Page 2 & 3 are missing - probably the pages from the workup period.
- 3 - |
22.09.42 |
Kiel Tirpitz Harbor |
Cast off for Front patrol. Transit in accordance with Outbound Orders with U-662 (Kkpt. Hermann) and U-353 (Obltn.z.S. Römer). |
07.00 |
08.01 |
Kiel Lightship |
Anchored by instruction of U-662 - route closed. |
SW 3-4, Sea 1, low solid clouds, rain, Vis. 4-5 nm |
14.09 |
Weighed anchor - route closure canceled. |
16.00 |
AO 7498 |
Taken in Sperrbrecher convoy. |
23.45 |
Great Belt |
Passed Revanaes Enge. |
SW 2-3, Sea 1-2, at times overcast, Vis. moderate, moonlit |
23.09.42 |
AO 4846 |
Escort changed, 2 Vp.-Boote, released Sperrbrecher. |
10.21 |
WSW 4-5, Sea 3-4, broken clouds to 1000 meters, Vis. good |
12.00 |
AO 4815 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 194 nm |
Submerged = - nm |
Total = 194 nm |
(Carry over from 22 September 07.00 to 08.10 hours of 7 nm) |
20.00 |
AO 4451 |
Test dive. |
Bright moon, lightly cloudy |
24.09.42 |
Kristiansand South |
Made fast. |
07.14 |
Convoy could only run at 7-8 knots due to the added steamer "PARIS", therefore first arrived Kristiansand early on 24 September, not as intended in the evening of 23 September. U-706 was ready to proceed after supplying with fuel and water. However, U-353 and U-662 had engine malfunctions, repairs took so much time that on this day sufficient escorts |
- 4 - |
continued |
24.09.42 |
were not to be expected. After discussion with Flottillenchef of the 17. U.Jagdflottille departure on 25 September at 07.00 hours was established. |
Day's run: Surfaced = 139 nm |
Submerged = 1.2 nm |
Total = 140.2 nm |
25.09.42 |
Kristiansand South |
Cast off. After test dive transit under escort by U-Jäger 1702 and 1703 on coastal route to the west. |
07.00 |
W 1-2, Sea 1, cloudless, Vis. very good |
12.00 |
AN 3528 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 46.5 nm |
Clear, isolated clouds, Vis. very good |
Submerged = 0.5 nm |
Total = 47.0 nm |
18.22 - 19.05 |
AN 3153 |
Deep dive to depth A +40 meters. Boat holds tight. Forward over deck canister flooded. |
19.32 |
W 2, Sea 0, long Swell, rain showers, individual broken low clouds, full moon |
Released escort. Began transit to the west, continued into the Atlantic once outside the 30 nm zone -- U-boat hunting area -- . |
21.05 |
AN 3545 |
Dived. Moon visibility does not allow transit on the surface. Proceeded at depth A -30 meters. |
26.09.42 |
AN 2947 |
Surfaced, favorable visibility, therefore continued to the north on the surface. |
10.12 |
NNW 2, long Swell, nearly cloudless, Vis. very good |
12.00 |
AN 2863 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 152.5 nm |
Submerged = 32.0 nm |
Total = 184.5 nm |
- 5 - |
continued |
26.09.42 |
19.00 |
AN 2339 |
(Navigation fix by 2 suns) |
NNW 2, Sea 0, cloudless, Vis. very good |
21.15 |
AF 8788 |
Due to visibility and weather conditions proceeded submerged by night. |
Full moon, few clouds, Vis. moderate |
27.09.42 |
07.33 |
AF 8720 |
Surfaced. |
SW 4-5, Sea 4, nearly completely overcast, low clouds, Vis. 8 nm |
12.00 |
AF 8458 |
The prevailing storm provides me a favorable opportunity to proceed on the surface, driving rain and very low visibility. |
Norwegian Sea |
SbyW 6 Sea 5, completely overcast, showers, Vis. 3-4 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced = 111.4 nm |
Submerged = 33.6 nm |
Total = 145.0 nm |
13.00 |
AF 8188 |
Course for square AF 49 (in accordance with Outbound Orders). Soundings results in more speed (about + 1.5 knots) compared to speed measurement system. At the moment the only possibility for a navigation fix. Boat lies well in the large seas coming from astern to port. |
SSW 6, Sea 5, rain, mist, low clouds, Vis. low |
28.09.42 |
05.40 |
AF 4953 |
Course for square AF 44 (in accordance with Outbound Orders). |
SE 6, Sea 6, low broken clouds, moon is rarely visible, Vis. low |
12.00 |
AF 4911 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 156 nm |
SW 5, Sea 6, overcast, misty, Vis. up to 5 nm |
Submerged = - nm |
Total = 156 nm |
- 6 - |
29.09.42 |
00.00 |
AF 4466 |
SSW 4-5, Sea 4, since 14.00 hours abating strongly, still very high Swell, Vis. 4 nm |
12.00 |
AE 6625 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 158 nm |
SSE 0-1, long medium-high Swell, Vis. up to 5 nm |
Submerged = 3.6 nm |
Total = 161.6 nm |
30.09.42 |
00.00 |
AE 6817 |
Square AE 6627 a drifting mine, otherwise no observations while passing the waters between Iceland and the Faroe Islands Up to now no detections determined in the Fu.M.B. |
SSW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, overcast, misty, Vis. very low |
12.00 |
North Atlantic |
Day's run: Surfaced = 184.0 nm |
AE 8368 |
Submerged = 3.0 nm |
SSW 1-2, Sea 1-2, fog, sometimes breaking up, Vis. up to 3 nm |
Total = 187.0 nm |
01.10.42 |
00.00 |
AE 8594 |
SW 7, Sea 6, overcast, rain and hail showers (wind and Sea State has increased 50% within 5 hours) |
The large seas slow the forward progress up to about 4 knots. |
12.00 |
AE 8846 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 157 nm |
WbyS 5-6, Sea 5-6, broken cloud deck, rain and hail showers |
Submerged = 2.0 nm |
Total = 159.2 nm |
02.10.42 |
00.00 |
AM 1111 |
Speed of advance at ordered economical transit speed still only 3.5 knots. |
WbyS 7-8, Sea 7, rain and hail showers |
- 7 - |
continued |
02.10.42 |
04.00 |
AL 3238 |
From Radio Message orders do not head for square AL 28, instead now square AK 65. |
SW 7, Sea 6, half overcast, rain squalls |
Changed course thereto. |
07.15 |
AL 3261 |
Continual stress from seas makes examining the battery necessary, because in addition, speed has dropped to 3.5 knots - confirmed by a celestial navigation fix -decided to proceed submerged for now. The casting compound in 63 cells was repaired. |
SW 7, Sea 7, nearly overcast, hail and rain showers |
12.00 |
AL 3257 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 94.4 nm |
Sea State effects were still noticeable at depth A -30 meters. |
Submerged = 20.2 nm |
Total = 114.6 nm |
03.10.42 |
00.00 |
AL 3334 |
SE 4-5, abating, partial overcast, rain showers, Northern Lights, in the course of the night light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
AL 3347 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 113.6 nm |
WSW 3-4, Sea 4, medium Swell, abating |
Submerged = 11.6 nm |
Total = 125.2 nm |
16.45 |
AL 2631 |
"U-Freyberg" reports convoy square AK 1796, course easterly, a little while later course 50°, about 8-10 knots. So changed course to 270°, 10 knots. Range is still about 480 nm. |
WSW 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, few clouds |
22.00 |
AL 2613 |
First usable navigation fix after 2 1/2 days showed a large offset. The speed measurement system did not indicate too much, instead about 1/2 to 1 knots too low. I had overestimated the speed reduction due to Sea State. |
W 4-5, Sea 3-4, nearly overcast, Northern Lights, rain showers, light marine phosphorescence |
- 8 - |
continued |
03.10.42 |
The new position lies approximately at the same latitude of the last reported position of the convoy at 20.50 hours. Because obviously a course change after darkness was not detected, I continued towards him on a westerly course. |
04.10.42 |
10.35 |
AK 2836 |
"U-Purkhold" reported a group - 3 small shadows, 1 destroyer square AK 3371 on easterly course. Contact was lost immediately. |
WbyS 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, a few low clouds, rain showers |
Distance and bearing of this new report from the last evening report are suspiciously close, that it may be a partial sighting of the convoy, therefore operated on an intercept course to the north at HF. Could be there at 18.00 hours. |
12.00 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 139.4 nm |
Submerged = 6.4 nm |
Total = 145.8 nm |
17.25 |
AK 3499 |
Crash dive for flying boat, was unseen. |
W 6-7, Sea 6, further freshening, rain and hail squalls, visibility changing greatly |
18.05 |
AK 3496 |
Surfaced, immediately another crash dive for a destroyer, which approached quickly out of a squall band at a distance of 4000 meters. At the same time 2 masts recognized. Proceeded at depth A +20 meters, then A +70 meters, S-gear impulses, that detected the boat on several occasions. Flooding mechanism was needed once. Boat was overrun by several steamers and escort vessels apparently however not heard in the high seas and also not held in the S-gear. The boat held tight at depth A +70 meters . . . |
As above
[presumably releasing air to create a false target] |
- 9 - |
continued |
04.10.42 |
except for a bolt of the lubrication mechanism of flood valve 3 aft. There a finger thick water entry. Damage was repaired. |
21.05 |
AK 3469 |
Surfaced, pursued to the east at 2 x HF. The convoy disappeared there in the listening gear. In the very high seas the boat lay well at the helm at 2 x HF, however in 24 hours the boat was overcome by high seas 4 times so that I was forced to run before the sea. |
WNW 8-10, Sea 8, heavy rain squalls |
05.10.42 |
00.00 |
AL 1358 |
Given the lead of the convoy - from all reports and plotting at 10 knots - I can still just be there before lightness. At the moment though weapons use is not possible. |
WNW 9, Sea 8-9, rain squalls, light marine phosphorescence, Northern Lights |
04 20 |
AL 1472 |
Failure of the port diesel - the thread was stripped on the clamping nut of the exhaust valve 4 port - repair of the damage from experience, which are only a few days ago, will take 6 hours. |
W 7, Sea 6, abating |
By then the lead of the convoy will be so great that I cannot be there before midnight of 5/6 October. Unfavorable visibility and Sea State conditions factor in, so I decide to break off pursuit and again come to course for AK 65 - as originally ordered - at economical transit speed. |
11.00 |
AL 1562 |
Radio Message to B.d.U.: After several-hour failure of a diesel square AL 1538. Pursuit broken off. Heading for AK 65. All naval squares. W 6, Sea 5, 98 cbm. |
W 5, Sea 4, abating, low broken cloud deck, Vis. moderate changing |
Zitzewitz. |
Damage was already repaired by 08.00 hours, however the circumstances have not changed. |
The Radio Message of Control to Group "Luchs", break off, if not positioned at the convoy to attack tonight, which I picked up at the same time as my Radio Message, I take as consent. |
12.00 |
AL 1564 |
- 10 - |
continued |
05.10.42 |
12.00 |
AL 1564 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 167.0 nm |
Weather somewhat abating, heavy Swell, Vis. moderate |
Submerged = 13.0 nm |
Total = 180.0 nm |
12.07 |
Masts in sight bearing 190°T, distance 6 nm, which a bit later manifest as a tanker and a freighter, Swedish markings recognized questionably. |
It might be the announced Swedes on the "Swedish Route" - however at least 40 nm lateral distance to the west from it. |
Maneuvered ahead. |
15.49 |
AL 1475 |
A am position ahead of both steamers. |
W 4-5, Sea 3-4, completely overcast, medium-high clouds |
Crash dive for land-based aircraft at great range, was unseen. |
Continued on, and determined that the steamers were the tanker "FALSTERBOHUS" and the Freighter "BRASIL". Remained submerged until 19.30 hours to recharge the torpedoes. |
19.20 - 19.40 |
Several individual depth charge detonations at great range. |
19.47 |
AL 1611 |
Surfaced. Transit to square AK 65. |
WSW 4, Sea 3-4, misty, Vis. 2-5 nm |
Both announced Swedes. |
06.10.42 |
04.00 |
AL 1728 |
SSW 4-5, Sea 4, completely overcast mostly light marine phosphorescence, Sea and Wind slowly increasing |
12.00 |
AL 1912 |
Sea State has increased so much that ordered position in "Panther" cannot be reached before tomorrow evening. Accordingly reported by Radio Message: Will not reach naval square AL 1940 . . . |
S 7-9, Sea 7, completely overcast, rain |
- 11 - |
continued |
06.10.42 |
before 7 October in the evening. 995 mb, falling. |
Zitzewitz. |
Day's run: Surfaced = 165.1 nm |
Submerged = 12.7 nm |
Total = 177.8 nm |
07.10.42 |
00.00 |
AL 4155 |
The seas have abated a bit, so that I can run at higher speed and be in position at 15.30 hours. |
W 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. moderate, marine phosphorescence, rain showers |
12.00 |
AL 4766 |
After 2 days the first usable navigation fix: difference between dead reckoning and actual position: 219°T, 33 nm |
W 4-6, Sea 5, medium and high clouds, up to half overcast |
Day's run: Surfaced = 194.0 nm |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 194.0 nm |
20.00 |
AL 7212 |
In position in patrol line received Radio Message with orders to run at highest speed in 340°T. |
SE 5-6, Sea 5, rain squalls |
08.10.42 |
00.00 |
AL 4871 |
Against the large sea I can mostly run at "HF", at "GF" and "2 x HF" the boat cuts under multiple times. |
SW 7-8, Sea 7, overcast, strong marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
AL 4179 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 193.6 nm |
W 5, Sea 4, overcast, rain, heavy Swell |
Submerged = 6.0 nm |
Total = 199.6 nm |
14.00 |
AL 4148 |
In position in patrol line in new disposition. |
SW 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. low to medium |
- 12 - |
09.10.42 |
00.00 |
AL 4148 |
Back and forth in position in patrol line. |
WSW 6-7, Sea 5, overcast, strong marine phosphorescence, Vis. changing |
12.00 |
AL 4148 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 133.4 nm |
WSW 5, Sea 4, nearly overcast, Vis. changing |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 133.4 nm |
18.52 |
AK 6369 |
In accordance with orders for southern wing of Group "Panther" came to course 270° and 7 knots. |
WSW 5-6, Sea 4-5, rain showers, mostly overcast, Vis. changing, mostly very low visibility |
22.20 |
AL 6391 |
On receiving Radio Message orders course for new position in "Panther" patrol line. [position shifted 1 boat to the north due to boats leaving and joining the patrol line] |
Weather unchanged, medium strong marine phosphorescence, in the course of the night growing stronger, wind and sea abating |
10.10.42 |
12.00 |
AL 4483 |
Back and forth in position in patrol line. |
W 2-3, Sea 2, medium-high broken cloud deck, Vis. good, sometimes moderate |
Day's run: Surfaced = 158.6 nm |
Submerged = 6.4 nm |
Total = 165.0 nm |
11.10.42 |
00.00 |
AL 4483 |
W 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, medium Swell, medium marine phosphorescence |
Back and forth in position in patrol line. |
12.00 |
AL 4483 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 145.3 nm |
SW 5-6, Sea 5, rain showers, at times overcast, medium-high clouds |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 145.3 nm |
- 13 - |
12.10.42 |
00.00 |
AL 4483 |
W 4-5, Sea 4, half overcast, rain showers, light marine phosphorescence, Northern Lights, Vis. changing |
Back and forth in position in patrol line. |
12.00 |
AL 4483 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 107.9 nm |
W 3-4, Sea 2-3, abating, scattered rain showers, high and medium-high clouds |
Submerged = 3.2 nm |
Total = 111.1 nm |
13.10.42 |
00.02 |
AL 4482 |
A shadow in 0°T, 2 nm away, which turned out to be a freighter after close inspection - looked long and heavily laden - which ran on course 250°, 8 knots. |
W 2-3, Sea 1-2, partial overcast, Vis. up to 2 nm, light Swell, medium marine phosphorescence, 1019 mb |
The strongly changing visibility - sometimes 3-4 nm, then in rain showers just 1 nm - lengthens the maneuver ahead. |
01.16 |
AL 4484 |
Failure of the port thrust bearing, runs hot, expected a long duration for repairs, therefore continued maneuver ahead on one diesel. |
Wind and sea slowly increasing, continual rain from the SW |
03.38 |
AL 4478 |
2-fan from tubes I and III. |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, completely overcast, rain, Vis. 1-2 nm |
Range = 900 meters, target angle = 90°, target speed = 8 knots, torpedo speed = 30 knots, depth 4 meters, true target bearing = 350°, relative target bearing = 5°. |
Both torpedoes ran, after 78 seconds a sound heard at various locations in the boat, the same as the impact of a Pistol. However detonation did not follow, only something similar was heard in the boat after about 6 minutes. Pistol failure? A separate report will be submitted. |
04.05 |
AL 4477 |
2-fan from tubes II and IV. |
Wind and sea shifting left and increasing, SbyW 4-5, Sea 4, continuous rain, Vis. low, 1014 mb |
Range = 800 meters, target angle = 80°, target speed = 7 knots, torpedo speed = 30 knots, depth 3 meters, true target bearing = 0°, relative target bearing = 7°. The left torpedo hit after 34 seconds running time at the level of the forward mast. After 31 seconds |
- 14 - |
continued |
13.10.42 |
the impact of a pistol was audible. High detonation column, three red rockets, lights glittering on the upper deck, steamer slowed and transmitted on 600-meter wavelength: SSSS, position, torpedoes, name "STORNEST" (4300 GRT). Interfered on the 600-meter wavelength, however because the Radio Message was repeated by another station "GEDC", the interference had no effect. Own transmitting stopped. A little later "STORNEST" gave bearing signals. No list developed, also did not settle deeper. |
04.34 |
Coup de grâce from tube V. |
Range = 400 meters, target angle = 90°, target speed = 4 knots, torpedo speed = 30 knots, depth 4 meters, true target bearing = 180°, aim point = bridge. |
Unexplained miss, even if the steamer was not underway, which was not clear, there should still have been a hit forward 40 meters with a setting of 4 knots. |
Moved off to reload a bow torpedo, with the course into the seas it was still barely possible. |
06.03 |
AL 4478 |
Coup de grâce from tube III on the now drifting "STORNEST" stopped athwart the seas. Enemy speed 0, otherwise the same settings. Nothing happens. After 65 seconds again an impact like the first fan heard in the boat. Believe it is possible that the torpedo which had to be shot with the seas, was diverted by the high seas despite 4-meter depth setting. Or did the steamer have nets? |
SbyW 5-6, Sea 5, strong driving rain, Vis. low, marine phosphorescence decreasing |
A torpedo could still be reloaded and delivered before lightness, therefore reloaded once again, this time submerged due to increasing seas. |
07.33 |
Surfaced, from 06.03 hours no trace of the steamer in the shooting position. When searching passed a dinghy with a lantern swinging back and forth. It drifts . . . |
- 15 - |
continued |
13.10.42 |
to the north from the direction of the shooting location. Search broken off. |
09.14 |
AL 4477 |
SW 5-6, Sea 5, rain, misty, 996 mb |
Because 1.) While reloading submerged during pauses in work for all around listening no propeller noises were noticed, |
2.) Drifting boat was sighted in connection with the shooting location. |
Accept that the steamer sank. This assumption was strongly supported by the hit location - forward mast between both forward cargo hatches. Add to this further radio transmissions or bearing signals were not heard after surfacing. Steamer transmitted for the last time about 05.30 hours. |
12.00 |
Moved off to position in patrol line |
12.10 |
AL 4482 |
Radio Message to B.d.U.: Naval square AL 4477 independent "STORNEST" torpedoed, sinking likely. Course 250°, 7 knots. 6 plus 2 torpedoes, 65 cbm. S 5, increasing, misty, 1000 mb falling. |
WSW 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, rain, increasing somewhat |
Zitzewitz. |
Day's run: Surfaced = 129.8 nm |
Submerged = 1.7 nm |
Total = 131.5 nm |
13.15 |
AL 4483 |
In position in patrol line in accordance with Radio Message orders came to course 340°, 8 knots. |
W 6, Sea 4-5, nearly completely overcast, rain showers |
15.05 |
AL 4458 |
Dived, 1.) to reload, |
Weather as before, freshening somewhat |
2.) because of the increasing Sea State to repair the port thrust bearing which is no longer possible on the surface. |
20.30 |
AL 4454 |
Surfaced to charge and for Radio Message reception. Tubes are reloaded. |
W 7, Sea 5, low, broken cloud deck, Vis. medium, scattered rain showers |
- 16 - |
14.10.42 |
00.26 |
AL 4413 |
Dived to continue repairs, the thrust bearing was opened up, the thrust jaws replaced the supporting shells scraped out. The Sea State effects were still noticeable at depth A -30 meters. The boat was pumped several times and could only be held with the strongest measures. |
W 7-9, Sea 7, increasing quickly, half overcast, strong hail showers, light marine phosphorescence |
10.45 |
AL 4172 |
Surfaced. The bearing was put in operation at low RPM. Temperature was normal. |
W 8-9, completely overcast, low wispy clouds, rain and hail showers |
Continued in position in patrol line. |
12.00 |
AL 4147 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 48.1 nm |
Weather as before |
Submerged = 29.9 nm |
Total = 78.0 nm |
15.10.42 |
00.00 |
AK 0395 |
In transit to position. Slowly increased RPM on the port diesel, temperatures normal. |
WNW 7-8, Sea 6-7, nearly overcast, rain showers, no marine phosphorescence, abating |
12.00 |
AK 0337 |
Back and forth in position in patrol line. |
WNW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, rain, light Swell |
Day's run: Surfaced = 105.0 nm |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 105.0 nm |
16.10 |
AK 3791 |
Sun navigation fix shows a strong northwest offset. Adjusted position accordingly. |
W 4, Sea 2-3, half overcast |
16.10.42 |
00.00 |
AK 0313 |
Port shaft shows normal temperatures up to RPM for "GF", so is fully operable. |
W 4, Sea 2-3, overcast, moonshine, light Northern Lights, no marine phosphorescence |
- 17 - |
continued |
16.10.42 |
10.37 |
AK 0337 |
At 10.00 hours "U-Kessler" reported in 3 units, course west in AK 4799 [typo AL 4799], might be the expected convoy. |
W 2, Sea 1, medium Swell, completely overcast |
Because I am still too far north and have to move south anyway, operated on the report immediately. |
10.52 |
Short Signal reported a convoy in square AL 7136 - so surely the westbound convoy. |
12.00 |
AK 0359 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 168.0 nm |
W 2, Sea 2, completely overcast, wind and sea slowly increasing |
Submerged = 1.1 nm |
Total = 169.1 nm |
13.00 |
AK 0382 |
Radio Message: Group Panther is divided, so I operate on the "Kessler-convoy". Switched to Radio Circuit America I. Ran at 2 x HF on intercept course for reported convoy course of 220°. |
Weather as before |
20.00 |
AK 6297 |
Further contact keeper reports are missing. |
SSW 3-4, Sea 3, completely overcast |
07.10.42 |
00.00 |
AK 6575 |
From 22.00 hours proceeded with 2 bow tubes ready to shoot due to low visibility. |
SSW 3-4, Sea 3, completely overcast, light marine phosphorescence, fog, Vis. between 500 meters and 3 nm |
11.20 |
AK 8632 |
Radio Message: Group Panther and Leopard continue searching for enemy course 200° to 250°, enemy speed 7-9 knots. |
SSW 2-3, Sea 2, completely overcast, fog, Vis. between 200 meters and 2 nm, medium Swell, increasing |
At the moment I was searching for course 220°. From now I will search as 2nd boat of the north wing of "Panther", initially for course 250°, 9 knots. With matching navigation fixes and good visibility I might meet the "Kessler-convoy". Navigation is inexact, . . . |
- 18 - |
continued |
17.10.42 |
for 1 1/2 days no sun or stars, the visibility at the moment is 200 meters! |
12.00 |
AK 8634 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 286.2 nm |
Weather as before |
Submerged = 0.01 nm |
Total = 286.21 nm |
16.25 - 17.03 |
AK 8688 |
U-boat in sight, proceeds at the limit of visibility on my course, dived when range closed. Despite this believe it is an own boat. Angled off for 30 minutes. |
SW 2-3, Sea 2, fog, rain, completely overcast, Vis. up to 2000 meters |
17.50 |
AK 8927 |
Intercept point enemy course 245°, 9 knots, ran to meet, for enemy speed 7 knots, course 245°. |
S 3-4, Sea 3, fog, rain showers, barometer falls strongly |
20.50 |
AK 8933 |
Operated on enemy course 250°, 7 knots. |
SSE 4, Sea 3-4, fog, Vis. 7 nm, rain, completely overcast |
The multiple reports of destroyers give no picture concerning convoy position. Also with such a navigation error, must expect that the reports gave no indications from the beginning. |
23.47 |
AK 8676 |
At the intercept point for enemy course 250°, 7 knots, dived to listen. Nothing heard. |
SEbyS 4, Sea 3-4, fog, Vis. between 200 and 1000 meters, rain, light Swell |
18.10.42 |
00.59 |
AK 8675 |
Surfaced. |
WSW 7-8, Sea 4-5, squalls, sea and wind increasing quickly, no marine phosphorescence, barometer suddenly falling steeply. |
Operated on enemy course 235°. This course seems likely to me from the various reports from squares AK 9720 and 9739. With the suddenly shifting wind, now already grown to hurricane force, I gradually have to reduce speed. |
- 19 - |
continued |
18.10.42 |
02.00 |
AK 8911 |
Only ran at LF against the seas. |
SW 9, Sea 7-8, rain and hail squalls, clouds breaking up, Vis. up to 3000 meters |
12.00 |
AK 8859 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 185 nm |
SW 8-9, Sea 8, partial overcast, Vis. good, rain and hail showers |
Submerged = 3.0 nm |
Total = 188.0 nm |
20.00 |
AK 8928 |
Since three days the first usable navigation fix gives a difference between dead reckoning and actual position of 73 nm in 58°T. |
SW 8-9, Sea 7-8, Vis. changing up to 8 nm, rain and hail squalls half overcast |
19.10.42 |
00.00 |
AK 8946 |
In accordance with orders sent a Short Signal weather report, with it reported 35 cbm fuel. |
WSW 7-9, Sea 7-8, half or more overcast, rain showers, light marine phosphorescence, barometer rising |
03.00 |
AK 8948 |
Somewhat greater speed is possible. |
WSW 5, Sea 4-5, heavy W-Swell, abating |
12.00 |
BD 2155 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 106.3 nm |
WSW 5-6, Sea 4-5, half overcast, high and medium-high clouds, barometer increasing further |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 106.3 nm |
15.20 |
BD 2413 |
"Panther" should continue operating on southwest course and economical transit speed. I am positioned quite far to the north of the last reported enemy position, therefore closed alternating 10° - around 215°. |
WSW 4-5, Sea 4-5, heavy W-Swell, half overcast, barometer increasing further |
- 20 - |
20.10.42 |
00.00 |
BD 1674 |
W 2-3, Sea 1-2, half overcast, at times strong moonshine, medium Swell, no marine phosphorescence |
03.45 |
BD 1836 |
Come to course for supply from "Wolfbauer" in accordance with Radio Message orders. |
S 3-4, Sea 2, overcast, rain showers, partly Vis. very low, at times strong marine phosphorescence, slightly falling |
12.00 |
BD 1975 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 127.6 nm |
S 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, rain showers, Vis. between 6 nm and 1000 meters, slightly rising |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 127.6 nm |
21.1.042 |
00.00 |
BD 4383 |
In transit to supply point. |
S 5, Sea 4, overcast, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BD 5475 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 119.9 nm |
S 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast, high and medium-high clouds |
Submerged = 2.0 nm |
Total = 121.9 nm |
14.38 |
BD 5713 |
"U-Wallas" in sight, compared navigation, also searching for the supplier. A little while later out of sight. |
Weather as before |
20.00 |
BD 5756 |
Positioned at supply point. Longitude now calculated by from 3 suns, slight navigation offset. |
S 3-4, Sea 4, nearly overcast |
- 21 - |
22.10.42 |
00.00 |
BD 5783 |
SSW 3-4, Sea 3-4, moon sometimes visible, broken cloud deck, Vis. up to 4 nm, light marine phosphorescence, rain showers |
01.43 |
BD 5755 |
Positioned at supply point after new navigation fix, steamed 2 hours west and 2 hours east back and forth across the point. |
Weather as before |
09.50 |
BD 5755 |
"U-Juli", and at 10.15 hours "U-Wallas" in sight, compared navigation. |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, nearly overcast, high clouds, light Swell |
Juli sent a Short Signal, "Wallas" moved off to the west, I to the east up to the limit of visibility. |
12.00 |
BD 5756 |
Positioned within visual range of "Juli". Moved back and forth to the north and south. |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, light Swell |
Day's run: Surfaced = 123.8 nm |
Submerged = 2.5 nm |
Total = 126.3 nm |
21.36 |
BD 5756 |
According to Radio Message "Juli" was supplied, hopefully Wolfbauer will be seen soon. |
WNW 2-3, Sea 2, broken high cloud deck, Vis. good |
23.10.42 |
00.00 |
BD 5783 |
Searched in long legs around the supply square, neither "Wolfbauer" nor other boats were sighted. At 13.00 hours "Juli" passed out of sight to the north. |
WNW 2-3, Sea 2, nearly overcast, light Swell, Vis. good, moon sometimes visible, bright night, no marine phosphorescence |
Since yesterday at 16.30 hours "U-Puttkamer" has had contact on a convoy whose course will pass by me, perhaps it will be something for us. |
However, by Radio Message 0033 hours, operating on it was ordered only for boats that have supplied. |
- 22 - |
continued |
23.10.42 |
11.15 |
We received a Radio Message from Control, by which operation on "Puttkamer-convoy" by which boats with sufficient fuel inventory with reserve for further delay of supply are free to operate on the convoy. |
I still have 27 cbm and by plotting can intercept the convoy at 18.00 hours. Therefore operated on it at "2 x HF". |
12.00 |
BD 5758 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 132.6 nm |
NNW 2, Sea 1, half overcast, light Swell, Vis. very good |
Submerged = 2.0 nm |
Total = 134.6 nm |
13.00 - 15.30 |
Failure of the gyro-compass, which has already given us trouble several times. Strange given the otherwise general reliability of Anschütz gyro-cpmpass. |
15.09 |
BD 5872 |
Smoke cloud bearing 90°T, about 15 nm away. |
NNW 1-2, Sea 1, a few high clouds, Vis. 15-20 nm |
In the course of the next half hour another three smoke clouds were visible, they covered a sector of 4°. From bearings and distance a SSW course and speed 13 knots were plotted. |
The position (with good navigation fix) lies very much to the south of the "Puttkamer-convoy" - about 5 hours - ahead of its plotted position. Despite this, because course and speed match, I believe my observations are identical to "Puttkamer's". |
16.03 |
BD 5875 |
I report the smoke clouds, course and speed in BD 5885 by Radio Message. |
Weather as before |
17.29 |
BD 8214 |
Report: Convoy square BE 5879, course 240°, 12 knots, still 23 cbm. |
NNW 2, Sea 1, heavy overcast, high clouds, Vis. very good, light Swell |
Held contact and slowly gained ground. |
18.15 |
BD 8139 |
Now reported enemy course with more certainty . . . |
Weather as before |
- 23 - |
continued |
23.10.42 |
enemy course in square BD 8216 course 210°, speed 11 knots, no aircraft. |
19.02 |
BD 8166 |
Sent Radio Message on request from B.D.U. for observations and position, plus contact. |
NNW 1, Sea 1, nearly overcast, high Cumulus clouds, Vis. very good |
Naval square BD 8218, course 210°, 11 knots, 4-6 smoke clouds observed. |
Zitzewitz. |
Was given permission to attack by Leadership in the same Radio Message. |
The question by Leadership causes me to angle in, to possibly make a clear identification from the observations of the mastheads. Suspect that the difference between Puttkamer's and my position gave rise to the question. |
19.50 |
BD 8245 |
Weather as before |
The number of the smoke clouds, two briefly sighted mastheads confirm my assumption that it is a convoy - probably the one reported by Puttkamer. Moved off a bit, until it is established that I'm ahead of the convoy, then I'll turn to attack. |
20.32 |
BD 8244 |
Sent Short Signal: Intend to attack within the next hour. |
Weather as before, lightly choppy sea |
Short Signal was not heard, because of a crash dive due to approaching masts. |
While running to meet it get dark unexpectedly fast. |
21.15 |
BD 8244 |
The convoy comes towards me in broad formation, in the east a destroyer - "A - H Class" - about 6000-7000 meters ahead of the convoy. I count 21 steamers three to a row. |
Weather unchanged, very dark cloud bank behind the convoy, moon bearing 130T, sun is setting behind the clouds |
21.30 |
Destroyer passed me at a great distance, convoy still about 6000 meters away, was getting dark very quickly. |
- 24 - |
continued |
23.10.42 |
22.00 |
In the periscope only just before the moon a steamer about 3000 meters away, barely recognized. Bearing 30 to 40°, the direction of the convoy, before the black cloud bank no further ships were distinguished, although I can hardly be positioned a mile ahead of the convoy. I must decide to forgo the attack. |
22.15 |
BD 8244 |
Was overrun by the bulk of the convoy. With that 1-2 escort vessels with S-gear pass over me at 22.50 hours. |
[releasing air to create a false target?] |
Moved off athwart the convoy course to the NW, first at depth A -20 meters, then at depth A +70 meters. Flooding mechanism was used with close sound bearing and S-gear one time. |
Apparently I was mistaken as to the distance from the convoy when diving, I believed the distance was less, and therefore did not run against at the necessary high speed, so that the attack ultimately failed due to darkness. Given my experience and training I did not believe an attack with the control room periscope was justifiable. |
24.10.42 |
00.02 |
BD 8166 |
Surfaced, pursued in direction 210°. |
NNW 1, Sea 1, nearly completely overcast, moon not visible, bright night, Vis. good |
Radio Message sent concerning the convoy position 22.15 hours, number of steamers (21), the escorts (4-6, 2 aft), also reported 20 cbm. |
00.35 |
BD 8169 |
Escort vessel bearing 210°T, distance 3-4 nm, at first lies at a broad target angle then sharp, turned away, and moved off to get out of sight a bit to the side of the course line of the convoy, to then pursue in direction 210°. |
- 25 - |
continued |
24.10.42 |
01.43 |
AD 8162 |
Escort bearing 130°T, distance 4 nm, out of sight after 5 minutes. |
NW 1, light Swell, overcast, bright night |
The appearance of the escorts so far away from the plotted position of the convoy make me suspect a course change of the convoy to the west - Newfoundland Bank. Accordingly reported by Radio Message: Escort 8162. Suspect course change from 23.00 hours 8169 to the west. All square BD. NW 1, light Swell, overcast, bright night. |
Zitzewitz. |
Pursued on enemy course west estimated from 23.00 hours. |
05.04 |
BD 8147 |
Received a Radio Signal from "U-Purkhold", convoy square BD 8458, course 210°, therefore still the old course of the convoy, and my assumption was incorrect. Changed own course accordingly and additionally reported that I had no contact. |
NW 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good, up to 4 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
05.59 |
Radio Message from Control, that the suspected west course was unlikely, rather south was suspected. Which had been confirmed in the meantime. |
11.42 |
BD 7913 |
A vessel bearing 80°T, distance 10-11 nm, despite turning away comes on, was recognized as a U-boat (U-662). |
NW 1, Sea 0, light Swell, overcast, Vis. extraordinarily good |
12.00 |
BD 7913 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 257.2 nm |
Weather as before |
Submerged = 22.0 nm |
Total = 279.2 nm |
12.20 |
BD 7913 |
First one then two smoke clouds in sight bearing 160°T, distance 20 nm, again had contact and reported by Short Signal. |
Weather as before |
14.30 - 15.50 |
BD 7866 - 7947 |
Contact broken, requested bearing signals by Short Signal, after regaining contact reported accordingly by Short Signal. |
- 26 - |
continued |
24.10.42 |
At all costs we must approach earlier to attack today, I ran without regard to fuel consumption, with both diesels at highest RPM. However for the port diesel was limited due to the failure of the vibration damper, for the starboard diesel by the failure of one cylinder. Made 15 to 15.5 knots. |
17.00 |
CD 3339 |
Reported the convoy in naval square CE 1124, course 200°, 12 knots. |
Weather unchanged, nearly calm, (navigation adjusted from "U-Purkhold") |
By this calculated that by 19.15 hours we would be positioned ahead to attack. |
18.48 |
CD 3392 |
A mast bearing 45°T, distance 12 nm, a little later upper superstructure of a destroyer, despite putting astern is still in sight until 19.27. Distance is down to 10.5 nm. Smoke clouds passed out of sight from moving off. |
SSW 1, Sea 0, cloudy, 7/10, mirror flat, disturbed by a light Swell |
Angled in gradually at first then closed athwart the plotted enemy course line and from 20.15 hours ran on this towards the enemy. |
CD 3632 |
Weather unchanged |
20.33 |
Smoke clouds in sight ahead again. |
20.40 |
CD 3399 |
Destroyer mast bearing 320°T, distance 12 nm. |
To half cloudy, otherwise unchanged |
Crash dive. Continued at "GF" and "AK" submerged against the convoy. Distance is still very great. Tonight it stays bright a bit longer than yesterday. |
22.00 |
CD 3396 |
Am positioned ahead of the 1st and 2nd column numbered from the east, distance still 1.5 nm. |
Moonlight, sun setting behind clouds, half overcast, sea and wind unchanged |
22.06 |
During an all around sweep bearing 120° relative a destroyer 400 meters away, runs with, I order settings for the destroyer, one smokestack, . . . |
- 27 - |
continued |
24.10.42 |
raked bow, "J-Class", to shoot. S-gear heard. |
22.08 |
Destroyer turned towards me and closed at target angle 0°, I went quickly to depth 18 meters. |
22.09 |
3 depth charges, badly placed. Went deeper, in so doing was apparently overrun several times apparently also by the convoy. |
22.18 |
Silent running at depth A +60 meters, multiple shots were audible, rockets or star shells suspected. |
In the course of the next hour multiple S-gear impulses. Actuated the flooding mechanism 2 times when propellers and S-gear sounds came closer. I ran off athwart the convoy course to the northwest. |
25.10.42 |
00.08 |
CD 3393 |
2 depth charges far off. |
00.34 |
6 depth charges astern to port, about 2000 meters away, possibly directed at flooding mechanism ejection, no propeller sounds were audible. |
Ran off only in direction 20° so that range to the convoy would be greater. |
Since 02.25 hours no further propeller sounds were audible. |
03.08 |
CE 1144 |
Ran at depth A +80 meters, with a loud bang the ventilation exhaust duct ran full without any apparent cause. A crack was found in the ventilation piping. |
05.10 |
CE 1141 |
Surfaced. Radio Message to B.d.U.: |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, half overcast, bright night, no marine phosphorescence |
Convoy 22.00 hours naval square CD 3393, course 220°, 11 knots. Broad formation, remote escort ahead 1 destroyer, 25 nm away. Forced off by close escort, depth charges. Broke off, going to Wolfbauer. 13 cbm. Wind calm, Vis. by day up to 30 nm. |
Zitzewitz. |
- 28 - |
continued |
25.10.42 |
The failure of the attack due to the surprise by the destroyer was again a consequence of the advanced time of day and the associated poorer all around view from the periscope. Apparently the destroyer had seen my far extended periscope to get an all around sweep in the twilight from close range, however his depth charges could not be made ready so quickly. The poor placement of the depth charges can only be explained by this. |
The reason for the late approach to attack on both days was first the extraordinarily good visibility, which gave the impression that we were much closer, so we had to go much further; and second, the fuel shortage as well as the limitations in propulsion readiness of the diesel installation. |
12.00 |
BD 7945 |
On the way to supply. |
NWbyW 4, Sea 2-3, half overcast, Vis. good |
Day's run: Surfaced = 177.5 nm |
Submerged = 38.6 nm |
Total = 216.1 nm |
14.53 |
BD 7924 |
Radio Message from Leadership, by which contrary to previous orders from today at 06.36 hours, I am only to supply for economical return transit. |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. sometimes only 400 meters in rain showers |
26.10.42 |
00.00 |
BD 7637 |
WNW 2-3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. greatly changing, drizzle, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BD 8113 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 146.0 nm |
NW 3-4, Sea 3, Vis. good, few high clouds |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 146.0 nm |
15.26 |
BD 5759 |
Wolfbauer in sight. |
NW 4, Sea 3-4, overcast |
16.00 |
"U-Wolfbauer" deployed his transfer gear, steered before the sea and after several approaches fished out . . . |
- 29 - |
continued |
26.10.42 |
the buoy for the towing pennant out. Work on the over deck was made extraordinarily difficult by the heavy Sea State and endangered the men. Because the boat did not respond to the rudder due to the stern sea and the low speed, establishing the towing connection did not work, the oil hose went beneath the boat, so that everything had to be carefully put back over the side. |
18.30 |
BD 5783 |
Broke off, oil transfer must be postponed until better weather. Proceeded in the wake of "Wolfbauer", distance 2000-3000 meters at lowest speed before the sea to the SE. |
NW 4, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. good |
27.10.42 |
00.00 |
BD 5783 |
In the course of the night the weather abated a bit, in the morning however it was so strong that refueling had to be postponed again. |
NW 3-4, Sea 3-4, nearly overcast, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BD 5798 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 54.7 nm |
NW 3-4, Sea 3, completely overcast, Cumulus |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 54.7 nm |
Radio Message at 15.22 hours contained the order for me to carry out supply for economical return transit and to report completion by Short Signal. |
16.00 |
BD 8218 |
A heavy sea rolled up from astern onto the bridge and spilled out the watch except for one seaman. The Unteroffizier held onto the forward net deflector, the First Watch Officer, Ltn.z.S. Eichmann, one lookout, Mtr.Gefr. Koehler and a Maschinengast who was on the bridge went overboard. |
NW 4-5, Sea 4, half overcast, squalls, sea and wind increasing strongly |
The bridge personnel were not strapped in, because the Watch Officer had not realized the strong increase in the seas with the course before it. I was on the bridge 2 hours before and did not feel strapping in was necessary. |
- 30 - |
continued |
27.10.42 |
The one man who had remained on the bridge cracked the conning tower hatch, which had been thrown shut immediately before the breaker, and called "Man overboard"! |
16.02 |
When I reached the bridge, I saw the First Watch Officer swimming in the wake about 30-50 meters to starboard, the two others just as far away away to port. At first with the low speed ahead - 1 diesel 270 RPM - I tried to fish the men out onto the stern. The large seas made this impossible and I went ahead AK on both diesels, drove in an arc to reach the 3 swimmers. |
During the turn all 3 passed out of sight, it was observed that after a heavy sea washed over the the First Watch Officer he did not surface again. |
While I continued to search athwart the sea in legs I had "Wolfbauer"summoned by searchlight. He succeeded in rescuing Masch.Gefr. Hoffmann, the only one of the 3, who was not dressed with boots and heavy rain gear. Of the two others, despite searching up to 18.00 hours there was not a trace. |
19.00 |
I informed the crew of the death of Ltn.z.S. Eichmann and Mtr.Gefr. Koehler, as well as the rescue of Masch.Gefr. Hoffmann and in doing so, appealed to the soldierly attitude of the crew, which despite the loss of the comrades, had to fight hard. |
"U-Wolfbauer" and I had hove to at 18.00 hours. |
- 31 - |
continued |
27.10.42 |
20.44 |
BD 8218 |
Vessel in sight bearing 210°, target angle right 10°, distance 6 nm, a two smokestack passenger steamer. |
NW 6-7, Sea 6, half overcast |
20.52 |
Crash dive! The steamer passed me at about 1500 meters, apparently he had not noticed "Wolfbauer" who had not yet dived. Had to let the steamer, an independent estimated at 15000 GRT, go in accordance with Operations Order No. 43, Paragraph 22. |
Time was too short to ask for permission to shoot, and with the fuel situation - 6.5 cbm - and the large sea a pursuit if necessary, outside of the restricted area to the north, was not possible. The steamer ran at an estimated 14-15 knots. |
21.58 |
BD 8215 |
Surfaced, nothing seen of "Wolfbauer". Ran obliquely to the sea at low speed. |
NW 6-7, Sea 6, completely overcast, advanced twilight |
28.10.42 |
00.00 |
NW 5-6, Sea 6, half overcast, rain and hail squalls, otherwise Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
11.24 |
Incoming Radio Message with orders: Arrival harbor La Pallice. |
12.00 |
BD 8169 |
Nothing seen of "Wolfbauer". |
N 5, Sea 5, half overcast, rain squalls, rising |
Day's run: Surfaced = 25 nm |
Submerged = 2 nm |
Total = 27 nm |
12.10 |
Incoming Radio Message from "Wolfbauer" with instructions to send bearing signals. |
12.40 - 19.50 |
Sent bearing signals in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine Orders. |
17.26 |
BD 8169 |
Because on the bearing frequency there was no confirmation of my bearing signals, I sent the Short Signal: Sending bearing signals in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine Orders. |
N 4-5, Sea 4, long Swell, rain showers |
- 32 - |
continued |
28.10.42 |
19.56 |
"Wolfbauer" reported, nothing heard and position. |
21.15 |
I reported my position and transmitting. |
21.20 - 23.25 |
Sent bearing signals again. |
21.25 |
BD 8166 |
Received a Radio Message from Leadership with orders for me, to report position immediately which was sent at 21.15 hours. |
N 3-4, Sea 3, 1/3 cloudy, strong marine phosphorescence |
The position from "Wolfbauer" bears 340°T, 40 nm away, I steamed at the lowest RPM for the diesels to meet in this direction. |
29.10.42 |
00.45 |
BD 8136 |
Shadow bearing 60°T, it is a U-boat, on closing exchanged Recognition Signals, identified as "Wolfbauer". |
Weather as before, bright moon |
"Wolfbauer" stayed with me the rest of the night proceeding in legs each of 3 nm to the north and south, while I stay in position. Still 4 cbm. |
09.00 |
BD 8133 |
It was found that the antenna lead duct to the forward net deflector was damaged, so that is why we were not heard! |
N 2-3, Sea 2, half overcast, medium Swell |
10.07 |
BD 8133 |
Began to take over fuel. Today work on the over deck is feasable, so I can let more men on deck safely. Taking over the connection piece is always the most dangerous point when steering before the sea, because there the net deflector for attaching the tethers is so high that the work is very difficult, and there is no attachment point on the the rest of the deck. |
Weather as before |
The transfer of provisions goes quickly and generally smoothly. |
The Doctor on "Wolfbauer" came on board, to examine two patients, . . . |
- 33 - |
continued |
29.10.42 |
which he does not find that worrying. (a crushed finger bone, an an internal lump in the neck) |
15.04 |
BD 8138 |
Taken over were: |
NNE 2, Sea 1-2, half overcast, long N-Swell |
25 cbm fuel oil, |
600 liters lubricating oil, |
14 day's provisions. |
Moved off, after receiving the tanker inventory to relay, to the east. Chose the Great Circle course, to save about 60 nm. |
19.46 |
BD 8243 |
Sent Short Signal to report completing supply. |
NNE 2-3, Sea 2, nearly overcast, long Swell, Vis. good |
30.10.42 |
00.00 |
BD 8229 |
NNE 2-3, Sea 2, lightly misty, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BD 5997 |
Day's run up to 28 to 29 October: |
N 1-2, Sea 1, long N-Swell, overcast, high clouds |
Day's run: Surfaced = 16 nm |
Submerged = 0 nm |
Total = 16 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced = 127 nm |
Submerged = 1.42 nm |
Total = 129.2 nm |
16.00 |
BD 6775 |
Failure of the gyro-compass installation, even after replacement of tubes according to the sun azimuth an error of over 4°. The gyro-compass globe was replaced. |
SSW 2, Sea 1, long N-Swell, mostly overcast, high clouds |
31.10.42 |
00.00 |
BD 6793 |
In accordance with orders by Radio Message I am to report weather between 03.00 and 06.00 hours and from 08.00 hours switch to Coastal Circuit. |
S 4-5, Sea 4, strong marine phosphorescence, Vis. low due to heavy rain showers, shifting left, intensifying, falling. |
- 34 - |
continued |
31.10.42 |
04.38 |
BD 6857 |
Outgoing Radio Message with weather, tanker inventory, own fuel oil inventory, position and reporting the loss of the First Watch Officer, Ltn.z.S. Eichmann and Mtr.Gefr. Köhler. |
SE 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. low, falling |
07.00 |
BD 6859 |
Again steered by the gyro-compass, azimuth check is not possible at the moment due to thick clouds. |
NE 6-7, Sea 6, overcast, rain showers, Vis. very low |
07.20 |
Incoming Radio Message from Leadership, that due to an "encoding error" the U-706 message is unclear after the 11th group. |
A breakdown of our Enigma Machine is suspected, because the read back of the encoded message before transmitting showed no error. |
12.00 |
BD 6944 |
Radio Message was sent again with a new position and weather. |
NNW 6-7. Sea 6, overcast, Vis. good, rising |
Day's run: Surfaced = 151.2 nm |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 151.2 nm |
20.00 |
BD 6962 |
Return transit at economical transit speed. |
NW 4, Sea 4, half overcast, high Swell, Vis. good, rising |
Azimuth check now shows error free work of the gyro-compass. |
01.11.42 |
00.00 |
BE 4752 |
NW 3-4, Sea 3, heavy marine phosphorescence, Vis. very good, high Cumulus |
12.00 |
BE 4917 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 145.6 nm |
NW 2, Sea 1, short Swell, Vis. very good, high Cumulus |
Submerged = 0.8 nm |
Total = 146.4 nm |
02.11.42 |
00.00 |
BE 5727 |
Return transit at economical transit speed. At 03.00 hours set back clocks one hour to MEZ. |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, few high Cumulus, starry clear, light marine phosphorescence |
continued |
02.11.42 |
08.00 |
BE 5828 |
S 1-2, Sea 1, half overcast, breaking up, a few high clouds, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BE 6751 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 183.7 nm |
Weather as before, Vis. very good |
Submerged = 0.0 nm |
Total = 183.7 nm |
xx.51 |
BE 6751 |
A shadow bearing 0°T, possibly a patrol vessel, avoided, passed out of sight after 5 minutes. |
NE 1-2, Sea 1, marine phosphorescence, dark night, misty, fog banks |
- 35 - |
03.11.42 |
00.00 |
BE 6767 |
Crossed 15°W to the east. |
NNE 1-2. Sea 1, light Swell, rain squall, otherwise unchanged |
0x.00 |
BE 6845 |
E 2-3, Sea 1, lightly cloudy, starry clear, moonlit, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
Proceeded submerged at "LF" due to failure of the Fu.M.B. |
04.00 |
BE 6857 |
Fu.M.B. is in service again. However proceeding on the surface is not possible with the cloud conditions. |
E 4, Sea 2-3, completely overcast, Vis. moderate |
Proceeded submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 6858 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 123.1 nm |
Submerged = 26.5 nm |
Total = 149.6 nm |
19.x2 |
BE 6869 |
Surfaced. |
ENE 5, Sea 4-5, nearly overcast, rainy |
04.11.42 |
00.00 |
BE 6948 |
ENE 6-7, Sea 6, nearly overcast, rainy, strong marine phosphorescence |
07.30 |
BE 6959 |
E 5-6, Sea 4-5, unchanged |
Dove at dawn. |
12.00 |
BE 6992 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 37.3 nm |
Submerged = 40.4 nm |
Total = 77.7 nm |
19.14 |
BF 4772 |
NE 2-3, Sea 1-2, completely overcast, misty, Vis. good, medium Swell |
Surfaced. |
At the present speed of advance, on 6 November at 08.00 hours we will be 48 hours from the escort meeting point. |
05.11.42 |
00.00 |
BF 4792 |
E 2-3, Sea 1-2, dark night, Vis. low, very strong marine phosphorescence |
07.35 |
BF 4886 |
NNW 3-4, Sea 2, overcast, rain, closed Stratus and low individual Cumulus clouds |
Dived with the advanced dawn. Proceeded submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 4896 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 78.1 nm |
Submerged = 47.4 nm |
Total = 125.5nm |
18.53 |
BF 4987 |
NW 2, Sea 2, a few medium-high Cumulus, Vis. medium |
Surfaced. Since 3 days the first usable navigation fix shows a difference between dead reckoning and actual position of 158°T, 30 nm. |
With this I can already be at the convoy intake in 24 hours and sent at . . . |
22.50 |
BF 8161 |
N 1-2, Sea 1 |
- 36 - |
continued |
05.11.42 |
strong marine phosphorescence, otherwise unchanged |
Radio Message: Will be at convoy intake point 7 November at 08.00 hours. |
Zitzewitz. |
06.11.42 |
00.00 |
BF 8163 |
Ran at 10 knots to the convoy intake point. |
Weather as before |
07.26 |
BF 8235 |
WNW 2, Sea 1-2, half overcast, Cumulus, Vis. medium to good |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
11.48 |
Heard several detonations, suspect aircraft bombs, about 10-20 nm away. |
12.00 |
BF 8366 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 118.8 nm |
Submerged = 45.6 nm |
Total = 164.2 nm |
15.20 |
BF 9149 |
Several detonations, very far off. |
18.49 |
BF 9256 |
E 0-1, Sea 1, |
Surfaced. |
23.00 |
Incoming Radio Message that the escort will be positioned as requested. |
07.11.42 |
00.00 |
BF 9281 |
SE 1-2, Sea 1, starry clear, Vis. medium, medium marine phosphorescence |
01.15 - 06.50 |
Numerous fishing boats, all except for one illuminated. |
06.00 |
BF 9914 |
E 1-2, Sea 1, half overcast, Vis. good |
From astern comes a convoy, four T-Booten, one steamer. Did not answer Recognition Signals. |
07.30 |
BF 9312 |
E 1-2, Sea 1, changing cloudiness, low hanging clouds |
Sperrbrecher [illegible four letters] in sight hung on, speed 8 knots. |
07.45 |
Aircraft bearing 350°T, great range, Sperrbrecher believed it to be German reconnaissance. |
08.18 |
After circling the convoy, bombs thrown by it, now recognized as a "Whitley" aircraft. 6 bomb impacts, 1500 meters abeam to starboard. |
Aircraft held contact until 10.00 hours, overflew us and passed out of sight to the north. When flying over (1500 meters altitude) machine gun defense. |
09.46 |
BF 6894 |
Mine detonation ahead to starboard of the Sperrbrecher. |
Weather unchanged |
10.30 - 12.00 |
Own fighter protection, FW 190, Ju 88. |
12.00 |
BF 6858 |
Day's run: Surfaced = 151.5 nm |
W 2-3, Sea 2, freshening, 7/10 Cumulonimbus |
Submerged = 21.4 nm |
Total = 172.9 nm |
- 37 - |
continued |
07.11.42 |
1x.xx |
La Pallice |
Entered the lock, reception by 3. U.-Flottille. |
1x.xx |
Made fast in the U-boat Bunker. |
Day's run: Surfaced = 23 nm |
Submerged = 0 nm |
Total = 23 nm |
During the patrol covered: |
Day's run: Surfaced = 6124.3 nm |
Submerged = 436.8 nm |
Total = 6561.1 nm |
The patrol took place under very bad weather conditions in the North Atlantic. So it turned out that the outfitting for the bridge service did not meet the very strong demands in some respects. |
1.) |
Safety belts: These were so fragile with the daily use that, especially if they lay unused for a day, they could be torn without effort, even worse they broke on the bridge in heavy seas when they should hold. Therefore I always had the tethers reinforced by tying on flag line, which was pulled through the eyelets. The tethers to hang on were proven. |
2.) |
Binoculars: In the course of the patrol all except for 2 pairs of binoculars were unusable due to ingress of moisture, or at least their usefulness was limited. Often the moisture accumulated on the edges of the lenses when not in use for a long time, then the binoculars became usable for a few hours, until the moisture had returned over the entire surface of the lens. |
3.) |
Sextants: The Libellensextant [bubble sextant with artificial horizon], which in my opinion is a very good complement to the nautical instruments aboard a U-boat, had become unusable towards the end of the patrol due to ingress of moisture. |
The drum sextant lenses were also strongly affected in the weather conditions, their use required frequent rubbing, which naturally worsened the taking of measurements. Teeth broke out of the graduated arc - probably a result of the many salt water splashes. |
4.) |
Rain gear, bad weather suits, rubber boots: |
All the named articles of clothing let water through their seams very quickly, which was attributed to inadequate seawater resistance of both the adhesives and the sewed seams. The rubber of the hood to the bad weather suits is not very durable, so it quickly became brittle and broke off from its underlay. |
The experiences with the oil transfer from the U-tanker have shown me that the limit of the transfer depends on the possibility of setting up the towing connection, whether it is prudent to let people work on the aft part of the upper deck for transfer work. The limit is reached there earlier than on the forecastle due to the poor attachment possibilities - which we noted on page 32. In my opinion, moving the connections to the front of the conning tower |
Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote |
on the Kriegstagebuch "U-706" from 22.9. - 7.11.1942. |
First patrol of the Kommandanten with a new boat. |
With greater convoy experience the success of this patrol probably would have been better. The experience gained here will be of great use in subsequent operations. |
The tenacious efforts to attack and succeed are acknowledged.. |
The boat is very endangered lying directly before the seas. If the course requires running before the sea, cross and take the sea 30-50° aft. |
Signed in draft: D ö n i t z . |
For correctness: |
Oberleutnant (MA) and Adjutant. |