- 2 - |
continued |
05.11.42 |
After hospital treatment departure is possible. Intend further transit with Schröder and Bertelsmann 7 November 1942. |
06.11.42 |
Kristiansand |
Fast. |
07.11.42 |
Kristiansand |
Convoy did not go because Schröder and Bertelsmann did not arrive |
Boat remained fast. |
08.11.42 |
Kristiansand |
07.00 |
Ready for sea, ran out of Kristiansand. |
Transit in convoy with Schröder. |
08.00 |
WSW 3, Sea 2, abating Swell, 3/10, Vis. 7 nm |
Exit of Kristiansand Fjord. |
12.00 |
South Coast of Norway |
WSW 4, Sea 3, Swell abating, 4/10, cloudy, Vis. greatly changing 1-5 nm in rain and hail squalls |
16.00 |
Egersund |
Ran into Egersund. |
17.00 |
Made fast Egersund. |
09.11.42 |
Egersund |
12.00 |
SSW 4, Sea 3, overcast, misty, Vis. up to 2 nm |
Ready for sea. Transit in convoy with Schröder. |
16.00 |
AN 2980 |
South Coast of Norway |
SW 4, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. greatly changing 1-3 nm, rain showers |
16.45 |
Island Bako [Kvitsøy] |
Convoy dissolved. Hove to, over deck checked. |
17.55 |
[about 59°03'N, 005°24'E] |
Course 270°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
AN 2130 [position in error] |
21.00 |
Set off from the coast in accordance with orders. Course 352°. |
24.00 |
SSW 4, Sea 3, overcast, light Swell, Vis. up to 2 nm |
AN 2x90 |
- 3 - |
10.11.42 |
04.00 |
AN 2840 |
07.20 |
SSW 4, Sea 4, overcast, low Swell, Vis. 2 nm |
Test dive, proceeded submerged at depth A -30 meters. |
08.00 |
AN 2390 |
12.00 |
AN 2390 |
Day's run: 152 nm |
16.00 |
AN 2390 |
18.15 |
AN 2330 |
Course 352°, economical transit speed. |
NW 3, Sea 4, overcast, heavy Swell, rain showers, Vis. 1 nm |
20.00 |
AN 2330 |
22.00 |
AF 8780 |
Course 342°, economical transit speed. |
24.00 |
NW 2, Sea 2-3, overcast, rain showers, Vis. up to 2 nm |
11.11.42 |
South Coast of Norway |
04.00 |
AF 8780 |
07.28 |
AF 8470 |
Proceeded submerged at depth A -30 meters. |
08.00 |
AF 8470 |
12.00 |
AF 7630 |
Day's run: 121 nm |
16.00 |
Entrance to the Norwegian Sea |
AF 7390 |
18.04 |
AF 7390 |
Course 264°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, 5/10, medium Swell, Vis. up to 2 nm |
24.00 |
AF 7370 |
WSW 6, Sea 5, overcast, heavy Swell, rain, Vis. up to 2 nm |
12.11.42 |
AF 9790 |
04.00 |
SW 7, Sea 6, overcast, heavy Swell, rain, Vis. 1 nm |
07.35 |
SW 7, Sea 6-7, overcast, heavy Swell, low cloud deck, Vis. 2 nm |
Proceeded submerged, course 270°. |
Since released from convoy no ship's position. Going around the Faroes. |
AF 7280 |
09.30 |
AF 7270 |
Course 290°. |
12.00 |
AF 7270 |
Day's run: 112 nm |
16.00 |
AF 7270 |
- 4 - |
continued |
12.11.42 |
AF 7190 |
16.25 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. 3, later 1 nm |
Course 290°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
AF 7190 |
24.00 |
AF 7150 |
WSW 6-7, Sea 6, overcast, medium Swell, rain, Vis. up to 1 nm |
13.11.42 |
AF 7150 |
04.00 |
WSW 4-5, Sea 6, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. up to 2 nm |
07.25 |
W 5, Sea 6-7, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. up to 2 nm |
Proceeded submerged at depth A -30 meters |
AF 7140 |
12.00 |
AE 9360 |
Day's run: 90 nm |
16.00 |
AE 9360 |
18.30 |
AE 9320 |
Course 290°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
Norwegian Sea |
AE 9320 |
W 5, Sea 6-7, overcast, heavy Swell, rain, low cloud deck, Vis. up to 1 nm |
22.45 |
AE 6890 |
Incoming Radio Message: 2110/13/230 |
(Excerpt): Jacobs, Franke, Schmid, Fenn, Dangschat, Schröder at highest speed head for TF 75 [AK 55] and except for Schmid and Franke report position immediately. |
24.00 |
AE 6890 |
W 7, Sea 6, overcast, rain, Vis. up to 1 nm |
14.11.42 |
00.18 |
Course 270° due to weather highest possible speed is only 7 knots. Watertight forecastle cannot be closed. |
02.30 |
Course 235°. |
04.00 |
AE 9130 |
W 7, Sea 6-7, overcast, heavy Swell, rain, Vis. up to 1 nm |
08.00 |
AE 9150 |
SW 7, Sea 6-7, overcast, heavy Swell, rain, Vis. up to 1 nm |
10.10 |
Test dive, torpedo work. |
12.00 |
AE 9140 |
Day's run: 115 nm |
- 5 - |
continued |
14.11.42 |
14.30 |
SW 7, Sea 6-7, overcast, heavy Swell, rain, Vis. bad |
Boat can no longer hold course to the ordered objective, because of overcoming seas. Because the watertight forecastle cannot be closed the boat takes over very much water, no use of binoculars, lookout not guaranteed. |
Course 180°. |
15.03 |
Course 190°. |
16.00 |
AE 9170 |
SW 8-9, Sea 7-8, overcast, heavy Swell, rain, Vis. up to 2 nm |
16.55 |
Course 185°. |
16.56 |
Course 195°. |
17.27 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1001/14/237 |
Fenn and Schröder head for ordered square at economical transit speed. Order for highest speed is canceled. |
20.00 |
AN 9410 |
Course 195°. |
SW 8, Sea 7, overcast, high Swell, rain, Vis. bad |
24.00 |
AE 9440 |
SW 9, Sea 7-8, overcast, very high Swell, rain, Vis. very bad |
15.11.42 |
00.05 |
Fu.M.B. reception on 235 cm steady tone. with rising tone. |
Depth charges at great range. Remained submerged due to weather, because we are steering against the seas and therefore proceeding submerged is more economical. |
04.00 |
AE 9440 |
08.00 |
AE 9440 |
12.00 |
AE 8660 |
Day's run: 72 nm |
14.45 |
AE 8620 |
Course 230°. |
15.52 |
WNW 9, Sea 8, 3/10, heavy Swell, Vis. good |
Course 235°, economical transit speed. |
AE 8620 |
16.00 |
AE 8620 |
20.00 |
AE 8920 |
20.50 |
Swede, prescribed markings and illumination, passed to starboard course 55°. |
24.00 |
W 6, Sea 6, overcast, heavy Swell, Vis. good |
- 6 - |
16.11.42 |
04.00 |
AE 8940 |
WNW 6, Sea 5-6, rain, 9/10, heavy Swell, Vis. up to 3 nm |
08.00 |
SW 4, Sea 5-6, 3/10, medium Swell, Vis. good |
AE 8860 |
11.30 |
Test dive, torpedo work. |
12.00 |
W 4, Sea 3, 4/10, medium Swell, Vis. good |
Day's run: 121 nm |
AE 8970 |
15.37 |
Course 235°, economical transit speed. |
16.00 |
AE 8890 |
SW 5, Sea 4-5, overcast, light Swell, Vis. medium to bad |
17.00 |
Course 242°. |
19.00 |
AM 1210 |
Fu.M.B. reception, steady tone on 235 cm.  |
20.30 |
Course 242°, economical transit speed. |
21.00 |
Fu.M.B. reception. Steady tone, initially steady, the quickly rising.  |
24.00 |
AM 1130 |
17.11.42 |
00.55 |
Course 242°, economical transit speed. |
03.05 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1813/16/296 |
(Excerpt) New objective for Fenn and Schröder is AK 66. |
04.00 |
AM 1140 |
Course 229°. |
08.00 |
AL 3420 |
11.34 |
Test dive, torpedo work. |
12.00 |
AL 3410 |
Day's run: 142 nm |
15.34 |
Course 229°, economical transit speed. |
16.00 |
AL 3440 |
20.00 |
AL 3580 |
WSW 4, Sea 3-4, 8/10, medium Swell, Vis. medium to good |
24.00 |
AL 3510 |
18.11.42 |
01.32 |
Crash dive for flying boat. Direct approach. Nothing heard in the Fu.M.B. |
03.00 |
Course 229°, economical transit speed. |
04.00 |
AL 3540 |
08.00 |
AL 2660 |
- 7 - |
continued |
18.11.42 |
11.32 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. medium |
Test dive, torpedo work, depth control training. |
12.00 |
AL 2810 |
Day's run: 140 nm |
15.30 |
Course 229°, economical transit speed. |
16.00 |
AL 2810 |
20.00 |
AL 2760 |
24.00 |
AL 2750 |
SSW 6, Sea 5, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. medium to bad, rain showers |
19.11.42 |
04.00 |
AL 2770 |
SSW 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. medium to bad, rain showers |
08.00 |
AL 2910 |
10.43 |
SW 2, Sea 1, overcast, Vis. good |
Hove to to work on the over deck. |
11.30 |
Continued transit. |
12.00 |
AL 0160 |
Day's run: 124 nm |
SW 2, Sea 1, overcast, light Swell, Vis. good |
16.00 |
AL 0180 |
16.02 |
Test dive, torpedo work, depth control training. |
17.22 |
Course 229°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
AL 4220 |
20.05 |
Incoming Radio Message 1544/19/242 |
(Excerpt) Schmid, Fenn, Schröder operate at highest speed on Schwantke-convoy. Position naval square AJ 9164, 13.25 hours, NE-course. |
20.15 |
Course 253°, 15 knots. |
21.35 |
Incoming Radio Message: 1952/19/253 |
Convoy 6737, course North, E 4, Vis. good, 23 cbm. |
- U-43 - |
21.35 |
Believe course reported by Schwandtke is not the main course, operated further on NE-course. |
Course 260°, 15 knots. |
24.00 |
AL 4120 |
SW 1-2, Sea 1, overcast, light Swell, Vis. moderate to bad, rain showers |
- 8 - |
20.11.42 |
04.00 |
AK 6350 |
08.00 |
AK 6240 |
09.40 |
Because no new contact keeper reports have been received, turned with to the north. Course 276°. |
10.05 |
Course 280°. |
11.14 |
Incoming Radio Message 0445/20/269 |
[same position as previous report] |
Convoy last detected 20.30 hours, right zigzag, AJ 6737, searching in 60°. SE 4 after NE-storm, Vis. 1 nm, 98 cbm, steady now 1021 mb. - U-43 - |
11.45 |
Operated on last Schwandtke Radio Message. Course 270°. |
12.00 |
AK 6140 |
Day's run: 270 nm |
SE 4, Sea 3, 9/10, medium Swell, Vis. medium |
14.23 |
Incoming Radio Message 1244/20/279 |
Schmid, Schröder, Fenn continue to operate on Schwandtke-convoy at transit speed. |
Transit speed 12 knots. |
15.41 |
Incoming Radio Message 1508/20/285 |
Boats operating on Schwandtke-convoy, expect general course of the convoy between 45° and 65°. |
16.00 |
AK 5380 |
SE 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. medium |
16.28 |
On Radio Message Serial No. 285, course 280°. |
17.00 |
Test dive, torpedo work. |
19.17 |
Course 280°, 12 knots. |
20.00 |
AK 5340 |
22.53 |
Incoming Radio Message 1726/20/289 |
1.) Operate on intercept course for the following convoy courses: Schmid 45°, Schröder 55°, Fenn 65°. If convoy not met, tonight do not search back to the NE, instead report position and continue transit to naval square BC 24. Set speed so that position is reached on 23 November at 08.00 hours. |
2.) Schwandtke, Schneider search until boats have reported to 1.), then supply or return transit. |
Held course and speed to reach the general course line on 21 November at 07.00 hours. Intend to search counter to convoy course. |
24.00 |
AK 5227 |
SE 4, Sea 3, overcast, medium-Swell, Vis. moderate |
- 9 - |
21.11.42 |
04.00 |
AK 5123 |
SE 3, Sea 2, overcast, low Swell, Vis. xxx, misty, strong marine phosphorescence |
07.00 |
Reached course line, new course 245°, [illegible few lines concerning searching for the convoy] |
08.00 |
AK 4323 |
SSE 2-3, Sea 3, overcast, misty, Vis. moderate to bad |
12.00 |
AK 4258 |
Day's run: 235 nm |
14.00 |
Broke off search, course to ordered objective 219°, 10 knots. Reported results by Radio Message. |
16.00 |
AK 4139 |
Test dive, work on the port diesel (smoothed a bearing). |
SSE 2, Sea 3, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. up to 1/2 nm, misty, rain |
20.00 |
AK 4435 |
21.00 |
Course 219°, 10 knots. |
24.00 |
AK 4433 |
SSE 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, rain showers, Vis. bad |
22.11.42 |
04.00 |
AJ 6930 |
08.00 |
AJ 695x |
12.00 |
AJ 6978 |
Day's run: 183 nm |
NE 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
15.00 |
Incoming Radio Message (Excerpt) |
[AJ 8789 to BC 2571] |
Following boats form Group "Drachen" and occupy by 25 November 08.00 hours in listed order patrol line from YZ 0789 to DO x571: Schmid, Fenn, Schröder, Franke, Jacobs and Dangschat. |
15.25 |
Test dive, depth control training, damage control exercises. |
15.30 |
Course to ordered position 235°. |
16.00 |
AJ 9262 |
20.00 |
AJ 9269 |
Course 235°, economical transit speed. |
24.00 |
AJ 9258 |
SW 3, Sea 3, 6/10, low Swell, Vis. good |
- 10 - |
23.11.42 |
AJ 9258 |
04.00 |
SW 4, Sea 3, 4/10, Vis. greatly changing, snow squalls |
08.00 |
AJ 9x1x |
0x.xx |
Due to navigation offset after a navigation fix new course 238°. |
10.36 |
Incoming Radio Message 0954/23/264 |
[AJ 8845 to BC 2529] |
Group "Drachen" in old order on 24 November at 08.00 hours be in new patrol line from BL 0825 to DW 4529. |
11.50 |
Course 239°, 10 knots. |
12.00 |
AJ 9439 |
Day's run: 106 nm |
W 3, Sea 2, overcast, hail squalls, Vis. greatly changing |
16.00 |
W 4, Sea 3, overcast |
AJ 9458 |
17.48 |
Test dive, depth control training. |
15.43 |
Course 239°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
AJ 8xxx |
W 3, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Vis. good, hail showers |
24.00 |
AJ 8927 |
W 2, Sea 1-2, low Swell, 3-7/10, Vis. good, hail squalls |
24.11.42 |
AJ 8896 |
04.00 |
W 3, Sea 2, 4-7/10, low Swell, Vis. good |
08.00 |
AJ 8885 |
Boat is positioned at the initial point in the patrol line. Course 230°, economical transit speed. Opposite course 50°. |
W 2, Sea 1, 4-7/10, moonlit, Vis. good, hail squalls |
12.00 |
AJ 8885 |
Day's run: 206 nm |
16.00 |
AJ 8885 |
17.19 |
Test dive. |
18.22 |
20.00 |
AJ 8885 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 4-7/10, Vis. good, snow squalls |
24.00 |
AJ 8885 |
25.11.42 |
04.00 |
AJ 8885 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. moderate to bad, misty |
- 11 - |
continued |
25.11.42 |
08.00 |
AJ 8885 |
NW 5-6. Sea 4-5, overcast, medium Swell, snow and hail showers, Vis. moderate to bad |
12.00 |
AJ 8885 |
Day's run: 125 nm |
NW 6, Sea 7, overcast, medium Swell, hail showers, Vis. moderate to bad |
17.00 |
Test dive, torpedo work. |
20.00 |
AJ 8885 |
20.30 |
20.31 |
Crash dive. There was a corvette astern to port 2500 meters away. Due to weather not seen in the periscope. No sound bearings. Boat was not observed. Enemy course 230°. |
21.20 |
22.20 |
NW 10, Sea 8-9, overcast, rain, hail, misty, Vis. very bad |
Crash dive. Corvette in sight at 1000 meters with target angle 0°. No detection noted in the Fu.M.B. No defense. Corvette overran and then steered strongly changing courses. No Asdic. |
24.00 |
AJ 8885 |
26.11.42 |
04.00 |
AJ 8885 |
No more sound bearings. |
06.40 |
08.00 |
AJ 8885 |
NW 10, Sea 9, overcast, high Swell, hail, fog, Vis. bad |
12.00 |
AJ 8885 |
Day's run: 90 nm |
16.00 |
AJ 8885 |
19.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 1900/26/213 |
1.) Group "Drachen" patrol line settled. Advance on course 160°, day's run 120 nm. |
2.) Intention is loose disposition between BC 86 and CD 21 to detect independent traffic for England. After supply in same area attempt with further boats on America-Gibraltar convoy traffic. All naval squares. |
3) Franke return transit without supply. |
20.00 |
AJ 8887 |
W 8, Sea 7, high Swell, overcast, misty, Vis. bad |
- 12 - |
continued |
26.11.42 |
21.00 |
New course 160°, economical transit speed. |
24.00 |
BC 2128 |
W 7, Sea 6, overcast, high Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
27.11.42 |
BC 2191 |
04.00 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, overcast, medium Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
BC 2432 |
08.08 |
Test dive, torpedo work, depth control training. |
12.00 |
BC 2435 |
Day's run: 125 nm |
15.15 |
Course 160°, economical transit speed. |
15.47 |
Incoming Radio Message 1137/27/230: |
To Drachen boats: Order concerning southern transit canceled. Free to maneuver without commitment to patrol line in area at the moment traffic is running. Report screen and successes. See Schmidt and Franke reports. |
16.00 |
BC 2436 |
SSW 6, Sea 5, overcast, medium Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
20.00 |
BC 2574 |
SW 5, Sea 4, overcast, medium Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
21.15 |
Diesel-electric 6 knots. |
22.00 |
On Radio Message Serial No. 230: |
Search courses at economical transit speed in named area. Course 114°. |
24.00 |
BC 2816 |
SW 3, Sea 2, 6-1/10, low Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
28.11.42 |
04.00 |
BC 2829 |
SW 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, low Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
BC 2862 |
SW 3, Sea 2, overcast, low Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
08.05 |
Test dive. |
09.40 |
Course 114° |
10.00 |
Course 90°. |
- 13 - |
continued |
28.11.42 |
12.00 |
BC 2945 |
Day's run: 114 nm |
WNW 3-4, Sea 3, misty, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. medium |
16.00 |
BC 2955 |
20.00 |
BC 2966 |
Course 0°. |
NW 2, Sea 1, occasionally misty, Vis. 1-4 nm |
24.00 |
BC 2933 |
29.11.42 |
04.00 |
BC 2666 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 8-10/10, misty, Vis. moderate |
08.00 |
BC 2633 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 9/10, misty, Vis. moderate |
08.08 |
Test dive. |
09.07 |
Course 0° |
09.30 |
Course 325°. |
12.00 |
BC 2691 |
Day's run: 141 nm |
S 2, Sea 1, medium Swell, 9/10, Vis. medium to good |
16.00 |
BC 2353 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, misty, Vis. medium to bad |
20.00 |
BC 2313 |
24.00 |
AJ 9747 |
Rain showers |
30.11.42 |
04.00 |
AJ 8938 |
08.00 |
AJ 8937 |
08.09 |
Test dive. |
09.07 |
Course 350°. |
09.22 |
Fu.M.B. reception, (Long dashes) |
to listen. Nothing. |
10.35 |
Course 325°. Vis. good except for misty sector 10-30°T. New course 20°. |
12.00 |
AJ 8934 |
Day's run: 100 nm |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, rain, medium Swell, Vis. moderate |
- 14 - |
continued |
30.11.42 |
15.00 |
On Radio Message (Excerpt) |
[BD 7415] |
Schmid, Schröder, Fenn, Jacobs go to NZ 2415 to supply from Schnoor. Economical transit speed. |
Course 146°. |
16.00 |
AJ 8696 |
20.00 |
AJ 9714 |
SW 4-5, Sea 3-4, 7/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium to moderate |
24.00 |
AJ 9746 |
01.12.42 |
04.00 |
AJ 9757 |
07.15 |
Test dive, torpedo work. |
08.00 |
AJ 9789 |
S 5, Sea 4, overcast, Vis. medium, misty |
12.00 |
BC 2323 |
Day's run: 100 nm |
13.00 |
Course 146°, economical transit speed. |
16.00 |
BC 2338 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. medium to bad |
19.05 |
Due to turned off 10°, course 136°. |
20.00 |
S 8, Sea 7, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. moderate |
BC 2366 |
24.00 |
BC 3172 |
02.12.42 |
00.15 |
SW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell |
After abating, course 150°. |
04.00 |
BC 3179 |
Rain squalls |
08.00 |
BC 3427 |
SW 4, Sea 3, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. moderate |
08.19 |
Test dive. |
09.18 |
Course 150°, economical transit speed. |
12.00 |
BC 3459 |
W 3, Sea 2, 8/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
BC 3733 |
- 15 - |
continued |
02.12.42 |
20.00 |
BC 3641 |
24.00 |
BD 3876 |
NW 2, Sea 2, 8/10, light Swell, Vis. moderate |
03.12.42 |
04.00 |
BC 6224 |
08.00 |
BC 6259 |
E 2, Sea 1, light Swell |
08.29 |
Test dive. |
08.53 |
Course 150°, economical transit speed. |
12.00 |
BC 6683 |
Day's run: 150 nm |
SE 3, Sea 6-10/10, Vis. good |
13.15 - 14.30 |
Hove to to work on the over deck. |
16.00 |
BC 6935 |
E 3, Sea 2, overcast, Vis. medium |
17.00 |
Offset after a navigation fix results in new course 167°. |
20.00 |
BC 6986 |
24.00 |
SSE 4, Sea 3, light Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
04.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 7141 |
08.00 |
BD 4141 |
S 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 8/10 |
08.47 |
Test dive. |
09.09 |
Course 167°, economical transit speed. |
12.00 |
BD 7415 |
Day's run: 125 nm |
SSE 2, Sea 1, light Swell, 9/10, Vis. good |
Am at supply place. Search courses. |
16.00 |
BD 7464 |
SSE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 8/10, Vis. good |
16.03 |
On bearing signals from Schnoor, course 31°. |
18.00 |
Schnoor and Jacobs in sight ahead. |
19.40 |
Loeser and Schmid come in sight from the west. |
- 16 - |
continued |
04.12.42 |
BD 7443 |
20.00 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, low Swell, 6-8/10, Vis. good |
23.00 |
By agreement with Schnoor let drift over night. |
24.00 |
BD 7445 |
SSW 2, Sea 1, low Swell, 3/10, rain showers |
05.12.42 |
BD 7443 |
04.00 |
SW 2, Sea 1, overcast, medium Swell, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
SW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, rain showers, Vis. bad |
BD 7443 |
11.00 |
At dawn no boats in sight. |
11.30 |
Schmid in sight astern on westerly course, After meeting together course 300°, 5 knots. |
12.00 |
BD 7224 |
Day's run: 45 nm |
SW 6, Sea 7, high Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
16.00 |
BD 7413 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, high Swell, overcast, strong rain, Vis. bad |
18.45 |
Course 0°. |
20.00 |
BD 7174 |
W 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 8/10, Vis. good |
21.00 |
BD 7172 |
By agreement with Schmid stopped for the night in visual range. |
(after navigation improvement). |
24.00 |
WSW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
06.12.42 |
BD 7172 |
04.00 |
WSW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, overcast, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
W 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 3/10, Vis. good, Summer lightening |
BD 7172 |
- 17 - |
continued |
06.12.42 |
09.00 |
Continued search with Schmid course 170°. Transit speed. |
10.35 |
Because Schnoor is still not in sight after lightness requested bearing signals. |
12.00 |
BD 7421 |
Day's run; 53 nm |
14.29 |
New course 120°. |
16.00 |
BD 7452 |
Up to now no bearing signals from Schnoor, probably because the weather is unfavorable for supply. |
W 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 5/10, Vis. good |
17.17 |
New course 180°. |
20.00 |
BD 7483 |
W 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 8/10, Vis. good |
20.03 |
New course 300°. |
21.06 |
Stopped in visual range of Schmid. |
24.00 |
BD 7455 |
W 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 7/10, misty, rain showers, Summer lightening |
07.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 7455 |
W 4, Sea 3-4, medium Swell, 8/10, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
BD 7458 |
Course 320°, economical transit speed. |
WSW 2, Sea 1, low Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
11.00 |
Schnoor and Loeser in sight. |
12.00 |
BD 7446 |
Day's run: 65 nm |
W 3, Sea 2, low Swell, overcast, misty, Vis. medium |
14.30 - 17.15 |
Took over fuel oil, 50 cbm. |
16.00 |
BD 7446 |
W 4, Sea 2-3, low to medium Swell, 8/10, Vis. good |
18.10 - 20.05 |
[According to U-Schnoor's KTB U-445 received provisions for 10 days] |
Took over provisions. Last of the supply inventory was given to Loeser. From [Schnoor's] own inventory received enough for 4 days. However, the most important items, bread and potatoes, only for 2-3 days. |
- 18 - |
continued |
07.12.42 |
20.00 |
BD 7446 |
W 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 2/10, rain showers, Vis. moderate |
20.30 |
Course 30°. Transit speed. |
[NL 81 = BC 31] |
Last orders for objective after supply (NL 81) is from 3 December. Because Loeser had orders for NE-course, I await similar orders. |
24.00 |
BD 7184 |
W 4, Sea 3, low Swell, 6/10, misty, rain, Summer lightening, Vis. moderate |
08.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 7155 |
W 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, overcast, rain, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
BD 4797 |
Because still no new objective is ordered, operated on old orders (NL 81). Course 263°, economical transit speed. |
W 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, 4-8/10, hail and rain squalls, Vis. medium to bad |
10.42 |
Test dive, work on the torpedoes. |
11.00 |
On Radio Message 0953/8/222: |
[HJ = AJ 90] |
Loeser, Fenn and Schmid head for HJ at economical transit speed. |
Course 330°. |
12.00 |
BD 4798 |
Day's run: 90 nm |
16.00 |
BD 4794 |
17.16 |
Course 330°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
BD 4783 |
NW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 9/10, hail and snow squalls, Vis. greatly changing 1-5 nm |
24.00 |
BD 4728 |
NW 2, Sea 1, medium Swell, overcast, rain and hail squalls, Vis. bad |
09.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 4479 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 6/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium to bad |
- 19 - |
continued |
09.12.42 |
08.00 |
BD 44x8 |
WNW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 8/10, rain squalls, Vis. medium to bad |
08.32 |
Test dive. |
09.54 |
Course 330°, economical transit speed. |
12.00 |
BC 6663 |
Day's run: 100 nm |
W 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 9/10, Vis. medium |
16.00 |
BC 6652 |
20.00 |
BC 6683 |
N 4-8, Sea 2-4, medium-high Swell, hail and rain squalls, Vis. bad |
24.00 |
BC 6352 |
NW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 8/10, rain, Summer lightening, Vis. moderate |
10.12.42 |
04.00 |
BC 3926 |
08.00 |
BC 3975 |
NNW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, overcast, rain, hail, Vis. bad |
08.50 |
Course 350° for improved lookout. |
09.00 |
Test dive, work on the torpedoes. |
Course 350°, economical transit speed. |
11.00 |
Due to weather course 0°. |
12.00 |
BC 3948 |
Day's run: 100 nm |
NW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, overcast, misty, Vis. bad |
16.00 |
BC 3942 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, overcast, hail squalls, Vis. bad |
20.00 |
BC 3912 |
N 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, overcast, hail, rain, Vis. moderate to bad |
24.00 |
BC 3672 |
NW 5, further shift to the left |
- 20 - |
11.12.42 |
00.45 |
Incoming Radio Message 2202/10/266: |
[AJ 9274 to AJ 9538] |
(Excerpt): Schmid, Loeser and Fenn on 13 December at 08.00 hours be in patrol line from MM 4274 to 4538. NE-bound convoy expected from 10.00 hours. |
04.00 |
BC 3642 |
SW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 9/10, hail squalls, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
BC 3378 |
09.00 |
Course to position 330°. |
09.25 |
Test dive, work on the torpedoes. |
10.17 |
Course 330°, economical transit speed. |
12.00 |
BC 3347 |
Day's run: 110 nm |
NNW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 8/10, Vis. good |
16.00 |
BC 3262 |
18.30 |
Incoming Radio Message 1627/11/278: |
[AJ 9167 to AJ 9522] |
Contrary to previous orders Schmid, Loeser and Fenn in this order from PA 4167 to 4522. |
20.00 |
BC 3231 |
NW 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, 8/10, hail squalls, Vis. bad |
24.00 |
AJ 9934 |
On Serial No, 278 to course 314°. |
NNW 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, overcast, hail showers, Vis. bad |
12.12.42 |
AJ 9687 |
04.00 |
NNW 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, 8/10, snow, hail, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
AJ 9672 |
Test dive, work on the torpedoes. |
W 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 6-8/10, snow squalls, Vis. bad |
10.50 |
Course 314°, economical transit speed. |
12.00 |
AJ 9644 |
Day's run: 118 nm |
W 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, snow squalls, overcast, Vis. bad |
16.00 |
AJ 9562 |
- 21 - |
continued |
12.12.42 |
20.00 |
AJ 9523 |
W 6, freshening further |
22.00 |
Reached position for patrol line. |
22.30 |
Course 210°. |
24.00 |
AJ 9524 |
Course 70°. |
13.12.42 |
02.15 |
W 7, Sea 6, medium to high Swell, sustained snow and hail |
Due to the weather to listen. |
03.00 |
Course 315°. |
04.00 |
AJ 9523 |
07.00 |
Course 135°. |
08.00 |
AJ 9522 |
10.55 |
Course 30°. |
12.00 |
AJ 9289 |
Day's run: 82 nm |
NW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 9/10, snow squalls, Vis. changing 1-6 nm |
13.50 |
Radio Message 1108/13/298: |
Convoy AJ 9275, course 40°. In twilight forced to submerge by forward close escort. In pursuit. |
- Loeser - |
On Loeser-report course 10°, 12 knots. Higher speed settings not possible. No lookout. |
14.50 |
On Radio Message 1355/13/299: |
Convoy AJ 9257, speed 6-7 knots. NW 6, Sea 4, 1003 mb, Vis. good, 82 cbm. |
- Loeser - |
Course 0°. |
15.15 |
Radio Message 1415/13/301: |
1.) Loeser, Schmid, Fenn form Group "Büffel". |
2.) Pursue, attack. |
16.00 |
AJ 9261 |
WNW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 6-9/10, snow squalls, Vis. greatly changing 1-8 nm |
17.15 |
Reached the main course line of the convoy. |
Came to speed 4 knots for lookout. |
17.55 |
2 smoke clouds in sight bearing 150°T. Immediately covered by a snow squall. Destroyer emerged from a snow squall, had to move off. |
- 22 - |
continued |
13.12.42 |
18.20 |
Destroyer turned away and ran out of sight in 50°T. Turned to close course 30°. |
19.25 |
Course 40°. |
20.37 |
AJ 6896 |
Convoy must be close by by plotting. Visibility good at the moment apart from the SE-horizon. Course 120°. |
21.51 |
Because up to now nothing found, accept twilight zigzag to the east. New search course 180°. |
23.05 |
Search unsuccessful. to listen. |
24.00 |
AJ 6912 |
NW 4, Sea 4, medium Swell, 8/10, snow squalls, Vis. greatly changing 1-3 nm, moonshine |
14.12.42 |
03.15 |
Faint sound bearing in 30°T. |
03.36 |
Pursued. Course 30°. |
04.00 |
AJ 9312 |
08.00 |
AJ 6955 |
NW 5, Sea 4, freshening, shifting right |
08.14 |
to listen. |
09.10 |
Faint sound bearing in 30°T. Sounds unclear, convoy possible. |
09.33 |
Pursued. Course 30°. |
12.00 |
AJ 6929 |
Day's run: 143 nm |
NW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, overcast, Vis. 3-6 nm |
13.45 |
Shifting right, freshening |
To search in misty sector: course 45°. |
15.10 |
Crash dive for land-based aircraft, 4-engined. Aircraft bombs at depth A meters. No damage. |
15.33 |
Turned in a circle to listen. |
16.00 |
AK 4475 |
16.17 |
Faint propeller sounds bearing 50°T. |
16.43 |
Sounds make slight shift to the east. |
17.32 |
Course 100°. |
18.18 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1533/14/821: (aircraft report) |
On surfacing determined that the attack periscope is flooded because during the crash dive with the drying apparatus on valves were broken out, for the time being it can not be dried out. |
18.50 |
Course 90°, because sounds were shifting out. |
20.00 |
AK 4484 |
NE 6, Sea 4-5, high Swell, rain squalls, overcast, Vis. medium |
- 23 - |
continued |
14.12.42 |
20.42 |
Because pursuit of the sound bearing was unsuccessful, again operated on B.d.U. accepted convoy route. |
Abating |
Course 55°, 2 x HF (highest speed due to weather). |
24.00 |
AK 4519 |
NE 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, 8-9/10, rain showers, Vis. medium to moderate |
15.12.42 |
02.50 |
NE 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, rain showers |
To get the bridge dry, course 60°. |
04.00 |
AK 4298 |
08.00 |
AK 4357 |
11.00 |
Must be ahead of the enemy by plotting on the accepted B.d.U. convoy route. Changing courses athwart the enemy course. General course 330°. |
12.00 |
AK 4361 |
Day's run: 186 nm |
15.11 |
Course 100°. |
16.00 |
AK 1989 |
NE 7, Sea 6, high Swell, 6-8/10, Vis. medium |
16.30 |
Course 80° in misty sector. |
17.20 |
Encountered "Ungestüm" reconnaissance line at Strelow. Recognition Signals exchanged, navigation comparison. |
18.10 |
Radio Message 1718/15/834: |
If no contact is gained by 19.00 hours, Group "Ungestüm" opposite course 8 knots. |
19.10 |
Course 58° like "Ungestüm". |
19.35 |
Radio Message 1901/15/838: |
"Ungestüm" and "Büffel" reconnaissance line settled, course 70°, 12 knots over ground. |
19.40 |
Course 70°. |
20.00 |
AK 1998 |
NE 3, Sea 4, medium Swell, 8/10, Vis. medium |
20.45 |
Radio Message 1955/15/841: |
[AK 2842 - AK 6434] |
"Ungestüm", Loeser and Fenn tomorrow 11.00 hours be in patrol line from naval square 2842 to 6434. Loeser and Fenn take up southernmost positions and join "Ungestüm". Timely arrival is crucial. |
20.50 |
Course 110°, 14 knots. |
- 24 - |
continued |
15.12.42 |
24.00 |
AK 9126 |
NNW 4, Sea 5, medium Swell, 7/10, Vis. medium |
16.12.42 |
04.00 |
AK 5263 |
Attack periscope in service again. |
NNE 4, Sea 3, abating |
08.00 |
AK 5381 |
11.00 |
By special instructions for Höltring change of the disposition in the patrol line. Course 10°. |
11.40 |
Several smoke clouds ahead. |
11.42 |
Radio Message 1047/16/849: |
Several smoke clouds naval square AK 6421. Probably convoy. - Loeser - |
12.00 |
AK 6413 |
Mastheads and smoke clouds from about 10 vessels visible. Mastheads show target angles between 60° and 120°. Shifting to the south. Decreased range on course 180°. Enemy course about 190°. Day's run: 239 nm |
NNE 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10, Vis. very good |
12.17 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1132/16/851: |
Several smoke clouds naval square 6421. |
12.52 |
Outgoing Short Signal: Enemy steers southerly course. |
13.10 |
Convoy proceeds in broad formation, steers southwesterly course. Am positioned to starboard ahead of the convoy. Maneuvered further ahead. In these weather conditions day attack is possible. |
13.56 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1329/16/861: |
Convoy 6443 southwesterly course. |
14.20 |
Am positioned about 12 nm ahead of the convoy. Sudden visibility deterioration, rain, nothing distinguished of the convoy. A broad sound band in the direction was the last seen. By listening destroyers on changing course come closer. No steamers heard. |
16.00 |
AK 5661 |
16.16 |
W 4, Sea 3, low Swell, misty, rain showers |
Convoy should have reached my position at 7 knots if it maintained general course, several destroyers were heard in the vicinity. No piston engines. Nothing in the periscope. Surfaced. |
16.32 |
AK 5661 |
Destroyer comes in sight out of a rain squall from ahead to port with target angle left 30°, turned away, attempted to get away on the surface. |
Rain squall ended, range 3000 meters, had to , was not noticed. |
Sounds of fast runners in 240° and 120°T. No steamers detected. Shifted to the SW. |
18.26 |
Pursued in the direction of the sound bearings, course 230°. |
- 25 - |
continued |
16.12.42 |
19.13 |
Outgoing Radio message 1853/16/874: (Destroyer report). |
20.00 |
W 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 6/10, Vis. moderate to bad |
AK 5834 |
21.38 |
W 6, freshening, shifting right |
To have the bridge dry for the lookouts due to weather conditions course change to 220° is necessary. |
In addition to Loeser, sighting reports were heard from Steinaecker and Kapitzky, [illegible 6 words], all reports concern the same convoy. There are position differences due to navigation errors. Believe Loeser's positions are correct so synced my navigation to his contact keeping reports. |
24.00 |
AK 5533 |
WNW 7, Sea 6, high Swell, overcast, rain, Vis. moderate |
17.12.42 |
04.00 |
AK 5x35 |
WNW 9, Sea 8, high Swell, overcast, rain |
04.42 |
Course 210° due to weather. |
05.40 |
Course 200° due to weather. |
07.50 |
Further weather and visibility deterioration. |
Believe that during the night we got ahead of the convoy. |
to listen and work on the torpedoes. |
08.00 |
AK 5884 |
WNW 10, Sea 6-9, high Swell, misty, rain, Vis. very bad |
12.00 |
AK 5879 |
Day's run: 152 nm |
16.00 |
AK 8213 |
An Eto recharging converter failed, therefore significant delay in the torpedo work. |
17.02 |
Course 200°. |
18.37 |
Radio Message 1449/17/893: |
"Ungestüm": With current weather also the convoy cannot move much from the position. Continue searching and gain ground to the SW. Report position immediately. |
19.20 |
Radio Message 1848/17/897: |
According to weather conditions expect low speed of the convoy. Continue searching to the south to southwest. |
20.00 |
AK 8242 |
NW 7, Sea 6, high Swell |
24.00 |
AK 8274 |
- 26 - |
18.12.42 |
04.00 |
AK 8438 |
S 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, overcast, rain, Vis. bad |
08.00 |
AK 8487 |
New search course 260°. |
SE 3, Sea 4, high Swell, overcast, misty, rain, Vis. very bad |
12.00 |
AK 84xx |
Day's run: 108 nm |
WSW 8, Se 7, very high Swell, rain, overcast, Vis. bad |
14.30 |
New search course 150°. |
16.00 |
AK 8484 |
WSW 10, Sea 9, very high Swell, overcast, rain showers |
19.25 |
Radio Message 1856/18/812: |
"Ungestüm". Break off search. Remain in reached area. Possibly to strike dispersed steamers tomorrow during lightness. |
19.41 |
SW 10-11, Sea 8-9, very high Swell, misty, Vis. bad |
At twilight due to weather and bad visibility. |
20.00 |
AK 8722 |
SW 10-11, Sea 8, very high Swell, rain, hail, Vis. very bad |
20.10 |
To gain space to the SW, course 230°. |
24.00 |
AK 7825 |
19.12.42 |
04.00 |
AK 8727 |
05.23 |
SW 10-11, Sea 8, very high Swell, rain, hail, Vis. very bad |
to report weather. |
05.46 |
continued submerged. |
08.00 |
AK 8719 |
12.00 |
AK 8742 |
Day's run: 35 nm |
13.52 |
Course 160°. |
14.32 |
Radio Message 1009/19/825: |
"Ungestüm". It is assumed that in these weather condition the convoy has proceeded at most 2-3 knots in the last days. Therefore remaining reached area and continue searching according to weather conditions as well as possible. |
14.50 |
Course 180°. |
- 27 - |
continued |
19.12.42 |
16.00 |
AK 8748 |
SW 9, Sea 7, high Swell, 8/10, Vis. medium |
18.15 |
Type VII U-boat abeam to starboard, Recognition Signals exchange not doable due to weather. Boat lay on opposite course and only came in sight briefly a few times in the high swells. |
20.00 |
AK 8778 |
W 7, Sea 6, high Swell, 8/10, snow, hail |
20.15 |
Radio Message 1841/19/819: |
B.d.U. suspects convoy on 20 December midday about in square AK 74, 75, 77, 78, BC 33, BD 11. |
24.00 |
BD 1318 |
WSW 7-8, Sea 7, very high Swell, 9/10, Vis. medium |
20.12.42 |
01.15 |
The square given in Serial No. 819 cannot be reached by midday due to weather. The only possibility to gain ground to the west is to proceed submerged. |
Course 270°. |
04.00 |
BD 1362 |
08.00 |
BD 1281 |
12.00 |
BD 1263 |
Day's run: 68 nm |
13.57 |
14.08 |
Changing search courses 170°. |
14.50 |
Course 180°. |
15.00 |
Course 320°. |
16.00 |
BD 1261 |
W 7, Sea 6, high Swell, hail squalls, Vis. bad |
18.25 |
Radio Message 1427/20/829: |
"Ungestüm". B.d.U. suspects that independent reported by "Hunger" came from the convoy. Therefore the convoy is further back than assumed. Search in the direction of the reported independents, the convoy must be in the vicinity. |
18.45 |
Course 340°. |
- 28 - |
continued |
20.12.42 |
20.00 |
BD 1226 |
Because nothing was found up to the beginning of darkness for the night on the suspected course of the convoy, to gain ground and continue searching by day. |
W 7, Sea 7, high Swell, hail and snow squalls, overcast, Vis. bad |
21.06 |
Course 200°. |
21.35 |
Course 210°. |
21.55 |
Radio Message 2035/20/836: (Independent in naval square 7899) |
By this the convoy is more to the northwest than assumed. |
22.08 |
Course 325°. |
24.00 |
AK 7984 |
WSW 8, Sea 7, high Swell, overcast, hail squalls |
21.12.42 |
04.00 |
AK 7945 |
08.00 |
AK 7839 |
W 3, Sea 4, medium Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
10.00 |
Course 210°. |
12.00 |
AK 7891 |
Day's run: 120 nm |
13.32 |
Course 300°. |
16.00 |
AK 7881 |
SW 6, Sea 5, medium Swell, snow and hail showers, Vis. moderate |
17.20 |
Course 210°. |
17.53 |
Course 190°. |
18.19 |
Course 180. |
20.00 |
AK 7879 |
SW 7, Sea 6, medium-high Swell, hail and snow squalls |
21.19 |
Diesel repairs (cylinder head port 2 removed and repacked). |
21.42 |
Course 235°. |
24.00 |
BD 1113 |
22.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 1115 |
08.00 |
BD 1117 |
12.00 |
BC 3339 |
Day's run: 70 nm |
- 29 - |
continued |
22.12.42 |
14.31 |
Course 235°. |
14.45 |
Course 220°. |
15.35 |
Radio Message 1144/22/856: |
1.) Group "Ungestüm" break off operation. |
2.) In order Zetsche, Hunger, Scheibe, Fenn, Strelow, Loeser, Steinaecker, Hasenschar, Kapitzky on 25 December at 08.00 hours be in patrol line from HR 7272 to 0334. [BD 2272 to BD 5334] |
3.) Intention: Catch a SW-bound convoy, expected on 25 December about in RM 31 [AL 81]. With that previously tasked group "Spitz" with 11 boats. |
15.49 |
Course to position 105°. |
16.00 |
BC 3365 |
SW 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, overcast |
16.45 |
Hove to to work on the over deck. |
Dingy is completely smashed, threw the remains overboard. |
18.48 |
Continued transit to position. Course 105°, HF. Proceeded at HF because time is needed for diesel repairs. (Cylinder head 2 port replacement, at the same time several exhaust valves.) |
20.00 |
BD 1151 |
NW 3, Sea 2, low Swell, rain showers |
24.00 |
BD 1192 |
NW 6, Sea 5, medium Swell, overcast, rain showers |
23.12.42 |
00.06 |
Course 95°. In the course of the day and following night changing courses and speed settings, to lay as calmly as possible for diesel repairs. Work not carried out submerged due to a shortage of alkali cartridges. |
04.00 |
BD 1277 |
WNW 8, Sea 7, high Swell, hail and snow squalls |
07.09 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0327/23/875: |
Serial No. 822 and 823 not picked up. Attack periscope in service again. 4 binoculars remaining. Provisions up to 5 January, because from Schnoor's remaining inventory only 4 days received. 48 cbm. |
08.00 |
BD 1541 |
WNW 8, Sea 7, high Swell, overcast, hail and rain showers |
- 30 - |
continued |
23.12.42 |
12.00 |
BD 1552 |
Day's run: 160 nm |
W 7, Sea 6, overcast, high Swell, hail, snow, Vis. bad |
16.00 |
BD 1611 |
20.00 |
W 6, Sea 5, medium Swell, moon, rain and hail squalls, Vis. medium to moderate |
BD 1624 |
24.00 |
BD 1666 |
SW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, overcast, moonlit, Vis. medium |
24.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 2476 |
SSW 7, Sea 6, medium Swell, rain |
08.00 |
BD 2497 |
SW 6, Sea 5, high Swell |
12.00 |
BD 2822 |
Day's run: 172 nm |
WSW 7, Sea 6, high Swell, 5/10 |
16.00 |
BD 2822 |
WSW 7, Sea 6, high Swell, overcast, misty, Vis. moderate |
20.00 |
BD 2853 |
W 4, Sea 3, abating |
24.00 |
BD 2921 |
Drizzle |
25.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 2688 |
08.00 |
BD 2675 |
W 3, Sea 2, abating, overcast, rain |
Findings from the diesel: |
Cylinder heads 1, 2, 5 port and 5 starboard cracked. |
Port diesel out of service at the moment, starboard diesel clear for at most HF. |
11.35 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0922/25/892: |
1.) After cleaning intake and exhaust valves: cylinder head 1, 2, 5 port and 5 starboard cooling water side leak. 2 port replaced. Limitedly clear for higher speed settings and after stoppage not immediately operational. |
- 31 - |
continued |
25.11.42 |
11.35 |
2.) For 7 days with Seem. No. 2 [Seemännische Nr.2 - a Bootsmannsmaat or Oberbootsmannsmaat] increasingly painful facial swelling, probably jaw sepsis. Up to now tincture of iodine, Aminophenazone, heating pad discontinued due to increase in pain. |
12.00 |
BD 2592 |
Day's run: 125 nm |
NW 3-4, Sea 2-3, low Swell |
21.41 |
Incoming Radio Message 1049/25/893: |
1.) Group "Ungestüm" from 25 December 12.00 hours course 20° and speed 4 knots as reconnaissance line. |
2.) Strelow give Fenn 8 day's provisions. For this meet on 25 December 16.00 hours in HR 7566. Fenn report completion by Short Signal "Yes". Boat boats afterwards integrate into reconnaissance line again. Radio silence if possible. |
13.09 |
Course 106° to meeting point with Strelow. |
15.07 |
Incoming Radio Message 1414/25/894: |
"Ungestüm". Fenn if as suspected, cylinder covers are cracked, return transit. In this case no provisions supply and report return transit immediately by Short Signal. |
16.00 |
BD 2672 |
N 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, 6/10 |
16.07 |
Sent Short Signal: Have begun return transit. |
Return transit at economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
BD 2686 |
NW 3, Sea 2, low Swell |
20.05 |
Radio Message 1768/25/897: |
(Excerpt) 2.) Fenn return transit. Seem. No. 2 mouth rinse with hot chamomile solution, in case of not subsiding, if necessary, moist, warm poultice. |
24.00 |
BD 3721 |
NW 4, Sea 3, low Swell, 8/10, Vis. medium to good |
26.12.42 |
04.00 |
BD 3735 |
WNW 2, Sea 1, low Swell, 5-8/10 |
08.00 |
BD 3827 |
08.48 |
Test dive. |
Propeller sounds, piston engine shifting to the SW. |
11.25 |
Course 225°. Pursued sound bearing. |
- 32 - |
continued |
26.12.42 |
12.00 |
BD 3829 |
Day's run: 173 nm |
W 2, Sea 1, light Swell, shifting left |
16.00 |
BD 3875 |
S 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, Vis. good |
16.10 |
Search broken off, course 104°. |
20.00 |
BD 3189 |
SSE 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
20.05 |
Due to new diesel work. |
20.30 |
Faint propeller sounds, bearing 100°T, slowly coming closer. |
23.30 |
1 piston engine, 2 fast runners distinguished, coming closer on changing courses. |
24.00 |
BE 4123 |
27.12.42 |
00.05 |
Locating sounds from several vessels, about 3 second dash (high chirps) increasing and decreasing. |
00.45 |
3 fast runners distinguished. Piston engine changes speed setting frequently. |
03.13 |
Distant depth charges. |
Thought of the vessels nearby as a U-boat hunting group or sham convoy. |
04.00 |
BD 3894 |
Formation stays in the vicinity with strongly changing courses. Repeatedly fast runners, continually operating locating, distributed around the boat. |
At depth A +20 meters faint locating. Showed each vessel the stern in turn. |
04.15 |
Distant depth charges. |
06.20 |
Formation ran off to the south. |
07.07 |
Distant depth charge series. |
07.38 |
Course 100°. |
08.00 |
BD 3892 |
SW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, overcast |
12.00 |
BD 9372 [typo 3972] |
Day's run: 134 nm |
13.33 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0920/27/726: (Reported patrol vessel group on southerly course). |
16.00 |
BD 3989 |
SW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, overcast, misty, Vis. bad |
- 33 - |
continued |
27.12.42 |
20.00 |
BE 1777 |
SW 3, continued abating |
23.50 |
Incoming Radio Message 2236/27/758: |
(Orders to switch to Coastal Circuit). |
24.00 |
BE 4123 |
28.12.42 |
04.00 |
BE 4214 |
WNW 2, Sea 1, low Swell, 3-5/10, Vis. moderate |
08.00 |
BE 4214 |
12.00 |
BE 4225 |
Day's run: 145 nm |
16.00 |
BE 4317 |
Port diesel remains out of service with 3 cracked cylinder heads. Starboard diesel with 2 cracked cylinder heads clear for transit speed LF, briefly at most HF. |
NE 2, Sea 1, low Swell, 8/10, Vis. medium to good |
20.00 |
BE 4364 |
NE 3, Sea 2, low Swell |
24.00 |
BE 5185 |
29.12.42 |
04.00 |
BE 5199 |
NNE 1, Sea 0, low Swell |
08.00 |
BE 5522 |
10.26 |
Proceeded submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 5299 |
Day's run: 191 nm |
15.00 |
to ventilate. |
15.12 |
Continued submerged. |
16.00 |
BE 5377 |
19.10 |
Course 100°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
NE 3, Sea 2, low Swell, 8/10, Vis. medium |
BE 5613 |
24.00 |
BE 5643 |
30.12.42 |
03.00 |
BE 6461 |
NNE 3, Sea 1, low Swell, Vis. good |
04.00 |
BE 6419 |
09.45 |
Proceeded submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 6541 |
Day's run: 132 nm |
- 34 - |
continued |
30.12.42 |
16.00 |
BE 6542 |
18.25 |
Course 100°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
BE 6555 |
NW 2, Sea 1, low Swell |
24.00 |
BE 6569 |
NW 3, Sea 2, low Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
31.12.42 |
04.00 |
BE 6583 |
08.00 |
BF 4474 |
09.09 |
Proceeded submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 4475 |
Day's run: 142 nm |
16.00 |
BF 4487 |
18.18 |
Course 100°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
BF 4497 |
22.26 |
Incoming Radio Message 0954/31/68: |
(Excerpt) To Fenn: Return harbor is St. Nazaire as ordered on 27 December with Serial No. 81/174. |
Radio Message was not received with old Serial No. because the boat was still on Hubertus Circuit. |
24.00 |
BF 4813 |
01.01.43 |
03.38 |
BF 4834 |
Detection. |
04.00 |
BF 4834 |
05.17 |
Course 101°, economical transit speed. |
08.00 |
BF 4918 |
NW 3, Sea 2, low Swell, overcast, Vis. medium |
09.25 |
Proceeded submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 4952 |
Day's run: 140 nm |
16.00 |
BF 4993 |
18.11 |
Course 101°, economical transit speed. |
18.40 |
Detection. |
19.36 |
Course 101°, economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
BF 4965 |
WNW 5, Sea 4, 9/10, Vis. medium |
20.30 |
Detection. |
21.28 |
Course 101°, economical transit speed. |
- 35 - |
continued |
01.01.43 |
24.00 |
BF 5757 |
NW 6, Sea 5, 6/10, medium Swell, marine phosphorescence, Vis. moderate, misty |
02.01.43 |
04.00 |
BF 5872 |
NW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell |
08.00 |
BF 8332 |
08.38 |
Course 110°. |
11.15 |
Course 77°. |
12.00 |
BF 8333 |
Day's run: 138 nm |
16.00 |
BF 9112 |
20.00 |
BF 6777 |
20.08 |
Course 77°, economical transit speed. |
21.12 |
Course 32°. |
24.00 |
BF 6759 |
NNW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, Vis. bad, marine phosphorescence |
03.01.43 |
04.00 |
BF 6731 |
Zigzag course on Route Morgennebel. |
08.00 |
BF 6792 |
08.26 |
Escort in sight, boat is offset 8 nm to the east, despite good Radio Bearings. |
08.51 |
Convoy intake. |
Entry delayed by air attack on St. Nazaire. |
15.05 |
Made fast in the St. Nazaire Lock. |
Total day's run: = 6393 nm |