K r i e g s t a g e b u c h |
" U 601 " |
Kommandant: Kaptlt. G r a u |
7th Patrol |
Beginning: 13 September 1943 |
Concluding: 10 October 1943. |
Distribution: |
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine |
Copy No. |
1 and 2 |
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine 2.Skl/B.d.U. Op |
Copy No. |
3 |
Kommandierenden Admiral der Unterseeboote |
Copy No. |
4 |
Führer der Unterseeboote Norwegen |
Copy No. |
5 |
Führer der Unterseebootesausbildungsflottille |
Copy No. |
6 |
27. Unterseebootsflottille |
Copy No. |
7 |
13. Unterseebootsflottille |
Copy No. |
8 |
Enclosures: |
2 Track charts |
to Copy No. |
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, |
1 Minefield sketch |
to Copy No. |
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, |
1 track chart of the convoy operation |
to Copy No. |
1, 3, 8, |
1 Excerpt of the Radio Log |
to Copy No. |
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, |
1 Torpedo firing report |
to Copy No. |
3, 4, 8. |
© U-boat Archive 2024
- all rights reserved |
- 1 - |
13.09.43 |
17.05 |
"Cast off "HUASCARAN" (Narvik). |
17.20 |
Made fast "METEOR". |
18.39 |
Cast off "METEOR" for transit to Tromsö. |
21.30 |
Pilot taken aboard in Lödingen. |
14.09.43 |
00.00 |
Made fast Harstad, took over fresh provisions. |
02.05 |
Cast off Harstad. |
08.35 |
Tromsö, pilot disembarked, made fast Mine Pier, loaded mines. |
Preparations were made for shallow water operations. |
22.25 |
"U-960" (Heinrich) the same. |
15.09.43 |
Kommndanten confer on together transit and completion of the task. |
19.20 |
Outbound Orders by Radio Message. |
Radio Message 1840/1721/729 |
"Seemöve" and "Seeschlange" 15 September. |
- F.d.U. - |
20.15 |
Cast off Tromsö (Mine Pier) with "U-960" (Heinrich) under R.-Boot escort. |
While leaving grounded. Flood valves port jammed, starboard easier then normal. |
16.09.43 |
08.40 |
Made fast "BLACK WATCH" Hammerfest. |
Examination of the keel and flood valves by a diver of the Minenräumschiff "PARIS". Except for a few dents nothing found. |
17.30 |
Cast off from Hammerfest with U-Heinrich under R.-Boot escort. |
17.45 |
Dived for trim test. |
18.06 |
Surfaced. |
20.45 |
Released R.-Boot escort at Point S R 1. |
17.09.43 |
00.00 |
AC 4245 |
Wind NE 2, 2/10, Sea 1, Vis. 1-3 nm, +9°C, 1003 mb, Gamma 1.027.5/+11°C |
[Gamma = specific gravity, second value is water Temp.] |
- 2 - |
continued |
17.09.43 |
Northwest of the North Cape |
02.02 |
U-Harms sighted. Recognition Signal exchange. |
04.00 |
Twilight |
07.05 |
AC 4924 |
Drifting mine English old and mossy. |
12.00 |
AC 5473 |
Day's run: 173 nm |
E 1-2, 0/10, Sea 1, Swell, Vis. 8-12 nm, +9°C, 998 mb, Gamma 1.027/+10°C |
19.15 |
Beginning of twilight |
18.09.43 |
Barents Sea |
00.00 |
AC 5359 |
E 1-2, overcast (fog), Sea 1, Swell, Vis. 500 meters, +4°C, 997 mb, 1.027/8°C |
02.30 |
Beginning of twilight |
04.10 |
AC 6127 |
Drifting mine old and English. |
12.00 |
AC 3884 |
E 2, overcast (fog, rain), Sea 1, Swell, Vis. 1000 meters, +4°C, 995 mb, Gamma 1.027/+6°C |
15.30 |
AC 3945 |
Test dive. |
16.43 |
Surfaced. |
16.45 |
U-Heinrich in sight. |
18.00 |
Mid twilight |
19.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 1492 |
E 2, overcast (rain), Sea 2, Vis. 2000 meters, +4°C, 997 mb, Gamma 1.027/+5°C |
01.40 |
Twilight |
12.00 |
AT 2184 |
Day's run: 251 nm |
E 2, 9/10, Sea 2, Vis. 12-14 nm, +4°C, 1001 mb, Gamma 1.027/+5°C |
3 nm |
254 nm |
- 3 - |
continued |
19.09.43 |
Barents Sea |
15.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 1512/1052/773 |
1.) "Lange" head for AT 3278 for supply. |
2.) "Grau" and "Heinrich" each 25 cbm fuel and provisions for 10 days from "Brünner". |
3.) "Brünner" carry out supply of "Lange" for a further 11 days, thereafter "Lange" report inventory by Short Signal. |
- F.d.U. - |
16.03 |
AT 2246 |
Test dive. |
16.29 |
Surfaced. |
18.50 |
Twilight. |
20.09.43 |
Northwest of Nowaja Semlja |
00.00 |
ÄF 8822 |
E 3, 6/10, Sea 2-3, Vis. 4-6 nm, +0°C, 1005 mb, Gamma 1.027/+3°C |
00.20 |
Twilight |
01.50 |
U-Heinrich suddenly disappeared. |
02.30 |
Came about. U-Heinrich met again. |
He thought he saw an enemy and dived. |
12.00 |
AT 3318 |
Day's run: 251.5 nm |
E 2, 9/10, Sea 2, Vis. 15 nm, -1°C, 1009 mb, Gamma 1.016/+2.5°C |
1.5 nm |
253 nm |
17.45 |
AT 3278 |
Enemy patrol vessel in sight. |
It might have been something else, perhaps an iceberg. Before I shoot a friend or let myself be shot I put the boat on the bottom at depth 60 meters. No sound bearings except for U-Heinrich. |
18.00 |
Beginning of twilight. |
21.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
00.30 |
Twilight. |
02.40 |
AT 3278 |
Surfaced. |
S 3, 0/10, Sea 1, Vis. 14 nm, -1.5°C, 1009 mb, Gamma 1.016/+2°C |
- 4 - |
continued |
21.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
Base 1 |
04.10 |
Anchored Berth 1 |
U-Brünner (703) and U-Lange (711) lie there, U-Heinrich (960) comes in. 4 U-boats in a bay of Nowaja Semlja, truly a strong picture of German Sea power. Provisions and fuel transfer to "Lange" (U-711). |
11.00 |
Radio Message 1027/0927/710 |
- Wiking, Brünner, Grau - |
20 September 17.40 hours convoy of 7 vessels, 4 mine searchers passes "Kap Greben" on an easterly course. |
- F.d.U. - |
Kommandanten hold a briefing. Arranged further transit with Heinrich. Unfortunately the convoy is not for us. Possibly we can still meet it after the mine task. |
12.00 |
AT 3278 |
Day's run: 62 nm |
SSE 2, overcast, Sea 1, Vis. 12-15 nm, +0°C, 1008 mb, Gamma 1.025.5/+2.5°C |
16.00 |
Weighed anchor got under way. |
16.25 |
AT 3279 |
Test dive. |
16.47 |
Surfaced. Together transit with U-Heinrich. Our course is set so that it leads through areas where I suspect no Russian flank minefields. |
17.50 |
Twilight. |
18.25 |
Incoming Radio Message 1813/1739/718 |
- Lange - |
Return transit to Hammerfest, supply only as necessary. |
- F.d.U. - |
18.55 |
Incoming Radio Message 1842/2009/720 sz sz |
Have been supplied. Still have 50-60 cbm, Bely Island (about 73°15'N, 70°30'E). |
- Lange - |
22.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 2142/723 sz sz |
Going temporarily to square AS 40. |
- Brünner - |
22.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
00.00 |
AT 3916 |
SSE 3, overcast, Sea 2, Vis. 4 nm, +0°C, 1010 mb, Gamma 1.018/+3°C |
- 5 - |
continued |
22.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
00.20 |
Beginning of twilight |
07.25 |
Incoming Radio Message 0713/0519/730 |
- Brünner - |
1.) Short Signal garbled, by which Lange set off with 74 cbm from the landing place to AS 40. |
2.) Report the smallest ice distance with a bearing to the Cape Jelasnija in sm, if less than 60 nm. |
12.00 |
AS 4249 |
Day's run: 210 nm |
SE 3-4, overcast, Sea 3, Vis. 8-10 nm, -1.5°C, 1008 mb, Gamma 1.020/+2°C |
1.5 nm |
211.5 nm |
13.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1258/1151/735 |
- Group Wiking - |
1.) Reported convoy not worth interference with the task. Grau: In AS 40 do not let oneself be seen if operating on it. |
2.) Brünner ice reconnaissance north of Nowaja Semlja is more important. |
3.) Lange return transit latest 23 September not Hammerfest, instead Andfjord - Narvik. |
- F.d.U. - |
13.15 |
AS 4258 |
U-Heinrich E.P. [E.P not understood. possibly E.S. Recognition Signals exchanged]] |
16.40 |
Twilight |
20.30 |
AS 4299 Put the boat on the bottom. The visibility is 1000 meters and the mines cannot be laid. |
23.09.43 |
00.20 |
Twilight. |
05.35 |
Surfaced. |
05.55 |
U-Heinrich seen. Navigation comparison. |
Recognition Signals exchanged. Our position is not completely clear to me. With 2 legs across the Jenissej, I get an approximate location by sounding series. |
12.00 |
AS 4285 |
Day's run: 68 nm |
NE 1-2, overcast (fog), Sea 1, Vis. 300 nm, +2°C, 1003 mb, Gamma 1.018/+2°C |
0.5 nm |
68.5 nm |
- 6 - |
continued |
23.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
15.33 |
The fog breaks up. Vern Beacon seen. Took bearings. The fog curtain is closing. Despite this ran towards the objective. |
16.40 |
Twilight |
16.45 |
Incoming Radio Message 1602/1513/744 |
- Group Grau - |
Kentmann reported that Russian vessels are only allowed to depart Jenissej with escort. In addition to own minefields also Russian are possible. Before completing task appropriate observation. Keep emergency message ready. |
- F.d.U. - |
We are positioned at the entrance. |
17.33 |
First mine deployed. |
19.23 |
Last mine deployed. |
The accuracy of the first 15 mines amounts to 300 meters. The last series lies with 2000-meter accuracy, both in east-west direction. The accuracy to the north and south was better than 200 meters. |
50 meters ahead of the southeast corner of Vern Island, Turned away. Out! |
The plotted ship's position before the laying of the first mine was checked by sounding and aural bearings on the buoy at Eklips Bank. |
The mine deployment itself went smoothly. Off the entrance a steamer gave fog signals. When we were finished deploying nothing more was heard. As usual, the 24 mines gave the greatest trouble when loading (50 minutes). It is suggested to give the boats five instead of four torpedoes and so have 3 less mines. This is a psychological matter. No Kommandant and no crew goes to sea without torpedoes in the tubes. This would fix the reloading difficulties. |
There is a chance the "QUEEN MARY" or the "JOSEPH STALIN" could be on the way! |
23.00 |
AS 4298 |
S 2, overcast, Sea 1, Vis. 100-250 meters, +3°C, 1003 mb, Gamma 1.023/+2°C |
23.25 |
Dived, put the boat on the bottom. |
24.09.43 |
00.30 |
Beginning of twilight |
08.23 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
AS 4259 |
Day's run: 89 nm |
ESE 3, overcast (fog), Sea 3, Vis. 8-10 nm, +2°C, 1004 mb, Gamma 1.022/+2°C |
1 nm |
90 nm |
- 7 - |
continued |
24.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
12.01 |
Met U-Heinrich, he has also deployed his mines. Together return transit. |
16.00 |
AS 4246 |
Dived, put the boat on the bottom. |
16.20 |
Twilight |
25.09.43 |
00.40 |
Twilight |
01.41 |
AS 4246 |
Surfaced. |
SW 1, overcast (fog), Sea 1, Vis. 8 nm, +1.5°C, 1008 mb, Gamma 1.023/+2°C |
11.55 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 2020/1155/764 |
- F.d.U. - |
Task 1 completed. Going to Point 1. Question meeting Brünner. |
- Heinrich Grau - |
12.00 |
AS 1777 |
W 1, 8/10, Sea 1, Vis. 2-10 nm, +2°C, 1008 mb, Gamma 1.018/+2.5°C |
16.30 |
Twilight |
26.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3513 |
N 1, overcast (fog), Sea 0, Vis. 500-1000 meters, -1°C, 1010 mb, Gamma 1.016/+3.5°C |
00.50 |
Incoming Radio Message 0028/2311/766 |
1.) Group "Grau" remain at Point 1. |
2.) Brünner meet there immediately report after ice reconnaissance: day and approximate time. |
- F.d.U. - |
01.00 |
Beginning of twilight |
02.45 |
In Base 1 flooded and put the boat on the bottom. |
- 8 - |
continued |
26.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
Base 1. |
02.50 |
Incoming Radio Message 0240/0210/769 sz sz |
173, 178, 951, 27 day of the current month 06.00 hours |
- Brünner - |
12.00 |
AT 3278 |
Day's run: 147 nm |
Wind 0, overcast (fog), Sea 0, Vis. 100 meters, +2°C, 1011 mb, Gamma 1.025/+3°C |
13.20 |
Incoming Radio Message 1250/1107/770 |
1.) Grau, Heinrich, Brünner form Group "Wiking". |
2.) Brünner has provisions up to 6 October. Carry out supply so that all boats have the same endurance. |
3.) Afterwards set off for Position line I from AT 3655 to 3633 in above order. |
4.) Grau arrive Position line and report the endurance of the other boats. |
- F.d.U. - |
17.20 |
Twilight |
23.55 |
Incoming Radio Message 2325/1115/772 |
- Wiking - |
From position line I continue transit via |
Roman Numeral II square AS 1975 to 1928 |
Roman Numeral III square AS 2755 to 2711 |
Roman Numeral IV square XA 7376 to 7262 anticipated. Times follow. |
- F.d.U. - |
27.09.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3278 |
SSE 1, overcast (fog), Sea 1, Vis. 12 nm, +2°C, 1007 mb, Gamma 1.020/+3°C |
01.10 |
Twilight |
06.15 |
U-Brünner in sight, comes into the base. |
Kommandanten discussion: |
It was determined: leader of Group Wiking Kmdt. U-601. |
Reason: For the most part we cannot hear Leadership over the radio and therefore cannot react promptly. |
Due to the advanced time of year and, in the case of a sighting, the importance of ice and/or attack objectives, it is necessary to have a leader regardless of existing Radio Message communications with the homeland. |
- 9 - |
continued |
27.09.43 |
Kare Sea, Base I |
Group Circuit Ulli I. Boats have an obligation to immediately report water temperature below +0°C, very low air temperature, icing of the boats, encounters with ice. Acknowledgment by the boats according to "Group Circuit" is particularly important, possibly with reduced transmitter power. |
The time points for Position Lines I to IV was established, because it is still not known when the ordered Radio Message in accordance with Radio Message 26 September 1107/770 will be issued with the current radio communications. The advance to the Position Lines was established so that key points can be passed in lightness. The boats are supplied up to 11 October. |
12.00 |
AT 3278 |
Day's run: ./. nm |
Wind 0, 6/10, Sea 0, Vis. 12 nm, +2°C, 1010 mb, Gamma 1.026/+2°C |
16.00 |
Weighed anchor. |
16.50 |
AT 3279 |
Test dive. |
17.10 |
Surfaced. |
17.00 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 1715/783 sz sz |
Have provisions for 2 weeks. Position Line I occupied 23.00 hours. Position Line IV occupied 29th day of the current month 17.00 hours. |
- Grau - |
17.00 |
Twilight |
28.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
00.00 |
AT 3655 |
SE 2, 5/10, Sea 1, Vis. 2 nm, +1.5°C, 1014 mb, Gamma 1.015/+3.5°C |
12.00 |
AS 1892 |
Day's run: 188 nm |
SE 3, overcast (fog, rain), Sea 3, Vis. 2 nm, +2°C, 998 mb, Gamma 1.020/+3.5°C |
1 nm |
189 nm |
16.10 |
Twilight |
- 10 - |
continued |
28.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
20.30 |
AS 2774 |
Dived. There is nothing to see. |
SW 3, overcast (fog, rain), Sea 2, light Swell, Vis. 100 meters, +3.5°C, 998 mb, Gamma 1.023/+2.5°C |
21.00 |
Ship's position was determined by taking bearings on the surf in the listening device and horizontal measurement with the Underwater Telegraph: 1 nm abeam Vardroppera Island square AS 2781. |
29.09.43 |
00.20 |
Twilight |
01.00 |
Surfaced. Visibility was somewhat better. |
The odd method of determining ship's position was correct! |
02.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 0145/2309/710 |
- Wiking - |
After Position Line IV attack area depth 20 nm: Grau 5869, Heinrich 5837, Brünner 5857. All XA. Report ice limitations. |
- F.d.U. - |
11.30 |
XA 7422 |
3 patrol vessels abeam, course about 75°. Range 5000 meters. |
Either they are stationed here at the Jermal Bank, patrolling the route or searching for mines. I decide not to saweep Patrol Line IV via my position but instead stay on the north side of the shipping route to the attack area. By my calculations the two other boats should proceed on or to the south of the shipping route. I did not report by Radio Message because this does not change the situation for the other boats, at most betray, or lead the other two to an attack that I consider inappropriate. |
12.00 |
XA 7187 |
Day's run: 191 nm |
WSW 7-8, 8/10, 6/10, Vis. 2-4 nm, +0°C, 993 mb, Gamma 1.023/+1°C |
6 nm |
197 nm |
13.15 |
XA 7136 |
A fishing trawler abeam, course 220°, range 4000 meters. |
Here, something seems to be going on, our position is correct. |
13.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 1315/1119/716 |
- Wiking - |
1 FW 200 reconnaissance between 15.00 and 16.00 hours ice limit between 60 and 70°E. 4455 kHz, alternate 5689 kHz. Auka-Table November 41. Callsign: Aircraft V B 7 U-boat H D 8. Next mission anticipated 2 October. |
- F.d.U. - |
- 11 - |
continued |
29.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
15.30 |
Twilight |
18.45 |
XA 7239 |
Dived. |
WSW 8-9, overcast (fog, snow), Sea 7, Vis. 100-200 meters, +0°C, 992 mb, Gamma 1.024/-1°C |
19.35 |
Put the boat on the bottom, depth 45 meters. |
We don't lie well here. We ventilated now and then. |
30.09.43 |
00.10 |
Twilight |
01.03 |
XA 7318 |
Surfaced. |
WSW 7, overcast, Sea 6, Vis. 5 nm, -1°C, 996 mb, Gamma 1.022/-1°C |
04.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 0350 sz sz |
Westbound convoy in square XA 7313, speed up to 8 knots. |
- Heinrich - |
Came about , on it! |
05.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 0518 sz sz |
Convoy XA 4977 up to 5 steamers. Convoy speed 5-7 knots, steers westerly course. |
- Heinrich - |
06.32 |
Incoming Radio Message 0626 sz sz |
Very weakly protected convoy square 4898, course 240°. |
- Heinrich - |
06.50 |
Incoming Radio Message 0618/2252/723 |
. . . . . . . . if Leadership is not heard, go to Group Circuit Ulli I, especially Wiking. |
- F.d.U. - |
We are! |
07.35 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0745 sz sz |
Request bearing signals from contact keeper. |
- Grau - |
Radio Message was not acknowledged. I accept that Heinrich was forced to submerged. |
- 12 - |
continued |
30.09.43 |
Kara Sea |
08.55 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0905 sz sz |
Request bearing signals from contact keeper. Brünner report position. |
- Grau - |
Up to now I have not heard any acknowledgment of Signals from Heinrich or me. Is he still there? Who in the storm and fog before the wind in the abundant clothes grumbled, now clams up. |
I have the intention if contact is lost to have a patrol line formed. It is impossible to establish the location of the ship by sounding in an unexplored area south of the Sergey Kirov Islands Islands discovered in 1935. The area does not suit me. I will go to the point where I met the patrol vessels. |
10.58 |
Incoming Radio Message 1047/0757 |
Small convoy square XA 4897, course 250°, 6-7 knots, 3 escort vessels. 6000 GRT freighter sunk. W 7, Sea 6-7, -1°C, 999 mb rising, 51 cbm, 3 torpedoes. |
- Heinrich - |
11.38 |
Incoming Radio Message 1134 sz sz |
Have lost contact. 08.00 hours. |
- Heinrich - |
12.00 |
XA 7273 |
Western Siberian Sea at the Nordenskjöld Archipelago. |
SW 4, overcast, Sea 4, Vis. 1-8 nm, -1°C, 999 mb, Gamma 1.023/+0.5°C |
Day's run: 180 nm |
5 nm |
185 nm |
15.30 |
Twilight |
My two air compressors are out of service. The visibility is very bad. At the point where the patrol vessels were met I will put the boat on the bottom for repairs and to listen. |
15.58 |
XA 7189 |
Dived, put the boat on the bottom. |
19.15 |
Sound bearing. |
21.10 |
Sound bearing disappeared. More will follow. |
They go past ahead to port and disappear in 185°T. |
23.15 |
One is still loud. A U-boat is also heard. Up! Go! It will probably work with the air I have. Its not ideal. |
23.28 |
Surfaced. |
- 13 - |
01.10.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
00.00 |
XA 7196 |
SSW 2, overcast, Sea 2, Vis. 2 nm, -1°C, 995 mb, Gamma 1.026/+1.5°C |
00.05 |
Smoke clouds ahead. It may be the convoy. |
00.15 |
A U-boat abeam to port. |
Looks exactly like U-960 - Heinrich, about parallel course. |
00.18 |
Incoming Radio Message 2345/1937/731 |
- Wiking - |
In area Beluschja - Kara Sea 6 destroyers, 7 mine searchers and 3 watch ships found, of these 3 mine searchers Dickson area. |
- F.d.U. - |
00.20 |
Twilight |
00.40 |
U-boat out of sight. |
01.12 |
Incoming Radio Message 01.04 sz sz |
Very lightly protected convoy square XA 7411, stand by for my bearing signals. |
- Heinrich - |
01.13 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0117 sz sz |
I am to the west of the enemy. |
- Grau - |
01.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 0126 sz sz |
I am east of the enemy. |
- Heinrich - |
01.35 |
A fog bank comes up, convoy temporarily out of sight. |
01.42 |
Incoming Radio Message 0137 sz sz |
Convoy changed course to 85°. |
- Heinrich - |
The ships drive very confused courses. It is too bright to attack. Waited. Observed. |
02.43 |
Vis. changing, fog banks, snow showers, Vis. 200 meters to 5 nm |
Muzzle fire from patrol vessel. |
02.45 |
Depth charges, 15 units. Was it Heinrich! |
03.27 |
U-boat! U-960 (Heinrich) arranged: |
He will maneuver ahead to port me to starboard. No contact keeping reports. Contact reports only on request. |
- 14 - |
continued |
01.10.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
We both hope not at Brünner (U-703). Heinrich has also not heard from him. |
The depth charges an hour before were thrown on suspicion. The convoy consists of 3 medium steamers, an ice breaker and 3 escorts, speed about 9-11 knots, course 270°. |
04.00 |
One air compressor in service again. The other is not reparable. |
07.06 |
Enemy - course 245°. |
07.30 |
Brünner in sight. I inform him of the situation and arrangement. |
10.35 |
Radio Message 1030 sz sz |
Intend to attack in the next hour. |
- Heinrich - |
11.30 |
U-Heinrich in sight. Great meeting of 3 U-boats ahead of the convoy. |
Due to the advanced time of day and shortage of torpedoes Heinrich (U-960) and I will attack by night, Brünner, who still has many torpedoes, by day. Then at least there is no crowding submerged and contact remains held. |
11.50 |
Brünner (U-703) dived. |
12.00 |
AS 2447 |
Day's run: 192 nm |
WSW 1, overcast (fog), Sea 1, Vis. 10-15 nm, -1.5°C, 991 mb, Gamma 1.021/+0°C |
0.5 nm |
192.5 nm |
Heinrich stays to port, I to starboard ahead of the convoy. |
about 13.00 |
At times fog, rain and snow showers between the convoy and the boat. However, contact keeping presents no difficulties. |
Submerged detonations are heard. Brünner!!! |
13.20 |
Somehow the convoy zigzags through the area. |
14.30 |
There are still two steamers. The main smoker with three masts is missing |
2 patrol vessels join the escort. |
I believe they are the same ones that were there before. Also the ice breaker is there again. |
15.10 |
Because the convoy now steers to the east, Heinrich and I are to starboard of the convoy. |
Maneuvered ahead again. |
15.40 |
Twilight |
16.30 |
It is just getting darker, the northern lights begin. |
- 15 - |
continued |
01.10.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
16.50 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 1655/1650 |
FAT - warning. |
- Grau - |
16.52 |
Am 30°, range 3000 meters ahead of the convoy which steers 120°. Icebreaker is ahead. Port and starboard each one steamer. In echelon behind it, at somewhat greater distance 3 escorts. |
Intend to turn in, attack the ice breaker with 1 torpedo and the port steamer with a 2-fan. When running off intend to shoot tube V on the starboard steamer. |
At this moment the curtain closes. The convoy disappears in a snow squall or fog bank. |
I have the impression that it zigzagged to port at the same time. |
In order not to lose contact, turned towards. The visibility is difficult to judge. |
17.01 |
The curtain rises abruptly. I am 150 meters ahead athwart the bow of the ice breaker. He had zigzagged to starboard! |
"Turn away", "Hard to starboard", "AK ahead"! |
Tube V: Bow left target angle 90°, speed 10 knots, range 500 meters. |
"Hard to port", "Both LF ahead". |
The ice breaker turns towards me, mow he has me, it was not difficult, he picked up the bow sea and followed in the wake. |
Turned away, came to old course (115°). "Both 3 x AK ahead". |
"Switching tube V", "Loops short left 500 meters". Enemy bow right target angle 90°, speed 10 knots" |
17.13 |
"First Watch Officer shoot!" |
"Tube ready, fire!" |
A jolt in the boat. |
17.14 |
Report from tube V "Tube runner". |
At nearly the same moment explosion column on the port steamer |
Shooting angle 240° |
Angle 219° |
Target speed 10 knots |
Torpedo speed 30 knots |
Target angle 90° |
Range 500 meters |
Enemy length 100 meters |
Lead angle 19° |
- 16 - |
continued |
01.10.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
Ice breaker shoots anti-aircraft, explosive and star shells. Red 2 cm tracers whistle around our ears. Ahead, port, starboard and astern impacts. The escorts participate. Nasty!!! We zigzag 15 with rudder angle 10° around our course (115°) ahead of the ice breaker, who does not want to get smaller. |
17.33 |
Incoming Radio Message 1730/1715 |
Question if FAT operation ended. |
- Heinrich - |
17.34 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 1740/1730/744 |
It is over, was hunted. |
- Grau - |
17.34 |
We disappear in a fog bank. Range to the ice breaker 800 meters. |
In the meantime it was determined that the torpedo was fired with at most 2 seconds delay by quickly switching to mine ejection and full air pressure. The report concerning the tube runner was received late on the bridge. |
Mech.Ob.Gfr. Kniehl switched quickly and properly. |
Whether the hit steamer, which we really didn't mean to shoot, sank or not is not known. |
18.01 |
Incoming Radio Message 1757/1745/748 |
FAT warning. |
- Heinrich - |
Because the ice breaker has still not gone away, I ran off further then advanced, perhaps Heinrich has him in ahead of me and I will get into in his FAT-field in close quarters. |
18.06 |
A torpedo detonation ans brief fiery glow. |
This is Heinrich and he probably sank the last steamer or ice breaker, possibly both. |
19.00 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 1905 sz sz |
What is the position of the enemy? |
- Grau - |
Incoming Radio Message 2021/1931 |
Convoy is located at 18.06 hours in square AS 2712. Hold contact on forced away wildly zigzagging steamer in square 2716, 1 steamer sunk, 2 hits, out of torpedoes. |
- Heinrich - |
22.00 |
In the area several detonations were heard. |
- 18 - |
continued |
02.10.43 |
Western Siberian Sea |
06.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 0607/0107/754 |
- Wiking - |
Return transit Andfjord - Narvik. Brünner bring along the rest of the crew from Hopen Island. |
- F.d.U. - |
06.35 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 0640 sz sz |
Request information concerning enemy situation. |
- Grau - |
07.00 |
Again I get a good ship's position by sighting Gavrilina Island of the Izvesti Tsik Islands. I was pretty much in the dark, about our actual position. There has been no navigation fix for 3 days, the sounding series fits almost anywhere. I still want to pass the route up to Port Dickson. |
07.30 |
Vis. 5-12 nm |
Enemy flying boat in sight type Catalina, range 10000 meters. |
Crash dived. |
07.45 |
Incoming Radio Message 0730/0712 |
After attack 18.06 hours convoy dispersed in all directions. Reported steamer lost in fog in square AB 2716. Return transit via Place I. |
- Heinrich - |
07.55 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
Crash dive before the same flying boat. |
08.30 |
Surfaced. |
08.33 |
Crash dive! |
I turn away, now the sky is full of planes. |
09.50 |
Surfaced. |
10.45 |
Crash dive before enemy flying boat in approach, range 10000 meters. |
12.00 |
AS 1648 |
Surfaced. |
W 2, overcast, Sea 1-2, Vis. 8-10 nm, -2°C, 997 mb, Gamma 1.020/+0.5°C |
Day's run: 194 nm |
4 nm |
198 nm |
12.02 |
U-Heinrich abeam to starboard. Recognition Signals exchanged. |
My faithful companion is here. He tells me that my torpedoed steamer went down. Hurray!! It has sunk! Continued on the surface. |
16.00 |
Twilight |
21.35 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 2145/762 sz sz |
Intend to head for Meeting Point I, Hammerfest. |
- Grau - |
- 19 - |
continued |
02.10.43 |
21.48 |
Incoming Radio Message 2135/2050/759 |
- Grau - |
Occasionally report details. |
- F.d.U. - |
03.10.43 |
00.00 |
AT 3616 |
W 2, 8/10, Sea 1, Swell, Vis. 4 nm, 997 mb, -2°C, Gamma 1.018/+1.5°C |
00.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 0015/2250/766 |
- Grau - |
Avoid unnecessary burden of escort service. Report important reasons for Hammerfest. Otherwise remain Andfjord. |
- F.d.U. - |
01.40 |
Twilight |
04.45 |
AT 3278 |
Anchored Anchorage I. |
Heinrich (U-960) must carry out urgent diesel repairs. We want to proceed on return transit together. |
12.00 |
AT 3278 |
Kara Sea Base I |
Wind 0, Sea 0, Vis. 10-12 nm, -1.5°C, 997 mb, Gamma 1.016/+1.5°C |
Day's run: 180 nm |
18.00 |
U-703 (Brünner) appears. |
For his trip to Hopen Island I give him some oil and provisions. |
The exchange of views showed: |
1.) Escaped from the battle were the icebreaker, last seen and reported by Heinrich, size was about like "SAAR" and 2 patrol vessels (high seas fishing trawlers). |
2.) Shot were: Heinrich (U-960) on 30 September 1 steamer, by the drawings it must have been a "Liberty ship". 1 steamer 2900 GRT on 1 October type "ANDREEW". 1 patrol vessel type high seas fishing trawler. By Brünner (U-703) 1 steamer 4200 GRT on 1 October this must have been the "SSERGEJ KIROW". By me 1 steamer of 5100 GRT on 1 October type "KAMENETS PODOLSK". |
3.) The convoy was fully loaded, the enemy defense heavy, however with insufficient means and untrained. Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas. [Although the power is lacking, the will should be praised all the same.] |
4.) The radio gear of Brünner must have been somewhat out of order, because he seldom heard Heinrich and me, we did not hear him. He did transmit! |
- 20 - |
continued |
03.10.43 |
Kara Sea Base I |
16.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 1500/1039/786 |
On 4 October 03.00 hours Summer Time ends. Set clocks back to 02.00 hours. |
- Adm.Nordmeer - |
16.30 |
Twilight |
17.30 |
Weighed anchor. |
19.05 |
AT 3258 |
Test dive. |
19.20 |
Surfaced. |
21.00 |
U-Heinrich lost from sight. |
04.10.43 |
00.00 |
ÄF 8976 |
N 2, overcast (fog), Sea 0, Swell, Vis. 1-3 nm, -3°C, 997 mb, Gamma 1.026/+1.5°C |
11.10 |
Twilight |
03.00 |
Clocks set back one hour to M.E.Z. |
11.38 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 1640/1138/782 |
- F.d.U. - |
1.) 30 September convoy square XA 49 to 2 October square AS 27. |
2.) Sunk: "Grau" 1 steamer 5100 GRT, "Brünner" 1 steamer 4200 and 2 detonations, "Heinrich" 1 patrol vessel, 2 steamers 8900 GRT. |
3.) Got away: 1 ice breaker, 2 patrol vessels. |
4.) We request Hammerfest for collection of secret items and give over airmen. |
- Wiking - |
12.00 |
ÄF 7954 |
Northwest of Nowaja Semlja. |
NNW 2, overcast (fog, snow), Sea 2, Vis. 3-10 nm, -3°C, 997 mb, Gamma 1.026/+1°C |
Day's run: 200 nm |
1.5 nm |
201.5 nm |
15.20 |
ÄF 7954 |
Test dive. |
16.10 |
Surfaced. |
16.10 |
Twilight |
19.55 |
Incoming Radio Message 1939/1827/784 |
1.) Assumption: "Grau" took over fliers from "Brünner". |
2.) "Grau" and "Heinrich" return transit Hammerfest - Tromsö - Narvik. |
3.) "Brünner" Hopen Island - Andfjord. "Grau" brings equipment from Hammerfest. |
- F.d.U. - |
- 21 - |
05.10.43 |
Eastern Barents Sea |
00.00 |
AT 1227 |
NNE 2, 7/10, Sea 2, Vis. 4 nm, -4°C, 999 mb, Gamma 1.027/+1°C |
02.40 |
Twilight |
N 2, 8/10 (fog, snow), Sea 2, Swell, Vis. 6-8 nm, -3.5°C, 1002 mb, Gamma 1.027/+1°C |
12.00 |
AC 3539 |
Day's run: 265 nm |
N 2, 8/10 (fog, snow), Sea 2, Swell, Vis. 6-8 nm, -3°C, 1002 mb, 1.027/+1°C |
1 nm |
266 nm |
16.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix 325°T, 19.5 nm |
16.40 |
Twilight |
20.00 |
Outgoing Radio Message: 2023/2050/717 sz sz |
Position 36 hours off return harbor. |
- Grau - |
21.12 |
Incoming Radio Message 2107/718 sz sz |
Position 36 hours off return harbor. |
- Heinrich - |
06.10.43 |
00.00 |
AC 2964 |
NNW 3, 6/10 (fog, snow), Sea 3, Vis. 2-4 nm, -3°C, 1006 mb, Gamma 1.027/+3°C |
03.25 |
Twilight |
12.00 |
AC 5167 |
Northeast of North Cape. |
NNW 2, 7/10, (fog), Sea 2, Swell, Vis. 6-12 nm, +0°C, 1010 mb, 1.027/+4°C |
Day's run: 220 nm |
15.42 |
Incoming Radio Message 1529/1039/743 |
- Grau and Heinrich - |
1.) Ingöy 23.00 - 05.00 hours "Havel" 226 kHz. |
2.) Gamvik 23.05 - 00.10 hours "G A" 441 kHz. |
3.) From 07.00 hours escort vessel "Jot" 437 kHz |
from Point S R 1. Every half hour each 5 minutes. |
- F.d.U. - |
15.48 |
AC 5415 |
Test dive. |
Enclosure 1 to F.d.U. Norwegen Gkdos 3674 |
Comments of the F.d.U. Norwegen |
on the K.T.B. "U 601" from 13.9. - 10.10.43 |
1) |
To 23 September 19.23 hours: For mining operations, this main task must first be carried out with as many mines as possible. Usually only 3 additional torpedoes are provided for Type VII. If there are sufficient attack prospects for the return transit, a fourth torpedo can be accepted. |
2) |
To 27 September 06.15 hours: The decision and the independent planning of the Kommandanten are approved. |
3) |
The mining operation was carried out with good reasoning, tactical skill and courage. |
4) |
Succeses: 23 September in shallow water mines deployed, 1 October freighter type "KAMENETS PODOLSK" 5100 GRT sunk. |
For the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote |
The Chief of the Operations Department. |