Translation by Jerry Mason with the help of Ken Dunn, Rainer Kolbicz and Andi Forster
- 1 - |
08.01.43 to |
Overhaul and outfitting in Lorient. |
19.03.43 |
Leave for the crew. |
08.02.43 |
Change of Command: |
Korv.Kapt. Schuch - Oblt.z.S. Kusch. |
20.03.43 |
16.45 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 6/10, Cirrus, light haze, Vis. 10 nm |
Departed on 5th War Patrol |
Escorted by Sperrbrecher. |
19.15 |
Escort ended, continued on outbound route. |
21.03.43 |
Bay of Biscay |
02.00 |
BF 5491 |
After passing outer point dove to proceed submerged |
SEbyS 2-3, Sea 2, blue sky, Vis. 5-6 nm, large long SE-swell,
very bright, clear moonlit night |
Deep divw test to A +40 meters. |
12.00 |
BF 5486 |
Day's run: Surfaced 117 nm Submerged 20 nm. |
20.06 |
ESE 1, Sea 1, blue sky, Vis. 5-6 nm, long SE-swell, bright
clear moonlit night |
Surfaced to charge batteries and proceed on the surface. |
20.37 |
BF 5478 |
Dived for aircraft detection on 162 cm. |
After 5 minutes two aircraft bomb detonations astern. |
21.30 |
Surfaced. |
22.48 |
Again location on 162 cm. |
Attempted to shake off enemy radar by zig-zagging. |
22.56 |
BF 4932 |
Dived due to gradually strengthening continuous tone. After 3 minutes 6 aircraft bomb detonations astern. |
23.31 |
Surfaced to charge batteries. |
23.33 |
BF 4932 |
Aircraft detection. Two separate tones. 162 and 164 cm. First search then continuous tone. |
23.35 |
Dived. Continued submerged transit. |
22.03.43 |
Bay of Biscay |
02.00 |
ESE 1, Sea 1, blue sky, Vis. 5-6 nm, light haze, large
long SE-swell, bright moonlight |
Surfaced to charge. |
02.32 |
BF 4934 |
Detection on 162 cm. Tone strengthened slowly, however weakens and stops occasionally. |
02.35 |
Dived. |
06.51 |
BF 4926 |
Surfaced to charge. |
SSE 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 4-6 nm, hazy, with
fog banks, long S-swell, dawn |
06.55 |
BF 4926 |
Detection on 162 cm. Slowly becoming louder, stopping occasionally. |
06.58 |
BF 4926 |
Crash dive for approaching land-based aircraft astern. Distance about 6 nm, however no attack. |
Continued submerged transit. |
09.19 |
SSE 3-4, Sea 3, overcast, Cirrostratus, Vis. 8-10 nm, haze developing on the horizon, long SSW-swell |
Surfaced to charge. |
continued |
- 2 - |
22.03.43 |
10.40 |
Fog banks, very hazy, S 2-3 nm |
Dived due to visibility deterioration |
Submerged transit. |
12.00 |
BF 4924 |
Day's run: Surfaced: 53 nm Submerged 35 nm. |
20.30 |
BF 4919 |
Surfaced to charge. |
21.45 |
BF 4917 |
Dived for detection on 162 cm, continuous tone. After 4 minutes, 5 aircraft bombs astern. |
SEbyS 3, Sea 3, overcast, Nimbus, Vis. 2-3 nm, scattered rain, long SW-swell, marine phosphorescence |
23.03.43 |
Western Bay of Biscay |
00.05 |
SEbyS 3, Sea 3, overcast, Nimbus, Vis. 1-2 nm, haze, rain showers |
Surfaced. |
00.07 |
BF 4941 |
Dived for detection on 162 cm, strengthening continuous tone. |
02.00 |
Surfaced. |
02.09 |
BF 4863 |
Dived for detection on 164 cm, strengthening, repeating tone. |
04.00 |
BF 4863 |
SEbyS 3, Sea 3, overcast, Cirrostratus, Vis. 5 nm, long SSW-swell, bright moonlit night |
Surfaced. |
04.02 |
Again detection on 164 cm, first search, then continuous tone. Dived. |
Continued transit submerged. |
08.00 |
SSE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, medium SW-swell |
Surfaced to charge. |
09.20 |
BF 4861 |
German U-boat in sight bearing 345°T course east. |
10.05 |
BF 4854 |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based), crossing course. |
10.30 |
Surfaced. |
10.45 |
BF 4854 |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based), parallel course. |
11.15 |
BF 4854 |
Surfaced, while blowing surprised by a twin-engine land-based aircraft in low approach. From 25 meters 4 bombs. No damage. |
SSE 3-4, S 3-4, 7/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 8-12 nm, medium SW-swell, |
11.17 |
Continued submerged transit. |
12.00 |
BF 4854 |
Day's run: Surfaced 38 nm Submerged 26 nm. |
20.45 |
BF 4848 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
SE 5, Sea 4-5, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, medium SSW-swell |
22.38 |
BF 4793 |
Dived due to detection on 162 cm, search mode. |
24.03.43 |
180 nm northwest of Cape Finisterre |
00.12 |
BF 4776 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
SE 5, Sea 5, blue sky, Vis. 5-6 nm, high SSW-swell, bright
clear moonlit night |
07.15 |
SE 5, Sea 5, increasing cloudiness, Nimbus, Vis. 10 nm, high SSW-swell |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 9321 |
Day's run: Surfaced 95 nm Submerged 35 nm. |
20.30 |
BE 9312 |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
NEbyN 4, Sea 3, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, medium NW-swell |
25.03.43 |
240 nm west-northwest of Cape Finisterre |
00.00 |
BE 9228 |
NE 4, Sea 3, 9/10, Cumulus, Vis. 2-5 nm, long NbyE-swell, bright moonlit night |
continued |
- 3 - |
25.03.43 |
07.35 |
BE 9159 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 9182 |
Day's run: Surfaced 109 nm Submerged 20 nm. |
20.54 |
BE 8397 |
Surfaced. |
NNW 3-4, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm, confused swell |
Intention: proceed to CF 73 via BE 85 in accordance with outbound orders. |
26.03.43 |
420 nm west of Cape Finisterre |
04.00 |
BE 8616 |
NbyE 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell, bright moonlit night |
08.00 |
BE 8563 |
N 2, Sea 2, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 8 nm, long WNW-swell |
12.00 |
BE 8555 |
Day's run: Surfaced 111 nm Submerged 23 nm. |
Weather as at 08.00, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
BE 8579 |
NW 2, Sea 2, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 8-10 nm, occasionally hazy on the horizon, light WNW-swell |
21.00 |
BE 8844 |
Outgoing radio transmission (Short Signal): |
NW 1-2, Sea 2, 9/10, Stratus, Vis. 3-4 nm, light WNW-swell |
Position BE 8844. |
21.47 |
Confirmation of Short Signal by Control Station. |
27.03.43 |
400 nm northeast of the Azores |
00.00 |
BE 8796 |
NW 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cirrus, Vis. 2-3, hazy, light NW-swell |
04.00 |
CF 2327 |
W 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 2-3 nm, hazy, light NW-swell |
08.50 |
CF 2372 |
Test dive and torpedo maintenance. |
W 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, Altostratus, Vis. 5 nm, hazy with fog banks, light NW-swell |
11.20 |
Surfaced, switched to "Ireland" circuit. |
11.55 |
Received radio message: |
New objective for Kusch and Kietz is ET 50. For Auffermann square 90 of the large square west of disguised square QL |
12.00 |
CF 2614 |
Intention: proceed to ET 50 via CF 73, DH 77, EJ 32, ES 35 |
N 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 8 nm, occasional fog banks and haze, light NW-swell |
Day's run: Surfaced 148 nm Submerged 5 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 2568 |
NE 2, Sea 2, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 10 nm, occasional haze, light NW-swell |
20.00 |
CF 2823 |
WSW 3, Sea 2-3, overcast, Nimbus, Vis. 8-10, haze, scattered rain showers, light NW-swell |
28.03.43 |
320 nm east-northeast of the Azores |
00.00 |
CF 2854 |
W 2, Sea 2-3, overcast, Stratus, freshening, Vis. 3-4 nm, light W-swell |
08.00 |
CF 5195 |
SW 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, light W-swell |
continued |
- 4 - |
28.03.43 |
12.00 |
CF 5429 |
Day's run: Surfaced 195 nm. |
SW 2-3, Sea 2, 8/10, Cirrus, Vis. 10-12, light W-swell |
16.35 |
CF 5479 |
Test dive with follow-on deep dive to test depth resulted in leakage through the port outboard exhaust valve. Leakage noted before on deep dive on 21 March. Improvement was obtained by tightening the linkage. Defect cannot be completely eliminated. |
W 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm, light W-swell |
20.20 |
CF 5716 |
Outgoing Radio Message: |
WNW 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, light W-swell |
Request meeting with returning boat for transfer Oblt.(Ing.) Reinecke. |
CF 5718, 215 cbm, WNW 2, Sea 2, Cumulus, 1028. - Kusch - |
20.52 |
Confirmation of radio message by Control Station. |
22.44 |
WNW 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, light W-swell, marine phosphorescence |
Incoming Radio Message: |
To Kusch: |
Transfer in approximately 6 days possibly. More to follow. |
29.03.43 |
140 nm east of the Azores |
00.00 |
CF 4999 |
WNW 2, Sea 1-2, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 2-3, light W-swell, marine phosphorescence |
02.00 |
On board clocks advanced 1 hour (German Summertime). |
04.00 |
CF 7337 |
N 3-4, Sea 2, freshening wind, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4, light NW-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CF 7385 |
N 2, Sea 2, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 11 nm, light NW-swell |
09.27 |
CF 7388 |
Steamer in sight bearing 106°T. |
NNE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulostratus, freshening, Vis. 8-10 nm |
Maneuvered ahead. |
10.41 |
Dived, to operate on steamer. Steamer is Portuguese "GIL FANNES". Approximately 3,000 GRT, Course 270°T, 9 knots |
12.58 |
CF 7613 |
Surfaced, steamer out of sight, continued southward. |
N 4, Sea 4, overcast, Cumulonimbus, rain showers, Vis. 6-10 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced 170 nm Submerged 6 nm. |
16.00 |
CF 7646 |
NNE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
CF 7913 |
NE 4-5, Sea 4, 5/10, Cumulus, freshening, Vis. 5-6 nm, entered the area of NE Trade Winds |
22.37 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
1) Intentions: a) Kusch give Chief Engineer to Emmerman. On 30 March Kusch is about in DH 11, course south. |
b) Fuel offload Emmermann to Neitzel for continued return. Emmermann suggest meeting place according to completion of repairs other boats adjust accordingly. |
2) Neitzel to receive Metox later from an outward bound boat. |
3) Kusch switch to "America 2" Circuit tomorrow at 08.00 hours. |
30.03.43 |
200 nm southeast of the Azores |
00.00 |
CF 7979 |
NE 4-5, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 4 nm |
continued |
- 5 - |
30.03.43 |
04.00 |
DH 1146 |
Stiff NE-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4-5, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 |
08.00 |
DH 1416 |
Switched to "America 2" circuit. |
NE-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4-5, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
12.00 |
DH 1444 |
NE-Trade Wind 5, Sea 4-5, 6/10, Cumulus, building, Vis. 12 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced 180 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
12.36 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Emmermann sends bearing signals in accordance with standing order. |
From then to 15.30 hoursno signals are heard and Emmermann's position is unknown to me |
15.35 |
Outgoing Radio Message: |
Bearing signals not heard. What is Emmermann's location? DH 1477. - Kusch - |
16.16 |
DH 1477 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
ENE-Trade Wind 5, Sea 5, continuing, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm |
You were not meant. It was for Müller. Rendezvous point follows. - Emmermann - |
16.37 |
Test dive, torpedo and machine maintenance. |
18.50 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DH 1714 |
ENE-Trade Wind 5, Sea 5, overcast, Cumulostratus, Vis. 8 nm |
23.12 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
1) E-compressor operable, Junkers compressor still inoperable, DT 34, 80 cbm, returning to base. |
2) Meeting with Kusch, 1 April at 12.00 hours DG 9935. |
3) Meeting with Neitzel, 4 April at 10.00 hours DG 1855, |
4) In each case send bearing signals 1 hour prior to determined meeting time in accordance with standing orders. |
- Emmermann - |
31.03.43 |
380 nm southeast of the Azores |
00.00 |
DG 3993 |
NE-Trade Wind 5, Sea 5, overcast, Cumulostratus, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
DG 6335 |
EbyN 5, Trade Wind, Sea 4-5, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 4-5, |
08.00 |
DG 6369 |
EbyN 5, Trade Wind, Sea 4-5, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 8 nm, haze |
12.00 |
DG 6635 |
Day's run: Surfaced 139 nm Submerged 5 nm. |
ENE 5, Trade Wind, Sea 5, 9/10, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 10 nm |
16.00 |
DH 4477 |
NE-Trade Wind, Sea 4, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.30 |
Test dive. |
16.42 |
Surfaced, proceeded to meeting point DG 9935. |
20.00 |
DH 4741 |
NO-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
01.04.43 |
300 nm west of the Canary Islands |
00.00 |
DG 6996 |
NE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 4, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
DG 9563 |
NE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
08.00 |
DG 9399 |
ENE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 11 nm |
12.00 |
DG 9662 |
Day's run: Surfaced 179 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
ENE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.25 |
Receiving bearing signals from "U-172" bearing 193°T. |
continued |
- 6 - |
01.04.43 |
15.42 |
DG 9932 |
U-172 in sight bearing 195°T. |
16.00 |
DG 9932 |
Transferred Oblt.(Ing.) Reinicke in rubber dinghy to U-172, afterwards continued southwards. |
ENE 3, Trade Winds, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
18.14 |
U-172 out of sight. |
18.16 |
Test dive. |
18.45 |
Surfaced. Intention: proceed to ET 50 via EJ 19. There is probably enemy traffic at the refueling station in EJ 27. |
20.00 |
DG 9938 |
NE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
21.07 |
Sent Short Signal: Task accomplished. |
23.35 |
Confirmation of Short Signal by headquarters. |
02.04.43 |
450 nm west-southwest of Canary Islands |
00.00 |
DG 9994 |
NE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
04.00 |
DT 2253 |
NE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2, 7/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
08.00 |
DT 2289 |
NE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
12.00 |
DT 2556 |
Day's run: Surfaced 168 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
NE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
DT 2826 |
NE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.30 |
Test dive and torpedo maintenance. |
17.52 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DT 2856 |
NE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
03.04.43 |
400 nm north of Cape Verde Islands |
00.00 |
DT 5223 |
W 2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm |
04.00 |
DT 5259 |
W 1, Trade Wind, Sea 1, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
08.00 |
DT 5529 |
N 1-2, Trade Wind, Sea 1-2, 1/10, Altocumulus, Vis 3 nm |
12.00 |
DT 5586 |
Day's run: Surfaced 178 nm Submerged 3 nm. |
N 3, Trade Wind, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
DT 5856 |
N 3, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DT 8223 |
N 2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm. |
21.00 |
Test dive. |
22.00 |
Surfaced. |
04.04.43 |
230 nm north of the Cape Verde Islands |
00.00 |
DT 8252 |
NbyW 1, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm |
04.00 |
DT 8516 |
WNW 1, Sea 1, 5/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
08.00 |
DT 8571 |
N 1, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis, 5 nm |
12.00 |
DT 8738 |
Day's run: Surfaced 184 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
NbyW 1-2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
continued |
- 7 - |
04.04.43 |
16.00 |
DT 8783 |
NbyW 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
EJ 2127 |
NbyW 1-2, Sea 2, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis 12 nm |
20.30 |
Test dive. |
20.52 |
Surfaced. |
05.04.43 |
West of the Cape Verde Group |
00.00 |
EJ 2175 |
NW 1-2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm |
02.40 |
EJ 2414 |
Point Chao de Mangrade Lighthouse on Santo Antao Island in sight bearing 186°T. 27 nm distant. |
04.00 |
EJ 1663 |
NE-Trade Wind 1, Sea 2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
05.38 |
EJ 1692 |
Mangrade Lighthouse passed at 5.5 nm abeam. |
08.00 |
EJ 1934 |
NE-Trade Wind 1, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
08.27 |
EJ 1931 |
Mangrade Lighthouse out of sight. |
09.15 |
EJ 1935 |
Santo Antao and Sao Vicente Islands in sight distance 20 nm. |
12.00 |
EJ 2718 |
Day's run: Surfaced 191 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
NbyE 1, Trade Wind, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Cumulostratus, haze, Vis, 11 nm |
13.39 |
EJ 2746 |
Land out of sight. |
16.00 |
EJ 2776 |
NbyE 1, Trade Wind, Sea 1-2, overcast, Stratus, light haze, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
EJ 5146 |
ENE 2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
21.00 |
Test dive. |
21.20 |
Surfaced. |
06.04.43 |
20 nm west of Brava (Cape Verde Islands) |
00.00 |
EJ 5413 |
NE Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
04.00 |
EJ 5455 |
NE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2, 2/10, Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm |
08.00 |
EJ 5498 |
NE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
EJ 5842 |
Day's run: Surfaced 177 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
NNE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Altocumulus, haze, Vis. 10 nm |
14.40 |
Test dive. |
15.00 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
EJ 5882 |
NNE 2-3, Trade Wind, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Altocirrus, haze, Vis. 10 nm |
20.00 |
EJ 8235 |
NNE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3, 8/10, Altocumulus and Cirrus, light haze, Vis. 11 nm |
07.04.43 |
140 nm south of the Cape Verde Islands |
00.00 |
EJ 8372 |
NNE 2-3, Trade Wind, Sea 2-3, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
EJ 8626 |
NNE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 2-3, overcast, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EJ 8668 |
NNE 2-3, Trade Wind, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
continued |
- 8 - |
07.04.43 |
12.00 |
EJ 9713 |
Day's run: Surfaced 178 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
NNE 2-3, Trade Wind, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 10 |
13.42 |
Test dive. |
14.05 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
EJ 9753 |
NNE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 2-3, blue sky, Vis. 12 nm, light
S-swell |
20.00 |
EJ 9796 |
NNE 1, Trade Wind, Sea 1, blue sky, Altocirrus veil, Vis
11 nm, light S-swell |
22.54 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Congratulations on promotion sent from 2. U.-Flottille to U-154 for Oblt. Druschel. |
08.04.43 |
300 nm west-southwest of Portuguese Guinea |
00.00 |
ES 3246 |
NNE 1, Sea 1, blue sky, Vis. 4 nm, light S-swell, southern
border of NE-Trade Winds |
04.00 |
ES 3523 |
NNE, 1, Sea 0-1, blue sky, Vis. 3-4 nm, light S-swell,
marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
ES 3566 |
NNE 1, Sea 0-1, 5/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, light SE-swell, beginning of the doldrums |
12.00 |
ES 3673 |
Day's run: Surfaced 191 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
NNE 1, Sea 0-1, blue sky, haze on the horizon, Vis. 10
nm, light SE-swell |
13.46 |
Test dive. |
13.59 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
ES 3961 |
E, Sea 0, blue sky, haze, Vis. 10 nm, light SE-swell |
16.32 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
1) Schröter and Nissen proceed further. |
2) Occupy the following attack areas: |
Nissen FE 30 and FF 10, |
Kietz EU 80 and FF 20, |
Kusch FF 40 and 70 |
Schröter in accordance with serial number 334 of 30.03 |
3) Single traffic steering NW-SE probably runs in the areas mentioned.
Independents and north-bound convoys originate from the main port. All naval squares. |
Intention: proceed to FF 4333 via ET 5777. |
20.00 |
ET 1774 |
E, Sea 0, blue sky, haze, Vis. 10 nm, light SE-swell |
09.04.43 |
370 nm west of Freetown |
00.00 |
ET 4127 |
E, Sea 0, blue sky, Vis. 4 nm, light S-swell, marine phosphorescence
04.00 |
ET 4192 |
E, Sea 0, 1/10, Cirrus, haze, Vis. 3 nm, light S-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
ET 4515 |
E, Sea 0, blue sky, haze, Vis. 2-3 nm, light SSE-swell |
12.00 |
ET 4585 |
Day's run: Surfaced 190 nm Submerged 0.8 nm. |
E, Sea 0, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SSE-swell |
continued |
- 9 - |
09.04.43 |
13.24 |
Test dive. |
13.43 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
ET 4835 |
S 1, Sea 0-1, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SSE-swell |
20.00 |
ET 4948 |
E, Sea 0, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SSE-swell |
10.04.43 |
300 nm southwest of Freetown |
00.00 |
ET 4986 |
S 1, Sea 1, 2/10, Vis. 3 nm, 1ight S-swell, distant lightening and marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
ET 8114 |
SSE 1, Sea 0-1, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, light SE-swell, distant lightening and marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
ET 8155 |
E, Sea 0, 6/10, Vis. 2 nm, light SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
11.08 |
ET 8193 |
U-126 in sight bearing 90°T. |
Maneuvered alongside. |
12.00 |
ET 8272 |
Day's run: Surfaced 182 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SSE 1, Sea 0-1, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SE-swell |
13.54 |
U-126 out of sight. |
16.00 |
ET 8522 |
SSE 0-1, Sea 0, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SE-swell |
20.00 |
ET 8563 |
E, Sea 0, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SE-swell |
11.04.43 |
280 nm southwest of Monrovia |
00.00 |
ET 8653 |
SSE 1, Sea 0, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, light SSE-swell |
04.00 |
ET 9471 |
SSE 1, beginning of the SE-Trade Winds, Sea 1, 2/10, Cumulus, rain showers, Vis. 3 nm, light SE-swell |
08.00 |
ET 9723 |
SSE 1, Trade Wind, Sea 1, 2/10, Cumulus, rain showers, Vis. 4 nm, light SE-swell, distant lightening |
12.00 |
ET 9815 |
Day's run: Surfaced 183 nm. |
SSE 1-2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 1/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.16 |
Test dive. |
13.44 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
ET 9855 |
SSE 2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulus, tropical showers, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
ET 9896 |
SSE 2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 12 nm |
12.04.43 |
260 nm south-southwest of Monrovia |
00.00 |
FE 3328 |
SSE 2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 4 |
04.00 |
FE 3369 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm |
08.00 |
FF 1188 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
FF 1464 |
Day's run: Surfaced 186 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 8/10, Cumulonimbus, tropical showers, Vis. 8-12 nm |
continued |
- 10 - |
12.04.43 |
13.01 |
Test dive. |
13.24 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FF 1572 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 8-12 nm |
20.00 |
FF 1823 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm |
13.04.43 |
290 nm southwest of Cape Palmas (Liberia) |
00.00 |
FF 1838 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, light showers, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
FF 1949 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, freshening, Sea 3, heavy tropical showers, Vis. 1-2 nm, marine phosphorescence |
05.18 |
FF 1957 lower-right corner |
Equator crossed at 9° 36.9' W Longitude. |
08.00 |
FF 1994 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 5/10, Nimbus, Vis. 2-3 nm |
10.00 |
FF 4333 upper-right corner |
Entered the attack area FF 40 right upper corner. |
Intentions: |
To search on southwest and/or northeastern courses between
the upper-right and lower-left corners of the operations area, expecting to catch and stop NW-SE enemy traffic between
Capetown and Freetown, stopping during darkness to save fuel. |
12.00 |
FF 4338 |
Day's run: Surfaced 164 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
14.30 |
Held a 40-man crossing the line ceremony. |
16.00 |
FF 4364 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
18.08 |
Test dive. |
18.40 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
FF 4358 |
NNE-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, Nimbus, heavy rain showers, Vis. 2-6 nm, SE-swell |
21.30 |
Stopped. Let the boat drift.. |
14.04.43 |
350 nm south-southwest Cape Palmas |
00.00 |
FF 4384 |
ENE 2, Sea 2-3, overcast, Stratus, rain showers, Vis. 3-4 nm, bright growing moon, heavy marine phosphorescence, |
04.00 |
FF 4375 |
ESE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 5 nm, bright moon, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FF 4296 |
ESE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 4 nm, light NE-swell |
08.30 |
Proceed onward. |
12.00 |
FF 4535 |
Day's run: Surfaced 96 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
SSE 3-4, Trade Wind, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SE-swell |
16.00 |
FF 4659 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 3/10, Vis. 12 nm, light SE-swell |
20.00 |
FF 4587 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, steady, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, light SE-swell |
21.15 |
Stopped, let the boat drift. |
- 11 - |
15.04.43 |
400 nm north-northeast Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FF 4574 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 5 nm, medium SE-swell, bright moon |
04.00 |
FF 4496 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, bright moon, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FF 4495 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 8/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 5 nm, light SE-swell |
08.45 |
Proceed onward. |
12.00 |
FF 4735 |
Day's run: Surfaced 82 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8-12 nm, light SE-swell |
15.45 |
Test dive. |
16.08 |
FF 4762 |
Surfaced. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 11-12 nm, light SE-swell |
20.00 |
FF 4792 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 10 nm, light SE-swell |
21.15 |
Stopped, let the boat drift. |
16.04.43 |
340 nm north-northeast of Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FF 4797 |
SSE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3, overcast, Nimbus, Vis. 4 nm, rain showers, light SE-swell, growing crescent moon |
04.00 |
FF 4788 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, medium SE-swell, bright moon |
08.00 |
FF 7121 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 5/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 8-10 nm |
08.30 |
Continued transit. |
12.00 |
FF 7128 |
Day's run: Surfaced 83 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Cumulus, light showers, Vis. 12 nm, medium SE-swell |
16.00 |
FF 7158 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm, medium SE-swell |
20.00 |
FF 7189 |
SE-Trade Wind, Sea 4, 5/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 11-12 nm, medium SE-swell |
21.30 |
Stopped, let the boat drift. |
17.04.43 |
300 nm north-northwest of Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FF 7425 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, medium SE-swell, bright moon |
04.00 |
FF 7427 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 8/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 5 nm, medium SE-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
FF 7427 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5, medium SE-swell |
08.30 |
Continued transit. |
12.00 |
FF 7457 |
Day's run: Surfaced 81 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 12 nm, medium SE-swell |
14.15 |
Test dive and engine maintenance. |
15.28 |
Surfaced. |
continued |
- 12 - |
17.04.43 |
16.00 |
FF 7485 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Altocumulus, showers, Vis. 8 nm |
20.00 |
FF 7722 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 4, 6/10, Stratocumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm |
21.15 |
Stopped, let the boat drift. |
18.04.43 |
250 nm northeast of Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FF 7731 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
04.00 |
FF 7751 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3-4, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
FF 7743 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, marine phosphorescence |
08.30 |
Continued transit. |
12.00 |
FF 7781 |
Day's run: Surfaced 66 nm Submerged 3 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
12.46 |
FF 7781 |
Crash dive for aircraft (twin-engine land-based), high flyer, course for Ascension. |
13.13 |
Surfaced. Continued towards the lower-left corner of the attack area. |
15.00 |
FF 7787 |
Reached the lower-left corner of the operations area. Intentions: proceed on a northeast course to the upper-right corner of FF 70, then head from there on a northerly course to the upper-right corner of
FF 40. |
16.07 |
FF 7788 |
Crash dive for an aircraft appearing out of the clouds (twin-engine, land-based). High flyer, range estimated 6000 meters. Several aircraft bombs, one depth bomb after about two minutes, no damage. |
SE-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4, 5/10, Cumulus and Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
17.27 |
Surfaced, continued to upper-right corner of FF 70. |
19.27 |
FF 7783 |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based) bearing 50°T. |
At first only crossing path, far off, turns then in long curve on the approach. |
20.23 |
FF 7791 |
Surfaced. Continued transit. |
SE-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
19.04.43 |
260 nm northeast of Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FF 7766 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, overcast, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
04.00 |
FF 7815 |
SE-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4, overcast, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
FF 7585 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Nimbus and Stratus, showers, Vis. 6 nm |
12.00 |
FF 7567 |
Day's run: Surfaced 115 nm Submerged 7 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4-5, blue sky, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
FF 7539 |
SE-Trade Wind 4-5, Sea 4-5, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FF 7378 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.45 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
1) With the release of Sector D occupy with economical cruise speed the following attack areas: |
Kietz square 15, Kusch 57, Nissen 63, all in FD. Henke square FE 15, depth 180 nm. |
In this area independents steering to the NS- and NE are to be expected. |
continued |
- 13 - |
19.04.43 |
2) Henke freedom to maneuver to the NE up to the coast at the time of the new moon. |
3) For Schröter operate at your own discretion. |
4) Replenishment for further operations is intended for all boats beginning 15 May in square ER. If further operations are no longer possible for Henke announce in good time and expect resupply only on return transit. All naval squares. |
21.30 |
Stopped, let the boat drift. |
22.00 |
Incoming Radio Message (Officer-only): |
Starting on 20 April 00.00 hours attack prohibition is waived eastward in section Dora including the extension of 200 nm. Thus in route Anton attack on unidentified independents is approved the entire way. |
20.04.43 |
350 nm northeast of Ascension Island |
FF 7376 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, blue sky, Vis. 6 nm, full moon |
01.00 |
FF 7376 |
Began transit to FD 57. |
04.00 |
FF 7295 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 4, blue sky, Vis. 6 nm, full moon |
08.00 |
FF 7273 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
12.00 |
FF 7183 |
Day's run: 146 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.15 |
Test dive. |
13.40 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FF 7173 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3-4, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FE 9382 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus and Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
21.04.43 |
270 nm north-northeast of Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FE 9292 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
04.00 |
FE 9249 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, full moon |
08.00 |
FE 9159 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 8/10, Cumulonimbus, rain showers, Vis. 5 nm |
11.23 |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based), course NW. |
12.03 |
FE 9145 |
Surfaced. |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced 189 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
16.00 |
FE 8343 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
20.00 |
FE 8261 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
22.04.43 |
300 nm north-northwest of Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FE 8139 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
04.00 |
FE 8124 |
SE-Trade Wind 1-2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
FE 7334 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 9/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-5 nm |
12.00 |
FE 7233 |
Day's run: Surfaced 230 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
FE 7213 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
continued |
- 14 - |
22.04.43 |
20.00 |
FE 4789 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
23.04.43 |
420 nm northwest of Ascension Island |
00.00 |
FD 6999 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
FD 6976 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm moonlit |
08.00 |
FD 6886 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm |
12.00 |
FD 6793 |
Day's run: Surfaced 218 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm |
13.15 |
Test dive. |
13.43 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FD 6781 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 8-10 nm |
20.00 |
FD 5967 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.04.43 |
680 nm northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 5948 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
FD 5855 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 9/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
FD 5765 |
Entered square FD 57 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-5, moonlit |
09.50 |
FD 5755 |
Arrived at center point of attack area in square FD 57. Intend to steam back and forth in the attack area on NW-SE courses perpendicular to the traffic line
"Pernambuco Bahia - Freetown" to a depth of 180 nm. |
12.00 |
FD 5719 |
Day's run: Surfaced 203 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
FD 4699 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, confused swell |
20.00 |
FD 4659 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, confused swell |
22.30 |
FD 4643 |
Reached the NW edge of attack area, came to SE course. |
25.04.43 |
680 nm northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 4654 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
04.00 |
FD 4694 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-5 nm |
08.00 |
FD 4933 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
12.00 |
FD 5743 |
Day's run: Surfaced 148 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.10 |
Test dive. |
13.28 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FD 5782 |
During a brief stop abeam the sea it was determined that main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 2 leaked slightly. For a few days the boat has had a light oil trace, |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 8-12 nm |
continued |
- 15 - |
25.04.43 |
without the cause being found. Assumption: a bad welding seam in 2 starboard |
20.00 |
FD 5797 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
26.04.43 |
680 nm northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 8131 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 8/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 8 nm |
04.00 |
FD 8241 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 4-5 nm, long SE-swell |
08.00 |
FD 8249 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, long SE-swell |
09.38 |
FD 8276 |
Crash dive for aircraft. Parallel flight, course for Ascension Island. |
10.05 |
Surfaced. |
10.30 |
FD 8279 |
Reached the SE-edge of the attack area, to course NW. |
12.00 |
FD 8272 |
Day's run: Surfaced 111 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
16.00 |
FD 8162 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 8/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FD 8122 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 9/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 5-12 nm |
27.04.43 |
680 nm northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 4969 |
SE-Trade Wind 5, Sea 3, 7/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 4 nm, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
FD 4934 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2, 7/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 4 nm, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FD 4682
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit, long SE-swell |
11.30 |
FD 4619 |
Reached the NW-edge of the attack area, to course SE. |
12.00 |
FD 4651 |
Day's run: Surfaced 171 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 10-12 nm, long SE-swell |
16.00 |
FD 4659 |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
20.00 |
FD 4699 |
Determined that 3 cbm of fuel oil was lost by oil leak. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Cumulus and Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm. long SE-swell |
28.04.43 |
680 nm northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 5727 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 8/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 3 nm, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
FD 5767 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, slight swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FD 5799 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6, slight swell, moonlit |
continued |
- 16 - |
28.04.43 |
12.00 |
FD 8219 |
Day's run: Surfaced 146 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8-12 nm |
13.28 |
Test dive. |
13.55 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FD 8255 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3-4, 8/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
18.40 |
FD 8283 |
Reached the SE-edge of attack area. Intention: head for the NE corner (FD 5537) and from there by on a SW-course to the SW-corner stopping at night to save fuel. |
20.00 |
FD 8264 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 8/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 8-10 nm |
22.00 |
FD 8239 |
Stopped, let the boat drift. |
29.04.43 |
680 nm northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 8238 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 3 nm, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
FD 8238 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 1, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FD 8237 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, moonlit |
09.00 |
Continued to the north. |
12.00 |
FD 5898 |
Day's run: Surfaced 83 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cirrus and Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
14.47 |
Incoming Radio Message: Attack areas: |
1) Kusch FC 70, 80 and area south thereof by FK 40 lower edge. |
Steinert FJ 80 and 90 and south thereof by FQ 20 lower edge. Traffic situation follows. |
2) Kietz, Nissen make for ET 60. |
3) All naval squares. |
15.00 |
To course WSW with the intention, iinitially wait for the traffic situation to arrive. |
16.00 |
FD 5868 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
17.35 |
Incoming Radio Message. |
For Kusch and Steinert: |
Wissmann reports traffic situation along the coast in FJ |
1) Small fast independent traffic sails. |
2) Convoys about 60 nm off the coast to and from the main port in 8721. According to the prisoner of war assembling every 10 days. |
3) Originating from main port after stop over single traffic for South Africa |
4) Numerous neutrals. |
5) Weak surface patrol, strong day-medium night air patrol. Enemy radar detection. |
continued |
- 17 - |
29.04.43 |
Intention: |
To head SW for FJ 68 in the lower third of the attack area. On that course is possible to rake opposing northbound traffic and SE traffic for South Africa. Further to run northward from there about 60 nm off the coast on the route announced by Wissmann. |
20.00 |
FD 5876 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
23.45 |
FD 8135 |
Outgoing Radio Message (on 36 meters): |
Naval square FD 8135, 8 Eto, 8 Ato, 6 T 3, Trade Wind 3, 10 mb. 140 cbm. - Kusch - |
30.04.43 |
660 nm northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 8135 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Altostratus, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
02.31 |
Contents of radio message confirmed by headquarters. |
04.00 |
FD 8154 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FD 7395 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
12.00 |
FD 7624 |
Day's run: Surfaced 183 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.27 |
Test dive and engine maintenance. |
14.33 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FD 7563 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
18.29 |
FD 7559 |
Crash dive for aircraft, departed to the SE. |
19.00 |
Surfaced. |
19.40 |
FD 7583 |
Crash dive for aircraft, parallel course WSW the same aircraft observed at 18.29 hours. |
20.00 |
FD 7583 |
Surfaced. |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
01.05.43 |
520 nm east-northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FD 7499 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
FD 7728 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FD 7771 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm |
12.00 |
FK 2323 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm Submerged 4 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
FK 2342 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FK 2283 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Stratus, Vis. 12 nm |
02.05.43 |
330 nm east-northeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FK 2512 |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, 9/10, Stratus, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
continued |
- 18 - |
02.05.43 |
00.58 |
FK 2514 |
Neutral Spanish steamer in sight bearing 208°T. Course 20° 8 knots. |
Stack markings indicate she belongs to the Vascongada Line, Bilbao, name not readable, since ships side is not illuminated. Size about 3000 to 4000 GRT. |
01.35 |
Steamer out of sight. |
04.00 |
FK 2465 |
ESE 2, Trade Wind, Sea 2, 2/10, Stratus, Vis. 4 nm, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
06.30 |
FK 2458 |
Aircraft showing navigation lights flew over. Probably passenger plane from Parahyba to Ascension, course east, height about 500 meters. |
08.00 |
FK 2476 |
ESE 2-3, Trade Wind, Sea 2, blue sky, Vis. 5 nm, long E-swell |
12.00 |
FK 1939 |
Day's run: Surfaced 189 nm. |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
Enter the attack area, middle third. |
13.40 |
Test dive. |
14.22 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FK 1955 |
E 2, Sea 2, blue sky, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
20.00 |
FK 1977 |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulostratus, showers, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
03.05.43 |
190 nm east of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FK 4261 |
E 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, long E-swell |
04.00 |
FK 4273 |
E 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long E-swell |
08.00 |
FK 4432 |
E 2, Sea 2, overcast, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 2 nm, long E-swell |
12.00 |
FK 4451 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
E 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight E-swell |
16.00 |
FJ 6693 |
E 4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight E-swell |
20.00 |
FJ 6922 |
E 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
04.05.43 |
105 nm southeast of Maceio |
00.00 |
FJ 6941 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, marine phosphorescence |
04.00 |
FJ 6878 |
ESE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3, 2/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FJ 6878 |
E 3, Sea 2, 4/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, marine phosphorescence |
09.00 |
FJ 6877
Arrived at southern edge of the attack area. Assumed western course. Advance is intended to the coast up to the 30 nm limit. |
12.00 |
FJ 6789 |
60 nm offshore. |
ESE 4, Trade Wind, Sea 4, 8/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 6-12 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced 182 nm. |
13.40 |
Test dive. |
14.16 |
Surfaced. |
continued |
- 19 - |
04.05.43 |
16.00 |
FJ 5999 |
Reached 30 nm limit. Continuing on NE course parallel to the coast. |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FJ 6746 |
ESE 3-4, Trade Wind, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
05.05.43 |
40 nm south of Maceio |
00.00 |
FJ 6726 |
On northerly course. Advance is intended toward "Maceio" up to the 200-meter line. Possibly independents and coastal traffic running between the 200-meter line and 30 nm offshore. Traffic between coast and the 200-meter line is not to be expected due to the presence of numerous shoals northeast of Maceio. |
ESE 3, Trade Wind, Sea 3-4, blue sky, Vis. 4 nm, marine
phosphorescence |
04.10 |
FJ 6483 |
City and port lights of Maceio in sight bearing 326°T. Navigation lights are extinguished. Distance from coast about 14 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 2, Sea 2, blue sky, Vis. 4 nm, slight SE-swell
04.27 |
FJ 6458 |
Crossed 50-meter line, distance from Maceio about 12 nm. Departed. |
05.15 |
FJ 6483 |
Passed 200-meter line, lights out of sight. On easterly course intend to proceed to 60 nm off the coast. |
08.00 |
FJ 6493 |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 3 nm, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
FJ 6581 |
Day's run: Surfaced 176 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SSE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Stratus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
FJ 6592 |
Passed 60 nm offshore, came to westerly course. Intend to raid Maceio roadstead during darkness to determine whether ships are anchored there. |
SE-Trade Wind 4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Stratus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FJ 6573 |
SbyE 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
06.05.43 |
26 nm southeast of Maceio |
00.00 |
FJ 6468 |
SSE 2, Sea 2-3, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, slight SE-swell |
00.05 |
FJ 6468 |
By soundings crossed the 200-meter line. Lights in sight bearing 299°T. |
01.03 |
FJ 6467 |
Reached 50-meter line. On northwest course lights of Maceio bearing 306°T, distance after a series of soundings 16 nm. |
01.28 |
FJ 6467 |
Stopped, lights hidden from view by nearby rainstorm and boat's position is inaccurate. |
02.52 |
FJ 6464 |
Light again in view bearing 297°T maneuvering free of shoals on westerly course until lights bear 320°T. |
04.15 |
FJ 6455 |
On bearing 320°T turned and closed Maceio. Distance about 10 nm depth 40 meters. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 8/10, heavy rain showers, Vis. 1-3 nm, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
05.24 |
FJ 6455 upper-left corner |
Advanced to Maceio roadstead, distance from port about 5000 meters, depth 20 meters. |
S 3-5, showers |
continued |
- 20 - |
06.05.43 |
City is brightly illuminated all navigation lights extinguished. Nothing seen in the roadstead. Departed on southern course. |
07.00 |
Passed 200-meter line. |
07.30 |
Turned to the east to proceed 60 nm off the coast. |
08.00 |
FJ 6483 |
ESE 5, weather worsening quickly, Sea 4, overcast, heavy squalls, Vis. 1-2 nm, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
FJ 6572 |
Day's run: Surfaced 157 nm. |
ESE 5, Sea 4, 4/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.42 |
Test dive and engine maintenance. |
14.33 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FJ 6581 |
SE 4, Sea 4, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
18.00 |
FJ 6583 |
Reached 60 nm offshore, turned on NW course. Intention is to run northward alternating between 30 and 60 nm offshore. |
20.00 |
FJ 6552 |
ESE 2-3, Sea 3, 1/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SE-swell |
22.00 |
FJ 6524 |
Came to an easterly course. |
07.05.43 |
90 nm southeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FJ 6534 |
ESE, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4, slight SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
03.30 |
FJ 6615 |
Came to a northwest course. |
04.00 |
FJ 6615 |
SE, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
04.05 |
FJ 6639 |
Neutral steamer in sight bearing 320°T. Argentinean, name not legible, national ensign illuminated on the ship's side. About 5000 GRT, course 180°, 8-9 knots. |
06.30 |
FJ 6639 |
Steamer out of sight. |
08.00 |
FJ 6533 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Stratus, Vis. 3-4 nm, slight SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
10.00 |
FJ 6292 |
To easterly course, about 42 nm perpendicular to the coast. |
12.00 |
FJ 6371 |
Day's run: Surfaced 156 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, freshening, Sea 3-4, 9/10, Nimbus, heavy tropical showers, Vis. 2-10 nm |
14.43 |
FJ 6381 |
Crash dive for flying boat appearing from a cloud bank, crossing course 5000 meters, towards Pernambuco. |
overcast, Cumulonimbus, rain showers, Vis. 2-5 nm |
Proceeding submerged because of poor visibility and the possibility of being surprised. |
16.00 |
FJ 6381 |
Making hourly periscope observations. |
SE-Trade Wind 3-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, Cumulonimbus, rain, haze, Vis. 2-5 nm |
20.00 |
FJ 6357 |
SE-Trade Wind 3, Sea 3, overcast, Cumulonimbus, rain, haze, Vis. 3-6 nm |
22.30 |
FJ 6354 |
Surfaced on NW course heading for Pernambuco. Intend to observe the traffic conditions off Pernambuco, maneuvering back and forth for 24 hours off the port at the 30 nm limit. |
08.05.43 |
60 nm east-southeast of Pernambuco |
00.00 |
FJ 6316 |
SE-Trade Wind 2-3, freshening, Sea 3, overcast, Cumulonimbus, rain showers, haze, Vis. 1-3 nm, slight SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
continued |
- 21 - |
08.05.43 |
04.00 |
FJ 3944 |
SE 4, Sea 3-4, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, slight SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
FJ 6232 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, light swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.40 |
FJ 6235 |
Shadow in sight bearing 305°T. Closed. Ship is tanker of 6000 - 8000 GRT, general course 180, irregular zig-zag of 20-30°, estimated speed 10 knots. Began approach curve. Intend shot from 70°, range 800 meters. Shortly before firing steamer zigs 30° toward the boat. |
09.07 |
FJ 6235 |
2-fan from tubes I and IV, with target angle 43° bow left, 10 knots, estimated range 400 meters, tube I T 3, depth 7 meters, MZ on, tube IV Eto depth 4 meters, spread angle 3 seconds, lead angle17°. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, slight SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
Miss. Assumption, due to the short range the torpedoes had not steered in yet and understeered the target. |
09.08 |
Turned off, again began attack. Target speed appears faster, probably 11-12 knots. In the mean time dawn is breaking. |
09.28 |
FJ 6238 |
Single shot from tube III, T 3 depth 5 m, MZ on, target angle bow left 95°, target speed 12 knots, estimated range 2000 meters, lead angle 23.7°. |
09.29 |
FJ 6238 |
Single shot from tube II, Eto depth 4 m, Bow left 115°, speed 12 knots, estimated range 1500 meters, lead angle 21.5°. |
09.30 |
1 min. 38 seconds after firing from tube III a sharp metallic impact is heard in
the boat. Apparently a Pistol failure of the T 3. Computed distance 1500 meters. |
Shot from tube II missed. Assume that target speed was overestimated. Aiming point was after edge of bridge, thus forward, thus torpedo with lead angle 21.5° with target angle of 115° possibly passed ahead. |
09.31 |
Turned away and because of increasing lightness departed. |
09.33 |
Steamer suddenly opens random fire to all sides with stern cannon and steers completely irregular courses. |
09.38 |
FJ 6238 |
Steamer transmits: |
SSS of HPGM, attacked by submarine, 9°4' S, 34°36'W |
Also: Motor tanker "MOTOCARLINE" 8,900 GRT, 10 knots, Panama |
Steamer constantly repeats distress calls. |
Land station Pernambuco acknowledges. |
In the mean time the steamer steers irregular courses. |
10.10 |
Approached the steamer again, dived as soon as boat was range of vision. |
10.17 |
Dived at distance 11 nm, closing steamer at GF. Ship lay stopped possibly damaged by a dud hit. |
11.04 |
Surfaced because there is neither a sound bearing or sighting in the periscope. |
Steamer again in sight bearing 202°T. Distance now 12-13 nm. |
continued |
- 22 - |
08.05.43 |
11.05 |
Land Station asks steamer if the sea is clear and whether "sub still sighted". |
Steamer replies: |
"no dived", "seaward" and "we felt a heavy shock about 45 minutes ago. Saw two torpedoes cross our bow. Investigation as far as can be made do not show that ship was hit. Continuing our voyage. -Master-". |
11.27 |
Distance now 9-10 nm. Ship's lies athwart the seas engines apparently still stopped. Continued submerged approach. Surfaced immediately when steamer's reply radiogram submitted. |
11.40 |
Steamer in sight bearing 199°T distance 12 nm, 160° relative, course 180°. |
11.45 |
FJ 6262 |
Began to maneuver ahead at GF. Steamer steering general course 180° with zig-zags 20-30°, speed about 12 knots. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Altostratus, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
12.10 |
FJ 6262 |
Aircraft in view astern, far off, transverse flight, course east, disappeared in the clouds. |
13.12 |
FJ 6293 |
Aboard the steamer a torpedo detonation takes place, high water with associated brown explosion column, however, steamer shows no effect and runs with undiminished speed on course 180°. Assume that T III hit and lodged in the steamer detonating just now. Bearing 299°T |
13.14 |
FJ 6293 |
Steamer repeatedly transmits: |
"SSS of HPGM, attacked by submarine, 9°34'S, 34°36'W at 11.14 GMT." |
Land station at Pernambuco acknowledged. |
13.15 |
Continued to maneuver ahead. |
14.11 |
FJ 6374 |
Aircraft in sight bearing 305°T, far distant. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
Course to steamer at LF. |
Aircraft remains astern. |
14.13 |
Crash dive, aircraft turns toward the boat. |
Aircraft is Catalina type. |
14.43 |
By search periscope, aircraft circles above the diving position. |
15.11 |
By search periscope, aircraft circles above the boat. |
16.00 |
FJ 6377 |
Surfaced. |
16.03 |
FJ 6377 |
Crash dive for aircraft on crossing course. |
16.35 |
Aircraft circles astern above the diving position. |
17.08 |
FJ 6377 |
Surfaced, on search course 185° in pursuit. |
17.20 |
FJ 6377 |
Crash dive for attacking flying boat. 8 depth charges at depth 50 meters. 3 over the boat. No damage. |
18.00 |
By search periscope flying boat circles diving position. |
19.00 |
By search periscope flying boat remains over boat and diving position. |
19.10 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
Ran off submerged on easterly course. |
22.55 |
FJ 6387 |
Surfaced, set off to the east. |
23.33 |
FJ 6388 |
Crash dive for detection on 164 cm. |
09.05.43 |
90 nm southeast of Pernambuco |
01.40 |
FJ 6388 |
Surfaced, set off to the east. |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 3-4 nm, slight SE-swell, slight marine phosphorescence. |
continued |
- 23 - |
09.05.43 |
02.x0 |
Incoming Radio Message (time group 1834) |
To Kusch: |
Panama steamer transmitted distress calls in maritime square FJ 62 lower-center. |
04.00 |
FJ 6399 |
To northerly course, intend to proceed north of Pernambuco returning to the coast since the area off Pernambuco is now alerted. |
SE 4, Sea 3-4, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, slight SE-swell |
08.00 |
FJ 6363 |
EbyS 3, Sea 2-3, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, slight SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
FJ 3996 |
Day's run: Surfaced 142 nm Submerged 17 nm. |
E 3-4, Sea 3, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
12.32 |
FJ 3993 |
Crash dive for flying boat on the sea bearing 0°T. |
13.40 |
FJ 3993 |
Surfaced, just as flying boat overflew boat at 100 meters. |
13.41 |
FJ 3993 |
Crash dive, aircraft is leaving. Apparently the boat had been sighted at 12.32 hours. Decided to proceed submerged so as not to be sighted again.
Ran off to the east. Sweeping with search periscope once per hour. |
22.38 |
FK 1773 |
Surfaced. |
22.39 |
EbyS 0-1, Sea 2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, slight SE-swell |
Crash dive for detection on 164 cm, getting louder. |
10.05.43 |
104 nm east of Pernambuco |
01.32 |
FK 1781 |
Surfaced, proceeded on NW-course. |
Intend to head for the area north of Cape Roque since all southbound traffic must round the Cape. Proceeding submerged to avoid being seen during the day. |
02.15 |
FK 1781 |
Crash dive for detection, search mode, 164 cm. |
03.30 |
FK 1781 |
Surfaced, transit continued. |
04.00 |
FK 1757 |
SE 1, Sea 1, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, slight SE-swell |
04.10 |
FK 1757 |
Sighted flickering light on the horizon bearing 330°T. Extinguishes immediately again. Closed it. |
07.33 |
FK 1477 |
Crash dive for detection. Search mode, 228 cm, scratchy bright tone, 800 - 1000 cycles per second, become louder quickly. |
09.00 |
FK 1474 |
Surfaced to charge batteries. |
SE 1-2, Sea 2, 3/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 4 nm, slight SE-swell |
10.15 |
FJ 3665 |
Dived to proceed submerged. Making hourly sweeps with by periscope. |
12.00 |
FJ 3665 |
Day's run: Surfaced 65 nm Submerged 23 nm. |
16.00 |
FJ 3662 |
20.00 |
FJ 3637 |
22.30 |
FJ 3626 |
Surfaced, proceeding northward. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
11.05.43 |
90 nm east-southeast of Natal |
00.00 |
FJ 3385 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
continued |
- 24 - |
11.05.43 |
02.37 |
FJ 3343 |
Crash dive for aircraft, flies over on an easterly course, port navigation light visible. |
02.50 |
FJ 3343 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
FJ 3315 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, light SE-swell |
06.22 |
FC 7974 |
Light in sight on the horizon bearing 255°T. Apparently the Natal airfield beacon. |
Blinking light, period 10 seconds. |
07.05 |
FC 7893 |
Lights of Natal in sight on the horizon bearing 251°T. |
08.00 |
FC 7869 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, slight SE-swell |
10.02 |
FC 7862 |
Dived to proceed submerged. Making hourly sweeps by periscope. |
12.00 |
FC 7861 |
Day's run: Surfaced 107 nm Submerged 23 nm. |
16.00 |
FC 7837 |
20.00 |
FC 7834 |
22.00 |
FC 7826 |
Surfaced, proceeded to the NW. |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
12.05.43 |
56 nm north of Cape de Sao Roque |
00.00 |
FC 7572 |
Reached the area north of Cap Roque, intend to search, with changing courses, the area between "Rocas" and the 200-meter line. North America - Antilles traffic must pass here. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm. moonlit |
00.52 |
FC 7571 |
Dived for detection, search tones on 164 cm. |
01.34 |
FC 7571 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
FC 7459 |
SE 4, Sea 4, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
FC 7441 |
EbyS 4, Sea 4, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
12.00 |
FC 7415 |
Day's run: Surfaced 117 nm Submerged 4 nm. |
SE 4, Sea 4. 4/10, Cumulonimbus, scattered showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
16.00 |
FC 7434 |
SE 4-5, Sea 4-5, freshening, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FC 7512 |
SE 4-5, Sea 4-5, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
22.00 |
FC 7521 |
On southern course for the 200-meter line. |
13.05.43 |
85 nm north of Cape Roque |
00.00 |
FC 7514 |
SSE 4-5, Sea 4, 8/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
FC 7571 |
SSE 4-5, Sea 4-5, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, moonlit |
05.00 |
FC 7577 |
On the area of the 200-meter line on NE-SW courses. Distance to the coast 35 nm. |
08.00 |
FC 7576 |
SSE 4-5, Sea 4-5, 3/10, Cumulus, tropical showers, Vis. 3 nm |
[hand written entry] |
10.57 |
[illegible weather] |
Dived. Submerged transit due to danger of surprise due to strong visibility deterioration from low clouds and rain showers. Hourly all around sweeps. |
continued |
- 25 - |
13.05.43 |
12.00 |
FC 7545 |
Submerged transit on NE course to the Rocas. |
SSE 5, Sea 5, overcast, Nimbus, rain, haze, Vis. 4 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced 157 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
16.00 |
FC 7554 |
SSE 5, Sea 5, overcast, Nimbus, rain, haze, Vis. 4-5 nm |
20.00 |
FC 7552 |
SSE 5, Sea 5, overcast, Nimbus, rain, misty, Vis. 4 nm |
22.30 |
FC 7553 |
Surfaced, at the 200-meter line. |
14.05.43 |
78 nm north-northeast of Cape Roque |
00.00 |
FC 7555 |
SSE 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, Nimbus, rain squalls, Vis. 2-3 nm, short steep sea |
01.23 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
A) From Schnorr supply about 17 May in naval square 8889. |
1) For return transit: U-123 about 60, Henke about 30 cbm. |
2) For further operations: Kietz and Kusch 70 cbm each, Steinert 100, Nissen 90 cbm. |
3) Fu.M.B. engine parts etc. per requirements. |
B) Mentioned boats, except U-123, report situation and announce arrival after leaving operational area. |
04.00 |
FC 7575 |
SSE 5, Sea 5, overcast, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 3 nm |
05.00 |
FC 7577 |
Reached 200-meter line, turned back, began transit to supply point. |
08.00 |
FC 7572 |
SE 5, Sea 5, 4/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 3 nm |
10.32 |
FC 7554 |
Crash dive for flying boat Catalina type from 170°T. Out of a dark rain shower at sunrise in a surprise approach. Distance
about 7000-8000 meters. Course N. No bomb release. No radar detection noted. |
SE 5, Sea 5, 8/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 5-6 nm |
Due to limited visibility, heavy rain clouds and associated danger of surprise decided to proceed submerged. Making hourly sweeps by periscope. |
12.00 |
FC 7551 |
Day's run: Surfaced 64 nm Submerged 22 nm. |
Weather unchanged. |
16.00 |
FC 7528 |
SE 5, Sea 5, 8/10, Nimbus, haze, Vis. 6-7 nm |
20.00 |
FC 7525 |
SE 5, Sea 5, 8/10, Nimbus, haze and rain, Vis. 6 nm |
22.30 |
FC 7523 |
Surfaced. |
SE 5, Sea 5, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 4 nm |
22.38 |
FC 7523 |
Dived for detection on 164 cm. Search mode gradually getting louder. |
23.57 |
FC 7523 |
Surfaced. |
15.05.43 |
100 nm north-northeast of Cape Roque |
00.06 |
FC 7523 |
Dived for detection on 164 cm. Search mode gradually getting louder. |
SE 4-5, Sea 4-5, overcast, Nimbus, rain, haze, Vis. 2 nm |
continued |
- 26 - |
15.05.43 |
01.45 |
FC 7523 |
Surfaced, on NE-course to supply point. |
04.00 |
FC 7294 |
SE 4-5, Sea 4-5, overcast, Nimbus, rain, visibility due to bright moonlight 4 nm |
08.00 |
FC 7312 |
SE 4-5, Sea 3, 2/10, scattered Nimbus, showers, Vis. 4 nm, long SE-swell |
10.00 |
FC 4984 |
Dived due to low visibility in rain clouds. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 8/10, Cumulus, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 6-8 nm, long SE-swell |
Proceeded submerged. |
12.24 |
FC 4981 |
Surfaced, visibility improving. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
Day's run: Surfaced 80 nm Submerged 22 nm. |
12.34 |
FC 4981 |
Crash dive for aircraft out of high clouds bearing 100°T, crossing course to the NW. |
13.30 |
6/10, Cumulonimbus, rain showers, Vis. 6-8 nm at the horizon, otherwise less |
Continued transit submerged due to limited visibility from dark rain clouds approaching from the SE. Making hourly periscope sweeps. |
16.00 |
FC 4982 |
Further weather degradation. Low rain clouds, showers. Limited visibility. |
20.00 |
FC 4959 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 8-10 nm |
22.56 |
FC 4967 |
Surfaced. |
16.05.43 |
100 nm north-northwest of Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FC 4963 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 5 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
04.00 |
FC 5498 |
SE 1-2, Sea 2, 1/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 5-6 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
FC 5581 |
SE 1-2, Sea 2, 2/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 5 nm, SE-swell |
12.00 |
FC 5567 |
Day's run: Surfaced 122 nm Submerged 18 nm. |
SE 1-2, Sea 2, 2/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SE-swell |
12.42 |
FC 5565 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 110°T on NE course at high altitude - afterwards continued submerged because of work on high pressure air manifold (leaky drain). |
15.15 |
FC 5565 |
Surfaced. |
15.38 |
FC 5566 |
Crash dive for aircraft bearing 330°T on SW-course. High flier. Apparently on Africa-South America airway. |
16.38 |
FC 5566 |
Surfaced. Continued transit. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
20.00 |
FC 5625 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
continued |
- 27 - |
17.05.43 |
200 nm northeast Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FC 5396 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 3/10, building Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 4-5 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlight |
00.38 |
FC 5396 |
Outgoing Radio Message: |
1) From 2 May FK 10, 40 and FJ 59 to 38 only neutrals along the coast. In the morning of 8 May fired T3 which lodged in "MOTORCARLINE", 180°. Explosion 4 hours later, afterwards driven off by day and night medium air patrol with radar. Once 8 depth charges from a Catalina. |
2) From 9 May FJ 39 to 60 nm offshore from FC 74 and 73 to 55 nothing except constant day and night air patrol with radar. |
3) FC 5396, 90 cbm, 10 plus 8, Trade Wind 3, rainy season |
4) Will arrive 20 May midday - Kusch - |
04.00 |
FC 6114 |
EbyS Sea 2, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, light SE-swell, moonlight |
08.00 |
FC 3771 |
SE 2, Sea 2, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, slight SE-swell |
12.00 |
FC 3719 |
Day's run: Surfaced 173 Submerged 6 nm. |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, sight SE-swell |
12.22 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
To Kusch: |
1) Report more detailed observations concerning lodged shot. |
2) Time of later
explosion is unclear here. Question 4, seconds or 240 minutes later. |
14.52 |
FC 3726 |
Was overflown by a Halifax bomber, altitude 600 to 800 meters, was only seen flying away coming out of the clouds. Course 210° boat remained unnoticed. Probably Bathurst - Pernambuco air traffic. |
Vis. 4 nm, Cirrostratus |
16.00 |
FC 3731 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SE-swell |
20.00 |
FC 3578 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight S-swell |
23.46 |
FC 3597 |
Outgoing Radio Message: |
1) 09.28 hours two single shots T 3 depth 5, MZ on, and Eto depth 4. 98 seconds after firing T-3 sharp metallic impact was heard in the boat. 09.33 hours steamer opened unmethodical fire, and transmitted "attacked by sub", however keeps running. |
2) 11.05 hours from steamer "we felt a heavy shock about 45 minutes ago, saw two torpedoes cross our bow. Investigations as far as can be made do not show that the ship was hit". |
3) While maneuvering ahead at 13.12 hours aboard steamer typical torpedo explosion
with high water and explosion column. Steamer transmits "attacked by sub" and keeps running. |
4) Position FC 3597. - Kusch - |
- 28 - |
18.05.43 |
340 nm northeast Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FC 3598 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 4-6 nm, slight S-swell, moonlit |
04.00 |
FC 3673 |
SW 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, slight S-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
FC 3667 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 5 nm, slight S-swell, moonlit |
12.00 |
FD 1451 |
Day's run: Surfaced 173 nm. |
ESE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
16.00 |
FD 1438 |
ESE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 6/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
20.00 |
FD 1513 |
ESE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Nimbus, Altocumulus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
19.05.43 |
490 nm northeast Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FD 1278 |
SE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
02.24 |
FD 1276 |
Stopped to work on the over deck. Grinding in devices of both exhaust gas valves are inoperable. |
03.47 |
FD 1276 |
Neutral steamer in sight bearing 247°T course 10-20°, speed about 9 knots. Distance 10-11 nm. Did not disrupt urgent work on the over deck by getting closer. |
04.00 |
FD 1276 |
SE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis, 6 nm, moonlit |
06.00 |
Steamer out of sight. |
08.00 |
FD 1272 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
Work finished. |
12.00 |
FD 1281 |
Day's run: Surfaced 94 nm. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.34 |
Test dive. |
14.00 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FD 1267 |
Se 3-4, Sea 3-4, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FD 1345 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.05.43 |
510 nm northeast Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FD 1366 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
04.00 |
FD 1361 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
FD 2117 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, Cirrus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
12.00 |
FD 2137 |
Day's run: Surfaced 128 nm Submerged 2 nm. |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
FD 2215 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
continued |
- 29 - |
20.05.43 |
18.13 |
FD 2221 |
U-460 Kaptlt. Schnoor in sight bearing 42°T. |
18.50 |
ES 8888 |
Went alongside, hose connection established. |
19.10 |
Began taking over fuel and lubricating oil. Doctor from supply boat aboard. |
20.00 |
ES 8888 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
22.15 |
Oil and provision take over completed. |
Total taken over: |
70 cbm fuel oil, 2 cbm lubricating oil, 20 days provisions. |
23.00 |
Doctor and a patient are transferred to U-460 for treatment. |
Incoming Radio Message: |
After completion with Schnoor boats are to return to previous attack areas. |
Schröter return transit. |
23.15 |
Stopped. Boat drifts over night in vicinity of supply boat. |
21.05.43 |
635 nm northeast of Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FD 2222 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, moonlight |
01.20 |
Test dive. |
01.40 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
FD 2221 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Cumulus, Sea 5, moonlit |
08.00 |
FD 2221 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm |
10.05 |
Patient returned aboard. |
10.15 |
Test dive. |
10.32 |
Surfaced, then stopped to work on the overdeck. |
(Grinding mechanism of port diesel, sheet metal damage.) |
Attempted to weld two tears in main ballast tank 8 portside 20 cm below the waterline. |
11.34 |
U-460 in sight. |
12.00 |
FD 2213 |
Day's run: Surfaced 63 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
14.25 |
Welding broken off as there was no prospect of success. Returning to the supply boat, the tears in ballast tank 8 leak heavily and the boat continually plunges down by the bow. |
16.00 |
FD 2221 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, showers |
16.20 |
U-460 in sight bearing 30°T. |
Went alongside, gear and welding specialists taken over. Work continued. |
20.00 |
ES 8888 |
S 2-3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
22.00 |
Work discontinued with the coming of darkness. Boat drifts over night in the vicinity of the supply boat. |
- 30 - |
22.05.43 |
635 nm northeast of Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
ES 8887 |
SE 2-3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
ES 8887 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
ES 8879 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
09.25 |
ES 8887 |
U-515 Kmdt. Kaptlt. Henke in sight bearing 70°T. |
09.52 |
Came alongside supplier to takeover specialists. |
09.55 |
Welding work on ballast tank 8 continues. |
12.00 |
ES 8887 |
Day's run: Surfaced 26 nm. |
Se 3, freshening, Sea 3, 4/10, Stratus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
ES 8876 |
Welding work on ballast tank 8 broken off because of the swell. Both tears are closed by half and do not leak as much as before. |
SE 4, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.10 |
Returned to the supplier, equipment and specialists transferred, then began transit to the attack area FC 71. |
20.00 |
ES 8875 |
SE 4, Sea 4, 5/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.10 |
ES 8875 |
U-460 and U-515 out of sight bearing 130°T. |
23.05.43 |
580 nm northeast of Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
ES 8786 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
ES 8779 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
FD 1335 |
SE 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
12.00 |
FD 1318 |
Day's run: Surfaced 134 nm. |
SE 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
13.27 |
Test dive. |
14.00 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FD 1261 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FD 1249 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
24.05 43 |
450 nm northeast of Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FD 1158 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm |
04.00 |
FC 3396 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, slight SE-swell |
08.00 |
FC 3622 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SE-swell |
12.00 |
FC 3526 |
Day's run: Surfaced 193 nm Submerged 1 nm. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SE-swell |
13.26 |
FC 3527 |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based) bearing 170°T, course about 210-215° apparenly on the Bathurst - Pernambuco airway. |
continued |
- 31 - |
24.05.43 |
14.05 |
FC 3527 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FC 3541 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SE-swell |
16.43 |
FC 3541 |
Crash dive for high flying aircraft (land-based) bearing 30°T course about 215° |
17.15 |
FC 3466 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
FC 3459 |
SE 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
25.05.43 |
290 nm northeast of Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FC 2693 |
SE 2, Sea 2, blue sky, Vis. 3-4 nm, long SE-swell |
04.00 |
FC 2679 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, 5/10, long SE-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
FC 2834 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, long SE-swell, moonlit |
12.00 |
FC 2842 |
Day's run: Surfaced 196 nm Submerged 5 nm. |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 8-12 nm, long SE-swell |
14.11 |
FC 2765 |
Crash dive for aircraft (land-based) bearing 50°T appeared from high clouds, course S. |
14.45 |
FC 2767 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
FC 2759 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 7/10, Cumulostratus, showers, Vis. 8-12 nm, long SE-swell |
20.00 |
FC 1998 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
26.05.43 |
220 nm northeast of Fernando Noronha |
00.00 |
FC 4325 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long SE-swell |
04.00 |
FC 4345 |
ESE 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, medium SE-swell |
08.00 |
FC 4295 |
ESE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 2/10, Cumulus, showers, Vis. 3-4 nm, medium SE-swell, moonlit |
10.03 |
FC 4528 |
Dived for submerged transit due to unfavorable clouds and weather conditions. |
7/10, Cumulonimbus, rain showers, slight atmospheric layer |
12.00 |
FC 4551 |
Day's run: Surfaced 181 nm Submerged 5 nm. |
16.00 |
FC 4551 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 3-4 nm |
20.00 |
FC 4546 |
ESE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Nimbus, rain |
22.43 |
FC 4548 |
Surfaced. |
27.05.43 |
145 nm northwest of Rocas |
00.00 |
FC 4574 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 3 nm, long SE-swell |
continued |
- 32 - |
27.05.43 |
04.00 |
FC 4755 |
ESE 3, Sea 3, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long SE-swell |
08.00 |
FC 7114 |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, moonlit |
10.15 |
FB 9363 |
Dived for submerged transit due to unfavorable weather conditions. |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 5/10, low Cumulus, Vis. 11-12 nm |
12.00 |
FB 9366 |
Day's run: Surfaced 122 nm Submerged 21 nm. |
16.00 |
FB 9369 |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, low Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
FB 9393 |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
22.30 |
FB 9393 |
Surfaced. Intention: proceed back and forth on various courses in the area between the Rocas and 100-meter line submerged by day depending upon weather conditions. All NW and SE traffic must round Cape St.
Roque. If traffic is present at all, this corner appears to be the
richest area. |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 2/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 6 nm |
28.05.43 |
115 nm northwest of Cape Roque |
00.00 |
FB 9631 |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm. |
00.33 |
FB 9639 |
Several shadows in sight bearing 215°T. |
Turned to close. Westbound convoy. |
10-12 ships, number of escorts still to be determined. |
For the moment assume 1 destroyer protecting to starboard ahead or astern. Angled in, matched speed and began to maneuver ahead. Convoy course 295° on the 100-meter line round Cape Roque, speed 8 knots. Convoy formation 3 columns of 4 or 5 ships, distance between columns 500 or 600 meters, most ships ride high in ballast. Two destroyers each are stationed ahead and astern to port and starboard for flank protection. On zig-zag course. American ANDERSON type. |
00.52 |
Enemy radar detection from escort on 136 cm, search mode. |
Deep, rasping tone of 100 kHz. 54 seconds required to search 360°, of that 8 second tone heard in Fu.M.B. Detection alternates during the course of the attack between search and
continuous operation with partially roaring motion strengthens at
distances of about 2000 meters from escort. After break-through of the destroyer belt the FuM.B. is secured. Since boat came upon the convoy from astern and at 05.30
hours the moon will rise, decided to attack from starboard. |
Broke through behind the aft starboard escort, on convoy course, angled in towards the starboard outer column at high speed. The destroyer on the port side changes position repeatedly and falls back behind the convoy. When the boat reaches the center of the starboard outer column, turned towards it to attack. |
04.43 to 04.46 |
FB 9621 |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm |
Shot from tube I on freighter type PROME in starboard outer column, target angle right 110°, speed 8 knots, estimated range 2000 meters. |
continued |
- 33 - |
28.05.43 |
Shot from tube II on typical tanker in the starboard outer column. Estimated 6000 GRT. Target angle right 105°, speed 8 knots, estimated range 2000 meters. |
Shot from tube III on typical freighter 6000 GRT in center column. Target angle right 100°, speed 8 knots, estimated range 2000 meters. |
Shot from tube IV on tanker type Empire Oil in left column. Target angle right 90°, speed 8 knots, estimated range 2500 meters. |
Next turned off for shots from tubes V and VI on tanker type BRITISH ZEAL in the starboard outer column. Target angle right 110° and 120°, speed 8 knots, estimated range 900 meters. |
Tube I, II and IV T 3 with M.Z. on, tube III, V and VI Etos. All depths 4 meters as ships were traveling in ballast. |
After firing turned on convoy reciprocal heading at A.K and ran off into the seas. While running off observed hits with flash and explosion column on 2 freighters and tanker type EMPIRE OIL, on 6000 GRT tanker faint glimmer observed. |
Immediately thereafter the destroyers shoot star shells. In the meantime the convoy is in target angle 170-180°. The effect of hits on the targets not visible due to thebroad target angle, in which the targets partially block themselves, the dazzling light of star shells and
overcoming strong seas. In the boat in the order of firing, six distinct torpedo detonations were perceived. Stop watch times roughly agree with estimated distances. |
All hits, particularly the two from tubes V and VI, heard loudly in the boat. Hit effect tubes V and VI probably not observed visually, because the tanker was already at target angle 180°. Use of binoculars not possible due to spray. In addition glare caused by star shells. |
04.50 |
Irregular star shell shooting by the destroyers, some of which are beside and over the boat. |
Judging from the number of muzzle flashes there are four of them. Apparently the destroyers are firing by radar detection, because each time the fire is aimed very well after the respective breaks. However the boat was not hit. |
06.04 |
Ran off to the east and reloaded. |
Ran to the shooting location again. Intention is to look for survivors or damaged ships. |
07.03 |
Flickering light from the shooting location bearing 220°T. Headed towards it. |
07.30 |
Moonlit |
Light is from the momentarily blazing deck lighting of a floating steamer. More is not distinguished, there are two destroyers circling the drifting ship at 4000-5000 meters. Did not conduct surface attack because of brightness of the moon. Brightness insufficient for underwater attack. Decided to attack underwater after the beginning of dawn. |
08.00 |
FB 9379 |
Ran off, to be at the limit of visibility at lightness. |
ESE 4-5, Sea 4-5, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5-6 nm, moonlit |
10.00 |
After dawn approached shooting position. |
10.20 |
FB 9376 |
Drifting steamer again in view bearing 200°T. Ship is a tanker. |
continued |
- 34 - |
28.05.43 |
10.27 |
Dived for submerged approach. Distance 8-9 nm. |
11.00 |
Drifting tanker and two destroyers visible in the periscope at 202°T. |
12.00 |
FB 9299 Day's run: Surfaced 122 nm Submerged 26 nm. |
Approach to 7000 meters. In the meantime a destroyer runs off to the west. |
13.08 |
FB 9299 |
Distance about 4000-5000 meters. Tanker is of type EMPIRE OIL listing to starboard and lies with the stern deep in the water. Forecastle is high above. Therefore ship swings strongly. |
EbyS 5, Sea 6, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
ANDERSEN-type destroyer circles with varying speed around the tanker. Stops from time to time, apparently to listen. Tubes V and VI are made ready for firing. |
13.20 |
Shortly before firing a flying boat Catalinia-type is sighted, heading directly towards the periscope. Went quickly to 80 meters. |
13.35 |
Again to periscope depth. |
Flying boat circles continuously very low around steamer and to above the diving place. Started approach again. Tanker moves fast and continuously turns back and forth in the wind, constantly changing its heading. |
14.05 |
Destroyer to windward of the tanker, suddenly goes to high speed with bow angle approximately 0°. Destroyer observed by periscope to approximately 3000-4000 meters, then dived to depth A plus 80 meters and turned off. At depth A plus
80 meters numerous failures, disorders and leaks of auxiliary machinery and other important operating equipment occur (pumps, stern tube, exhaust gas valve, vents), whose repair is later necessary. |
14.35 |
The G.H.G. partially operable, nothing heard. Again to periscope depth. 2 Catalina flying boats over tanker and the surrounding area, very low. Destroyer circles steamer stopping occasionally. Ship is now substantially deeper, stern is almost completely submerged. At the signal mast a red burgee.
Distance now 6000-7000 meters target angle 160°. The target angle is still changing constantly due to the strong swinging of the ship. |
15.15 |
Ran off to the ENE at low speed, in order to return again to the attack. |
16.00 |
FB 9299 |
With periscope sweep ship still floating, however very deep aft. Stern is now awash. 2 Catalina flying boats remain over tanker, distance about 4 nm. |
EbyS 4-5, Sea 4-5, 4/10, low Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
17.00 |
To western course, again closing the tanker. |
17.05 |
Nothing seen in periscope sweep. Proceeded submerged until twilight on the last bearing constantly sweeping, however nothing sighted. |
20.00 |
FB 9299 |
EbyS 4-5, Sea 5, 4/10, low Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
22.25 |
FB 9297 |
Surfaced at sunset. Despite good visibility and thorough all around sweep nothing seen of the tanker. Intention is to search on WNW course. If nothing more is found, ship probably sunk. The heavy settling of the stern during the day argues for this. |
Vis. 12 nm |
continued |
- 35 - |
28.05.43 |
22.36 |
FB 9297 |
Crash dive for aircraft approaching from the bright horizon. Easterly course. |
29.05.43 |
75 nm east of Fortaleza (Brazil) |
01.45 |
FB 9294 |
Search broken off as hopeless. Ran off to the north for reloading of upper deck torpedoes. |
EbyS 4, Sea 4, 2/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm |
04.00 |
FB 9262 |
EbyS 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Cumulostratus, showers, Vis. 3 nm |
04.38 |
Attempted to send a radio message however was only partly heard by homeland Radio Station. |
06.20 |
FB 6896 |
Dived for detection. Steady tone on 162 cm. Became louder quickly. |
08.00 |
FB 6893 |
Surfaced. |
E 3, Sea 3-4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
10.15 |
E 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, poor visibility |
Dived to proceed submerged due to unfavorable weather conditions. |
12.00 |
FB 6829 |
Day's run: Surfaced 83 nm Submerged 28 nm. |
16.00 |
FB 6826 |
Auxiliary bilge pumps I and II sometimes inoperable. |
E 4-5, Sea 4-5, 7/10, Nimbus, rain |
20.00 |
FB 6831 |
E 4, Sea 4-5, 8/10, Stratus, showers |
23.20 |
FB 6831 |
Surfaced. |
23.33 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Kusch tonight contents of radio message 0438/29 repeated. |
30.05.43 |
128 nm northeast of Fortaleza (Brazil) |
00.00 |
FB 6594 |
EbyS 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 3 nm |
00.56 |
Outgoing Radio Message: |
28 May 04.43 hours in naval square FB 8621 in westbound convoy 2 hits on tanker type BRTISH ZEAL, one hit each on tanker type EMPIRE OIL, 6000 ton tanker, freighter type Prome, and 6000 ton freighter. Sinking not observed due to defense but is to be assumed. During attack sometimes roaring locating from destroyers. Closed to within 2000 meters without being detected. Continuous day air. Proceeding north to reload and for urgent engine repairs. Tradewind 4, rainy period, 4 plus 8 torpedoes, 127 cbm, naval square FB 6831, missing 335, 36, 39. - Kusch - |
03.58 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Kusch report torpedo depth settings. |
04.00 |
FB 6298 |
SE 3, Sea 3-4, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long SE-swell |
04.47 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Recoding serial number 339 for Kusch: |
1) Starting 29 May change to Africa b circuit; from 10 to 21 hours delete ST and set for IX 15880 kHz. |
2) Correct NB U-boat Order Attachment 204 in pencil. |
Other serial numbers not applicable. |
04.48 |
Outgoing Radio Message on 36 meters: |
All depth settings 4 meters, as the convoy was in ballast. |
- Kusch - |
05.22 |
Contents of radio message of 04.48 hours acknowledged by headquarters. |
05.45 |
Incoming Radio Message of 29 May 09.26 hours: |
Completion of partial Radio Message of Kusch: |
continued |
- 36 - |
30.05.43 |
28 May 04.50 hours naval square FB 8621 in westbound convoy 2 hits on tanker type BRITISH ZEAL, one hit (remainder unclear). |
This radio message to be completed during the next repetition. |
08.00 |
FB 6314 |
EbyS 3-4. Sea 3-4, 4/10, Vis. 3-4 nm, medium SE-swell |
10.50 |
Incoming Radio Message: To Kusch: |
Well done! Ob.d.M. and B.d.U. |
12.00 |
FB 3947 |
Day's run: Surfaced 129 nm Submerged 18 nm. |
EbyS 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
FB 3913 |
EbyS 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis, 10-12 nm |
16.48 |
FB 3679 |
Crash dive for flying boat bearing 210°, crossing course out of the clouds, course approximately SE. |
Proceeding submerged due to unfavorable weather conditions. |
20.00 |
FB 3676 |
Auxiliary bilge pump II pumping side inoperative. |
EbyS 3, Sea 3, 9/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 4-10 nm |
22.20 |
FB 3681 |
Surfaced, set off further to the north. |
31.05.43 |
320 nm northeast of Fortaleza (Brazil) |
00.00 |
FB 3627 |
SbyE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 2-3 nm, long SE-swell |
04.00 |
FB 3358 |
EbyS 2-3, Sea 2-3, overcast, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 1-2 nm, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EQ 9981 |
E 3, Sea 3 overcast, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 2 nm, long SE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EQ 9937 |
Day's run: Surfaced 168 nm Submerged 16 nm. |
EbyS 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 8-10 nm, long high SE-swell |
16.00 |
EQ 9665 |
EbyS 3, Sea 3, 9/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 3-8 nm, long high SE-swell and slight NE-swell |
20.00 |
EQ 9367 |
EbyN 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, rain, Vis. 8-10 nm, long steep swells, NE and SE |
01.06.43 |
600 nm north of the Brazilian Coast |
00.00 |
EQ 6997 |
Auxiliary bilge and trim pump has a moisture short circuit, only limitedly clear for combat |
NE 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, rain, Vis. 2-3, long steep NE-swell, long SE-swell |
04.00 |
EQ 6965 |
E 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell and SE-swell |
08.00 |
EQ 6932 |
Engine and repair work begins. |
E 1-2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 3 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
12.00 |
EQ 6668 |
Day's run: Surfaced 196 nm. |
NE 2, Sea 2, overcast, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 8-9 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
16.00 |
EQ 6694 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, Nimbus, rain, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
continued |
- 37 - |
01.06.43 |
20.00 |
EQ 6926 |
Begin transfer of torpedoes from the over deck to inside the boat. |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, overcast, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 8-10 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
02.06.43 |
580 nm north of the Brazilian Coast |
00.00 |
EQ 6922 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, overcast, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 2 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
04.00 |
EQ 6922 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 2-3 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
06.50 |
Transfer from the upper deck completed. 8 torpedoes G 7a taken in. Subsequently, work on the over deck. |
08.00 |
EQ 6688 |
SE 2, Sea 2, overcast, Nimbus, Vis. 3 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
12.00 |
EQ 6635 |
Day's run: Surfaced 67 nm. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
14.15 |
Test dive. Main ballast pump output is only 70% of nominal value and has outages. |
16.02 |
EQ 6685 |
Surfaced. |
SE 1-2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10-12 nm, long high NE-swell and SE-swell |
17.26 |
Test dive. |
17.50 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
EQ 6574 |
Work completed on the main bilge pump. Moisture short circuit in the auxiliary bilge and trim pump cannot be eliminated as yet. Began return to attack area. |
NE 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long NE-swell and SE-swell |
22.19 |
EQ 6595 |
Outgoing Radio Message on 36 meters: |
Downloaded torpedoes, extending attack area along the coast to naval square EP 70. NE-Trade Wind 3, 115 cbm, naval square 6595. - Kusch - |
03.06.43 |
550 nm north of the Brazilian Coast |
00.00 |
EQ 6586 |
NNE 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell |
00.34 |
Incoming Radio Message: To Kusch: |
Extension of attack area approved. |
In naval square EP 40 southwest half already several instances of SE-NW steering convoys with inexperienced escorts. Two boats realized good success here. As before remain unseen as long as possible. Caution for enemy air. Strengthened as soon as boat is noticed. |
01.40 |
Heading for naval square EP 44. |
04.00 |
EQ 6574 |
Contents radio message of 2 Jun 2219 hours confirmed by Control Station. |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 3 nm, NE-swell |
08.00 |
EQ 6485 |
NE 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 3 nm, long NE swell |
12.00 |
EQ 5696 |
Day's run: Surfaced 136 nm Submerged 5 nm. |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 8-10 nm, long NE-swell |
continued |
- 38 - |
03.06.43 |
16.00 |
EQ 5676 |
Test dive. Draining attempt with main bilge pump, since 2 June after noon the pump has been only limitedly operable. Attempt results in pump pumping only 70% of its nominal value under water
and on the surface only 50%. |
NE 3, Sea 3, 9/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 2-8 nm, long NE-swell |
The cause has not been determined. |
17.30 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
EQ 5595 |
NE 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, rain, Vis. 8-10 nm, long NE-swell |
04.06.43 |
540 nm north of the Brazilian Coast |
00.00 |
EQ 5583 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 1-2 nm, long NE-swell |
04.00 |
EQ 5573 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell |
08.00 |
EQ 5571 |
NE 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 3 nm, short steep NE-swell |
12.00 |
EQ 5483 |
Day's run: Surfaced 125 nm Submerged 4 nm. |
NE 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Cirrus, haze, Vis. 10 nm, steep NE-swell |
16.00 |
EQ 4693 |
NE 4, Sea 4, 8/10, overcast, Stratus, haze, Vis. 10 nm, steep NE swell |
20.00 |
SSE 3-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, rain, Vis. 8 nm, steep NE-swell and SE-swell |
05.06.43 |
550 nm east of French Guyana |
00.00 |
EQ 4581 |
SSE 4, Sea 3-4, overcast, rain, Vis. 1 nm, long SE-swell and NE-swell |
04.00 |
EQ 4483 |
SE 2, Sea 2-3, 7/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell and SE-swell |
08.00 |
EP 6692 |
SE 1, Sea 1, overcast, Nimbus, rain, Vis. 2 nm, long NE-swell and SE-swell |
10.30 |
EP 6681 |
Due to unfavorable visibility dived to proceed submerged. |
Shifting winds 0-1, Sea 1, 9/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 5-6 nm, long NE-swell and SE-swell |
12.00 |
EP 6681 |
Day's run: Surfaced 232 nm Submerged 3 nm. |
16.00 |
EP 6672 |
Shifting winds 0-1, Sea 1, overcast, Stratus, tropical showers, poor visibility |
20.00 |
EP 6671 |
23.30 |
EP 6593 |
Surfaced. |
06.06.43 |
430 nm east of French Guyana |
00.00 |
EP 6582 |
SSE 0-1, Sea 1, 7/10, Nimbus, showers, Vis. 2-3 nm, long NE-swell and SE-swell |
00.15 |
Fu.M.B. failure. |
Cause: At the clutch between the axle of the tuning scale and the axle of the variable capacitor the clutch socket has worked itself loose from the clutch ring. Therefore |
continued |
- 39 - |
06.06.43 |
only the axle of tuning scale moved when turning the scale. After the problem was fixed so called "axle frequency noise" occurs as a result. In order to fix this axle frequency noise the high-frequency module must be worked on.
04.00 |
EP 6482 |
E, Sea 0, 9/10, Stratus, Vis. 2-3 nm, slight NE-swell |
08.00 |
EP 5691 |
E, Sea 0, 3/10, Stratus, Vis. 2-3 nm, slight NE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
10.38 |
EP 5673 |
Due to unfavorable visibility and weather conditions dived to proceed submerged. |
7/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 8-10 nm |
12.00 |
EP 5672 |
Day's run: Surfaced 143 nm Submerged 2.6 nm. |
16.00 |
EP 5671 |
20.00 |
EP 5647 |
Work and repair attempt on Metox receiver so far unsuccessful.
Probably due to the work on the high frequency section Metox failed
In the wave band of 150 cm to 220 cm no receipt at all. |
E 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulonimbus, Vis. 10-12 nm, long NE-swell |
Resolution: Report present situation and loss of the Fu.M.B. by radio message after surfacing. |
07.06.43 |
250 nm northeast of French Guyana |
00.00 |
EP 5644 |
E 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulostratus, scattered showers, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
01.19 |
Surfaced, set off to the north. |
Outgoing Radio Message on 36 meters: |
Metox permanently out of service, heading north. Request appropriate attack area. |
Naval square EP 5644, E 3, rainy, 102 cbm - Kusch - |
04.00 |
EP 5379 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3-4 nm, medium NE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
04.43 |
Contents of outgoing Radio Message confirmed by headquarters. |
08.00 |
EP 5346 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cirrus, Vis. 3-4, medium NE-swell |
12.00 |
EP 2979 |
Day's run: Surfaced 94 nm Submerged 18 nm. |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm. slight NE-swell |
12.31 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Kusch proceed 30°. Further instructions to follow. |
13.00 |
To course 30°. |
16.00 |
EP 2968 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long NE-swell |
19.48 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
For Nissen, Henke, Kusch, Kietz, no further supply intended. |
continued |
- 40 - |
07.06.43 |
20.00 |
EP 3715 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Altocumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long NE-swell |
08.06.43 |
420 nm northeast of French Guyana |
00.00 |
EP 3451 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4-5 nm, long NE-swell |
04.00 |
EP 3425 |
ENE 3, Sea 3, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 3-4 nm, long NE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EP 3196 |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell |
11.05 |
EP 1365 |
Smoke clouds and masts in sight bearing 117°T. |
[typo for EP 3165] |
Fast freight and passenger ship of the American "President" type, which comes on very fast. Target angle bow left, about 30°, distance limited to 9-10 nm in unfavorable lighting due to sunrise and haze. Ran off to the edge of the range of vision. General course 320°-330°. Speed 14-15 knots. |
Began maneuver ahead. |
12.00 |
EP 3153 |
Day's run: 165 nm. |
NEbyE, Sea 5, 6/10, Cirrostratus, haze, Vis 10-11 nm |
16.00 |
EF 8966 |
NEbyE 4, Sea 4, 5/10, Altocirrus, light haze, Vis, 10-11 nm |
Ship runs at 14 knots, course between 320° and 325°. The true bearing to the steamer, which had become smaller during the initial running off, slowly becomes larger. |
Boat is getting ahead. |
16.45 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Kusch until limited by fuel consumption occupy the attack area limited by the connecting lines: |
Naval square DP 8136 to DQ 1481 to DQ 8962 to EE 6334. Expect single traffic on NW and NE courses. |
20.00 |
EF 8657 |
General course 320°T, bearing 122°T. Distance 11.5 nm. |
NEbyE 4-5, 8/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 10-12 nm |
21.47 |
Bearing 135°T. Distance 11 nm. |
22.00 |
Steamer out of sight in rain squall. Angled out to the windward side. |
23.05 |
Steamer again in view bearing 146°T the boat is positioned ahead of the opponet. |
Light haze, occasional showers |
At the beginning of twilight and increasing darkness always |
continued |
- 41 - |
08.06.43 |
remained at the limit of visual range by reducing speed. |
23.55 |
Steamer sets lights. --------- |
The end of a laborious and hopeful day is a giant disappointment, it is a neutral. We wish him all to the devil, Of all things this fellow has to resemble the "President" class. Fully embittered we let him pass. |
09.06.43 |
500 nm northeast of French Guyana |
00.00 |
EF 8296 |
Steamer gradually comes on. |
NEbyE 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 8 nm, long NE-swell |
01.05 |
EF 8293 |
Steamer passed to starboard distance 1500 meters. Spanish "CABO DE HORNOS". |
Subsequently began transit to the South corner of the attack area (EE 6334). |
02.30 |
Steamer's lights out of sight. |
04.00 |
EF 8264 |
ENE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Cirrus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
EF 8225 |
ENE 5, Sea 4-5, 3/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, medium long E-swell |
12.00 |
EF 5878 |
Day's run: 230 nm. |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cirrostratus, haze, Vis. 10 nm., long E-swell |
16.00 |
EF 5765 |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 9/10, Altostratus, light haze, rain showers, Vis. 10 nm, steep E-swell |
20.00 |
WF 5722 |
NEbyE 4-5, Sea 4-5, 8/10, Altostratus, Vis. 10 nm, steep E-swell |
10.06.43 |
576 nm east of Barbados |
00.00 |
EF 5447 |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 10-12 nm, steep E-swell |
04.00 |
EF 4626 |
ENE 3-4, Sea 4, 9/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, long NE-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
EF 4372 |
ENE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EF 4226 |
Day's run: 179 nm. |
[text illegible] , 3/10, Altostratus, [text illegible] |
continued |
- 42 - |
10.06.43 |
long NE-swell |
16.00 |
EF 4222 |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Altostratus, Vis, 12 nm, long NE-swell |
16.07 |
Test dive. |
16.47 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
EF 1872 |
Entering attack area on NW course. |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 8/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 8-10 nm, long NE-swell |
Intention is, starting on the SW edge proceed on NW then SE courses to catch expected NW or NE traffic. |
11.06.43 |
550 nm east of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
EF 1762 |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8 nm, long NE-swell |
04.00 |
EF 1479 |
ENE 4, Sea 4, 9/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell |
08.00 |
EE 3669 |
ENE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Stratus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell, marine phosphorescence |
12.00 |
EE 3625 |
Day's run: 178 nm. |
ENbyE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 4/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 10 nm, long NE-swell |
2 nm. |
16.00 |
EE 3371 |
E 3-4, Sea 3-4, 7/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 10-12 nm, long NE-swell |
20.00 |
EE 3253 |
E 3, Sea 3, overcast, Stratus, Vis. 10 nm, long NE-swell |
12.06.43 |
425 nm east of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
EE 3213 |
EbyS 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 11-12 nm, long ENE-swell |
04.00 |
DP 9759 |
E 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, slight ENE-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
DP 9715 |
E 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Stratus, showers, Vis. 3 nm, slight ENE swell |
continued |
- 43 - |
12.06.43 |
12.00 |
DP 8692 |
Day's run: 186 nm. |
E 3, Sea 3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight ENE-swell |
16.00 |
DP 8651 |
E 3-4, Sea 3-4, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight long E-swell |
16.32 |
Test dive. |
16.59 |
Surfaced. |
19.00 |
DP 8613 |
Came about, to SE course. |
20.00 |
DP 8616 |
E 3-4, Sea 3-4, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, E-swell |
13.06.43 |
400 nm east of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
DP 8656 |
E 4-5, Sea 4-5, blue sky, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
04.00 |
DP 8692 |
E 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
DP 9712 |
E 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm |
12.00 |
DP 9727 |
Day's run: 140 nm. |
E 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 8-12 nm |
1 nm. |
16.00 |
DP 9791 |
E 4, Sea 4, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10-11 nm, long E-swell |
20.00 |
EE 3133 |
E 4, Sea 4, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, steep E-swell |
14.06.43 |
450 nm east of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
EE 3243 |
E 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, steep E-swell |
01.40 |
EE 3257 |
Stopped to conserve fuel. |
04.00 |
EE 3257 |
E 4, Sea 4, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit, long E-swell |
08.00 |
EE 3281 |
E 4, Sea 4, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long E-swell |
11.00 |
EE 3281 |
Came about, to NW course. |
12.00 |
EE 3249 |
Day's run: 102 nm. |
E 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
continued |
- 44 - |
14.06.43 |
16.00 |
EE 3217 |
E 4, Sea 4. 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
16.30 |
Test dive. |
17.16 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DP 9798 |
E 54, Sea 5, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
15.06.43 |
430 nm east of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
DP 9758 |
E 4-5, Sea 4-5, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long E-swell |
01.30 |
DP 9743 |
Stopped, let the boat drift. |
04.00 |
DP 9742 |
E 4-5, Sea 4-5, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit, long E-swell |
08.00 |
DP 9718 |
E 4, Sea 4, 7/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 5 nm, long E-swell, moonlit |
10.50 |
Continued on. |
12.00 |
DP 9711 |
Day's run: 104 nm. |
E 4, Sea 4, 4/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 10 nm, long E-swell |
2 nm. |
16.00 |
DP 8687 |
EbyN 3-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, Altostratus, Vis. 10-12 nm, medium long E-swell |
20.00 |
DP 8627 |
EbyN 3, Sea 3, overcast, Altocirrus, Vis. 10-11 nm, slight E-swell |
16.06.43 |
400 nm northeast of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
DP 8293 |
E 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 12 nm, long EbyS-swell |
04.00 |
DP 8225 |
E 3, Sea 3, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit, slight SE-swell |
05.00 |
DP 8221 |
Came to NE-course for the north edge of the attack area. |
08.00 |
DP 5894 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 9/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
continued |
- 45 - |
16.06.43 |
12.00 |
DP 5949 |
Day's run: 186 nm. |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 8/10, Altostratus, haze, Vis. 10-12 nm |
16.00 |
DP 5937 |
E 3, Sea 3, 9/10, Altostratus, Vis. 10-12 nm, haze |
16.30 |
Test dive. |
16.58 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DP 6712 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 7/10, Altostratus, Vis. 10-12 nm, haze, long E-swell |
17.06.43 |
500 nm northeast of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
DP 6483 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Altostratus, Vis. 10 nm, long EbyS-swell |
04.00 |
DP 6544 |
E 3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Altostratus, Vis. 5 nm, long E-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
DP 6528 |
EbyS 2-3, Sea 2-3, overcast, Altostratus, Vis. 4-5 nm, long E-swell, moonlit |
12.00 |
DP 6377 |
Day's run: 165 nm. |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, overcast, Stratus, haze, Vis. 10 nm, long EbyS -swell |
1 nm. |
16.00 |
DP 6382 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, overcast, Altostratus, haze, Vis. 10 nm, long EbyS-swell |
20.00 |
DP 6363 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, overcast, Altostratus, haze, Vis. 10 nm, long ESE-swell |
18.06.43 |
680 nm northeast of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
DQ 4125 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cirrostratus, Vis. 10 nm, long ESE-swell |
04.00 |
DQ 1769 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 4/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, long ESE-swell |
05.00 |
DQ 1847 |
Reached northern edge of the attack area. Began return transit. 61 cbm fuel oil. |
continued |
- 46 - |
18.06.43 |
06.22 |
Outgoing Radio Message on 36 meters: Return transit. Proposed meeting with Kietz during transit to Bay of Biscay in square SX 9115 to 27 June midday. 61 cbm, EbyS 2, Cirrus, 22 mb, naval square DQ 1845. |
Kusch |
07.47 |
Contents confirmed by Control Station. |
08.00 |
DQ 1852 |
E 1-2, Sea 1, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5-6 nm, long ESE-swell, moonlit |
10.50 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
"Kietz": Proceed to meeting point for common return transit as suggested by Kusch. Promptly announce late arrival. |
12.00 |
DQ 1856 |
Day's run: 180 nm. |
E 1-2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long slight SE-swell |
16.00 |
DQ 1685 |
EbyS 1-2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
16.31 |
Test dive. |
17.06 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
DQ 1692 |
EbyN 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long SE-swell |
19.06.43 |
830 nm northeast of the Lesser Antilles |
00.00 |
DQ 2446 |
ENE 2, Sea 2, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight long SE-swell |
04.00 |
DQ 2434 |
NE 2-3, Sea 2-3, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
DQ 2275 |
NE 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5-6 nm, slight SE-swell, moonlit |
12.00 |
DQ 2268 |
Day's run: 161 nm. |
EbyN 1-2, Sea 2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SE-swell |
1 nm. |
16.00 |
DQ 2319 |
E 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DE 9887 |
E 3, Sea 3, 5/10, Cumulus, light showers, Vis. 12 nm |
- 47 - |
20.06.43 |
Western Central Atlantic |
00.00 |
DE 9891 |
EbyS 2-3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
04.00 |
DE 9941 |
EbyS 2, Sea 2, 2/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
DE 9922 |
EbyS 1, Sea 1, 5/10, Cirrus, Vis. 5 nm, moonlit |
12.00 |
DE 9692 |
Day's run: 176 nm. |
EbyS 1-2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
16.00 |
DF 7446 |
EbyS 1-2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DF 7426 |
ESE 0-1, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm, slight ESE-swell |
21.06.43 |
Central Atlantic |
00.00 |
DF 7431 |
ESE 1, Sea 1, 6/10, Altocirrus, Vis. 12 nm, slight ESE-swell |
01.58 |
Test dive. |
02.34 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DF 7271 |
EbyS 1, Sea 1, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5-6 nm, slight ESE-swell, moonlit |
08.00 |
DF 7252 |
EbyS 2, Sea 1-2, blue sky, Vis. 5-6 nm, moonlit |
12.00 |
DF 7238 |
Day's run: 153 nm. |
EbyS 1-2, Sea 1, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
2 nm. |
16.00 |
DF 4979 |
EbyS 1, Sea 1, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
20.00 |
DF 4983 |
E 1, Sea 1, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
2115 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Arrival harbor Kietz, U-530, Kusch is Lorient. |
F.d.U. West. |
22.12 |
DF 4965 |
Swedish motor tanker "KALMIA" in sight bearing 137°T, course 225° speed 11 knots. |
23.20 |
Steamer out of sight. |
22.06.43 |
Central Atlantic |
00.00 |
DF 4992 |
E 1, Sea 1, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight ESE-swell |
continued |
- 48 - |
22.06.43 |
04.00 |
DF 5718 |
ESE 1-2, Sea 1, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, moonlit |
08.00 |
DF 5488 |
ESE 1, Sea 1, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6 nm, moonlit |
12.00 |
DF 5462 |
Day's run: 184 nm. |
SE 2, Sea 2, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SSE-swell |
16.00 |
DF 5512 |
SbyW 1-2, Sea 2, 8/10, Cumulus, occasional showers, Vis. 10-12 nm, slight SSE-swell |
20.00 |
DF 5258 |
S 2, Sea 2, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight SSE-swell |
23.06.43 |
Central Atlantic |
00.00 |
DF 5239 |
S 1-2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, slight SSE-swell |
00.44 |
Test dive. |
01.06 |
Surfaced. |
04.00 |
DF 5321 |
EbyS 1, Sea 1, 3/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4 nm, long SSE-swell, moonlit, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
DF 2922 |
E 1, Sea 1, 6/10, Cirrus, Vis. 4-5 nm, long SSE-swell, moonlit |
12.00 |
DF 3751 |
Day's run: 194 nm. |
NWbyW 0-1, Sea 0, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, haze, long WNW-swell |
1 nm. |
16.00 |
DF 3735 |
Radio message 1537/23/389 gave the position of the Swedish ship "KALMIA" on 23 June 12.00 hours and indicated that the tanker had already been sighted on 21 June at 22.12 hours in DF 4965 on course 225°. |
NW 0-1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, long high WNW-swell |
20.00 |
DF 3584 |
NNW 0-1, Sea 0-1, 2/10, Cumulus, haze, Vis. 10-12 nm, long high WNW-swell |
24.06.43 |
500 nm southwest of the Azores |
00.00 |
DF 3583 |
NNW 0-1, Sea 0, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 9 nm, haze, long high WNW-swell |
04.00 |
DF 3563 |
0, Sea 0, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4-5 nm, moonlit, long low WNW-swell, slight marine phosphorescence |
continued |
- 49 - |
24.06.43 |
08.00 |
DF 3622 |
NNW 1, Sea 0-1, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 4 nm, long WNW-swell, moonlit |
12.00 |
DF 3393 |
Day's run: 176 nm. |
NNW 0-1, Sea 0-1, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long WNW-swell |
14.45 |
Test dive. |
15.02 |
Surfaced. |
16.00 |
DG 1154 |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long high WNW-swell |
20.00 |
DG 1135 |
SbyE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 1/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, long high WNW-swell |
25.06.43 |
310 nm southwest of the Azores |
00.00 |
DG 1216 |
Stopped, to avoid arriving too early at the meeting point. |
0, Sea 0, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, long WNW-swell |
04.00 |
DG 1216 |
0, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 1-2 nm, long WNW-swell |
08.00 |
DG 1213 |
Continued on. |
0, Sea 0, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 5-6 nm, long WNW-swell, moonlit |
08.27 |
DG 1213 |
Steamer in sight bearing 122°T. Maneuvered ahead. |
09.24 |
Dived, to operate on the steamer. Steamer is Spanish "VIZCAYA", course 265°, speed 6 knots. |
11.42 |
Surfaced, continued on. |
12.00 |
DG 1215 |
Day's run: 107 nm. |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, confused swell |
6 nm. |
12.03 |
Steamer out of sight bearing 270°T. |
16.00 |
CE 7986 |
SSE 2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight NW-swell |
20.00 |
CE 8747 |
SbyE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight NW-swell |
23.26 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
"Kusch", "Kietz" on 26 June 08.00 switch to "Ireland" circuit. Radio silence except tactically important messages. No bearing signals for the meeting. |
26.06.43 |
310 nm southwest of the Azores |
00.00 |
CE 8729 |
SbyE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, slight flat WNW-swell |
continued |
- 50 - |
26.06.43 |
04.00 |
CE 8811 |
0, Sea 0, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, slight WNW-swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CE 8582 |
Switched to "Ireland" circuit. |
SE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8-10 nm, slight WNW-swell |
12.00 |
CE 8563 |
Day's run: 186 nm. |
SE 1-2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight WNW-swell |
16.00 |
CE 8625 |
WSW 1-2, Sea 1-2, 1/10, Cirrus, Vis. 12 nm, slight WbyN-swell |
17.24 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
1) Meeting point for "Kusch" and "Kietz" rescheduled for 28 June 16.00 hours in square CF 7237. |
2) "Metz" deliver Metox at the time and place mentioned for Kusch. Afterwards per previous arrival order. |
3) For boats mentioned absolute radio silence, no bearing signals. If by 29 June 1200 hours meeting not successful, continue inbound or outbound transit. |
18.30 |
En route CF 7237 by CF 7278. |
20.00 |
CE 8399 |
W 1, Sea 1, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight W-swell |
21.00 |
CE 9177 |
Stopped, to avoid arriving early at meeting place. |
27.06.43 |
150 nm south of the Azores |
00.00 |
CE 9177 |
WSW 1, Sea 1, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8-10 nm, slight WSW-swell |
04.00 |
CE 9177 |
WbyS 1-2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 2 nm, slight WSW-swell |
08.00 |
CE 9411 |
WbyS 1, Sea 1, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, slight WSW-swell |
09.00 |
CE 9411 |
Continued on. |
12.00 |
CE 9422 |
Day's run: 96 nm. |
WbyS 1, Sea 1, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight WSW-swell |
14.50 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
To Musenberg, Kietz, Kusch, "U-530" |
"Sonne 15" position: |
43° 14' 41" N |
7° 29' 19" W |
Identifier as for "Sonne 6". |
Frequency 303 Khz. |
continued |
- 51 - |
27.06.43 |
15.30 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
To Musenberg, Kietz, Kusch, U-530. |
"Sonne 6" briefly interrupted. |
F.d.U. West. |
16.00 |
CE 9511 |
WSW 2-3, Sea 2-3, 7/10, Cumulonimbus, rain showers, slight WSW-swell |
16.17 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
To Musenberg, Kietz, Kusch, U-530. |
For bearing attempt use "Sonne 6", "Sonne 15", "Severac" from 27 to 29 June daily 10-12, 14-16, 18-20 hours during the second and fourth quarter of the hour. Compare bearing quality. Report after arrival. Coverage over 500 nm. |
"Sonne 6" position: |
48° 08' 58" N, 4° 13' 21" W Identification: 1 min dots and dashes, 1 min steady dash, for taking bearing. Frequency 316 Khz. |
"Severac" position: |
47° 32' 30" N, 2° 6' W Identification: KG Frequency 156 Khz. |
"Sonne 15" per radio message 1155) 27. |
F.d.U. West. |
16.58 |
Test dive. |
17.52 |
Surfaced. |
20.00 |
CE 9522 |
WSW 1-2, Sea 1-2, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, confused swell |
28.06.43 |
42 nm southwest "Santa Maria" (Azores) |
00.00 |
CE 9611 |
W 1-2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8-10 nm, confused swell |
00.50 |
Light "Pt. Castello" on Santa Maria island in sight bearing 59°T. |
04.00 |
CE 9622 |
SW 2-3, Sea 2-3, 6/10, Cumulonimbus, showers, Vis. 2-3 nm, slight NW-swell |
07.15 |
Light "Pt. Castello" out of sight bearing 333°T. |
08.00 |
CF 7511 |
By dawn "Santa Maria" island in sight bearing 324°T. |
WNW 1-2, Sea 1-2, 3/10, Cumulus, Vis. 10 nm, slight NNW-swell |
10.05 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
To U-530, Kusch, Kietz, Musenberg. |
"Sonne 6" again operational. |
F.d.U. West. |
continued |
- 52 - |
28.06.43 |
12.00 |
CF 7281 |
Day's run: 176 nm. |
NW 2, Sea 2, 1/10, Vis. 12 nm, slight N-swell |
3 nm. |
12.30 |
Land out of sight. |
16.00 |
CF 7237 |
WNW 1-2, Sea 1-2, 2/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight N-swell |
16.15 |
CF 7237 |
Stopped. Boat is at meeting point. |
17.20 |
CF 7237 |
U-126, Kmdt. Oblt.z.S. Kietz in sight bearing 220°. |
"U-126" comes alongside. |
18.15 |
Began joint return transit. "Kietz" had met "Metz" earlier and taken over a Metox for "U-154". |
20.00 |
CF 4898 |
WbyN 2-3, Sea 2-3, 7/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm, slight long N-swell |
29.06.43 |
115 nm northeast of "Santa Maria" (Azores) |
00.00 |
CF 4911 |
Stopped. Metox and cables taken over. Kommandant has gone aboard "U-126" for discussion of the return transit. |
NW 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 6-8 nm, slight NE-swell |
03.10 |
Kommandant returned. Continued on. |
04.00 |
CF 4678 |
NW 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, long NE-swell |
08.00 |
CF 4628 |
W 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8-10 nm, intermixed swell |
09.10 |
Test dive. |
09.54 |
Surfaced. |
10.56 |
Test dived again after main ballast and reserve fuel oil tanks 6, 4 and 2 converted. [for use as ballast tanks] |
11.15 |
Surfaced. |
12.00 |
CF 4389 |
Day's run: 164 nm. |
W 2-3, Sea 2-3, 5/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 12 nm, intermixed swell |
3 nm. |
12.55 |
CF 4391 |
Steamer in sight bearing 156°T. Two-stacker, apparently a fast passenger ship. Bow right 10-15° comes on very fast out of the hazy horizon. Came to attack course.
13.02 |
Dived. The steamer bridge is above the horizon, "U-126" already dove at 12.58 hours. Afterwards I put some distance between us to the NW. Previous communication was not possible because of his sudden diving. |
Operating on the steamer, course 315°, estimating |
continued |
- 53 - |
29.06.43 |
speed 19 knots, ship is American of type "Mariposa". |
Steamer zigs to the right 20° range about 8000 meters about 30° bow right. Course is now 285°. |
13.30 |
CF 4391 |
Double shot from tubes I and IV target angle right 85° Etos depth 6 meters, target speed 19 knots, distance 3500 meters. Missed. |
Due to the zigzag away the boat could no longer get close enough with the high enemy speed. Distance 3500 meters is too far with this fast ship. Explanation for miss is probably target speed estimated one knot too low. Steamer runs reliably 20 knots. That results in a difference
of 2 degrees at 3500 meters or approximately 150 meters distance at the target.
Estimated target length is approximately 180 meters. At target speed of 19 knots the right torpedo (75 meters ahead of the aiming point) should hit. A 1 knot speed difference results in a torpedo
passage of 150 meters at the target to the left. Thus the
torpedo probably passed close behind the stern. Too bad. |
Shot from tubes II and III, loaded with Atos, estimated range 3500 meters, sea state 2-3 and target speed 20 knots is pointless and therefore not fired. Tail shot with now broad target angle is hopeless since the range of the torpedoes is insufficient. Range with a shot tube I and IV: "about 5000 meters". |
13.45 |
Loud detonation. Apparently end of run detonation. |
Simultaneously steamer zigs to 270°. Target angle now 180°, bearing 270°T. |
14.00 |
Steamer zigs further to 315°. General course 295°. |
14.04 |
Steamer out of sight. |
Attempt to contact "U-126" by underwater telegraph. |
Efforts continued without success. |
14.32 |
Surfaced, to run back to the diving position of 13.02 hours. |
14.52 |
"U-126" surfaced bearing 70°T, did not hear my underwater telegraph signals. |
15.05 |
Continued on. My G.H.G. gear failed. |
16.00 |
CF 4366 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
WSW 2-3, Sea 2-3, 4/10, Cumulus, haze, Vis. 10-12 nm, long SW and N-swell |
Musenberg, Kusch, Kietz, "U-530" |
"Sonne 15, 6, transmitter Severac" will also operate on 30 June. |
F.d.U. West. |
continued |
- 55 - |
30.06.43 |
01.52 |
Contents of radio message confirmed by headquarters. |
04.00 |
CF 2517 |
W 2, Sea 2, 6/10, Altostratus, Vis. 3 nm, intermixed swell, marine phosphorescence |
08.00 |
CF 2258 |
SE 2-3, Sea 2, 4/10, Altostratus, Vis. 7-8 nm, slight NO-swell |
12.00 |
BE 8784 |
Day's run: Surfaced 262 nm Submerged 4 nm. |
W 2, Sea 2, 3/10, Stratus, Vis. 11 nm, medium W-swell |
16.00 |
BE 8763 |
W 2, Sea 2, 5/10, Altostratus, Vis. 10 nm, high long W-swell, short steep NE-swell |
20.00 |
BE 8837 |
W 0-1, Sea 0-1, overcast, Vis. 5-8 nm, haze, Stratus, long high W-swell and NE-swell |
01.07.43 |
350 nm west of Cape Finisterre |
00.00 |
BE 8921 |
0, Sea 0, overcast, Vis. 1 nm, high long W-swell and NE-swell, fog, marine phosphorescence |
01.15 |
Incoming Radio Message: |
Shift radio circuit on 1 July at 08.00 hours: Kietz and Kusch to "Coastal". |
04.00 |
BE 8693 |
W 0-1, Sea 0-1, overcast, Vis. 3-4 nm, long W-swell, heavy marine phosphorescence, fog |
08.00 |
BE 9455 |
Shifted to "Coastal" radio circuit. |
W 1-2, Sea 1, 8/10, Stratus, Vis. 7-8 nm, long NW-swell, haze |
09.03 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 9437 |
Day's run: Surfaced 240 nm Submerged 5 nm. |
14.10 |
BE 9437 |
Depth charge explosion far distant. |
16.00 |
BE 9438 |
16.25 |
BE 9438 |
Loud depth charge explosion. 8 series of 5. |
16.55 |
BE 9438 |
Renewed explosions. This time rather close. 9 series of 5, each time one after another falls for a remarkably long time. |
17.55 |
BE 9435 |
Again explosions. Still closer. Nothing seen in the periscope. Apparently "deceptive" depth charges. |
20.02 |
BE 9435 |
NE 4, Sea 4, 9/10, Stratus, haze, Vis. 10 nm, high fog |
Surfaced to proceed on the surface. |
02.07.43 |
280 nm west of Cape Finisterre |
00.00 |
BE 9284 |
NEbyE 3-4, Sea 3-4, 6/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 5 nm, medium SSW-swell |
00.15 |
After nightfall dived to proceed submerged. |
04.00 |
BE 9285 |
05.44 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, 8/10, Cumulus, Vis. 3 nm, medium W-swell |
Surfaced to charge. |
08.00 |
BE 9266 |
NE 4-5, Sea 4, 9/10, Cumulus, Vis. 8-10 nm, medium W-swell |
continued |
- 56 - |
02.07.43 |
09.04 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BE 9318 |
Day's run: Surfaced 80 nm Submerged 25 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 9318 |
20.02 |
BE 9316 |
Surfaced to charge. |
NEbyE 5, Sea 5, overcast, Cumulostratus, Vis. 7-8 nm |
20.19 |
BE 9324 |
Dived for detection on 168 cm per Kietz procedure. |
U-126 has zone of 0-40°. |
U-154 from 40° upwards. |
22.01 |
Surfaced, continued on. |
03.07.43 |
200 nm northwest of Cape Finisterre |
00.00 |
BE 6989 |
E 5-6, Sea 5, overcast, Altostratus, haze, Vis. 4 nm, marine phosphorescence |
02.44 |
BF 4774 |
Illuminated searchlight of an attacking aircraft in sight bearing 210°T. Range 1000 meters, 15-20 meters above the water surface. At the same time the searchlight was seen an detection was made on 130 cm. No tone, only short, medium-high scratching volume 2-3. Detection first made by magic eye then acoustically. Aircraft flies from starboard astern of the boat to approximately 500 meters
distance, then notices U-126 in the searchlight beam and turns, apparently because U-126 is located more favorably for the aircraft, towards U-126, dropping 4 bombs in train, flying over U-126 approximately 10 meters over the water's surface and then in a long
curve to the right between both boats, firing at U-126 from the tail turret. The bombs are approximately at the position of the ballast tank 7 to starboard of U-126 30-40 meters short,
U-126 does not fire. In the bright searchlight beam during the crossover it appeared as if U-126 dove. The forecastle can not be seen, the stern is raised high. No one is seen on the bridge. |
ENE 5-6, Sea 5, blue sky, starry, dark night, Vis. 3
nm, medium marine phosphorescence
Own machine gun does not fire, despite the order to do so at the moment of illumination of the searchlight. The cause of the
failure could not be determined afterwards. The machine gun was cocked and
on safety. At the next check fire 5 hours later the weapon functioned perfectly. Whether an operating error was present, could not be determined. According to the gunner, he could not fire the unsafed weapon despite repeated strong pulling of the trigger. |
Since bombs were all too short, U-126 apparently dove and is intact, the Kommandant decided to crash dive when the aircraft turned away on the long curve between the boats.
Before closing the tower hatch a flickering light and smoke is noticed at the attack position, apparently a flare and smoke-bomb. Nothing is seen of U-126 in the darkness. |
After crash dive to 40 meters immediately attempt contact by underwater telegraph, however receive no reply. In the boat 6-8 short dull bangs
are heard, similar in tone to |
continued |
- 57 - |
03.07.43 |
distant 3.7 cm cannon fire. Otherwise nothing heard. G.H.G. inoperable, no sound bearings. |
03.05 |
Went to periscope depth. Nothing seen. All underwater telegraph signals remain unanswered. The situation is unclear. If U-126 also dived, and is listening on the underwater telegraph there should be an answer. If the boat remained surfaced, contrary to our impression, contact is now lost. It was agreed between the two Kommandanten that in the case of detection by the enemy to continue submerged. Hence the assumption of the Kommandant, that after the
unsuccessful bomb attack U-126 dove at the next opportunity, it may be that the distance is so large that underwater telegraph communication is no longer possible. Therefore the decision was made not to surface. Crucial for this determination
are the observation of the Kommandant and the entire bridge watch, that the bomb attack was unsuccessful, and that U-126 remained undamaged and dived even earlier than own boat. |
04.00 |
BF 4744 |
Decided to continue on. Perhaps it will be possible to regain contact with Kietz at dawn. |
07.07 |
Surfaced. Nothing is seen of U-126. Distance from the attack location 4 nm. There also nothing is seen. |
07.14 |
Outgoing Radio Message: |
02.44 hours unsuccessful bombing attack on Kietz. After which lost contact. Position BE 4775. Continued on alone. - Kusch - |
07.23 |
Outgoing Radio Message (Short Signal): |
My position is BF 4775. - U-154 - |
Both radio messages confirmed by headquarters. |
08.00 |
BF 4773 |
ENE 5-6, Sea 5, blue sky, Vis. 12 nm |
08.33 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 4782 |
Day's run: Surfaced 67 nm Submerged 26 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4783 |
20.13 |
BF 4791 |
Surfaced to charge batteries. |
NE 3-4, Sea 3-4, overcast, haze, Vis. 10 nm |
20.22 |
BF 4767 |
Dived for detection on 141 cm. Receive 4 times briefly within 1 minute. Hearing time 2-3 seconds. Search mode. |
21.13 |
Surfaced. |
21.45 |
BF 4768 |
Dived for detection on 141 cm. Characteristics same as for 20.22 hours. |
22.26 |
Surfaced. |
23.15 |
Dived for detection on 141 cm. Fainter. Continued submerged. |
04.07.43 |
Western Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 4846 |
04.00 |
BF 4854 |
05.53 |
NE 3-4, Sea 3, blue sky, haze, Vis. 7 nm |
Surfaced to charge. |
06.18 |
BF 4852 |
Dived for detection on 164 cm. Singing, clear tone. Varying in volume, however 3 times 1-3 seconds each increase in 1 min. heard. |
07.11 |
Surfaced. |
continued |
- 58 - |
04.07.43 |
07.15 |
BF 4852 |
Dived for detection on 120 cm, volume 1-3, search mode, modulated tone, briefly suspending. |
Continued underwater transit. |
08.00 |
BF 4852 |
11.50 |
Poor visibility, heavy haze |
In the periscope sweep a pair of Lancasters astern. |
Course south, distance 1000 meters, height 20 meters, painted white, barely visible in the haze. |
12.00 |
BF 4853 |
Day's run: Surfaced 37 nm Submerged 35 nm. |
14.12 |
7 explosions, far off. |
16.00 |
BF 4861 |
17.25 |
Vis. 10 nm, high fog, haze on the horizon. |
Surfaced to charge batteries with improving visibility. |
20.00 |
BF 4916 |
NE 3, Sea 3, 2/10, Cumulus, haze, Vis. 10 nm |
23.02 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
05.07.43 |
Northern Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 5711 |
04.00 |
BF 5478 |
06.10 |
Surfaced to charge batteries. |
07.09 |
Outgoing Radio Message (Short Signal): |
Will be off return harbor in 30 hours. |
U-154. |
08.00 |
BF 5486 |
NNW 1, Sea 1, 4/10, Cumulus, Vis. 12 nm |
08.12 |
Incoming Radio Message: Kusch arrive at 06.07.43 13.00 hours off return harbor Lorient. |
-Radio Center F.d.U. West.- |
08.20 |
Dived to proceed submerged. |
12.00 |
BF 5494 |
Day's run: Surfaced 110 nm Submerged 26 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 5492 |
20.00 |
BF 5493 |
21.12 |
Incoming Radio Message: U-154 and U-126: |
On 6 July 13.00 hours meet escort off Laterne. |
Do not cross 50-meter line without escort. |
-Base Radio Center Lorient- |
06.07.43 |
North Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
BF 5571 |
Crossed outer point. |
04.00 |
BF 5554 |
05.40 |
BF 5554 |
Surfaced. On the inbound route heading for the coast. |
08.00 |
BF 5553 |
NW 3, Sea 3, 6/10, Cumulostratus, Vis. 12 nm |
12.00 |
WbyN 3, Sea 3, overcast, Stratus, Vis 8-10 nm |
Day's run: Surfaced 80 nm Submerged 31 nm. |
14.30 |
Taken under mine escort. |
17.00 |
Made fast Lorient. |
Concluded at sea, on 6. July 1943 |
Oberleutnant zur See |
und Kommandant. |