1817/4/797 |
It is possible that I was detected. Strong air surveillance. |
U-703 |
0027/738 |
F.d.U. |
1.) Harms [upperdeck] canister operable. |
2.) All aircraft lubricating oil given over. |
3.) Bugs still not met. |
Brünner |
0919/11/765 |
Am outfitted for 3 weeks, still have 80-100 cbm fuel, keyword "Wotan" |
U-703 |
1510/745 |
No aircraft fuel. |
Brünner |
1921/756 |
F.d.U. |
1.) 523, 493, then northwest. |
2.) No aircraft fuel. |
3.) 9 days provisions, request supply. 62 cbm. |
Brünner |
2142/21/723 |
Going temporarily to square AS 40. |
Beta |
U-703 |
07.40 |
Beta |
Drift ice field square XA 5757. |
Greenland Circuit |
U-703 |
Beta |
Greenland Circuit |
Report the position of the enemy, the following group is in question, only 1 steamer? |
Brünner |
Greenland Circuit |
Drift ice square square 5773. Up to now no contact. Bearing signals invalid. Position square 7321. Question last convoy position and number of steamers? |
Brünner |
Beta |
Greenland Circuit |
Information at hand insufficient for determining enemy location. Solicit information. My position is XA 7193. |
U-703 |
1615 |
Greenland Circuit |
13.10 hours square AS 2449, freighter 3000 GRT sunk and two hits. |