Excerpt of the Radio Log of "U-96". |
Alfa alpha Signal. |
The correct position of the convoy is square 1529. Enemy steers NE-course. Sound observation. U-559 |
Radio Signal. |
By sound observation of the correct position of the convoy is square 1349. Enemy steers NE-course. U-204 |
Radio Signal. |
Sound bearing BE 1355. U-204 |
Radio Signal. |
Have lost contact. U-204 |
Radio Signal. |
Enemy convoy in sight square BE 2184, course 80°, speed 7 knots. U-565 |
Radio Signal. |
Enemy position square BE 2165, NE-course. U-204 |
To B.d.U. |
16.30 hours square 2186 convoy out of sight. Main course 50°, speed 6 knots. 18 steamers, 1 auxiliary cruiser, 4 corvettes, 1 destroyer, 1 aircraft. Forced to submerge by aircraft. In pursuit. U-558 |
Radio Signal |
The correct position of the convoy is 2169, was forced off. U-204 |
Radio Signal. |
Square BE 2247 was forced off contact lost. U-75 |
Radio Signal. |
Enemy convoy in sight square 2211, course 340°. U-46 |
Radio Signal. |
BE 2215 enemy convoy in sight, course 0°, speed 7 knots. U-558 |
Short Signal. |
Position BF 44. U-43 |
Rado Signal. |
U-558 sends bearing signals on the bearing wavelength at that report bearing and distance of the reported enemy by Radio Signal. U-565 |
To B.d.U. |
6 hour depth charge pursuit, no contact square 2159. U-559 |
To B.d.U. |
Was forced off from convoy BE 2158, 9 hours aircraft bombs and depth charges. In pursuit. U-205 |
Radio Signal. |
AL 9875 patrol craft. U-204 |
From B.d.U. |
If by 04.30 hours there are no new enemy reports, all boats, operating on the convoy report position for 05.30 hours. |
To B.d.U. |
Position square AL 9848. U-75 |
To B.d.U. |
Position AL 9857, Sea 5, rain. U-204 |
To B.d.U. |
AL 9845, course NE, have lost contact, W 5, rain, Vis. up to 1000 meters. U-74 |
(2) |
To B.d.U. |
Submerged strong air blowing sounds, cause cannot be determined, limitedly clear to dive. Position AL 9842, request return transit. U-565 |
Position Short Signal. |
BF 18 U-96 |
Radio Signal. |
Enemy disappeared in fog. Square AL 9594. U-75 |
Radio Signal. |
The correct position is 9624, course 50°. U-? |
Radio Signal. |
Convoy in sight square BE 2269, NW course. U-565 |
To B.d.U. |
No successes. Forced off by destroyers and aircraft. All torpedoes. Square 9668. U-46 |
To B.d.U. Radio Message 150. |
Midshipman ill, 2 days abdominal pain. 3rd day severe pain abdomen and kidney area, after brief vomiting persistent abdominal muscle, unbearable pain, sweating, then light chills. U-558 |
To B.d.U. |
During night attack noticed by aircraft, forced to submerge 14 hours. All torpedoes, transmitter out of service, square AL 9634. U-559 |
Continuation of Radio Message 150. |
Treated: 2nd day Castor-oil, rest, warmth, 3rd day with cramps Opium, Morphine, hot poultices, fever 39.8°, pulse strong 100. U-558 |
To B.d.U. |
Fuel inventory 71 cbm. Sent with Lorenz transmitter. U-559 |
To B.d.U. |
From convoy 2 ships 12000 GRT. Forced off by aircraft. 10 plus 2 torpedoes, 95 cbm. Square AL 9325. U-75 |
To B.d.U. |
Have begun return transit. Both diesels cylinder heads cracked, diesel compressor out of service, E-compressor limitedly clear. Periscope bushings, dry dock assistance necessary. 32 cbm, 4 plus 1 torpedo, no successes. Square AL 9865. U-431 |
To B.d.U. |
5 August morning contact with northwest-bound convoy. Forced off several times by aircraft and destroyers. All torpedoes, 84 cbm, AL 9563. U-205 |
To B.d.U. |
Square 7197 no further contact am setting off to the west. U-83 |
Short Signal. |
No traffic! U-79 |
To B.d.U. |
Return transit highest speed to Brest. Position 7 August 18.00 hours Point Stern. U-558 |
To B.d.U. |
Off Nanni 1 on the bottom. U-431 |
Radio Signal. |
Convoy in sight square AE 8782, N-course. U-501 |
To B.d.U. |
Square BE 2726. 52 cbm, all torpedoes. Request resupply Nazaire in so doing 7 days in the shipyard, or delayed return transit Kiel. U-46 |
Radio Signal. |
Enemy position square 8488, steers W-course. U-568 |
(3) |
Radio Signal. |
Enemy convoy in sight AL 1311, enemy steers westerly course. U-206 |
To B.d.U. |
In pursuit. Overcast, rain, Vis. low, Sea 3-4, W 4. U-206 |
To B.d.U. |
Contact lost. Vis. 1000 meters. U-129 |
Short Signal. |
Fuel inventory 90 cbm. U-96 |
Short Signal. |
U-77 85 cbm, U-553 112 cbm, U-73 102 cbm, U-105 158 cbm, U-751 95 cbm, square AL 87, U 43 125 cbm, U-38 135 cbm square AL 98. |
To B.d.U. |
Enemy steers suspected southwesterly course. Enemy position AL 2144. U-129 |
To B.d.U. |
Point Luci II lay on the bottom. U-109 |
Flottille Short Signal |
Square AL 6957 136. U-204 |
Radio Signal. |
Enemy convoy in sight square AL 9379, enemy steers SW-course. U-201 |
Radio Signal. |
AL 9611, enemy steers westerly course. U-201 |
Radio Signal. |
AL 9533, enemy steers westerly course, enemy rungs at 8 knots. U-201 |
Short Signal. |
Position south of Ireland, west of the Channel. U-552 |
Flottille Short Signal. |
BF 44 |
To B.d.U. |
High pressure weather, clear. Vis. 10-15 nm. U-77 |
To B.d.U. |
Overcast, Vis. 4-18 nm changing, no traffic square AK 2122. "Förster" |
To B.d.U. |
From convoy steamer "SPIND" sunk with artillery. 95 cbm CG 1992. U-552 |
To B.d.U. |
One man probably Diphtheria 5 days strong neck pain and headache, tongue swollen and covered, 4 days brownish spots on arched palate. Treatment: 3 days gargling, wraps temperature 38.3°C pulse strong 90. |
U-129 |
To B.d.U. |
Port clutch not reparable on board. Junkers compressor limitedly operable. Request shipyard assistance. CG 1318. U-552 |
To B.d.U. |
Square AL 6996, enemy steers 230°. U-557 |
To B.d.U. |
Bombed undamaged, 110 cbm square AL 2131. "Förster" |
From Rosenbaum. |
Aircraft bombs, water intake. Torn hull closures makeshift bolted. Clear to dive to limited depths. AM 16 strong air surveillance. Little traffic. Delayed return transit. AL 28, 59 cbm. |
From U-75. |
AL 87. Pursuit unsuccessful, return transit. Weather: S 3, overcast, fog, rain, 18°C, |
(4) |
1011 mb, Vis. up to 1 nm. |
To B.d.U. |
BF 5218 diving enemy U-boat sighted, attacked with hand grenades. U-562 |
From U-73. |
AL 8494 corvette, northeast course. Rain. |
To B.d.U. |
Convoy square AL 9656, course 240°. Distinguished 1 cruiser, 8 steamers, fog. U-98 |
To B.d.U. |
Convoy out of sight in fog, holding contact on port corvette. Speed 8 knots, In pursuit. Square AL 9657. |
"Gysae" |
From U-98. |
Square 9673 ahead 2 destroyers. |
From Gysae. |
AL 9672 Vis. changing. |
From Gysae. |
AL 9593 up to now contact on forward sweeper. All the rest out of sight in rain squalls. |
To B.d.U. |
Square AL 9593 in twilight contact lost, because destroyer deceptive course. Convoy probably zigzag to the south in fog, pursuing in 200°. U-98 |
To B.d.U. |
U-boat hunting group square BE 2130 course northeast. 18 cbm. Return transit. U-71 |
To B.d.U. |
Point 340 on the bottom. U-101 |
Short Signal |
Position in 36 hours off return harbor. U-73 |
Short Signal. |
Position in 36 hours off return harbor. U-? |
To B.d.U. |
Hunting formation 1 U-boat hunter, 3 fishing trawlers course south, low speed, square BE 1231, SSE 3, Vis. 4 nm. U-553 |
To B.d.U. |
Nothing seen, 3-week engine overhaul. New radio direction finder, gyro-compass converter, position 12 September 09.00 hours Nanni 1, BE 39. U-96 |
To B.d.U. |
Return transit via square 1 and 48, 20 cbm, 1 steamer from Schüller-convoy 7000 GRT, request Brest square MJ 94, Vis. good, Sea 1. U-558 |