- 1 - |
04.11.41 |
Hamburg, |
Commissioning. |
Deutsche Werft |
Duties: Damage control drills, gunnery exercises, cleaning ship, gear service. |
08. - 28.11.41 |
Kiel |
U.A.K. balancing the boat, radio direction finder calibration, degaussing, pressure test in the pressure dock, artillery shooting, training torpedo shooting, U.K. and T.V.A. testing. |
Duties: Seamanship, damage control drills, gunnery exercises, gun cleaning, gear service, sports, cleaning ship, Tauchretter testing in the immersion pan. |
28.11.41 |
Transit Kiel-Hiddensee |
Anchored Hiddensee. |
29. - 30.11.41 |
Hiddensee-Rönne |
U.A.G. sound trials. |
Duties: Training, cleaning ship. |
01.12.41 |
Transit Rönne-Arcona |
Anchored Arcona. |
Duties: Celestial navigation. |
02.12.41 |
Transit Arcona-Stettin |
Training, cleaning ship, provisions loading, superfluous gear unloaded. |
03.12.41 |
Transit Stettin-Swinemünde |
Duties: Sports, Seamanship, cleaning ship, gunnery exercises. |
05.12.41 |
Transit Swinemünde-Gotenhafen |
T.E.K. testing. |
Duties: Torpedo loading, gunnery exercises, damage control exercises, cannon cleaning, gear service, cleaning ship, sports. |
14.12. - 18.12.41 |
Danzig |
U.A.G. measured mile, RPM indexing, AK cruise. |
Duties: Training at sea, damage control exercises, buoy maneuvers, gear service, cleaning ship. |
20.12.41 |
Hela |
Agru-Front. Diving training, crash dive training with mechanical failures. |
Duties: Training at sea, seamanship, infantry service, cleaning ship, gunnery exercises. |
30.12.41 |
Rammed by destroyer Z.Y. in square 10 |
Damage to stern. |
31.12.41 - |
Danzig, Holmwerft |
Duties: Lessons, damage control exercises, sports, cleaning ship, gunnery exercises, cannon cleaning, gear service. |
13.01.42 |
16. - 20.01.42 |
Memel |
Torpedo shooting with the 24. Flottille, shooting broken off due to ice conditions. |
Duties: Torpedo loading, training at sea, cleaning ship, torpedo offload. |
21. - 26.01.42 |
Hela |
Agru-Front continued. |
Duties: Training at sea, gear service, cleaning ship. |
27. - 28.01.42 |
Gotenhafen |
To take over the Ice protector. However the ice protector had been given to another boat. |
Duties: Work service, training, lessons, cleaning ship. |
31.03.42 |
Trim test. |
01.04. - 20.04.42 |
Danzig, Holmwerft |
Duties: Cleaning ship, lessons, damage control drills, gunnery exercises, cannon cleaning, gear service, work service. |
21. - 22.04.42 |
Danzig Bay |
Trim test, measured mile, artillery exercises. |
- 2 - |
23.04. - 03.05.42 |
Danzig Bay |
Torpedo shooting with the 25. U-Flottille. Deep dive, crash diving, throwing of depth charges. |
04.05.42 |
Danzig |
Ammunition loading |
Duties: Gunnery exercises and gun cleaning. |
05.05.42 |
Danzig Bay |
Gunnery exercises. |
Duties: Gun cleaning. |
06. - 09.05.42 |
Danzig, Holm Basin |
Duties: Ammunition loading, provisions loading, damage control exercises and cleaning ship. |
10.05.42 |
Gotenhafen |
Torpedo loading. |
11. - 19.05.42 |
Central Baltic |
Tactical training. |
20.05.42 |
Gotenhafen |
Torpedo offload. |
Danzig, Holm Basin |
Duties: Took over the boat. |
21.05.42 |
Danzig - Stettin |
22.05. - 12.06.42 |
Stettin |
Mooring maneuver. |
Duties: Cleared the boat, cannon offload, ammunition offload, lessons, sports, gear service, cleaning ship. |
Duties: Cannon onload, ammunition loading, provisions loading, torpedo loading. |
13.06.42 |
Stettin |
Transit to Hela. |
14. - 15.06.42 |
Agru-Front. |
16. - 17.06.42 |
Transit to Kiel. |
18. - 24.06.42 |
Outfitting for patrol. |
(K.Kapt and Kmdt.) |
- 4 - |
30.06.42 |
W 3-4, Sea 3-4, Swell, overcast, rainy |
09.30 |
Test dive. |
10.37 |
In so doing on the the entire port side in the Underwater Telephone sounds Volume 3-4. Various characters a a a a . . . then n n n n . . . finally to conclude one long. All around sweep in the periscope clear. Continued on the surface. |
12.00 |
Naval square AF 4585. |
00.00 |
Naval square AF 4586. |
Day's run: 154 nm = 6.4 knots |
01.07.42 |
NW 5-6, Sea 4-5, overcast |
09.30 |
North of the Faroe Islands |
Test dive. |
Went to both diesels (LF), because we are off the Iceland narrows. (up to now diesel-electric). |
12.00 |
Continual weather improvement. In the evening NW 2, Sea 1-2, clear sky |
Naval square AE 6942. |
12.53 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
New objective for "Kettner" "Staats" and "Wolff" is naval square 30 of the large square east of LC. [hand written] CC |
00.00 |
Naval square AE 9137. |
Day's run: 186 nm = 7.8 knots |
02.07.42 |
S 3-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, hazy |
09.30 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square 8642. |
- 5 - |
continued |
02.07.42 |
14.45 |
Crash dive before a destroyer. At depth A -30 all around listening. With G.H.G. and K.D.B. impulses from 2 vessels were heard at Volume 4. Sound bearing avoided. Because the sounds weakened, all around visual sweep and surfaced. Continued transit. |
Radio Message to B.d.U.: |
Sighted" 1 destroyer, naval square AE 8591, course 290°. SW 2, overcast. Wolff. |
00.00 |
East of the Faroe Islands |
Naval square AE 8795. |
Day's run: 220 nm = 9.2 knots |
03.07.42 |
ESE 4-5, Sea 4, overcast, rainy |
Continued up to 00.00 hours on diesel electric. |
10.00 |
Test dive. Proceeded submerged briefly for repairs to the G.H.G. |
12.00 |
Rapid visibility and weather improvement, E 2, Sea 2, nearly clear sky |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
Naval square AL 3152. |
24.00 |
" " AL 2284. |
Day's run: 148 nm = 6.1 knots |
04.07.42 |
N 2-3, Sea 2, clear, partial overcast |
10.00 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square AL 2375. |
16.13 |
Crash dive for aircraft (Sunderland). |
24.00 |
Naval square AL 1731. |
Day's run: 186 nm = 7.8 knots |
05.07.42 |
NNW 4-5, Sea 4-5. overcast,scattered rain showers |
09.55 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square AK 0329. |
24.00 |
" " AK 6228. |
- 6 - |
continued |
05.07.42 |
Day's run: 168 nm = 7.0 knots |
06.07.42 |
W 4-5, Sea 4, overcast in the morning, clearing by midday, Cumulus clouds, wind and sea abating |
02.44 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged for repairs to 7 high pressure valves in the control room. |
16.15 |
Surfaced. Continued on diesel-electric. |
12.00 |
North Atlantic |
Naval square AK 6434. |
21.28 |
Incoming Radio Message from "Kettner" |
Corvette sighted AK 8195, course NE, no attack possibility. |
Operated in intercept point. Nothing seen. Continued transit. |
24.00 |
Naval square 5873. |
Day's run: 164 nm = 6.8 knots |
07.07.42 |
NW 3, Sea 1-2, wind and sea abating, Cumulus clouds |
12.00 |
Nave square AK 8276. |
13.01 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square AK 8719. |
Day's run: 180 nm = 7.5 knots |
08.07.42 |
NE 1-2, Sea 1, clear, partial overcast |
10.00 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square BD 1249. |
18.54 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
On 9 July at 08.00 hours switch to Greenland Circuit. |
24.00 |
Naval square BD 1479. |
Day's run: 186 nm = 7.6 knots |
09.07.42 |
SSE 2-3, Sea 2-3, both increasing, Vis. changing, partly clear horizon, partly misty and rainy |
- 7 - |
continued |
09.07.42 |
10.50 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
East of Newfoundland |
Naval square BC 6328. |
22.00 |
"Laura Ethel Bank" abeam. |
24.00 |
Naval square BC 6617. |
Day's run: 145 nm = 6 knots |
10.06.42 |
S 0-1, Sea 0-1, thick fog, Vis. changing, 100-200 meters, at times breaking up to 2000 meters |
10.01 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square BC 6843. |
14.45 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
Meeting point for supply "Bauer", "Wolff", "Staats" from "Schäfer" in naval square 9773 of the large square east of disguised square WS. [handwritten] CC "Wolff" and "Staats" fill completely, "Bauer" take over only enough for economical return transit! |
24.00 |
Naval square BC 9158. |
Day's run: 178 nm = 7.4 knots |
11.07.42 |
Weather conditions as on 10 July in the afternoon increasing wind and seas up to 3, at 15.00 hours heavy rain |
10.00 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square BC 8698. |
24.00 |
" " BC 8955. |
Day's run: 140 nm = 5.8 knots |
12.07.42 |
W to S 1-2, light Swell, clear, Vis. good |
09.30 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square CD 1542. |
24.00 |
" " CD 4125. |
Day's run: 200 nm = 9.1 knots |
- 8 - |
13.07.42 |
SSW 3, Sea 2-3, partial overcast, Cumulus clouds |
09.00 |
Test dive. |
After surfacing training alarm for artillery. |
10.29 |
Central Atlantic |
Sighted a modern freighter. Moved off, held contact, determined course and speed. Enemy shifts ahead despite AK speed, due to the counter seas. Course 260°, speed 16-17 knots. After 6 hours at AK the freighter passed out of sight. |
11.06 |
Outgoing Short Signal to B.d.U. concerning arrival at meeting point: 15th day of the current month, 11.00 hours. |
11.36 |
Received confirmation Radio Message from B.d.U. U-509 will arrive 15 July 11.00 hours at supply point. |
12.00 |
Naval square CC 6652. |
13.25 |
Sent the first Radio Message concerning the sighted freighter to B.d.U. |
From Wolff, hunted for 3 hours initially without results at AK large fast freighter, independent, estimated 10000 GRT. Course 260°, 16 knots, no zigzags. Am still on it. Square CC 6615. SSW 4-5, Sea 3, increasing. |
16.05 |
Sent second Radio Message to B.d.U.: |
After 6 hour hunt at AK enemy out of sight because it was faster. Naval square CC 6543, course 260°, 16-17 knots, question pursuit or head for "Schäfer". |
18.32 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U.: |
"Wolff" go to "Schäfer". |
Continued to supply point. |
24.00 |
Naval square CC 6853. |
Day's run: 223 nm = 9.3 knots |
14.07.42 |
SW 2, Sea 2-3, rain, thunder/ lightening, overcast |
Sighted a small steamer in the twilight. Initiated surface attack immediately. 1 Eto unexplained miss. |
12.07 |
Radio Message to B.d.U.: |
In the morning twilight suspicious vessel, about 1000 GRT, 2 smokestacks, 1 combat mast, 1 mast on the forecastle. Attacked immediately (after sighting) 1 miss unexplained, depth 2 meters possibly undershot, vessel gave "british pucled [pursued?] by a submarine", held course 115°, 9 knots. Definitely a trap. Naval square CC 9253. SW 2, Sea 1, overcast, 1022 mb. |
- 10 - |
18.07.42 |
S 2, Sea 1, few clouds with isolated rain showers |
12.00 |
Naval square DE 4874. |
14.55 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Central Atlantic |
Naval square DD 9399. |
Day's run: 195 nm = 8.1 knots |
19.07.42 |
SSW 1, Sea 0-1, few clouds with rain showers |
About 02.25 hours a shadow came in sight to starboard, on coming closer recognized as a steamer of about 6000 GRT. The boat ran to maneuver ahead on the dark horizon (first quarter moon) in the process determined the course and speed of the enemy. Light seas prevailed, Vis. clear, bright moonlit night. At 02.29 hours the enemy zigzagged for the first time 40° away. At 02.32 hours the radio room reported radio traffic up to Volume 5, therefore in the vicinity. There existed the possibility that the steamer had seen us, because with the speed increase our wake stands out from the otherwise smooth sea, however we already had to run at the highest speed level because enemy speed was plotted at 15 knots and the bearing was shifting ahead slowly. |
At this high enemy speed we do not succeed in completing the maneuver ahead in a timely manor, so that when turning to attack the enemy would be the bright moon bearing. If the boat wanted to reach shooting position at all, there is no other option, than to run at AK and perpendicular to the moon track. In the meantime the enemy already had target angle 100° and turned away hard 50°, as we got closer to the shooting distance when the bearing was stationary. So there is a good possibility that he saw us which is explained by the radio traffic reported by the radio room in the meantime. A little while later the enemy passed out of sight, and we continued our transit, richer by a hard lesson, to the ordered objective point. |
12.00 |
Naval square DD 9589. |
17.00 |
Test dive. |
- 12 - |
24.07.42 |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1, Stratocumulus |
12.00 |
Mona Passage |
Naval square DO 7833. |
12.50 - 14.00 |
Crash dive for aircraft in the Mona Passage. |
20.35 - 23.10 |
" " " |
24.00 |
Naval square ED 1155. |
Day's run: 185 nm = 7.7 knots |
25.07.42 |
SE 1-2, Sea 1, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square EC 3658. |
18.12 |
Test dive |
24.00 |
Naval square EC 3824. |
Day's run: 152 nm = 6.3 knots |
26.07.42 |
E 3, Sea 2, low individual clouds with rain showers |
12.00 |
Naval square EC 3735. |
18.00 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EC 2596. |
Day's run: 115 nm = 4.7 knots |
27.07.42 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, Cumulus |
00.30 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. |
1. For 36 hours oil trace, up to now unexplained. |
2. Mona air, no sea. |
3. Naval square EC 2594, East Trade Winds, Vis. clear, 1020 mb. Wolff. |
Oil trace on both sides. Probably main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 7. |
12.00 |
Naval square EC 1947. |
18.30 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EC 1858. |
Day's run: 172 nm = 7.1 knots |
28.07.42 |
E 2-3, Sea 2, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square EB 3959. |
18.30 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EB 3769 |
Oil trace constant. Seems to decrease at times. |
Day's run: 196 nm = 8.1 knots |
- 13 - |
29.07.42 |
E 1-2, Sea 2, Nimbus, Cirrostratus |
12.00 |
Caribbean Sea |
Naval square EB 2685. |
18.15 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EB 2271 |
Day's run: 185 nm = 7.7 knots |
30.07.42 |
NE 1-2, Sea 2, in the night Summer lightening, Cirrostratus |
Pumped out main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 7 into the Regulating bunker. Oil trace is gone. |
12.00 |
Naval square DM 7839 |
18.30 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square DM 7821 |
Day's run: 146 nm = 6 knots |
31.07.42 |
NE 2-3, Sea 1-2, night Summer lightening |
12.00 |
Naval square 7178. |
18.30 |
Test dive. |
Oil trace started again. |
24.00 |
Naval square DL 9324 |
Day's run: 165 nm = 7 knots |
01.08.42 |
NE 2, Sea 1, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square DL 6941 |
14.15 |
Smoke cloud in sight ahead to starboard. By results from course and speed determination a small steamer. Initiated submerged attack. Shortly after sighting he makes a course change and has target angle 0°. Good shooting data. Unfortunately later turned out to be neutral Argentinian "RIO CHUBUT". After getting out of sight surfaced. Continued transit on the surface. |
24.00 |
Naval square DL 6269 |
Day's run: 142 nm = 6 knots |
02.08.42 |
NE to SE 2-3, Sea 1, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square DL 3965 |
13.33 |
Test dive. |
- 14 - |
continued |
02.08.42 |
21.06 |
Crash dive for aircraft. Out of the clouds with target angle 0°. |
21.08 |
[m.V. - unknown abbreviation probably mit Verzögerung = with delay] |
Close to the boat 3 aircraft bombs (m.V.) At first no damage noted. |
Proceeded submerged until 3 August 02.00 hours. |
Moved off to the west. |
24.00 |
Gulf of Mexico |
Naval square DM 1497. |
Day's run: 140 nm = 6 knots |
03.08.42 |
NE 1-2, Sea 1-2, Stratocumulus |
02.00 |
After surfacing determined damage. |
Moved off for repairs at the same time with short tactical advance on suspected ship traffic Mississippi, New Orleans-Florida Strait. After the beginning of darkness parachute flares and searchlight astern to starboard. Suspect radar aircraft on a U-boat hunt. |
05.50 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. |
["m.V." was not included in the version of this message which was actually transmitted.] |
Aircraft bombs (m.V.) possibly radar aircraft, set off for repairs, air search periscope, oil trace, main drain pump, sounder. Naval square DM 1732, E 2, Sea 1, overcast, 1019 mb. Am missing Serial No. 257. Wolff. |
12.00 |
Naval square DL 3863 |
13.30 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
18.00 |
Dove again. Continued submerged until 22.00 hours, Afterwards on the surface. |
24.00 |
Naval square DL 3534 |
Day's run: 113 nm = 4.7 knots |
04.08.42 |
NE 1, Sea 0-1, Stratocumulus |
07.11 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. |
1. Damage: Air search periscope, main drain pump, 200-Watt transmitter, Echolot sounder, Fu.M.G, oil trace suspected bunker seam cracked. Not reparable: Air search periscope, main drain pump, oil trace, others questionable. |
2. EC 2890, EB 3847, DM 7197 nothing, DL 6941 Argentinian "RIO CHUBT" course 160°. DM 1732 day air, nights aircraft searchlights, parachute flares, suspect radar. |
3. DL 3863 weather unchanged, all naval squares. |
4. Request orders. Wolff. |
12.00 |
Naval square DL 3121. |
- 15 - |
continued |
04.08.42 |
12.10 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "U-509" and "Beucke" go to attack area naval square EE southern third and EO, see situation reports "Lassen", "Piening", "Markworth", "U-108". |
2. "Beucke" after leaving previous attack area give short situation report. |
16.30 |
Brief sighting of U-boat conning tower on the horizon. Probably U.S.A. boat. |
24.00 |
Gulf of Mexico |
Naval square DL 3425 |
Day's run: 174 nm = 7.2 knots |
05.08.42 |
SE 2, Sea 2, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square DL 3874 |
22.00 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square DL 6273 |
Day's run: 142 nm = 6 knots |
06.08.42 |
E 2, Sea 1, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square DL 6586 |
14.00 |
Crash dive for aircraft, at the same time test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square DL 9366 |
Day's run: 212 nm = 9 knots |
07.08.42 |
E 1, Sea 1, Cumulus |
12.00 |
DM 7585 |
17.00 |
Test dive. |
18.15 |
Crash dive for aircraft. |
24.00 |
Naval square DL 7943 |
Day's run: 168 nm = 7 knots |
08.08.42 |
E 2, Sea 1-2, Cumulus, rain showers |
03.00 |
During the entire day many oil traces running with our course, on both diesels HF, to pursue. |
12.00 |
Naval square EB 2275 |
13.00 |
Switched to diesel-electric |
- 16 - |
continued |
08.08.42 |
18.30 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Caribbean Sea |
Naval square EB 2645 |
Day's run: 178 nm = 7.4 knots |
09.08.42 |
E 4, Sea 3-4, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square EB 3717 |
17.29 |
Test dive. |
19.41 |
Crash dive for flying boat. |
21.20 |
Crash dive for flying boat. |
24.00 |
Naval square EB 3766 |
Day's run: 112 nm = 5 knots |
10.08.42 |
E 3-4, Sea 3-4, Cumulus, Cirrus |
To set off from land during the night went to both diesels HF. |
12.00 |
Naval square EB 6353 |
21.48 |
Test dive. Sound bearing ahead to starboard, Volume 3, shifted ahead. |
Surfaced, pursued in the direction of the sound bearing. Nothing seen. Later crossed an oil trace on the route ending in an oil trace to port. Probably the boats oil trace at the diving location. |
24.00 |
Naval square EC 4591 |
Day's run: 206 nm = 8.6 knots |
11.08.42 |
E 2, Sea 2, Cumulus |
Crash dive. Light beam 200 meters to starboard. Probably radar by aircraft. No bombs. |
12.00 |
Naval square EC 5471. |
22.22 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "Kölle", "Lohmann", "Hacklander", "U-660", report weather. |
2. "Gilardone" 12 August 08.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
3. "Rudloff", "Östermann", "Diggins", "Wolff" report situation. |
24.00 |
Naval square EC 5571 |
Day's run: 133 nm = 5.5 knots |
- 17 - |
12.08.42 |
E 3, Sea 2, Cumulus |
Made repeated futile attempts to send a Radio Message. Because the main transmitter is out of service, communications are very intermittent with the 40-Watt transmitter. |
02.00 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Caribbean Sea |
Naval square EC 5591 |
13.30 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "Vogelsang" and "U-505", "U-129", report weather. |
2. "Rudloff", "Diggins", "Östermann", "Schug", "Wolff" give situation report. |
3. "Rehwinkel" immediately report position. |
24.00 |
Naval square EC 6472. |
Day's run: 154 nm = 6.4 knots |
13.08.42 |
E 1-2, Sea 0-1, clear, Cumulus |
01.45 |
Test dive. |
05.30 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. |
1. DL 68, DM 79 "Windward" intermittent traffic suspected. EB 21 and 37 to EC 44 and 54 nothing. EC 4431 U-boat possible. NS and EW traffic through the Central Caribbean unlikely. |
2. Defenses: no sea, air in the vicinity of the coast up to 100 nm from land and on line DL 65 and 69, EB 37 and EC 54. DM 1732 EC 5447 radar. |
3. EC 5559 east Trade Winds 4, Sea 3, Vis. good, 1019 mb, 141 cbm estimated, all naval squares. |
4. Am missing: 268 from 2 August, 99 from 3 August, 05, 08 from 8 August. 29, 31 from 9 August. U-509. |
12.00 |
Naval square EC 6581. |
21.45 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EC 4472. |
Day's run: 162 nm = 7 knots |
14.08.42 |
E 2-3, Sea 1-2, Stratocumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square ED 4591. |
21.45 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square ED 5455. |
Day's run: 174 nm = 7.3 knots |
15.08.42 |
E 2-3, Sea 1, Cumulus, Cirrus |
12.00 |
Naval square ED 5617. |
13.55 |
Crash dive for aircraft. At the same time test dive. |
- 18 - |
continued |
15.08.42 |
18.30 |
Twice sighted one aircraft each. Not distinguished if military of civil aircraft. All three with southerly course. |
19.30 |
Thick periscope made out 200 meters away. Suspect Italian, because it did not shoot. |
24.00 |
West of the Small Antilles |
Naval square ED 6287 |
Day's run: 213 nm = 9 knots |
16.08.42 |
E 2, Sea 0-1, Cumulus, rain showers |
12.00 |
Naval square EE 4417 |
14.05 |
Crash dive for flying boat. 3 aircraft bombs. Failures: rod antenna, part of the conning tower cladding was slightly torn. |
20.14 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "Scholz" sea area from EO 4620. |
2. "Piening", "Beucke" south of the latitude of ED surveillance objective to 9950 and EN 3340 and 70. |
3. "Wolff", "Markworth", "Neitzel" north of the latitude of ED 9930 surveillance objective to 96. |
4. "Wattenberg", "Suhren" west of the longitude of 9880. |
5. Each according to defense situation close the focal point, report sightings and sinkings immediately. All naval squares. |
24.00 |
Naval square EE 4543 |
Day's run: 163 nm = 6.8 knots |
17.08.42 |
ENE 2-3, Sea 2, Cumulus, rain showers |
12.00 |
Naval square EE 4926 |
17.25 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EE 5788 |
Day's run: 147 nm = 6.1 knots |
18.08.42 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, Cumulus, rain showers |
10.02 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. Boats in naval square ED 98 including "Suhren" and "Wattenberg" free to operate on the reported traffic line reported by "U-108" and "U-173". |
2. Supply for "U-108" about naval square DE 54 anticipated. "U-108" report arrival as soon as foreseen. |
Stated traffic was in naval square EO and |
- 19 - |
continued |
18.08.42 |
operations area was shifted to EO and EP. |
12.00 |
East of the Antilles |
Naval square EE 8455. |
13.07 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EE 8855. |
Day's run: 152 nm = 6.3 knots |
19.08.42 |
NE 1-2, Sea 1, Cumulus, rain squalls |
12.00 |
Naval square EO 2337. |
12.35 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EO 3432 |
Day's run: 148 nm = 6.1 knots |
20.08.42 |
E 1, Sea 0, Cumulus, rain squalls |
12.00 |
Naval square EO 3919 |
13.05 |
Test dive. |
17.50 |
Crash dive for aircraft. 3 depth charges far off. |
19.00 |
Proceeded submerged. Several times 3 depth charges far off. |
24.00 |
Naval square EO 3958 |
Day's run: 140 nm = 5.9 knots |
21.08.42 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, Cumulus, rain squalls |
12.00 |
Naval square ED 1874 |
12.35 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square ED 5529 |
Day's run: 150 nm = 6.2 knots |
22.08.42 |
SE 2-3, Sea 1, Stratocumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square ED 5216 |
12.35 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EP 5529 |
Day's run: 153 nm = 6.3 knots |
23.08.42 |
SE 1, Sea 0-1, Stratocumulus, rain showers |
- 20 - |
continued |
23.08.42 |
12.00 |
East of the Brazilian coast |
Naval square EP 5248. |
12.35 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EP 5644 |
Day's run: 107 nm = 4.4 knots |
24.08.42 |
E 1-2, Sea 0-1, Stratocumulus, rain showers |
01.18 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "Pfeffer", "Hartwich", report position immediately by Short Signal. |
2. "Going" send weather report by 24.00 hours. |
3. "Zur Mühlen", "U-509" report situation. |
12.00 |
Naval square EP 5257 |
12.30 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EP 5217 |
Day's run: 87 nm = 3.6 knots |
25.08.42 |
E 1-2, Sea 1, Cumulus, rain shower |
01.10 |
Situation report to B.d.U. |
1. 15 August thick periscope ED 5625, later three times aircraft, 17 and 18 August EE 44-81. 19 August EE 88. 20 August EO 34. |
[on 25 August Wolff reported he was ill and returning - presumably in a supplemental Officer-Only Radio Message] |
2. Operating since 20 August on traffic line between latitude EO 35 and 38 to EP 52. Air, aircraft bombs and depth charges. |
3. EP 5214, SE Trade Winds, light Swell, frequent rain, 1015 mb, 105 cbm, Up to now 5 cbm lost. Naval squares. |
Am missing Serial No. 274, 75 of 16 August,01, 04 of 17 August, 33 of 18 August, 64, 67 of 19 August, 18, 24, 41 44. U-509. |
12.00 |
Naval square EP 4333. |
12.30 |
Due to oil trace north of own courses and on the basis of the NE traffic reported by Wattenberg in EE 70 and 80 came to northerly course. |
12.35 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EP 1968 |
Day's run: 98 nm = 4.1 knots |
- 21 - |
26.08.42 |
E 0-1, light Swell, Cumulus, rain showers |
02.46 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
"Wolff" return transit, more to follow. |
12.00 |
East of the Brazilian coast |
Naval square EP 1635. |
12.30 |
Test dive. |
19.10 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "Wolff", "U-98", "Holtorf", "Scholz", "Zur Mühlen" return transit via naval square 80 of the large square west of JM. [handwritten] CD. |
2. "Markworth", "Steinhoff", "Wattenberg" begin return transit with 40 cbm. |
3. "Horn" return transit. No supply. |
24.00 |
Naval square EP 2112 |
Day's run: 140 nm = 5.9 knots |
27.08.42 |
NE 0-1, Swell, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square EF 8435 |
12.36 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EF 5849 |
Day's run: 198 nm = 8.2 knots |
28.08.42 |
NE 1, Sea 1, Swell, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square EF 5263 |
14.30 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square EF 2655 |
Day's run: 232 nm = 9.6 knots |
29.08.42 |
NE 2, Sea 2, Cumulus, rain squalls |
12.00 |
Naval square DQ 9777 |
14.30 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square DQ 9192 |
Day's run: 230 nm = 9.6 knots |
30.08.42 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, Cirrus, Cumulus |
00.30 |
Shortly after the beginning of darkness a vessel came from astern to port with target angle 0°, with a silhouette like a destroyer. While maneuvering ahead enemy speed was plotted at 15 knots, ran in to attack. Dark night, a little marine phosphorescence, the enemy did not zigzag, instead held course and speed. |
- 22 - |
continued |
30.08.42 |
A 4-fan was ordered, all torpedoes depth 2 meters. While running in it was clearly recognized that it was not a destroyer and also not a corvette, instead presumably a special vessel. The fan was shot at 1500 meters range at target angle 70°. While the torpedoes ran the radio room picked up the following signal at Volume 5 |
" s s s i f p i f p etc." - therefore he had heard our torpedoes. Strangely he did not make any avoidance maneuver or turn to attack, instead held course and speed. All 4 torpedoes went past. Therefore probably undershot again. Appearance of the vessel, behavior during the attack and the likely undershooting of the target leads to the conclusion it was a trap. |
After turning away prepared for another approach to still shoot the stern tubes. Although running at GF the enemy passed out of sight ahead and despite pursuing was not found again. The boat continued at transit speed to the supply boat. |
02.42 |
Outgoing Radio Message to B.d.U. |
1. Just now 4-miss in U-boat trap. Depth 2 meters, good shooting data. Suspect undershot. Naval square DQ 9192. NE Trade Wind, Sea 2, 1018 mb. |
2. 200-Watt and bearing signal transmitter out of service. |
U-509. |
12.00 |
East of the Small Antilles |
Naval square DQ 6579 |
17.00 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square DQ 6262 |
Day's run: 198 nm = 8.2 knots |
31.08.42 |
NE 1, light Swell, Cirrus, Cumulus |
11.04 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. Torpedo offload from "Wolff" to "Wiebe" in naval square 8555 of the large square west of SZ [handwritten] CD intended. "Wolff" report arrival. Bearing signals 4 hours later of by then no meeting has taken place. "Wiebe" is located 31 August 08.00 hours in SZ 4670. |
2. "Wiebe" immediately switch to America Circuit. After following transfer, report torpedo and fuel inventory. |
12.00 |
Naval square DQ 3655 |
14.30 |
Test dive. |
- 24 - |
continued |
02.09.42 |
While maneuvering ahead plotted with course 270° and speed 9-10 knots. Steamer held course and is positioned exactly on neutral merchant ship route. After 2 hours dived to attack. Steamer was a neutral Swiss. |
17.30 |
Surfaced. Continued transit on the surface. |
18.54 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. |
Due to hunt of independent (later determined to be Swiss) arrival 3 September 18.00 hours, Naval square DF 1869, S 2, Sea 1, Vis. clear, 1025 mb. Wolff. |
24.00 |
Central Atlantic |
Naval square DF 1655 |
Day's run: 210 nm = 8.7 knots |
03.09.42 |
SSE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square CD 8848 |
17.10 |
"Holtorf" in sight to starboard. |
18.30 |
Began oil transfer. |
Naval square CD 8555 |
22.30 |
Delivery ended. Continued return transit. |
24.00 |
Naval square CD 8539 |
Day's run: 196 nm = 8.1 knots |
04.09.42 |
SSW 1, light Swell, clear, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square CD 9119 |
14.15 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square CD 6911 |
Day's run: 195 nm = 8.1 knots |
05.09.42 |
W-SW 1, light Swell, clear, Cumulus |
12.00 |
Naval square CE 4455. |
14.15 |
Test dive. |
20.26 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "Giessler", "Scholz", "Mahn", "Sturs" report weather tonight. |
2. "Staats", "Holtorf", "Wolff", "Senkel" on 6 September at 08.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
3. "Würdemann", "Reichenbach" short situation report. |
- 25 - |
continued |
05.09.42 |
24.00 |
West of the Azores |
Naval square CE 4233. |
Day's run: 202 nm = 8.3 knots |
06.09.42 |
SW 1, Sea 0, Cumulus, Altostratus |
12.00 |
Naval square CE 2488. |
14.15 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
Naval square CE 2652. |
Day's run: 220 nm = 9.3 knots |
07.09.42 |
SW 1, Sea 0, Cumulus, Altostratus |
10.21 |
Incoming Radio Message to B.d.U. from "Senkel". |
1. Enemy convoy Naval square CE 6167. Enemy steers northerly course, medium speed 11-17 knots. U-658. |
12.00 |
Naval square CE 3311. |
14.07 |
Test dive. |
Operated on reported convoy for 36 hours at HF because I was in a favorable position. Nothing seen. Convoy was later reported as a sham convoy. Continued return transit. |
24.00 |
Naval square BE 7843. |
Day's run: 282 nm = 11.7 knots |
08.07.42 |
NW 2, Sea 1, fog, Vis. changing up to 100 meters |
10.16 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Naval square BE 8482. |
22.30 |
Incoming Radio Message from B.d.U. |
1. "Giessler", "Staats", "Wolff" and "Brandi" report weather. |
2. Switch on 9 September at 08.00 hours "Schnoor" America, "Kapitzki" and "Lilienfeld" Ireland. |
3. "Wattenberg" report situation. |
4. "Kapitzki" transit into the Atlantic vis OH 52. |
24.00 |
Naval square BE 8378. |
Day's run: 250 nm = 10 knots |
09.09.42 |
NW 2, Sea 1-2, fog, Vis. changing up to 1000 meters |
- 26 - |
09.09.42 |
00.53 |
West of Spain |
Short Signal weather report to B.d.U.: 45°N, 17°W, 1032 mb, steady, +20°C, fog, Vis. 1/2 nm, Wind NW 1-2, low NW-Swell. |
From 12°W proceeded submerged by day. |
12.00 |
BE 9272 |
24.00 |
BE 9292 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 182 nm |
" Submerged: 7.5 nm |
10.09.42 |
E 3-4, Sea 2-3, morning Altostratus, days clear |
12.00 |
BF 4778 |
14.15 |
Crash dive for aircraft. |
24.00 |
BF 4877 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 131 nm |
" Submerged: 5.5 nm |
11.09.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
Morning ENE 3-4, Sea 3, both abating, Altostratus, clear |
12.00 |
BF 5715 |
24.00 |
BF 5721 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 130 nm |
" Submerged: 5.3 nm |
12.09.42 |
E 0-1, Sea 0, clear |
11.00 |
Brief sighting of 2 aircraft. |
11.40 |
Escort in sight. |
Entered Lorient. |
15.15 |
Boat made fast. |
K.Kapt. and Kmdt. |