. Nothing in particular. |
04.00 |
ÄF 9135 |
08.00 |
ÄF 9161 |
NNE 1-2, Sea 0, 5/10, 1016 mb, Vis. 12 nm |
12.00 |
ÄF 9271 |
Day's run: 200 nm, 1.3 nm, total 201.3 nm |
13.51 |
Outgoing Short Signal 1350/27/756: ßß ÄF 50, 598, 673, 661. "U-703" (Ice limit run) |
16.00 - 16.31 |
ÄF 9286 |
Test dive. "Machine Guns Out" for training. |
NNE 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1018 mb, Vis. 12 nm, at times fog |
20.00 |
ÄF 9562 |
- 8 - |
continued |
27.08.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
20.26 |
Outgoing Short Signal 2026/27/774: ßß ÄF 412, 479, 877, 286. "U-703" (Ice limit run) |
Ice reconnaissance ended. Intentions: Search the roadstead off Lonely Island for Russian minesweepers. |
28.08.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 9911 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1019 mb, Vis. 12 nm, at times fog. |
03.15 |
Presented Radio Message 2351/27/783: Brünner secure papers from Stobe from Locker 61. |
"F.d.U." |
03.40 |
ÄF 9866 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 285°T, 15.4 nm, |
04.00 |
ÄF 9869 |
05.20 |
Lonely Island in sight. Intention: Ran to the south, then headed in from the SE. |
06.29 - 06.43 |
Crash dive due to increasing fog. |
08.00 |
ÄF 9949 |
Approached in the fog. |
08.39 |
ÄF 9949 |
Dived. Fog lifted. Went in to depth 12 meters. Water depth came up. The coast is easily distinguished. Nothing in particular. |
09.46 |
ÄF 9949 |
Fog lifts, surfaced, moved off. |
12.00 |
ÄF 9918 |
Day's run: 185 nm, 4.0 nm, total 189 nm |
NE 2, Sea 1, 9/10, 1020 mb, Vis. 8-10 nm, fog banks |
Intention: Observe the roadstead off Jelanija, then reconnaissance in the south in accordance with orders. |
16.00 - 17.xx |
Test dive, damage combat exercises. |
19.00 |
ÄF 9855 |
"Machine Guns Out" for training. |
19.05 - 19.22 |
Crash dive for training. |
20.00 |
ÄF 9882 |
29.08.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 9796 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 2/10, 1022 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
03.58 |
Presented Radio Message 0050/29/709: 1.) . . . . 2.) Brünner occupy Herbschleb attack area. |
"F.d.U." |
04.00 |
ÄF 9784 |
Course 160° to occupy attack area square AS 42 and 43. |
08.00 |
AS 1151 |
ESE 3, Sea 2-3, cloudless, 1020 mb, Vis. 20 nm |
- 9 - |
continued |
29.08.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
12.00 |
AS 1183 |
Day's run: 166.2 nm, 4 nm, total 170.2 nm |
13.30 - 14.02 |
AS 1189 |
Crash dive for training. |
16.00 - 16.41 |
AS 1434 |
Crash dive for training, balanced the boat. |
20.00 |
AS 1469 |
30.08.43 |
00.00 |
AS 1579 |
NE 5, Sea 3-4, 10/10, 1015 mb, Vis. 12 nm |
04.00 |
AS 1852 |
08.00 |
AS 1891 |
E 5, Sea 4, 10/10, 1009 mb, Vis. 8 nm |
11.11 |
AS 4223 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 262°T, 19.5 nm. |
12.00 |
AS 4231 |
Day's run: 152.3 nm, 2.2 nm, total 154.5 nm |
16.00 |
In attack area |
AS 4315 |
NE 5, Sea 3-4, 10/10, 1004 mb, Vis. 8 nm |
20.00 |
AS 4354 |
Intention: Initially observe traffic from Jenissei [river] to the east. |
31.08.43 |
00.00 |
AS 4354 |
NE 4, Sea 2, 10/10, 999 mb, Vis. bad |
04.00 |
08.00 |
12.00 |
Day's run: 42 nm, 2.2 nm, total 44.2 nm |
16.00 - 16.52 |
NNE 1-2, Sea 0, 10/10, 999 mb, fog |
Test dive. |
Due to fog Fu.M.G. [radar] turned on, continuous operation. |
20.00 |
22.15 |
Detection! West Kamennye Island. |
Bearing 120°T, 12 kilometers away. Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 38°T, 19 nm. Island was held on radar regularly. |
01.09.43 |
00.00 |
N 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 1000 mb, fog |
04.00 |
06.10 |
West Kamennye Island in sight. Moved off slowly. |
08.00 |
NW 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 1000 mb, Vis. 2-10 nm |
- 10 - |
continued |
01.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
12.00 |
Day's run: 25.5 nm, 2.0 nm, total 27.5 nm |
Intention: Observe roadstead off Dikson Island. |
16.00 - 16.36 |
AS 4372 |
Test dive. |
SW 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1001 mb, fog, Vis. 1-3 nm |
19.48 |
AS 4377 |
Dived. Put the boat on the bottom in fog, by plotting am about 3 nm off Dikson Island. Intention: Wait for morning twilight and visibility improvement. |
20.00 |
AS 4377 |
22.27 |
AS 4377 |
At periscope depth, it is still too dark. |
23.05 |
AS 4377 |
Put the boat on the bottom. |
02.09.43 |
00.10 |
AS 4377 |
At periscope depth. Visibility was about 2-3 nm. Am about 1.5 nm west of the Dikson Lighthouse. Ran to the south at about 1-2 nm distance from the west coast of Dikson Island then between Vern Island and Dikson Island to the south entrance to Dikson harbor. |
04.00 |
AS 4611 |
04.25 |
To Action Stations! Out of the mist from the southwest a small fishing trawler comes in sight. Unfortunately target angle is already 150°. Runs into Dikson harbor. It is a pity, Can't use my cannon because a battery of field cannons is clearly visible on land. |
06.30 |
Am positioned in 14 meters water off the southern entrance of Dikson harbor. Nothing is seen in the harbor. Came about and ran off to the southwest. |
08.00 |
AS 4611 |
10.00 |
Coast out of sight. |
10.25 |
Surfaced. Afterwards occupied a position north of Dikson. |
12.00 |
S 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1002 mb, Vis. 8-12 nm |
Day's run: 38.5 nm, 34.2 nm, total 72.7 nm |
16.00 |
AS 4295 |
Test dive. |
Sea 1, S 2, 10/10, 1002 mb, Vis. 2-6 nm, fog |
20.00 |
03.09.43 |
00.00 |
S 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 1002 mb, Vis. 8-10 nm, rain |
04.00 |
08.00 |
NW 2, Sea 0-1, 10/10, 1002 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm, fog banks |
- 11 - |
continued |
03.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
12.00 |
Day's run: 0 nm, 2 nm, total 2 nm |
16.00 - 16.58 |
AS 4295 |
Test dive. |
NW 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 1003 mb, Vis. 1-6 nm, fog |
20.00 |
04.09.43 |
00.00 |
NW 2, Sea 1, 10/10, Vis. 4-10 nm, fog |
01.40 - 01.45 |
To Action Stations for training. |
04.00 |
07.30 |
Radio tower on Dikson Island in sight. Moved off. |
08.00 |
NNW 2, Sea 1, 9/10, 1009 mb, Vis. 8-15 nm |
09.51 - 10.20 |
AS 4293 |
Crash dive for flying boat (Catalina?). |
10.44 - 11.11 |
AS 4293 |
Crash dive for 2 flying boats (MBR 2). |
Had I been sighted off Dikson? |
12.00 |
AS 4293 |
Day's run: 14 nm, 3.5 nm, total 17.5 nm |
12.11 - 12.50 |
AS 4293 |
Crash dive for 2 land-based aircraft. |
12.57 - 13.43 |
AS 4371 |
Crash dive for aircraft. |
Are they all searching for me or are ships coming from the east? (all aircraft were sighted in the east). |
15.08 - 15.46 |
AS 4372 |
Crash dive for 2 aircraft. |
16.00 |
AS 4348 |
16.30 - 17.32 |
AS 4348 |
Crash dive for 2 aircraft. Have not been sighted by the aircraft up to now. |
16.50 |
Presented Radio Message 1314/4/787: Brünner, Lange: 1) 6 September 04.00 hours meet in AT 6149, provisions transfer to Lange. Supply of Brünner later from Harms. |
2) Afterwards change of attack area. |
"F.d.U." |
17.32 |
AS 4349 |
Surfaced. Began transit to meeting point. Pity, would like to have determined the cause of the air surveillance. |
18.16 |
Outgoing Short Signal 1817/4/797: It is possible that I was noticed. Heavy air surveillance. "U-703". |
20.00 |
AS 4264 |
20.30 |
Presented Radio Message 1521/4/792: Group Wiking, Officer-Only Bruno from F.d.U.: |
- 12 - |
continued |
04.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
20.30 |
F.d.U.: |
1) According to B-Dienst 4 September Chef Zerstörerflottille at "Baku" will conduct further destroyer operations in the "Dikson" area. |
2) Kentmann . . . . |
I should have known this. At the cost of a higher cruising speed I could have stayed for a few hours off Dikson. It is too late for me to come about now. |
05.09.43 |
00.00 |
AS 4244 |
NW 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1016 mb, Vis. 20 nm |
04.00 |
AS 4151 |
08.00 |
AT 6361 |
NW 1, Sea 0, 7/10, 1017 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
12.00 |
AT 6234 |
Day's run: 163.0 nm, 5.5 nm, total 168.5 nm |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 292°T, 19 nm |
16.00 |
AT 6163 |
NW 1, Sea 0, 7/10, 1017 mb, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
AT 6149 |
Reached meeting point. |
06.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 6149 |
01.20 |
AT 6149 |
Recognition Signals exchanged with "U-711". |
03.30 |
Provisions transferred to "U-711". |
04.00 |
AT 6173 |
E 4, Sea 2, 9/10, 1015 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
06.00 |
AT 6176 |
Provisions transfer ended. |
06.17 |
Course 150°, to attack area. |
08.00 |
AT 6421 |
Reached attack area. |
ENE 5, Sea 2, 9/10, 1012 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
12.00 |
AT 6461 |
Day's run: 126.3 nm, 0 nm, total 126.3 nm |
- 13 - |
continued |
06.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
16.00 |
AT 6461 |
NE 6, Sea 5, 9/10, 1009 mb, Vis. 8-10 nm |
19.15 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
21.00 |
Surfaced. While blowing the boat always settles deeper, instead of coming out. Therefore immediately dived again. Will wait until lightness to determine the cause. |
21.15 |
23.26 |
At periscope depth. |
07.09.43 |
00.00 |
NE 6, Sea 5, 10/10, Vis. 6 nm |
00.28 |
Surfaced. The settling while blowing was only due to low blowing pressure. |
02.10 |
Presented Radio Message 2358/6/755: 1) Bugs give provisions to Brünner on 8 September at 00.00 hours AT 6149. Afterwards . . . |
02.31 |
Began transit to meeting point. |
04.00 |
AT 6461 |
08.00 |
AT 6426 |
NE 6, Sea 5, overcast, 1008 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
12.00 |
Day's run: 51 nm, 4 nm, total 155 nm |
Presented Radio Message 1213/762: 1) Bugs after provisions transfer initially go to attack area AT 64 join Group Wiking. 2) Brünner occupy AT 62. |
"F.d.U." |
16.00 - 16.51 |
AT 6187 |
Test dive. |
NE 5, Sea 5, 10/10, 1010 mb, Vis. 4-6 nm, rain showers |
20.00 |
AT 6173 |
21.50 |
Presented Short Signal 2208/7/771: Meeting point not suitable for supply due to weather conditions. Suggest new meeting point square AT 3278. |
"U-629". |
08.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 6148 |
Positioned at meeting point. |
NE 5, Sea 5, 10/10, 1014 mb, Vis. 6-12 nm |
00.45 |
Incoming Radio Message 2214/7/773: Bugs, Brünner: New meeting point 3278. Observe Serial No. 765 |
"F.d.U." |
Serial No. 765 was a B-Dienst report concerning a Russian U-boat located off Jelanija on 4 September. Began transit to new meeting point. |
- 14 - |
continued |
08.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
04.00 |
AT 6119 |
08.00 |
AT 6121 |
NE 5, Sea 4, 10/10, 1020 mb, Vis. 6-12 nm |
09.00 |
AT 2697 |
Nowaja Semlja in sight! Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 327°T, 69 nm! |
(nearly 3 days with no navigation fix) |
12.00 |
AT 2693 |
Day's run: 72 nm, 1.5 nm, total 73.5 nm |
16.00 - 16.37 |
AT 3445 |
Test dive. |
NE 4, Sea 3, 10/10, 1024 mb, Vis. 10-15 nm, fog banks |
20.00 |
AT 3429 |
09.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3512 |
Landing Place I in sight. Recognition Signals exchanged with U-255. |
NE 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1020 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
01.23 |
AT 2378 |
Anchored beside "U-255". |
04.00 |
Landing Place I |
At Anchor. The fuel contaminated by bunker painting in main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 4 was transferred into main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 2, so we can take over new fuel in 4. |
12.00 |
Day's run: 74 nm, 1.2 nm, total 75.2 nm |
14.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1106/7/715: Boats except for Becker, not outfitted with new Auka Table for May 43, report this by Short Signal keyword "Wotan". |
It is on board. |
16.00 |
At anchor. |
18.45 |
Weighed anchor. Put to sea. Sent a Radio Message and flushed main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 4. |
20.00 |
AT 3279 |
SW 1, Sea 0, 9/10, 1024 mb, Vis. 15 nm, fog banks |
10.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3526 |
SW 1, Sea 1, 10/10, 1022 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
00.53 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0027/738: To F.d.U.: 1) Harms [upperdeck] canister operable. 2) All aircraft lubricating oil given over. 3) Bugs still not met. "Brünner" |
01.27 - 02.20 |
AT 3538 |
Dived to flush main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 4. |
02.50 |
Headed for Landing Place I. |
04.00 |
AT 3534 |
07.52 |
Landing Place I in sight. Recognition Signals exchanged with U-255. In the mean time Bugs has arrived. |
08.00 |
- 15 - |
continued |
10.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
08.20 |
Landing Place I |
Put the boat on the bottom in 6 meters water between Harms and Bugs, so that the over deck is just overspilled. The three boats lying beside one another make a rare peaceful impression. |
Provisions and fuel are taken over from Bugs. |
12.00 |
Day's run: 99 nm, 1.3 nm, total 100.3 nm |
16.00 |
Transfer ended. Waiting with Bugs for the arrival of a B.V. |
17.00 |
In place of Bugs, who was to deliver his new Auka Table to Harms, but has none, I submit mine. |
17.15 |
Presented Radio Message 1335/10/744: Contents: The old Auka Table remains in effect for now. |
[Auka Table = Aufklärungs- und Kampfflieger Signalstafel Land und See] |
19.41 |
B.V. in sight, smooth landing. Brings fresh bread, unfortunately no mail. |
20.00 |
22.15 |
AT 3278 |
Departed Landing Place I. |
11.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3513 |
SW 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 1012 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
00.30 |
Course for attack area AT 62. |
04.00 |
AT 3582 |
04.15 |
AT 3582 |
Outgoing Short Signal 0919/11/765: Am equipped for 3 weeks. Still have 80-100 cbm fuel, keyword "Wotan". |
"U-703". |
08.00 |
AT 3828 |
SW 3, Sea 1, 10/10, 1011 mb, Vis. 8 nm, misty |
12.00 |
AT 3886 |
Day's run: 112 nm, 0 nm, total 112 nm |
13.00 |
AT 6223 |
Reached attack area. |
16.00 - 16.54 |
AT 6253 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
12.09.43 |
00.00 |
04.00 |
08.00 |
11.40 |
Presented Radio Message 0956/782: Brünner go to Landing Place I at increased speed. Report time of arrival by Short Signal. "F.d.U." |
(Harms, Bugs and Herrle search for a B.V. which made an emergency landing yesterday. Group Circuit U I.) |
11.45 |
Both diesels 2 x HF, course for Landing Place I. |
12.00 |
AT 6294 |
Day's run: 88 nm, 2 nm, total 90 nm |
- 16 - |
continued |
12.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
13.18 |
Outgoing Short Signal 1333/787: 23.30 hours (on Circuit U I) |
"U-703". |
Was initially repeated by Control as from Herrle. |
16.00 |
AT 3882 |
SW 3, Sea 2, 5/10, 1003 mb, Vis. 18 nm |
20.00 |
AT 3548 |
13.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3511 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 1003 mb, Vis. changing |
02.25 |
Landing Place I |
Put the boat on the bottom in 6 meters water. Camouflage nets put out. Lookout established on land. |
AT 3278 |
03.10 |
Presented Radio Message 0126/703: 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) Brünner remain at Landing Place I for now. |
"F.d.U." |
Negative buoyancy tanks opened. Linkage for the flood valves repaired. For details see K.T.B. Maschine. |
04.00 |
Landing Place I on the bottom |
08.00 |
12.00 |
Day's run: 178 nm, 0 nm, total 178 nm |
16.00 |
SW 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 997 mb, Vis. 1-2 nm, fog |
20.00 |
Landing Place I on the bottom |
14.09.43 |
00.00 |
NW 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 992 mb, Vis. 1-15 nm, fog |
04.00 |
Presented Radio Message 2347/13/724: 1) No further flying boat operations in the Kara Sea. 2) Brünner report ice limit from 83° to 63°E about every 50 nm, Afterwards ice and traffic monitoring up to 60 nm around Jelanija. |
"F.d.U." |
05.30 |
Boat raised from the bottom. Moved off from land for ice reconnaissance. Diesel-electric LF. |
08.00 |
AT 3531 |
NW 4, Sea 2, 9/10, 992 mb, Vis. 8-10 nm |
12.00 |
AT 3346 |
Day's run: 60 nm, 0 nm, total 60 nm |
16.00 |
AT 3334 |
NW 5, Sea 4, 8/10, 995 mb, Vis. 6-10 nm, snow showers |
- 17 - |
continued |
14.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
16.04 - 17.12 |
AT 3334 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
ÄF 9788 |
15.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 9799 |
W 4, Sea 2-3, 9/10, 995 mb, Vis. 4-6 nm, snow showers |
04.00 |
ÄF 9884 |
08.00 |
ÄF 9896 |
W 3-4, Sea 2-3, 9/10, 992 mb, Vis. 2-12 nm, snow showers |
08.10 |
Presented Radio Message 2307/738: Officer-Only Otto: Apparently mine searchers and patrol vessels or U-boats are stationed at Cape Jelanija. |
12.00 |
ÄF 9981 |
Day's run: 169 nm, 1.5 nm, total 170.5 nm |
16.00 |
ÄF 9961 |
W 4, Sea 3, 10/10, 991 mb, Vis. 1-8 nm, snow showers |
15.57 - 16.41 |
ÄF 9961 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
ÄF 9689 |
16.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 9652 |
W 3, Sea 2-3, 10/10, 990 mb, Vis. 3-4 nm, driving snow |
01.40 |
Ice limit in sight. Began ice reconnaissance. |
04.00 |
ÄF 9612 |
08.00 |
ÄF 9294 |
W 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 982 mb, Vis. 6-10 nm, snow showers |
12.00 |
ÄF 9251 |
Day's run: 191 nm, 1 nm, total 192 nm |
13.00 |
ÄF 9228 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 111°T, 14 nm |
15.00 |
ÄF 9242 |
Vize Island in sight! |
16.00 |
ÄF 9244 |
W 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 986 mb, Vis. 3-8 nm, driving snow |
15.57 - 16.38 |
ÄF 9244 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
ÄF 9126 |
17.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 6754 |
N 2, Sea 0, 10/10, 991 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
04.00 |
ÄF 6481 |
08.00 |
ÄF 5933 |
- 18 - |
continued |
17.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
08.00 |
ÄF 5933 |
N 2-3, Sea 2, 10/10, 996 mb, Vis. 6-10 nm |
12.00 |
ÄF 5983 |
Day's run: 224.8 nm, 1.5 nm, total 226.3 nm |
16.00 |
ÄF 8352 |
N 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 998 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
15.58 - 16.55 |
ÄF 8352 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
ÄF 8348 |
18.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 8298 |
No further sharp ice limit. Only large drift ice fields, I bypass them all to the south. |
N 2, Sea 1, 9/10, 1000 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
04.00 |
ÄF 8559 |
08.00 |
ÄF 8821 |
N 2, Sea 0-1, 7/10, 998 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
10.45 |
Outgoing Short Signal: 1100/18/738: 379, 242, 762. (Ice limit run). "U-703". |
11.00 |
ÄF 8485 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 280°T, 19 nm |
Crossed 63°E to the east. Ice limit finished. |
Intention: Observe the Jelanija roadstead. |
12.00 |
ÄF 8723 |
Day's run: 204.5 nm, 2 nm, total 206.5 nm |
13.09 |
Outgoing Short Signal: 1310/18/743: 445, 961, 319. (Ice limit run). "U-703". |
15.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1325/744: Brünner go to Landing Place I. If appropriate, once again operation of a B.V. "F.d.U." |
Did not go, all aircraft lubricating oil give to Harms. |
16.00 |
ÄF 8841 |
E 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 997 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
16.11 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1510/745: No aircraft oil. |
"Brünner". |
See comments concerning transmitting conditions at the conclusion of the K.T.B. |
16.12 - 16.37 |
ÄF 8841 |
Test dive. |
19.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1700/748: Brünner, Radio Message of 15.10 hours distorted, give again. |
"F.d.U." |
20.00 |
ÄF 8856 |
20.29 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1921/756: F.d.U. from Brünner: |
1) 523, 493, then northwest. 2) No aircraft oil. 3) 9 days provisions, request supply, 62 cbm. |
Initially back and forth in position off Jelanija. |
- 19 - |
19.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
00.00 |
ÄF 8948 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, 997 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
04.00 |
ÄF 8962 |
08.00 |
ÄF 8983 |
SSE 1, Sea 1, 8/10, 998 mb, Vis. 12 nm |
11.55 |
Presented Radio Message 1052/773: Contents: Brünner from F.d.U.: Go to Landing Place I, take over provisions and fuel from Grau and Heinrich, from that subsequent supply of Lange for 18 days. |
12.00 |
ÄF 8994 |
Day's run: 141 nm, 1 nm, total 142 nm |
Course for Landing Place I. |
13.30 |
Set off to flush main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 4 which had been carried empty. |
15.58 |
AT 3342 |
Crash dive for training. Balanced the boat, flushed main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 4. |
16.00 |
AT 3342 |
SE 1, Sea 1, overcast, 10/10, 997 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
17.03 |
AT 3342 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
AT 3259 |
22.15 |
Coast in sight. |
20.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3276 |
W 1, Sea 1, 9/10, 995 mb, Vis. 2-8 nm, fog banks |
04.00 |
AT 3278 |
Reached Landing Place I. |
04.29 |
Landing Place I |
Boat put on the bottom. Conning tower above water, camouflage nets put out. Lookout on land. |
08.00 |
12.00 |
Day's run: 112 nm, 3 nm, total 115 nm |
S 1, Sea 1, 10/10, 996 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm, driving snow |
15.05 |
Landing Place I. |
"U-711" (Lange) in sight. Lies beside me on the bottom. |
16.00 |
20.00 |
21.09.43 |
00.00 |
03.00 |
"U-601" (Grau) in sight. Anchors in 15 meters water. |
04.00 |
04.10 |
"U-960" (Heinrich) in sight. Anchors beside Grau. |
- 20 - |
continued |
21.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
07.00 |
Landing Place I |
Boat raised from the bottom, went alongside U-960 to take over provisions and fuel. |
Alongside U-960 |
08.00 |
12.00 |
Day's run: total 0 nm |
12.15 |
Presented Radio Message 0927/21/710: "Wiking, Brünner, Grau Officer-Only Zet: |
1) 20 September 17.40 hours a convoy of 7 vessels, 4 mine searchers passed Cape Greben on an easterly course. |
2) Kentmann . . . "F.d.U." |
Great Kommandanten war council. |
15.15 |
Transfer ended. |
15.41 |
Cast off. |
16.00 |
"U-601", "U-711", "U-960" put to sea. |
Intention: For now wait on orders. |
16.20 |
Landing Place I |
Put the boat on the bottom as before. |
20.00 |
20.09 |
Lange reports completion of supply by Short Signal. |
21.42 |
Outgoing Short Signal: 2142/21/723: Going temporarily to AS 40. "U-703". |
Intention: operate on reported convoy. |
21.45 |
Raised the boat from the bottom. |
22.15 |
Set off from land. Initially headed for square AS 41. Port diesel out of service. Exhaust gas valve of cylinder I leaks. Damn! See K.T.B. Maschine. Ran on diesel-electric GF. |
22.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3525 |
S 2, Sea 1-2, 10/10, 998 mb, Vis. 4-6 nm |
00.30 |
Presented Radio Message 2309/728: 21.42 hours Short Signal received not understood here. Give again. |
"F.d.U." |
For now bad communications. |
02.00 |
Port diesel in service again. Both GF. |
04.00 |
AT 3687 |
07.00 |
Presented Radio Message 0519/22/730: Brünner: |
1) Short Signal distorted. From Lange heading for AS 40 with 74 cbm. |
2) Report shortest ice distance with bearing from Cape Jelanija, if under 60 nm. "F.d.U." |
By coincidence the 74 cbm is nearly exact. A correction is not necessary. |
08.00 |
AS 1774 |
SSE 3, Sea 2, 9/10, 997 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
- 21 - |
continued |
22.09.43 |
West Siberian Sea |
11.00 |
AS 4156 |
Positioned on suspected convoy route. Intention: Run to meet on zigzag course. |
12.00 |
AS 4158 |
Day's run: 176 nm, 0 nm, total 176 nm |
12.30 - 13.23 |
AS 4182 |
Test dive. |
15.40 |
Presented Radio Message 1151/735: Group Wiking: |
1) Reported convoy is not worth interference with tasks. Grau do not be seen in AS 40 if operating on it. |
2) Brünner ice reconnaissance north of Nowaja Semlja is important. |
3) Lange return transit latest 23 September 1943, not Hammerfest, instead Andfjord Narvik. |
"F.d.U." |
I do not understand this. It means passing on a uniquely available opportunity. |
16.00 |
AS 4185 |
Dived. Work on the battery, listening speed. |
SSE 5, Sea 4, 10/10, 996 mb, Vis. 2-3 nm, fog |
20.00 |
AS 4185 |
21.20 |
AS 4185 |
Work on the battery ended, surfaced. Fog, diesel-electric HF, course for Jelanija. |
23.09.43 |
00.00 |
AS 4143 |
SSE 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 986 mb, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
AS 1772 |
08.00 |
AS 1711 |
SW 4-5, Sea 3, 10/10, 985 mb, Vis. 1-6 nm |
12.00 |
AT 3639 |
Day's run: 155.5 nm, 7 nm, total 162.5 nm |
16.00 |
AT 3367 |
SW 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 983 mb, Vis. 2-12 nm, fog banks |
16.00 - 16.25 |
AT 3367 |
Test dive. |
16.53 - 17.02 |
AT 3364 |
Crash dive for training. |
20.00 |
AT 3323 |
Intention: Proceeded in a 60 nm circle from Jelanija for ice reconnaissance. |
24.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 8962 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 982 mb, Vis. 2 nm, fog |
- 22 - |
continued |
24.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
02.00 |
Presented Radio Message 0027/748: Brünner, report ice limit between 60° and 70°E. "F.d.U." |
Course 0° for ice reconnaissance. Position 70°E. |
04.00 |
ÄF 8682 |
08.00 |
ÄF 8622 |
SW 1-2, Sea 0, 10/10, 983 mb, Vis. 500 meters, fog |
12.00 |
ÄF 8352 |
Day's run: 222.2 nm, 2 nm, total 224.2 nm |
16.00 |
ÄF 5984 |
In the seas an ever louder beating is heard outboard. Up to now the cause is not determined. |
15.57 |
ÄF 5982 |
Test dive. While flooding there is a loud bang. It is probably the flood valve of main ballast tank 3 starboard, which can no longer be closed since running aground on the last patrol, which has broken loose from the linkage and with the leakage of water into and out of the ballast tank continually opens and closes. The linkage can now be moved. |
Later inspection confirms these suspicions. |
18.15 |
ÄF 5954 |
Ice limit in sight. Followed the ice limit to the west. |
20.00 |
ÄF 5942 |
25.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 5867 |
N 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 990 mb, Vis. 4-6 nm, fog |
04.00 |
ÄF 5876 |
08.00 |
ÄF 8133 |
New ice begins forming. |
N 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 993 mb, fog, Vis. 6-8 nm |
12.00 |
ÄF 8129 |
Day's run: 217.3 nm, 2 nm, total 219.3 nm |
ÄF 8157 |
N 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 995 mb, Vis. 10-12 nm |
16.00 - 17.32 |
ÄF 8157 |
Test dive, deep dive to thaw frozen piping. |
20.00 |
ÄF 8158 |
26.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 8179 |
N 1, Sea 0, 10/10, 994 mb, Vis. 1-2 nm, fog |
- 23 - |
continued |
26.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
00.40 |
Presented Radio Message 2311/766: Group Grau remain at Point 1. 2) Brünner immediately report arrival there after ice reconnaissance: day and approximate time. "F.d.U." |
01.20 |
Reached 60°E. Ice reconnaissance ended. Course for Landing Place I. |
02.09 |
Outgoing Short Signal 0210/26.769: 173, 875, 951, 27th day of the current month 06.00 hours. "U-703". |
04.00 |
ÄF 8452 |
08.00 |
ÄF 8574 |
ESE 1-2, Sea 1, 8/10, 999 mb, Vis. 8-10 nm |
12.00 |
ÄF 8829 |
Day's run: 220 nm, 4 nm, total 224 nm |
12.45 |
Presented Radio Message 1107/770: 1) Grau, Heinrich, Brünner form Group Wiking. 2) Brünner has provisions up to 6 October. Supply so that all boat have the same endurance. 3) Afterwards proceed to Position Line I from AT 3655 to AT 3633 in above named order. 4) Grau report arrival in position line and endurance of the boats. |
"F.d.U." |
14.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1115/26/772: Wiking: From Position Line I continue via II AS 1975 to AS 1928, III AS 2755 to 2711, IV XA 7376 to 7262 anticipated. Time points follow. "F.d.U." |
16.00 |
ÄF 8947 |
SE 3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, 997 mb, Vis. 10-12 nm |
16.00 - 16.39 |
ÄF 8947 |
Test dive. |
With increasing Sea State the banging of the flood valve of main ballast tank 3 is ever louder. Unfortunately it cannot be changed. Hopefully the bearings will wear through quickly, then at least it will be quiet. |
20.00 |
ÄF 8989 |
27.09.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 3264 |
SE 3, Sea 2-3, 10/10, 995 mb, Vis. 3 nm |
02.30 |
Coast in sight. |
04.00 |
AT 3276 |
06.36 |
AT 3278 |
Recognition signals exchanged with U-960 and U-601. |
07.55 |
AT 3278 |
Anchored. |
Landing Place I |
08.00 |
09.00 |
Beginning of provisions and fuel transfer. |
12.00 |
Day's run: 157 nm, 1.5 nm, total 158.5 nm |
15.30 |
Provisions and fuel transfer ended. All boats are outfitted up to 10 or 11 October. |
- 24 - |
continued |
27.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
16.00 |
Landing Place I |
Weighed anchor. Headed for Position Line I with U-601 and U-960. By agreement transit at 10 knots. |
SSE 4, Sea 1-2, 8/10, 999 mb, Vis. 10-12 nm |
16.47 - 17.22 |
AT 3278 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
AT 3298 |
Presented Short Signal: 1715/27/783: Have provisions for 2 weeks. Position Line I taken up 23.00 hours. Position Line IV taken up 1st day of the following month at 17.00 hours. "U-601". |
28.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3631 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, 8/10, 998 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
00.40 |
Reached Position Line I. |
04.00 |
AS 1453 |
08.00 |
AS 1573 |
SE 5, Sea 3, 10/10, 992 mb, Vis. 4-8 nm, driving snow |
12.00 |
AS 1598 |
Day's run: 171 nm, 2 nm, total 173 nm |
16.00 - 16.38 |
AS 1927 |
Test dive. |
SSE 3, Sea 2-3, 10/10, 984 mb, Vis. 0.5-3 nm, fog, rain |
16.45 |
AS 1928 |
Reached Position Line II. |
20.00 |
AS 1939 |
22.20 |
AS 2711 |
Reached Position Line III. Continuing from here by agreement 01.00 hours due to bad visibility. |
22.22 |
AS 2711 |
Dived. Put the boat on the bottom. Sound observation. |
29.09.43 |
00.00 |
AS 2711 |
01.01 |
AS 2711 |
Surfaced. Course for Position Line IV. |
02.10 |
Presented Radio Message 2309/28/710: Wiking. After Position Line IV attack areas depth 20 nm, Grau 5869, Heinrich 5837, Brünner 5857 all XA, report ice interference. "F.d.U." |
04.00 |
AS 2483 |
08.00 |
XA 7425 |
After breaking of short wave communications Group Circuit Ulli I established. |
SW 5, Sea 4, 9/10, 978 mb, Vis. 8-10 nm, driving snow |
12.00 |
XA 7273 |
Day's run: 200.5 nm, 1 nm, total 201.5 nm |
13.20 |
Presented Radio Message 1119/716. Contents: Frequencies and call-signs of a FW 200, that carried out ice reconnaissance between 15.00 and 16.00 hours north of Novaya Zemlya. |
- 25 - |
continued |
29.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
16.00 - 16.38 |
XA 7264 |
Test dive. |
SW 5-6, Sea 5, 10/10, 980 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm, misty |
17.00 |
XA 7262 |
Reached Position Line IV in accordance with agreement. Continued transit to ordered attack area. |
20.00 |
XA 7324 |
22.40 |
Suddenly land and surf in sight in the darkness. Due to inexact navigation, |
22.43 |
XA 4998 |
dived and put the boat on the bottom. Waited for lightness. |
30.09.43 |
00.00 |
XA 4998 |
On the bottom. |
02.00 |
XA 4998 |
Surfaced. Russkiy Island in sight abeam to starboard. |
02.53 |
XA 5784 |
Russkiy Island Radio Station suddenly in sight. |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 88°T, 15 nm |
02.55 |
XA 5784 |
Crash dive in order not to be seen. Moved off to the NW. |
04.00 |
XA 5773 |
05.46 |
XA 5773 |
Surfaced. In the NE small and large drift ice. Came about, ran back. |
07.32 |
Outgoing Short Signal: 0740/. . .: Drift ice field square XA 5757. "U-703". |
Was not acknowledged. |
08.00 |
XA 5774 |
SW 6, Sea 5, 7/10, 983 mb, Vis. 6-10 nm |
09.30 |
Presented Short Signal: 0905: Request bearing signals from contact holder, U-703 (Brünner), in which square are you? |
"U-601". |
Misunderstanding! Gave bearing signals, which were not confirmed. |
11.00 |
Presented Radio Message 0757: F.d.U.: Small convoy square XA 4897, course 250°, 6-7 knots, 3 escort vessels. 6000 GRT freighter sunk, W 7, Sea 6-7, -1°C, 999 mb, rising, 51 cbm, 3 torpedoes. Heinrich. |
My acknowledgment was not confirmed. Now the previous short signal is understandable. However how many steamers are in the convoy? Apparently only one. I decide to run along for now. |
11.50 |
Presented Short Signal: Have lost contact since 08.00 hours. |
"U-960". |
My acknowledgment was not confirmed. Although I will immediately examine my transmitter, as it later turns out, none of my Radio Messages were heard. For now it is inexplicable. |
12.00 |
XA 4997 |
Day's run: 130 nm, 8.5 nm, total 138.5 nm |
SW 5, Sea 4, 9/10, 985 mb, Vis. 8-10 nm |
- 26 - |
continued |
30.09.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
12.27 |
Outgoing Short Signal: Report the position of the enemy. Question just one steamer? "U-703". |
No acknowledgment. |
I decide to operate on the convoy based on Heinrich's first Radio Message. Position and course indicate destination Izvestij Tsik Islands which I headed for at highest speed. Starboard diesel 2 x HF, port diesel HF. The diesels can't do more, are getting old. |
14.15 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1330: Drift ice square square 5773. Up to now no contact. Bearing signals invalid. Position square 7321. Question last convoy position and number of steamers? "Brünner". |
No acknowledgment, no answer. |
16.00 |
XA 7236 |
SW 4, Sea 3, 10/10, 986 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm, snow showers |
19.55 |
Outgoing Short Signal: Information at hand insufficient for determining enemy location. Solicit information. My position is XA 7193. "U-703". |
Nothing! Nothing is found with the transmitter. |
20.00 |
XA 7193 |
SW 3, Sea 1-2, 10/10, 986 mb, Vis. 5-6 nm |
22.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1937/30/731 Officer-Only: Contents: A number of Russian warships are employed in northern waters. |
01.10.43 |
00.00 |
XA 7177 |
SW 1, Sea 0, 9/10, 983 mb, Vis. 4-7 nm, fog banks |
03.25 |
Izvestij Tsik Islands in sight. If convoy is here I should have him. In the mean time the visibility has improved significantly. |
03.40 |
Came about, ran back on the suspected convoy route. |
04.00 |
AS 2419 |
NNW 1, Sea 0-1, 10/10, 980 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
07.10 |
Smoke clouds bearing 110°T. Hurra! I have him. Steers approximately 240-250°. Maneuvered ahead. |
07.35 |
"U-601" in sight bearing 40°T, he also maneuvers ahead. |
08.00 |
AS 2432 |
NNW 1, Sea 0-1, 10/10, 980 mb, Vis. 15 nm |
11.05 |
"U-960" in sight. Comes from the port side. |
- 27 - |
continue |
01.10.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
11.30 |
AS 2454 |
All boats are positioned close together ahead of the convoy. Exchanged views. Grau and Heinrich don't want to attack until night. That is too long for me. At the moment conditions are favorable. I decide to attack immediately. |
11.45 |
AS 2449 |
Dived to attack. |
12.00 |
AS 2449 |
Day's run: 252.7 nm, 1 nm, total 253.7 nm |
Ran to meet submerged. |
To Action Stations! |
12.53 |
The convoy suddenly comes in sight out of a slowly passing fog bank. Unfortunately I am positioned quite far to the side. Closed quickly to . . . |
13.10 |
AS 2426 [typo AS 2449?] |
Two fan on a 3000 GRT freighter. |
Shooting data: |
Target angle = red 85°, target speed = 10 knots, range = 1500 meters, depth 4 meters, (Pi G 7 H) aim-point: center. |
Hit after 4 minutes 2 seconds aft 30 meters. |
Steamer take a list and settles deeper astern. |
13.14 |
AS 2426 [typo AS 2449?] |
Two fan on two overlapping freighters (3000-5000 GRT). |
Shooting data: |
Target angle = red 88°, target speed = 10 knots, range = 1500 meters, depth 2 meters, (Pi G 7 H) aim-point: center. |
After 3 minutes 14 seconds 2 detonations. Hit not observed due to approaching escort. I could not determine the composition of the convoy exactly due to the rapid shooting. Probably 3 steamers, 3 escorts. Went to depth 20 meters (water depth 45 meters). |
60 badly placed depth charges. After about 15-20 minutes sinking sounds. |
14.10 |
At periscope depth. An escort 1500 meters away, moved off. |
15.02 |
Surfaced. A green star in the direction of the convoy. |
15.04 |
Wreckage and 4 life boats. Name not determined. |
15.34 |
Escort in sight bearing 220°, moved away on the surface. He follows. |
16.00 |
AS 2443 |
NNW 2, Sea 1, 9/10, 979 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
16.30 |
Escort out of sight. Searched for the convoy in direction 240°. |
16.58 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1615: 13.10 hours square 2449, freighter 3000 GRT sunk and two hits possible. |
"Brünner" |
- 28 - |
continued |
01.10.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
17.20 |
Presented Short Signal: "Fat Warning". "U-601". |
Star shell bearing 165°. The convoy must already be much further west. Perhaps it is to mark the boats from a set off escort. |
17.36 |
Must stop the diesel to repair broken cooling water piping. |
17.40 |
Presented Radio Message 1715: Question when Fat operation ended. "Heinrich". |
17.50 |
Presented Radio Message 1730: It is ended, was hunted. |
"Grau". |
18.00 |
Presented Short Signal 1745: "Fat Warning". |
"U-960". |
18.02 |
Both diesels again in operation. |
18.06 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1747: Star shell about square 2448. Question convoy position. "Brünner". |
No acknowledgment. Ran to the south. Hopefully to find the convoy there. |
19.15 |
Presented Short Signal: "What is the position of the enemy? |
"U-601". |
20.00 |
AS 1699 |
NNW 2, Sea 1, 9/10, 981 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
20.30 |
Presented Radio Message 1932: Convoy located 18.06 hours square AS 2712. Separated wildly zigzagging steamer in square 2716, 1 steamer sunk, 2 hits , out of torpedoes. |
"Heinrich". |
I'm there now. Because nothing is seen I suspect the convoy has run in the direction of Dikson. I run in this direction on appropriate search curves. |
23.45 |
Presented Radio Message 2233/1/753: F.d.U. Request return transit. Group alltogether has sunk about 15000 GRT. Position north of "Sverdrup Islands". Boats have at most 40 cbm. Out of torpedoes. "Wiking". |
02.10.43 |
00.00 |
AS 1994 |
Unfortunately it is gradually more misty. |
NNW 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 984 mb, Vis. 4-6 nm |
01.25 |
West Kamennye Island abeam to port. Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 166°T, 12 nm |
03.20 |
Presented Radio Message 0107/2/754: Wiking return transit Andsjord-Narvik. Brünner bring along the remaining crew on Hopen Island. "F.d.U." |
04.00 |
AS 4263 |
06.40 |
Presented Short Signal 06.40: Request information on enemy position. "U-601". |
- 29 - |
continued |
02.10.43 |
07.52 |
Outgoing Short Signal: Have no contact since 13.15 hours. |
"U-703". |
08.00 |
AS 1888 |
Search curve ended. Headed to Landing Place I in accordance with agreement. |
SW 3, Sea 2, misty, 7/10, 986 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
08.05 |
Presented Radio Message 0712: |
After attack 18.06 convoy dispersed in all directions. Reported steamer lost in fog at 21.00 hours square AS 2716. Return transit via Landing Place I. |
"Heinrich". |
08.10 |
Presented Short Signal: Sea plane square AS 2447. |
"U-960". |
11.20 |
Presented Short Signal: Sea plane square AS 1667. |
"U-960". |
Could the convoy be there? |
12.00 |
AS 1768 |
Day's run: 233 nm, 10.5 nm, total 243.5 nm |
Came to course 59°, both HF. Perhaps I can still find something there. |
16.00 |
AS 1826 |
WNW 2, Sea 1, 10/10, 986 mb, Vis. 3-6 nm |
17.00 |
Broke off search. Headed for Place I. |
17.03 - 17.39 |
Test dive, all around listening. |
20.00 |
AS 1573 |
21.10 |
Outgoing Short Signal: Meeting Point I, 3rd day of the current month, 15.00 hours. "U-703". |
21.55 |
Presented Short Signal: Intend to head for Meeting Point I, Hammerfest. "U-601". |
03.10.43 |
00.00 |
AS 1456 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 250°T, 11 nm |
W 1, Sea 0, 9/10, 986 mb, Vis. 5-7 nm |
04.00 |
AT 3629 |
08.00 |
AT 3533 |
08.30 |
Coast in sight. |
12.00 |
AT 3278 |
Day's run: 227.2 nm, 1 nm, total 228.2 nm |
W 1, Sea 0, 8/10, 986 mb, Vis. 10-12 nm |
12.15 |
Reached Landing Place I. Grau and Heinrich are already there. Came alongside Grau. Great meeting. Took over some fuel. It is determined perfectly that the freighter sunk by me is of type "SERGY KIROV" (4200 GRT). All of the stemers found in the convoy were sunk. |
16.00 |
Landing Place I |
- 30 - |
continued |
03.10.43 |
Western Siberia |
16.10 |
Landing Place I |
Cast off from "U-601" Intention: Observe the Roadstead off Jelanija. This is the 6th approach there. |
20.00 |
AT 3255 |
W 0-1, Sea 0, 10/10, 986 mb, Vis. 4-6 nm, fog banks |
23.20 |
AT 3216 |
Dived about 6 nm off Jelanija. Strong diesel sounds (350 RPM) bearing 40°T. |
23.45 |
AT 3216 |
Surfaced. Nothing seen. It must be Grau or Heinrich. |
23.51 |
AT 3216 |
Dived. Approached Jelanija submerged |
04.10.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3216 |
02.00 a |
AT 3216 |
Jelanija Lighthouse comes out. |
03.00 a |
Clocks set back 1 hour (Winter Time). |
03.50 |
AT 3215 |
Closed to 1000 meters. Harbor is empty, on land radio station and apparently a coastal battery or cannon with Russians standing around. |
04.00 |
AT 3215 |
Calm, Sea 0, 8/10 |
04.05 |
Moved off. |
07.04 |
AT 3213 |
Surfaced. Initially ran off to the NE. |
08.00 |
ÄF 8976 |
Began tranist to Hopen Island |
NW 1, Sea 0, 7/10, 983 mb, Vis. 12-15 nm |
12.00 |
ÄF 8882 |
Day's run: 125 nm, 25 nm, total 150 nm |
12.45 |
Presented Radio Message 1118/780: Brünner: On 1 October aircraft sighted 2 men at center hut. Leave no one behind. " F.d.U." |
16.00 |
ÄF 8794 |
NW 1, Sea 1, 10/10, 984 mb, Vis. 10-15 nm |
17.00 |
Presented Radio Message 1137/782: Contents: Success report for the Group Wiking by Grau. Requests Hammerfest. |
20.00 |
ÄF 8777 |
05.10.43 |
Barents Sea |
00.00 |
ÄF 7978 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 984 mb, Vis. 3-5 nm, snow showers |
00.10 |
Presented Radio Message 1837/4/784: 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) Brünner Hopen Island Andfjord. Equipment from Hammerfest brought by Grau. "F.d.U. Norwegen" |
04.00 |
ÄF 7889 |
- 31 - |
continued |
05.10.43 |
Barents Sea |
08.00 |
ÄF 7877 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 7/10, 989, Vis. 8-12 nm |
12.00 |
AT 1112 |
Day's run: 254.5 nm, 0 nm, total 254.5 nm |
15.56 |
AC 3313 |
Crash dive for training. |
16.00 |
AC 3313 |
N 3, Sea 2-3, 10/10, 992 mb, Vis. 6-8 nm |
16.37 |
AC 3313 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
AC 3213 |
06.10.43 |
00.00 |
AC 3116 |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, 10/10, 995 mb, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
AC 2324 |
08.00 |
AC 2228 |
NNW 3, Sea 2-3, 10/10, 998 mb, Vis. 10-12 nm |
12.00 |
AC 2137 |
Day's run: 189 nm, 1.2 nm, total 190.2 nm |
16.00 - 16.35 |
AC 1338 |
Test dive. |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, 10/10, 999 mb, Vis. 10-15 nm |
17.42 |
AC 1338 |
Hopen Island in sight. |
20.00 |
AC 1263 |
20.49 |
Off Hopen Island |
Dived. Put the boat on the bottom until morning twilight. |
07.10.43 |
00.00 |
AC 1263 |
03.24 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
AC 1263 |
Searched the east side of Hopen Island from the north tip to the south. 8.8 cm cannon blasts. |
08.00 |
AC 1263 |
Off Hopen Island |
NNE 3, Sea 2, 10/10, 994 mb, Vis. 10-12 nm |
08.50 |
Presented Radio Message 2239/6/759: 1) . . . 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) Brünner report task completion. Time of return transit. "F.d.U." |
12.00 |
Day's run: 110 nm, 1 nm, total 111 nm |
18.10 |
N 3, Sea 2, 8/10, 995 mb, Vis. 8 nm, snow showers |
3 shipwrecked are taken over from 2 huts. One terminally ill. Pickup complicated by surf. |
19.00 |
Began transit to Andfjord. |
19.50 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1909/6/769: F.d.U. from Brünner: Task completed 19.00 hours. Will arrive Andfjord 9 October 15.00 hours. Request bring torpedo running boards and post from Hammerfest. |
- 32 - |
continued |
07.10.43 |
Barents Sea |
20.00 |
AC 1286 |
The ill Russian dies despite all measures. |
08.10.43 |
00.00 |
AC 1584 |
NW 3, Sea 1-2, 10/10, 995 mb, Vis. 3-5 nm, fog banks |
04.00 |
AC 1761 |
06.23 |
Bear Island in sight. |
08.00 |
AC 4113 |
The dead Russian is burried seaman-style. |
NW 4, Sea 3, 8/10, 1011 mb, Vis. 12-15 nm |
12.00 |
AC 6631 |
Day's run: 236 nm, 0 nm, total 236 nm |
16.00 |
AB 6684 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 8/10, 1011 mb, Vis. 10-12 nm |
16.02 - 16.55 |
AB 6681 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
AB 6944 |
23.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 293°T, 14 nm |
09.10.43 |
00.00 |
AB 9229 |
NW 1, Sea 0, 9/10, 1012 mb, Vis. 8 nm, Northern Lights |
04.00 |
AB 9525 |
04.19 |
Outgoing Short Signal: 0420/790: Andfjord 9th day of the current month, 12.00 hours. "U-703". |
05.22 |
Norwegian coast in sight. |
08.00 |
AE 9831 |
SSE 3, Sea 1-2, 8/10, 1012 mb, Vis. 10 nm |
08.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix: 310°T, 10 nm |
10.38 |
Point Schwarz 25 |
12.00 |
In Andfjord |
Day's run: 291 nm, 3 nm, total 294 nm |
14.30 |
Harstadt |
Made fast. Day's run: 24 nm |
10.10.43 |
08.30 |
Harstadt |
Cast off |
Steered in accordance with the Kommandant's odrers on the Archepeligo Route to Narvik |
10.50 |
Lödingen abeam. |
12.00 |
Steered in accordance with the Kommandant's odrers on the Archepeligo Route to Narvik |
1x.xx |
Narvik |
Made fast alongside "METEOR". |