- 4 - |
01.01. - 06.01.42 |
Hela and Danzig Bay |
Training service at the direction of the Agru-Front. |
07.01.42 |
Hela and Putziger Wik |
Fuel oil transfer maneuvers with "U-408" lasting about 2 hours
from bringing gear out to back on board. |
08.01.42 |
08.35 |
Put to sea for Gotenhafen. |
10.07 |
Made fast. Uploading and construction of capsize shackle. |
09.01.42 |
Danzig Bay |
12.30 |
Put to sea for Danzig. |
14.20 |
Made fast alongside "MESSINA". |
10.01. - 17.01.42 |
Danzig and Danzig Bay |
Testing, measured mile etc. at the direction of U.A.G. I. |
18.01.42 |
Baltic |
10.23 |
NNE 2, overcast, Sea 1, - 8 -11°C |
Put to sea for transit to Stettin. Fuel oil consumption measured. |
19.01.42 |
10.30 |
SE 1, Sea 1, - 11°C |
Made fast Swinemünde outfitting facility. |
12.45 |
Put to sea transit to Stettin. |
10-15 cm ice and slabs at the Stettiner Lagoon. |
16.19 |
Made fast Stettin and U-boat base 4.U.-Flottille |
20.01.42 |
At Stettin. |
21.01.42 |
ENE 2, Sea 0, Szczecin Lagoon |
14.55 |
Pack ice 15 - 30 cm, -12°C |
Put to sea. Transit to Swinemünde. Due to heavy pack
ice about 20-30 cm from 13.00 - 14.15 hours icebreaker assistance taken
in the lagoon. Because hawsers broke followed in the wake made fast Swinemünde
Sea Service Station. |
22.01.42 |
Swienmünde |
In Pommerscher Bay heavy pack ice. The only existing
icebreaker seeks "U-163" frozen in at Greifswalder Oie, other
ice assistance does not exist. |
ESE 1-2, -16°C |
In accordance with Head Küstenbefehlshaber Pomerania and Harbor
Master of heavy ice formation in the Baltic Sea, with ship navigation
difficulty. Head of Sea Transport with Küstenbefehlshaber
Pomerania stated aircraft reports were bad. |
- 5 - |
22.01.42 |
Swienmünde |
Decision: Call with U.A.K., that after the news from Küstenbefehlshaber
Pomerania concerning ice difficulties timely beginning of final adjustments
and overhaul was unlikely. Suggest cutting short sound trials at
Rönne. Am instructed by U.A.K. to go as soon as possible to
Kiel |
23.01.42 |
Swienmünde |
09.04 |
WNW 2, cloudy, -6°C |
With the arrival of ice-breaker "PREUßEN" cast off and ran
in the wake on Route brown to Point Green 03. The most difficult
pack-ice was passed to the east, but it would have been impossible to
transit to Stubbenkammer without an ice-breaker. |
14.00 |
W 2, cloudy, -5°C |
Escort ended, continued alone through plate ice. Measured fuel
oil consumption. |
15.00 |
Western Baltic |
Passed the Gjedser barrier. Solid ice began west of there, partly shoved
together. Ice 15 - 20 cm thick about 9 miles wide. Passed
through at LF. |
24.01.42 |
01.08 |
SE 2, cloudy, -8°C |
Passed Fehmarnbelt Lightship. |
09.02 |
Kiel |
10.15 |
Kiel |
Made fast alongside "UBENA". |
25.01. - 26.01.42 |
Kiel |
Boat emptied. |
27.01.42 |
12.00 |
Cast off with ice breaker. Went to the Deutsche Werk. Began
final adjustments and overhaul. |
28.01. - 12.03.42 |
Kiel |
Final adjustments and overhaul. |
13.03. - 20.03.42 |
Kiel |
Outfitting the boat. |
Kapitänleutnant and Kommandant |
- 1 - |
21.03.42 |
Kiel |
12.00 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 1029 mb, +2°C |
Cast off Tirpitz Mole in accordance with Operations Order. |
20.00 |
Brunsbüttel Dike |
Made fast. |
22.03.42 |
07.00 |
ESE 2, 1028 mb |
Cast off, passed through the lock and with Sperrbrecher and anti-aircraft
escort together with three other boats down the Elbe. Heavy ice
flow. |
12.45 |
ENE 2, Sea 2, drifting ice, 1028 mb, +5°C |
Anchored in Helgoland roadstead. |
15.30 |
Made fast Helgoland bunker. |
23.03.42 |
06.30 |
Deutsche Bucht |
Cast of with tug assistance. U-boat noise testing
with U-702. Broke off due to thick fog and anchored in the roads. |
N 2, Sea 1-2, 1034 mb, +4°C |
14.55 |
Made fast in the bunker. |
24.03.42 |
Helgoland |
Training outside and testing cancelled due to thick fog.
Diesel repair torn cylinder covers. |
N 1, overcast, fog, 1032 mb, +4°C |
25.03.42 |
Deutsche Bucht |
07.30 |
WSW 2-3, Sea 2, 1020 mb, +7°C |
Cast off with tug assistance. U-boat noise testing with U-702.
Heavy oil leak through a leaking valve of the vent line nozzle of main
ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 4 starboard. |
16.30 |
Made fast in the bunker. |
26.03.42 |
Helgoland |
WSW 2, Sea 2, 1019 mb, +8°C, clear |
Base proposes return to Kiel due to oil trace. Rejected and repaired
by shipyard branch. |
27.03. - 28.03.42 |
Final repairs, final training. |
Radio Message No. 1 |
- 2 - |
29.03.42 |
Deutsche Bucht |
17.00 |
ENE 3, S 2-3, 1027 mb, clear |
Sailed with escort and "U-702". |
30.03.42 |
00.30 |
ESE 2, 1019 mb, bright moonlit night |
06.30 |
AN 9515 |
Escort ended. |
AN 6398 |
Continued on course 0°, submerged at
LF. |
20.52 |
AN 6337 |
Surfaced, continued transit on the surface sometimes with
zig zag courses and 2 x HF. |
ESE 2, partly clear moon |
31.03.42 |
North Sea |
06.35 |
AN 3572 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged at depth 40 meters. |
SE 2-3, 1002 mb, overcast, Vis. changing |
09.10 |
2 aircraft bombs heard. |
14.00 - 15.00 |
Steered at depth 16 meters for program time. |
20.35 |
AN 3455 |
Surfaced, continued transit on the surface. |
ESE 6, Sea 5-6, 996 mb, 11 meter swell |
Day's run: Surfaced 78 nm |
Submerged 14 nm. |
01.04.42 |
Northern North Sea |
AN 2877 |
Dived, proceeded submerged. |
ESE 6 |
Day's run: Surfaced 126 nm |
Submerged 36 nm. |
While diving both negative buoyancy tank flood valves leaked.
The tanks slowly fill to 16 tons. Settled through to depth A +120
meters. After blowing [the negative buoyancy tanks] no success.
Boat was blown, Negative buoyancy tanks were driven flooded.
Diving acceleration is substantially impaired. |
Venting connection leaks very heavily even at medium depth, although
overhauled as recently as 19 March by Deutsche Werke Kiel. |
20.32 |
Northern North Sea |
AN 2829 |
Surfaced, removal and re-installation of the negative buoyancy
tank hull valves. Boat not clear to dive for 2 hours, takes a considerable
amount of water through the pressure hull opening in the control room. |
ESE 2-3, 986 mb, freshening |
- 3 - |
02.04.42 |
Northern North Sea |
07.10 |
AF 8774 |
Dived for large aircraft (Sunderland or German Wal).
Proceeded submerged at depth A +10 meters. |
N 7-8, Sea 7, 995 mb, freshening, high swells, snow squalls |
Day's run: Surfaced
81 nm |
Submerged 36 nm. |
20.25 |
AF 7962 |
Surfaced, continued transit. |
NNE 7-8, Sea 7, high swells, abating, overcast |
Radio Message No. 2. |
Radio Message No. 3. |
03.04.42 |
08.15 |
AF 7536 |
Dived. |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, 1016 mb |
Day's run: Surfaced
103 nm |
Submerged 37 nm. |
21.42 |
AF 7551 |
Surfaced. |
ObyN 2, Sea 1-2, 1011 mb |
04.04.42 |
North of the Shetlands |
00.45 |
AF 7465 |
Proceeded on Route Rotterdam. |
E 3, Sea 3, overcast, 1008 mb |
06.40 |
AF 7773 |
Dived. |
SbyW 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, 1006 mb |
Day's run: Surfaced 114 nm |
Submerged 33 nm. |
22.05 |
AN 1123 |
Surfaced. |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, 994 mb, full moon, partly overcast |
05.04.42 |
South of the Faroe Islands |
02.00 |
AM 3268 |
Patrol vessel, apparently on Easter break. It is nowhere
to be seen in spite of bright night. |
N 2-3, Sea 3, 993 mb, bright night |
06.50 |
AM 3197 |
Dived. |
Day's run: Surfaced 100 nm |
Submerged 27 nm. |
21.55 |
AM 3315 |
Surfaced. |
NE 6-7, S 6, 998 mb, occasional rain, +9°C |
06.04.42 |
Northwest of the Herbrides |
00.00 |
ENE 6, Sea 5-6, 989 mb, heavy swell, |
Radio Message No. 6. |
06.15 |
AM 2396 |
Dived, transit continued at depth A +20 meters, distant
aircraft bombs and depth charges heard several times. |
NE 7, Sea 6-7, 10/10, 990 mb, high swell, |
Day's run: Surfaced
88 nm |
Submerged 34 nm. |
16.00 |
Came to course 240°. Heading
for 57°N, 18°W. |
21.45 |
AM 2522 |
Surfaced. Passing report to B.d.U. |
North of Rockall Bank |
Radio Message No. 4. |
ENE 6, Sea 6, 990 mb |
07.04.42 |
07.45 |
AM 1810 |
Dived. |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, 990 mb, +10°C, light
rain |
Day's run: Surfaced 91 nm Submerged 28
nm. |
- 4 - |
continued |
07.04.42 |
20.14 |
AM 1742 |
Surfaced. Continued at transit speed on the surface. |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, 995 mb, +5°C, Vis. |
08.04.42 |
AL 3955 |
Came to transit speed LF and course 231°. |
100 nm west of Rockall |
Radio Message No. 7 to B.d.U. |
Wind jumps around, W 3-4, Sea 3, 999 mb, +5°C,
driving show |
05.38 hours naval square AL 3936 fuel inventory 687 cbm. Transit
speed 8 knots, estimated day's run 180 nm, Daily consumption 3 cbm,
ENE 3, Sea 3, +6°C, 1000 mb.
Wilamowitz. |
12.00 |
AL 3975 |
Aircraft sighted steering NE. Probably the last reconnaissance
on duty. Evaded on the surface. |
NW 1-2, Sea 1-2, 995 mb, +6°C |
Day's run: Surfaced 122 nm Submerged
23 nm. |
15.30 |
AL 0298 |
Navigation fix after 6 days. Today ships position
was just off 6 nm. |
WSW 1, Sea 0-1, 990 mb, +9°C,
clear |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
AL 5264 |
09.04.42 |
North Atlantic |
04.00 |
AL 5276 |
N 2, Sea 2, 997 mb, +11°C, Vis. good |
08.00 |
AL 5435 |
Day's run: Surfaced 140 nm Submerged
2 nm. |
15.30 - 16.00 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
AL 4823 |
10.04.42 |
04.00 |
AL 4772 |
SW 6, Sea 4, 1000 mb, +11°C |
12.00 |
E 7, Sea 6, 1000 mb, short swells |
Day's run: Surfaced 193 nm Submerged
2 nm. |
16.20 - 17.10 |
Test dive. |
Radio Message No 10 from B.d.U. |
Wilamowitz, Scholtz (U-98) head for square CB 90. |
In this area, possibly as soon as in the large square east of CB supply
is intended. Wilamowitz proceed so that objective square
is reached on 20 April. Report position, expected own and for transfer
inventory on 20 April. |
22.00 |
AK 9519 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, 982 mb |
23.45 |
Radio Message No. 11 to B.d.U. |
23.10 hours naval square AK 9542. On 20 April for transfer estimate
minimum of 500 cbm, in addition own inventory 140 cbm. SSW 3, Sea
2, 985 cbm, cloudy, +10°C.
Wilamowitz. |
It is 1650 nm to the new objective point, about 600 nm more then previously.
With tolerable weather 192 hours at 8.7 knots, therefore went to HF =
10.1 knots. |
24.00 |
AK 9519 |
SSW 2-3, Sea 3, 981 mb, overcast |
- 5 - |
11.04.42 |
North Atlantic |
08.00 |
AK 9721 |
SSW 3-4, 980 mb, 9/10, occasional rain |
12.00 |
AK 8963 |
Day's run: Surfaced 166 nm Submerged
2 nm. |
24.00 |
BD 2156 |
Came to 2 x HF, because the boat loses much speed in the
high seas. |
N 6-7, Sea 5, 988 mb, +7°C |
12.04.42 |
02.00 |
NbyW 6-7, Sea 6, 997 mb, heavy squalls, hail |
Came to course 200°, to at least make
some speed over ground. |
12.00 |
Plotted BD 1964, navigation fix BD 2478 |
Day's run: Surfaced 220 nm. |
16.00 |
BD 2741 |
According to navigation fix set back 30 nm. |
N 3-4, Sea 4, 1018 mb, swells, clearing |
24.00 |
BD 4364 |
SbyW 1, 1019 mb |
13.04.42 |
09.00 |
BD 4679 |
Came to course 230°.
In medium head seas the boat loses up to 70% of speed. By "lying
with the wind" one can at least gain something |
SbyW 4-5, Sea 3-4, 1018 mb, freshening |
10.12 - 10.50 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
BD 4839 |
Day's run: Surfaced 197 nm Submerged
2 nm. |
S 5, Sea 4-5, 1010 mb, +3°, rain |
Came to course 240° due to the seas. |
22.00 |
BD 4272 |
On course 220° and 2 x HF. |
SSW 3-4, Sea 3, 1012 mb |
14.04.42 |
02.30 |
BD 7157 |
SW 3, Sea 2, 1018 mb |
12.00 |
BC 9625 |
Day's run: Surfaced 179 nm. |
19.00 |
BC 9592 |
Radio Message No. 15 from B.d.U. |
SSW 3, Sea 3, 1007 mb, +16°C |
1. Wilamowitz, Scholtz on 18 April at 14.00
hours be in square 5555 of the large square east of CB to supply, 30 cbm
7-14 days provisions. |
2. Wilamowitz, Cremer on 19 April at 16.00 hours
be in square 5743. 35 cbm. 14 days provisions. More
follows. |
Report immediately, if positions cannot been reached. |
I have 620 nm to go to the meeting point, can reliably go 7.8 - 8 knots
with the medium head sea at 2 x HF (normally 11.5 knots). Not much
more should the wind increase. It blows on! Unpleasantly. |
- 6 - |
15.04.42 |
North Atlantic |
00.00 |
BC 9733 |
Bakery begins to supply both boats with approximately 80
fresh loaves of bread. 12 1 kg loaves can be baked at once. |
SW 5-6, S 5, 1003 mb, +15°C, medium
swell |
04.00 |
BC 9734 |
The much larger seas bring the boat almost to a standstill.
With RPM for 11.5 knots through the water 1.5 to 3 knots. |
SW 7-8, Sea 7, squalls |
12.00 |
BC 9748 |
Boat slowly increases speed again. |
W 5, Sea 5, 1022 mb, medium swell |
16.00 |
Newfoundland area |
Position according to navigation fix CD 1713. |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, 1028 mb, +12°C |
24.00 |
CD 1274 |
NW 2-3, Sea 2-3, 1035 mb, +15°C, overcast |
16.04.42 |
08.00 |
CC 3668 |
NW 1, Sea 0, 1037 mb, clear |
11.00 - 11.30 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CC 3679 |
Day's run: Surfaced 231.0 nm Submerged
3 nm. |
Wind calm, Sea 0, 1036 mb, +14°C |
24.00 |
CC 3847 |
S 4-5, Sea 3-4, 1028 mb, +14°C |
17.04.42 |
04.00 |
CC 3795 |
It freshens substantially. |
SW 4, Sea 3-4, 1025 mb, +16°C |
Boat loses a lot of speed. |
12.00 |
CC 6116 |
Day's run: Surfaced 128 nm Submerged
- |
S 4-6, Sea 5, 1018 mb, +17°C |
20.00 |
CC 7367 |
High swell, went to 2 x HF. |
S 2-3, Sea 3, 1012 mb, +17°C |
18.04.42 |
08.00 |
CC 5555 |
Reached meeting point. |
W 3, Sea 2-3, 1009 mb |
08.47 - 09.15 |
Test dive. Afterwards at low speeds back and forth on east-west
courses. |
12.00 |
W 3-4, Sea 3, freshening |
Day's run: Surfaced 137 nm Submerged
2 nm. |
15.15 - 15.45 |
Bearing signals from U-108 heard directly ahead bearing 95°T. |
15.55 |
U-boat in sight bearing 100°T, 5 nm
away. |
16.30 |
W 4-5, Sea 4-5, calm sea, Vis. 1-2 nm |
Supply not possible due to high seas. At transit speed 7 knots
together steered 240°. |
As a result Radio Message 18. |
- 7 - |
continued |
18.04.42 |
22.00 |
CC 5489 |
W 4, Sea 4, 1012 mb, +18°C, rain |
19.04.42 |
01.00 |
CC 5723 |
U-108 out of sight. |
W 4, Sea 4, rain |
Radio Message 20. |
08.15 |
CC 5724 |
U-108 sighted at 500 meters. |
Day's run: Surfaced 70 nm. |
14.00 |
CC 5743 |
Exact navigation fix. Reached meeting point for Cremer.
Nothing seen of U-333 and no bearing signals heard. |
WSW 3, Sea 2, 1020 mb, Vis. |
16.00 |
WSW 3, Sea 2-3 |
Begin fueling U-108. Slip hook on U-108 slips out constantly,
therefore delays. Boat repeatedly crosses the gear, damaging the
lubricating oil hose severely, the fuel oil hose lightly. The later
provisionally repaired by U-108. Lubricating oil transfer fails. |
18.37 |
Inflatable boat put in the water. It is in very bad condition
from sea wash and impractical storage. II.W.O. ferried for discussion,
because the boat has no fueling instructions aboard. Can pump only
at 1.5 atmospheres excess pressure. Radio Message
No. 21. |
20.04.42 |
02.10 |
CC 5757 |
Tow connection lost. Hoses taken in with strongly
overcoming seas, rainstorms and complete darkness. During recovery
of the gear the rubber boat, which was still in the water so as not to
interfere with the hose recovery maneuver, was wrenched away. 3
hour search was unsuccessful in darkness and heavy squalls. |
SE 3-4, Sea 4, freshening, 1011 mb, rain squalls |
04.00 |
SE 3-4, Sea 3-4, rain, Vis. bad |
Came to course 340° to meet U-108. |
10.00 |
CC 5755 |
Back and forth in position. |
SSW 3-4, Sea 3, 1008 mb, +19°C, Vis.
bad |
11.15 |
Bearing signals from U-108. |
Day's run: Surfaced 65 nm. |
13.10 |
U-108 and U-98 sighted. Radio Message No. 22. Cremer
transmits that he has sent bearing signals for 19 hours. However,
these were not heard by the 3 boats. |
13.45 |
Provisions transfer to U-108. |
Boats run at 4 knots on E-motors athwart the seas, supplier to windward,
distance abeam about 50 meters. Line connection from the deck of
U-459 to the bridge of U-108 (two to attend on deck U-108). Although
on both boats quite a bit of water comes on deck, transport goes surprisingly
quickly and, in my opinion, better and faster than with the life boat.
With the |
- 8 - |
continued |
20.04.42 |
fat bellies of the boats the loading and unloading alone even in
the smallest sea has sea causes many difficulties and to keep half from
going overboard is time consuming. |
15.40 |
WbyS 3-4, Sea 3, 1008 mb, +19°C |
Provisions transfer ended. About 600 kg in 20 runs (sea bags and
3.7 cm munitions cases for water perishable things). Boat dismissed. |
17.35 |
U-333 comes in sight, remains in the vicinity. |
Course 205°. |
Oiling is not feasible because of too severe working of the VII C boat
according to their statements and appearance. |
20.10 - 23.10 |
CC 5767 |
Provisions transfer in the same fashion to U-98 about 1000
kg in 30 runs. |
WbyS 3-4, Sea 3-4, 1004 mb, +19°C |
21.04.42 |
NW Atlantic |
04.00 |
CC 8177 |
During the darkness steered 215° on
one diesel LF with U-98 and U-333. |
Radio Message No. 24. |
08.00 |
CC 7368 |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1, 1012 mb, +21°C |
09.00 - 09.45 |
Test dive, afterwards a length of oil hose replaced, a complicated job,
because depending on the location [of the section to be replaced] about
165 meters of hose must be run out with equipment on deck. |
11.35 |
CC 7383 |
U-333 in sight. |
SE 4, Sea 3-4, 1007 mb |
Day's run: Surfaced 121 nm Submerged
2 nm. |
13.25 |
Hose extended. However oiling was declined by U-98 due to the
rising sea. |
20.40 |
WSW 4, Sea 3, 1013 mb |
Hose secured in 100 minutes. |
Continued on course 225°. |
Radio Message No. 27 and 29. |
24.00 |
CC 7378 |
W 3, Sea 2, Vis. good |
22.04.42 |
08.55 |
CC 7561 |
Ahead two bright white lights at the same height with quite
wide distance apart. Apparently neutral lighting of a large eastward
steering steamer. Steaming lanterns not distinguished. Evaded. |
SSW 2-3, Sea 2-3, 1012 mb, Vis. good |
09.47 |
Lights out of sight. |
Radio Message No. 31. |
12.00 |
CC 7555 |
Sea still too unsettled for U-98. Instructions to
the boat to wait here to join Möhlmann (U-571) and Schulte
(U-582). |
SW 3-4, Sea 3 |
14.00 |
W 4, Sea 3-4 |
On course 220°. Provisions transfer
to Cremer (U-333). |
- 9 - |
continued |
22.04.42 |
19.20 |
Transfer ended 50 runs including 40 Potash cartridges. My men
continually stood in the water. |
Day's run: Surfaced 92 nm. |
Back to the meeting place back, Schulze not sighted, to search
for the boat U-333 and I each move off 5 nm in position line 300/120°. |
23.45 |
CC 7555 |
"U-333" Cremer, U-98 Schulze,
U-564 (Suhren), "U-582" Schulte in sight. |
W 3-4, Sea 3, 1018 mb, Vis. medium |
In formation steered to the south at LF. |
23.04.42 |
NW Atlantic |
08.00 |
CC 7552 |
Came about, course 0°. |
WbyN 2, Sea 2 |
10.50 |
Begin oiling U-98. Boat was very clumsy and delayed the supply
operation substantially. Course 90°. |
Day's run: Surfaced 65 nm. |
13.15 |
CC 7559 |
"U-571" (Möhlmann) in sight. |
WbyN 2, Sea 1-2, 1022 mb, clear, +20°C |
15.00 - 16.30 |
While oiling Schulze provisions transfer completed with U-564
(Suhren). When the boats drive well, dual supply goes very
well and without difficulties. |
17.05 |
Oiling U-98 ended, 40 cbm. Left 25 meters of own steel cable hanging
on the hose, which again creates trouble. |
17.45 |
Boat dismissed. U-333 steams to starboard, takes over the oiling
gear. |
19.10 |
Begin oiling U-333. |
19.20 - 20.25 |
Provisions transfer to U-591 (Möhlmann) 18 identical runs
about 400 kg. |
21.56 |
Cremer oiling ended. Dismissed, after clearing rope end
from propeller. |
22.40 |
CC 7565 |
U-564 (Shuren) begins. Boat works very quick
and outstanding. |
WbyN 1, Sea 1-2, overcast, 1022 mb |
23.00 |
CC 7565 |
Provisions transfer to U-582 (Schulte). |
WbyN 1, Sea 1-2, overcast, 1022 mb |
24.04.42 |
01.00 |
U-564 (Suhren) oiling ended. Boat dismissed. Provisions
transfer to Schulte broken off due to darkness. |
Back and forth in position in formation on east-west courses one diesel
LF. |
On getting light had Möhlmann in contact. |
Prepared for oiling. |
10.50 |
CC 7553 |
Schulte comes in sight again. While taking
over the hose Möhlmann gets the buoy line in the propeller
and hose hooked on the diving plane. Schulte is detached
to the meeting point 7555 at 14.00 hours to join Radtke (U-352). |
NNE 1-2, Sea 1, 1020 mb |
- 10 - |
continued |
24.04.42 |
Radio Message No. 33. |
Day's run: Surfaced 72 nm. |
13.15 - 15.05 |
CC 7543 |
Refueling of Möhmann completed. Boat
released after transferring gear [wrenches, connecting pieces, refueling
elbow, etc...]. This continual transfer of sea bags with the gear
is a huge waste of time, apart from the fact that over time there is always
less gear. The boats should have their own wrenches and connectors
on board according to oiling instructions. |
ENE 2-3, Sea 2-3, freshening |
Radio Message No. 33 and 35. |
16.20 |
CC 7551 |
Schulte comes back, had not met Radtke
in 7555. With great difficulty tow connection established.
Boat is very clumsy. |
NE 3, Sea 3, rain, 1018 mb, light swell, freshening |
18.00 - 21.45 |
Oiling completed with 55 cbm. Connection detached. |
22.15 - 22.45 |
NE 4, Sea 4, +20°C, 1015 mb, short
steep swells, rain |
Despite steep seas and many breakers ran into the sea and recovered
the hose in 35 minutes. The 20 men on deck swam half the time only
in their belts on and off the boat. Transfer of the remaining provisions
(about 250 kg) to this boats in this sea is not responsible because already
with today's towing maneuvers and yesterday's provisions transfer risk
of ramming position occurred. |
CC 7555 |
At LF with one diesel together with U-582 steered in position line
north-south through the meeting square and neighboring squares |
E 4, Sea 4, rain, 1015 mb, air +15°C,
water +20°C. |
Radio Message No. 36. |
23.50 |
Fire in E-motor short circuit due to moisture (leaking closure stern
capstan, wet hose stowed) switchboard dried. (see K.T.B. Maschine)
motor and switchboard out of service, as a result battery 2 can no longer
be charged. Masch.Mt. Wetzel particularly distinguished
himself by extinguishing the fire through his dedication and vigilance. |
25.04.42 |
Northwest Atlantic |
10.45 |
CC 7555 |
U-582 Schulte again in sight. Begin provisions
transfer. Rough sea and the constant diesel maneuvers of the boats
was not pleasant. |
E 4, Sea 3-4, 1015 mb |
Day's run: Surfaced 70 nm. |
13.50 |
CC 7543 |
Provisions transfer ended, boat released. Came to
course 120°. |
EbyN 1-2, Sea 2, 1009 mb |
17.40 |
U-352 Radtke in sight. |
18.40 - 22.15 |
Provisions transfer completed. 37 packages. Mostly munitions
containers, because by now the sea bags were considerably worn or lost. |
23.00 |
CC 7514 |
Towing connection established. Transfer of 35 cbm fuel oil. |
EbyS 1-2, Sea 2, 1006 mb |
- 11 - |
26.04.42 |
04.00 |
CC 7514 |
Transfer ended, connection released. Boat released. Came
to course 130°, 1 x LF. |
12.00 |
CC 7592 |
Day's run: Surfaced 112 nm. |
SbyE 1, Sea 0, 1003 mb, air +19°C |
17.00 |
Radio Message No. 39. |
Incoming order from B.d.U.: "Supply Borchert (U-566)
on 27 April at 12.00 hours in CD 7323. Hirsacker (U-572),
Hoffmann (U-594) on 28 April at 14.00 hours Gräf
(U-69), Krech (U-558) on 29 April on same square." |
Came to both LF and course 21°.
It is 110 nm to the meeting point. |
24.00 |
CC 7296 |
WNW 1, Sea 0, 1000 mb, +19°C |
27.04.42 |
06.00 |
CC 7346 |
NW 1, Sea 1, 1009 mb |
08.00 - 08.50 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CC 7325 |
Day's run: Surfaced 118 nm. |
WbyS 2, Sea 1-2, 1003 mb, +19°C |
12.44 |
U-566 Borchert in sight. |
13.30 |
Gear extended. Boat also takes no lubricating oil but both hoses
are broken. The tow pendant snags on the diving plane, which apparently
has no protective wire and breaks. |
18.10 |
36 cbm pumped, towing connection disconnected. |
19.25 - 21.15 |
CC 7353 |
Provisions transfer ended, 47 packages. Boat released.
Headed on course 280° for the meeting
square. |
NNW 2, Sea 2, 1005 mb |
Through Borchert reported to B.d.U.: "Fuel inventory
transfer 205 cbm, own 115 cbm, provisions 30 days, own 30 days, fuel transfer
of own inventory is not possible because the boat is too heavy." |
Radio Message No. 41. |
[The boat is too heavy and the small regulating tanks do not provide the flexibility needed to compensate. Ordinarily the regulating tank would be about 1/2 full so you could add or subtract weight by pumping water overboard. Here the regulating tanks are nearly empty so there is no way to balance the boat. This could be dangerous if water leaked into the pressure hull.] |
The regulating tanks (with a total of 56 metric tons) were already recognized as too small by
us in Kiel, and now after a negative buoyancy tank has failed,
and virtually no lubricating oil delivery has taken place, there is barely enough to counter balance (see K.T.B. Maschine). An awful lot of superfluous
weight is carried aboard. The starboard E-motor is again in service for
some speed settings and for charging. |
28.04.42 |
06.00 |
CC 7323 |
Steered changing courses in the direction of the meeting
point. |
N 3, Sea 2, 1015 mn +20°C, rain |
- 12 - |
continued |
28.04.42 |
12.00 |
CC 7324 |
Day's run: Surfaced 97 nm |
N 4, Sea 3, squalls, steep Swell |
Submerged 2 nm. |
Nothing is seen of boats at the meeting point. Offset is to be
expected. Continued on changing courses back and forth in position
on N/S and NW/SE position lines. |
22.00 |
CC 3727 |
NEbyN 3-4, Sea 3-4, 1023 mb, overcast |
23.30 |
30° to port recognition signal sighted,
U-boat not distinguished; replied to recognition signal and held on.
The other side shoots recognition signals twice. |
23.37 |
A U-boat in sight ahead. |
23.55 |
CC 7325 |
Came to course 48°, 3 U-boats in sight
on easterly course. |
NEbyN 3-4, Sea 3, 1024 mb, Vis. good |
29.04.42 |
It is Hoffmann (U-594), Hirsacker (U-572) and Gräf
(U-69). |
Orders for the night: |
"Course 75°, speed 5 knots, starboard
echelon. 06.00 hours come about on course 255°.
11.00 hours meeting point in 7323." |
06.00 |
CC 7332 |
Sea and swell decrease, boats maintain contact easily. |
10.00 |
CC 7325 |
At daybreak Krech (U-558) is found at the center
of the meeting point. All boats are in visual range. |
NEbyE 2, Sea 2, 1025 mb, abating |
10.45 |
Fueling gear is extended to Hoffmann (U-594). |
11.10 |
Hose is out. Ägir [Norse God of the sea] go! for U-594!
Hirsacker (U-572) alongside for provisions transfer. |
13.20 |
Hoffmann has difficulties fishing the hose out and constantly
swings until his Engineering Officer is ready to pump. |
13.30 |
CC 7324 |
Provisions transfer to Hirsacker ended. 35
packages in 2 hours (provisions for 12 days). |
ENEbyE 1, Sea 1, 1027 mb, +19°C,
clear |
Day's run: Surfaced 92 nm. |
14.00 |
Gräf (U-69) begins provisions transfer. Boat drives
excellently 25 to 30 meters abeam distance. A true joy after many
sorrows in this work. |
15.00 |
Provisions transfer to Gräf (U-69) ended. Hoffmann
fueling ended (4 hours) give gear away. |
15.55 |
Begin provisions transfer to Hirsacker (U-572). Begin
fuel transfer. Hose fished out. |
16.40 |
Hoffmann provisions transfer ended. 30 packages (8 days
provisions), boat released. |
17.30 |
Krech (U-558) begins provisions transfer. |
18.10 |
CC 7343 |
Ended. 26 packages for 10 days. |
ENE 1, Sea 1, 1037 mb, overcast |
While passing the oiling gear overboard Hirsacker tears both
hoses and steel cable-lead in half when it gets hooked on the diving plane.
In 20 minutes we retrieve the 100-meter hose end. In another
50 minutes new hose lengths are attached a we are ready for oiling 10
minutes later. Excellent work by my men. |
- 13 - |
continued |
29.04.42 |
20.35 |
Gräf (U-69) begin oiling. |
22.10 |
Ended. Gear taken over. U-69 Gräf released. |
22.40 |
Hirsacker is released after clearing his diving planes and
handing over the rest of the hose (50 meters). |
22.10 - 23.30 |
Krech (U-558) attempts to fish out the hose. Finally
ready to pump after 45 minutes. Hose is not serviceable. Jammed
with steel lead below the oil receiving boat, when cleared there is a
leak in the hose. |
30.04.42 |
00.15 |
CC 7286 |
Took a length of hose on deck. Lay stopped. Carefully
pumped again. Boat had taken nearly the entire hose on deck, up
to now was the most clumsy. |
NE 0-1, Sea 0, clear, 1027 mb, +15°C |
02.15 |
Connection detached, boat released. Headed for new meeting point
on course 60° at 1 x HF. In a 16
hour all hands maneuver the boat supplied a total of about 130 cbm of
fuel oil and 4000 kg of provisions, in the process there were 2 major
repairs to the hose. During the night 80 loaves of bread were baked,
after delivering about 800 fresh loaves to the boats so far. |
12.00 |
CC 7324 |
Day's run: Surfaced 91 nm. |
E 1, Sea 0, clear, 1025 mb, +17°C |
15.00 - 16.00 |
CC 4998 |
Test dive. |
SSW 1, Sea 0, 1023 mb, Vis. very good |
Continued to steer 60°. |
22.00 |
CC 5777 |
Same weather situation |
01.05.42 |
North Atlantic |
04.00 |
SEbyS 1-2, Sea 1, 1020 mb, Vis. good, +16.5°C |
To course 150°. |
Radio Message No. 44. 45. |
To course 213° after a navigation fix. |
06.10 |
CC 5798 |
11.00 |
CC 8146 lower-left |
Per navigation fix. |
W 2, Sea 2, 1017 mb, falling |
11.45 |
Bigalk (U-751) in sight. |
12.20 |
Boat alongside, gear extended. |
Day's run: Surfaced
122 nm |
Submerged 3 nm.
16.14 |
Transferred 30 cbm of fuel oil. Towing connection detached. |
16.50 - 17.45 |
Around 500 kg of provisions transferred. |
18.00 |
CC 8152 |
Boat released. |
SW 3, Sea 2-3, 1014 mb, falling |
Back and forth in position on various courses. |
- 14 - |
continued |
01.05.42 |
24.00 |
CC 8173 |
Bright moonlit night |
02.05.42 |
06.30 |
CC 8173 |
Winter (U-103) in sight, hung on. Back and
forth in position. |
N 2, Sea 2, clear, 1012 mb |
11.00 |
CC 8174 |
Boat alongside, gear delivered, hose extended. |
12.00 |
W 3, Sea 2 |
Day's run: Surfaced 98 nm. |
Radio Message No. 47. |
12.15 - 15.10 |
Terrible driving begins despite moderate seas. First, my shackle
breaks when the towline takes the strain. As often without hawser,
with the hose in a loop drove over the hose. U-103 can hold neither speed
or course. The hose hooked onto to his diving plane. |
15.30 |
WNW 3, Sea 2-3, light Swell |
Pumped 30 cbm over. The hose is torn while being taken aboard
U-103, it becomes tangled around the boat. Repeated advice to send a man
with a Tauchretter to the diving plane is ignored. Finally the air
leaks from the hose. It hangs from the boat with all the weight
of 1500 kg. They attach the steel hawser to the hose and report: the hose
is no longer held, it has sunk.
18.05 |
CC 8148 |
I had seen it coming exactly. Taking and attaching U-103's
steel hawser, attaching my steel hawser and that of U-103, and slipping
the entire length through my aft lip would have worked fine. Boat
tried to come alongside just to take over provisions, the boat could not
maintain distance and speed (3 knots), chasing ahead and back, waived
taking over provisions and drove away. Perhaps several accidents
were avoided. |
19.10 - 19.30 |
NW 3, Sea 2-3, clear, light Swell |
CC 8172 |
Began return transit at 2 x HF, course 75°. |
Radio Message No. 50. |
23.00 |
Radio Message No. 51. from B.d.U.: "Wilamowitz
and Mannstein supply meeting point 5 May 10.00 hours in CD 4635.
Transfer 20 cbm and if possible provisions. |
03.05.42 |
North Atlantic |
06.00 |
CC 8315 |
N 3-4, Sea 3, 1015 mb |
12.00 |
CC 6775 |
Test dive. |
Day's run: Surfaced 178 nm |
Submerged 2 nm.
22.00 |
CC 6855 |
Unchanged |
04.05.42 |
00.00 |
CC 6926 |
NNW 4, Sea 3-4, 1019 mb, +12°C |
- 15 - |
continued |
04.05.42 |
12.00 |
CD 4755 |
Day's run: Surfaced 190 nm. |
18.00 |
CD 4813 |
After navigation fix came to course 60°. |
05.05.42 |
06.00 |
CD 4628 |
To HF, course 75°. |
N 2-3, Sea 2 |
10.00 |
CD 4635 |
At meeting point with von Mannstein. Boat not sighted. |
11.30 |
Requested bearing signals with Radio Message No. 52. |
10.00 - 12.20 |
New steel hawser and the last spare hose lengths for fuel oil transfer
put assembled. For lubricating oil there are no lengths, it is probably
not requested. |
12.22 |
Poor Vis., about 1 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced 196 nm. |
Radio Message No. 53. |
Went to U-753 by bearing signals on course 235°
at 2 x HF. |
17.15 |
CD 4643 |
Radio Message No. 54. |
W 3, Sea 2-3, 1017 mb, clear |
U-753 finally in sight bearing 228°T.
Must have had a terribly bad navigation fix, because I have moved about
40 nm based on bearing signals with own navigation shift of about 7 nm. |
18.00 |
Gear transferred to von Mannstein. |
18.10 |
Hose extended. |
18.27 |
Towing connection established, transferred 20 cbm fuel oil. |
21.00 |
Towing connection detached, boat comes alongside. |
21.10 0 23.40 |
CD 4655 |
Transferred 1500 kg of provisions. Using the same
technique 1000 kg of lubricating oil in canisters. The 6 30-liter canisters
provided for the delivery of distillate were used for this purpose. |
WbyN 2-3, Sea 2, clear, light Swell, 1017 mb |
Boat was exemplary. It was a pleasure to work with. Boat
released. |
23.40 |
Course 75°, 2 x HF for home. |
06.05.42 |
06.00 |
CD 5473 |
12.00 |
CD 5545 |
Test dive. |
NW 1-2, Sea 2, long Swell, 1019 mb, clear |
Radio Message No. 56 from B.d.U. |
Day's run: Surfaced 168 nm. |
21.30 |
NbyE 2, Sea 2, 1017 mb |
After navigation fix in CD 6282. |
07.05.42 |
04.00 |
CD 6362 |
W 1-2 |
12.00 |
CE 1879 |
Day's run: Surfaced 241 nm |
Unchanged |
Submerged 3 nm.
20.00 |
CE 1959 |
Unchanged |
- 16 - |
08.05.42 |
04.00 |
CE 2753 |
It is freshening. |
NNW 3-4, Sea 3, 1015 mb |
09.00 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CE 2832 |
Day's run: Surfaced 202 nm |
NNW 6, Sea 5-6, steep Swell, 1015 mb |
Submerged 2 nm.
16.00 |
CE 2694 |
Boat lays splendidly in the water in the strong wind. |
NWbyN 7, Sea 6-7, 1015 mb, Vis. good |
09.05.42 |
North of the Azores |
00.00 |
CE 3466 |
NW 4-5, Sea 5, 1013 mb, rain |
12.00 |
CE 3632 |
Day's run: Surfaced 219 nm. |
20.00 |
CF 1372 |
NNW 7, Sea 6, 1010 mb |
10.05.42 |
12.00 |
CF 2235 |
Day's run: Surfaced 216 nm. |
NW 4, Sea 3-4, 1010 mb |
11.05.42 |
04.00 |
BE 8954 |
SSW 3, Sea 2 |
11.00 |
BE 9751 |
Test dive. |
Unchanged |
Day's run: Surfaced 216 nm |
Submerged 2 nm.
12.05.42 |
NW of Finisterre |
BF 7493 |
Dived to proceed submerged, both LF. |
SW 3, Sea 2-3, 993 mb, +13.5°C,
rain |
Proceeded at depth 40 meters, course 55°. |
Day's run: Surfaced 210 nm |
Submerged 19 nm. |
22.00 |
BF 7288 |
Surfaced, continued transit on the surface. |
W 5-6, Sea 5, 1003 mb, rain |
13.05.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
04.00 |
BF 7351 |
On course 78°, both 2 x GF. |
NbyW 5, Sea 4, 1004 mb |
Radio Message No. 57. |
Positioned 48 hours off meeting point with escort. |
Wilamowitz. |
08.06 |
BF 8116 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged. |
Day's run: Surfaced 118 nm |
Submerged 12 nm. |
Radio Message No. 58, 59. |