- 1 - |
Kriegstagebuch |
" U 205 " |
Beginning: 4.10.41. |
Ending: |
3rd War Patrol. |
04.10.41 |
Lorient |
Began shipyard period. |
07. - 22.10.41 |
" |
Lay in the slip. |
27.10.41 |
" |
Pier-side trial. |
31.10.41 |
" |
Sea trial and trim test. |
03.11.41 |
Departed on 3rd war patrol. |
18.10 |
" |
Cast off, escort by patrol boat. |
20.00 |
Released escort. |
04.11.41 |
Bay of Biscay |
04.00 |
BF 5584 |
NE 4, Vis. 3 nm, 2/10 |
08.00 |
BF 5484 |
NbyE 4, Vis. 3 nm, 6/10 |
09.04 |
Deep diving test, afterwards proceeded submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 5474 |
Day's run: 220 nm (211 + 9) |
13.30 |
Surfaced. |
14.07 |
BF 4696 |
Crash dive for aircraft (type unknown). |
2 depth charges in the vicinity. |
Continued submerged. |
16.00 |
BF 4695 |
20.00 |
BF 4689 |
20.10 |
Surfaced, on account of the moon (full moon) continued on the surface at 2 x HF to the W. I want to put the air danger area behind me as soon as possible. |
24.00 |
BF 4599 |
I will operate in BE 6353 where a German aircraft lies according to a Sea Emergency Radio Message. |
NNW 5, Vis. 4 nm, overcast |
05.11.41 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.27 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. to head for CG 86, after questioning if the necessary chart outfitting for the area to the east therefrom was on board. This was affirmed by me. Therefore am bound for new hunting grounds in the Mediterranean. |
04.00 |
BF 4545 |
Before I go to the south I will first head for the sea emergency square. |
NNW 4, Sea 4, overcast |
08.00 |
BF 4425 |
At 08.30 hours I am in the specified square and, after nothing is observed, turn to the south. |
NbyW 5, Sea 4, overcast |
10.14 |
BF 4454 |
Crash dive for flying boat. |
Proceeded submerged until 12.30 hours. |
12.00 |
BF 4446 |
Day's run: 191.5 nm (163 + 28.5) |
12.30 |
Surfaced, course 200°, I want to get |
© U-boat Archive 2023 - all rights reserved |
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continued |
05.11.41 |
a bit further from the coast. |
16.00 |
BF 4714 |
NbyW 4, Sea 2, overcast |
19.24 |
Radio Message (Officer-Only) from B.d.U. containing instructions on behavior in transit to the operations square. I should proceed to the south without great delay and en-route attack only valuable targets which can be had without prolonged operation. |
20.00 |
BE 6995 |
NNE 3, Sea 2, overcast |
24.00 |
BE 9329 |
NbyW 2, Sea 2, overcast |
06.11.41 |
Western Bay of Biscay |
02.25 |
BE 9383 |
A dimmed steamer, course 270°, 6000 GRT, speed 8 knots, range 3000 meters. It must be a German ship which proceeds on the prescribed route. Malice of fate, I cannot attack in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine and Operations Orders. |
Very bright night |
04.00 |
BE 9386 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 10/10 |
08.00 |
BE 9653 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 2/10 |
08.42 |
BE 9655 |
Again a steamer on the route prescribed for German ships. Had set lights, side of the hull illuminated, therefore apparently proceeding disguised. Range = 3000 meters, course 90°, speed 7-8 knots, 7000 tons. Also this time I must let go. |
12.00 |
BE 9923 |
Day's run: 220 nm (217 + 3) |
NE 3, Sea 3, overcast |
16.00 |
BE 9959 |
E 3, Sea 4, 7/10 |
20.00 |
CG 1328 |
E 5, Sea 4, 3/10 |
Test dive. |
24.00 |
CG 1382 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 5/10 |
07.11.41 |
West of Spain |
04.00 |
CG 1652 |
E 3, Sea 2, 2/10 |
08.00 |
CG 1685 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 3/10 |
12.00 |
CG 1952 |
ESE 3, Sea 2, 4/10 |
16.00 |
CG 1988 |
SE 4, Sea 4, 1/10 |
20.00 |
CG 4355 |
SE 4, Sea 3, dew 7/10 |
24.00 |
CG 4388 |
SE 4, Sea 3, overcast |
- 3 - |
08.11.41 |
West of Spain |
04.00 |
CG 4652 |
SE 5, Sea 4, 6/10 |
08.00 |
CG 4688 |
SSE 5, Sea 4, rain overcast |
10.00 |
Dived to proceed submerged due to very low hanging cloud deck. |
12.00 |
CG 4928 |
Day's run: 155 nm (148 + 7) |
15.00 |
Surfaced, continued transit. |
16.00 |
CG 4956 |
S 5, Sea 4, 6/10 |
20.00 |
CG 4997 |
SSW 5, Sea 4, 7/10 |
22.00 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. gave standard Short Signal, was not understood. |
I did not repeat, to not give myself away. |
24.00 |
CG 8147 |
S 5, Sea 4, 2/10 |
09.11.41 |
South of Spain |
01.25 |
CG 8175 |
Dimmed vessel, apparently an English steamer. Despite long search not found again. |
02.46 |
CG 8179 |
Steamer with set lanterns and illuminated, Spanish markings, course 20°. |
04.00 |
CG 8424 |
SbyW 5, Sea 4, lightening overcast |
08.00 |
CG 8494 |
SWbyW 4, Sea 4, 8/10 |
09.30 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
I want to be off Gibraltar absolutely unseen. |
12.00 |
CG 8736 |
To receive very low frequency program time went to depth 17 meters. |
No Radio Messages for our boat. |
Day's run: 186 nm (169 + 17) |
16.00 |
CG 8818 |
20.00 |
CG 8827 |
20.20 |
Surfaced and continued at HF. |
24.00 |
CG 8945 |
SSW 5, Sea 4, overcast |
10.11.41 |
West of Gibraltar |
04.00 |
CG 8966 |
SW 4-5, Sea 5, 6/10 |
08.00 |
CG 9765 |
SW 5, Sea 5, 4/10 |
08.35 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
I want to go through the Gibraltar Strait tonight, however I have received not the slightest instructions for my task |
12.00 |
CG 9914 [typo CG 9814] |
Day's run: 182 nm (146 + 36) |
16.00 |
CG 9913 |
20.00 |
CG 9587 |
20.07 |
Surfaced. I am positioned 14 nm off Cape Spartel. Headed for the Strait at 2 x HF. Weather is very favorable, very dark, at times rain. All beacons burn. |
- 4 - |
continued |
10.11.41 |
Contrary to expectations I run quickly through the Strait. Plotting at times shows 16.5 knots at only HF. Therefore the current runs to the east. On land everything is brightly illuminated. |
Passed individual steamers with set lights. At Tangier a patrol vessel ran past on course 270° at range = 900 yards, however could not see us because we had a dark background. I get through without hindrance or incidents before 24.00 hours. The Rock of Gibraltar is clearly recognized, the harbor illuminated. |
24.00 |
CG 9672 |
N 5, Sea 4, 8/10, rain |
11.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CH 7447 |
I receive allocation of operations area by Radio Message (CH to longitude of square 8669) I cannot determine the disguised square in the Mediterranean however accept that it is that of the cited limit. Guggenberger is also on the way here. After passing the longitude of CH 7896 I am to make a passing report. |
NbyW 3, Sea 2, rain, overcast |
08.00 |
CH 7469 |
We welcome our first day in the Mediterranean. |
NbyW 3, Sea 2, rain, overcast |
09.40 |
CH 7544 |
Dived to charge the torpedoes. It rains from low hanging clouds. |
12.00 |
CH 7545 |
Day's run: 196 nm (165 + 31) |
16.00 |
CH 7552 |
WSW 4, Sea 3, 7/10 |
17.21 |
CH 7561 |
Crash dive for flying boat. I remain submerged due to the bad visibility. |
20.00 |
CH 7562 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
CH 7627 |
WbyS 4, Sea 2, 2/10 |
12.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
I receive the detailed allocation of the attack area by Radio Message. It is the area between CG 9595 to the east to the connecting line AD [CH] 7347 to 8481. Guggenberger has the southern part. |
We are to maintain radio silence except for report of enemy convoys, warships and apparent operations against Italians. Attack free against valuable targets. We should therefore remain undetected. |
04.00 |
CH 7624 |
W 6-7, Sea 5, 8/10 |
08.00 |
CH 7377 |
In the twilight a steamer with set lights ahead, apparently without illuminated hull markings. I dive for submerged attack and am ready to shoot. Very nice. Steamer speed 10 knots, course 30°, range = 2000 meters. Textbook approach. At target angle 40° I determine that the flag and side of the hull are illuminated, perfectly Spanish, a pity. I let him go. |
W 6, Sea 5, 7/10 |
- 5 - |
continued |
12.11.41 |
Passed by at 400 meters. Size about 7000 tons. Surfaced 1/2 hour later. Astern the steamer is leisurely steering course. |
10.15 |
CH 7311 |
Crash dive for an aircraft formation of 4 2-engined bombers. Overflew us at an altitude of 2000 meters. Type unknown. |
12.00 |
CH 7333 |
Day's run: 130 nm (102 + 28) |
13.10 |
After the mid day meal surfaced. |
16.00 |
CH 7563 |
W 6, Sea 5, 2/10 |
20.00 |
CH 7588 |
Radio message report that Italian air reconnaissance has sighted an English formation consisting of a battleship, aircraft carriers, cruisers and destroyers in square CH 9148 or 9412, course west, speed about 15 knots. B.d.U. suspects that formation is expected in the northern part of our operations area and also orders Guggenberger there. |
SSW 6, Sea 5, 4/10 |
I set course 60° and by plotting should meet the formation about 04.30 hours. I suspect that the enemy will stay in the center of the body of water. I won't be fooled. |
24.00 |
CH 7644 |
W 6, Sea 5, 2/10 |
Nothing seen up to moonrise. It is lightly hazy. Hopefully the enemy will not come insight in the moonlight. That would be bad for the attack. Otherwise it is a bright clear night, from two areas of the horizon summer lightening, that often seems like artillery fire. |
13.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CH 7622 |
As early as 04:30 hours I want to believe that we have missed the enemy when suddenly the starboard aft lookout, Mtr.Gefr. Weise, detects on the favorable horizon abeam, just in the bright moon track, 3 heavy wallowing ships. Very well seen, because they are difficult to recognize. Certainly is it a formation of big warships. Range = 8000 meters, target angle 90-100°, course west. Immediately came about and ran towards at high speed. I recognize forward an aircraft carrier (ARK ROYAL) behind it a unit without superstructure (FURIOUS) and lastly a battleship. |
W 4, Sea 3, 2/10 |
04.40 |
CH 7623 |
- 6 - |
continued |
13.11.41 |
It is a shame that we are a bit behind, with enemy speed of 15 knots I can't keep up in the seas, but I will definitely stay here for a shot, this is a never-recurring opportunity, these three fat morsels make a powerful image. |
I calculate quickly. The normal running track of the Etos is not enough, but perhaps he will come a little closer. |
Attempt: I have a fan ready. And because luck favors me. The enemy zigzags towards. The range is smaller, also the target angle is sharp again. I must take this opportunity. I take the aircraft carrier as the target and it works out well, without a large target angle. |
05.06 |
CH 7623 |
3-fan from tubes I, II and IV. Range = 6000 meters, enemy speed 14 knots, target angle bow right 90°, depth 3 meters, target length 200 meters. More than one shot must hit home. After the shot immediately turned away and ran off at AK. |
Long minutes of waiting. After 3 minutes 29 seconds a bright smoking fiery glow, then nothing more. |
It is impossible that it was the carrier, it must have been a destroyer positioned on his starboard side which took a torpedo. Nothing more is seen. Suddenly after 6 minutes 54 seconds running track 7800 meters, 2 hard metallic impacts, that were heard in the boat despite our high speed, these are the hits, a joyous occasion in the boat. |
We wait on star shells, pursuing destroyers or other defense, but there is nothing like that. The Englander must have been completely surprised. And now while running off on the starboard side we see even more. |
A further partial formation of 3 fat ships, in which another aircraft carrier follows the first at an interval of about 3000 meters. Attack on this formation is not possible target angle is already broad. Range = 7000 meters. I still have only 2 single shots ready in the tubes. A pursuit seems hopeless. |
The whole event was a great experience and triggered the greatest joy in the crew. Our first real shots since the start of the first patrol were against an enormous target. |
What was the success of the attack? This is the question on everyones mind. [illegible few words] I delayed a reconnaissance report which I |
- 7 - |
continued |
13.11.41 |
now send while running off, to still bring up Guggenberger. |
At that moment a dimmed steamer comes across me. |
It was worthwhile. |
Double good luck. |
He runs on course 95°, speed 10 knots. size 400 [typo 4000] tons, I maneuver ahead to starboard, quickly load tube I and initiate attack. |
17.13 [typo 07.13] |
CH 8874 [typo 8174?] |
Double shot from tubes I and II, range = 1000 meters, speed 10 knots, bow right target angle 90°, depth 3 meters. Target forward and after mast. Inexplicably both miss. I had matched speed and determined course exactly. Range could have been greater, but for that I had a 0° shooting angle. I suspect that the steamer continually varies his speed setting. |
Again maneuvered ahead then turned to |
shoot from tube V. Speed 10 knots, target angle bow right 90°, this time depth 2 meters, range = 2500 meters, with the assumption that there may have been an undershoot. |
Again a miss, this time also unexplained. |
08.00 |
CH 8776 [typo 8176] |
I reload once again, maneuver ahead at GF for a submerged day attack. Twilight is already advanced. |
W 4, Sea 3, 3/10 |
08.07 |
CH 8776 [typo 8176] |
The rapid onset of brightness forced me to submerge early. I could not get far enough ahead, however still attempted to attack. By the time I balanced the boat and was at periscope depth the steamer has passed by, range = 3000 meters, broad target angle, also seems to run at high speed now, it is possible that he saw me at the end. It was probably already too bright. So I gave up the attack and remained submerged. On the starboard side an illuminated fishing trawler ran towards me, I had to go deep for him. Otherwise he would run over us. |
I reloaded torpedoes and remained submerged due to the likely air reconnaissance. |
12.00 |
CH 8174 |
Day's run: 164 nm (150 + 14) |
16.00 |
CH 7393 |
About 17.00 hours the combat helmsman in the conning tower heard far off depth charges, that slowly came closer. |
20.00 |
CH 7592 |
Heard 3 patrol vessels that located with listening gear. One throws depth charges steadily, which are not too close. Asdic is not determined with certainty. The depth charges lay almost exclusively at the sam range. Accepted that one of the two steamers saw me this morning and reported. Otherwise I can not explain the cause. The attack last night on the formation displayed its consequences. (See report) |
Up to 21.00 hours [rest of this sentence illegible] |
- 8 - |
continued |
13.11.41 |
withdrawing patrol vessel, apparently the others have disappeared. |
21.37 |
Because it is now as dark as it will get above I decide to surface without further ado. We come up well. Immediately moved off on 1 diesel 2 x HF. It is quite dark, there is a patrol vessel astern at 1600 meters range and stubbornly throws his 2 charges every 10 minutes. By this method he probably wanted to hold us submerged as long as possible and finally force us to surface when there was no alternative. Therefore the depth charges were probably only scare bombs. |
24.00 |
CH 7385 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 2/10 |
14.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CH 7611 |
W 3, Sea 2, 2/10 |
08.00 |
CH 7528 |
Thick overcast sky with low hanging rain clouds, drizzle, flat sea. |
NW 2, Sea 1, 9/10 |
08.32 |
CH 7528 |
Dived, I still expect U-boat hunts today and on cue at 09.30 hours the first depth charges fall at great range, approaching, however then further away. Since yesterday night it seems the devil is loose everywhere here. Propeller sounds are sometimes heard close, sometimes further away. Depth charges stop at 12.00 hours. |
12.00 |
CH 7527 |
Day's run: 123 nm (187 + 36) |
16.00 |
CH 7543 |
20.00 |
CH 7543 |
Surfaced. |
22.00 |
Radio Message from B.d.U.: Reuters reports the sinking of the ARK ROYAL. Report successes and/or observations. |
A cheer in the entire boat. We have struck well. Hence the depth charges yesterday and today. Excitement in the Mediterranean. I report back as success: 3 hits on aircraft carrier and destroyer. |
B.d.U. replies "Well done". What more will Guggenberger report? Was he there? |
24.00 |
CH 7569 |
W 2, Sea 1, 2/10 |
15.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CH 7353 |
WNW 3, Sea 1, 1/10 |
- 9 - |
continued |
15.11.41 |
Towards morning the report from Guggenberger comes in: 4-fan on battleship, ARC ROYAL, FURIOUS. 1 hit probable on battleship, 2 hits on uncertain target. His shooting position was only 32 nm west of mine. He shot at 16.36 hours, I at 05.09 hours. By this the speed of advance of the enemy was only 3.5 knots. The reason for this low speed can only have been a heavily damaged ship which probably had to be towed by the battleship. The ARC ROYAL was not sunk by Guggenberger's attack, so we share the tonnage, because he probably caught the ship with his 2nd hits. The order of the ships during a further attack was also different (see this). |
So the situation remains to be clarified |
08.00 |
CH 7365 |
I go again into my operations area in accordance with B.d.U. Orders: Jebsen, Guggenberger, Reschke occupy area north of square 96 [CG 9671], in named order from west to east. So I'm the furthest east. Guggenberger is supposed to occupy the southern part of the operations area. East limit of the attack area remains line from square CH 7347 to square 8481. |
WNW 2-3, Sea 1-2, blue sky |
10.24 |
Crash dive for 3 aircraft bearing 240°T, land-based aircraft. I remained submerged. |
Weather worsening. |
12.00 |
CH 7391 |
Day's run: 210 nm (187 + 23) |
16.00 |
CH 7399 |
20.00 |
CH 8414 |
Surfaced and proceeded to the south, at midnight again to the north. |
After surfacing we heard Hans Fritsche speak about the sinking of the ARC ROYAL on the Politischen Zeitungsschau show. The news service mentioned it as a special message indicating the names of the Kommandanten. We are all proud and happy. Also the Wehrmachts Report carries the success. First appearance of U-boats in the Mediterranean. |
Congratulatory Radio Messages area received from Ob.d.M. and Generaladmiral Karls. It is our very big day. The World Press is especially bad for England at this moment. |
24.00 |
CH 8444 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. we are Group Arnauld and have as return harbor La Spezia. Routes for use of the Italian Navy are given. |
SE 2, Sea 0, overcast |
[missing line of text] |
- 10 - |
continued |
15.11.41 |
allocated with heavy U-boat hunt to the east. |
16.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CH 7629 |
08.00 |
CH 7613 |
NW 2, N 2, Sea 1, 3/10 |
08.25 |
Dived. |
12.00 |
CH 7617 |
Day's run: 146 nm (99 + 47) |
The light traffic in this sea area leads me to believe, that the Englander largely proceeds in neutral sea areas and under neutral markings. Except for the single steamer on 13 November no further dimmed vessels have been seen. Possibly since the attack on 13 November all traffic has been strongly restricted and forced by day through strong air surveillance and scaring U-boats to submerge to get the ships through the U-boat endangered area. |
Operating by day on the surface in the western operations area is no longer possible now. As a result I am submerged by day and use higher speed settings at night to surveil the area. |
16.00 |
CH 7642 |
20.00 |
CH 7655 |
Surfaced and moved off a bit to the east into the alternate area approved by B.d.U. |
24.00 |
CH 8117 |
W 2, W 1, Sea 1, overcast |
17.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CH 8123 |
At 01.40 hours a properly illuminated steamer (Spanish) passed us on course 200°, range = 4000 meters. |
SW 3, Sea 1, overcast |
08.00 |
CH 5871 |
NW 2, Sea 1, 9/10 |
12.00 |
CH 5823 |
Day's run: 211 nm (180 + 23) [typo 203 nm] |
NE 3, Sea 1, 6/10 |
16.00 |
CH 5868 |
The mountains of Algeria rise in sand-red over the picturesquely beautiful horizon. |
NE 7 [?], E 2, Sea 1, overcast |
20.00 |
CH 8261 |
NW 1, Sea 0, clear, 8/10 |
- 11 - |
continued |
17.11.41 |
Each crewman can come on the bridge once. |
In N-S legs I run two times through the sea area from Ibiza to Algiers, no traffic. |
By Radio Message was given information on Italian Recognition Signals. A complicated system. |
18.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CH 5837 |
ENE 3, Sea 2, 8/10 |
08.00 |
CH 5855 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 7/10 |
08.36 |
Test dive. |
Radio Message from B.d.U. concerning extensive observations of the neutral coast and English U-boats in the operations area. |
12.00 |
CH 8228 |
Day's run: 260 nm (258 + 2) |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10 |
11.26 hours Radio Message from B.d.U. Immediately go to another operations area CO at high transit speed via CJ 7611. Further transit instructions follow. |
Meaning: Tobruk. Accordingly there follows detailed transit instructions through the Strait of Messina. I have specific objective points. |
16.00 |
CH 8317 |
E 2, Sea 1, 1/10 |
16.30 |
CH 8318 |
Crash dive for aircraft. |
19.35 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CH 8321 |
Hold Italian Recognition Signals for 2 days. For us only Italian Recognition Signals apply in the Mediterranean from 25 November. |
E 2, Sea 1, 4/10 |
Radio Message Reschke and Jebsen proceed at transit speed so as to arrive on 25 November in CO 5385. |
Therefore I still have time and can run a bit slower. |
24.00 |
CH 5992 |
E 2, Sea 1, 1/10 |
19.11.41 |
Western Mediterranean |
01.30 |
2 steamers, course N and S. Approached one closely to exactly determine his illuminated markings. |
- 12 - |
continued |
19.11.41 |
They are French. Both steamers probably proceed in Marseille - Algier traffic. |
04.00 |
CH 9127 |
E 2, Sea 1, 1/10 |
The water is incredibly strongly phosphorescent. As a result high speed in the dark nights is useless. |
08.00 |
CH 9211 |
E 2, Sea 1, 3/10 |
12.00 |
CH 9231 |
Day's run: 208 nm (199 + 9) |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 2/10 |
12.20 |
A flying boat on parallel course at great range abeam to starboard, course east. Did not dive. |
16.00 |
CH 9322 |
ESE 2, Sea 1, 2/10 |
20.00 |
CJ 7412 |
E 3, Sea 2, 1/10 |
24.00 |
CJ 7432 |
E 3, Sea 2, 3/10 |
20.11.41 |
South of Sardinia |
04.00 |
CJ 7522 |
E 2, Sea 1, 1/10 |
08.00 |
CJ 7616 |
SE 1, Sea 0, 1/10 |
12.00 |
CJ 7632 |
Day's run: 228 nm |
E 2, Sea 1, 2/10 |
Outgoing Radio Message. Position 30 hours off objective point. |
The Radio Message is barely out when I Crash dive for aircraft. Apparently Italian sea reconnaissance "R 043" however flies so foolishly that I am forced to submerge. I still have plenty of time until tomorrow10.00 hours so do not mind being submerged. |
16.00 |
CJ 8711 |
18.30 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CJ 8713 |
My Short Signal was not confirmed, therefore I was not understood. |
E 2, Sea 1, 4/10 |
24.00 |
CJ 8579 |
E 2, Sea 1, 4/10 |
21.11.41 |
West of Sicily |
04.00 |
CJ 8675 |
I have still not received any information on Recognition Signals for today, which I absolutely need now that I am in Italian waters. |
S 1, Sea 1, 4/10 |
- 13 - |
continued |
21.11.41 |
06.00 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. Request Recognition signals. Am 12 hours off ordered point. |
Was not understood, unexplainable to me. |
07.53 |
CJ 8649 |
At daybreak I see that I am at the level Ustica Island, am forced to move off to the west and submerge, to avoid any traffic. |
08.00 |
CJ 8649 |
Now I must let own depth charges fall, I was probably seen from the island. The depth charges all lie far off. |
Jebsens Short Signal was understood. He will be at the meeting point with the escort tomorrow at noon. I will send another Short Signal today for 12 hours. The missing Recognition Signals are most unpleasant. Diving was unnecessary. |
12.00 |
CJ 8647 |
Day's run: 177 nm (149 + 28) |
13.00 |
Went to depth 14 meters for very low frequency reception. Nothing for us. |
16.00 |
CJ 8649 |
Depth charges force me deep again. |
18.38 |
CJ 8654 |
Surfaced and continued transit to the east north of Ustica Island. |
20.00 |
CJ 8655 |
I will have to do without Recognition Signals and attempt to arrive while staying clear. |
E 2, Sea 1, overcast |
24.00 |
CJ 9475 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 6/10 |
22.11.41 |
North of Sicily |
04.00 |
CJ 9753 |
EbyN 2, Sea 1, 8/10 |
07.00 |
Taken in convoy by escort vessel, which moves around me at suspicious distance at Raroloma. He waits in vain for an answer to the Recognition signal. First after calming searchlight signal traffic, Italian rambling, he dares approach us. Escort to Messina at 2 x HF. |
Fantastic sunrise behind the smoking "Etna" |
08.00 |
CJ 9823 |
E 1, Sea 0, 8/10 |
09.40 |
Off Messina an Italian currier officer from our Allied Navy and 2 Officers from the German Navy Command Italy come aboard and give me all the information I require for the next period. |
- 14 - |
continued |
22.11.41 |
We now have enough papers and Recognition Signals for 2 months. |
10.40 |
I decide to run into Messina briefly. I want to download both G7as from the over deck and try and get some fruit and vegetables. |
We moor in the Italian U-boat harbor, Radio Message from B.d.U. fuel oil only if absolutely necessary. |
23.11.41 |
Since the oil bowser lying next to us contains just 11 cbm of oil, I take this into boat. |
I am also supplied with drinking water and 120 alkali cartridges. |
I report to the Italian Admiral to thank him for the supplies. |
The fruit and vegetables we took over taste good. |
The reception, also in the Officers' Mess, where we Officers are invited to dinner, is welcoming and warm. |
Despite our refusals we cannot avoid the crowd. |
We go for dinner at the Officer's Mess. In the meantime the word had spread that out boat was involved in the sinking of the ARK ROYAL. Among the officers the Admiral offers high praise. They envy us a bit, especially since according to the Reuters report it was universally assumed that Italian U boats achieved the success. In Messina they had already prepared a festive reception for the boat. That was told to me by the P.K. Leutnant to whom I gave an interview. (Lt. S. Mühlmann). |
12.00 |
CJ 9828 |
Day's run: 175 nm (154 + 21) |
16.00 |
CJ 9828 |
Jebsen arrived at 15.00 hours. |
17.00 |
Put to sea. We are supplied wonderfully. Fruits and vegetables in quantity. Escort brings us to CJ 9853. |
20.00 |
CJ 9869 |
ENE 1, Sea 1, 5/10 |
20.30 |
Test dive, lasting only 5 minutes. |
24.00 |
CJ 9991 |
EbyN 2, Sea 1, 8/10 |
24.11.41 |
West of the Greek Islands |
04.00 |
CK 7782 |
E 1, Sea 0, misty, 6/10 |
08.00 |
CK 7872 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Calm, Sea 0, damp air 7/10 |
We find here at about the same point a drifting rafts, 1 rubber and 1 dinghy. Wood and wreckage strewn |
- 15 - |
continued |
23.11.41 |
around. |
12.00 |
CK 7879 |
Day's run: 179 nm (166 + 13) |
16.00 |
CO 1222 |
18.15 |
CO 1220 |
Surfaced. Quite heavy Swell, Summer lightening in the SE. |
20.00 |
CO 1262 |
Radio Message allocating attack areas CP 4700 and 7100. Focal point is area 7160, 7190, 7430. Jebsen is allocated the two west neighboring squares. |
24.00 |
CO 1376 |
SE 3, Sea 2, 3/10 |
24.11.41 |
West of the Greek Islands |
04.00 |
CO 1634 |
SSE 4, Sea 3, 6/10 |
Dived. |
07.47 |
CO 2447 |
08.00 |
CO 2448 |
08.28 |
Completely by surprise an aircraft bomb falls quite close. Unexplainable by me. I was proceeding at depth T = 35 meters. [actual depth 70 meters] It seems impossible that we were seen. Despite this I go to depth T = 40 meters. [actual depth 80 meters] |
12.00 |
CO 2473 |
Day's run: 147 nm (115 + 32) |
The depth charge throwing goes on. We also hear propeller sounds, but apparently further away. At times the noise and detonations get a bit closer but are certainly not for us. It is quite unsettled here in the eastern Mediterranean. |
16.00 |
CO 2484 |
18.13 |
CO 2488 |
Surfaced. It is still surprisingly bright outside |
20.00 |
CO 2734 |
SE 4, Sea 3, overcast |
20.40 |
A column of fire bearing 230°T, perhaps a torpedoed steamer. |
24.00 |
CO 2848 |
25.11.41 |
Southwest of Crete |
04.00 |
CO 5231 |
SbyE 2, Sea 1, 6/10 |
07.10 |
CO 5345 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CO 5345 |
12.00 |
CO 5349 |
16.00 |
CO 5385 |
Day's run: 142 nm (128 + 34) [typo 162] |
- 16 - |
continued |
25.11.41 |
18.11 |
CO 5386 |
Surfaced. |
Several Radio Messages are received. They report strong English formations off Sollum and Sidi Barrani with course E and W. |
For us the enemy cannot be reached. |
Today at 16.00 hours Tiesenhausen reports a torpeded battleship. The English replenishment of Tobruk goes on day and night, also ground combat by attacks of the heavy units. |
20.00 |
CO 5398 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 7/10 |
24.00 |
CO 6425 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 7/10 |
26.11.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CO 6544 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, 4/10 |
06.10 |
CO 6587 |
Dived. Twilight set in very early. According to the experience of the 23 U.Flottille there is considerable air reconnaissance in the eastern Mediterranean and therefore daytime transit on the surface is precluded. |
08.00 |
CO 6582 |
08.20 |
Went to periscope depth due to loud audible propeller sounds. Nothing is perceptible on the horizon. The listening range is very large. |
12.00 |
CO 6586 |
Day's run: 155 nm (119 + 36) |
16.00 |
CO 6595 |
17.58 |
CO 6599 |
Surfaced. Visibility clear, bright moon. |
19.55 |
CO 6912 |
Crash dive for flying boat to starboard, about 600 meters away. Seen very well by the lookout again Mtr.Gefr. Weise (had also first seen ARC ROYAL). Flies on opposite course, apparently had not seen us. Therefore also reconnaissance against U-boats at night. |
20.00 |
CO 6912 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 5/10 |
20.35 |
Surfaced. |
Again twice kr reports concerning sighting of English warships, also not reachable by us today. |
The enemy speed is always very high. |
24.00 |
CO 6934 |
NE 1, Sea 0, 7/10 |
27.11.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CP 4743 |
Calm, Sea 0, damp air, mist, 1/10 |
The water is as flat as a duck pond. |
05.57 |
CP 4756 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CP 4791 |
- 17 - |
continued |
27.11.41 |
At 11.20 hours quite suddenly 2 aircraft bombs fall. At depth T = 40 meters [actual depth 80 meters] he could not have seen me. |
12.00 |
CP 4796 |
Day's run: 141 nm (103 + 38) |
16.00 |
CP 4798 |
17.00 |
CP 7132 |
Again several aircraft bombs scattered over time. |
18.42 |
CP 7131 |
Surfaced. Freshened strongly. A quite high sea from the NW. |
20.00 |
CP 7134 |
W 3, 8/10 |
2 kr reports concerning enemy sightings, dated from the afternoon and are no longer usable for us. |
23.00 |
CP 7164 |
Foreign U-boat ahead to port, course 280°. I am positioned unfavorably in the moonlight and therefore turned away, showed a sharp silhouette, I suspect that the boat pounding in the oncoming sea was Italian (high forecastle, broad conning tower) and let him go. To attack I would have to go to the moonlit side and could probably no longer approach in the seas. I came again to course 140° and then searched for the large cruiser and large merchant ships reported by Radio Message (CO 9367, course 100°, medium speed, at 16.45 hours). I first received the Radio Message at 22 15 hours a bit late. Still I will try my luck and operate on his course. I accept 12 knots as medium speed, by this I can no longer reach him. Apparently he is going to Alexandria. So initially I run at higher speed to his suspected course line then continue on course 100°. |
24.00 |
CP 7192 |
Lookout sights a dimmed sailing vessel ahead. It must be one of the small English supply ships, despite the fact that the target is very small I will attempt to attack with a torpedo. I maneuver ahead in the moon lee. Artillery operation is not possible in the sea and inappropriate now while searching for the larger more valuable target. |
NNW 5, Sea 5, 9/10 |
28.11.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
00.22 |
CP 7193 |
Shot from tube II, target angle bow left 90°, speed 5 knots, range = -- meters, depth 0 meters, miss. |
The data on such a small target is undoubtedly inaccurate. The range too great, however I could not get closer with such a bright night without being seen. |
Further operation seems pointless to me, I continue searching for the large cruiser, after 1 hour steering on |
- 18 - |
continued |
28.11.41 |
course 100°, came to opposite course 280° in the hope that the enemy runs at much less than 12 knots. |
Unfortunately after taking a midnight navigation fix, our position is 10 nm further north than thought so naturally the enemy was not found. Until 02.00 hours I still steered search courses athwart his course on 250° and 310° and then went to the north to obscure my position. I must assume that the sailing vessel saw me, it is almost a certainty. |
04.00 |
CP 7162 |
NNW 4, Sea 5, 8/10 |
06.00 |
CP 7138 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CP 7135 |
12.00 |
CP 4798 |
Day's run: 127 nm (90 + 37) |
16.00 |
CP 4791 |
18.05 |
CP 4734 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CP 7135 |
NNW 3, Sea 2, 9/10 |
21.35 |
CP 7162 |
A shadow in sight ahead to port, range = 3000 meters. I turned to a parallel course and moved off, because the enemy proceeded at a similar speed and lay at a sharp target angle towards me. Turned towards again and determined that it is a submarine. It can't be an Italian again, but instead, this time like yesterday an Englander the relief from Alexandria on course 295° for the Kythira Strait at Crete. Because I am quite close, with the brightness I decide on a submerged attack. The enemy is positioned in the moon mist. |
21.59 |
Came to attack course and dived, searched with the periscope. There is nothing to see. The sea forces the boat out several times. The field of view is still too small. |
22.38 |
Surfaced and followed at high speed by sound bearing in 295°T. Accept that with an enemy sped of 8 knots I will be there about 01.00 hours. |
24.00 |
CP 7126 |
Also at |
NNW 2, Sea 2, 9/10 |
29.11.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
01.05 |
01.05 hours nothing seen. Dived briefly, |
- 19 - |
continued |
29.11.41 |
sounds bearing 235°, exactly as loud as before, so the enemy is running faster. Surfaced and ran towards the sound. Nothing. The moon gradually sets, the night was darker, visibility worse. After searching another hour I came to the opposite course to the east. The listening gear is probably not completely reliable. I cannot determine the range from the sound strength, so do not know if we are closer or further away. I can only tell when I continuously man the gear submerged. |
04.00 |
CF 7151 |
E 2, Sea 1, 7/10 |
06.05 |
CP 4778 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CP 4775 |
12.00 |
CP 4748 |
Day's run: 152 nm (112 + 40) |
16.00 |
CP 4742 |
18.04 |
CP 4742) Navigation |
Surfaced. Transit to the north. |
20.00 |
CP 4718) offset |
NE 3, Sea 3, 2/10 |
24.00 |
CO 6683 |
I still have 36 cbm fuel and began the return transit because I have a long way to go to Spezia. |
NbyW 3, Sea 3, 8/10 |
30.11.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CO 6614 |
N 5, Sea 3, 9/10 |
06.46 |
CO 6286 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CO 6282 |
12.00 |
CO 6243 |
Day's run: 180 nm (146 + 34) |
16.00 |
CO 6248 |
18.10 |
CO 6247 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CO 6193 |
N 2, Sea 1, 8/10 |
I send a Radio Message to confirm that Spezia is the return harbor and to report fuel and torpedo inventory. |
I hold in position until the reply arrives. |
Answer reads: "Why return transit?" |
Therefore I assume, that I am not to go to Spezia, and after submitting fuel come about and report the justification for beginning return transit. |
24.00 |
CO 6541 |
My last Radio Message was sent twice, however not understood. A wonderful indication of my position for the enemy. |
NNE 4, Sea 3, 10/10 |
- 20 - |
01.12.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CO 6553 |
At 06.10 hours I repeated the Radio Message a second time. Even now there are frequent issues, transmission takes half an hour. That long a transmission is an untenable situation it is is always like this. |
NbyE 3, Sea 2, 9/10 |
Now the enemy knows exactly where I am at a minimum. |
06.36 |
CO 6562 |
08.00 |
CO 6566 |
12.00 |
CO 6671 |
The result of our Radio Messages - aircraft bombs, though somewhat far off. |
Day's run: 141 nm (107 + 34) |
16.00 |
CO 7676 |
18.28 |
CO 6687 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CO 6689 |
By Radio Message we were informed that the return harbor for us and three other boats is Spezia. |
NW 1, Sea 1, 8/10 |
I figure that I need 29 cbm with a bit in reserve, therefore enough to remain a further 2 days in operations area. My recent decision on return transit with 35 cbm was somewhat rash. |
24.00 |
CP 4716 |
Kaufmann reports that this afternoon he encountered 3 cruisers and 2 destroyers reported by kr running into Tobruk. He himself had 5 misses. In these bright nights where you must shoot at long range, this is quite possible. |
NbyE 1, Sea 1, 4/10 |
02.12.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CP 4765 |
The reported convoy and one further English formation on the African coast are not reachable by me. |
E 1, Sea 1, overcast |
06.10 |
CP 4848 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CP 4872 |
Again scare aircraft bombs fall. |
12.00 |
CP 4875 |
Day's run: 155 nm (118 + 37) |
18.08 |
CP 7132 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CP 7138 |
NW 4, Sea 3, 9/10 |
Again 4 steamers reported, course west. Passed by me today. I was still in the northern part of the operations area. |
23.35 |
CP 7167
CP 7186 |
2 vessels ahead to starboard bearing 150°T. To Action Stations, fan ready. I initiate approach, when suddenly the destroyer (distinguished as such) zigzags away and runs off at high speed to the south. They disappear again immediately. I chase at high speed and actually get them in sight ahead. They are still on a SW course, apparently proceeding as patrol vessels. I set off a bit to starboard and make a fan ready. |
- 21 - |
continued |
02.12.41 |
They are a litle further away, overlapping well and are both broad targets. |
The opportunity may not happen again. |
23.55 |
CP 7186 |
Four fan fire! Range = 2500 meters (probably greater), enemy speed 11 knots, bow right target angle 110°, spread angle 3, shooting angle minimal. Ran off at high speed against the sea. Target passes out of sight. Long wait. Running time is up! Suddenly, after 10 minutes running time there is a sharp, strongly noticeable metallic impact. But still a hit at a run of 8200 meters. Good Etos. Even then, they ran further than expected. |
At target angle 130° and speed 14 knots the lead angle is the same, shot range of 8700 meters would then equate to 5000 meters. It could well be. The estimation of distance isvery difficult at night, but you must remain that far away if one is not to be seen. The hit possibilities are correspondingly poor. But that would be better than luck if it still catches a destroyer. |
I put as a result of the approach: Hit probable. Perhaps I will get some confirmation. |
24.00 |
CP 4716 |
To disguise our position moved off to the north. |
NW 4, Sea 3, 7/10 |
I consider: I only have 3 torpedoes, all only single shots. Is success promising with the bright nights? No! So I decided to start return transit slowly today, instead of tomorrow. |
03.12.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CP 7244 |
NNW 5, Sea 4, 6/10 |
05.09 |
CP 7215 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CP 7211 |
12.00 |
CP 4799 |
Day's run: 153 nm (116 + 37) |
16.00 |
CP 4792 |
18.08 |
CP 4791 |
Surfaced. Strong Swell and Sea from the NW. |
20.00 |
CP 4764 |
NW 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Swell |
24.00 |
CP 4488 |
NNW 3, Sea 2, 7/10 |
- 22 - |
04.12.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CP 4419 |
NNW 2, Sea 1, 8/10 |
06.30 |
CP 4174 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CP 4174 |
12.00 |
CO 6396 |
Day's run: 147 nm (112 + 35) |
16.00 |
CO 6394 |
18.03 |
CO 6386 |
Surfaced. |
Fuel measurement run for 2 x HF. |
20.00 |
CO 6375 |
S 3, Sea 2, rain 10/10 |
24.00 |
CO 6284 |
S 4, Sea 3, 10/10 |
Sent Radio Message concerning return transit, fuel and torpedo inventory, probable hit on destroyer. |
05.12.41 |
Eastern Mediterranean |
04.00 |
CO 6274 |
SSW 6, Sea 5, overcast |
06.35 |
CO 6192 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CO 6191 |
12.00 |
CO 6182 |
Day's run: 145 nm (111 + 34) |
16.00 |
CO 6173 |
18.08 |
CO 6172 |
Surfaced. |
18.30 |
CO 6172 |
Dived. 1 Masch.Gefr. is seriously injured in the left foot by a fallen Torpedo rail. We splinted and stretched the leg. Hopefully it's just a sprain and no fracture. When inserting a bone sprang audibly into the joint. The pain is now slightly less. |
20.00 |
CO 6174 |
The Wehrmacht Report reports a destroyer at Cirenaika [Benghazi Libya] damage by a U-boat. Was that us? It was however not at Cirenaika, instead off Alexandria. However another U-boat has not reported. |
NNE 5, Sea 3-4, overcast |
24.00 |
CO 5316 |
NNE 4, Sea 3, 3/10 |
- 23 - |
continued |
06.12.41 |
South of Crete |
04.00 |
CO 2896 |
NE 6, Sea 5, 10/10 |
05.58 |
CO 2816 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CO 2814 |
12.00 |
CO 2733 |
Day's run: 179 nm (144 + 35) |
13.00 |
CO 2731 |
Also in this area over the entire afternoon occasional aircraft bombs. Where it does not bang in the Mediterranean? |
1816 |
CO 2489 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CO 2476 |
NWbyN 2, Sea 1, 5/10 |
24.00 |
CO 1656 |
NW 3, Sea 2, 10/10 |
07.12.41 |
West of Crete |
04.00 |
CO 1534 |
NN 2, Sea 1, 1/10 |
07.05 |
CO 1275 |
Dived. |
08.00 |
CO 1275 |
12.00 |
CO 1193 |
Day's run: 194 nm (160 + 34) |
Sound bearing, propeller sounds astern, they move off. Aircraft bombs fall continuously at this time. |
Additionally aircraft bombs fall over the entire afternoon at times closer and further away. Sounds were no longer audible. |
16.00 |
CO 1167 |
18.29 |
CO 1159 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CO 1151 |
Radio Message from U-Chef: Escort positioned from 08.00 hours Point Sofia. |
NW 2, Sea 1, 5/10 |
24.00 |
CN 3331 |
08.12.41 |
East of Sardinia |
04.00 |
CJ 9971 |
NW 3, Sea 2, turbid, 2/10 |
08.00 |
CJ 9867 |
Taken in convoy (Italian torpedo boat). |
SW 3, Sea 2, 3/10 |
09.26 |
Messina |
At the roadstead off Messina a currier brings me a letter, from the F.d.U. |