- 1 - |
24.05.41 |
09.00 |
Put to sea from Kiel. |
09.59 - 10.11 |
Test dive at the Kiel Lightship. |
11.55 |
Kiel Lightship abeam. |
12.00 |
AO 7495 |
Day's run:
38 nm. |
Misty, NE 1, Sea 0, 1008 mb |
Escort by Sperrbrecher 13. Transit through the Great
Belt. |
15.15 |
Passed line Nyborg - Korsor. |
16.00 |
AO 7435 |
Misty, SW 1, Sea 0, 1011 mb |
19.20 |
Boat at position Black O, Sperrbrecher said good bye.
Further escort by VP 906. |
19.45 |
Training ground abeam. |
20.00 |
AO 7217 |
5/10, Vis. medium, N 1, Sea 0, 1011 mb |
20.03 |
Incoming Radio Message 1901/24/79: |
In alteration of outbound orders boat is escorted to the
Skundenes, released there. Gruppe
Nord. |
25.05.41 |
00.00 |
AO 4768 |
Transit through the Kattegat. |
4/10, NE 1, Sea 0, 1012 mb |
04.00 |
AO 4723 |
7/10, NE 1, Sea 0, 1011 mb |
05.00 |
Fredeikshaven abeam. |
06.24 |
Aircraft sighting AR 196. |
06.41 |
Aircraft sighting HE 114, exchanged recognition signals. |
06.50 |
Passed Skagen. |
07.10 |
Change of escort. VP 906 released, UJ 171 and UJ
176 form new escort. |
08.00 |
AO 4456 |
Transit through the Skagerak. |
7/10, SSE 1, Sea 1, 1011 mb |
09.01 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
AN 3639 |
Day's run:
252 nm |
Overcast, Vis. clear, SSE 1, Sea 1-2, 1012 mb |
1 nm. |
- 2 - |
continued |
25.05.41 |
15.11 |
Aircraft sighting, 6 Ju 88. |
16.00 |
AN 3624 |
Overcast, Vis. good, low cloud ceiling, ENE 2, Sea 2, 1011
mb |
17.00 |
Passed Kristiansand. |
20.00 |
AN 3529 |
Transit along the south Norwegian coast, |
Overcast, low cloud ceiling, Vis. good, SW 1, Sea 2, 1009
mb |
20.15 |
Lindesnes |
20.30 |
Aircraft sighting HE 115. |
20.45 |
Lister abeam. |
26.05.41 |
00.00 |
AN 3274 |
Vis. clear, bright night, SSE 1, Sea 2, 1010 mb, 8/10 |
03.45 |
Released escort. |
04.00 |
AN 2997 |
Took exact ship's position at Skudenes. |
Vis. good, overcast, SSW 1, Sea 2, 1009 mb |
Transit through the northern North Sea. |
07.35 |
Dived. Deep diving test depth T = 50 meters, [actual depth 100 meters] no malfunctions. |
08.00 |
AN 2899 |
Northern North Sea |
Vis. good, light overcast, W 1, Sea 2, 1009 mb |
12.00 |
AN 2893 |
Day's run: Surfaced
224 nm |
Northern North Sea |
Submerged 8 nm. |
13.45 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
AN 2838 |
Continued transit on the surface because of
favorable weather. |
Northern North Sea |
Vis. clear, light overcast, NE 1, Sea 1, 1009 mb |
20.00 |
AN 2392 |
Northern North Sea |
Vis. clear, 5/10, N 2, Sea 1, 1009 mb |
21.07 |
Sent Short Signal: Have passed 60°50'N in the
North Sea. |
The Short Signal was not confirmed. |
21.10 |
Passed 60°50'N |
- 3 - |
continued |
26.05.41 |
23.38 |
Radio Message 2301/26/12 from B.d.U.: |
Outbound transit north of Iceland, sea area square AD 29
and 52 and southwest from there search for suspected enemy cruisers and
auxiliary cruisers. Allow several days time. Afterwards report results
by Short Signal and head for AJ 69. |
27.05.41 |
00.00 |
AF 7938 |
Transit in Norwegian Sea. |
Norwegian Sea |
Vis. clear, 7/10, SE 2, Sea 2, 1015 mb |
00.09 |
2nd sending of Short Signal. |
Short Signal was confirmed. |
04.00 |
AF 7627 |
Norwegian Sea |
Vis. clear, 5/10, NE 2, Sea 2, 1013 mb |
08.00 |
AF 7262 |
Norwegian Sea |
Vis. medium, 5/10, NE 3, Sea 4, 1015 mb |
12.00 |
AF 4971 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 309 nm |
Norwegian Sea |
Submerged 5 nm. |
Vis. clear, 4/10, SE 3, Sea 4, 1018 mb |
16.00 |
AF 4725 |
Norwegian Sea |
Misty, Vis. 3 nm, NE 4, Sea 4, 1021 mb |
20.00 |
AE 6693 |
Norwegian Sea |
Vis. medium, overcast, NNE 4, Sea 4, 1020 mb |
- 4 - |
28.05.41 |
00.00 |
AE 6628 |
East of Iceland |
Bright night, overcast, NE 3, Sea 4, 1026 mb |
04.00 |
AE 6295 |
East of Iceland |
Heavily misty, overcast, NNE 4, Sea 3, 1027 mb |
08.00 |
AE 6219 |
East of Iceland |
Heavily misty, overcast, N 3, Sea 3, 1029 mb |
10.01 |
Dived for test dive. |
10.29 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
AE 3789 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 235 nm |
East of Iceland |
Submerged 1 nm. |
Heavily misty, overcast, N 2, Sea 2, 1031 mb |
16.00 |
AE 2966 |
Northeast of Iceland |
Fog banks, N 2, Sea 1, 1030 mb |
20.00 |
AE 2924 |
Northeast of Iceland |
Fog, W 2-3, Sea 1, 1030 mb |
29.05.41 |
00.00 |
AE 2583 |
Northeast of Iceland |
W 2-3, Sea 1-2, fog, Vis. 300 meters, 1030 mb |
04.00 |
AE 2466 |
North of Iceland |
Fog, Vis. 300 meters, W 3, Sea 2, 1026 mb |
08.00 |
AE 2443 |
North of Iceland |
Vis. good, WSW 1, Sea 1, 1026 mb |
11.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 102°T, 25.5 nm. |
12.00 |
AN 1691 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 245 nm |
North coast of Iceland |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Vis. good, W 2, Sea 1, 1025 mb |
- 5 - |
continued |
29.05.41 |
12.50 |
The north coast of Iceland comes in sight to port. |
13.32 |
Kolbeinsey Island bears 215°T. |
13.52 |
AE 1686 |
40° to starboard a steamer in sight, 8 nm away. |
13.53 |
Dived. |
14.05 |
To Action Stations. |
Steamer emerges from the haze to the north totally out.
Dived, because the boat is positioned on the clear horizon. Steamer
initially has bow right target angle 50°, then turns to bow left,
zigzags about 30-50° about every 7-9 minutes, estimated speed 10 knots
(see sketch). |
I run on converging courses to the zig zags at GF and HF,
showing the periscope at KF, and approach the enemy to a target angle
of 70-100° distance 2000-2400 meters (6 x magnification 15-17° in the
periscope). Did not shoot because range is too great. |
15.22 |
Secured from Action Stations. |
16.00 |
AE 1923 |
16.05 |
Steamer passes out of sight bearing 70°T. |
16.15 |
Vis. good, W 4, Sea 3, 1023 mb |
Surfaced. |
Steamer can no longer be seen. Initially I pursue
on course 70°, then on general course 100-110°, on course 100°
at GF. However the steamer does not come in sight. I believe
that the steamer is a patrolling auxiliary cruiser and come |
19.00 |
to course 0°, to possibly meet him on this course. |
20.00 |
AE 2475 |
North of Iceland |
Vis. bad, W 4, Sea 3, 1023 mb |
21.00 |
The visibility is so bad that I decide to continue the
transit to square AD 29. |
- 6 - |
continued |
29.05.41 |
Appearance of the steamer: |
A passenger steamer with one canted smokestack and 2 canted
masts. Estimated 8000 tons. Superstructure light gray, hull
dark gray. A crow's nest in the top of the forward mast. It
may have been the English auxiliary cruiser "ALAUNIA".
Armament could not be distinguished (backlit). It must have run
at a minimum of 13-15 knots. |
30.05.41 |
00.00 |
AE 1689 |
North coast of Iceland |
Fog, W 4, Sea 3, 1023 mb |
04.00 |
AE 1595 |
North Coast of Iceland |
Overcast, Vis. medium, W 4-5, Sea 3-4, 1022 mb |
08.00 |
AE 1812 |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, Vis. good, W 4, Sea 4, 1023 mb |
12.00 |
AE 1727 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 249 nm |
Denmark Strait |
Submerged 6 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, W 3, Sea 3, 1022 mb |
15.00 |
Large ice blocks (5-10 meters high) to starboard 5 nm away. |
16.00 |
AD 2962 |
Searching squares AD 29 and 52 on the intended
search courses was not possible due to ice in the NW half of the square.
Searched the SE half of square 29 and 52 up to the ice limit and square
53 to about 10 nm of the coast. |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, WSW 2, Sea 0-1, 1023 mb |
(See track chart for ice encountered) |
18.00 |
Fog, Vis. 300 meters, wind calm, 1024 mb |
19.30 |
Came to southerly course because there is thick drifting
ice to the north. Visibility is bad. |
- 7 - |
30.05.41 |
20.00 |
AD 2985 |
Denmark Strait |
Fog, Vis. 300 meters, wind calm, 1024.5 mb |
21.46 |
Radio Message (Officer-Only) 2106/30/119 from B.d.U.: |
For U-204 supply from tanker "BELCHEN" square
AJ 21 anticipated. Report
position by Short Signal three days before arriving. |
31.05.41 |
00.00 |
AD 5355 |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, Vis. changing, wind calm, SE, 1025 mb |
01.20 |
Vessel in sight bearing 250°T. It looks like
the superstructure of a large vessel coming over the horizon. Apparently
at very low speed, because the bearing does not shift. |
02.15 |
Dived, to identify the vessel submerged. In the periscope
nothing can be distinguished. |
02.30 |
Surfaced, to take a new bearing. Vessel lies bow
left about target angle 20°. |
02.30 |
Dived, to close submerged. |
After a while the vessel comes in the periscope, was smaller
and smaller and turns out to be a large fishing trawler with 2 masts (mirage). |
Moved off submerged on course 270°. Vessel passes
out of sight. |
04.00 |
AD 5382 |
Denmark Strait |
04.35 |
The depth soundings quickly grew shallower. From
depths of over 70 meters it went to 20 meters. |
- 8 - |
continued |
31.05.41 |
Because the shallow depth is not noted on the chart and
the depths given on the chart are uncertain, I decide to surface. |
All around sweep is clear, the visibility is somewhat worse. |
04.41 |
Surfaced. |
While blowing the visibility suddenly improves, so that
the fishing trawler is again in sight 2-3 nm away. Initially he
towns towards, then slowly to the coast and runs off. I must accept
that I have been sighted. Therefore so that the presence of the
boat will not be betrayed, I decide to sink the fishing trawler. |
05.15 |
Fire opened. |
05.30 |
Vessel sunk with artillery. |
05.40 |
Moved off on course 330°. |
06.04 |
Came to course 270°. |
08.00 |
AD 5371 |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, Vis. good, NE 2, Sea 1, 1026 mb |
11.40 |
Ice blocks from directly ahead to abeam to starboard. |
12.00 |
AD 5235 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 175.3 nm |
Denmark Strait |
Submerged 7 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, N 2, Sea 1, 1026 mb |
16.00 |
AD 5255 |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 1-2, Sea 1, 1028 mb |
17.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 73°T, 15 nm. |
20.00 |
AD 5533 |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 1, Sea 0, 1029 mb |
- 9 - |
01.06.41 |
00.00 |
AD 5528 |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, Vis. good, wind calm, Sea 0, 1029 mb |
04.00 |
AD 5282 |
Denmark Strait |
Clear, NW 1, Sea 0, 1029 mb |
05.01 |
Drift ice. |
Ran along the ice limit on southwest courses. |
08.00 |
AD 5273 |
Denmark Strait |
Clear, SE 1, Sea 0, 1028 mb |
12.00 |
AD 5437 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 202 nm |
Denmark Strait |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, ESE 2, Sea 1, 1027 mb |
16.00 |
AD 5457 |
Denmark Strait |
Overcast, Vis. good, SE 3, Sea 2, 1025 mb |
20.00 |
AD 4936 |
Entrance to the Denmark Strait |
Overcast, rain, Vis. bad, SSW 5, Sea 4, 1019 mb |
02.06.41 |
00.00 |
AD 4966 |
Began transit to supply place AJ 21. |
Exit to the Denmark Strait |
Vis. medium, S 5, Sea 4, 1018 mb |
04.00 |
AD 7553 |
Exit of the Denmark Strait |
Vis. good, SW 4, Sea 4, 1022 mb |
08.00 |
AD 7366 |
Exit of the Denmark Strait |
S 4, Sea 3, 1023.5 mb |
- 10 - |
continued |
02.06.41 |
10.25 |
Dived for test dive. |
Proceeded submerged due to diesel overhaul. |
12.00 |
AD 7635 |
Day's run: Surfaced
162 nm |
250 nm east of southern Greenland |
Submerged 4.5 nm. |
16.00 |
AD7659 |
250 nm east of southern Greenland |
16.05 |
Surfaced. |
16.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 12°T, 19.7 nm |
20.00 |
AD 8461 |
East of southern Greenland |
Overcast, Vis. moderate, S 4, Sea 3, 1027 mb |
23.07 |
Sent Short Signal: |
"No traffic". |
23.40 |
The Short Signal was confirmed. |
03.06.41 |
00.00 |
AD 7895 |
East of southern Greenland |
Overcast, S 5, Sea 4, 1026 mb |
04.00 |
AD 7955 |
Southeast of Greenland |
Vis. good, SW 2-3, Sea 2, 1027 mb |
08.00 |
AD 7975 |
Southeast of Greenland |
Vis. good, SE 4, Sea 3, 1026 mb |
10.25 |
Radio Message 1005/2/117 from B.d.U. to "U-204": |
Do not report arrival at supply place by Short Signal concerning
position, instead report by Short Signal concerning fuel inventory. |
12.00 |
AK 2127 |
Day's run: Surfaced
154 nm |
Southeast of Greenland |
Submerged 9.5 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. bad, E 4, Sea 3, 1019 mb |
- 11 - |
continued |
03.06.41 |
16.00 |
AK 2177 |
Southeast of Greenland |
Rain, Vis. 1-3 nm, E 4, Sea 3, 1015 mn |
20.00 |
AK 1459 |
Southeast of Greenland |
Vis. 2-3 nm, E 3, Sea 2-3, 1012 mb, rain |
20.07 |
Sent Short Signal: |
"Have [illegible few words] fuel inventory." |
20.52 |
Confirmation of Short Signal. |
21.52 |
2109/3/135 U-204 from B.d.U.: |
For now no supply. Head for BD 14. |
04.06.41 |
00.00 |
AK 1622 |
Transit to BD 14. |
Southeast of Greenland |
Vis. bad, rain showers, ESE 4-5, Sea 3-4, 1009 mb |
04.00 |
AK 1654 |
Southeast of Greenland |
Overcast, Vis, medium, SE 6, Sea 6, 1006 mb |
08.00 |
AK 1687 |
Southeast of Greenland |
Vis. medium, SE 6, Sea 6, 1006 mb |
12.00 |
AK 1834 |
Day's run: Surfaced
170 nm |
Southeast of Greenland |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Vis. medium, SE 6, Sea 5, 1007.5 mb |
16.00 |
AK 1872 |
Southeast of Greenland |
SSE 6, Sea 5, 1010 mb |
18.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 219°T, 20 nm. |
20.00 |
AK 19xx |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix 149°T, 6 nm. |
Southeast of Greenland |
Vis. good, overcast, SE 6, Sea 5, 1015 mb |
- 12 - |
05.06.41 |
00.00 |
AK 4385 |
North Atlantic |
SSW 6, Sea 5, 1017 mb |
04.00 |
AK 4652 |
North Atlantic |
Bright night, SSW 5, Sea 4, 1017 mb |
08.00 |
AK 4679 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, E 6, Sea 5, 1013.5 mb |
11.15 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged for diesel overhaul (change
fuel control valve) and torpedo maintenance. |
12.00 |
AK 4945 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 227 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 1.5 nm. |
14.06 |
Surfaced. |
14.46 |
Dived to restow the torpedoes. |
15.36 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
AK 4975 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, E 7, Sea 6, heavy swell, 1007 mb |
20.00 |
AK 7315 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, heavy Swell, E 7, Sea 7, 999 mb |
21.00 |
Radio Message 2056/5/179 from B.d.U. to "U-204": |
Report weather on 6 June between 01.00 and 05.00 hours. |
21.45 |
Radio Message 2115/2/181 from B.d.U.: "U-204"
Join West boats and occupy "U-111" position in patrol line.
U-111 receives the task of discovering traffic situation. |
- 13 - |
06.06.41 |
00.00 |
AK 7347 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, heavy Swell, ESE 7, Sea 7, 997 mb |
04.00 |
AK 7523 |
Sent the weather Short Signal, |
North Atlantic |
was confirmed. |
Overcast, light rain, Vis. 5 nm, heavy Swell, SW 5-6, Sea
5, 996 mb |
08.00 |
AK 7552 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, SSE 6, Sea 6, 998 mb |
12.00 |
AK 7575 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 199 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 8 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, heavy Swell, SSE 6, Sea 5, 998.5 mb |
16.00 |
AK 7755 |
600 nm east of Newfoundland |
Vis. good, heavy Swell, ESE 6, Sea 5, 992 mb |
17.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 202°T, 40 nm. |
20.00 |
BC 3316 |
East of Newfoundland |
Vis. good, heavy Swell, overcast, light rain, SE 3, Sea
4, 992 mb |
07.06.41 |
00.00 |
BC 5267 |
East of Newfoundland |
Rain, heavy Swell, Vis. 3-6 nm, W 5-4, Sea 5, 993.5 mb |
02.00 |
Fiery glow 20° to port. Turned towards it.
Fiery glow disappeared. |
02.55 |
Transit to BC 3751 |
04.00 |
BC 32x8 |
East of Newfoundland |
Overcast, Vis. 1 nm, heavy Swell, WNW 5, Sea 4, 995 mb |
- 14 - |
continued |
07.06.41 |
08.00 |
BC 3519 |
East of Newfoundland |
Overcast, Vis. medium, heavy Swell, W 5-6, Sea 5, 1001
mb |
12.00 |
BC 3493 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 208 nm |
East of Newfoundland |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, rain, medium Swell, NW 6, Sea 6, 1007 mb |
16.00 |
BC 3723 |
East of Newfoundland |
Overcast, Vis. good, medium Swell, NW 3, Sea 3, 1011 mb |
16.48 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 229°T, 36.6 nm |
Navigation fix falls 36.6 nm in direction 229°T further
than the plot. Came to opposite course, to arrive at initial position. |
20.00 |
BC 3743 |
East of Newfoundland |
Overcast, Vis. good, medium Swell, WNW 3-4, Sea 3, 1014
mb |
08.06.41 |
00.00 |
BC 3751 |
Reached position in patrol line square BC 3751. |
East of Newfoundland |
Came to SE course. |
Overcast, Vis. good, medium Swell, WNW 1, Sea 1, 1014.5
mb |
04.00 |
BC 3759 back and forth |
As ordered in patrol line steamed back and
forth on SE and NW courses at 5 knots. |
Overcast, Vis. good, short Swell, WNW 2, Sea 2, 1015 mb |
08.00 |
BC 3751 back and forth |
Overcast, Vis. good, short Swell, W 2, Sea 1, 1014 mb |
12.00 |
BC 3759 back and forth |
Day's run: Surfaced
171 nm |
Overcast, Vis. good, SE 1, Sea 1, 1012.5 mb |
Submerged 0 nm. |
- 15 - |
continued |
08.06.41 |
13.45 |
Dived for test dive. |
14.21 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
BC 3751 back and forth |
Overcast, Vis. good, medium Swell, ESE 4, Sea 3, 1011 mb |
20.00 |
BC 3759 back and forth |
Overcast, Vis. 3-4 nm, medium Swell, E 4, Sea 3, 1008.5
mb |
20.58 |
Radio Message 1941/9/161 B.d.U. to West boats: |
U-43 takes over the position freed by U-46. Therefore
remaining boats shift one position to the southeast. |
09.06.41 |
00.00 |
BC 3791 |
Course for square BC 3795 of the patrol line. |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. medium, ESE 5, Sea 4, 1005 mb |
02.00 |
Reached BC 3795 in patrol line and steamed back and forth
as ordered. |
04.00 |
BC 3799 back and forth |
Rain, medium Swell, E 7, Sea 5, 1002 mb |
08.00 |
BC 3793 back and forth |
Fog, Vis. 200 meters, SE 5, Sea 5, 997 mb |
09.34 |
Dived, because visibility is worse than sound range. |
12.00 |
BC 6211 back and forth |
Day's run: Surfaced
98 nm |
Submerged 6 nm. |
13.10 |
Surfaced, no weather improvement. |
19.34 |
Dived again. |
20.00 |
BC 3795 back and forth |
- 16 - |
continued |
09.06.41 |
20.45 |
Surfaced. |
22.42 |
Radio Message 1608/9/183 to West boats from B.d.U.: |
Due to return transit of U-48, U-75 occupies its position.
Moreover boats to the northwest move to the southeast accordingly. |
The order was not executed due to contact with the enemy. |
23.40 |
Vessel sighted bearing 350°T, 8 nm away. Course
about 230°. Maneuvered ahead at the limit of visibility.
Port diesel out of service. |
10.06.41 |
00.00 |
BC 6212 |
East of Newfoundland |
Rain, Vis. 3 nm, light Swell, N 3-4, Sea 3, 996 mn |
00.15 |
Port diesel again in service except for one cylinder. |
Bearing is steady at GF and shifts only slowly at AK.
Steamer must run a minimum of 14 knots. |
02.40 |
To Action Stations. |
02.48 |
Tube I (Eto), tube III (Ato) fire. |
(target angle left
60°, target speed 14, range = 600 meters) |
After 32 seconds detonation and explosion column 30-50
meters high forward 35 meters. 4 seconds thereafter bright metallic
impact heard in the boat, thereafter heavy thwack. On the bridge
no detonation observed. Steamer lists to port settled slightly deeper.
Based on the observations the second torpedo must have been a pistol failure. |
02.57 |
Coup de grace from tube II (Eto). |
Running time 42 seconds. Hit forward 10 meters.
Explosion column about 70 meters with smoke and coal dust. Steamer
breaks apart forward 30 meters. |
- 17 - |
continued |
10.06.41 |
03.08 |
BC 6129 |
Steamer sunk |
It was the Belgian steamer "MERCIER". |
(transmitted on the 600-meter wavelength) 7886 GRT. |
04.00 |
BC 6135 |
East of Newfoundland |
Return transit to position in patrol line. |
Overcast, bright night, |
NE 2-3, Sea 3, 999 mb |
07.30 |
In position in patrol line. |
08.00 |
BC 3725 back and forth |
Vis. good, N 3-4, Sea 3, 1001 mb |
08.54 |
Dived to work on the torpedoes, reload and clear up the boat. |
12.00 |
BC 6211 back and forth |
Day's run:
Surfaced 116 nm |
Submerged 12 nm. |
12.55 |
Surfaced. |
15.32 |
Radio Message 1448/10/110 from B.d.U.
(continued 1310): |
Furthermore occupy as attack area: |
"U-73" square BD 93 and BD 71 and 72. |
"U-43" square BD 47 and 48 and 49. |
"U-204" square BD 45 and 46 and 54. |
16.00 |
BC 3795 back and forth |
Vis. good, N 2, Sea 2, 1004 mb |
16.07 |
Vessel sighted bearing 75°T. Turned towards it.
It is a boat and was sunk with onboard weapons. |
17.30 |
Again ran to old position. |
19.30 |
Course to square BD 45 center-left edge. |
20.00 |
BC 3796 |
East of Newfoundland |
Vis. good, NE 1-2, Sea 1, 1004 mb |
20.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 68°T, 16.2 nm. |
- 18 - |
11.06.41 |
00.00 |
BC 3889 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, NE 2, Sea 1, 1006 mb |
04.00 |
BC 6236 |
North Atlantic |
Bright night, SE 1, Sea 1, 1006 mb |
08.00 |
BC 6855 |
North Atlantic |
Fog, Vis. 500 meters, medium Swell, SE 2-3, Sea 2, 1007.5
mb |
12.00 |
BC 6896 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 154 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 2 nm. |
Fog, Vis. 100 meters, slight Swell, SE 2-3, Sea 2, 1011
mb |
16.00 |
BC 4413 |
North Atlantic |
Fog, Vis. 2-3 nm, medium Swell, S 4, Sea 3, 1012 mb |
20.00 |
BD 4428 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. 5 nm, S 3, Sea 2-3, 1013 mb |
12.06.41 |
00.00 |
BD 4544 |
Reached the ordered position and steered search
courses in BD 45, 46 and 54. |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. 6-8 nm, ESE 5, Sea 4, 1015 mb |
04.00 |
BD 4573 |
East of the Laura Ethel Bank |
Overcast, dark night, S 4, Sea 3, 1015.5 mb |
08.00 |
BD 4591 |
East of the Laura Ethel Bank |
Overcast, Vis. medium, S 3-4, Sea 3, 1015 mb |
10.00 |
Dived for test dive. |
10.54 |
Surfaced. |
- 19 - |
continued |
12.06.41 |
12.00 |
BD 4673 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 155 nm |
East of the Laura Ethel Bank |
Submerged 7.7 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. medium, S 3-4, Sea 3, 1014 mb |
13.30 |
Meeting with U-43 recognition signals exchanged. |
Navigation comparison. |
16.00 |
BD 4681 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix 125°T, 48 nm. |
East of the Laura Ethel Bank |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 5 Sea 4, 1015 mb |
20.00 |
BD 5497 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 3, Sea 3, 1016 mb |
13.06.41 |
00.00 |
BD 5466 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. medium, WSW 4-5 Sea 4, 1016 mb |
04.00 |
BD 5452 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, dark night, WSW 3, Sea 2-3, 1013 |
08.00 |
BD 5444 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. medium, SW 4, Sea 3-4, 1009 mb |
10.42 |
Radio Message 1002/13/189 from B.d.U.: |
Head for the following squares: "U-204" square
BE 17, for U-43 square BE 39, for U-73 square BD 38. Italian U-boat
holds contact on convoy 06.00 hours in CF 4564, course 320°, speed
9 knots. |
- 20 - |
continued |
13.06.41 |
11.07 |
Came to course to ordered position, square BE 17. |
12.00 |
BD 4662 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 206 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Rain, fog, Vis. 400 meters, S 7, Sea 5-6, 1005 mb |
16.00 |
BD 5442 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, medium Swell, S 4, Sea 4, 1007 mb |
17.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 26°T, 24.8 nm. |
20.00 |
BD 5197 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, SSW 4, Sea 3-4, 1010 mb |
21.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 113°T, 5.8 nm. |
14.06.41 |
00.00 |
BD 5276 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, light overcast, SSW 2, Sea 1-2, 1013 mb |
04.00 |
BD 5291 |
North Atlantic |
Bright night, SW 1-2, Sea 1-2, 1016 mb |
07.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 156°T, 26 nm. |
08.00 |
BD 5346 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 2, Sea 2, 1017 mb |
- 21 - |
continued |
14.06.41 |
12.00 |
BD 5353 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 191 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good. S 1-2, Sea 1, 1018.5 mb |
16.00 |
BD 6142 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 2, Sea 1, 1019 mb |
20.00 |
BD 6129 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 1-2, Sea 1, 1020.5 mb |
15.06.41 |
00.00 |
BD 6215 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 2, Sea 1-2, 1019.5 mb |
04.00 |
BD 3897 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. medium, S 4-5, Sea 4, 1018 mb |
08.00 |
BD 3975 |
North Atlantic |
Fog, Vis. 200 meters, S 4, Sea 3-4, 1017 mb |
12.00 |
BD 3983 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 184 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, misty, Vis. 5-9 nm, S 5, Sea 4, 1017.5 mb |
16.00 |
BD 3969 |
North Atlantic |
Rain, misty, Vis. changing, S 5, Sea 4, 1016 mb |
16.01 |
Dived for test dive. |
16.32 |
Surfaced. |
- 22 - |
continued |
15.06.41 |
20.00 |
BE 1749 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. medium, S 3, Sea 3, 1016 mb |
16.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 1715 |
Reached ordered position square BE 17. |
North Atlantic |
Steamed back and forth in square BE 17. |
Overcast, Vis. medium, SSW 5, Sea 4, 1015 mb |
04.00 |
BE 1754 |
North Atlantic |
Bright night, SW 3, Sea 2-3, 1017 mb |
07.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 68°T, 19.6 nm. |
08.00 |
BE 1785 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, SW 4, Sea 3, 1019 mb |
12.00 |
BE 1757 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 151 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 6 nm. |
Vis. good, medium Swell, SW 5, Sea 5, 1020 mb |
14.16 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 196°T, 4 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 1755 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, medium Swell, SW 3, Sea 3, 1020 mb |
-23 - |
continued |
16.06.41 |
20.00 |
BE 1753 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, SW 5-6, Sea 4, 1010 mb |
17.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 1757 |
North Atlantic |
Lightly cloudy, Vis. good, WSW 3, Sea 2, 1022 mb |
04.00 |
BE 1777 |
North Atlantic |
WSW 3, Sea 3, overcast, Vis. good, 1022 mb |
08.00 |
BE 1757 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual
position after a navigation fix 2°T, 15.5 nm. |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, S 4-5, Sea 5, 1022 mb |
10.35 |
Radio Message 1040/17/192 from B.d.U.: |
"U-371", "U-201", "U-73",
"U-43", "U-204" |
Occupy patrol line from the point that lies 2°T 78
nm from Point "Franz" to the point 209°T 345 nm from Point
"Herbert", depth 100 nm. |
12.00 |
BE 1737 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 172 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, SW 4, Sea 3, 1024 |
- 25 - |
continued |
17.06.41 |
22.40 |
Reached ordered position in patrol line BD 1851 and steamed
back and forth as ordered. |
18.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 1739 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, WSW 1-2, Sea 1, 1027 mb |
04.00 |
BE 1851 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, WSW 2, Sea 1, 1028 mb |
08.00 |
BE 1864 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, WSW 2, Sea 1, 1028 mb |
12.00 |
BE 1846 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 179.2 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, W 2, Sea 1, 1028 mb |
16.00 |
BE 1865 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, WSW 4, Sea 2, medium Swell, 1027.5
mb |
20.00 |
BE 1659 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, WSW 3, Sea 2-3, 1025.5 mb |
- 26 - |
19.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 1842 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 4-5, Sea 3-4, 1023.5 mb |
04.00 |
BE 1737 |
North Atlantic |
WSW 3-4. Sea 2-3, 1020.5 mb |
08.00 |
BE 1863 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 4-5, Sea 3, 1020.5 mb |
12.00 |
BE 1841 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 145 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 4, S 3, 1020 mb |
16.00 |
BE 1851 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis, good, S 4, Sea 3, 1020.5 mb |
17.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 145°T, 14.8 nm. |
20.00 |
BE 1864 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 3-4, Sea 3, 1021 mb |
20.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 1947 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. 800 meters, S 3, Sea 2, 1020 mb |
04.00 |
BE 1883 |
North Atlantic |
Dark night, S 2, Sea 1, 1020 mb |
- 27 - |
continued |
20.06.41 |
08.00 |
BE 1852 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, NW 1, Sea 1, 1019.3 mb |
10.18 |
A red flare abeam to starboard. Turned towards it.
Lifeboat of the steamer "KATHERINE". |
10.42 |
Came to old course. |
Abeam to starboard a life raft of the steamer "KATHERINE". |
12.00 |
BE 1842 |
Day's run: Surfaced
129 nm |
Vis. good. NW 1, Sea 0-1, 1019.3 |
Submerged 0 nm. |
14.26 |
Masthead sighted, turned and held on to it (unfortunately
there is nothing to it, a piece of a mast standing up and down in the
water). |
14.52 |
Came to old course. |
16.00 |
BE 1738 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, NW 1, Sea 0-1, 1018 mb |
16.17 |
Radio Message 1242/20/183 from B.d.U.: (continued) |
3.) Point "Franz" must bear from
"U-204" in 133°T, 175 nm. |
16.30 |
Smoke feather sighted bearing 210°T. Turned towards
and held on. A steamer traveling to the east must come in sight.
I believe that the steamer is westbound and run at 2 x GF after it. |
- 28 - |
continued |
20.06.41 |
17.17 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 281°T, 37 nm. |
20.00 |
BD 3986 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, W 1, Sea 0-1, 1015 mb |
20.50 |
A U-boat comes in sight abeam to starboard, with approximately
the same course and same speed. |
21.35 |
I give up the pursuit because the twilight is beginning.
Coming in sight is very improbable, for 3-1/2 hours no further smoke has
been sighted. |
22.00 |
Met with "U-43" in square BD 6321. |
Compared navigation. Potatoes and bread given to
U-43. |
23.00 |
Began transit to new position square BD 3645. |
21.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 63xx |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, overcast, SW 1-2, Sea 1, 1016 mb |
04.00 |
BE 1771 |
North Atlantic |
Rain, Vis. bad, ESE 2, Sea 1, 1012.5 mb |
08.00 |
BE 1754 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, ESE 3, Sea 2, 1009.5 |
- 29 - |
continued |
21.06.41 |
12.00 |
BE 1714 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 211 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. medium, SW 4, Sea 3, 1006 mb |
16.00 |
BD 3697 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, W 5, Sea 5, 1004.5 mb, rain showers |
17.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 315°T, 7.4 nm. |
20.00 |
BD 3649 |
North Atlantic |
Vis. good, W 5-6, Sea 5, 1004 mb |
22.00 |
Reached ordered position BD 3645. |
22.06.41 |
00.00 |
BD 3615 |
Began return transit. |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. medium, rain showers, W 7, Sea 6, 1007 mb |
04.00 |
BD 3626 |
North Atlantic |
Bright night, W 6, Sea 5, heavy Swell, 1009 mb |
08.00 |
BE 1415 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, heavy Swell, W 7, Sea 6-7, 1010 mb |
12.00 |
BE 1426 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 155 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. medium, heavy Swell, W 6, Sea 5-6, 1010.5
mb |
- 30 - |
continued |
22.06.41 |
16.00 |
BE 1514 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, heavy Swell, W 6-7, Sea 6, 1013 mb |
18.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 59°T, 14.8 nm. |
20.00 |
BD 1537 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, heavy Swell, W 6, Sea 5-6, 1013 mb |
21.50 |
Radio Message 2136/22/138 from B.d.U.: (excerpt) |
"U-204" report situation and successes. |
23.35 |
Radio Message 2242/22/142 "U-204" to B.d.U.: |
10 June "MERCIER" ever since nothing seen.
22 June return transit. |
23.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 1619 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, Vis. good, heavy Swell, SW 6, Sea 5-6, 1013.5
mb |
04.00 |
BE 1386 |
North Atlantic |
Dark night, heavy Swell, W 6, Sea 5, 1009 mb |
08.00 |
BE 1362 |
North Atlantic |
Overcast, rain, Vis. medium, W 8, Sea 8-7, 1016 mb |
- 31 - |
continued |
23.06.41 |
12.00 |
AL 9777 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 187 nm |
North Atlantic |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. medium, rain, NW 6, Sea 6, 1009 mb |
13.04 |
Dived for test dive. |
13.20 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
AL 9746 |
460 nm west of Ireland |
Rain, Vis. 3-4 nm, NW 7, Sea 6, 1003 mb |
20.00 |
BE 9489 |
West of Ireland |
Misty, Vis. 2-4 nm, medium Swell, NW 7, Sea 6, 1000 mb |
24.06.41 |
00.00 |
AL 9xxx |
West of Ireland |
[weather illegible] |
04.00 |
AL 957x |
West of Ireland |
[weather illegible] |
08.00 |
AL 9829 |
[weather illegible] |
- 32 - |
continued |
24.06.41 |
12.00 |
AL 9864 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 169 nm |
West of Ireland |
Submerged 1 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, S 4-5, Sea 3-4, 1008 |
15.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 53°T, 15 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 5973 |
West of Ireland |
Overcast, Vis. good, SSW 4, Sea 3-4, 1010.5 mb |
20.00 |
BE 2326 |
West of Ireland |
Overcast, Vis. good, SSW 3-4, Sea 3, 1012 mb |
25.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 1771 [typo BE 3177] |
West of Ireland |
Overcast, Vis. good, rain showers, SW 4, Sea 3-4, 1015.5
mb |
04.00 |
BE 3428 |
West of Ireland |
Dark night, S 3-4, Sea 2-3, 1016 mb |
08.00 |
BE 3499 |
West of the Channel |
Overcast, Vis. 4-5 nm, WNW 3, Sea 2-3, 1017 mb |
12.00 |
BE 3819 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 212 nm |
West of Ireland |
Submerged 0 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, WSW 4, Sea 3, 1020 mb |
15.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 140°T, 18 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 6232 |
West of the Channel |
Vis. good, WNW 2-3, Sea 2, 1022 mb |
- 33 - |
continued |
25.06.41 |
18.06 |
Sent Short Signal: |
Position 36 hours off return harbor. |
It was understood. |
20.00 |
BE 6381 |
West of Brest |
Vis. good, NW 4, Sea 3, 1023 mb |
26.06.41 |
00.00 |
BE 6396 |
West of Brest |
Bright night, NW 3, Sea 2, 1025 mb |
04.00 |
BF 4186 |
Western Brest |
Bright night, NW 2-3, Sea 2, 1025.5 mb |
06.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after
a navigation fix 134°T, 6.2 nm. |
07.40 |
Crash dive for aircraft. 20° to starboard ahead,
suspect a German aircraft. |
08.00 |
BF 4278 |
West of Brest |
Overcast, Vis. good, NW 3, Sea 2, 1026 mb |
08.11 |
Surfaced. |
08.39 |
Crash dive for aircraft. Astern, HE 111. 2
light detonations. |
09.30 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BF 4256 |
Day's run:
Surfaced 240 nm |
West of Brest |
Submerged 4 nm. |
Overcast, Vis. good, WSW 3, Sea 2, 1028 mb |
- 35 - |
27.06.41 |
00.00 |
BF 2773 |
West of Brest |
Light overcast, Vis. good, W 2, Sea 1, medium Swell, 1031.5 |
00.50 |
A white light to starboard. |
00.54 |
A second white light. |
04.00 |
BF 2875 |
Quessant ahead |
Overcast, Vis. good, NE 2, Sea 1-2, 1031 mb |
05.53 |
Taken in convoy by Sperrbrecher. |
Entered Brest |
07.30 |
Passed timber block barrier. |
08.30 |
Made fast. |
Greeting by Flottillenchef. |
Successes: |
1 Steamer, "MERCIER" 7866 GRT. |
Still on board:
11 torpedoes |
9 cbm fuel oil. |
Special experiences: Nothing to report. |