- 2 - |
continued |
18.12.41 |
12.45 - 13.15 |
Lorient |
Artillery combat duty. |
16.30 |
All hands muster. |
17.00 |
Ready for sea. |
17.30 |
Lorient |
Cast off Berth A 3. Ran behind "U-502" and Sperrbrecher to point L 2. |
19.03 - 20.03 |
Trim test at L 2. |
20.03 |
Bay of Biscay |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10, new moon |
Released escort. |
20.00 - 03.00 |
Departed on Route "Tannennadel" to avoid "Rosabela", from 23.00 - 03.00 steered zigzag course, speed 12 knots. |
Very strong marine phosphorescence. One after another several lights in sight apparently fishermen. Avoided. |
19.12.41 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
NW 1-2, Sea 1, 5/10 |
03.00 |
Course 251°, 12 knots. |
04.00 |
BF 5833 |
08.00 |
BF 5851 |
09.00 |
Dived, balanced the boat at depth = A -50 meters, KF. |
Afterwards deep diving test to depth = A +40 meters. |
All in order. Boat is tight. |
Proceeded submerged at depth = A -50 meters, KF. |
12.00 |
= 46° 4.5'N |
Day's run: 156 nm. |
= 05° 15.0'W |
13.59 - 14.14 |
Surfaced, ventilated the boat, dived. Continued submerged at depth = A -50 meters. |
16.00 |
BF 5844 |
19.32 |
Surfaced. Transit on the surface at 12 knots, course 251°. |
20.00 |
BF 5769 |
21.00 |
Course 275°, 12 knots. |
20.12.41 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
E 1-2, Sea 1, 7/10 |
Course 275°, 12 knots. |
BF 5749 |
04.00 |
BF 4955 |
08.00 |
BF 4864 |
09.43 |
Dived, proceeded submerged at depth = A -50 meters, course 275°, KF. |
12.00 |
= 46° 10.0'N |
Day's run: 160 nm. |
= 09° 27.0'W |
- 3 - |
continued |
20.12.41 |
13.58 - 14.13 |
Surfaced, boat ventilated, dived. Continued submerged at depth = A -50 meters, KF. |
16.00 |
BF 4843 |
19.50 |
Surfaced, proceeded on the surface course 275°, 12 knots. |
20.00 |
BF 4852 |
21.12.41 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
E 2, Sea 1, 9/10 |
BF 4715 |
Course 275°, 12 knots. |
00.56 |
Ordered passing report sent to B.d.U. by Short Signal. |
04.00 |
BE 6926 |
08.00 |
BE 6833 |
11.00 |
Course 266°, 6-7 knots. |
12.00 |
= 46° 23.9'N |
Day's run: 178 nm. |
= 13° 42.0'W |
BE 6822 |
13.00 |
Clocks set back one hour to MEZ. |
From 21 December at 16.00 hours to 22 December at 13.00 hours inclusive one hour must be added to all time specifications. |
16.00 |
BE 6814 |
20.00 |
BE 6726 |
22.12.41 |
00.00 |
Atlantic |
E 1, Sea 1-2, 9/10 |
BE 6715 |
Course 266°, 6-7 knots. |
04.00 |
BE 5937 |
08.00 |
BE 5927 |
09.32 - 09.58 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
BE 5917 |
= 46° 13.1'N |
Day's run: 155 nm. |
= 17° 24.2'W |
13.00 |
Clocks set back one hour. |
From 22 December at 16.00 hours to 23 December at 13.00 hours inclusive two hours must be added to all time specifications. |
16.00 |
BE 579x |
16.07 - 16.38 |
Crash dive for aircraft, course 270°, far off. |
17.15 |
Several smoke clouds and one masthead in sight bearing 310°T. Comes out quickly. Turned away and ran off on course 180°. Judging by the smokestack and mast a destroyer of the K-Class. Showed the stern and continued running off on course 120°. |
17.27 - 17.56 |
Crash dive for aircraft, far off. Type not recognized. Probably a convoy escort. |
Surfaced and ran behind the convoy. Operated on convoy course 0°, speed 7-8 knots. |
17.57 |
Radio Message to B.d.U.: 1942/22/175: |
- 4 - |
continued |
22.12.41 |
Kr Kr Square 5758 smoke clouds and escort in sight. Forced to submerged by aircraft. In pursuit. Folkers. |
Since I've now detected a convoy without my doing, I want to attempt to approach tonight. |
18.06 - 18.37 |
Crash dive for approaching aircraft, distance 5000 meters. 2-engined bomber. Type not recognized. |
18.45 - 19.06 |
Crash dive for aircraft. Aircraft comes in the twilight from astern. Had position lights set and ahead a white light in the turret, altitude 800 meters, type not exactly recognized, had a well forward turret like the He 177, simple tail. |
19.07 |
Course 340°, HF very strong marine phosphorescence. Because it is very dark, at HF the boat trails a very brightly illuminated wake behind it. Cannot go at higher speed because there are aircraft at the convoy. |
19.45 - 20.15 |
Star shells 50° to starboard at long intervals, in total about 20, slowly comes abeam, suspect from the stern escort of the convoy. |
20.00 |
BE 5791 |
20.04 |
Aircraft 80° to starboard with set position lights and a white light, went to KF. He had not seen us and turns away again at 6000-8000 meters. Again went to HF. |
21.12 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 2017/22/176: To Folkers. Continue transit to the west. |
This radio message was first received on 23 December due to crash dive and depth charge pursuit. decoded at 07.00 hours. |
21.20 |
Crash dive for aircraft approaching with position lights, range 4000-5000 meters. Went to depth = A -50 meters. Listening gear reports propeller sounds and Asdic activity. Since despite repeated course changes the sound does not shift, I do not believe it. Sounds grow louder. Asdic impulses are now perceptible in the conning tower. "Go to depth = A +40 meters". |
21.43 |
Was overrun at depth = A -40 meters. 5 depth charges. Very well placed. Strong concussion in the boat. Some glass damage. All depth pressure gages put out of service. No exact picture of the depth of the boat. The boat is caught at depth = A +60 meters [140 meters]. Went to depth = A +40 meters, deceptive courses and speed settings. Silent running. Gyro compass shut down. |
- 5 - |
continued |
22.12.41 |
22.21 |
Boat was overrun two times in close succession. No depth charges. Asdic and propeller sounds easily perceived. |
22.35 |
4-5 depth charges somewhat further off. Afterwards the propeller sounds were fainter and disappeared entirely. New propeller sounds only very faint. |
23.12.41 |
00.07 |
Because there are no propeller sounds, surfaced, nothing to see. In accordance with B.d.U. radio message continued tranist on course 260°, 6-7 knots. |
Depth charge damage: |
All depth pressure gages out of service, speed measurement system out of service, Echolot sounder out of service for the moment, torpedo fire control system: firing angle setting for the forward tubes only runs very slowly. On the trigger linkage of tubes 2 and 4, the locking lever is broken or partially broken so that both tubes can not be fired electrically or manually because the locking lever is no longer held in the cocked position. By interposing a screwdriver between trigger linkage and the clamping ring of the base closure hand firing is again possible by removing the screwdriver. A spare lock lever was not on board. Welding attempt failed because there was no suitable weld metal. |
Two gyro compass roses shattered, automatic battery switch 2 failed. |
01.00 |
Atlantic |
E 1-2, Sea 1, 8/10 |
Course 266°, 6-7 knots. |
BE 5756 |
00.24 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 2316/22/183: Folkers report weather between 01.00 and 05.00 hours. |
01.48 |
Sent Short Signal weather report. |
04.00 |
BE 5745 |
08.00 |
BE 4967 |
= 45° 36.3'N |
Day's run: Surfaced and submerged = 148 nm. |
= 21° 34.2'W |
BE 4979 |
13.00 |
Clocks set back one hour. |
From 23 December at 16.00 hours to 25 December at 13.00 hours inclusive three hours must be added to all time specifications. |
16.00 |
BE 7232 |
20.00 |
BE 7224 |
24.12.41 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
SE 2, Sea 1-2, 8/10 |
Course 266°, 6-7 knots. |
BE 7136 |
04.00 |
BE 7128 |
0732 - 08.29 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
BE 7118 |
- 8 - |
30.12.41 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
NWbyW 7, Sea 7, 9/10 |
Course 250°, 3 knots. |
BC 9977 |
04.00 |
BC 9832 |
08.00 |
CD 2231 |
12.00 |
= 42° 43.0'N |
Day's run: 72 nm. |
= 40° 48.5'W |
Course 250°, 4 knots. |
Wind has come back to the NW and strongly abated to strength 2, high NW-Swell. |
16.00 |
CD 2243 |
16.30 - 17.30 |
Over deck damage repaired, remainder of the starboard aft net deflector removed. |
20.00 |
CD 2247 |
31.12.41 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
SSW 4, Sea 5, 8/10 |
Course 245°, 4-5 knots. |
CD 2167 |
04.00 |
CD 2183 |
08.00 |
CD 2179 |
08.21 - 13.45 |
Dived. Balanced the boat at depth = A -50 meters. Afterwards proceeded submerged at KF, to ventilate and check tubes 3 and 4. |
12.00 |
= 41° 54.0'N |
Day's run: 108 nm. |
= 42° 42.0'W |
CD 2177 |
16.00 |
CD 163x |
18.04 - 21.03 |
Dived, proceeded submerged at depth = A -50 meters at KF. Course 245°, New Year's Eve ! |
20.00 |
CD 1628 |
21.45 |
Due to Sea came to course 290°, 4 knots. |
Year 1942 |
01.01.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic |
WSW 7, Sea 6, 7/10 |
CD 1645 |
Course 290°, 3-4 knots. |
04.00 |
CD 1561 |
07.00 |
Course 320°, boat lies better this way. |
08.00 |
CD 1559 |
Wind has shifted to W, came to course 220°. |
12.00 |
= 41° 17.7'N |
Day's run: 74 nm. Course 230°, 3-4 knots. |
= 44° 23.8'W |
CD 1582 |
16.00 |
CD 1578 |
20.00 |
CD 1576 |
Course 250°. |
- 9 - |
02.01.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic |
CD 1733 |
SW 5, Sea 3, 9/10 (passing showers) |
Course 250°, 3-4 knots. |
04.00 |
CD 1727 |
08.00 |
CD 1746 |
12.00 |
= 40° 39.7'N |
Day's run: 101 nm. |
= 46° 29.3'W |
CD 1727 |
13.00 |
Clocks set back one hour. |
From 2 January at 16.00 hours to 9 January at 13.00 hours inclusive five hours must be added to all time specifications. |
16.00 |
CC 3973 |
20.00 |
CC 3898 |
03.01.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic |
CC 6222 |
Course 250°, 6-7 knots. |
SSE 1-2, Sea 1, 8/10 |
04.00 |
CC 6136 |
08.00 |
CC 6128 |
12.00 |
= 39° 46.7'N |
Day's run: 155 nm. |
= 49° 42.1'W |
CC 6145 |
16.00 |
CC 5359 |
20.00 |
CC 5373 |
04.01.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic |
CC 5263 |
N 4-5, Sea 2-3, 6-7/10 (passing showers) |
Course 250°, 6-7 knots. |
04.00 |
CC 5288 |
07.44 - 08.11 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CC 5275 |
12.00 |
= 38° 48.0'N |
Day's run: 147 nm. |
= 52° 29.7'W |
CC 5469 |
16.00 |
CC 5485 |
Course 180°. I cannot go further to the west according to radio message from B.d.U. (218/29) and run to the south, to perhaps detect traffic there from Bermuda for England. |
20.00 |
CC 5725 |
05.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
ESE 3, Sea 1, overcast, rain |
CC 5781 |
Course 180°, 6-7 knots. |
04.00 |
CC 8128 |
08.00 |
CC 8138 |
12.00 |
= 36° 34.0'N |
Day's run: 147 nm. |
= 52° 51.3'W |
CC 8422 |
16.00 |
CC 8452 |
20.00 |
CC 8485 |
- 10 - |
06.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
SW 1, Sea 0-1, 7/10 |
CC 8752 |
Course 180°, 6-7 knots. |
04.00 |
CC 8788 |
07.25 - 07.47 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
DE 1352 |
12.00 |
= 34° 51.5'N |
Day's run: 145 nm. |
= 52° 50.8'W |
10.00 |
Course 0°. I do not want to go further to the south, in order not to unnecessarily lengthen my approach route to attack area. |
16.00 |
CC 8753 |
20.00 |
CC 8722 |
07.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
SW 2-3, Sea 1-2, overcast |
Course 0°, 6-7 knots. |
CC 8455 |
04.00 |
CC 8455 |
06.30 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1058/7/269: |
To "U-125": Continue transit to the west to the longitude of the western edge of CA 30. |
08.00 |
CC 8157 |
Course 290°. |
12.00 |
= 37° 03.7'N |
Day's run: 145 nm. |
= 53° 13.0'W |
CC 8145 |
16.00 |
CC 7363 |
20.00 |
CC 7335 |
08.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
NW 1, Sea 0, Swell, 5/10 |
CC 7316 |
Course 290°, 5-6 knots. |
04.00 |
CC 4892 |
08.00 |
CC 4884 |
12.00 |
= 37° 39.4'N |
Day's run: 129 nm. |
= 55° 49.1'W |
CC 4831 |
16.00 |
CC 4667 |
20.00 |
CC 4755 |
09.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
NW 8-9, Sea 7-8, overcast |
CC 4748 |
Course 290°, 3 knots |
00.15 |
Due to Sea State course 230°. |
04.00 |
CB 4747 |
Course 260°. |
07.40 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1058/9/229: |
1.) Occupy the following attack areas: Zapp Attack Area 1 in accordance with Chef. Supplemental Operations Order, Hardegen 2, Folkers 3, Blechrodt |
- 11 - |
continued |
09.01.42 |
4 and 5, Kals 6. |
2.) Folkers, Hardegen, Zapp continue transit early 10 January B.d.U. anticipates arrival in attack area 13 January. |
3) Bleichrodt, Kals continue transit so as to reach new attack areas on 13 January. |
4.) Boats form Group "Paukenschlag". |
08.00 |
CB 6986 |
12.00 |
= 37° 49.5'N |
Day's run: 111 nm. |
= 57° 57.7'W |
CB 6973 |
13.00 |
Clocks set back one hour. |
From 9 January at 16.00 hours to 3 February at 13.00 hours inclusive six hours must be added to all time specifications. |
16.00 |
CB 685x |
20.00 |
CB 6828 |
23.00 |
Course 280°. |
10.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
SSE 3-4, Sea 2, 5/10 |
Course 280°, 8 knots. |
CB 6733 |
04.00 |
CB 6479 |
06.56 - 08.06 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CB 5694 |
12.00 |
CB5686 |
= 37° 33.3'N |
Day's run: 193 nm. |
= 61° 21.6'W |
16.00 |
CB 5675 |
20.00 |
CB 5592 |
11.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
W 3, Sea 2, overcast (passing showers |
Course 280°, 5 knots. |
CB 5554 |
04.00 |
CB 5544 |
08.00 |
CB 5466 |
12.00 |
= 38° 52.8'N |
Day's run: 115 nm. |
= 63° 44.4'W |
CB 5455 |
16.00 |
CB 5417 |
17.14 - 17.55 |
Test dive. For training and as a check all tubes were made ready to shoot. The outer tube door of tube 2 can only be opened half way and can not be closed again. In the boat all linkage runs effortlessly and in order. At present outboard repair work is not possible due to Sea State. |
18.00 |
Course 120°. I want to set off further from the coast to attempt to carry out repairs early tomorrow. If the weather is favorable and the repairs take less than 5 hours I can still reach my attack area on time. |
20.00 |
CB 5447 |
- 12 - |
12.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
SSE 2-3, Sea 2, 7/10 |
Weather has deteriorated, barometer falls, wind and Sea increase. With this weather work can not be done outside the boat and I can not wait on good weather. Because in any case I want to be in my attack area on time. Otherwise no "Paukenschlag" [Beat on the drum] |
CB 5497 |
Course 290°. Perhaps there will be good weather to the west. |
04.00 |
CB 5473 |
08.00 |
CB 5449 |
08.00 - 12.00 |
Weather has gotten better, NW 3, Sea 2, boat works only slightly and lies before the sea quite calmly. Main ballast and reserve fuel oil tank 7 converted [for use as ballast tanks] and blown. Ballast tank 1 half flooded, 5 starboard flooded, port negative buoyancy tank blown. Outer tube door of tube 2 is mostly out of the water. The forward half of the fairing has broken through and is positioned athwart-ship to port. Damage probably caused by depth charge effect and Sea State. The aft part of the fairing is forced into the side of the hull and now lies between the tube and the outer tube door. With some difficulty the pistol is removed. People find it difficult to stay forward of the tube because they are swept away by the suction produced from the pitching of the boat. Attempts to bend the sheet metal of the indented, crimped hull with chisels, etc., so that the outer tube door can be closed, fail. Also the damage fairing cannot be removed because work overboard had to be broken off due to the increasing Sea and freshening wind. Tube 2 must be driven flooded with the outer door half open. Continued transit into the operations area. |
12.00 |
= 38° 46.0'N |
Day's run: 141 nm. |
= 64° 22.0'W |
CB 4665 |
16.00 |
CB 4642 |
20.00 |
CB 4522 |
13.01.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
WSW 2, Sea 1, overcast |
Course 290°, 10-11 knots |
CB 4196 |
04.00 |
CB 6548 |
06.55 - 07.56 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CA 6337 |
By dead reckoning we are now in the attack area. Last navigation fix was 4 days ago. |
- 13 - |
continued |
13.01.42 |
Midday navigation fix on the sun gives a difference between dead reckoning and actual position of 85 nm in 110°T. |
12.00 |
= 39° 28.0'N |
Day's run: 235 nm. |
= 66° 59.0'W |
CB 4191 |
16.00 |
CB 4153 |
20.00 |
CA 6366 |
Reached attack area. |
14.01.42 |
Atlantic, south of Nantucket Lightship |
NW 2, Sea 1, 3/10 |
CA 6353 |
Course 290°, 6 knots. |
04.00 |
CA 6391 |
Course 200°. On various courses until leaving the attack area on 20 January back and forth in position. (See track chart). |
07.26 - 08.15 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CA 6317 |
10.02 |
White smoke cloud in sight bearing 230°T. Held onto it, a mast is seen. No shift, On the surface through the forward periscope saw: small vessel with sturdy mast and cargo booms. Probably a fisherman. Smoke development came from the engine. Only low speed. Moved off. |
12.00 |
= 39° 41.5'N |
Day's run: 153 nm. |
= 69° 22.5'W |
CA 6264 |
15.43 - 16.29 |
Crash dive for aircraft, very far off. Type not distinguished. |
16.00 |
CA 6234 |
16.31 - 17.41 |
Crash dive for aircraft, 8000 meters away, type "Consolidated". |
17.46 |
Steamer in sight bearing 200°T, 2 masts, one smokestack with passenger deck. Moved off and maneuvered ahead at GF. Steamer shows all prescribed lights, decks are brightly illuminated. On the stern an illuminated Spanish flag, otherwise no neutrality markings. Course 100°, 10-11 knots. Radio traffic on 36-meters with Spanish land station Aranjues observed. By that Spanish steamer "ISLA DE TERNIFFA", home port Valencia, 5100 GRT. Did not attack, moved off. |
20.00 |
CA 6343 |
15.01.42 |
Atlantic, south of Nantucket Lightship |
00.00 |
SW 2, Sea 102, 6/10 |
CA 6321 |
- 14 - |
continued |
15.01.42 |
04.00 |
CA 3981 |
04.29 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1001/15/187: |
To "Ziethen" and "Paukenschlag": If transmitting for other reasons, report fuel. |
08.00 |
CA 6322 |
07.29 - 08.47 |
Test dive. |
12.00 |
CA 6319 |
= 40° 02.0'N |
Day's run: 169 nm. |
= 68° 28.0'W |
16.00 |
CA 3976 |
16.30 - 17.43 |
Crash dive for aircraft, far off. |
20.00 |
CA 3954 |
16.01.42 |
Atlantic, south of Nantucket Lightship |
00.00 |
WNW 3, Sea 3, 7/10 |
CA 3945 |
04.00 |
CA 3863 |
06.59 - 08.14 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CA 3895 |
12.00 |
= 40° 05.9'N |
Day's run: 122 nm. |
= 69° 23.4'W |
CA 6231 |
13.30 |
Smoke cloud in sight astern to port, shifts quickly out. Attempted to maneuver ahead. Smoke cloud shifts very quickly from port abeam to directly ahead and passes out of sight about 15.00 hours. Approximate course 100°, speed over 18 knots. |
16.00 |
CA 6314 |
20.00 |
CA 6235 |
17.01.42 |
Atlantic, south of Nantucket Lightship |
00.00 |
NNW 4, Sea 3, 8/10 |
CA 6252 |
04.00 |
CA 3897 |
05.45 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1035/17/238: |
1.) Hardegen, Bleichrodt, Schug report situation. |
2.) Mützelburg free to maneuver in entire Group Zeithen area. |
3.) Östermann occupy Mützelburg attack are up to now |
4.) Self shifting of attack areas for "Paukenschlag" boats free if traffic or defense situation makes this necessary. |
5.) If attack conditions are unfavorable Kals shift attack |
- 15 - |
continued |
17.01.42 |
area between Hardegen and Zapp. |
08.00 |
CA 6219 |
12.00 |
= 39° 35.0'N |
Day's run: 140 nm. |
= 70° 02.0'W |
16.00 |
CA 6241 |
20.00 |
CA 3877 |
18.01.42 |
Atlantic, south of Nantucket Lightship |
00.00 |
W 4, Sea 3, 4/10 |
CA 3873 |
02.00 - 03.30 |
Nantucket Lightship in sight, lies in peacetime position and burns as in peacetime. 2 fishermen in sight. Avoided. |
04.00 |
CA 3867 |
07.23 - 08.34 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CA 3892 |
12.00 |
CA 3971 |
= 40° 23.4'N |
Day's run: 127 nm. |
= 69° 03.5'W |
13.32 - 14.11 |
Crash dive for aircraft. |
16.00 |
CA 3944 |
16.38 - 17.12 |
Crash dive for training. |
20.00 |
CA 3971 |
21.30 - 01.00 |
Several fishermen in sight, prescribed lighting. Avoided. |
19.01.42 |
Atlantic, south of Nantucket Lightship |
00.00 |
CA 3947 |
Nantucket lightship in sight faintly below the horizon for a brief time. |
SW 2, Sea 1, 4/10 |
04.00 |
CA 3867 |
08.00 |
CA 3885 |
09.34 - 10.24 |
Crash dive for aircraft. |
12.00 |
= 40° 16.5'N |
Day's run: 126 nm. |
= 69° 33.5'W |
CA 3876 |
12.45 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1516/19/291: |
Bleichrodt report situation, Folkers, Zapp report situation if noticed. |
I am quite certain that up to now we have not been noticed, therefore did not report. |
16.00 |
CA 3844 |
20.00 |
CA 3843 |
22.00 - 01.30 |
Nantucket Lightship in sight, as in peacetime. Passed at a distance of 3 nm. |
- 16 - |
20.01.42 |
Atlantic, north of the Nantucket Lightship |
00.00 |
SSE 2, Sea 1, blue sky |
CA 3861 |
04.00 |
CA 3942 |
07.41 = 08.25 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CA 3984 |
12.00 |
= 40° 16.0'N |
Day's run: 151 nm. |
= 68° 48.5'W |
CA 3976 |
13.40 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1317/20/217: |
Zapp, Bleichrodt and Folkers report position, situation and successes. |
I have now been in my assigned operations area for a week and have seen nothing but fishermen and aircraft except for a Spaniard and a smoke cloud. It is pointless to remain here longer, either because all traffic is stopped on the coast and is released only after a prolonged time again here or never was heavy traffic and/or the traffic went past my attack area to the south or south-east. I have a choice between the area off Boston and the area south of Delaware Bay. I decide on the latter. There heavy to very heavy traffic is reported by all boats, especially near coasts. I want to run to the Winter Quarter Lightship and from there to the south on the coast, until I run into traffic. |
16.00 |
CA 6319 |
20.00 |
CA 6349 |
21.25 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. on alternate frequency 0242/21: Area 111 mine free, no traffic, medium air surveillance, lightship in place, burns as in peacetime. All torpedoes. Outer tube door of tube 2 cannot be closed, pistol removed. Shifting attack area to square CA 80, 120 cbm, square CA 6349. |
21.01.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic, south of the Nantucket lightship |
NW 3, Sea 2, 4/10 |
CA 6296 |
Course 250°, 6 knots. |
04.00 |
CA 6288 |
08.00 |
CA 3512 |
12.00 |
= 39° 02.7'N |
Day's run: 130 nm. |
= 70° 31.0'W |
CA 6417 |
16.00 |
CA 6454 |
16.05 - 16.27 |
Test dive. |
- 17 - |
continued |
21.01.42 |
Yesterdays radio message on alternate frequency has not been repeated up to now. Data and frequent were chosen correctly. I will send once more on alternate frequency today. |
19.07 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. on alternate frequency 2339/21: Area 111 mine free, no traffic, medium air surveillance, lightship in place, burns as in peacetime. All torpedoes. Outer tube door of tube 2 cannot be closed, pistol removed. Shifting attack area to square CA 80, 120 cbm, square CA 6454. |
20.00 |
CA 6472 |
22.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Delaware Bay |
00.00 |
NW 2-3, Sea 1-2, overcast |
Course 250°, 6 knots. |
CA 5668 |
04.00 |
CA 5689 |
08.00 |
CA 5916 |
12.00 |
CA 5861 |
= 38° 03.0'N |
Day's run: 133 nm. |
= 73° 02.2'W |
16.00 |
CA 5881 |
20.00 |
CA 5877 |
Course 150°. |
23.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Chesapeake Bay |
W 2, Sea 1, 5/10 |
CA 8217 |
Yesterday's message on alternate frequency was again not repeated, data was correct. |
01.00 |
Short Signal to B.d.U.: No traffic, shifting my operations area to square DC. |
Course 0°. |
04.00 |
CA 8211 |
07.41 |
Dived, balanced the boat, overhaul work on the starter for the aft diving plane motor. Several sound bearings, suspect from fishing vessels, listening gear only partially operable. |
11.58 |
Surfaced after completing repairs. |
12.00 |
= 37° 42.0'N |
Day's run: 129 nm. Course 240°. |
= 74° 03.5'W |
CA 5792 |
12.29 - 12.56 |
Crash dive for approaching aircraft. 2-engined bomber. |
13.40 |
One after another several fishing boats in sight. 2 masts, aft triangular sail, probably fishing on the 200-meter line. |
16.00 |
CA 5789 |
16.24 |
Steamer in sight bearing 340°T, distance 16000 meters, |
- 18 - |
continued |
23.01.42 |
bow right, target angle 60°, by this steers 120° course for Bermuda, no zigzags. Maneuvered ahead at GF. Very bright moonshine. |
Steamer is a tanker, about 7000 GRT, 2 masts, one smokestack, runs 9-10 knots. |
20.00 |
CA 5786 |
20.12 |
"To Action Stations". Outer tube door of tube 4 cannot be opened. Outer tube door linkage in the boat is in order. Probably the same damage as for tube 2. Therefore only tubes 1 and 3 are still in service. |
20.36 |
Multiple shot from tubes 1 and 3. |
Shooting data: target speed = 9 knots |
target angle = 75° |
range = 1200 meters |
depth = 3 meters. |
2 misses. Steamer had not noticed us. It is too late for a stern shot because the target angle is 120°, maneuvered ahead again. |
20.53 |
A long shadow in sight bearing 110°T, illuminated in the moonlight in gray, several smokestacks, probably a destroyer, turned away and put astern. Had bow left target angle 50°. After passing out of sight came to course 120° and ran behind the tanker. By plotting the tanker should be in sight at 24.00 hours. |
24.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Chesapeake Bay |
SW 4, Sea 4, 2/10 |
CA 8251 |
Course 200°, 6 knots. |
Search for the tanker broken off. Moon sets in 1/2 hours. When checking the set shot values, it turns out that the shot angle was 4.5° too small, even though all values were set correctly. The lead angle calculator had been in order and setting the shot values gave the correct shooting angle. So there must have been an operator error. Presumably, the parallax had not been set to 0°. The U.T.W.L. is an experienced and skilled Petty Officer and maintains that he did not make a mistake. At a range of 1000 meters, a 4.5° lead angle change results in a hit point shift of about 70 meters. The aim points were the forward edge of the bridge and after mast. So both misses are explained. |
04.00 |
CA 8249 |
07.33 - 08.17 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CA 8276 |
08.33 |
Course 270°. |
- 19 - |
continued |
24.01.42 |
12.00 |
= 36° 42.0'N |
Day's run: 141 nm. |
= 74° 02.5'W |
CA 8195 |
13.14 |
Steamer in sight bearing 300°T, distance 15000 meters. Smokestack and bridge are out, masts not distinguished, strongly shimmering air. Bow right target angle 120°. Steers 0-20°, long yellow smokestack, astern at a large distance, white bridge, maneuvered ahead at GF. |
14.57 |
Ahead a steamer in sight on opposite course. Distance 15000 meters, steers 180°, bow left target angle 40°. If I continue to operate on the first steamer, I must avoid the second steamer very widely or dive. Both times I lag very far astern and I have not caught up again before the beginning of twilight. Because the first steamer runs at 11-12 knots I will probably not find him again after all. Operate on the second steamer, however he is substantially smaller. Maneuvered ahead at GF. |
15.57 |
Dived. The steamer is a freighter about 4000 GRT in ballast, 2 masts, 1 smokestack, black hull, white bridge. Steers 180°, no zigzag, speed 9 knots. |
15.58 |
"To Action Stations". |
Intend a single shot from tube 1, target speed = 9 knots. |
16.00 |
CA 8194 |
Bow left target angle 70°, range = 5000 meters, depth 3 meters, shortly before the shot I recognize that the steamer is Spanish. In the stern a spread flag also on the flag staff. Other neutrality markings on the side of the hull and name was not distinguished, because the sun blinded me. Put astern, moved off. |
W 1, Sea 0-1, 4/10 |
16.27 |
Secured from Action Stations. |
17.09 |
After the steamer was out of sight surfaced. Course 0°, 5-6 knots. |
The first steamer is now 30 nm ahead. Pursuing is hopeless and costs too much fuel. |
20.00 |
CA 8259 |
20.40 |
Course 60°. |
23.52 |
Light in sight bearing 350°T. Steaming light and port position light distinguished. Maneuvered ahead at GF. Vessel steers 170°. |
25.01.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic, east of Chesapeake Bay |
CA 8239 |
03.28 |
"To Action Stations". The sea is completely calm, heavy marine phosphorescence. Air milky |
- 20 - |
continued |
25.01.42 |
and hazy. Moonshine. I must remain far off, because otherwise I will be seen. Stern approach. Intentions were: single shot from tube 5, target speed = 10 knots, bow left, target angle 70°, range = 1500 meters, depth 2 meters. Small steamer, about 1000 GRT, 2 masts, 1 smokestack, did not shoot because the steamer is too small. Torpedoes would probably have understeered. A surface runner would be pointless in the marine phosphorescence and flat sea. Would have been sighted. |
04.00 |
CA 8512 |
04.30 |
Secured from action stations. |
07.37 |
Crash dive for tanker, about 8000 GRT, bow right, target angle 20°, steers 355°, range = 12000 meters. Was already entirely out when I came to the bridge. |
07.42 |
"To Action Stations". |
Tanker zigzags 40° to port at a range of about 4000 meters and passes at 3000-4000 meters. He had not seen us. Then he zigzags back to his old course, at a bearing of 90° does not come closer than 3000 meters. |
08.00 |
CA 8279 |
08.45 |
Secured from Action Stations. |
09.37 |
After passing out of visual range from a fisherman surfaced. Pursued course 0°, GF. |
11.24 |
Tanker in sight directly ahead, range = 16000 meters. Bow right target angle 20°, opposite course, came about maneuvered ahead, for one hour ran ahead of the tanker and took exact course and speed. Tanker steered 180°, 10.5 knots. |
12.00 |
= 37° 04.1'N |
Day's run: 166 nm. |
= 74° 32.5'W |
CA 8246 |
13.15 |
Object in sight ahead to port, range = 5000 meters. Due to strong haze cannot exactly be recognized. Made out as a small lifeboat with sail. Manned. Had seen us, turns towards us. |
13.19 |
Dived. |
13.50 |
"To Action Stations". |
At range = 3000 meters at target angle 25° the tanker turns 50° to port and heads for the lifeboat to stop and take the occupants on board. Tanker is a steamship, 7000 GRT, gray hull, 2 masts, in-between large bridge, in the bridge wings 2 cm anti-aircraft weapons. Large smokestack, suspect a naval tanker. When reversing the stern of the tanker swings to starboard, now has target angle 120°. |
- 21 - |
continued |
25.01.42 |
14.25 |
CA 8279 |
Multiple shot from tubes 1 and 3. |
target speed = 9 knots, bow right |
target angle = 120° |
range = 2000 meters |
depth = 3 meters. |
In tube 1 the piston does not run back, jams in the forward third of the tube. As a result the boat takes on 1.5 tons buoyancy and was 10° stern down. By "All men forward", flooding of the negative buoyancy tanks, both diving planes hard down and both motors GF the Chief Engineer manages to get the boat to depth 10 meters. Boat cuts under and is caught again at depth 26 meters. After a running time of 2200 meters one detonation, probably a hit. After the trim is somewhat balanced, went to periscope depth: tanker had turned again to his old course and picks up speed. He now has target angle 90°, damage is not recognized. |
14.46 |
Multiple shot from tubes 5 and 6. |
target speed = 7 knots |
bow right target angle = 90° |
range = 2000 meters |
depth = 3 meters. |
2 misses. Probably speed under estimated. After passing out of sight surfaced and delayed by a second freighter that passes at 4000 meters. 8000 GRT, gray hull, 2 masts, 1 smoke stack. On the hull at the level forward and after mast vertical stripes, probably neutrality markings. Not exactly distinguished. |
Course 270°, 9-11 knots. |
16.00 |
CA 8257 |
"Secure from Action Stations". |
SW 1, Sea 0-1, 2/10 |
16.06 |
Surfaced and searched for the tanker on course 160° and 180°. After the beginning of twilight broke off the search because the tanker had probably changed course. There are now still one bow and 2 stern tubes in service. |
20.00 |
CA 8545 |
Course 200°, 5 knots. |
22.12 |
Light in sight bearing 40°T. Steered 180°, Maneuvered ahead at GF. |
26.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Cape Hatteras |
00.00 |
SW 2, Sea 1, 1/10 |
02.42 |
"To Action Stations". Angles in and looked at the steamer. Large freighter, Target angle already too broad, and range still too great to shoot. Once again maneuvered ahead. |
- 22 - |
continued |
26.01.42 |
Moonshine, very bright. Summer lightening. I can not come very close. |
04.00 |
CA 8853 |
04.52 |
Single shot from tube 3. |
target speed = 10 knots |
bow right target angle = 70° |
range = 1500 meters |
depth = 3 meters. |
Miss, unexplained. Maneuvered ahead again. |
05.56 |
CA 8883 |
Multiple shot from tubes 5 and 6. |
target speed = 9 knots |
bow right target angle = 70° |
range = 1000 meters |
depth = 3 meters. |
Just before the shot the steamer extinguished steamer lights. Aim point forward edge of the bridge and smokestack. |
After a running time of 1000 meters hit under the bridge and in engine room. (after edge of the smokestack) Steamer breaks in the middle a fire in the engine room. Probably an oil fire. Had not transmitted. After 14 minutes sunk. Moved off. Course 60°. Steamer was deeply loaded freighter, very long, about 130 meters, 2 masts, 1 smokestack, placed aft. Forward one astern 2 pole masts, somewhat raked bow, 7 hatches, of these one between the bridge and smokestack. (Type: "GERALDINE MARY 7200 GRT.) |
06.11 |
"Secure from Action Stations". |
Did not approach the boats but instead moved off to be somewhat removed from the sinking location at dawn. |
07.34 - 08.05 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CA 8872 |
12.00 |
= 35° 20.5'N |
Day's run: 189 nm. |
= 72° 31.5'W |
CA 8866 |
14.00 |
Course 300°. |
16.00 |
CA 8911 |
17.04 |
Steamer in sight bearing 340°T, range = 13000 meters, bow right, target angle 70°, speed 10-12 knots. About 8000 GRT. Forward and astern several pole masts, large smokestack, suspect an ore steamer. General course 160°, zigzags 40° to both sides. Maneuvered ahead. Lost about 20.00 hours after the beginning of twilight. |
20.00 |
CA 8944 |
20.50 - 21.16 |
Dived to listen. No sound bearings. Pursuit broken off, Course 0°, 5 knots. |
- 23 - |
27.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Cape Hatteras |
00.00 |
NW 4, Sea 4, 6/10 |
CA 8945 |
04.00 |
CA 8675 |
08.00 |
CA 8645 |
09.56 |
Steamer in sight bearing 170°T, range = 13000 meters, bow right, target angle 50°. Superstructure and masts are out. Large passenger and freight steamer with several passenger decks. Over 10000 GRT. General course 330°, zigzags 20° to both sides. By plotting runs 17-18 knots. Out of sight at 12.14 hours. Pursuit broken off. |
12.00 |
= 36° 31.0'N |
Day's run: 159 nm. |
= 72° 38.0'W |
CA 8617 |
12.15 |
Course 330°. |
15.30 |
Course 270°. |
16.00 |
CA 8292 |
16.40 |
The lifeboat from 25 January met again, Sunk with MGC 30. |
20.00 |
CA 8283 |
28.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Chesapeake Bay. |
00.00 |
NE 1, Sea 1, overcast, passing showers |
Course 180°, 5 knots. |
CA 8272 |
I still have 90 cbm. For return transit in good weather I need 76 cbm. I will begin return transit with 86 cbm to have 10 cbm reserve for bad weather. There is still one tube in service forward, stern tubes are out of torpedoes. Downloading in this weather is not possible. |
01.40 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. 2337/27/184/224 and |
2343/27/183/228: |
1.) Area 111 to 21 January no traffic, medium air surveillance. Lightship in place, burns as in peacetime. |
2.) Very heavy traffic square CA 58, mainly north-south. Very many tankers, occasional neutrals, no surveillance. |
3.) 26 January square x797 [8883?] freighter 7000 GRT sunk. 25 January one hit on tanker, 6 misses, 2 unexplained, 2 + 6 torpedoes. |
4.) 3 bow tubes out of service. Stern tubes out of torpedoes. Downloading not possible due to weather. 90 cbm. Square CA 82. Request return transit. |
04.00 |
CA 8512 |
08.00 |
CA 8542 |
12.00 |
CA 8545 |
= 36° 04.4'N |
Day's run: 107 nm. |
= 73° 43.3'W |
14.30 |
Course 115°, 4-5 knots. |
16.00 |
CA 8576 |
16.16 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 0939/28/223: |
To Folkers: Delayed return transit. Try to download. |
20.00 |
CA 8588 |
- 24 - |
29.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Cape Hatteras |
00.00 |
WNW 4, Sea 3, overcast, passing showers |
CA 8835 |
Course 115°, 4-5 knots. |
04.00 |
CA 8916 |
08.00 |
CA 8935 |
10.00 |
Course 90°, Began return transit with 86 cbm. |
Initially I will not proceed on the Great Circle because I hope there is more traffic between Cape Hatteras and Bermuda than south of Newfoundland. The route is 200 nm further, but because the weather is generally better I hope the track is more than made up for by the better day's run. |
12.00 |
= 35° 16.0'N |
Day's run: 111 nm. |
= 71° 48.0'W |
CA 8963 |
16.00 |
CA 9745 |
20.00 |
CA 9746 |
30.01.42 |
Atlantic, east of Cape Hatteras |
00.00 |
NNW 4, Sea 3, 9/10 |
CA 9756 |
Course 90°, 4-5 knots. |
04.00 |
CA 9766 |
08.00 |
CA 9848 |
12.00 |
= 35° 16.0'N |
Day's run: 102 nm. |
= 69° 41.8'W |
CA 9854 |
16.00 |
CA 9864 |
20.00 |
CA 9944 |
22.00 |
NNW 6, Sea 6, 9/10 |
Steamer in sight abeam to starboard, steers 320°. Continuous hull, raked bow, cruiser stern, forward three aft 1 pole mast, bridge and smokestack close after one-another. About 6000 GRT in ballast. Lies high out. The wind has abated somewhat however the Seas are quite steep, confused Swell. No weapons use possible. Did not shoot. Weather improvement can not be expected. Continued on. |
31.01.42 |
North Atlantic, north of Bermuda |
00.00 |
NNW 5-6, Sea 5, 9/10 |
CA 9955 |
Course 90°, 4-5 knots. |
04.00 |
CA 9964 |
08.00 |
CB 7727 |
11.28 |
Smoke cloud in sight, ran along with on the surface and looked through the periscope. A corvette, something behind, much smaller, not distinguished. Possibly a U-boat hunting group. Corvette steers 320°, |
- 27 - |
continued |
08.02.42 |
04.00 |
CD 4684 |
07.56 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1137/8/169/234: |
To Folkers and Zahn: |
On the 11 February at 19.00 hours be at meeting point in CE 4184 for fuel transfer in the evening. If meeting is not successful up to 21.00 Folkers send bearing signals in accordance with Kriegsmarine Order 211, 1a without radio signal on 852 meters. Folkers report immediately how much fuel can be given. Folkers otherwise radio silence and from now attack on merchant ships absolutely forbidden except in convoy. |
08.00 |
CD 4667 |
12.00 |
= 39° 08.4'N |
Day's run: 179 nm. |
= 42° 23.1'W |
CD 5428 |
16.00 |
CD 5434 |
17.20 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. 2107/8/4: Can give 10 cbm, naval square CD 5436. |
20.00 |
CD 5512 |
09.02.42 |
Atlantic, west of the Azores |
00.00 |
NNE 1, Sea 0-1, 5/10 |
Course 86°, 6 knots. |
CD 5523 |
04.00 |
CD 5611 |
08.00 |
CD 5621 |
12.00 |
= 39° 18.2'N |
= 39° 22.0'W |
CD5633 |
Day's run: 131 nm. |
13.00 |
Clocks set forward one hour. |
From 9 February at 16.00 hours to 13 February at 13.00 hours inclusive four hours must be added to all time specifications. |
16.00 |
CD 617x |
17.06 - 17.23 |
Test dive. |
20.00 |
CD 6173 |
10.02.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic, west of the Azores |
E 4, Sea 3, 8/10 (passing showers) |
CD 6191 |
Course 90°, 5-6 knots. |
04.00 |
CD 6271 |
08.00 |
CD 6281 |
12.00 |
CD 6258 |
= 39° 38.1'N |
= 37° 05.7'W |
Day's run: 122 nm. |
13.32 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1554/10/214: |
To Zahn and Folkers: |
1.) From now absolute radio silence within a 400 nm circle around meeting point. Also send no bearing signals as ordered in Radio Message from 8 February. |
2.) If meeting unsuccessful up to 12 February by the start of the night, continue transit, Folkers return transit, Zahn into operations area. |
- 28 - |
continued |
10.02.42 |
square CC [typo BB] ower half and CA [typo CB] see Radio Message from 8 February to Lehmann, Feiler and Rehwinkel. |
3.) Folkers report success of the meeting after passing the 400 nm limit. |
20.00 |
CD 6373 |
11.02.42 |
Atlantic, west of Flores (Azores) |
00.00 |
ESE 4, Sea 4, 7/10 |
CD 6391 |
Course 97°, 5 knots. |
04.00 |
CE 4177 |
08.00 |
CE 8187 |
09.00 |
Course 140°. |
12.00 |
= 39° 30.3'N |
= 35° 00.0'W |
CE 4184 |
Day's run: 117 nm. |
12.30 |
By morning navigation fix and midday latitude I am positioned exactly at the meeting point. Nothing is seen of "Zahn". On various courses back and forth in position in square CE 4184. |
16.00 |
CE 4184 |
20.00 |
CE 4184 |
12.02.42 |
Atlantic, west of Flores (Azores) |
00.00 |
SbyE 3, Sea 2, 3/10 |
CE 4185 |
04.00 |
CE 4179 |
07.33 - 07.55 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
CE 4184 |
12.00 |
= 39° 32.0'N |
= 34° 45.0'W |
CE 4181 |
Day's run: 126 nm. |
Position checked once with sun altitude and midday latitude. We are exactly at the meeting point. Vis. very good. |
16.00 |
CE 4184 |
16.54 |
Course 73°, 7-8 knots. "Zahn" not seen up to now. On both days very good visibility. Fuel transfer was not possible yesterday and today was not possible. |
Continued return transit. |
20.00 |
CE 4166 |
13.02.42 |
Atlantic, west of Flores (Azores) |
00.00 |
WbyS 3, Sea 2, 3/10 |
Course 73°, 7-8 knots. |
CE 4255 |
04.00 |
CE 4314 |
08.00 |
CE 4357 |
12.00 |
= 40° 06.9'N |
Day's run: 197 nm. Course 90°, 10 nm. |
= 31° 41.3'W |
CE 5115 |
13.00 |
Clocks set forward one hour. |
From 13 February at 16.00 hours to 16 February at 13.00 hours inclusive three hours must be added to all time specifications. |
- 29 - |
continued |
13.02.42 |
16.00 |
CE 2794 |
20.00 |
CE 2854 |
14.02.42 |
Atlantic, north of Flores (Azores) |
SE 3, Sea 2, 7/10 |
CE 2918 |
Course 73°, 9-10 knots. |
04.00 |
CE 2698 |
08.00 |
CE 3459 |
12.00 |
= 41° 35.4'N |
= 26° 52.3'W |
CE 3545 |
Day's run: 234 nm. Course 73°, 6-7 knots. |
16.00 |
CE 3529 |
19.44 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. 1859/14 on alternate frequency: |
From 11 February midday to 12 February at the beginning of darkness at meeting point, Exact navigation. "Zahn" not seen. Transfer was not possible on both days due to weather. Return transit. Square CE 3568. |
20.00 |
CE 3612 |
21.35 |
Radio Message from Radio Control 2326/14/263: |
To U-125 Radio Message 1859/14 with 77 groups on 54 meters from Norddeich received gargled, only 26 groups partially received. |
23.02 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. 2359/14/5: From 11 February midday to 12 February at the beginning of darkness at meeting point, Exact navigation. "Zahn" not seen. Transfer was not possible on both days due to weather. Return transit. Square CE 3568. |
15.02.42 |
Atlantic, north of the Azores |
00.00 |
S 5, Sea 4, overcast, passing showers |
Course 90°, 7 knots. |
CE 3386 |
04.00 |
CF 1247 |
08.00 |
CF 1256 |
12.00 |
= 42° 37.4'N |
= 23° 29.0'W |
CF 1317 |
Day's run: 168 nm. Course 73°, 6-7 knots. |
16.00 |
CF 1322 |
20.00 |
BE 7998 |
16.02.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
S 2, Sea 1, 7/10, (passing showers) |
BE 7972 |
04.00 |
BE 7956 |
08.00 |
BE 8717 |
10.52 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1218/16/291: To Rasch, Bleichrodt, Kals, Folkers, Bigalk, Greger: On 16 February, 16.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
- 30 - |
continued |
16.02.42 |
12.00 |
= 43° 47.0'N |
Day's run: 183 nm. |
= 19° 40.0'W |
Course 73°, 7-8 knots. |
BE 8723 |
13.00 |
Clocks set forward one hour. |
From 16 February at 16.00 hours to 17 February at 22.30 hours inclusive two hours must be added to all time specifications. |
14.00 |
[entry covered by the insert above] |
16.00 |
BE 8499 |
20.00 |
BE 8581 |
17.02.42 |
Atlantic |
00.00 |
SE 3-4, Sea 2, overcast, passing showers |
BE 8569 |
Course 77°, 7 knots. |
04.00 |
BE 8654 |
07.30 - 08.01 |
Test dive. |
08.00 |
BE 8638 |
12.00 |
= 44° 32.8'N |
= 15° 36.0'W |
BE 9416 |
Day's run: 184 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 9431 |
20.00 |
BE 9277 |
22.30 |
Clocks set forward one hour. |
From 18 February at 00.00 hours to 20 February at 00.00 hours inclusive one hours must be added to all time specifications. |
18.02.42 |
00.00 |
Atlantic |
SE 5, Sea 4, overcast, passing showers |
BE 9270 |
Course 77°, 7 knots. |
04.00 |
BE 9291 |
08.00 |
BE 9348 |
09.28 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 09.30/18/2/143/231: |
Return harbor for Folkers, Bleichrodt, Kals and Rasch is Lorient, for Greger and Bigalk Nazaire. |
12.00 |
= 45° 10.0'N |
= 12° 09.5'W |
BE 9355 |
Day's run: 126 nm. |
16.00 |
BE 9339 |
20.00 |
BF 7125 |
19.02.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
SEbyS 4, Sea 4, 9/10 |
BF 4798 |
Course 77°, 7 knots. |
04.00 |
BF 4873 |
08.00 |
BF 4859 |
08.34 |
Dived, proceeded submerged at depth = A -50 meters, KF. |
12.00 |
= 46° 00.5'N |
= 08° 57.5'W |
BF 4864 |
Day's run: 141 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 4864 |
19.06 |
Surfaced, proceeded on the surface, course 77°, 7 knots. |
- 31 - |
continued |
19.02.42 |
20.00 |
BF 4865 |
20.02.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
EbyS 4-5, Sea 4, 4/10 |
BF 4941 |
Course 77°, 6-7 knots. |
00.00 |
Clocks shifted one hour to D.G.Z. |
04.00 |
BF 4927 |
08.00 |
BF 4932 |
08.56 |
Dived, proceeded submerged at depth = A -50 meters, KF. |
12.00 |
= 46° 29.0'N |
= 07° 01.0'W |
BF 4932 |
Day's run: Course 90 nm. |
16.00 |
BF 5477 |
20.00 |
BF 5478 |
20.06 |
Surfaced, proceeded on the surface, course 90°, 7 knots. |
22.00 |
Course 97°. |
21.51 |
Short Signal to B.d.U.: Position off return harbor in 36 hours. |
After confirmation changed to Coastal Circuit. |
21.02.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
E 5, Sea 4, 4/10 |
BF 5486 |
Course 97°, 6-7 knots. |
04.00 |
BF 5576 |
08.00 |
BF 5587 |
08.55 |
Dived. Proceeded submerged at depth = A -50 meters, LF. |
122.00 |
= 46° 32.3'N |
= 04° 22.0'W |
Day's run: 114 nm. |
BF 5597 |
16.00 |
BF 5677 |
20.05 |
Surfaced. Proceeded on the surface on Route "Tannennadel-Cederland". Headed for Point L 2. |
20.29 |
Bearing signals from Lorient II transmitter requested by Short Signal. |
21.31 |
Radio Message to B.d.U. 10x6/21/49: To Folkers: |
Bearing transmitter II runs from now in the 10-15 and 40-45 minutes of each hour until dawn. |
21.59 |
Radio Message from B.d.U. 1211/21/45: Escort for Rasch and Folkers positioned on 22 February, 09.30 hours Point L 2. |
22.02.42 |
Bay of Biscay |
00.00 |
E 5-6, Sea 4, 8/10 |
00.35 |
Passed "UA" on opposite course, distance 300 meters. |
09.10 |
Taken in Sperrbrecher convoy and ran into Lorient behind escort |
10.46 |
Lorient |
Made fast Berth A 2. |
Kptlt. and Kommandant |
Comments of the Befehlshabers der Unterseeboote |
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- |
on the Kriegstagebuch of "U-125" from 6.11.41 - 22.2.42. |
-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- |
First patrol of the Kommandant with an experienced boat. |
In relation to very heavy traffic in the area of operations success is extremely limited. In addition to human, as well as material failures, the Kommandant demonstrated little skill. This is due in part to insufficient experience. |
1.) |
When ships were sighted in very favorable situations, either the boat did not shoot at all or shot at too great a range. |
2.) |
Contact was lost on sighted targets too quickly. |
3.) |
On 25 January with the tanker stopped, it would have been possible to wait a little longer in order to achieve a better firing position. The time was available. |
4.) |
On 30 January despite the prevailing weather at least a maneuver ahead and attack must be tried. Hang on tenaciously. The next day it had already subsided. |
Signed in draft: D ö n i t z . |
For correctness: |
Leutnant zur See and Adjutant |