- 2 - |
09.08. - 16.09.42 |
Lorient |
Shipyard period |
11.08.42 |
Dry-docked. |
06.09.42 |
Un-docked. |
10.09.42 |
Torpedo loading and pier-side trial. |
11.09.42 |
Artillery ammunition loading and degaussing. |
13.09.42 |
Dry-docked. |
14.09.42 |
Un-docked and provisions loading. |
15.09.42 |
Trim test. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
16.09.42 |
18.20 |
Lorient |
Cast off A 4 for trim test until 19.25 hours. |
19.25 |
Departed with escort (Sperrbrecher) to L 2, thereafter released Sperrbrecher, 3 M-Boote took over escort. |
20.00 |
NNW 2, Sea 1-2, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
17.09.42 |
00.00 |
NNW 3-4, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. medium |
04.00 |
NNE 3, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
04.30 |
Released escort. Course 230°. |
04.43 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
08.00 |
BF 5468 |
12.00 |
BF 5494 |
Day's run: Surfaced 98 nm, Submerged 14 nm |
16.00 |
BF 5489 |
20.00 |
BF 5725 |
- 3 - |
continued |
17.09.42 |
23.09 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
18.09.42 |
00.00 |
BF 5757 |
WSW 2-3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good, moon, light marine phosphorescence |
00.14 |
BF 5751 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
00.47 |
Surfaced. |
01.14 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
01.58 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
BF 5744 |
WSW 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good, medium marine phosphorescence |
06.59 |
BF 8115 |
Dived to proceed submerged, |
08.00 |
BF 8115 |
Course 270°. |
12.00 |
BF 7336 |
Day's run: Surfaced 121 nm, Submerged 27 nm |
14.15 |
BF 7335 |
Surfaced to charge and ventilate. |
SW 2-3, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. good |
14.18 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
16.00 |
BF 7334 |
18.07 |
BF 7326 |
Surfaced. |
SW 2-3, Sea 1-2, blue sky, Vis. good |
19.00 |
BF 7326 |
Crash dive for approaching land-based aircraft bearing 200°T (without detection). Difficult to see due to bright silvery paint (edge of the sun sector). Range 6000 meters, altitude 300 meters. |
19.01 |
5 heavy aircraft bombs at depth A -40 meters. |
Assorted failures, substantial glass damage. Boat jumps lightly. The aft diving plane jammed up and water penetrated through a sprung vent, struggled with depth keeping and malfunctions. |
19.11 |
2 aircraft bombs further away. |
After about 1/2 hour the boat is again "firmly |
- 4 - |
continued |
18.09.42 |
in German hands". All significant malfunctions are corrected. The crew worked quickly and reliably after overcoming their initial astonishment. |
20.00 |
BF 7326 |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
19.09.42 |
00.00 |
BF 7325 |
01.41 |
BF 7324 |
Surfaced. |
SW 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good, medium marine phosphorescence, half moon |
01.44 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
02.11 |
Surfaced. |
02.27 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
Gradually it gets uncomfortable; the battery is nearly empty, compressed air about 70 atm. |
03.06 |
Surfaced. |
03.10 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
04.05 |
BF 7324 |
Surfaced - we can still do so once, then we must shoot! But fortunately no one else comes. |
SW 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good, medium marine phosphorescence |
05.20 |
BF 7316 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
06.04 |
Surfaced. |
07.05 |
Dived to proceed submerged. It [battery charge level] is sufficient again for one E-motor KF. |
08.00 |
BF 7315 |
12.00 |
BF 7235 |
Day's run: Surfaced 31 nm, Submerged 21 nm |
North of Cape Finisterre |
No Very Low Frequency reception because the direction finder can no longer be extended, has probably taken a hit from the aircraft bombs. |
16.00 |
BF 7234 |
20.00 |
BF 7226 |
21.58 |
BF 7225 |
Surfaced. |
W 4-5, Sea 3-4, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing, moon, short Swell, medium marine phosphorescence |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 5 - |
20.09.42 |
00.00 |
BF 7224 |
Direction finder in service. |
W 4-5, Sea 3-4, 6/10 (rain), Vis. changing, medium marine phosphorescence, squalls |
04.00 |
BF 7215 |
W 5, Sea 4, 6/10, Vis. changing, medium marine phosphorescence |
07.33 |
BF 7126 |
Dived to proceed submerged - full air and full battery! A good feeling. |
08.00 |
BF 7126 |
12.00 |
BF 7125 |
Day's run: Surfaced 69 nm, Submerged 14 nm |
16.00 |
BF 7124 |
20.00 |
BF 7116 |
23.05 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
21.09.42 |
00.00 |
BF 7114 |
Jumping SW/NW 5, in squalls 6, Sea 4-5, medium marine phosphorescence, overcast (rain), Vis, changing |
04.00 |
BE 9325 |
NW 5, in squalls 6, Sea 4-5, 8/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
07.20 |
BE 9315 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Weather as before |
08.00 |
BE 9315 |
12.00 |
BE 9314 |
Day's run: Surfaced 82 nm, Submerged 16 nm |
About 200 nm NW of Cape Finisterre |
16.00 |
BE 9235 |
20.00 |
BE 9234 |
22.30 |
BE 9226 |
Surfaced. |
23.38 |
Sent Short Signal: -Norddeich 8-Alternate Frequency-: Have passed 13°W. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 6 - |
22.09.42 |
00.00 |
BE 9225 |
W 5, Sea 4, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
00.13 |
Preceding Short Signal confirmed by B.d.U. -2351/21-. |
04.00 |
BE 9216 |
NW 4, Sea 3, 5/10, Vis. clear, high Swell, no marine phosphorescence |
07.43 |
BE 9135 |
Twilight dive, depth control training. |
NW 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good, long Swell |
09.22 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BE 9129 |
Day's run: Surfaced 84 nm, Submerged 14 nm |
300 nm NW of Cape Finisterre |
Have a light oil trace astern to starboard (presumably since 18 September) cause not exactly determined for the moment due to the seas. On 26 September corrected by pumping from 2 starboard. Loss 2-3 cbm. |
WNW 4, Sea 3, 9/10, Vis. medium, long Swell |
16.00 |
BE 9149 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
BE 8395 |
W 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
23.09.42 |
00.00 |
BE 8625 |
W 3-4, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BE 8566 |
W 3, Sea 2-3, overcast (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BE 8582 |
W 3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BE 8811 |
Day's run: Surfaced 202 nm |
WSW 3-4, Sea 2-3, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
440 nm west of Finisterre |
- 7 - |
continued |
23.09.42 |
16.00 |
BE 8753 |
W 3, Sea 2-3, squalls, 3/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
BE 8781 |
WNW 3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good |
22.03 |
To B.d.U. -Norddeich 8-: Square BF horizontally polarized detection at 169 cm. 18 September up to 11.14 hours 2 times square 57, 14.18 hours square 73. 19.00 hours square 7326 hard aircraft bombs, without detection. 19 September up to 05.20 4 times square 73, 08 from 18 September missing, 31 not solved. Square BE 8784. NNW 4, Sea 3, 4/10, 1020 mb, rising, Vis. good, 216 cbm. Naval squares. |
22.21 |
Short Signal "ku" as radio repeater: Still have 44 cbm fuel. -qp- |
(Was acknowledged at 22.37 hours.) |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
24.09.42 |
00.00 |
BE 8775 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. medium, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
01.30 |
The Radio Message sent at 22.03 hours was confirmed -"ku" 2325/23-. Supplement: Missing Serial No. settled. |
04.00 |
CF 2212 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
07.51 |
CF 2137 |
At twilight "Crash dive for training". Depth control training with malfunctions. |
NNW 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
09.43 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CF 2151 |
Day's run: Surfaced 144 nm, Submerged 5 nm |
N 4, Sea 3, 8/10, Vis. medium, long Swell |
400 nm NE of the Azores |
16.00 |
CF 1369 |
N 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. medium |
- 8 - |
continued |
24.09.42 |
20.00 |
CF 1388 |
N 4, Sea 3, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing, squalls, high Swell, no marine phosphorescence |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
25.09.42 |
00.00 |
CF 1627 |
N 4, Sea 3, 6/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CF 1555 |
NNE 4-5, Sea 3-4, 6/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
07.45 |
CF 1571 |
"Crash dive for training", depth control training. |
NE 5, Sea 4, 9/10, Vis. good, long Swell, no marine phosphorescence |
09.07 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CE 3697 |
Day's run: Surfaced 169 nm, Submerged 2 nm |
200 nm NE of the Azores |
NE 5-6, Sea 4-5, 4/10, Vis. medium |
16.00 |
CE 3927 |
NE 5, Sea 4, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
CE 3867 |
NNE 5, Sea 4, 5/10, Vis. good, Swell |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
26.09.42 |
00.00 |
CE 3884 |
NE 4, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CE 6134 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 6154 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good |
- 9 - |
continued |
26.09.42 |
12.00 |
CE 5367 |
Day's run: Surfaced 172 nm |
NW of Graciosa |
NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium, long Swell |
16.00 |
CE 5621 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
CE 5561 |
E 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
27.09.42 |
00.00 |
CE 5557 |
E 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CE 5732 |
E 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 5755 |
E 3, Sea 2, 9/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
09.20 to 10.25 |
Dived. Depth control training. |
12.00 |
CE 5773 |
Day's run: Surfaced 171 nm, Submerged 2 nm |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 9/10, Vis. good |
120 nm south of Corvo |
16.00 |
CE 7335 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
CE 7355 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
28.09.42 |
00.00 |
CE 7375 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CE 7534 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
- 10 - |
continued |
28.09.42 |
08.00 |
CE 7555 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
CE 7576 |
Day's run: Surfaced 161 nm |
300 nm SW of the Azores |
NE 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
CE 7738 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
CE 7758 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
29.09.42 |
00.00 |
CE 7779 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DF 3239 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 3259 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
09.50 to 10.59 |
Dived. Depth control training. |
12.00 |
DF 3287 |
Day's run: Surfaced 166 nm, Submerged 2 nm |
460 nm SW of the Azores |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
DF 3463 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10, Vis. good |
16.23 |
From B.d.U. - 1538 -: 1.) . . . 2.) On 30 September at 08.00 hours U-67 switch to America II . . . . Circuit. |
20.00 |
DF 3459 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
30.09.42 |
00.00 |
DF 3721 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
- 11 - |
continued |
30.09.42 |
04.00 |
DF 3744 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 6/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 2986 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DF 5519 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm |
600 nm SW of the Azores |
NE 2, Sea 1, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
16.00 |
DF 5268 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 6/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
DF 5525 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
21.40 to 22.37 |
Dived. Depth control training. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
01.10.42 |
00.00 |
DF 5545 |
SE 2-3, Sea 1-2, Vis. medium, mo marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DF 5723 |
ESE 2-3, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. medium, mo marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 5754 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DF 7332 |
Day's run: Surfaced 181 nm, Submerged 3 nm |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. medium |
800 nm SW of the Azores |
16.00 |
DF 7352 |
SE 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
DF 7373 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 12 - |
continued |
02.10.42 |
00.00 |
DF 7537 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DF 7558 |
ESE 2, Sea 1-2, 7/10 (rain), Vis. medium, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 7826 |
ESE 2, Sea 1-2, 9/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
10.15 to 11.01 |
"Crash dive for training". Depth control training. |
12.00 |
DF 7761 |
Day's run: Surfaced 170 nm, Submerged 2 nm |
1000 nm SW of the Azores |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 9/10 (rain), Vis changing, Summer lightening |
16.00 |
DF 7782 |
SE 2, Sea 1, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
DQ 3313 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
03.10.42 |
00.00 |
DQ 3265 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good |
04.00 |
DQ 3522 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DQ 3542 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DQ 3494 |
Day's run: Surfaced 175 nm |
About 1200 nm NE of Trinidad |
SE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
16.00 |
DQ 3728 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. medium |
- 13 - |
continued |
03.10.42 |
20.00 |
DQ 3772 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. medium |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
04.10.42 |
00.00 |
DQ 5332 |
SE 1-2, Sea 1, overcast (rain), Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence |
01.25 to 02.00 |
Night artillery training. Afterwards all weapons. |
04.00 |
DQ 5355 |
SE 1-2, Sea 1, overcast (rain), Vis. changing, Summer lightening, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DQ 5612 |
SE 1-2, Sea 0-1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. changing, Summer lightening, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DQ 5556 |
Day's run: Surfaced 169 nm |
About 1000 nm NE of Trinidad |
SE 1-2, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
16.00 |
DQ 5579 |
SE 1-2, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
DQ 5767 |
SE 1-2, Sea 0-1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
05.10.42 |
00.00 |
DQ 8127 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. bad, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DQ 7395 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. medium, Summer lightening, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DQ 7652 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good, Summer lightening, light marine phosphorescence |
- 14 - |
continued |
05.10.42 |
10.46 to 11.30 |
Twilight dive. |
12.00 |
DQ 7674 |
Day's run: Surfaced 193 nm, Submerged 3 nm |
800 nm NE of Trinidad |
SE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
DQ 7853 |
ESE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good, NE-Swell |
20.00 |
DQ 7884 |
ESE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. good, NE-Swell |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
06.10.42 |
00.00 |
BF 1139 |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Vis. good, NE-Swell, no marine phosphorescence |
03.09 |
EF 1167 |
Shadow bearing 205°T range about 5 nm, lies on opposite course, hung on. Enemy ran at high speed, had a broad target angle. Pursued at 2 x GF. |
04.01 |
EF 1165 |
Shadow disappeared in a rain squall, turned 20° to starboard, so as not to be in visual range if he made an unfavorable zigzag. |
EbyN 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10 (rain), Vis. greatly changing, no marine phosphorescence |
04.22 |
Port diesel had to be stopped, because the clutch slips, out of service for 24 minutes. - Of all places! - |
Drove the diesels to the maximum permissible temperature limit, came slowly but continually forward. |
Enemy makes zigzags of 30-40°, makes good about 14-15 knots. General course 45°. |
Tortuously degree by degree ahead, angled in slowly, hunted from rain squall to rain squall. |
08.00 |
DQ 7867 |
EbyN 3-4, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence, NE-Swell |
09.30 |
Ran with E-supplement, to get in shooting position before dawn. |
- 15 - |
continued |
06.10.42 |
09.40 |
The enemy, which in the meantime was identified as a large tanker, zigzags to port closer. It seems as if it will work out. Ran in at higher speed. |
Intention: a tight three-fan, because I have to shoot at a broad target angle. It is slowly getting bright in the east. |
09.47 |
Tanker zigzags - range 4000 meters - away to starboard on the bright horizon. Turns to an easterly course in the increasing lightness. |
10.12 |
DQ 7913 |
The meager hope that he will zigzag back one more time, came to nothing. I must set off due to increasing brightness, especially as now, because the tanker no longer zigzags, the range is continually increasing. Maneuvering ahead by day at the limit of visibility seems pointless. |
Came to the opposite course of the enemy general course - 225°. Motto: Where one goes, there will be others. A bitter pill! But maybe a boat coming from behind will catch him. A valuable fellow, estimated 10000 GRT. |
10.46 |
On FTF-1015-: Kr Kr. Naval square DQ 7913 pursued large tanker unsuccessfully, course 45°, 15 knots. Broke off. |
12.00 |
DQ 7839 |
Day's run: Surfaced 242 nm |
790 nm NE of Trinidad |
EbyN 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
DQ 7859 |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good, NE-Swell |
20.00 |
DQ 7875 |
E 4, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 16 - |
07.10.42 |
00.00 |
EF 1129 |
ESE 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence, NE-Swell |
04.00 |
EF 1148 |
ESE 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 3631 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
11.00 to 11.50 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
EE 3651 |
Day's run: Surfaced 177 nm, Submerged 2 nm |
600 nm NE of Trinidad |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. changing |
13.08 |
From B.d.U.- 1202 -: Liebe, Rosenberg, Müller are reminded of the vein of gold from Bruns. 2.) . . . . |
Thereupon came to course for EO 1970 = 205°. |
16.00 |
EE 3592 |
SE 2-3, Sea 1-2, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
EE 3829 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
08.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 3881 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Vis. changing |
04.00 |
EE 6218 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6193 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing, Summer lightening, light marine phosphorescence |
- 17 - |
continued |
08.10.42 |
12.00 |
EE 6437 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
SE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. medium |
450 nm NE of Trinidad |
16.00 |
EE 6458 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 6716 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
09.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6744 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
00.10 to 00.40 |
Dived. |
04.00 |
EE 8334 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 8356 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 8624 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm, Submerged 0.5 nm |
360 nm North of Paramaribo |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 8667 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 8834 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
10.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8859 |
E 0-1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EO 2221 |
E 0-1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. bad, light Simmer lightening and marine phosphorescence |
- 18 - |
continued |
10.10.42 |
08.00 |
EO 2245 |
E 0-1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EO 2432 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm |
200 nm north of Corentyn Mouth |
E 0-1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
16.00 |
EO 2459 |
Light E Wind, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EO 2721 |
light E Wind, 3/10, Vis. good |
22.03 |
Dived at the 200-meter limit, to make sure we arrive unseen in the shallow water zone. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
11.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 2745 |
Course 240°. |
Light E Wind, 3/10, Vis. good |
00.10 |
Surfaced. |
00.30 |
Dived for locating sounds, that were later determined to be caused by a compartment fan. |
00.32 |
Surfaced. |
02.35 |
EO 1991 |
Dived. Aircraft detection on 171 cm horizontally polarized. |
03.20 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
EO 1985 |
E 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
06.00 |
Course 310°. |
08.00 |
EO 1893 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. changing, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
09.30 |
Course 130°. |
11.06 |
EO 1869 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
- 19 - |
continued |
11.10.42 |
By day according to orders hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
EO 1869 |
Day's run: Surfaced 111 nm, Submerged 10 nm |
North of Essequibo Mouth |
16.00 |
EO 1971 |
19.05 |
EO 1971 |
A single-engine land-based aircraft bearing 330°T, westerly course, low altitude. |
20.00 |
EO 1971 |
22.15 |
EO 1975 |
By sound bearings to periscope depth: freighter bearing 230°T, course SE, speed 10-11 knots, range 4.5 nm, size not distinguished. |
22.25 |
Briefly a small land-based aircraft bearing 340°T disappeared in a cloud bank, course 320°. |
Did not get close to the freighter, which held its course, since the target angle was almost abeam. Intend to pursue at the beginning of darkness. |
23.08 |
Sound bearing shifting to the left, disappeared in 172°T. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
12.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1975 |
Course 150°. |
NE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. medium, light Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
00.09 |
Surfaced. Both diesels GF. |
02.26 |
EO 4352 |
Dived to listen. Nothing. Sound limit 5 nm from the experience of the afternoon. Have to be close, if the steamer did run faster than expected or make a wild zigzag in the twilight. |
02.45 |
Surfaced. |
03.00 |
Course 320°. Nothing seen. Believe that he went into shallow water to the south. |
Intention: Stay here by day at the level of the jutting out 20-meter line in square 1865. |
- 20 - |
continued |
12.10.42 |
04.00 |
EO 4327 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. medium, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
07.04 |
EO 1974 |
Aircraft detection. Dived. |
07.35 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
EO 1974 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
08.25 |
EO 1893 |
Dived. Aircraft detection. |
09.00 |
Surfaced. |
10.55 |
EO 1865 lower-left |
Dived at dawn, lay against the current. Hourly at periscope depth. |
12.00 |
EO 1865 |
Day's run: Surfaced 97 nm, Submerged 12 nm |
16.00 |
EO 1865 |
20.00 |
EO 1865 |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
13.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1865 |
00.15 |
EO 1865 |
Surfaced. Course 50°. Intention: Search on changing courses perpendicular to determine the steamer track. |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. medium, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
03.00 |
EO 1971 |
Course 250°. |
04.00 |
EO 1863 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. medium, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
07.00 |
EO 1855 |
Course 45°. |
08.00 |
EO 1853 |
ESE 1-2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. changing, Summer lightening, light marine phosphorescence |
09.00 |
EO 1837 |
Course 240°. |
10.55 |
EO 1828 |
Dived at dawn. Lay against the current. |
12.00 |
EO 1828 |
Day's run: Surfaced 74 nm, Submerged 2 nm |
- 21 - |
continued |
13.10.42 |
12.50 |
EO 1828 |
At periscope depth: A steamer bearing 314°T, course 300°, closed on attack course at 2 x HF. Enemy held a straight course, 9 knots. Three island freighter of 3000-4000 GRT, green-gray paint, black smokestack clear of the bridge, armed. Nationality not distinguished, apparently empty, at the forward spreader two-man lookout platform. |
Sea 1, Cumulus banks |
The boat settled through just before the shot due to water density. |
13.25 |
Double shot tube I and II (Etos), aim point forward and aft 45 meters, target angle already right 110°, range = 2500 meters, depth 2 meters, speed 8.5 knots (3 times by stopwatch). |
13.27 |
Freighter zigzagged hard to starboard to about target angle 50° turned back again to target angle 170° after a short time, suddenly smoking strongly. |
13.42 |
- Miss ! - |
Sound bearing 350°T. |
Fast runner approaching quickly with little bearing shift. Soon thereafter a 2nd fast runner bearing 300°T. Also growing louder quickly. Both changing course and speed, sometimes stopped. |
14.24 |
EO 1828 |
Boat put on the bottom at depth 30 meters. Did not go to periscope because I did not want to pump. |
14.24 |
First sound bearing disappeared bearing 285°T. Second fast runner had stopped, only heard faintly for a short time. |
17.17 |
Suddenly arising loud propeller sounds bearing 95°T, quickly shifting to the left, shortly thereafter a second bearing 235°T, shifting slowly ahead, two fast runners. |
17.25 |
EO 1828 |
At periscope depth: Bearing 280°T small vessel range about 4500 meters, course 300°, torpedo boat-like; type due to broad target angle not exactly distinguished. |
Bearing 243°T vessel like a PC-boat, course 310°, range about 4500 meters. |
- 22 - |
continued |
13.10.42 |
Apparently the two are looking for me in the direction of the current offset. So again put the boat on the bottom without negative buoyancy. |
from 18.00 |
Vessels move off on changing courses in a NW direction. |
18.17 |
Sound bearing suddenly cuts off. |
20.15 |
6 depth charge detonations far off, estimate about 6 nm, NW direction. Light concussions in the boat. |
20.35 |
4 depth charges. |
20.42 |
3 depth charges. Shifting to the north. |
20.50 |
4 depth charges. |
21.04 |
4 depth charges, northerly direction. |
21.10 |
3 depth charges. |
21.15 |
4 depth charges. |
21.28 |
3 depth charges. |
21.35 |
8 depth charges. |
21.50 |
6 depth charges. |
22.00 |
2 depth charges. Northeast. |
22.10 |
4 depth charges. |
22.28 |
3 depth charges. |
22.42 |
3 depth charges. |
22.51 |
3 depth charges. East. |
23.20 |
3 depth charges. |
Distance about equal. |
[frei nach Berghoff - not understood saying, willy-nilly?] |
Either the evil enemy caught another boat in his search, or he throws his eggs into the landscape, "based on Berghoff". |
Remained below, because suspect lively radar from the beginning of twilight. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
14.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1828 |
01.31 |
EO 1828 |
Surfaced, course 305°. |
E 2, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
02.14 |
ED 1828 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
- 23 - |
continued |
14.10.42 |
02.45 |
Surfaced. |
03.39 |
EO 1816 |
Crash dive for aircraft course 140°, flew past behind the stern. |
03.41 |
1 hard aircraft bomb. Glass damage, no significant failures. |
04.00 |
EO 1816 |
05.04 |
EO 1816 |
Surfaced. Course 35°, because the area in the vicinity of the coast is probably only stirred up. Intend to observe in 70-80 meters water. |
ENE 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. bad, Summer lightening and marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EO 1821 |
ENE 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. bad, Summer lightening and marine phosphorescence |
10.30 |
From B.d.U.-1339/13-: Attack area for U-67 is sea area naval square ED 98. Caution for fast land-based aircraft. See also situation report of today. |
11.00 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
EO 1587 |
Course 315°. Day's run: Surfaced 53 nm, Submerged 3 nm |
16.00 |
EO 1576 |
20.00 |
EO 1572 |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
15.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1547 |
00.17 |
Surfaced. |
01.09 |
EO 1466 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
01.46 |
Surfaced. |
01.50 |
EO 1462 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
02.15 |
Surfaced. |
02.54 |
Wiebe reports 13 October EO 1490 six-hour listening pursuit and 60 depth charges (see K.T.B. 13 October from 20.25 hours) |
So they caught the "innocent"! Substantial navigation difference, the depth charges were not so far away. |
04.00 |
EO 1434 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
- 24 - |
continued |
15.10.42 |
08.00 |
EO 1176 |
Light NE-Wind, 1/10, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
08.50 to 10.50 |
EO 1172 |
A searchlight bearing 250°T, hourly illuminating for 30 seconds hourly. |
10.45 |
EO 1144 |
A red light several times briefly bearing 300°T. |
10.50 |
To B.d.U.-0650-: 11 October 2 times land-based aircraft. Seen square 1975 freighter SE, 10 knots. square 4352 via square 1816 to 1422 nothing except for 13 October 1828 three-island freighter up to 4000 GRT, course 310°, 9 knots. Double miss, torpedo clearly outmaneuvered. Shortly thereafter 2 patrol vessels searching. Square 1816 night hard aircraft bomb without detection. All naval square EO. Going to ED 98, 154 cbm, since 11 October 6 times horizontally polarized at 170 cm. |
10.54 |
EN 3363 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
11.00 |
Course 10°. |
12.00 |
EN 3363 |
Day's run: Surfaced 92 nm, Submerged 28 nm |
16.00 |
EN 3339 |
20.00 |
EO 1114 |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
16.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1111 |
00.18 |
EO 1111 |
Surfaced. |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, blue sky, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
02.30 |
B.d.U. confirmed- 1246/15 - Radio Message sent yesterday at 10.50 hours. |
04.00 |
EE 7748 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, blue sky, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 7718 |
E 1, Sea 0-1, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
09.00 |
EE 7715 |
New course 310°. |
- 25 - |
continued |
16.10.42 |
Going around the north tip of Tobago, because I suspect Lassen is in square 9950. |
10.38 |
ED 9699 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
ED 9699 |
Day's run: Surfaced 65 nm, Submerged 20 nm |
16.00 |
ED 9695 |
20.00 |
ED 9695 |
Course 235°. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
17.10.42 |
00.00 |
ED 9694 |
00.24 |
Surfaced. |
01.33 |
From Lassen-2100/16-: Kr Kr ED 9954 14 ships course 90°, 8 knots. Sea and air. |
02.00 |
ED 9689 |
Operated on the Lassen-convoy on course 100°. |
In the case of a NE-zigzag, I held to the north. I hope to be less bothered by the expected air radar,
and thus able to be positioned ahead by tomorrow. |
02.46 |
From Lassen- 0158 -: 1.) 21.20 hours naval square ED 9954 from convoy 1 hit each on a 4000 and 6000 GRT. Sinking not determined due to defenses. In pursuit. 2.) Night continual air. No radar determined. |
03.24 |
ED 9699 |
Dived, air detection. |
03.50 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
ED 9699 |
E 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
05.50 |
EE 7722 |
Air detection, dived. |
06.15 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
EE 7753 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.25 |
EE 7814 |
Air detection. Dived. |
08.50 |
Surfaced. |
10.00 |
EE 7824 |
New course 120°. Believe, because the convoy was not detected to the north, east or southeast convoy course. |
11.00 |
EE 7825 |
Dived to listen. |
- 26 - |
continued |
17.10.42 |
from 11.10 |
Faint sound bearing slower and faster propellers around 175°T; became louder shifting ahead, however nothing comes in sight. Apparently an easterly convoy course. |
12.02 |
Surfaced. Course 140°. |
Day's run: Surfaced 109 nm, Submerged 12 nm |
12.28 |
EE 7829 |
Aircraft bearing 180°T, course 340°, range about 6 nm, medium altitude. Dived. |
SSE 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. medium |
13.03 |
Surfaced. |
13.07 |
Dived for aircraft bearing 220°T, course 10°, range about 5 nm, high altitude. |
13.41 |
Surfaced. Aircraft bearing 180°T, course 260°, range about 7 nm. Passed out of sight in the clouds bearing 165°T. |
14.01 |
13.59 |
From Lassen- 1123 -: Kr Kr 11.30 hours naval square EE 7858. Convoy course 90°, 8 knots. |
14.16 |
Sent - 1130 -: Kr Kr Naval square EE 7825 sound bearing 175°T. Later aircraft from 180°T and 220°T. |
14.35 |
From Lassen-1240-: 12.12 hours naval square 7858 convoy course 130°, 8 knots. Contact lost, continually forced to submerged by fast land-based aircraft. In pursuit. Calm sea, good visibility. |
15.30 |
From Lassen-1505-: Have contact on smoke cloud square 7897. |
16.00 |
EE 7868 |
SSE 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. good |
16.20 |
From Lassen-1600-: Convoy EO 1232, E-course, 8 knots. |
17.13 |
EE 7974 |
Aircraft bearing 140°T, course 250°, range about 7 nm, turned to approach. Dived. |
17.14 & 17.15 |
2 times 3 aircraft bombs far off which I believe were meant for Lassen. |
18.17 |
Surfaced. |
18.19 |
EE 7974 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 130°T, sharp target angle. Went to depth A -10 meters. |
18.47 |
Surfaced. |
- 27 - |
continued |
17.10.42 |
18.55 |
EE 7977 |
Flying boat bearing 170°T, medium altitude, large circles, range about 7 nm, changing courses. Suspect close escort of the convoy. |
19.12 |
Flying boat range 5 nm, closing. Dived to depth A -20 meters. |
19.48 |
At periscope depth: flying boat 2-engined, split tail, bearing 250°T, course N; turned to an easterly course. |
20.00 |
EE 7978 |
Flies southerly course. |
20.16 |
Bearing 170°T, now course 260°. |
20.32 |
Flying boat disappears on northerly course bearing 330°T. |
20.51 |
Surfaced. |
21.00 |
EE 7978 |
Crash dive! Flying boat bearing 70°T, range 4.5 nm, low altitude in approach. Went to depth A +0 meters. |
21.59 |
Surfaced. |
22.13 |
EO 1313 |
Crash dive for 2-engined land-based aircraft, very high and close, bright silver-gray paint. Only recognized from flashing when turning. |
22.14 |
4 hard aircraft bombs, glass damage, minor failures. Since then starboard outer exhaust gas valve is very stiff. |
22.45 |
4 aircraft bombs far off, probably for Lassen. |
Remained below due to Cumulus clouds on the horizon and low setting sun because it is shortly before twilight anyway. Course 100°. |
During all the dives sound bearings at the same volume in a southerly direction. Lost about 00.30 hours in 171°T, after they had became louder towards the end, so I hoped to still get to shooting position from a northeasterly zigzag. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
18.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1313 |
01.06 |
EO 1313 |
Surfaced. |
SSE 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. very good, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
01.46 |
To B.d.U.-2350/17-: Forced to remain submerged by a flying boat. . . . |
- 28 - |
continued |
18.10.42 |
Contact lost. Last sound bearing 171°T, 19.00 hours naval square 7978. |
02.44 |
From Lassen-1730/17-: 17.02 hours naval square EO 1236 lost contact on 2 large steamers course 140°, 12 knots, several smoke clouds, forced to submerged by flying boat. Suspect convoy dissolved into individual groups. |
Suspect general course of the convoy around 95°. |
Intention: Run about 8 hours on course 100°, then listen. Believe that Lassen will search to the south on the basis of his last convoy course observed by him; therefore favorable distribution. |
04.00 |
EO 2114 |
E 1, Sea 0-1, 5/10, Vis. good, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EO 2138 |
E 1, Sea 0-1, 5/10, Vis. changing, strong marine phosphorescence |
08.45 |
EO 2163 |
Dived to listen. |
08.55 |
Sound bearing in 240°T, shifting ahead. |
Apparently SE-course. Came to course 220°. |
09.15 |
Surfaced. 2 x HF. |
10.30 |
Dived to listen. |
from 10.49 to 11.52 |
Several sound bearings in a westerly direction, slowly shifting ahead, initially growing louder and slowly shifting ahead, so that I hoped to reach shooting position, at least get the convoy in sight. However the sounds gradually became fainter. |
12.14 |
EO 2168 |
Surfaced, course 250°, 2 x HF. |
E 1, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Vis. medium |
Day's run: Surfaced 164.5 nm, Submerged 9 nm |
Nothing in sight. |
13.03 |
Sent: Kr Kr-1156-: Naval square EO 2168 sound bearings around 270°T. Apparently a SW zigzag. |
13.58 |
Dived to listen. |
No sound bearings. |
14.30 |
Surfaced. Course 80°, HF. |
- 29 - |
continued |
18.10.42 |
14.46 |
Sent -1410-: Pursued in 250° into a void. Sound bearings were reliable. Either a fast inbound, or Lassen-convoy has made a full circle zigzag. EO 2181. Searching 80-100°. |
16.00 |
EO 2192 |
E 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good |
19.00 |
EO 2257 |
Course 30°, both diesels LF. |
19.29 to 19.35 |
EO 2255 |
Flying boat bearing 240°T, course 160°, range about 8 nm, medium altitude. Passed out of sight in 135°T. |
21.00 |
EO 2229 |
U-boat bearing 130°T. Lassen. Went in hailing distance exchanged experiences. |
Because Lassen came from the south I will not search further there. Came to northerly course. If the convoy is still behind, - easterly course assumed - then it can still pass my way. I believe further systematic search is pointless. |
23.00 |
On Norddeich 12 to B.d.U.-2131-: Square 2229 met Lassen. Broke off search. Intend to operate around naval square EE 76 during the full moon period. 129 cbm. |
23.15 |
U-Lassen out of sight in southerly direction. |
23.25 |
EO 2231 |
Dived to listen. Faint sound bearing in 45°T, shifted to the north was fainter. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
19.10.42 |
00.00 |
EO 2231 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 5/10, Vis. good |
00.20 |
Surfaced, Course 30°, 2 x HF. |
01.21 |
Dived to listen. Faint sounds bearing 120°T, shifting to the north, growing louder quickly. |
01.58 |
Surfaced. Course 120°, HF. |
02.52 |
Dived. No further sound bearings. |
- 30 - |
continued |
19.10.42 |
03.06 |
Surfaced. Course 5°, one diesel LF. |
Nothing in sight. Believe that it was Lassen, who stopped after dark. |
04.00 |
EE 8892 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 8835 |
The Radio Message sent on Norddeich 12 at 23.00 hours was not heard. |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
08.45 |
On-od-to B.d.U.-0315-: Request to operate during the full moon period around naval square 84. Search broken off, square 8895, 126 cbm. |
10.30 |
From B.d.U.-1013-: To Müller. Agreed. |
10.53 |
EE 8596 |
Twilight dive. |
11.43 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
Sea area east of Tobago |
Day's run: Surfaced 207 nm, Submerged 3 nm |
EE 8593 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. medium |
14.04 to 19.43 |
EE 8566 |
Dived to repair flood valve of the port regulating tank (valve disc had come loose from the spindle). |
16.00 |
EE 8566 |
20.00 |
EE 8563 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/1, Vis. good |
22.00 |
EE 8536 |
Course 250°. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
20.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8534 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, Vis. good |
04.00 |
EE 8529 |
Stopped and drifted during the night. |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
- 31 - |
continued |
20.10.42 |
08.00 |
EE 8528 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
11.04 to 11.40 |
Twilight and test dive. |
12.00 |
EE 8527 |
Day's run: Surfaced 33.5 nm, Submerged 7.5 nm |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. very good |
15.00 |
EE 8541 |
Course 80°. Want to move off a bit, to download 2 Atos from the over deck tonight. |
16.00 |
EE 8542 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good |
19.08 |
EE 8552 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 300°T in approach, range about 6000 meters, medium altitude, out of a cloud deck. Course 100°, 3 aircraft bombs close, 2 more distant, glass damage, minor failures. |
19.09 |
20.00 |
EE 8552 |
From experience, listening conditions here very good (further than visual). Therefore remained below, because there is a low solid cloud deck. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
21.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8553 |
E 3, Sea 2, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
00.43 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
EE 8562 |
No downloading today. |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 8642 |
E 4-, Sea 3, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
10.41 to 11.44 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
EE 8628 |
Course 30°. |
E 4, Sea 3, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
Day's run: Surfaced 70 nm, Submerged 8 nm |
- 32 - |
continued |
21.10.42 |
16.00 |
EE 8631 |
E 4, Sea 3, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
EE 8392 |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
22.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8366 |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EE 8363 |
During the night stopped drifting. |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 8338 |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
10.41 to 12.26 |
Dived. Depth control training. |
12.00 |
EE 8337 |
Day's run: Surfaced 44 nm, Submerged 3 nm |
E 4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Vis. medium |
Intentions: At the level of square 68 and 65 back and forth, between EE 55 and EF 82 to observed suspected traffic from reported sinkings and by B-Dienst reported course instructions "CITY OF FLINT" . |
20.00 |
EE 6748 |
E 4, Sea 3, 5/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
23.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6719 |
E 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EE 6715 |
During the night stopped drifting. |
NE 4-5, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
- 33 - |
continued |
23.10.42 |
05.53 to 06.08 |
Dived to listen. |
08.00 |
EE 6712 |
NE 4-5, Sea 3-4, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
09.00 to 09.57 |
Dived to listen. |
11.32 |
From B.d.U.- 0908-: American REUBEN TIPTON gave 07.26 hours SOS in 14°33'N and 54°58'W. |
Course 350°. Probably was torpedoed by another boat however one can have a look. |
12.00 |
Sea area east of Barbados |
Day's run: Surfaced 62 nm, Submerged 1.5 nm |
EE 6477 |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 5668 |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Vis. good |
17.40 to 18.22 |
EE 5664 |
Dived to listen. Nothing. |
18.30 |
Course 110°. It seemed to me that further operation on the steamer has no future. |
20.00 |
EE 5665 |
E 5, Sea 4, 4/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
24.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6448 |
E 4-5, Sea 4, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EE 6481 |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6494 |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
- 34 - |
continued |
24.10.42 |
12.00 |
EE 6577 |
Day's run: Surfaced 100 nm, Submerged 0.5 nm |
E 4-5, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 6821 |
E 4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Vis. good |
16.30 |
EE 6825 |
Course 160°. |
18.43 |
From B.d.U.-1741-: 1.) . . . 2.) . . . 3.) Müller report situation. |
20.00 |
BE 6853 |
E 4, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.45 |
To B.d.U.- 2003-: EE 00 no traffic. 18 October EO 22 flying boat course 160°. 20 October aircraft bombs EE 85. Operating since 22 October on traffic between EF 82 and EE 55. Stiff Trade Winds, EE 6853, 120 cbm. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
25.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6891 |
E 3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
from 01.00 |
Torpedoes downloaded from the over deck. Work delayed until 11.00 hours because of problems in the stern room, where I have an out of service Eto (Short circuit in battery chamber. Outer tube door of tube V has leaked since Bay of Biscay from aircraft bombs) I want to load it in an over deck container. |
04.00 |
EE 6889 |
E 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 9223 |
E 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
11.10 |
EE 9225 |
Steamer bearing 60°T, bow left target angle 70°, range about 8 nm, in the morning twilight out of a rain squall. |
Moved off, maneuvered ahead. Steamer zigzagged every 10 minutes 30° around general course 300°. |
- 35 - |
continued |
25.10.42 |
Ran at 10 knots, disappeared often in rain squalls. |
12.00 |
EE 9925 |
Day's run: Surfaced 92 nm |
E 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. changing |
14.04 |
Steamer no longer distinguished in the sun sector, due to a rain band there. Ran on north course ahead of him, until by plotting about target angle left 5°. |
14.20 |
Dived, course 90° to run against. |
Boat is difficult to hold, because as was later determined, the emergency vent valve IIB was not opened, so that the boat steered on an air bubble. |
15.05 |
Steamer range 3 nm, bearing 100°T, target angle 0°. |
Boat cuts under again, settles through. |
Angled away from him on course 280°. |
15.15 |
Again at periscope depth. Freighter range 3000 meters. Bow right 90°, turned towards 20°. The Chief Engineer fights with the depth. |
15.19 |
EE 6847 |
Double shot tube III and IV (Etos), range = 2000 meters, target angle right 90°, speed 10.5 knots, depth 3 meters. |
Aimpoint: forward and aft 40 meters. |
15.20 |
Muted detonation after 1 minute 8 seconds; no observation at the target. (Battery explosion?) |
15.21 |
Hit after 2 minutes 5 seconds aft 30 meters. |
High explosion column, white smoke, Steamer stopped, a raft was thrown overboard forward to starboard. |
Very bad listening conditions, propeller sounds were first heard just before the shot. Very strong layers! |
Target: Three island freighter estimated 5000 GRT; apparently in ballast, lay quite high out. Apparently a motorship. |
Gray paint, armed. |
New approach. |
15.34 |
Single shot tube I (Eto). Enemy speed 2 knots, bow right 100°, range = 1200 meters, depth 3 meters. |
Aim point: forward 10 meters. |
Hard metallic impact after 1 minute 6 seconds |
- 36 - |
continued |
25.10.42 |
heard in the boat. Apparently a Pistol failure. |
Third approach. |
15.57 |
Single shot tube II (Ato), bow right 88°, speed 0.5 knots, range = 500 meters, depth 2 meters. Hit after 17 seconds forward 20 meters. High explosion column, black mushroom at the level of the bridge great chunks fly through the air. |
Freighter takes on a list to starboard quickly, settles deeper forward, however still lies relatively high out. No inclination to sink. |
Ran in for a stern shot, to take freighter with target angle right 70° ahead, turned away with port 20° [rudder angle] when he was just fit in small magnification |
16.14 |
EE 6847 |
Boat cuts under in the turn. |
16.17 |
Periscope clear again. Steamer just ahead to starboard, fits only to 1/3 in small magnification. Range about 200-300 meters. Quickly went to depth 40 meters, hard to port! Had the impression that the steamer turned towards or swung around. |
After a few seconds time, which did not correspond to the observed distance if the target was stopped, slight, abrading noise at the conning tower, soft crinkle. |
Boat took no noticeable down angle or heel. Sounds not heard beyond the control room. Seem to have gotten clear; however, the aft periscope can no longer be moved. Ran on course 240° beneath the steamer. forward periscope out. Jammed after 1.5 meters. Most embarrassing! |
Remained below, stayed nearby to finish off the freighter at night. |
18.10 |
2 dull detonations. |
20.00 |
EE 6847 |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
26.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6847 |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
- 37 - |
continued |
26.10.42 |
00.14 |
Surfaced. Conning tower hatch could only be opened such that you have to force yourself through. Kommandant and Second Watch Officer on the bridge. Attempted to beat back the overhanging bridge cladding with a sledge hammer unsuccessfully. In light of the perceived gentle collision I am much surprised by the extent of the damage. The torpedoed freighter lies bearing 230°T, range about 2 nm, stopped, shortly before moonrise. Went to the dark side. Stayed along topside. Passing at 1000 meters abeam distance turned for a stern shot. Boat yaws strongly before the sea, no exact aiming because the U.Z.O. is bent over. |
Line of sight over the Mg. C 30 and stern. Range was too large for me. |
Ran in over the sternpost, freighter still lays with the same down angle and list as observed during the day. |
01.52 |
Single shot from tube VI (Eto), bow left 90°, range about 900 meters, speed 0 knots, depth 3 meters. Aim point (inexact) center. |
01.53 |
Hit aft 30 meters. High dark detonation column. |
Steamer breaks through, masts say goodnight. |
01.54 |
Bow and stern capsize. Stern sinks shortly after. |
01.56 |
Bow sinks under explosion phenomena. No boats seen. |
2 x HF, course 70°. Moved off for clearance work. |
Bridge watch: Watch Officer and one Unteroffizer. |
02.05 |
Bearing 220°T lights on the horizon, a few times a boat searchlight. |
04.00 |
EE 6854 |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
- 38 - |
continued |
26.10.42 |
05.00 to 09.00 |
Conning tower hatch burnt free. Thereafter full bridge watch. Now the situation looks more friendly again. |
08.00 |
EE 6839 |
Damage: Bridge cladding bent over about 1.3 meters on both sides up to the front of the diesel air shaft. Radio Direction finder antenna destroyed (leaks), aft periscope bent about 10 cm below the objective, glass cracked, forward periscope jams after about 1.5 meters in the guide bushing. Forward net deflector torn, voice tubes in the coning tower leak (are kinked and broken below the stopcock), U.Z.O. head broken off, column and firing lever bent. Electric transmission and firing out of service. |
E 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
The extent of the damage makes my first suspicion of ramming wreckage parts unlikely. However, the impact came from ahead (on the periscope shears even from ahead to port), while the freighter in a turn to port was last at a relative bearing of 18°. Additionally with the Ato coup de grâce at 15.57 hours I came to range = 340 meters (target no longer fit with small magnification) with turn away still well clear, and this time the range was perfectly greater. It seems to me that the question cannot be answered from on board means! |
12.00 |
EE 6924 |
Day's run: Surfaced 101 nm, Submerged 15 nm |
E 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
15.35 to 16.33 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
EE 6931 |
E 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good |
18.00 |
EE 6699 |
Course 0°. |
20.00 |
EE 6693 |
E 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. good |
23.00 |
EE 6638 |
Course 180°. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 39 - |
27.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6662 |
E 3, Sea 2, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
03.30 |
Began to download torpedoes from the over deck. |
Stopped drifting. |
01.40 |
Explosion in over deck canister 10. Up to 4 meter long bluish jet of flame with reddish core, when the first cover latch was loosened 1-2 turns. All the latches were torn out of their eyes, the cover disappeared. Matr.Gefr. Hartmann, who was using a mallet to loosen the latch due to abnormal stiffness, was thrown through the air in a 2-meter-high arc and dropped on his back to the deck 2-3 meters away, where he remained unconscious. Swelling and lesions showed that he was struck by the cover on his head and chest. He was carried unconscious into the boat, where he died at 08:20 hours without regaining consciousness. |
3 men were also lightly wounded. |
04.00 |
EE 6665 |
E 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
08.00 |
EE 6665 |
The remaining still full tubes were immediately checked by opening the vent screw. No over pressure was determined. |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
The Ato from container 10 was pushed into 9 as a precaution the canister was flooded and carried with open vent. The out of service Eto from tube V was loaded into container 4. |
3 Atos from over deck containers were downloaded into the bow room. |
The work was greatly delayed since during the outbound transit the port-forward torpedo transport unit was knocked out by the seas, and could not be replaced by any of the 3 others. It makes sense for each to have a "unique construction". [satirical remark] |
- 40 - |
continued |
27.10.42 |
09.20 |
Downloading ended. |
11.00 |
EE 6664 |
Course 180°. |
12.00 |
EE 6664 |
Day's run: Surfaced 80 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
13.34 |
To B.d.U.-FTN-0820-: 25 October square 6847 day freighter 5000 GRT, course 300°, 10 knots, 2 hits. 1 pistol failure No. 30282, 1 Eto detonation half way. Collision during run for coup de grâce. Bridge dented, attack periscope, U.Z.O., radio direction finder remain out of service. Freighter sunk at night. Moved off to square 6665, cleaned things up, air search periscope in operation again, very stiff, have downloaded, |
12 torpedoes below deck, above 2 + 1 out of service, 1 questionable. When opening the first over deck canister cover latch, over deck canister exploded, jet of flame, cover disappeared. Matr.Gefr. Heinz Hartmann UN 15181/40 S unconscious, just now deceased. Suspect fatal internal hemorrhage. |
Request attack area around square 68, 110 cbm, naval square EE. |
14.50 |
Free watch on the overdeck for funeral of Matr.Gefr. Hartmann. Engines stopped. MG's ready. After a short memorial by the Kommandanten handed over the body to the sea. |
15.08 |
φ = 14°23'N |
λ = 52°33'W |
15.10 |
Course 180°. |
16.00 |
EE 6691 |
E 2-3, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Vis. good |
16.42 to 17.22 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
EE 6934 |
E 2-3, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. good |
18.45 |
From B.d.U.-1833-: Concur. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 41 - |
28.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6956 |
Stopped drifting until morning twilight. |
E 2-3, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Vis. good |
04.00 |
EE 6958 |
E 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6957 |
E 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
12.00 |
EE 6984 |
Day's run: Surfaced 76 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
E 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. changing |
16.00 |
EE 9327 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 9376 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2 3/10, Vis. good |
22.00 |
EE 9379 |
Course 0°. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
29.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 9373 |
Until morning twilight stopped, drifting. |
E 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Vis. changing |
04.00 |
EE 9373 |
E 2-3, Sea 1-2, 7/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 9348 |
E 3, Sea 1, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 9345 |
Day's run: Surfaced 93 nm |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. changing |
16.00 |
EE 9312 |
ENE 4, Sea 3, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
- 42 - |
continued |
29.10.42 |
19.50 |
From B.d.U.-1819-: Müller, Merten, Bauer, Heysse, Witt, Achilles occasionally report if there are any experiences with torpedoes with modified depth control apparatus (membrane bushing) . Experiences are crucial for deciding on final Front clearance, it is important whether torpedoes were heated and under permanent ventilation as ordered. |
20.00 |
EE 6972 |
ENE 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
30.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6942 |
During the night stopped, drifting. |
E 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. changing |
03.00 to 03.40 |
Test dive, listened. |
04.00 |
EE 6942 |
E 3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6917 |
E 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 6914 |
Day's run: Surfaced 71 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 6674 |
E 4, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 6644 |
E 4, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
31.10.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6611 |
During the night stopped, drifting. |
E 4, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. good |
02.54 to 03.25 |
Test dive, listened. |
- 43 - |
continued |
31.10.42 |
04.00 |
EE 6611 |
NE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
05.45 |
From B.d.U.-2201/30-: On torpedo explosion occasionally report: 1.) Ato or Eto. 2.) Include air and water vapour cartridge inserted. 3.) Type of explosion and suspected cause. |
08.00 |
EE 6299 |
ENE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
11.00 |
EE 6299 |
Course 180°. |
12.00 |
EE 6533 |
Day's run: Surfaced 77 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
ENE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 6563 |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. good |
16.20 |
From B.d.U.-1205-: To boats around ED 99. 1.) During the new moon period approach close to the focal point. If traffic stops in the area undertake an advance to the SW up to the coast. 2.) French hospital ship "MONT EVEREST" located today in EE 50 on course 250°. Do not attack. All naval squares. |
19.32 |
Sent on sn-1552-: To Serial No. 304: 1.) Ato. 2.) No. 3.) With an elevated tube and slight turning first latch (hammer) thump explosion. All eyes torn away. Jet of flame bluish, reddish core. Tube partly full of water. Crucial part full boat battery short. Electrolysis? Summer lightening. Torpedo undamaged externally, no fuel loss. When loosening "flower pot" light over pressure pistol cavity. Am carrying the torpedo in the over deck flooded, vent open. Remaining canisters checked, operable. Position 6563. Bridge, U.Z.O. makeshift, air search periscope fully operational. 66 to 93 nothing. 107 cbm. Request orders. Membrane bushing positive. T.A. no pressure difference. Continuous ventilation. Not heated, temperature always reached. Naval square EE. |
- 44 - |
continued |
31.10.42 |
20.00 |
EE 6593 |
!0 1932 sent Radio Message: "Request orders", since EE 68 was assigned to me as an attack area, and I want to have certainty, if B.d.U. still considers me part of "Boats around EE 99" and I can give up the currently barren area. |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
01.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6598 |
During darkness stopped, drifting. |
E 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
(E-compressor out of service. Time until it will be operable still not foreseen). |
04.00 |
EE 6597 |
E 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6589 |
E 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 6822 |
Day's run: Surfaced 79 nm |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
16.00 |
EE 6852 |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 7/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 6885 |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Vis. good |
22.00 |
EE 6888 |
Course 260°. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
02.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 9213 |
Stopped. Began to unload the last two Atos from the over deck. Then I will be independent of weather and area. |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. good |
at 03.00 |
Clocks were changed one hour to new D.G.Z. (M.E.Z.). |
- 45 - |
continued |
02.11.42 |
04.00 |
EE 9215 |
The Ato in over deck container 3 jammed after about 3 meters, possibly because the stop bolt abutment came out of the groove and stuck under a bar from the close depth charges. Attempts to turn the torpedo with levers or pull it forward or aft (with a pulley) don't work. |
NE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence |
Had a wedge cut from the over deck container to free the stop bolt abutment. |
06.27 |
EE 9241 |
During this work a shadow comes in sight bearing 250°T. Initially assumed to be a steamer. Lies bow right sharp target angle, comes closer quickly. Am positioned in the bright sector. Ran over to the dark side at 2 x HF. Work broken off. Shadow disappears briefly in a rain band. When it comes in sight again, already a high bow sea is recognized, breakers over the bridge. |
Outlines: Short, high forecastle, sharp bow, upward tapering bridge, thick smokestack clear of the bridge, about the same height, a thin mast, long low aftership, high speed, course east. Apparently a destroyer or the like. Most probably cannot get away on the surface unseen. Range about 2000 meters. |
06.29 |
Crash dive! Depth A +20 meters. Listening conditions are bad. Propeller sounds only heard for 1/4 hour: fast runner, high RPM. Stubbornly holds course and speed, in so doing comes very close. |
Probably sent to search for survivors of the last steamer torpedoed here. |
08.04 |
EE 9241 |
NE 4, Sea 3, 6/10, Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced, after this the torpedoes were put in their stowage and secured and the boat was roughly balanced at depth A -40 meters. |
08.06 |
Over deck container with the torpedo went overboard while blowing from an overcoming sea. Sinking observed. |
09.58 to 11.02 |
Test dive, balanced the boat. |
- 46 - |
continued |
02.11.42 |
12.00 |
EE 9167 |
Day's run: Surfaced 84 nm, Submerged 3 nm |
NE 4-5, Sea 3-4, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
16.00 |
EE 9173 |
NE 5, Sea 4, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
EE 8392 |
NE 5, Sea 4, 7/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
03.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8387 |
NE 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast rain, Vis. bad |
04.00 |
EE 8616 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, overcast rain, Vis. very bad |
07.43 |
EE 8569 |
Bright glow bearing 250°T. Shifts out to the left, so crosses my course. |
08.00 |
EE 8569 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, 2/10 (rain), Vis. moderate sometimes bad, marine phosphorescence |
08.39 |
Argentinian steamer (see 07.43 hours) with prescribed lights and markings. Range about 1500 meters, course 120°, 2500 GRT, about 10 nm away. |
09.50 |
Steamer out of sight bearing 90°T. |
09.58 to 11.05 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
EE 8598 |
Day's run: Surfaced 90 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
NE 3-4, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Vis. medium |
16.00 |
EE 8865 |
ESE 4, Sea 3, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
EO 2237 |
ESE 4, Sea 3, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 47 - |
04.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 2259 |
E 3, Sea 2, overcast rain, Vis. bad |
04.00 |
EO 2521 |
E 3, Sea 2, 8/10 rain, Vis. bad, strong marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
08.00 |
EO 2547 |
E 3, Sea 2, 8/10 rain, Vis. bad, Summer lightening and marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EO 2729 |
Day's run: Surfaced 196 nm |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. medium |
13.00 |
EO 2753 |
Due to unfavorable, worsening cloudiness dived, to remain unseen in the shallow water area. |
16.00 |
EO 2755 |
20.00 |
EO 2758 |
23.38 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
05.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 2784 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EO 1998 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EO 4324 |
Course 310°. |
SE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
09.51 |
EO 4313 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
EO 4312 |
Day's run: Surfaced 84 nm, Submerged 18 nm |
16.00 |
EO 1978 |
20.00 |
EO 1971 |
23.15 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 48 - |
06.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1893 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
03.54 |
EO 1853 |
Vertically polarized detection, slowly growing louder. Suspect sea. Dived. Faint fast propeller sounds bearing 237°T, shifted astern, first louder, then was fainter. Apparently an easterly course. |
04.45 |
EO 1853 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
07.19 |
Vertically polarized detection. Dived. |
07.45 |
Surfaced. |
07.48 |
Vertically polarized detection. Dived. |
He is still there. Suspect a patrol vessel. |
08.32 |
EO 1813 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
09.42 |
EO 1812 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
EO 1578 |
Day's run: Surfaced 70 nm, Submerged 15 nm |
16.00 |
EO 1577 |
20.00 |
EO 1496 |
23.02 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
07.11.42 |
00.00 |
EO 1496 |
SE 3, Sea 2, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence |
00.03 |
From Lassen-1927/6-: Kr Kr 19.15 hours naval square ED 9952 8 freighters, 2 destroyers, 2 patrol vessels, course east, 8 knots. |
00.28 |
Intention: HF, waiting course 30°. If Lassen does not maintain contact, head for the Tobago Passage, operate in ED 98. |
- 49 - |
continued |
07.11.42 |
02.00 |
Course 359°, because there are no further convoy reports. |
04.00 |
EO 1434 |
E 3, Sea 2, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EO 1183 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence and Summer lightening |
09.54 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
EO 1153 |
Day's run: Surfaced 78 nm, Submerged 16 nm |
16.00 |
EO 1128 |
20.00 |
EO 1122 |
23.10 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
08.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7788 |
Course 295°. |
04.00 |
ED 9968 |
To and through the Tobago Passage by coastal beacons (identifiers and strength as in peacetime). |
E 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
07.00 |
ED 9955 |
A small shadow bearing 240°T below the horizon, SE-course. Apparently a PC-boat. Avoided at HF to the north. |
07.14 |
Out of sight. |
07.45 |
ED 9952 |
A small shadow below the horizon bearing 345°T. Course southeast. Same silhouette. Avoided to the south. |
08.05 |
Out of sight. |
08.00 |
ED 9946 |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence |
08.43 |
ED 9954 |
One shadow each bearing 80° and 95°T, of these the smaller below the horizon. |
The smaller one steers about 200°, outmaneuvered. The larger has a westerly course. |
09.40 |
Small shadow out of sight. |
- 50 - |
continued |
08.11.42 |
Closed the other. Seemed to be a steamer, at least a larger patrol vessel, due to sharp target angle not distinguished. |
Matched speed, maneuvered ahead for a day submerged attack, because it is already dawn. |
09.59 |
Dived, ran towards on course 340°. Initially nothing seen, despite the enemy being in the bright sector, because due to the now low height of eye the clouds are on the horizon. Proceeded in the blind, because of bad listening conditions. |
10.30 |
Silhouette target angle 0°, astern to starboard. Ran past before the bow. |
10.32 |
The vessel had zigzagged to starboard, lies bow left 10°, range about 4000 meters. Turned to port. Vessel now recognized as a steamer with swung out lifeboats. Ran off a bit with the steamer in relative bearing 160°. |
10.36 |
Enemy seems to have zigzagged to starboard, is now about in target angle 50-60°. |
Turned towards hard, 2 x HF. Evidently the twilight is scary to the evil enemy. Zigzagged to 270°. |
In the meantime it is nearly light, the air search periscope throws a huge bow sea and forces me, from showing it only the briefest time, into exhausting exercises, the benefits of an operable attack periscope are particularly clear. |
from 10.35 |
Faint propeller sounds bearing 115°T, growing louder. Through the periscope nothing is distinguished. Sounds were subsequently covered in the propeller sounds of the steamer. |
10.39 |
ED 9944 |
Multiple shot tube I and III (Eto), enemy target angle right 90°, speed 11 knots, depth 3 meters, aim point forward and aft 40 meters, range = 1400 meters. |
Target: 3-island goalpost mast freighter, 4000 GRT, armed, greenish-gray paint, |
- 51 - |
continued |
08.11.42 |
cable layer stem. |
Like type "TRIONA". |
10.41 |
1 hit forward 15 meters, (before the bridge) high detonation column, wreckage flies into the air. Freighter took on a slight list to starboard, settled forward, turns to a SW-course and stubbornly runs at low speed (first 80 then later just 60 RPM) in the direction of the coast. No opportunity for a coup de grâce. |
11.00 |
ED 9944 |
Course 300°. |
from 11.24 |
Louder and fainter growing sound bearings shifting in various directions. |
12.00 |
ED 9944 |
Day's run: Surfaced 95 nm, Submerged 18 nm |
14.23 |
Sound bearing 340°T (triple time) coming closer with changing courses, stopped momentarily. Disappeared in 100°T. |
16.22 |
ED 9863 |
4 depth charges far astern to port. |
16.35 |
2 " " " " |
16.56 |
2 " " " " |
17.13 |
1 " " " " |
18.43 |
2 " " " " |
18.59 |
3 " " " " |
19.18 |
3 " " " " |
20.18 |
2 " " " " |
20.30 |
1 " " " " |
21.13 |
1 " " " " |
Ha ha, we were there once! |
20.00 |
ED 9862 |
Course 50°. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
09.11.42 |
00.00 |
ED 9839 |
00.28 |
ED 9839 |
ESE 1-2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
Surfaced. |
- 52 - |
continued |
09.11.42 |
04.00 |
ED 9687 |
ESE 1-2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
05.00 |
ED 9683 |
Course 100°. |
08.00 |
ED 9696 |
ESE 1-2, Sea 1, blue sky, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.30 |
ED 9696 |
Course 280°. |
09.23 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
ED 9694 |
Day's run: Surfaced 76 nm, Submerged 18 nm |
12.30 |
When going to periscope depth sound bearing in 62°T, grew louder shifted out to the right. |
Came to course 220°. |
12.34 |
At periscope depth: normal three-island freighter, double king posts, armed, gray paint, course 240°, loaded, circled by aircraft about 150 meters altitude. |
12.36 |
Aircraft flies towards. |
To depth A -50 meters, went immediately to periscope depth again. Steamer already lies bow right 80°. Turned to course 190°. Enemy speed clocked twice while passing by. |
12.43 |
ED 9694 |
Multiple shot tubes I and III. Enemy target angle right 100°, speed 9 knots, range = 1400 meters, depth 3 meters (Etos). |
2 hits after 90 seconds. Center and forward 30 meters. Freighter gives way in the middle, quickly settles deeper on an even keel. |
12.49 |
2 dull detonations heard (bulkheads breaking?). Have the periscope (air search) retracted, because the enormous bow sea develops, with the flat sea it must be seen easily, when I remember that in the thick of the fight I had not yet identified the guy and only roughly estimated his size. |
12.51 |
Periscope out: freighter has sunk in the mean time. Sighted an occupied lifeboat, one empty raft and wreckage bearing 45°T, range about 800 meters. Estimated tonnage of the freighter 6000 GRT . . . |
- 53 - |
continued |
09.11.42 |
(filled at 1200 meters about 2/3 at 6x magnification) make no claim of accuracy. |
13.00 |
ED 9694 |
Course 60°. Possibly something will still come here. |
16.00 |
ED 9694 |
20.00 |
ED 9691 |
23.00 |
Course 100°. |
23.22 |
Surfaced. |
23.46 |
From B.d.U.-1922/9-: 1.) . . . . 2.) . . . . 3.) Müller make short situation report, or if nothing seen, position. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
10.11.42 |
00.00 |
ED 9692 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, blue sky, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EE 7771 [typo EE 7471 |
ESE 2, Sea 1-2, 1/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
04.18 |
To B.d.U.-0049-: 2 November EE 9241 while downloading dived before a destroyer. Lost one torpedo. 3 November square 8569 Argentinian course 120°. EO coastal route nothing. 6 November vertically polarized detections on 169 cm square 1853, square1813 at 03.54, 07.19, 07.48 hours. 8 November square ED 9944 freighter 4000 GRT, course 270°, 11 knots, hit, sinking not observed. Passage 3 times patrol vessels at night. 9 November ED 9694 freighter 6000 GRT, course 240°, 9 knots, close aircraft escort. Sunk. Position square 9693, 92 cbm. 4 + 5 torpedoes, 2 out of service. All naval squares. |
04.30 |
EE 7771 [typo EE 7471 |
Course 280°. |
08.00 |
ED 9693 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
09.30 |
ED 9692 |
Course 80°. |
09.55 |
ED 9692 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
ED 9668 |
Day's run: Surfaced 39 nm, Submerged 19 nm |
16.00 |
ED 9669 |
20.00 |
EE 7447 |
Course 325°. |
23.22 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 54 - |
11.11.42 |
00.00 |
ED 9663 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
ED 9386 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
06.50 ) |
07.52 ) |
08.38 ) |
Searchlight illuminated on the horizon from direction ED 6910 |
08.42 ) |
09.07 ) |
08.00 |
ED 9316 |
ESE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
from 08.30 |
Passage 9315 navigated by land objects. |
10.00 |
ED 9315 |
Dived at the beginning of dawn. |
12.00 |
ED 9315 |
Day's run: Surfaced 86 nm, Submerged 22 nm |
16.00 |
ED 9314 |
17.50 |
Observed the harbor, 3-4 nm from the landing jetty. Only a two-masted coastal sailing vessel lies there. |
In the Passage by day observed several coastal sailing vessels and fishing boats. |
20.00 |
ED 9311 |
23.21 |
Surfaced. Buildings on the island and autos illuminated. Beacons burn as in peacetime. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
12.11.42 |
00.00 |
ED 9312 |
SE 0-1, Sea 0, 4/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
01.00 |
ED 9313 |
Course 125°. |
04.00 |
ED 9329 |
SE 0-1, Sea 0, 1/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
- 55 - |
continued |
12.11.42 |
08.00 |
ED 9369 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
09.40 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
EE 7172 |
Day's run: Surfaced 61 nm, Submerged 18 nm |
16.00 |
EE 7176 |
20.00 |
EE 7176 |
23.14 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
13.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7188 |
SSE 0-1, Sea 0, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
00.40 |
EE 7422 |
Aircraft detection, dived. |
01.13 |
Surfaced. |
03.30 |
EE 7435 |
Course 230°. |
04.00 |
EE 7437 |
SSE 0-1, Sea 0, 1/10, Vis. medium, strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 7449 |
SSE 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
09.41 |
EE 7471 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Course 90°. |
12.00 |
EE 7473 |
Day's run: Surfaced 73 nm, Submerged 18 nm |
16.00 |
EE 7481 |
20.00 |
EE 7483 |
23.17 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
14.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7492 |
Calm, 1/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
01.30 |
EE 7571 |
Course 210°. |
- 56 - |
continued |
14.11.42 |
04.00 |
EE 7732 |
Calm, 2/10, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 7753 |
Calm, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
09.35 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
10.45 |
Sound bearing in 105°T. Periscope depth. |
11.18 |
Smoke feather bearing 92°T. Therefore good listening conditions, freighter, "RIO DIAMANTE" about 3000 GRT with Argentinian markings distinguished. |
Course 280°. |
12.00 |
EE 7758 |
Day's run: Surfaced 78 nm, Submerged 19 nm |
13.00 |
EE 7782 |
Course 140°. |
16.00 |
EE 7785 |
20.00 |
EE 7786 |
23.20 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
15.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7797 |
Calm, 1/10, Vis. very good, no marine phosphorescence |
02.20 |
EO 1136 |
Shadow bearing 50°T. Made out as a steamer on westerly course. |
Held contact until moonset because am on the bright horizon. Maneuvered ahead. |
04.00 |
EE 7788 |
Enemy zigzags around 295°, speed 11 knots. |
Calm, 1/10, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
05.19 |
EE 7788 |
Multiple shot tube III and IV (Atos), enemy target angle bow left 95°, speed 10.5 knots, range = 1080 meters, depth 3.5 meters. |
2 hits after 54 seconds, center and aft 25 meters. High explosion column. Freighter settled aft a little deeper. |
05.24 |
Steamer transmitted. It turned out to be the freighter "KING ARTHUR", 5224 GRT. |
- 57 - |
continued |
15.11.42 |
05.27 |
Coup de grâce tube II (Ato) enemy target angle bow left 90°, range = 600 meters, speed 2 knots, depth 5 meters. |
Bubble track observed until it met the after edge of the forecastle. Either it underran due to being down by the stern or passed just before the bow. The ship must have been brought to a halt with the engines, it could not have been stopped that short a time. |
05.39 |
Coup de grâce tube VI (Eto). Stopped target, target angle left 90°, range = 900 meters, speed 0 knots, depth 4 meters. |
Approach by the stern. Inexact aiming due to makeshift repairs to the U.Z.O. |
Hit aft 50 meters after 60 seconds. High detonation column. Freighter settles a little deeper, takes a list to port. However doesn't seem to be sinking. |
05.41 |
Apparently an internal explosion. No observation at the target. |
05.47 |
Coup de grâce tube I (Eto) target angle bow left 90°, range = 850 meters, speed 0, depth 4 meters. |
Hit center after 57 seconds. |
Heavy, dark, broad and low explosion column. |
05.49 |
Freighter capsizes very quickly to port, lies initially still high on its side, apparently the after cargo hold and engine room are flooded. |
Sank with considerable speed after the stern was overflowed. |
05.51 |
Freighter sunk. |
05.52 |
While running off - course 40° - passed many cotton bails and wreck parts. Apparently cotton cargo. So the amazing buoyancy. |
06.30 |
Course 90°. |
08.00 |
BE 7798 |
Calm, 1/10, Vis. medium, marine phosphorescence and Summer lightening |
09.26 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
EE 7875 |
Day's run: Surfaced 82 nm, Submerged 17 nm |
16.00 |
EE 7879 |
- 58 - |
continued |
15.11.42 |
20.00 |
EE 7887 |
23.09 |
Surfaced. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
16.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 7888 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. very good, no marine phosphorescence |
01.16 |
From B.d.U.-1722/15.-: 1.) . . . . 2.) . . . . 3.) Müller, Bauer, Gysae report situation. |
01.44 |
Sent on -od-2335/15.-: Since 10 November N, NE, NW, around ED 9930 nothing. EE: 13 November horizontally polarized 170 cm, 00.40 hours, 7422. 14 November 7758 Argentinian "RIO DIAMANTE", course west. 15 November sank: "KING ARTHUR" 7788, course 295°, cotton. 4 hits! 2 + 2 torpedoes, 83 cbm, 7888. Flat sea. Bright moon setting off to the NE. Naval squares. |
04.00 |
EE 7896 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 7984 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 7992 |
Day's run: Surfaced 80 nm, Submerged 15 nm |
NE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 87x8 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 8759 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, Vis. good |
23.35 |
EE 8844 |
Steamer lights bearing 280°T. Ran to meet. Argentinian "RIO DALLEGOS", modern passenger freighter, about 3000 GRT. Course 100°. Prescribed illuminated markings. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 59 - |
17.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8844 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EE 8822 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 8592 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
09.50 to10.36 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
EE 8617 |
Day's run: Surfaced 132 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
NE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 8621 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 8391 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
18.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 8365 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good |
04.00 |
EE 9115 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6784 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 6761 |
Day's run: Surfaced 151 nm |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good |
from 14.00 |
EE 6734 |
Stopped on the steamer route. Saved fuel. |
16.00 |
EE 6734 |
E 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
18.29 |
EE 6734 |
Smoke feather bearing 109°T. Took astern. By plotting course 295°, speed 9 knots. |
- 60 - |
continued |
18.11.42 |
19.24 |
EE 6721 |
Dived to attack. Ran to meet. |
20.00 |
EE 6721 |
E 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.30 |
EE 6722 |
Single shot from tube VI (Eto) because shooting data is reliable and size of the steamer estimated at 3000 GRT. |
Target: freighter full, bow left target angle 90°, speed 9 knots, range = 1100 meters, depth 3.5 meters. Aim point forward 10 meters. |
Hit after 74 seconds. Level of the engine room bulkhead - after cargo hold. High dark detonation column. Freighter was down by the stern, stopped, settled steadily deeper with port list. |
20.42 |
Steamer sank over the stern. |
Afterwards over 24 light detonations heard. |
20.56 |
Surfaced. Captain and Chief Engineer taken on board as prisoners. |
It turned out to be the Norwegian freighter "TORTUGAS", 4692 GRT motorship 12-13 knots; speed reduced by engine breakdown. Course 300°, 9.5 knots. From Cape Town with tea, 3000 tons pig iron, hides, shellac, jute for Trinidad. |
Cargo was taken over in Calcutta, Proceeded to Cape Town to bunker. |
Crew 43 men, among then gun crew + 2 stewards, English. |
21.15 |
Course 45 until out of sight of the lifeboats. |
22.15 |
To B.d.U. on ry-2043-: 16 November 8844 "RIO DALLEGOS" course 100°. Just now sank: "TORTUGAS" course 300°, piece goods Capetown - Trinidad. Captain, Chief Engineer on board. 1 + 2 torpedoes. Naval square EE. |
22.30 |
EE 6489 |
Course 135°. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
19.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6731 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
- 61 - |
continued |
19.11.42 |
00.12 |
From B.d.U. 2337/18-: Tonnage sunken "RIO DALLEGOS reported by Short Signal. |
00.45 |
Sent in -ry--0013-: Argentinian 3000 GRT not sunk. |
The not sinking of "RIO DALLEGES" seems clear from the structure of the submitted Radio Message. However, I erroneously assumed that all RIO-steamers" were Argentinian. |
01.00 |
EE 6735 |
Course 120°. |
04.00 |
EE 6842 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6858 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
from 10.55 |
Stopped on the steamer route. |
12.00 |
EE 6891 |
Day's run: Surfaced 126 nm, Submerged 2 nm |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 6891 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 6891 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
20.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6894 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EE 6895 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. very good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6895 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
10.41 to 11.17 |
Test dive. Course 300°. |
- 62 - |
continued |
20.12.42 |
12.00 |
EE 6895 |
Day's run: Surfaced 20 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 9/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 6858 |
W 1, Sea 0-1, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
EE 6858 |
W 1, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
21.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6857 |
W 1, Sea 0-1, 8/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EE 6846 |
NE 1-2, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6846 |
NE 1-2, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 6846 |
Day's run: Surfaced 48 nm |
NE 1-2, Sea 0-1, 8/10, Vis. good |
12.57 |
From B.d.U.-1118-: To boats around naval square ED 90. Operate on traffic in accordance with the Schuch-report. . . |
Schuch reported heavy independent traffic in EP 50 and 20 running west and northwest. So ran on course 125° counter to the traffic suspected to run from EP 2510 to E 5530. |
16.00 |
EE 6857 |
ENE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 6882 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 63 - |
22.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 6886 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 7/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
01.02 to 01.25 |
Test dive. |
04.00 |
EE 6898 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EE 6899 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 9319 |
Day's run: Surfaced 68.5 nm, Submerged 0.5 nm |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EE 9356 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EE 9392 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
23.11.42 |
00.00 |
EF 7178 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EF 7428 |
E 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EF 7465 |
E 3, Sea 2, 7/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EF 7572 |
Day's run: Surfaced 128 nm |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
16.00 |
EF 7822 |
E 3, Sea 2, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
- 64 - |
continued |
23.11.42 |
20.00 |
EF 7837 |
E 2, Sea 1, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
24.11.42 |
00.00 |
EF 7944 |
E 2, Sea 1, 8/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
01.59 to 02.30 |
Test dive. |
04.00 |
EF 7984 |
E 2, Sea 1, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EP 1331 |
E 2, Sea 1, 9/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
08.36 |
EP 1332 |
A shadow bearing 60°T target angle 0°, course 280°, speed 12 knots. |
09.45 |
After enemy speed was exactly matched, dove on opposite course to attack. Beginning of twilight. |
10.08 |
Steamer zigzagged on a northerly course. Did not get closer. Type "AFRIKA" distinguished. |
11.33 |
Surfaced at the limit of visibility, began to maneuver ahead. |
12.00 |
EP 1324 |
Day's run: Surfaced 126 nm, Submerged 5 nm |
E 2, Sea 1, 9/10, Vis. medium |
Maneuver ahead by day does not work due to very frequent, heavy rain squalls, which last up to 2 hours and which the steamer cleverly exploited so that he passed out of sight and I always have to close and so lose ground. |
16.00 |
EF 7888 |
NE 0-6, Sea 0-4, 9/10 (rain), Vis. greatly changing, at times down to 500 meters |
19.36 |
Freighter comes in sight as a shadow bearing 235°T, range 5 nm. Rain squall breaks up a bit. |
- 65 - |
continued |
24.11.42 |
19.38 |
Had to dive so that I am not sighted. |
20.08 |
EF 7757 |
Surfaced. Continued pursuit. |
NE 3, Sea 2, 8/10 (rain), Vis. bad |
Closed as the sun went down. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
25.11.42 |
00.00 |
EE 9993 |
Must shoot from the moon sector, however I hope that will not be watched as closely. It is terribly light anyway. Now a rain squall would be to our advantage! |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Vis. very good, no marine phosphorescence, bright moon |
00.51 |
EE 9993 |
Multiple shot from tubes II and III (Atos), depth 4 meters, range = 700 and 500 meters, bow right target angle 95°, speed 11.5 knots. Aimpoint center and aft 30 meters. |
Freighter proceeds high in ballast. Light gray paint. |
Only a brief, irregular bubble track observed from the first torpedo, while turning away at 300 meters the second was clearly seen to hit the side of the hull at the after edge of the superstructure (aft 20 meters). However nothing happens afterwards. Miss and undershoot are ruled out because the draft of 9.7 meters and only after a minute did the enemy turn away hard and show the stern. |
00.59 |
Freighter transmitted: sss AFRIKA 10 r 38 N 52 r 17 W at 0000 gmt Sub sighted. |
According to Silhouette, it was the Danish Freighter AFRIKA. |
Moved off, began to maneuver ahead again. |
Steamer zigzagged through the area completely unpredictably, once had target angle 0°, other times he showed the stern. |
Around morning he will get calmer. Intend submerged attack, because surface shot is only possible at long range. |
04.09 |
EE 9982 |
Freighter lies directly astern, target angle 0°. |
NE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. very good, no marine phosphorescence, very bright moon |
Will observe him a bit longer. |
- 66 - |
continued |
25.11.42 |
04.28 |
Dove to attack. Closed on opposite course. Shadow comes closer quickly. |
05.12 |
In the mean time the freighter turned unnoticed on the opposite course, was fainter quickly. |
05.15 |
Surfaced. Freighter out of sight. Pursued. |
06.16 |
EE 9992 |
Large pool of oil and there is a continual oil trail running on course 60-70°. Can only be from the freighter because it is still absolutely fresh, intact and smells strongly. |
Apparently the 2nd torpedo hit a fuel bunker without going high order. Ran with on course 60°. |
08.10 |
EE 9956 |
A shadow bearing 59°T. On closing AFRIKA is distinguished, NW-course, speed 12 knots. |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 9/1, Vis. very good, no marine phosphorescence, very bright moonlit night |
Wild zigzags, no shooting opportunity. |
Hope to attack submerged on a twilight zigzag, but today he stubbornly holds course. |
10.00 |
Move off in the direction of a rain squall, gave up pursuit. I would rather wait for another with my remaining fuel. |
Course 50°. |
10.44 |
Freighter out of sight bearing 47°T. |
12.00 |
EE 9964 |
Day's run: Surfaced 202.5 nm, Submerged 1.5 nm |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
EF 7717 |
Course 120°. |
ENE 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
EF 7711 |
Naturally today not the slightest rain squall. |
ENE 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good |
(Is St. Peter really an Englishman?) |
21.10 |
To B.d.U. on -od-1930-: 24 November Danish AFRIKA empty, EP 1332 to EE 9993. Double miss 500 meters, Pistol failure No. 21938 suspected. While turning noticed. Thereafter no attack opportunity due to crazy zigzags. Today early EE 9959 broke off. EF 7711. 55 cbm, 1 stern torpedo. Question supply. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 67 - |
26.11.42 |
00.00 |
EF 7725 |
ENE 4, Sea 3, 6/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
00.25 |
From B.d.U.-2341/25-: Begin return transit via naval square CD 90. Orders for supply will follow as soon as it is possible to foresee. |
00.30 |
Course 30°. Began return transit. |
04.00 |
EF 7494 |
ENE 4-5, Sea 3-4, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence, very bright moonlit night, short steep Swell |
05.55 |
EF 7545 |
Shadow bearing 42°T, westerly course, zigzags 40° to each side. Freighter. Speed 12 knots. Course 290°. Maneuvered ahead, intend submerged attack due to great lightness. |
07.18 |
Dived before the freighter, range about 3.5 nm. Ran to meet, at target angle right 40° turned for a stern shot. |
07.41 |
Boat broached out to the bridge cladding due to the seas and Swell before the shot. |
07.42 |
Single shot from tube VI (Eto). |
Enemy target angle right 100°, speed 11.5 knots, range = 400 meters (just short of half at large magnification), aimpoint center, depth 3 meters. Nothing happened. Boat cut under after the shot because the negative buoyancy tanks had to be flooded. |
07.46 |
Medium detonation. Not a torpedo. |
(Possibly in the mean time a cannon had been made ready and a shot taken, or a depth charge was dropped) |
07.54 |
Surfaced. Followed the steamer. |
07.55 |
Steamer transmitter on 600 meters: sss glbm 11 r 56 north 51 r 23 west submarine sighted torpedo fired 0650 gmt. |
So apparently he stopped at the sighting. Was not noticed by me in the turn, |
- 68 - |
continued |
26.11.42 |
miss otherwise with the short range can hardly be explained. Fortunately he did not notice the unique opportunity to ram the boat. However, how he noticed, the shooting of the torpedo, I do not know because there was no marine phosphorescence Possibly a surface runner or it broached. |
08.05 |
EF 7544 |
Heavy detonation, like a torpedo. Boat vibrated noticeably. Believe a bottom detonator. However I definitely want to look at the steamer one more time. |
ENE 5, Sea 4, 7/10, Vis. changing, bright moon, squalls, no marine phosphorescence |
08.11 |
Steamer disappeared in a rain squall on course 300°. That would have been useful to us 1-2 hours ago! Enemy still ran at 12 knots, was high out. So certainly nothing happened to him. |
No artillery use possible due to weather. |
08.48 |
EF 7466 |
Course 30°, continued return transit. |
09.38 to 10.47 |
Test dive, depth control training. Boat was really strongly drawn [presumably drawn to the surface] with the seas from ahead. |
12.00 |
EF 7436 |
Day's run: Surfaced 116 nm, Submerged 3 nm |
ENE 5, Sea 4, overcast rain, Vis. bad, squalls, remarkably steep Swell |
13.18 |
To B.d.U. on -sn-0742-: Just now EF 7544 "WANDERER" course 295°, night submerged attack. Before the shot broached. Was noticed. Single miss from 400 meters. Trade Winds 5, squalls. Out of torpedoes. |
16.00 |
EF 7249 |
ENE 4-5, Sea 3-4, overcast (rain), Vis. bad, squalls, short Swell |
20.00 |
EF 7225 |
ENE 4-5, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Vis. good, short, high Swell |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 69 - |
27.11.42 |
00.00 |
EF 4867 |
ENE 4-5, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Vis. good, short Swell, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EF 4912 |
ENE 4, Sea 3, 5/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EF 4652 |
E 3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence, Swell |
12.00 |
EF 4392 |
Day's run: Surfaced 203 nm |
E 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, long, medium Swell |
16.00 |
EF 5118 |
E 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Vis. good |
19.55 |
From B.d.U.-1844-: To U-67, U-68, U-513: 1.) Give all spare fuel oil pumps and fuel nozzles to U-513 at meeting. Orders for meeting to follow . . . . 2,) U-513 is located at the moment in naval square CF 10. 3.) . . . . |
20.00 |
EF 2784 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
28.11.42 |
00.00 |
EF 2753 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 8/10 (rain), Vis. bad |
04.00 |
EF 2495 |
E 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
07.31 |
A shadow in 124°T. Close. Ran with. Modern freighter, 4000 GRT. Zigzagged around course 310°, speed 12 knots. |
- 70 - |
continued |
28.11.42 |
EF 2544 |
Prepared for artillery combat. Must shoot from long range, because through the thin clouds over the entire sky there is indirect illumination and abnormal visibility. (Freighter was already distinguished as a black silhouette when it was sighted.) |
ENE 3, Sea 2, overcast rain, Vis. changing, no marine phosphoresence, very bright, high visibility night |
08.37 |
EF 2462 |
Opened fire at about 3000 meters. 4th shot hit. Initially fire lay very well, enemy made no defensive maneuvers, but finally changed course and speed. After a short break and energetic shooting corrections, quickly got close again. |
09.05 |
Steamer transmitted: sss de bonf 1716 n 4844 w EMPIRE GLADE shelled. |
After initially good lateral position, this suddenly scattered very strongly (The traverse gun layer was dazzled by shooting, had no target, was directed by No. 1, then presumably snapped and was replaced by the gun layer of the 3.7 cm, because the 3.7 was out of service due to breaking a compression spring of the turnbuckle) |
As a result many shots went ineffectively into the drink. After replacing the gun layer hits were quickly realized. |
09.46 |
After about 15 hits the enemy turned to course 120° and ran off shooting smoke shells. |
09.52 |
EF 2462 |
Broke off combat because in the mean time it has gotten light. Course 30°. |
11.28 |
To B.d.U. on -od-0958-: Just now EF 2463 "EMPIRE GLADE" course 310°, 12 knots. Artillery combat. After hits smoke shells. Broke off at lightness. Naval squares. |
12.00 |
EF 2284 |
Day's run: Surfaced 192 nm |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
12.42 - 13.21 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
EF 2252 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good |
- 71 - |
continued |
28.11.42 |
17.28 |
Radio Message-1554-: To U-172 and U-67 for Kommandanten: On the award the Knight's Cross, in grateful acknowledgment for the great successes you and your brave crew have achieved I send my most sincere congratulations. Your Ob.d.M. |
Congratulations, further salvation and victory. Befehlshaber. |
20.00 |
DQ 8895 |
ENE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
29.11.42 |
00.00 |
DQ 8943 |
ENE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DQ 8686 |
Flat calm, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DQ 8664 |
Flat calm, 7/10, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DQ 9154 |
Day's run: Surfaced 210 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
Flat calm, 6/10, Vis. good |
15.45 |
Radio Message-1451-: To U-67 and U-172 for Kommandanten. On the award the Knight's Cross congratulations. 2. and 10. U-Flottille. |
16.00 |
DQ 9121 |
NNE 0-1, Sea 0, 1/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
DQ 6769 |
NNE 0-1, Sea 0, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 72 - |
30.11.42 |
00.00 |
DQ 6824 |
NNE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DQ 6558 |
NNE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DQ 6536 |
NNE 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
10.28 to 11.19 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
DQ 6357 |
Day's run: Surfaced 188 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
NE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. medium |
16.00 |
DQ 6326 |
NNE 3, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
DQ 3969 |
NNE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
01.12.42 |
00.00 |
DR 1716 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DR 1459 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 6/10, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DR 1433 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
DR 1254 |
Day's run: Surfaced 192 nm |
NE 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
14.21 |
Short Signal sent on -ry-: Square DR 12. |
- 73 - |
continued |
01.12.42 |
(As an orientation for Rüggeberg, who reported that he had taken over pumps and nozzles from Merten. See 27 November-1955-) |
15.35 |
The above Short Sign was confirmed -1447-. |
16.00 |
DR 1231 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good, long medium Swell |
20.00 |
DF 7954 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
02.12.42 |
00.00 |
DF 7925 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DF 7964 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
06.08 |
DF 8175 |
Steamer lights bearing 10°T. Came to collision course. Steamer steered 230°, 12 knots, on getting closer was distinguished as a modern Portuguese tanker estimated 4000 GRT. With hand searchlight from range = 1500 meters: "Stop the machines, don't need the wireless, send a Boat with papers." |
Initially nothing happens. Request was repeated several times. Finally the tanker stops, shows additional lights, extinguished these again, searches with hand searchlight and finally gives a not understood text. Remained at low speed about 1200 meters before his bow. Nothing about preparing a boat is noticed. |
07.53 |
After that fired a warning shot with the 10.5 cm and behold, now he has obviously understood! |
07.55 |
Tanker brought a boat to the water. |
- 74 - |
continued |
02.12.42 |
08.06 |
DF 8177 |
Cutter alongside. A ship's officer comes on board. By his statement it is the newly constructed Portuguese naval tanker "SAM BRAS", 7000 GRT from Lisbon via the Azores to Curacao. He has no papers. |
NE 2, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
He excuses the illegible Morse with "short circuit" of his searchlight. |
To avoid complications, said goodbye kindly and dismissed the tanker. |
08.20 |
Let the boat of the Portuguese go. |
I held about 3 nm from the ship while sending a Radio Message question to B.d.U. |
08.26 |
To B.d.U. on -od-0747-: Naval square DF 8175 new Portuguese tanker "SAM BRAS" from Lisbon for Curacao. No papers. Question letting go. |
09.17 |
From B.d.U.-0847-: Let go. |
09.22 |
Course 30°. Continued return transit. |
12.00 |
DF 8149 |
Day's run: Surfaced 181 nm, |
NE 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. changing, short Swell |
14.17 to 14.42 |
Test dive. |
16.00 |
DF 8128 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 7/10, Vis. good, short Swell |
20.00 |
DF 5767 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, 9/10, Vis. good, short Swell |
20.25 |
From B.d.U.-1924-: 1.) Schnoor for current delivery hold back about 20-25 cbm each for Müller and Schäfer. Thereafter economical return transit. 2.) Schmid, Schröder, Fenn and Jacobs fill to about the same inventory. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 75 - |
03.12.42 |
00.00 |
DF 5815 |
NE 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DF 5555 |
NE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 5523 |
E 2, Sea 1, 5/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
About 600 nm SW of Flores |
Day's run: Surfaced 211.5 nm, Submerged 0.5 nm |
DF 5344 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
DF 2985 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
20.00 |
DF 2932 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 3/10, Vis. good |
23.40 |
From B.d.U.-2257-: Return harbors for . . . . Lorient for U-183 and Müller. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
04.12.42 |
00.00 |
DF 3442 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DF 3182 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 3135 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 1/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
11.41 |
To B.d.U. on -cd-1129-: At 06.15 hours naval square CE 24. |
12.00 |
About 350 nm SW Flores |
Day's run: Surfaced 240 nm |
CD 9949 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. good |
- 76 - |
continued |
04.12.42 |
16.00 |
CD 9922 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. good |
19.17 |
From B.d.U. -1857-: 1.) . . . . 2.) Switch from 5 December 08.00 hours . . . . , Müller America I. |
20.00 |
CD 9665 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, 2/10, 8/10, Vis. good |
20.52 to 21.20 |
Test dive. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
05.12.42 |
00.00 |
CE 7178 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CE 7128 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, 3/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 4792 |
SSW 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. medium partly bad, marine phosphorescence |
10.50 |
From B.d.U.-1027-: Jacobs, Müller and Rudloff today from 16.00 hours report weather. |
12.00 |
About 150 nm SW Flores |
Day's run: Surfaced 221 nm, Submerged 1 nm |
CE 4818 |
SW 5, Sea 4, 9/10, Vis. good |
12.29 |
From B.d.U.-0958-: New supply point for Schnoor and Müller is BD 8755. Schnoor report arrival as soon as foreseen. |
12.30 |
CE 4819 |
Course 10°. |
14.37 |
Sent Short Signal weather report on -ry-. |
16.00 |
CE 4554 |
SSE 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
CE 45x8 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, 8/10, Vis. medium, squalls, long high W-Swell |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 77 - |
06.12.42 |
00.00 |
CE 1888 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CE 1853 |
SW 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. moderate, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 1591 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, 9/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
About 160 nm NW of Flores |
Day's run: Surfaced 221 nm |
CE 1538 |
SW 4-5, Sea 4, overcast (rain), Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
13.16 |
From B.d.U.-1237-: Müller, Wissmann, Schütt and Neitzel report weather by 16.00 hours. |
14.02 |
Sent Short Signal weather report on -ry-. |
16.00 |
CE 1295 |
SW 5, Sea 4, 6/10, Vis. medium |
20.00 |
CE 1269 |
WSW 5-6, Sea 4-5, 5/10, Vis. medium |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
07.12.42 |
00.00 |
CE 1342 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
CE 1312 |
W 3-4, Sea 3, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BD 8783 |
SSW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
260 nm NW of Flores |
Day's run: Surfaced 98 nm |
BD 8755 |
SW 6, Sea 5, squalls, overcast (rain), Vis. bad |
- 78 - |
continued |
07.12.42 |
Jacobs reports after completion of supply Schnoor position on 5 December 10.30 hours in BD 7415. Accept that Jacobs reported in accordance with Standing Orders as last of the 4 boats named on 2 December at 20.25 hours (1924). Therefore Schnoor may already be waiting at my supply point. Because he has not reported arrival also nothing comes, I have the impression that something is not right here. In view of the very uncertain weather conditions and because, if possible, I would like to get through the Bay of Biscay, before the bright moon period. |
14.04 |
Short Signal group sent on -ry-: Have not met U-boat at meeting point. How long should we wait? |
14.46 |
Above Short Signal confirmed - 1421-. |
16.00 |
BD 8755 |
SW 8, Sea 6-7, overcast rain, Vis. bad, cross Swell |
16.24 |
From B.d.U.-1535-: 1.) Wait at meeting point with depth 100 nm. 2.) Report was superfluous in accordance with orders from 5 December. |
20.00 |
BD 8754 |
SW 9-10, Sea 8, overcast (rain), Vis. bad, strong rain and hail squalls |
22.40 |
From Schnoor-2156-: . . . . . . . . expect to be at Müller meeting point 9 December at 10.00 hours. Tanker inventory 70 cbm. . . . . . |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
08.12.42 |
00.00 |
BD 8746 |
SW 7, Sea 6-7, 5/10, Vis. bad, no marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
- 79 - |
continued |
08.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 8746 |
SW 6, Sea 5-6, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
08.00 |
BD 8743 |
SW 5-6, Sea 5, overcast (rain), Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
10.20 |
From B.d.U.-0851-: Schäfer and Müller immediately report, how much fuel must be supplied for economical return transit. Schnoor afterwards whether these quantities can still be delivered. |
11.16 |
Short Signal sent on -ry-: Required fuel oil 15 cbm. |
12.00 |
BD 8751 |
Day's run: Surfaced 58 nm |
W 5, Sea 4-5, overcast (rain), Vis. bad |
13.03 |
From B.d.U.-1226-: 1.) For economical return transit must supply: Müller 15, Schäfer 20 cbm fuel oil. 2. Schäfer has provisions for 1 week. |
16.00 |
BD 8751 |
W 5, Sea 4-5, overcast, Vis. changing, confused Swell |
20.00 |
BD 8752 |
WNW 5, Sea 4, 4/10, Vis. medium |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
09.12.42 |
00.00 |
BD 8753 |
WNW 4-5, Sea 4, overcast (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BD 8754 |
W 4, Sea 3-4, 3/10 (rain), Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
- 80 - |
continued |
09.l2.42 |
08.00 |
BD 8755 |
W 5-6, Sea 4-5, 9/10 (rain), Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BD 8757 |
Day's run: Surfaced 57 nm |
W 7, Sea 5-6, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
12.46 |
Short Signal presumably from Schnoor: I send bearing signals in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine Order from 14.00 hours. |
13.24 |
From B.d.U.-1356-: From 14.00 hours Schnoor sends bearing signals to meet with Schäfer. |
13.32 |
Thereafter prepared radio message sent on -ry-1255: Direction finder out of service, transmitting myself from 14.00 hours. |
from 14.10 |
Sent nearing signals in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine Orders. |
14.55 |
Schnoor reports bearing 269°T. |
Ran to meet on course 89°. |
16.00 |
BD 8758 |
W 6, Sea 5, overcast (rain), Vis. medium |
17.33 |
2 U-boats (Schnoor and Schäfer) bearing 60°T. Exchanged Recognition Signals. |
18.30 |
Together proceeded on course 80°, 6 knots, because today no further refueling will take place. |
20.00 |
BD 8765 |
W 6, Sea 5, overcast (rain), Vis. bad, violent hail and rain squalls |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
10.12.42 |
00.00 |
BD 8857 |
W 6, Sea 5, overcast (rain), Vis. changing, Summer lightening and marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BD 8855 |
W 7, Sea 6, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing, marine phosphorescence, high cross Swell |
- 81 - |
continued |
10.12.42 |
08.00 |
BD 8865 |
WNW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast (rain), Vis. very bad, violent rain and hail squalls, Storm 10, at times strong marine phosphorescence, high Swell |
12.00 |
BD 8945 |
Day's run: Surfaced 130 nm |
About 240 nm north of Flores |
No fueling due to weather |
WNW 8, Squalls up to 10, Sea 7, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
15.00 |
BD 8955 |
Course 280°, 1 diesel KF against the seas. |
16.00 |
BD 8955 |
WNW 7-8, Sea 7, squalls, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
20.00 |
BD 8954 |
WNW 7-8, Sea 6-7, overcast (rain), Vis. changing |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
11.12.42 |
00.00 |
BD 8946 |
WNW 6-7, Sea 6, 6/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence, Summer lightening |
04.00 |
BD 8942 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 5, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BD 8941 |
E 3, Sea 3, 8/10 (rain), Vis. bad, marine phosphorescence |
10.15 to 13.30 |
BD 8941 |
Took over 16 cbm fuel oil from Schnoor. |
12.00 |
BD 8941 |
Day's run: Surfaced 59 nm |
About 240 nm north of Flores |
E 9, Sea 7, overcast (rain), Vis. bad |
13.30 |
Course 84°, continued return transit. |
16.00 |
BD 8919 |
E 10, Sea 7-8, squall, overcast (rain), Vis. bad |
- 82 - |
continued |
11.12.42 |
20.00 |
BD 8927 |
NE 10, Sea 9, overcast rain, Vis. bad, high cross Swell |
20.38 |
Dived. Want to wait for better wetter until tomorrow. Have no fuel to waste. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
12.12.42 |
00.00 |
BD 8928 |
04.00 |
BD 8629 |
08.00 |
BD 8629 |
10.34 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BD 8637 |
Day's run: Surfaced 45 nm, Submerged 13 nm |
WNW 8, Sea 7, 9/10, Vis. changing, high Swell |
13.00 |
From B.d.U.-1240-: Piening, Manseck and Müller report weather before 16.00 hours. |
13.55 |
Sent Short Signal weather report. |
16.00 |
BD 8939 |
WNW 8, Sea 7, overcast (rain), Vis. changing, high Swell |
18.47 |
From B.d.U.-1757-: 1.) . . . . 2.) . . . . Müller and Schnoor switch to Coastal Circuit. 3.) . . . . |
20.00 |
BD 9719 |
WNW 6-7, Sea 6, 5/10 (rain), Vis. moderate, squalls |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
13.12.42 |
00.00 |
BD 9728 |
WNW 6, Sea 5, 6/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence and Summer lightening |
04.00 |
BD 9735 |
WNW 5, Sea 4-5, 4/10 (rain), Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
- 83 - |
continued |
13.12.42 |
08.00 |
BD 9816 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BD 9823 |
Day's run: Surfaced 123 nm |
ESE 3, Sea 2-3, overcast (rain), Vis. medium, squalls, light marine phosphorescence |
16.00 |
BD 9678 |
N 6-7, Sea 5, overcast, rain, Vis. bad |
20.00 |
BD 9688 |
NNW 6-7, Sea 5-6, 7/10 (rain), Vis. bad, very squally weather |
20.57 |
From B.d.U.-1901-: Bade, Fenn, Müller and Massmann report weather between 03.00 and 06.00 hours. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
14.12.42 |
00.00 |
BD 9696 |
NNW 6-7, Sea 5-6, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
03.52 |
Short Signal weather report sent on -no-. |
04.00 |
BE 7484 |
NW 7, Sea 6, 6/10 (rain), Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BE 7491 |
WNW 6, Sea 5, 2/10 (rain), Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BE 7572 |
Day's run: Surfaced 162 nm |
WNW 6, Sea 5-6, 5/10 (rain), Vis. changing |
About 650 nm west of Cape Finisterre |
16.00 |
BE 7559 |
W 6, Sea 5, 7/10 (rain), Vis. medium |
- 84 - |
continued |
14.12.42 |
20.00 |
BE 7648 |
W 6, Sea 5, 6/10 (rain), Vis. changing, squalls |
20.19 |
From B.d.U.-1921-: 1.) Thurmann, Bade, and Müller report weather between 03.00 and 06.00 hours. 2.) . . . . 3.) . . . . 4.) . . . . |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
15.12.42 |
00.00 |
BE 7655 |
WNW 5, Sea 4, 4/10 (rain), Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BE 8454 |
W 4-5, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Vis. changing, no marine phosphorescence |
04.34 |
Short Signal weather report sent on -ku-. |
08.00 |
BE 8551 |
SSW 5, Sea 4, 2/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
BE 8539 |
Day's run: Surfaced 246 nm |
SWW 6, Sea 5, overcast, Vis. medium |
14.00 |
BE 8619 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
BE 8619 |
19.22 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BE 8628 |
SW 6, Sea 5, overcast (rain), Vis. bad, very squally |
23.32 |
From B.d.U.-1453-: Müller and Schnoor report position immediately. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
16.12.42 |
00.00 |
BE 9411 |
SW 6, Sea 5, blue sky, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
- 85 - |
continued |
16.12.42 |
00.10 |
Sent position Short Signal square BE 9411 on -ca-. |
01.25 |
From B.d.U.-0016-: Above Short Signal confirmed. |
04.00 |
BE 9425 |
WSW 5-6, Sea 4-5, 4/10, Vis. changing, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
06.31 |
From B.d.U.-1809/15-: Own tanker "GERMANIA" about in naval square BE 9166 sunk at 14.00 hours. Folkers, Zitzewitz, Auffermann and U-563 go to sinking location. Müller also if fuel allows. |
Since 16 hours have passed since sinking; sinking location as well as own location is inaccurate, and moreover, it is not possible fuel-wise, continued return transit. |
08.00 |
BE 9512 |
W 4, Sea 3, 8/10 (rain), Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence and Summer lightening |
08.34 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 9513 |
Day's run: Surfaced 139.5 nm, Submerged 8.5 nm |
16.00 |
BE 9288 |
19.05 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BE 9289 |
W 6, Sea 5, 8/10, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
17.12.42 |
00.00 |
BE 9375 |
W 5, Sea 4, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
BE 9385 |
WNW 5-6, Sea 4-5, 8/10 (rain), Vis. bad, light marine phosphorescence |
- 86 - |
continued |
17.12.42 |
08.00 |
BE 9393 |
NNW 5, Sea 4, 5/10, Vis. medium, light marine phosphorescence and Summer lightening |
08.25 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 7173 |
Day's run: Surfaced 114 nm, Submerged 13 nm |
About 140 nm NW of Finisterre |
16.00 |
BF 7182 |
19.00 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 7191 |
NW 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
18.12.42 |
00.00 |
BF 7249 |
NW 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
01.18 |
BF 7257 |
Crash dive! Large flying boat bearing 260°T, altitude 200 meters, range 1500 meters, course 30°. |
04.06 |
BF 7259 |
Surfaced. |
W 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BF 7348 |
WNW 3, Sea 2, 8/10 (rain), Vis. changing, light marine phosphorescence and Summer lightening |
08.19 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 7354 |
Day's run: Surfaced 99 nm, Submerged 17 nm |
16.00 |
BF 7356 |
18.48 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 7365 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Vis. good, light marine phosphorescence |
21.00 |
Dived because the moon is a bit too bright for me. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
- 87 - |
19.12.42 |
00.00 |
BF 8144 |
02.19 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
BF 8155 |
WNW 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BF 5779 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, overcast (rain), Vis. bad, strong marine phosphorescence |
08.14 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 5781 |
Day's run: Surfaced 91 nm, Submerged 16 nm |
16.00 |
BF 5757 |
18.44 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
BF 5755 |
NNW 4, Sea 3, 1/10, Vis. good, no marine phosphorescence |
20.36 |
On -ry- Short Signal: Position 36 hours off meeting point with escort. |
20.48 |
Dived. |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
20.12.42 |
00.00 |
BF 5753 |
04.00 |
BF 5729 |
05.28 |
Surfaced. |
06.45 |
Short Signal-2036/19- was confirmed. -2054/19- |
08.00 |
BF 5498 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 5493 |
Day's run: Surfaced 68 nm, Submerged 18 nm |
16.00 |
BF 5572 |
20.00 |
BF 5548 |
Kptlt. and Kmdt. |
21.12.42 |
02.50 |
Surfaced. On ordered route through restricted area. |
04.40 |
From B.d.U.-1146/20-: U-67 runs in to Lorient on 21 December 08.00 hours. Escort positioned. Do not cross the 50-meter limit without escort. 2.U.-Flottille. |