- 1 - |
24.12.42 - |
L o r i e n t |
Shipyard overhaul of the boat. Leave for a part of the crew 28.12.42-14.01.43. Outfitting of the boat for the 2nd patrol. |
30.01.43 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
30.01.43 |
Send off by Flottillenchef. |
15.30 |
15.35 |
Cast off. |
15.58 |
Test dive. |
16.15 |
Surfaced. |
16.35 |
Taken in convoy. |
20.00 |
BF 6173 |
SW 5, Sea 4-5, 9/10, Nimbus, rain squalls, Vis. 3 nm, Summer lightening |
20.15 |
Released from convoy. |
24.00 |
BF 6177 |
SW 5, Sea 5, 2/10, Fractocumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
31.01.43 |
B a y o f B i s c a y |
04.00 |
BF 5534 |
SW 5, Sea 5, 10/10, Nimbus, Vis. 1-2 nm, rain showers |
08.00 |
BF 5551 |
SW 7, Sea 6, short Swell, 9/10, Nimbus, Vis. 4 nm, at times moonshine, rain showers |
08.14 |
BF 5551 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 5546 |
Day's run: = 79 nm |
= 10 nm |
14.15 |
Reached the 200-meter line. |
16.00 |
BF 5548 |
19.40 |
BF 5571 |
Surfaced. |
SW 4, Sea 4, medium Swell, 2/10, Nimbus, Vis. 5 nm |
- 2 - |
continued |
31.01.43 |
20.00 |
BF 5493 |
Vis. 3 nm |
24.00 |
BF 5486 |
SW 5, Sea 4, 6/10, Nimbus, Vis. changing 1-3 nm, hail showers |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
01.02.43 |
04.00 |
BF 5487 |
SW 5, Sea 4, 4/10, Nimbus, medium Swell, Vis. 1-2 nm, hail showers |
07.42 |
BF 5712 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
SW 6, Sea 5, medium Swell, 3/10 Nimbus, Vis. changing 3-4 nm, rain showers |
12.00 |
BF 5714 |
Day's run: = 53.5 nm |
= 34.0 nm |
16.00 |
BF 4939 |
19.30 |
BF 4962 |
Surfacing. |
WSW 4, Sea 4-5, medium Swell, 2/10 Nimbus, Vis. 6 nm |
20.00 |
BF 4961 |
Vis. 4 nm |
20.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 1947/1/25 |
1.) As temporary attack areas occupy: Feiler square 04, Mannstein square 05, Hüttemann square 06, Gelhaus square 08, Schäfer square 09 [BE 59] , Eppen square 17, all in Otto Otto. |
24.00 |
BF 4958 |
WSW 3, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, medium Swell |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
02.02.43 |
04.00 |
BF 4948 |
WSW 3-4, Sea 4, medium Swell, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
- 3 - |
continued |
02.02.43 |
07.26 |
BF 4869 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
WSW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 6/10, changing, rain showers,m Vis. 5 nm |
12.00 |
BF 4892 |
Day's run: = 56 nm |
= 34.5 nm |
16.00 |
BF 4886 |
19.56 |
BF 4888 |
Surfaced. |
WNW 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
20.50 |
Incoming Radio Message 1814/2/51 (Officer-Only) |
20.58 |
Incoming Radio Message 1258/2/47 (Officer-Only) |
Set off on course for new position. Going against the sea and swell initially only 9, then 12 knots. |
24.00 |
BF 4878 |
Switched to Ireland Circuit. |
WNW 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
03.02.43 |
04.00 |
BF 4797 |
WNW 3, Sea 2-3, medium Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
08.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 94.5°T, 40 nm = BF 7212 |
W 3, Sea 2-3, medium Swell, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5-6 nm |
10.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 1003/3/156: |
2.) Group Hartherz radio silence, no passing reports. Circuit is Ireland. |
12.00 |
BF 7121 |
Day's run: = 74 nm |
SSW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 7/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 37 nm |
12.20 |
BF 7113 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 330°T, course approximately 180°, range about 6 nm, medium altitude, was unnoticed. |
Crash dive together with with deep dive attempt depth = A +45 meters. No significant issues. |
13.22 |
BF 7112 |
Surfaced. |
S 2, Sea 2, light SSW-Swell, 8/10, Nimbus, hazy, Vis. up to 5 nm |
- 4 - |
continued |
03.02.43 |
13.27 |
BF 7112 |
Crash dive for sustained horizontal detection 180 cm, very loud. Nothing seen. |
14.07 |
BF 7111 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
BE 9332 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2, light SSW-Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. up to 5 nm, hazy, rain |
20.00 |
BE 6971 |
NE 3-4, Sea 2-3, light NW-Swell, 9/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm |
20.41 |
Incoming Radio Message 2020/3/167: |
To Group Hartherz. |
Own air from 10.00 hours in sea area north of the line. On sighting the convoy Condor will give bearing signals. Bearing frequency 310 kHz, alternate frequency 367 kHz. Report bearings immediately. If no sighting, new air reconnaissance on 5 February intended. |
24.00 |
BE 6854 |
NW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, changing cloudiness, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
04.02.43 |
04.00 |
BE 6737 |
NNW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
07.00 |
In position in Hartherz patrol line. Boat is positioned in accordance with Standing Order No. 8 back and forth in the ordered area in the direction of the patrol line. |
08.00 |
BE 6712 |
N 1, Sea 1, 4/10, Vis. 4 nm |
09.53 |
BE 6713 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 60°T, course N, low, range about 7 nm. Was unnoticed. Own course at the time of the sighting 90°. |
10.36 |
BE 6713 |
Surfaced. |
N 1, Sea 1, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
- 5 - |
continued |
04.02.43 |
11.52 |
BE 6713 |
Crash dive for aircraft in approach bearing 50°T, course 230°, medium altitude, range about 5 nm. Own course 270°. |
N 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 15 nm |
Starboard negative buoyancy tank is out of service. |
12.00 |
Day's run: = 227 nm |
= 3.5 nm |
12.30 |
Surfaced. |
12.38 |
BE 6713 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 180°T, medium altitude, course about 270°, range 4-5 nm, own course 270°. |
13.38 |
BE 6713 |
Surfaced. |
13.55 |
Incoming Radio Message 1345/4/192: |
Serial No. 189 for Hartherz boats is settled. Feiler, Mannstein, pursue on Mannstein report. |
14.20 |
Incoming Radio Message 1249/4/189: |
Feiler, Mannstein, Schäfer and Eppen head for Karl Dora 63 at highest sustained speed. Proceed on the surface without regard to aircraft detections. |
Operation intended on large convoy detected in naval square Bruno Dora. |
14.42 |
BE 6712 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 290°T, medium altitude, course about 150°, range 7 nm. Own course 270°. |
15.08 |
BE 6712 |
Surfaced. |
15.94 |
Incoming Radio Message 1140/4/184: |
Group Hartherz. |
English steamer reported attack in square Zet Paul 0657 at 09.33 hours. |
Own air shifts reconnaissance area in own disposition. |
16.00 |
BE 6712 |
SW 1-2, Sea 1, light Swell, 2/10, Vis. 15 nm |
16.19 |
Incoming Radio Message 1603/4/196: |
Hartherz. |
2nd steamer probably southerly course at 14.20 hours sighted by air in naval square Bruno Emil 6191. |
20.00 |
BE 6712 |
SW 1-2, Sea 1, light Swell, 9/10, Vis. 7 nm |
- 6 - |
continued |
04.02.43 |
21.17 |
Incoming Radio Message 2055/4/102: |
Group Hartherz. |
1.) Own air tomorrow from lightness in area and north therefrom. Bearing frequency 443 kHz, alternate frequency 510 kHz |
2.) Mannstein and Feiler, if no further observations, return to position. |
21.37 |
BE 6721 |
Crash dive. Searchlight about a hand's width above the horizon bearing 310°T. Light ray fluctuated in height, impact angle of the light beam was sharper quickly. Range 2-4 nm. No detection in the Fu.M.B.. Own course 90°. |
Assume and aircraft because there was no sound bearing. |
22.52 |
BE 6721 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
BE 6712 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
05.02.43 |
04.00 |
BE 6712 |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, medium-strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BE 6721 |
SW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 9/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm |
12.00 |
BE 6721 |
Day's run: = 139.5 nm |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 9/10 Stratus, Vis. 9 nm |
= 10.6 nm |
16.00 |
BE 6712 |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
20.00 |
BE 6721 |
SW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm |
24.00 |
BE 6713 |
SW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
06.02.43 |
04.00 |
BE 6713 |
SW 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 1 nm, misty |
- 7 - |
continued |
06.02.43 |
08.00 |
BE 6713 |
WSW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, misty |
12.00 |
BE 6713 |
Day's run: = 148 nm |
NW 2, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 6/10, Vis. 10 nm |
= -- nm |
13.27 |
BE 6712 |
Crash dive for aircraft in approach from 10°T, course 180°, range 3000 meters, own course 270°. |
14.49 |
BE 6712 |
Surfaced. |
14.57 |
BE 6712 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 260°T, course about 210°, range 4000 meters, own course 90°. |
15.30 |
5 aircraft bombs, far off. |
16.15 |
BE 6713 |
Surfaced. |
NW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
16.17 |
BE 6713 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 200°T, course about 90°, range 6000 meters, own course 90°. |
16.24 |
2 aircraft bombs far off. |
18.10 |
BE 6721 |
Surfaced. |
18.23 |
Incoming Radio Message 1549/6/130: |
Group Hartherz. |
Group dissolved at 20.00 hours. |
1.) New objectives: Mannstein, Feiler, Hasenschar, Kruschka, Hüttemann square Quatsch Cäsar 92, Schäfer, Eppen, Gelhaus square Viktor Wilhelm 73. [CF 73] Passing report by fuel inventory report at the latitude of Luci Nanni 77, or Hans Emil 87. |
2.) Kummetat, Rodler, Nölke return transit. |
18.25 |
BE 6721 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 200°T, course about 110°, range 5000 meters, own course 90°. |
19.52 |
BE 6721 |
Surfaced. |
NNW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, changing cloudiness, Vis. 7 nm |
20.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 118°T, 16 nm = BE 6726 |
20.16 |
Incoming Radio Message 1840/6/132: |
Group Hartherz. |
Contrary to precious order remain in patrol line Serial No. 130 canceled. |
- 8 - |
continued |
06.02.43 |
24.00 |
BE 6725 |
NNW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
07.02.43 |
04.00 |
BE 6724 |
NW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BE 6712 |
NW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
08.50 |
BE 6712 |
2 times red-green double star bearing 85°T (air warning signal). |
09.00 |
BE 6712 |
2 cm shot bearing 80°T, probably at aircraft, range about 16 nm. |
09.03 |
BE 6712 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 110°T, medium-altitude, course about 200°, range 6000 meters, was unnoticed. Own course due to over deck work 335°. |
09.10 - 10.15 |
BE 6712 |
Small band in the listening gear bearing 60°T, long range, approaching slightly, then growing weaker. Sounds disappeared at 10.15 hours in 30°T. |
10.43 |
BE 6713 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
BE 6713 |
Day's run: = 51.4 nm |
NW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 4/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 13 nm |
= 24.1 nm |
12.12 |
BE 6713 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 10°T, medium altitude, course about 270°, range 9000 meters, was unnoticed. Own course 90°. |
12.50 |
BE 6713 |
Surfaced. |
12.58 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1157/7/151: |
09.10 to 10.15 hours small sound band bearing 60°T, long range, closed slightly then no longer heard. Continuous air. |
Schäfer. |
13.43 |
BE 6721 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 180°T, medium altitude, course 90°, then approached. Range 9000 meters. Own course 90°. |
15.42 |
Surfaced. |
- 9 - |
continued |
07.02.43 |
15.25 |
BE 6721 |
Crash dive for aircraft in approach from 240°T, range = 8000 meters, own course 270°. |
16.45 |
BE 6713 |
Surfaced. |
WSW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
18.33 |
Incoming Radio Message 1456/7/157 (Officer-Only). |
Come to course 210° and economical transit speed. |
20.00 |
BE 6712 |
S 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 9/10, Vis. 3 nm |
24.00 |
BE 5966 |
SSW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
08.02.43 |
04.00 |
BE 5997 |
S 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
BE 8352 |
SSW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm |
12.00 |
BE 8384 |
Day's run: = 134.8 nm |
SSW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm |
= 13.1 nm |
16.00 |
BE 8615 |
SW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, changing Vis. (5-10 nm) and cloudiness |
20.00 |
BE 8569 |
W 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 8 nm |
22.25 |
Incoming Radio Message 2159/8/192: |
1.) Hüttemann proceed via meeting point in accordance with Serial No. 183 and deliver Chief Engineer to Tinschert. |
2.) Schäfer and Nissen tonight report position. Nissen afterwards suggest meeting point and later report completion. |
- 10 - |
continued |
08.02.43 |
23.56 |
Incoming Radio Message 1336/8/194: |
Position Nissen naval square Cäsar Fritz 2691. Signal received with Volume 3. |
24.00 |
BE 8579 |
W 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
09.02.43 |
00.27 |
Outgoing Beta Signal: |
My position is BE 8831 still have 211 cbm fuel oil. |
Schäfer. |
01.56 |
Incoming Radio Message 0136/9/195: |
Schäfer reports: Position naval square Bruno Emil 8831 still have 211 cbm fuel oil. |
02.15 |
Incoming Radio Message 0125/9/196: |
From Nissen: Meeting today 12.00 hours naval square Cäsar Fritz 2335. |
04.00 |
BE 8852 |
WNW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm |
08.00 |
BE 8884 |
NW 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm |
08.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 351°T, 23 nm = BE 8846 |
10.50 |
Incoming Radio Message 1020/9/102: |
4.) New objective for Lauzemis and Schäfer is Xant Ulrich 60. [DN 60 - Windward Passage] |
12.00 |
BE 8878 |
Day's run: = 145 nm |
NW 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= ./. nm |
13.00 |
CF 1335 |
Boat is positioned at the meeting point with Nissen. |
Nothing seen. Position first reached at 13.00 hours due to temporary failure of the port diesel. |
Shot several Recognition Signal cartridges. No answer. |
Searched for 3 hours in vain in visibility of 12 nm. |
15.58 |
Outgoing Beta Signal: |
Request bearing Signals from Nissen to meet. |
Schäfer. |
- 11 - |
continued |
09.02.43 |
16.00 |
CF 2335 |
N 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.22 |
Incoming Radio Message 1613/9/109: |
Schäfer requests bearing signals from Nissen for meeting. |
Nissen gave bearing signals twice, the no more. Operated at increased speed. Despite this could not meet before darkness. |
According to the evening navigation fix and back plotting the position at 13.00 hours was correct. |
17.50 |
Bearing signals from Nissen in 297°T. |
18.10 |
Reported bearing results two times. Nissen did not acknowledge. |
20.00 |
CF 2321 |
N 2, Sea 1, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
20.10 |
Fired Recognition Signals in the twilight. No answer. |
20.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 190°T, 9 nm = CF 2316 |
22.17 |
Incoming Radio Message 2150/9/119: |
Nissen sends bearing signals for Schäfer. |
22.40 |
Nissen bearing signals in 144°T. |
23.20 |
Results were acknowledged. |
23.50 |
Boat came to course 144°. |
24.00 |
CF 2319 |
Wind and sea 0, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
N o r t h A t l a n t i c |
eastern part |
10.02.43 |
00.17 |
CF 2316 |
U-boat Nissen bearing 144°T. Recognition Signals exchanged. |
01.16 |
Kaptlt.(Ing.) Grade disembarked. |
02.02 |
Transfer ended. Boat began transit into the operations area. |
03.25 |
Incoming Radio Message 0304/10/130: |
Nissen has completed task. Signal heard with Volume 3. |
- 12 - |
continued |
10.02.43 |
04.00 |
CF 2317 |
Wind and Sea 0, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CF 2256 |
Wind and Sea 0, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
08.49 |
CF 2258 |
Test dive. |
09.35 |
CF 2257 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CF 2272 |
Day's run: = 170.8 nm |
W 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= 3.0 nm |
14.37 |
Incoming Radio Message 1347/10/135: |
To boats of the 2. Uflottille. |
Have handed over the Flottille to Korv.Kapt. Kals. Continued salvation and victory. Schütze. |
16.00 |
CF 2197 |
SW 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
CF 2415 |
SW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.00 |
CF 1661 |
S 2, Sea 1, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
11.02.43 |
04.00 |
CF 1649 |
S 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Cumulus, Vis.3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CF 1594 |
S 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
CF 1821 |
Day's run: = 166 nm |
S 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
CE 3936 |
SSW 3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 4/10, Vis. changing 5-10 nm, at times rain |
- 13 - |
continued |
11.02.43 |
19.55 |
Incoming Radio Message 1908/11/170: |
2.) Christophersen, U-268 and Koitschka switch to Ireland Circuit on 12 February at 08.00 hours, Franke Coastal, Schäfer America 2. |
20.00 |
CE 3953 |
SSW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.00 |
CE 3947 |
SSW 2, Sea 3, light Swell, 6/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 4 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
A z o r e s |
12.02.43 |
04.00 |
CE 3886 |
SSW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 1-3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 6212 |
Switched to America 2 Circuit. |
S 3, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Vis. changing 1-3 nm, light Swell |
09.07 |
CE 6211 |
Test dive. |
10.26 |
CE 6136 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CE 6138 |
Day's run: = 148 nm |
S 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
= 5 nm |
13.25 |
Azores (Graciosa and Pico) in sight bearing 195°-200°T. |
16.00 |
CE 6174 |
SE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 15 nm |
20.00 |
CE 5623 |
E 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
20.30 |
Pico out of sight. |
21.05 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 217°T, 31 nm = CE 5625 |
24.00 |
CE 5618 |
SE 2, Sea 1, light Swell, cloudless, Vis. 4 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 14 - |
13.02.43 |
N o r t h A t l a n t i c |
c e n t r a l |
04.00 |
CE 5556 |
SE 2-3, Sea 1-2, light Swell, Nimbus, Vis. changing at times drizzle, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 5575 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, Cumulonimbus, Vis. changing 1-3 nm, at times drizzle |
09.08 |
CE 5574 |
Test dive. |
09.30 |
CE 5574 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CE 5498 |
Day's run: = 193.5 nm |
ESE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, Cumulus, changing, Vis. 10-12 nm, at times drizzle |
= 2.5 nm |
16.00 |
CE 5724 |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
20.00 |
CE 4962 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
20.15 - 20.45 |
AK cruise. |
In accordance with "Standing Order No. 29" the diesels should be run, with consideration of the start time, every 4th day half an hour at AK. |
Fuel consumption with the fast running of the diesels amounts to 1/2 cbm - 12.5 cbm in 100 sea days, that means 6-8 days less in the operations area. |
On this basis I will refrain from carrying out the high speed run initially on the long transit and will do so in the operations area according to the situation depending on fuel inventory. |
24.00 |
CE 4973 |
ESE 1, Sea 1, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 15 - |
14.02.43 |
04.00 |
CE 4898 |
SE 1-2, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 7724 |
S 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. changing 1-3 nm |
09.24 |
CE 7216 |
Test dive. |
09.43 |
CE 7216 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CE 7217 |
Day's run: = 74 nm |
S 2, Sea 2, 6/10 Cirrus, Vis. 13 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
CE 7156 |
E 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
20.00 |
CE 7172 |
E 2, Sea 2, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6-13 nm, rain showers |
24.00 |
CD 9597 |
E 2, Sea 2, 6/10 Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
15.02.43 |
04.00 |
CD 9616 |
E 2, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CD 9562 |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
09.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 212°T, 15 nm = CD 9583 |
09.42 |
CD 9583 |
Test dive. |
10.04 |
CD 9583 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CD 9579 |
Day's run: = 180 nm |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 2/10, Vis. 14 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
CD 9755 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
- 16 - |
continued |
15.02.43 |
20.00 |
CD 9727 |
E 3, Sea 3, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm, light Swell |
24.00 |
CD 8966 |
SE 4, Sea 4, light Swell, Cumulus, changing, Vis. 3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
16.02.43 |
04.00 |
CD 8982 |
SE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CD 8977 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
09.57 |
DF 2133 |
Test dive. |
10.33 |
DF 2135 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DF 2134 |
Day's run: = 164 nm |
ESE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DF 2143 |
SSE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
20.00 |
DF 1368 |
SSE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
22.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 15°T, 4 nm = DF 1383 |
24.00 |
BF 1384 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, Cumulus, changing, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
17.02.43 |
04.00 |
BF 1535 |
SE 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, no marine phosphorescence, bright night |
08.00 |
BF 1528 |
SE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
- 17 - |
continued |
17.02.43 |
10.07 |
DF 1543 |
Test dive. |
10.30 |
DF 1543 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DF 1544 |
Day's run: = 167 nm |
SE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DF 1591 |
SE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
20.00 |
DF 1499 |
SE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
24.00 |
DE 3935 |
SE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
18.02.43 |
04.00 |
DE 3951 |
SSE 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, no marine phosphorescence, bright moonlit night. |
08.00 |
DE 3869 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 9/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm |
10.27 |
DE 3892 |
Test dive, together with deep dive and leak response training. Port negative buoyancy tank failed. |
When coming from deep dive from depth A -40 meters to periscope depth a loud sound of air escaping outboard was heard, in the periscope on the surface strong air blowing was visible. |
11.45 |
DE 3892 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DE 3886 |
Day's run: = 163 nm |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 9/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 5 nm |
16.00 |
DE 6212 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Stratus, Vis. 9-12 nm, hazy horizon |
16.11 |
DE 6212 |
Bow suddenly high out on the hazy horizon bearing 315°T. |
Own course 245°. |
16.12 |
DE 6212 |
Crash dive. |
- 18 - |
continued |
18.02.43 |
16.20 |
DE 6212 |
Diesel sounds in the GHG bearing 300°T. |
Due to the failure of both negative buoyancy tanks the boat cut under several times, so that sufficient observation was thwarted. The vessel was later identified as a tanker with 4 masts or 2 masts with 2 high ventilators with large magnification in the periscope. |
Tanker shifted very quickly in the GHG and disappeared suddenly in the periscope, no longer heard in the GHG. |
17.03 |
DE 6213 |
Surfaced. Pursued at GF on the roughly determined enemy course 120°-150°. |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10, Stratus, Vis. 9-12 nm, hazy horizon |
Nothing seen after an hour. |
18.04 |
DE 6213 |
Crash dive to listen. No sound bearings. |
18.20 |
DE 6213 |
Surfaced. |
Because course data was inexact and enemy speed was at least 14 knots, set the boat back on the transit into the operations area. |
Assumption: Fast runner which had seen us and zigzagged. At sighting target angle was estimated at left 20°. If the course remained the same, he would have come within range. |
20.00 |
DE 6218 |
S 1, Sea 1, light Swell, cloudless, Vis. 12 nm, hazy horizon |
22.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 127°T, 12 nm = DE 6247 |
24.00 |
DE 6195 |
S 1, Sea 1, light Swell, cloudless, Vis. 5 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
19.02.43 |
04.00 |
DE 6188 |
S 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, no marine phosphorescence, bright moonlit night |
08.00 |
DE 6414 |
S 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm |
10.57 |
DE 5638 |
Test dive. |
11.16 |
DE 5638 |
Surfaced. |
- 19 - |
continued |
19.02.43 |
12.00 |
DE 5637 |
Day's run: = 158 nm |
SSW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 6.3 nm |
16.00 |
DE 5649 |
SSW 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, rain, Vis. 5-10 nm |
20.00 |
DE 5595 |
SSW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, rain, Vis. 7-12 nm |
24.00 |
DE 5588 |
WNW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2-5 nm, at times rain |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
20.02.43 |
04.00 |
DE 5814 |
N 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, rain showers, Vis. 3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DE 5753 |
N 2, Sea 1, light Swell, 5/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 4 nm, lunar eclipse. |
10.55 |
DE 5757 |
Crash dive for training. Due to failure of both negative buoyancy tanks practiced pumping from the regulating tanks. |
11.43 |
DE 5757 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DE 5749 |
Day's run: = 164 nm |
NE 2, Sea 1, light Swell, 2/10 Cirrus, Vis. 14 nm |
= 3 nm |
16.00 |
DE 4999 |
NNE 2, Sea 1, light Swell, 1/10 Cirrus, Vis. 14 nm |
20.00 |
DE 7312 |
NNE 3, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
23.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 212°T, 22 nm = DE 7347 |
24.00 |
DE 7269 |
NNE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 20 - |
21.02.43 |
04.00 |
DE 7285 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, bright night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DE 7511 |
NE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 8/10 Cumulostratus, Vis. 3 nm |
11.12 |
DE 7437 |
Test dive. |
12.04 |
DE 7437 |
Surfaced. Day's run: = 183 nm |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 8/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 3 nm |
16.00 |
DE 7446 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 8/10, Vis. 9 nm |
20.00 |
DD 9692 |
E 4, Sea 4, light Swell, 10/10, Nimbus, Vis. 6 nm, rain |
24.00 |
DD 9688 |
ESE 4, Sea 4, light Swell, 10/10, rain clouds, Vis. 2 nm, rain |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
22.02.43 |
N o r t h A t l a n t i c |
western part |
04.00 |
DD 9914 |
SE 4, Sea 4, light Swell, 10/10, Nimbus, Vis. 4 nm, rain shower, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DD 9856 |
S 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 8/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 4 nm, rain shower |
12.00 |
DD 9873 |
Day's run: = 171 nm |
SSW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 10 nm, rain showers |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DD 9873 |
SSW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10, Stratus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DP 1226 |
SSW 2, Sea 2, Vis. 13 nm |
- 21 - |
continued |
22.02.43 |
23.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 65°T, 18 nm = DP 1227 |
24.00 |
DP 1227 |
SW 3, Sea 3, light Swell, Cumulus, Vis. changing up to 4 nm, rain showers |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
23.02.43 |
04.00 |
DP 1162 |
SW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm, bright night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DP 1149 |
W 2, Sea 2, very light, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
11.18 |
DO 3392 |
Test dive. |
11.41 |
DO 3394 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DO 3394 |
Day's run: = 149 nm |
W 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DO 3387 |
W 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DO 3532 |
W 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 15 nm |
24.00 |
DO 3518 |
W 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10, Vis. 4-6 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
24.02.43 |
01.29 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0037/24/396: |
Position 26 February A X 60. Today still 165 cbm. |
04.00 |
DO 3461 |
Schäfer. |
Wind and Sea 0, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DO 3448 |
WNW 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, bright moonlit night |
- 22 - |
continued |
24.02.43 |
11.27 |
DO 2691 |
Test dive. |
11.53 |
DO 2686 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DO 2686 |
Day's run: = 156 nm |
= 2 nm |
12.33 |
Incoming Radio Message 1132/24/314: (Officer-Only) |
14.37 |
Incoming Radio Message 1305/24/317: |
1.) Traffic situation: |
Convoy traffic from Colon or from the Trinidad Aruba area on direct courses via the Windward Passage for the Florida Strait (Key West) through the Bahamas Channel or to the north probably New York or Halifax. Assembly point suspected Guantanamo. On same route also independent traffic suspected. |
2.) Defense situation: |
Generally, also in areas named in previously Serial Nos. expect continual air. Radar likely. In passages by day suspect only remaining submerged is possible. Sea surveillance suspected to be weak, as well convoy monitoring. Certainly untrained therefore do not over estimate during attacks on convoys. |
16.00 |
DO 2678 |
NW 1, Sea 1, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 15 nm |
20.00 |
DO 2825 |
Wind and Sea 0, 10/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 15 nm |
24.00 |
DO 2841 |
NNE 1, Sea 1, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 6 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
25.02.43 |
04.00 |
DO 2755 |
SSE 1, Sea 1, 10/10, Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, at times drizzle, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 180°T, 17 nm = DO 4333 |
S 1, Sea 1, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
11.48 |
DO 4324 |
Test dive, together with instruction of the crew once again in security, behavior in captivity etc. |
SE 1, Sea 1, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 15 nm |
- 23 - |
continued |
25.02.43 |
12.00 |
DO 4327 |
Day's run: = 175 nm |
= 0.5 nm |
12.20 |
DO 4327 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DO 4262 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
20.00 |
DO 4246 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
23.x7 |
Incoming Radio Message 2210/25/385: |
The Vichy faithful islands of the Caribbean may not be called on in case of sea emergency, because there is danger of internment. |
24.00 |
DO 4167 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
26.02.43 |
DO 4173 |
04.00 |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, starry clear, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DN 6396 |
E 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, bright moonlit night, Vis. 4 nm |
11.35 |
DN 6388 |
Test dive. |
E 1, Sea 1, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
12.00 |
Day's run: = 158 nm |
= 1.5 nm |
12.36 |
DN 6388 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DN 6611 |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
20.00 |
DN 6526 |
SSE 1, Sea 1, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
24.00 |
DN 6518 |
Wind and Sea 0, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 24 - |
27.02.43 |
00.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 255°T, 49 nm = DN 6446 |
04.00 |
DN 5668 |
Wind and Sea 0, cloudless, starry clear, Vis. 3 nm, medium marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DN 5673 |
Wind and Sea 0, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, bright moon |
11.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 232°T, 17 nm = DN 5823 |
Reached the entrance to the Caicos Strait. |
12.00 |
DN 5822 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
SSW 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
Day's run: = 196 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DN 5827 |
20.00 |
DN 5845 |
23.45 |
Surfaced. |
24.00 |
DN 5881 |
NW 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
28.02.43 |
00.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 149°T, 5 nm = DN 5885 |
04.00 |
DN 8227 |
NW 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, starry clear, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DN 8281 |
Wind and Sea 0, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, bright moonlit night |
09.43 |
DN 8287 |
Shadow bearing 165°T, was recognized as a small coastal sailing vessel. While preparing for artillery attack at 10.00 hours the Island of Tortuga came in sight bearing 180°T. |
Wind and Sea 0, 2/10, Vis. 5 nm, bright moon |
The objective is too minor to betray the presence of the boat for, broke off the approach. Own course at the time of the sighting 185°. |
11.46 |
DN 8515 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 8 nm |
- 25 - |
continued |
28.02.43 |
12.00 |
DN 8515 |
Day's run: = 90 nm |
= 38 nm |
12.03 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 192°T, 11 nm = DN 8512 |
16.00 |
DN 8435 |
20.00 |
DN 8429 |
24.00 |
DN 8428 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
01.03.43 |
W i n d w a r d |
P a s s a g e |
C a r i b b e a n S e a |
01.03.43 |
DN 8428 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 1-2, cloudless, Vis. 3 nm, starry clear |
00.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 88°T, 5 nm = DN 8428 |
01.21 |
DN 8451 |
Continuing horizontally polarized detection on 167 and 168 cm at weak, medium, great and very great Volume, usually only interrupted for a short time. |
03.30 |
Last detection 168 cm, as with all previous ones out maneuvered by hard rudder |
Assume: land radar, because neither a vessel or an aircraft was sighted. |
Own course at first detection 240°. |
04.00 |
DN 7696 |
ENE 2-3, Sea 2, cloudless, starry clear, Vis. 3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DN 7672 |
E 2, Sea 2, cloudless, starry clear, Vis. 3 nm |
11.00 |
DN 7583 |
Searchlight illuminated bearing 355°T, long range. Own course 275°. |
11.38 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 219°T, 10 nm = DN 7582 |
11.39 |
DN 7582 |
Shadow bearing 270°T, lies athwart our course, distance about 6 nm. Own course 275°. |
11.49 |
DN 7581 |
Crash dive, because the shadow was athwart our course against the clear eastern horizon shortly before sunrise we would certainly have been seen. |
E 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, horizon in the west lightly hazy, clear in the east, Vis. 5-9 nm |
Nothing seen in the periscope. G.H.G.: no sound bearing. |
Did not recognize what it was. |
- 26 - |
continued |
01.03.43 |
12.00 |
DN 7581 |
Day's run: = 114 nm |
= 36 nm |
14.45 - 15.00 |
6 detonations, medium range. |
16.00 |
DN 7572 |
19.20 |
DN 7493 |
Sound bearing in 325°T, single sound, long range. Despite 2-hour search nothing seen in the periscope. |
Suspect: harbor watch vessel off Santiago. |
20.00 |
DN 7493 |
24.00 |
DN 7491 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
02.03.43 |
00.35 |
DN 7467 |
Surfaced. It is still so bright that the entrance to Santiago is easily recognized. Vessels were not seen. Off the entrance 2 faint buoys. Morse traffic on rocks right and left of the entrance. Over the city a bright glow, on the mountain individual lights. West of Santiago in the countryside bright light glow in the sky (Nima Nima). |
SE 1, Sea 1, cloudless, starry clear, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
DN 7449 |
SE 1, Sea 1, cloudless, starry clear, Vis. 3 nm |
08.00 |
DM 9668 |
E 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
11.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 275°T, 8 nm = DM 9673 |
11.58 |
DM 9673 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
12.00 |
DM 9673 |
Day's run: = 77 nm |
= 38 nm |
16.00 |
DM 9679 |
20.00 |
DM 9596 |
24.00 |
DM 9598 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
03.03.43 |
00.55 |
DM 9598 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
04.00 |
DM 9496 |
E 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
- 27 - |
continued |
03.03.43 |
08.00 |
DM 9469 |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
DM 9455 |
Day's run: = 69 nm |
E 1, Sea 1, 7/10 Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, at times rain, lightening over Cuba |
= 23 nm |
12.10 |
DM 9455 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 5 nm |
16.00 |
DM 9454 |
20.00 |
DM 9443 |
24.00 |
DM 9442 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
04.03.43 |
00.46 |
DM 9442 |
Surfaced. |
Wind and Sea 0, 2/10 Cumulus, horizon lightly hazy, Vis. 6 nm |
01.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 273°T, 23 nm = DM 8637 |
04.00 |
DM 8619 |
Wind and Sea 0, 1/10 Stratus, horizon lightly hazy, Vis. 2 nm, strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DM 8537 |
Wind and Sea 0, 2/10, Stratus, horizon hazy, Vis. 2 nm |
12.00 |
DM 8518 |
Day's run: = 103 nm |
NNE 3, Sea 2, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
= 22 nm |
12.24 |
DM 8517 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 5-6 nm |
16.00 |
DM 8439 |
20.00 |
DM 8437 |
24.00 |
DM 8429 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
05.03.43 |
00.38 |
DM 8429 |
Surfaced. |
Wind and Sea 0, 3/10, thunderstorms, Vis. 4-6 nm |
- 28 - |
continued |
05.03.43 |
05.30 |
DM 8418 |
Boat has reached the operations area. |
ENE 1, Sea 1, cloudless, Vis. 203 nm, medium strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DM 7637 |
E 1, Sea 1, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
DM 7627 |
Day's run: = 74 nm |
E 1, Sea 1 Cumulus, quickly changing, Vis. 3 nm |
= 26 nm |
12.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 210°T, 8 nm = DM 7617 |
12.32 |
DM 7619 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm |
16.00 |
DM 7538 |
20.00 |
DM 7529 |
24.00 |
DM 7528 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
06.03.43 |
00.44 |
DM 7528 |
Surfaced. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm, Summer lightening |
01.50 |
DM 7527 |
2 lights bearing 240°T, on closing were identified as the illuminated neutrality markings, blue-yellow-blue transversely. Course is east, speed about 7 knots. Own course on sighting 270°. |
SE 1, Sea 1, cloudless, Vis. 3 nm |
03.24 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0246/6/309: |
Naval square DM 7527 illuminated Swede course 70°. Question knocking off. Schäfer. |
04.34 |
Incoming Radio Message 0415/6/310: |
To Schäfer. |
If not on the list for "Göteborg-traffic", you may stop the ship and disembark the crew and sink. See War Order 105 Paragraph 1. |
The colors on the sigh on the stern and the side of the hull are initially difficult to make out and were at first recognized as blue-yellow-blue. With increasing darkness in the now recognized as a white strip and a spot is distinguished, which puts the Swedish flag in doubt |
- 29 - |
continued |
06.03.43 |
and leads one to settle on the Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua or Argentinian war or merchant flag. With the best of intentions, the Argentinian flag, neither the merchant or the war flag cannot be perfectly distinguished. Only closing only to just under 300 meters resolves all doubts, since now the name can be read off the side of the hull, it is "RIO DULSE" Buenos Aires. |
05.28 |
DM 7554 |
After determining its neutrality the boat set off on course 300°. |
SE 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
06.32 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0612/6/311: |
Reported steamer is Argentinian. 144 cbm. Schäfer. |
08.00 |
DM 7543 |
SE 2, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
09.36 |
Incoming Radio Message 0803/6/312: |
To Schäfer. |
In no case knock off Argentinian. See Orders. |
12.00 |
DM 7435 |
Day's run: = 92 nm |
SE 3, Sea 3, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
= 26 nm |
12.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 218°T, 13 nm = DM 7453 |
12.38 |
DM 7429 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
16.00 |
DM 7425 |
20.00 |
DM 7421 |
24.00 |
DM 7179 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
07.03.43 |
00.50 |
DM 7179 |
Surfaced. |
SE 1-2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
04.00 |
DM 7148 |
SE 1, Sea 1, cloudless, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DL 9335 |
S 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
- 30 - |
continued |
07.03.43 |
10.07 |
DL 6994 |
Light bearing 345°T, on closing recognized as a small Argentinian. Course 110°, speed about 6 nm. Neutrality markings illuminated as with previous sighting. |
Own course on sighting 330°. |
Y u c a t a n Strait |
10.24 |
Faint light fixed beacon with flash Cape San Antonio, bearing 5°T. |
11.07 |
After recognizing as neutral moved off on course 270°. |
12.00 |
DL 6983 |
Day's run: = 87 nm |
Sea 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
= 25 nm |
12.15 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 330°T, 6 nm = DL 6958 |
12.31 |
DL 6983 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 7 nm |
16.00 |
DL 6959 |
16.10 |
Sound bearing in 330°T, shifted ahead to 345°T, very great range, then is lost. Nothing seen in the periscope. Own course 90°. |
20.00 |
DL 6967 |
24.00 |
DL 6969 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
08.03.43 |
00.38 |
DL 6969 |
Surfaced. |
SSE 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
04.00 |
DL 6957 |
N 1-2, Sea 1, changing cloudiness Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DL 6957 |
NE 3, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
DL 6956 |
Day's run: = 72 nm |
NNE 3, Sea 3, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, Summer lightening |
= 16 nm |
12.38 |
DL 6956 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 7 nm |
16.00 |
DL 6964 |
- 31 - |
continued |
08.03.43 |
19.30 |
DL 6958 |
GHG: sounds in a broad band. |
Masts were distinguished in 138°T, Closed. |
20.00 |
DL 6956 |
New sound bearing in 250°T. |
Because this vessel is closer and I am still in a favorable position, will deal with it first. |
At a distance of 900 meters Argentinian neutrality markings were recognized. |
21.02 |
DL 6956 |
After getting away from the Argentinian surfaced, to pursue the other vessel. Sound bearing was no longer there. 2nd vessel was not sighted again. |
NNE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 5/10 Nimbus, Vis. 10 nm |
21.12 |
DL 6956 |
Crash dive for 2 aircraft approaching from 5°T. Medium altitude, range 7 nm, was unnoticed. Own course 245°. |
In 3 days in the vicinity of Cape San Antonio 3 small to medium Argentinians were encountered. Now something else may come soon. |
Moved off and made legs athwart the Strait. |
24.00 |
DL 6955 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
09.03.43 |
00.58 |
DL 6955 |
Surfaced. |
NE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 2 nm, strong marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
DL 6944 |
NE 3, Sea 2, light Swell,10/10 Cumulonimbus, strong marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DL 6856 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
DL 6845 |
Day's run: = 70 nm |
NNE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
= 16 nm |
12.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 314°T, 15 nm = DL 6763 |
12.35 |
DL 6763 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
NNE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm |
16.00 |
DL 6817 |
- 32 - |
continued |
09.03.43 |
20.00 |
DL 6818 |
24.00 |
DL 6819 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
10.03.43 |
01.21 |
DL 6821 |
Surfaced. |
NE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
DL 6831 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DL 6675 |
NE 3, Sea 3, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 32°T, 38 nm = DL 6683 |
Day's run: = 77 nm |
= 18 nm |
ENE 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.29 |
DL 6683 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 5 nm |
16.00 |
DL 6683 |
20.00 |
DL 6683 |
24.00 |
DL 6682 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
11.03.43 |
01.22 |
DL 6682 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, moonshine |
04.00 |
DL 6922 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, cloudless, Vis. 3 nm, clear moonlit night, light marine phosphorescence |
06.07 |
DL 6918 |
Shadow bearing 240°T. Own course 190°. Shadow is a freighter with 2 masts, amidships superstructure and stern superstructure. |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, cloudless, Vis. clear 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
Initially estimated speed 12 knots, then 14 knots. |
06.47 |
Single miss. Enemy speed = 14 knots, target angle 77°, range = 1500 meters, lead angle 27, depth 3 meters. |
07.48 |
DL 6921 |
During the pursuit a 2nd shadow came in sight briefly bearing 50°T. |
While matching speed 15 knots was determined. Freighter had a long foreship and was estimated at 7000 GRT, it was deeply loaded. |
- 33 - |
continued |
11.03.43 |
07.52 |
DL 6921 |
Two-fan enemy speed 15 knots, target angle 70°, range 1500 meters, depth 3 meters on the freighter. After 1 minute 55 seconds (range 1750 meters) a high black smoke pillar at the level of the after hatch. Immediately a boat was put to the water to port aft with bright illumination. The steamer transmitted position and Morse call-sign B R Y F. |
After the hit the steamer zigzagged wildly with speed about 7 knots and was down by the stern. |
2nd boat to the water. |
Because I also want to get the other steamer and this one still gives no indication of sinking, I decide on a coup de grâce. |
08.11 |
DL 6921 |
Coup de grâce (700 meters). Hit amidships. |
Steamer size 7000 GRT. |
Steamer settled now over the stern post slowly, the bow rose up steeply and disappeared. Stem was clearly recognized as Meyer form. |
The Morse call-sign B R Y F is not listed in Gröner. It might be a secret call-sign, however I have the impression that it is a modern new ship. |
Shortly before giving the coup de grâce the port diesel had to be slowed due to a broken valve spring. |
Because the 2nd steamer has passed out of sight, however it jumped in repeating the SOS call, and had certainly seen the bright illumination of the lifeboats, and initially the port diesel can only run at LF I gave up pursuit of the 2nd steamer. |
The matching speed and maneuvering ahead with enemy speed 15 knots as in the previous case is barely possible. Both diesels which made 460 RPM during testing at AK, can now make only 420 RPM due to high exhaust gas temperatures, that corresponds to the previous GF at 16 knots. Already after a short times at 430 RPM the exhaust gas manifold glows red hot. |
12.00 |
DL 6945 |
Day's run: = 98 nm |
ESE 2, Sea 2, cloudless, Vis. 3 nm |
= 12 nm |
12.23 |
DL 6948 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
DL 6949 |
16.46 |
2 distant aircraft bombs. |
- 34 - |
continued |
11.03.43 |
20.00 |
DL 6981 |
20.28 - 20.59 |
3 distant aircraft bombs. |
21.12 |
Propeller sounds bearing 340°T, long range, disappeared quickly. Own course 120°. |
24.00 |
DL 6982 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
12.03.43 |
00.50 |
DL 6982 |
Propeller sounds in 30°T, shifted slowly to 40°T, long range. Own course 120°. |
01.29 |
DL 6982 |
Surfaced to pursue the last sound bearing in 46°T at GF and course 50°. |
N 1, Sea 1, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, Summer lightening |
02.13 |
DL 6967 |
Dived to listen. No sound bearing. |
02.23 |
DL 6967 |
Surfaced. Moved off on course 260°. |
In and off the Yucatan Channel with currents of 1-3.5 knots listening is very difficult and very unpredictable. A well-distinguished bearing is the next moment hardly distinguishable, whereas one of the Argentinians mentioned earlier, who was in close proximity, could not be heard until very late. |
Twice tried to send situation report. Boat was not heard. |
04.00 |
DL 6958 |
N 1, Sea 1, cloudless, Vis. clear 3-4 nm, moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DL 6949 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
12.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 197°T, 13 nm = DL 9543 |
Day's run: = 68 nm |
= 18 nm |
SE 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
12.25 |
DL 9348 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
DL 9349 |
20.00 |
DL 9346 |
24.00 |
DL 9351 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 35 - |
13.03.43 |
01.24 |
DL 9352 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 2, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
01.32 |
Incoming Serial No. 2245/12/392: |
To Caribbean boats. |
You are reminded of attack prohibition against announced French merchant ships and small coastal traffic. |
03.40 |
Incoming Radio Message 1930/12/385: |
2.) U-183 report situation. |
04.00 |
DL 9337 |
E 2, Sea 2, cloudless, Vis. 2-3 nm, moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
04.49 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0403/13/301: |
1 March DN 8450 continual detections. In operations area day air no night radar. Metox reconstructed, still no experiences. 6, 7, 8 March each one Argentinian, course SE. 11 March 6921 freighter, course 40°, 15 knots, 7000 GRT sunk. Trade Winds 2, 132 cbm. Naval squares. |
Schäfer. |
08.00 |
DL 9331 |
E 2, Sea 2, cloudless, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 40°T, 11.5 nm = DL 6959 |
Day's run: = 78 nm |
= 17 nm |
E 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.17 |
DL 6959 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
DL 6957 |
20.00 |
DL 6946 |
24.00 |
DL 6945 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
14.03.43 |
01.35 |
DL 6945 |
Surfaced. |
E 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, moonshine |
04.00 |
DL 6865 |
E 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, moonshine, no marine phosphorescence |
- 36 - |
continued |
14.03.43 |
04.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 270°T, 11 nm = DL 6865 |
08.00 |
DL 6859 |
E 3, Sea 2-3, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
DL 6948 |
Day's run: = 75 nm |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 2/10 Stratus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
= 17 nm |
12.25 |
DL 6948 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
DL 6946 |
20.00 |
DL 6927 |
24.00 |
DL 6925 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
15.03.43 |
01.35 |
DL 6922 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, cloudless, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonshine |
04.00 |
DL 6919 |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
04.14 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 305°T, 3.5 nm = DL 6919 |
07.59 |
DL 6946 |
Light bearing 90°T, on closing it was a brightly illuminated steamer on course 320°. |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
08.46 |
Steamer later made a course change around Cape San Antonio at a distance of 14 nm on course 40°. With that the steamer turned its stern towards the boat. |
Further pursuit to establish the nationality would cost too much fuel. Therefore the boat came to old course 120°. |
09.19 |
Steamer out of sight bearing 20°T. |
11.28 |
Incoming Radio Message 1103/15/374: |
All boats in area DM, DL, EC, DN. |
During the full-moon period free to move off in the free sea area also to the west at own discretion. |
12.00 |
DL 6967 |
Day's run: = 72.5 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Stratus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
= 31 nm |
12.15 |
DL 6967 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
- 37 - |
continued |
15.03.43 |
16.00 |
DL 6967 |
16.50 |
Sound bearing in 200°T. |
17.00 |
In the periscope smoke cloud seen bearing 240°T. |
17.19 |
Aircraft bearing 90°T. |
20.00 |
DL 6992 |
24.00 |
DL 6995 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
16.03.43 |
01.37 |
DL 6995 |
Surfaced. |
E 2-3, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moon |
Moved off into the free sea area. |
Going to the southeast, intend to operate on the course between the Yucatan Channel and the passage between Rosalinnd and Pedro Banks, to possibly get southeast-northwest traffic. |
04.00 |
DL 9331 |
E 2-3, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
04.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 134°T, 25 nm = DM 7141 |
08.00 |
DL 9367 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moonlit night |
12.00 |
DL 9376 |
Day's run: = 61 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, starry clear, Vis. 2 nm |
= 25 nm |
12.28 |
DL 9375 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
DL 9376 |
20.00 |
DL 9384 |
24.00 |
DL 9385 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
17.03.43 |
01.31 |
DL 9386 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moon, Summer lightening |
04.00 |
DL 9625 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
- 38 - |
continued |
17.03.43 |
04.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 290°T, 4 nm = DM 9624 |
08.00 |
DL 9645 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
12.00 |
DL 9677 |
Day's run: = 66 nm |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
= 21 nm |
12.26 |
DL 9677 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 5 nm |
16.00 |
DL 9914 |
20.00 |
DL 9839 |
24.00 |
DL 9863 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
18.03.43 |
01.33 |
DL 9863 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, bright moon, Vis. 4 nm |
04.00 |
DL 9942 |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
04.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 284°T, 10 nm = DL 9839 |
08.00 |
DL 9927 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
12.00 |
DL 9937 |
Day's run: = 46 nm |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 8/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
= 21 nm |
12.26 |
DL 9937 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 5 nm |
16.00 |
DL 9935 |
20.00 |
DL 9939 |
24.00 |
DM 7711 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
19.03.43 |
01.29 |
DM 7711 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moon |
- 39 - |
continued |
19.03.43 |
04.00 |
DM 7713 |
ENE 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
04.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 51°T, 27 nm = DM 7491 |
08.00 |
DM 7572 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
12.00 |
DM 7583 |
Day's run: = 85 nm |
ENE 2, Sea 2, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
= 20 nm |
12.14 |
DM 7591 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 2 nm |
16.00 |
DM 7592 |
20.00 |
DM 7593 |
24.00 |
DM 7671 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
20.03.43 |
01.50 |
DM 7671 |
Surfaced. |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulus, changing, Vis. 4 nm, bright moon |
04.00 |
DM 7681 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, changing at times rain, Vis. 4 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
04.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 69°T, 19 nm = DM 7667 |
08.00 |
DM 7931 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 3/10, changing, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
12.00 |
DM 7964 |
Day's run: = 81 nm |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, changing cloudiness Cumulus, rain shower, bright moonshine, Vis. 4 nm |
= 20 nm |
12.07 |
DM 7964 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
DM 7956 |
20.00 |
DM 7955 |
- 40 - |
continued |
20.03.43 |
24.00 |
DM 7954 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
21.03.43 |
01.15 |
DM 7953 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 5/10 Cumulus, at times bright moon, Vis. 3 nm |
03.50 |
DM 7944 |
Light bearing 130°T, on closing an illuminated neutral distinguished on course 310°. |
ESE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10, Vis. 3-4 nm, at times bright moon, Summer lightening, no marine phosphorescence |
Own course on sighting 270°. |
As accepted traffic runs on the monitored course line. Where neutrals run others must also come. |
04.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 96°T, 11 nm = DM 7945 |
08.00 |
DM 7861 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, bright moonlit night, Vis. 2-4 nm, rain showers |
12.00 |
DM 7598 |
Day's run: = 53 nm |
ESE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
= 20 nm |
12.12 |
DM 7598 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
DM 7599 |
20.00 |
DM 7677 |
24.00 |
DM 7911 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
22.03.43 |
01.18 |
DM 7911 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, bright moon, Vis. 4 nm |
04.00 |
DM 7913 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, changing, Vis. 4 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
04.05 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 72°T, 23 nm = DM 7697 |
09.00 |
DM 7938 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm |
- 41 - |
continued |
22.03.43 |
12.00 |
DM 7927 |
Day's run: = 74 nm |
ESE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, bright moonshine, Vis. 4 nm |
= 19 nm |
12.17 |
DM 7927 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 8 nm |
16.00 |
DM 7919 |
20.00 |
DM 7918 |
22.46 |
DM 7917 |
GHG single sound bearing 180°T, shifted slowly and irregularly up to 250°T, medium Volume. Nothing seen in the periscope. Own course at the time of the bearing 270°. |
The bearing ran to Cape San Antonio with approximate course 310°-320°. Waited until twilight to pursue in the night. |
24.00 |
DM 7917 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
23.03.43 |
01.02 |
DM 7839 |
Surfaced. |
NNW 1, Sea 1, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 9-12 nm |
Surfaced in the setting sun with the clear horizon to get the heard vessel in sight |
Despite the very good visibility in the bearing direction 270° nothing is distinguished. First pursued on course 270° then 280°. |
02.07 |
DM 7837 |
Dived to listen. |
Sound bearing in 297°T. |
02.17 |
DM 7837 |
Surfaced. Pursued at AK and course 300°, later 310°. |
NNW 1, Sea 1, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
03.37 |
Incoming Radio Message 1837/22/383: |
2.) Schäfer, Niebe, Maus report situation in the following night. |
03.44 |
DM 7579 |
Dived to listen. |
Sound bearing in 320°T. Had the impression as if the sound bearing were getting fainter. |
03.59 |
DM 7579 |
Surfaced, pursued at AK on course 315°. |
NNW 2, Sea 2, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
05.45 |
DM 7468 |
Dived to listen. |
NNW 3, Sea 3, 10/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 3-4 nm, stormy atmosphere |
Sound is directly ahead, however indistinct and fainter then the initial bearing. |
- 42 - |
continued |
23.03.43 |
The vessel runs at least at the same speed, because despite roughly 4-1/2 hour pursuit on his course line convergence was not determined. |
I believe further pursuit is pointless and broke off. |
06.00 |
DM 7468 |
Surfaced, course 130°. |
N 4, Sea 3-4, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm |
08.00 |
DM 7571 |
N 4-5, Sea 4, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm, light Swell |
09.28 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0529/23/389: |
15 March neutral DL 69, course 40°, 21 March neutral DM 79, course 310°. Day air no night radar, no sea. Operating during full moon in DM 79 on course line DL 69, EB 29. Intend next period DL 69 to DM 43, 112 cbm. Am missing Serial No. 368 of 21 March, naval squares. Schäfer. |
12.00 |
DM 7587 |
Day's run: = 96 nm |
N 4, Sea 4, light Swell, 9/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm |
= 27 nm |
12.14 |
DM 7821 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
DM 7822 |
20.00 |
DM 7823 |
24.00 |
DM 7831 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
24.03.43 |
01.13 |
DM 7831 |
Surfaced. |
ENE 2-3, Sea 3, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 5 nm, Summer lightening |
04.00 |
DM 7822 |
ENE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 3 nm, at times bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
04.05 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 113°T, 6 nm = DM 7822 |
08.00 |
DM 7834 |
ENE 4, Sea 4, medium short Swell, 5/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 3 nm |
- 43 - |
continued |
24.03.43 |
12.00 |
DM 7863 |
Day's run: = 63 nm |
E 4, Sea 4, medium short Swell, Cumulus, changing, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright moon |
= 20 nm |
12.17 |
DM 7863 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
DM 7839 |
20.00 |
DM 7836 |
24.00 |
DM 7833 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
25.03.43 |
01.15 |
DM 7833 |
Surfaced. |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 6/10 Stratus, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
DM 7594 |
E 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
05.25 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 0°T, 14 nm = DM 7556 |
08.00 |
DM 7558 |
E 4, Sea 4, short Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
09.25 |
Incoming Radio Message 1153/24/303: |
1.) For Piening, Schäfer, Maus, Lauzemis about 15 April supply possible in naval square 50 of the large square west of disguised square FN. Begin return transit accordingly. |
That upsets my plans. Previously I planned to use the full new moon period up to about 12 April. The new moon is on 4 April. Supply on 16 April means setting off on 1 April. With still 108 cbm and 11 + 8 torpedoes it is a great pity. |
The question is up to when can supply take place? It I arrive on 30 April is that early enough or will the supplier be withdrawn after a short time? |
Therefore asked. |
12.00 |
DM 7822 |
Day's run: = 76 nm |
E 3, Sea 3, short Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, bright night |
= 14 nm |
12.12 |
DM 7822 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
- 44 - |
continued |
25.03.43 |
16.00 |
DM 7823 |
20.00 |
DM 7831 |
24.00 |
DM 7832 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
26.03.43 |
01.13 |
DM 7833 |
Surfaced. |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
DM 7596 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 3/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DM 7567 |
E 2, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, bright night |
10.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 84°T, 11 nm = DM 7559 |
12.00 |
DM 7557 |
Day's run: = 54 nm |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
= 19 nm |
12.08 |
DM 7557 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
DM 7549 |
20.00 |
DM 7572 |
24.00 |
DM 7574 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
27.03.43 |
01.18 |
DM 7574 |
Surfaced. |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 1/10 Nimbus, rain showers, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
DM 7498 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Nimbus, rain showers, Vis. 3 nm, strong marine phosphorescence, lightening squalls |
08.00 |
DM 7728 |
SE 3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 6/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
09.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 294°T, 4.5 nm = DM 7743 |
- 45 - |
continued |
27.03.43 |
12.00 |
DM 7744 |
Day's run: = 65 nm |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Nimbus, Vis. 5 nm |
= 21 nm |
12.14 |
DM 7744 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 8 nm |
16.00 |
DL 9969 |
20.00 |
DL 9992 |
24.00 |
DL 9991 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
28.03.43 |
01.18 |
DL 9994 |
Surfaced. |
SW 1, Sea 1, 4/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 7 nm |
04.00 |
DL 9956 |
Wind and Sea 0, cloudless, Vis. 3 nm, bright marine phosphorescence |
04.49 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0403/28/345: |
1.) 106 cbm, 11 + 8 torpedoes. |
2.) If not tasked otherwise and later supply is possible intend to remain until about 12 April. |
3.) Request freedom to maneuver and orders. |
4.) Both negative buoyancy tanks are out of service. |
Schäfer. |
08.00 |
DL 9694 |
N 2-3, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
11.18 |
Incoming Radio Message 1050/28/353: |
Schäfer free to maneuver. Earliest supply possibility 15 April in ordered naval square 50 of the large square west of disguised square XL, from then time initially unlimited. |
12.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 200°T, 18 nm = DL 9664 |
Day's run: = 78 nm |
= 21 nm |
N 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cirrus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.17 |
DL 9664 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 7 nm |
16.00 |
DL 9661 |
20.00 |
DL 9638 |
24.00 |
DL 9635 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 46 - |
Y u c a t a n - |
S t r a i t |
29.03.43 |
01.26 |
DL 9635 |
Surfaced. |
Wind and Sea 0, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm |
02.00 |
Old time |
The clocks were set forward one hour. |
03.00 |
New time |
04.00 |
DL 9392 |
Wind and Sea 0, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DM 7115 |
N 2, Sea 1-2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
DM 4771 |
Day's run: = 93 nm |
N 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
= 20 nm |
12.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 115°T, 2 nm = DL 6993 |
13.00 |
DL 6993 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 7 nm |
15.14 |
DL 6993 |
Sound bearing in 345°T, own course 270°, in the periscope a vessel recognized on course 100°, range about 7000 meters. |
2nd sound bearing in 278°T, nothing seen. |
15.24 |
DL 6993 |
Aircraft in approach from 336°T, range about 4000 meters. Went to depth A -20 meters, was unnoticed. |
17.00 |
DL 6993 |
Single sound in 110°T, in the periscope recognized as a small patrol vessel. Range about 7000 meters. Own course 270°. |
The listening conditions here are greatly changing. The first sound bearing was first picked up in 75°R, however at relatively low range. |
With the 2nd sound bearing the range was so great that the vessel was not seen in the periscope, however the bearing was nearly directly ahead, therefore lay in a very sharp target angle. |
As far as I know, the GHG is sometimes inoperable, is it either fully operable or completely inoperable. |
- 47 - |
continued |
29.03.43 |
It may be due to water layers that are certainly present in this area with 1-2 knots of current. |
20.00 |
DL 6992 |
24.00 |
DL 6991 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
30.03.43 |
02.30 |
DL 6983 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
02.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 270°T, 9 nm = DL 6981 |
04.00 |
DL 6958 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, cloudless, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
07.05 |
DL 6968 |
Dived to listen, no sound bearings. |
07.15 |
DL 6968 |
Surfaced. |
08.00 |
DL 6967 |
NE 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
DL 6967 |
Day's run: = 73 nm |
ENE 2, Sea 2, cloudless, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright night |
= 20 nm |
12.57 |
DL 6967 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
ENE 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Stratus, Vis. 5 nm |
Because air is expected in the entire area, by day predominantly 5/10-8/10 Cumulus and Nimbus clouds prevail, believe it is correct to proceed submerged by day, to remain unseen as long as possible. If the presence of the boat is known, I believe further successes are completely hopeless. |
16.00 |
DL 6967 |
20.00 |
DL 6967 |
24.00 |
DL 6964 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
T r a n s i t to the |
G u l f o f |
H o n d u r a s |
31.03.43 |
02.36 |
DL 6959 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Vis. 4 nm |
- 48 - |
continued |
31.03.43 |
04.00 |
DL 6964 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
Broke off further searching in the Yucatan Channel, because the prospects are probably still getting worse here (Maus). I do not believe I was noticed. Beacons at Cape San Antonio burn as before. |
Because Piening has also reported no successes, but I must assume he is heading back to Havana, I give my intention to go there and head for the Gulf of Honduras. |
08.00 |
DL 6959 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
DL 6896 |
Day's run: = 91 nm |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, bright night |
= 25 nm |
13.05 |
DL 6898 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
NE 2, Sea 2, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm, Summer lightening |
Strong rumbling beating at the starboard shaft at all speed settings. At KF a bit weaker. Starboard thrust bearing has high temperature. |
16.00 |
DL 6898 |
20.00 |
DL 6898 |
24.00 |
DL 6898 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
01.04.43 |
02.10 |
DL 9232 |
Surfaced. |
NE 3, Sea 3, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
02.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 113°T, 11 nm = DL 9311 |
04.00 |
DL 9238 |
NE 3, Sea 3, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DL 9248 |
NE 2-3, Sea 3, 2/10, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
DL 9453 |
Day's run: = 80 nm |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 9/10 Nimbus, Vis. 1-3 nm, rain showers |
= 15 nm |
13.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 22°T, 22 nm = DL 9275 |
- 49 - |
continued |
01.04.43 |
13.15 |
DL 9275 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
DL 9275 |
20.00 |
DL 9277 |
24.00 |
DL 9511 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
02.04.43 |
02.32 |
DL 9511 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
04.00 |
DL 9514 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DL 9461 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, rain showers |
12.00 |
DL 9489 |
Day's run: = 75 nm |
SE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, stormy atmosphere |
= 14 nm |
13.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 57°T, 21 nm = DL 9499 |
13.11 |
DL 9499 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
SE 1, Sea 1, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4-7 nm, rain showers |
16.00 |
DL 9499 |
20.00 |
DL 9733 |
24.00 |
DL 9736 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
03.04.43 |
02.24 |
DL 9736 |
Surfaced. |
NE 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Nimbus, Vis. 8 nm |
02.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 293°T, 4 nm = DL9735 |
04.00 |
DL 9738 |
NE 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
Headed for the Chinchorro Bank. Beacons extinguished. |
08.00 |
DL 9773 |
E 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
- 50 - |
continued |
03.04.43 |
12.00 |
EA 3154 |
Day's run: = 102 nm |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. 3 nm |
= 13 nm |
13.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 30°T, 11 nm = EA 3158 |
13.15 |
EA 3181 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 7 nm |
16.00 |
EA 3182 |
20.00 |
EA 3185 |
24.00 |
EA 3188 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
04.04.43 |
02.24 |
EA 3188 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2, Sea 2, 5/10 Nimbus, Vis. 7 nm |
02.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 270°T, 10 nm = EA 3425 |
03.27 |
Lighthouse Sandboe Cay and Half Moon Cay off Lighthouse Reef burn in accordance with the Light List. |
04.00 |
EA 3452 |
NE 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm, medium marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EA 3477 |
N 1, Sea 1, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, Summer Lightening |
12.00 |
EA 2953 |
Day's run: = 84 nm |
NE 0-1, Sea 0, 6/10 Nimbus, Vis. 1-3 nm |
= 31 nm |
13.20 |
EA 2958 |
Land bearing 190°T (Sattelberg). |
WSW 2, Sea 1, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
EA 2958 |
19.23 |
EA 2981 |
Sound bearing in 205°T, nothing seen in the periscope. Suspected harbor vessel. |
24.00 |
EA 2976 |
05.04.43 |
T r a n s i t to |
M o n a P a s s a g e |
(Haiti-Puerto Rico) |
02.50 |
EA 2975 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2, Sea 2, 10/10 low rain clouds, Vis. 4 nm, stormy atmosphere |
Lighthouse at Point Caballos and Zapotillos Cays are extinguished. |
- 51 - |
continued |
05.04.43 |
03.10 |
EA 2976 |
At times strong searchlight illumination at irregular intervals bearing 265°T. Suspect: searchlight barrier in the entrance to Puerto Barrios. |
04.00 |
EA 2976 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 7/10, low rain clouds, Vis. 1-2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EA 2924 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10, low rain clouds, at times heavy rain, Vis. 500-2000 meters, strong marine phosphorescence, lightening |
12.00 |
EA 3743 |
Day's run: = 88 nm |
NE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10, rain clouds, rain showers, Vis. 1000-3000 meters, strong marine phosphorescence |
= 20 nm |
13.23 |
EA 3728 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 10/10, rain clouds, rain showers, Vis. 5 nm |
16.00 |
EA 3726 |
20.00 |
EA 3732 |
24.00 |
EA 3577 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
06.04.43 |
02.18 |
EA 357x |
Surfaced. |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, short Swell, 6/10 Nimbus, Vis. 6 nm |
02.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 321°T, 13 nm = EA 3469 |
04.00 |
EA 3548 |
NE 3, Sea 3, short Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, medium marine phosphorescence, stormy atmosphere |
08.00 |
ES 3568 |
NE 3, Sea 3, short Swell, 10/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 2 nm |
12.00 |
EA 3657 |
Day's run: = 86 nm |
NE 2-3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 2 nm, bright marine phosphorescence |
= 42 nm |
- 52 - |
continued |
06.04.43 |
13.13 |
EA 3659 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Nimbus, Vis. 6 nm |
16.00 |
EA 3668 |
20.00 |
EB 1447 |
24.00 |
EB 1449 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
07.04.43 |
02.12 |
EB 1457 |
Surfaced. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 9/10 Nimbus, Vis. 7 nm |
04.00 |
EB 1459 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 6/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, rain showers, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EB 1587 |
E 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Nimbus, Vis. 500-2000 meters, rain showers |
12.00 |
EB 1679 |
Day's run: = 76 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, Summer lightening |
= 39 nm |
12.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 288°T, 47 nm = EB 1583 |
13.02 |
EB 1583 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Nimbus, Vis. 5-7 nm |
16.00 |
EB 1591 |
20.00 |
EB 1568 |
24.00 |
EB 1569 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
08.04.43 |
02.00 |
EB 1647 |
While surfacing shortly before blowing at 12 meters, 2 aircraft in the periscope bearing 135°T, northerly course, out of a low hanging large gray cloud, range about 3000 meters. Was unnoticed. Went to depth A -20 meters. Own course at sighting 75°. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
A touchy situation. Conning tower broke through and here the failure of the negative buoyancy tanks made itself noticeable. Despite AK it took forever for the conning tower to cut under again. One can only get negative buoyancy very slowly with the regulating tanks. |
Both must have been very sleepy. |
- 53 - |
continued |
08.04.43 |
02.21 |
EB 1647 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
02.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 100°T, 8.5 nm = EB 1648 |
04.00 |
EB 1657 |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EB 2448 |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
EB 2547 |
Day's run: = 82 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
= 30 nm |
12.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 286°T, 15 nm = EB 2467 |
12.47 |
EB 2467 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 9 nm |
16.00 |
EB 2468 |
20.00 |
EB 2469 |
24.00 |
EB 2547 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
09.04.43 |
02.00 |
EB 2548 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
02.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 351°T, 13 nm = EB 2542 |
03.32 |
Incoming Radio Message 1837/8/340: |
2.) Supply square for Piening and Schäfer shifted to square RN 00. Break off operations according to fuel, however arrive not later than 2 May. When there is an opportunity report provisions inventory. |
04.00 |
EB 2551 |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EB 2568 |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, Summer lightening |
12.00 |
EB 2676 |
Day's run: = 68 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
= 25 nm |
- 54 - |
continued |
09.04.43 |
12.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 30°T, 5.5 nm = EB 2682 |
12.41 |
EB 2682 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
16.00 |
EB 2686 |
20.00 |
EB 2698 |
24.00 |
EB 3717 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
10.04.43 |
01.57 |
EB 3712 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
02.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 350°T, 12 nm = EB 3477 |
03.05 |
Incoming Radio Message 1841/9/352: |
1.) Schäfer report situation tonight, Rendtel send position or arrival report. |
04.00 |
EB 3713 |
E 2, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
07.15 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0604/10/359: |
29 March DL 69 independent with air, course 100° and patrol vessel seen. From 31 March DL 68, 94, EA 31, 29, 37, EB 14, 37 nothing. Beacons mostly extinguished. EA 28 searchlight. Day air. 8 Ato, 6 Eto 5 T 3. Return transit. 77 cbm. Am missing Serial No. 400 of 5 April. Position EB 3726. Schäfer. |
08.00 |
EB 3139 |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
EB 3829 |
Day's run: = 86 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
= 32 nm |
12.25 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 2°T, 6 nm = EB 3826 |
12.37 |
EB 3836 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
16.00 |
EB 3835 |
20.00 |
EB 3914 |
24.00 |
EB 3916 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 55 - |
11.04.43 |
01.50 |
EB 3916 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
02.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 22°T, 16 nm = EB 3926 |
04.00 |
EB 3936 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EC 1726 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
EC 1824 |
Day's run: = 104 nm |
E 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3-4 nm |
= 49 nm |
12.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 57°T, 14 nm = EC 1589 |
12.19 |
EC 1589 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
Vis. 8 nm |
16.00 |
EC 1538 |
20.00 |
EC 1677 |
24.00 |
EC 1679 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
12.04.43 |
01.31 |
EC 1687 |
Surfaced. |
E 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm |
01.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 325°T, 7 nm = EC 1684 |
04.00 |
EC 1685 |
E 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moon, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EC 2486 |
E 1, Sea 1, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 39°T, 4 nm = EC 2584 |
Day's run: = 103 nm |
= 38 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
12.07 |
EC 2584 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
EC 2583 |
20.00 |
EC 2592 |
24.00 |
EC 2647 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 56 - |
13.04.43 |
01.39 |
EC 2647 |
Surfaced. |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, cloudless, Vis. 4-6 nm |
01.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 279°T, 3 nm = EC 2647 |
04.00 |
EC 265x |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 7/10 Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, no marine phosphorescence, bright moon |
05.45 |
Alta Vela (Haiti) in sight bearing 0°T. Distance 11 nm. Beacon (Flash) difficult to distinguish. |
07.15 |
Island is out of sight bearing 225°T. |
08.00 |
EC 2662 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, Vis. 3 nm, 2/10 Cumulus |
12.00 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 0°T, 7 nm = EC 3424 |
Day's run: = 73 nm |
= 37 nm |
ENE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6-9 nm |
12.03 |
EC 3424 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
16.00 |
EC 3423 |
20.00 |
EC 3432 |
24.00 |
EC 3278 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
14.04.43 |
01.22 |
EC 3278 |
Surfaced. |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
01.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 272°T, 7 nm = EC 3277 |
04.00 |
EC 3287 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EC 3296 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
11.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 124°T, 4 nm = EC 3385 |
11.55 |
EC 3385 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
Day's run: = 74 nm |
= 34 nm |
16.00 |
EC 3394 |
20.00 |
EC 3396 |
24.00 |
ED 1175 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 57 - |
Although we remained unnoticed, unfortunately, there were no successes. Even the neutral traffic is cut off and on the known route from Honduras to Puerto Rico nothing but one sound bearing. |
15.04.43 |
M o n a P a s s a g e |
01.17 |
ED 1176 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 1, light Swell, 2/10, horizon lightly hazy, Vis. 6 nm |
01.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 65°T, 11 nm = ED 1187 |
04.00 |
ED 1134 |
E 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 4/10 Cirrus, Vis. 4-5 nm, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
During the transit through the Mona Passage no sea, air, no detections. |
N o r t h A t l a n t i c |
W e s t e r n P a r t |
08.00 |
DO 7845 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 3/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
1x.xx |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 300°T, 10 nm = DO 7584 |
12.00 |
DO 7553 |
Day's run: = 112 nm |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 2/10, Vis. 10 nm |
= 49 nm |
16.00 |
DO 7553 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 3-7/10 Cumulus, changing, Vis. 10 nm |
24.00 |
DO 7545 |
E 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
16.04.43 |
01.15 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 14°T, 28 nm = DO 4984 |
04.00 |
DO 4959 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
- 58 - |
continued |
16.04.43 |
08.00 |
DO 4939 |
E 2, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
11.50 |
DO 5715 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
Day's run: = 181 nm |
= 2 nm |
12.06 |
DO 5713 |
Surfaced. |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
While leaving up to the Caicos Islands, on the way back through the Mona Passage continued on the surface (Distance from Puerto Rico coast at lightness 70 nm). In both cases no hindering by air. |
I do not believe there is air reconnaissance in the immediate vicinity of the coast. The air reconnaissance is probably limited to Caribbean itself. |
16.00 |
DO 5481 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell,m 5/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 11 nm |
20.00 |
DO 5429 |
E 1-2, Sea 1-2, light Swell, 7/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
24.00 |
DO 5195 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
17.04.43 |
04.00 |
DO 5249 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 4-5 nm, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DO 5261 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, rain showers |
12.00 |
DO 5315 |
Day's run: = 144 nm |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 8/10, Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DO 2989 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
20.00 |
DO 2995 |
E 2, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
- 59 - |
continued |
17.04.43 |
24.00 |
DO 3754 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 9/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
18.04.43 |
01.45 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 32°T, 64 nm = DO 3543 |
04.00 |
DO 3552 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, bright night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DO 3641 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, rain showers |
10.39 |
DO 3651 |
Test dive. |
11.06 |
Surfaced. |
11.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 20°T, 13 nm = DO 3625 |
12.00 |
DO 3623 |
Day's run: = 202 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DP 1411 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DP 1423 |
E 2, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.00 |
DP 1277 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
19.04.43 |
00.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 48°T, 10 nm = DP 1276 |
04.00 |
DP 1294 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, starry clear night, Vis. 4-5 nm, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DP 1373 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. clear, 4-5 nm, bright moon |
11.01 |
DP 1383 |
Test dive. |
11.15 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DP 1392 |
Day's run: = 157 nm |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 1 nm |
- 60 - |
continued |
19.04.43 |
16.00 |
DP 2173 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 5/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DP 2168 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 5/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.00 |
DP 2249 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cirrus, Vis. 11 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
20.04.43 |
00.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 63°T, 15 nm = DP 2256 |
04.00 |
DP 2345 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, bright moonlit night, Vis. 4-5 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DP 2356 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moon |
12.00 |
DP 3141 |
Day's run: = 160 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DP 3153 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 3/10, Stratocumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DP 3241 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 4/10 Stratocumulus, Vis. 13 nm |
24.00 |
DP 3229 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 4/10, Vis. 12 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
21.04.43 |
00.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 53°T, 28 nm = DP 3312 |
04.00 |
DP 3331 |
E 2, Sea 2, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DE 8778 |
E 1-2, Sea 1-2, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm, bright full moon night |
- 61 - |
continued |
21.04.43 |
10.37 |
DE 8787 |
Test dive. |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm |
11.00 |
DE 8787 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DE 8788 |
Day's run: = 169 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 2 nm |
13.00 |
DE 8789 |
Have fuel and time. |
Came to course 250° and ran to the west for 24 hours. |
16.00 |
DQ 1121 |
Afternoon cannon cleaning and check fired all weapons. |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Stratocumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DP 3338 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 15 nm |
24.00 |
DP 3343 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
22.04.43 |
00.35 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 270°T, 6 nm = DP 3342 |
04.00 |
DP 3264 |
E 1, Sea 1, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4-5, bright moonlit night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DP 3272 |
E 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright night, rain showers |
12.00 |
DP 3194 |
Day's run: = 169 nm |
E 2-3, Sea 2,light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
= ./. nm |
13.00 |
Came to course 80°. Transit to supplier. |
16.00 |
DP 3294 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DP 3283 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
24.00 |
DP 3349 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Nimbus, Vis. 10 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
- 62 - |
N o r t h A t l a n t i c |
C e n t r a l |
23.04.43 |
00.40 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 80°T, 30 nm = DP 3369 |
04.00 |
DQ 1135 |
E 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, bright night, Vis. 4-5 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DQ 1241 |
SE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Vis. 4-5 nm, bright moonlit night |
12.00 |
DQ 1229 |
Day's run: = 190 nm |
SSE 1, Sea 1, 5/10 Cirrus, Vis. 10 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DQ 1318 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, 5/10 Nimbus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DQ 1337 |
SSE 1, Sea 1, 4/10 Stratus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.00 |
DQ 2124 |
SSE 1, Sea 1, 7/10 Stratus, Vis. 8 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
24.04.43 |
04.00 |
DQ 2136 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright night, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DQ 2222 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm |
10.16 |
DQ 2235 |
Test dive. |
SE 1, Sea 1, 9/10 Stratocumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
10.35 |
DQ 2233 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DQ 2312 |
Day's run: = 166 nm |
SE 1, Sea 1, 9/10, Stratocumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DQ 2331 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DE 9897 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
- 63 - |
continued |
24.04.43 |
24.00 |
DE 9978 |
E 1, Sea 1, 3/10 Cirrus, Vis. 8 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
25.04.43 |
00.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 310°T, 38 nm = DP 9838 |
04.00 |
DE 9941 |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DE 9928 |
E 2, Sea 1, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
12.00 |
DE 9936 |
Day's run: = 144 nm |
SE 2-3, Sea 2, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DF 7429 |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 3/10, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DF 7494 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 8/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.00 |
DF 7548 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 5/10, Vis. 6 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
26.04.43 |
00.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 333°T, 7 nm = DF 7544 |
04.00 |
DF 7528 |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 7536 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 4/10 Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, bright moonlit night |
09.44 |
DF 7611 |
Test dive. |
10.07 |
DF 7611 |
Surfaced. |
SE 2-3, Sea 2, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm, light Swell |
12.00 |
DF 7613 |
Day's run: = 163 nm |
SE 3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DF 7631 |
SSE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DF 8412 |
SE 3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, overcast, Vis. 7-10 nm, at times rain |
- 64 - |
continued |
26.04.43 |
22.28 |
Incoming Radio Message 2113/26/393: |
1.) Further supply from Neumann: U-509 for economical return transit, Italian U-"ARCHIMEDE" remaining inventory. Last arrival about 28 April. Neumann after carrying out return transit and give the Italian's inventory. |
2.) Neumann from 29 April 12.00 hours send bearing Signals p p on 352 kHz for Italian at 15 and 45 minutes each hour for 3 minutes. No later than 30 April midday report situation and wait if Italian not met. |
24.00 |
DF 8423 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 5 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
27.04.43 |
02.43 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0109/27/395: |
From 10 May EB 39, EC 26, ED 11, DO 51, 36. 2 days DP 30 upper third to position DF 81 nothing. 29 cbm. Provisions sufficient for 4 weeks until minor supply. |
Question new supply place because arrival at Neumann place first 2 May. Am missing Serial No. 379 of 11 April. |
Schäfer. |
04.00 |
DF 8511 |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 8521 |
E 2, Sea 1, 5/10 Stratus, Vis. 3-4 nm |
09.06 |
Incoming Radio Message 0847/27/302: |
Supply Schäfer as ordered. Neumann wait and have 25 cbm ready. |
12.00 |
DF 8531 |
Day's run: = 156 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm, rain showers |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DF 8612 |
E 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Nimbus, Vis. 10-12 nm, rain showers |
20.00 |
DF 8622 |
E 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 11 nm |
- 65 - |
continued |
27.04.43 |
Incoming Radio Message 2108/27/312: |
1.) Dierksen tomorrow 08.00 hours switch to America II Circuit. Radio repeater service settled. |
2.) Schäfer immediately switch to Hubertus Circuit join according to the situation as radio repeater. |
3.) U-509 continue transit to Neumann. |
21.55 |
Switched to Hubertus Circuit. |
23.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 25°T, 32 nm = DF 9144 |
24.00 |
DF 9144 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
28.04.43 |
04.00 |
DF 9155 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Nimbus, changing, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 9168 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. changing 2-3 nm |
12.00 |
DF 9238 |
Day's run: = 160 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 7/10 Stratus, Vis. up to 12 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DF 9259 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DF 9293 |
E 4, Sea 3-4, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. changing 7-12 nm, rain showers |
23.30 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 166°T, 6 nm = DF 9376 |
Due to ongoing easterly offset at the same speed setting will be at the supplier on 1 May. |
24.00 |
DF 9384 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, changing cloudiness, Vis. 2-4 nm, rain showers |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
29.04.43 |
04.00 |
DF 9389 |
ESE 2, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 4/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, rain showers, light marine phosphorescence |
- 66 - |
continued |
29.04.43 |
08.00 |
DF 9399 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-4 nm, rain showers |
09.20 |
DG 7177 |
Test dive. |
ENE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 7/10 Stratus, Vis. 6 nm |
09.41 |
DG 7177 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DG 7178 |
Day's run: = 117 nm |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm, rain showers |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DG 7187 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 10-12 nm |
20.00 |
DG 7431 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
24.00 |
DG 7433 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
30.04.43 |
N o r t h A t l a n t i c |
south of the Azores |
04.00 |
DG 7513 |
ENE 1-2, Sea 2, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DG 7522 |
ENE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, rain showers, Vis. 2 nm |
08.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 69°T, 50 nm = DG 7381 |
12.00 |
DG 7386 |
Day's run: = 160 nm |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 4/10 Cirrostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
DG 7399 |
ENE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm |
20.00 |
DG 8413 |
E 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 11 nm |
- 67 - |
continued |
30.04.43 |
21.20 |
Incoming Radio Message 1714/30/859: |
1.) Neumann |
From 2 May 12.00 hours until darkness once again send Bearing Signals for Italian on 352 kHz at 15 and 45 minutes each hour for 3 minutes. |
After supplying Schäfer evening return transit. |
2.) Schäfer |
If provisions are low after supply from Neumann suggest meeting point with Schnoor, who on 1 May 08.00 hours is about in square II 04. |
Tomorrow at 08.00 hours switch to America II Circuit. |
3.) Schnoor square VK 30, head for Kanecke naval square AK 80 |
24.00 |
DG 8428 |
E 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, hazy |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
01.05.43 |
01.00 |
DG 8437 |
Light bearing 210°T, on closing a well illuminated Portuguese distinguished on course 50°. |
ENE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10, Vis. 2 nm |
After determining nationality continued transit to supplier on course 100°. Course on sighting 110°. |
During the closing at higher speed on both diesel exhausts very strong spark development. |
04.00 |
DG 8464 |
ENE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DG 8547 |
Switched to America II Circuit. |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 7/10 Cumulostratus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
08.50 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 145°T, 12 nm = DG 8576 |
12.00 |
DG 8581 |
Day's run: = 142 nm |
NE 2, Sea 2, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= ./. nm |
13.08 |
DG 8558 |
U-boat Neumann in sight bearing 10°T. |
13.20 |
Recognition Signals exchanged. |
13.27 |
Incoming Radio Message 1250/1/359: |
Switch immediately U-183 America I, U-197 Hubertus Circuit. Boats on these wavelengths join as radio repeater for U-boat groups in the North Atlantic. |
13.30 |
Switched to America I Circuit. |
- 68 - |
continued |
01.05.43 |
13.57 |
DO 8555 |
Began fuel take over. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 8/10, Vis. 12 nm |
15.40 |
DO 8553 |
Began return transit after taking over 26 cbm. Initially course for Schnoor because Neumann had no more provisions to give. |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 2/10, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DG 8532 |
NE 3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 8/10 Cumulostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.09 |
Incoming Radio Message 2029/1/221 from Hasenschar. |
The radio Message was not completely received by Control and was asked for once more. Hasenschar did not transmit any more. |
I maintained absolute radio silence ordered in Standing War Order No. 180 because I am only 30 nm from the supplier. |
23.15 |
DG 8269 |
Test dive. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
23.30 |
DG 8269 |
Surfaced. |
23.58 |
Radio Control called for repeat of Radio Message 2029/1/221 with encrypted call sign. |
24.00 |
DG 8347 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 8/10 Cumulostratus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
02.05.43 |
00.21 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2029/1/221 as radio repeater |
The importance of the radio repeater is clear. The always required strict adherence to Standing War Order 180 regarding the radio silence highlights the importance of this order. A boat at the supply place used as radio repeater comes in conflict with the given order. |
02.00 |
Incoming Radio Message 2330/1/219: |
5.) Schäfer radio repeater. |
04.00 |
DG 8316 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DO 5958 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm |
- 69 - |
continued |
02.05.43 |
08.57 |
Incoming Beta Signal 0109. |
09.00 |
Outgoing Beta Signal 0109 as radio repeater. |
12.00 |
DG 5934 |
Day's run: = 155 nm |
ENE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 9/10 Stratus, Vis. 7-12 nm, rain showers |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DG 5693 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, light Swell, 8/10, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DG 6418 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 8/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
20.48 |
Incoming Radio Message 1810/2/243 |
20.51 |
Outgoing Radio Message 1810/2/243 as radio repeater. |
23.00 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2125/2/251: |
Yesterday supplied with fuel. Neumann inventory 119 cbm. Suggest meeting Schnoor 3 May 18.00 hours 3813,. Position 6415 with 39 cbm. |
Schäfer. |
24.00 |
DG 6184 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
03.05.43 |
04.00 |
DG 6153 |
NE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DG 3798 |
NE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
09.06 |
DG 3795 |
Crash dive for training. |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
09.41 |
DG 3795 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
DG 3844 |
Day's run: = 166 nm |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, rain showers |
= 2 nm |
15.34 |
DG 3815 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 244°T, 32 nm = DG 3761 |
16.00 |
DG 3737 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, Nimbus, changing, Vis. 10 nm, rain showers |
19.06 |
DG 3813 |
U-boat Schnoor bearing 150°T. |
19.11 |
Recognition Signals exchanged. |
- 70 - |
continued |
03.05.43 |
19.27 |
DG 3815 |
Began provision take over. |
NE 2, Sea 1-2, light Swell, 9/10 Nimbus, Vis. 8-10 nm, rain showers |
While taking over filming by PK. |
21.45 |
DG 3815 |
Take over ended. |
22.01 |
DG 3816 |
Crash dive for PK. |
22.15 |
DG 3816 |
Surfaced. |
23.40 |
Outgoing Radio Message 2314/3/272: |
Carried out supply from Schnoor. Schnoor can first be at 5425 at 5 May at 09.00 hours. |
Schäfer. |
24.00 |
DG 3821 |
NE 1, Sea 1-2, light Swell, 7/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, rain showers |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
04.05.43 |
04.00 |
DG 3558 |
NE 3, Sea 3, short Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 1-2 nm, rain shower, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DG 3534 |
NE 2, Sea 2, short Swell, 7/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
DG 3296 |
Day's run: = 133 nm |
NE 3, Sea 3, short Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 10 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
DG 3342 |
NE 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 9/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
20.00 |
DG 3321 |
NE 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
23.10 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 250°T, 24 nm = CF 7875 |
24.00 |
CF 7875 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 5/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm, misty, rain showers |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
05.05.43 |
04.00 |
CF 7854 |
NE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CF 7825 |
NE 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 7/10 Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
- 71 - |
continued |
05.05.43 |
08.53 |
CF 7826 |
Test dive. |
09.14 |
CF 7826 |
Surfaced. |
NE 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 5/10 Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
12.00 |
CF 7594 |
Day's run: = 114 nm |
NE 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 3/10 Stratus, Vis. 11 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
CF 7566 |
NE 4, Sea 3-4, medium Swell, 7/10 Stratocumulus, Vis. 11 nm |
20.00 |
CF 7614 |
NE 4-5, Sea 4, medium Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 11 nm |
21.34 |
Incoming Radio Message 1907/5/272: |
Return harbors: |
Lorient for U-509, Schäfer, Junker, Rabenau, Nazaire for Kandler, Bordeaux for Lassen, Metz, Pallice for Zitzewitz, Brest for Troth, Krüger. |
F.d.U. West |
24.00 |
CF 7376 |
NE 3, Sea 3, light-medium Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
06.05.43 |
04.00 |
CF 7354 |
NE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 12 nm, no marine phosphorescence |
04.28 |
Outgoing Radio Message 0043/6/204: |
Replacement of the battery and examination of the starboard shaft is necessary. CF 76, NE 3, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10, Vis. good, 1029 mb. |
Schäfer. |
08.00 |
CF 7523 |
NE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, horizon hazy, Vis. 4 nm, rain showers |
12.00 |
CF 4992 |
Day's run: = 135 nm |
NE 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Stratus, Vis. 12 nm |
= ./. nm |
16.00 |
NNE 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 6/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.20 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 270°T, 18 nm = CF 4963 |
20.00 |
CF 5716 |
NE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 14 nm |
- 72 - |
continued |
06.05.43 |
21.15 - 22.06 |
AK-cruise on course 190°. |
On the basis of heavy sparking from both exhausts on 1 May indexed and determined that cylinder 5 starboard and cylinder 7 port have heavy oil ejection due to leakage of the piston rings. |
24.00 |
CF 5728 |
NE 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
07.05.43 |
04.00 |
CF 5498 |
NE 1-2, Sea 1-2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
07.40 |
CF 5573 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 325°T, 6 nm = CF 5548 |
07.56 |
CF 5548 |
Test dive. |
NE 1-2, Sea 1-2, light Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 7 nm |
08.27 |
CF 5548 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CF 5552 |
Day's run: = 166 nm |
NNE 1-2, Sea 1, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
CF 5532 |
NW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 3/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
CF 5376 |
W 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, 9/10, Vis. 10 nm |
21.22 |
Incoming Radio Message 2002/7/282: |
2.) On 8 May 08.00 hours: |
Schäfer, Dieterichs, zur Mühlen, switch to Coastal Circuit, Mässenhausen, U-954, Ölrich Diana Circuit, Wolfram, Gölnitz, Nagel Ireland Circuit. |
24.00 |
CF 5364 |
WNW 2-3, Sea 2, light Swell, Cumulus, changing, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
08.05.43 |
04.00 |
CF 6118 |
NW 2, Sea 2, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 1-2 nm, light marine phosphorescence |
07.49 |
CF 6121 |
Test dive. |
NW 3-4, Sea 3, light Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 5 nm |
- 73 - |
continued |
08.05.43 |
08.07 |
CF 6121 |
Surfaced. Switched to Coastal Circuit. |
Vis. 8 nm |
12.00 |
CF 3794 |
Day's run: = 142 nm |
NW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, Nimbus, changing, Vis. 7-12 nm, at times drizzle |
= 2 nm |
13.41 |
Incoming Beta Signal 1341, not heard by Control. |
14.02 |
Outgoing Beta Signal 1341 as radio repeater. |
16.00 |
CF 3844 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, Nimbus, changing, at times drizzle, Vis. 5-12 nm |
20.00 |
CF 3828 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 9/10 Cumulonimbus, Vis. 10 nm |
24.00 |
CF 3831 |
WNW 3, Sea 2-3, medium Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 2 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
09.05.43 |
04.00 |
CF 3674 |
NNW 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 10/10 Stratus, Vis. 1-2 nm, at times drizzle, light marine phosphorescence |
07.10 |
CF 3657 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 55°T, 22 nm = CF 3653 |
07.18 |
CF 3661 |
Test dive. |
07.55 |
CF 3661 |
Surfaced. |
NNW 1-2, Sea 2, medium Swell, 4/10 Cumulus, Vis. 9 nm |
12.00 |
CG 1411 |
Day's run: = 163 nm |
N 1, Sea 1, medium NW-Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
= 2 nm |
16.00 |
CG 1185 |
WNW 1, Sea 1, medium Swell, 2/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
CG 1166 |
SW 3, Sea 2, medium Swell, 5/10 Stratocumulus, Vis. 11 nm |
24.00 |
CG 1224 |
SW 2, Sea 2, medium SW-Swell, 3/10 Cirrus, Vis. 3 nm |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
10.05.43 |
02.44 |
BE 9898 |
Dived to proceed submerged due to the increasing low clouds and extraordinarily strong marine phosphorescence |
SSW 4, Sea 3-4, medium Swell, 8/10 Nimbus, Vis. 1-2 nm, extraordinarily strong marine phosphorescence |
- 74 - |
continued |
10.05.43 |
04.00 |
BE 9899 |
08.00 |
BE 9974 |
11.05 |
BE 9972 |
Surfaced. |
WNW 5-6, Sea 4-5, medium Swell, Vis. 4 nm, misty, rain |
12.00 |
BE 9949 |
Day's run: = 105 nm |
WNW 6, Sea 5, medium Swell, Vis. 5 nm, misty, at times rain |
= 25 nm |
16.00 |
BE 9938 |
NW 5, Sea 4, medium Swell, Vis. 304 nm, misty, rain |
20.00 |
BF 7478 |
WNW 3-4, Sea 3, medium Swell, Vis. 4 nm, misty |
22.23 |
BF 7482 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
WNW 2-3, Sea 2-3, medium Swell, Vis. 3 nm, misty, at times rain |
24.00 |
BF 7483 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
11.05.43 |
B a y o f B i s c a y |
04.00 |
BF 7467 |
08.24 |
BF 7463 |
Surfaced. |
WSW 2, Sea 2, medium Swell, 6/10 Nimbus, Vis. up to 4 nm,, misty |
12.00 |
BF 7528 |
Day's run: = 95 nm |
WSW 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, Nimbus, quickly changing Vis. up to 7 nm |
= 31 nm |
13.33 |
Outgoing Beta Signal: |
Position 48 hours off meeting point with escort. |
U-183 |
13.49 |
Incoming Radio Message 1335/11/74: |
Schäfer will be at convoy intake point off Lorient on 13 May at 13.30 hours. |
U-Fkst.West |
14.00 |
BF 7533 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 270°T, 23 nm = BF 7522 |
16.00 |
BF 7532 |
SW 3, Sea 3, medium Swell, 2/10 Nimbus, Vis. 6 nm, misty |
20.00 |
BF 7622 |
SW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, Nimbus, strongly changing Vis. 6 nm, hazy horizon |
- 75 - |
continued |
11.05.43 |
22.00 |
BF 7632 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
SW 4, Sea 3, medium Swell, 10/10 Nimbus, Vis. 3-5 nm, hazy |
24.00 |
BF 7633 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
12.05.43 |
04.00 |
BF 8412 |
06.33 |
BF 8431 |
Surfaced. |
SW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 5/10 Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, hazy |
08.00 |
BF 8185 |
SW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 9/10 Nimbus, Vis. 8 nm |
11.17 |
BF 8162 |
U-boat bearing 95°T, range about 8 nm. |
11.30 |
BF 8162 |
U-boat out of sight (dived), own course 35°. |
12.00 |
BF 8214 |
Day's run: = 147 nm |
SW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 9/10 Nimbus, Vis. 7-10 nm |
= 25 nm |
14.11 |
Incoming Radio Message 1330/12/5: |
U-183 from 2.U-Flottille. |
Escort positioned 13 May 13.30 at "Laterne" Bearing Transmitter Lorient I runs from 07.00 to 13.00 hours. |
15.00 |
BF 5782 |
Difference between dead reckoning and actual position after a navigation fix = 265°T, 15 nm = BF 5773 |
16.00 |
BF 5754 |
SSW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 4/10 Stratus, Vis. 10-12 nm |
20.02 |
BF 5498 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 190°T, low, range 9 nm, course about 180°. Was unnoticed went to depth A meters. Own course 45°. |
SSW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 5/10 Stratocumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm |
24.00 |
BF 5574 |
Kaptlt. and Kdt. |
13.05.43 |
04.00 |
BF 5548 |
06.07 |
BF 5548 |
Surfaced. |
SSW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 1/10 Cirrus, Vis. 7-8 nm, lightly hazy |
08.00 |
BF 5552 |
SSW 1, Sea 1, light Swell, 1/10 Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote |
on the K.T.B. of "U-183" (Schäfer) from 24.12.42 - 13.05.43. |
Despite its long duration (104 days), the patrol brought only a consolation success. |
In particular: |
The Recognition Signals shot on 9 February by day and in the twilight were a mistake. On 18 February the tanker should not have escaped unnoticed given the good visibility conditions. |
1 March: the shadow lying athwart the boat's course should have been identified further in any case. |
From the reporting from 5 June [presumably a typo 5 March] to 16 March it is not clear enough, what considerations the Kommandant based his operations on. Despite the unfavorably described listening conditions apparently too little emphasis placed on visual observations. |
The setting off to the southeast and staying exclusively submerged gave the boat no greater opportunities that would have been offered in the Yucatan Channel. |
On 22 March the sounds received should have been prosecuted with stronger measures. Surfacing earlier may have been possible. |
The Kommandant should have requested freedom to maneuver earlier. All together, with a little more initiative and imagination the operation would have been more profitable. |
The difficulties of the stay in the Caribbean are not underestimated, but fully appreciated. Notwithstanding, perhaps more could have been gotten out of the patrol. |
Accredited successes: |
1 freighter 7000 GRT sunk. |
For the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote |
- The Chief of the Operations Department - |