Excerpt of the Radio Log "
U-87 " . |
26.05 |
0155 |
To Berger. From U-boat observations
starting in May, a lighted buoy is located at 40°
13.5 minutes North and 73° 47
minutes West. Identifier white light 2 seconds, pause 6 seconds.
Ships head for the buoy on course 300°,
continue along buoy series towards "Ambrose" lightship. |
08.06 |
2157 |
To Löser, Berger, Degen.
Execute task at the earliest in the night of 11 June, further
details follow on 9 June." |
10.06 |
0036 |
To Berger. |
Officier-Only Paula. |
10.06 |
01.45 |
To Berger. |
Officer-Only Hans. |
13.06 |
Officer-Only Hans |
From Berger. |
13.06 |
1415 |
To Berger. |
Well done. Attack area north of the Latitude and west of
the Longitude of naval square CB 25. |
17.06 |
1920 |
Since 12 June fog except for a few hours. 8513 to 19 no
traffic. Convoy course 300°
12 June square 8286, 16 June square 8268 from the latter two steamers
each 7000 GRT sunk. From today heavy sea defense off the main
harbor. Position 8246. Going to the east. A squares
EG. 67 cbm. 4 + 2 torpedoes. E 3, 1008 mb rising,
rain, Vis. up to 1000 meters. |
from Berger. |
24.06 |
20.27 |
Greatly changing visibility, a lot of fog. 18 June square
EM 3123 single miss in fog on a small fast freighter course 0°.
Otherwise nothing seen. NA 95, 97, 98 heavy air, medium sea
surveillance. Yesterday aircraft bombs at depth A -70 meters.
One engine out of service. Foundation bolts cracked. Engine
moved laterally. Both compressor foundations torn. A
compressor out of service. Stern tube out of service.
2 stern torpedoes out of service. 2 E and 1 A torpedo.
49 cbm, 1006 mb, thunderstorms, fog, S 2, Position square NL 42.
Request delayed return transit. Missing Serial Numbers 275,
276 from 21 June. |
from Berger. |
24.06 |
2150 |
To Berger. |
Begin return transit. |
25.06 |
1954 |
To Berger, Degen, Löser. |
All three harbors are open only with special precautionary measures
of the USA for traffic. Everywhere success is probable.
For Degen certain success: 1 ship sunk, 1 ship heavily
damaged. |
E x c e
r p t |
of the Radio Log No. 2 "U-87". |
Request from 23.00 hours bearing signals from "Nazaire"
from 01.00 hours from bearing transmitter. Bleichrodt. |
Positioned off entrance harbor in 24 hours. "W
F". |
Escort for "U-352" and "U-575" positioned
finally at 09.00 hours at Point N 1. Radio Message 0232/25/94 is
then superceded. |
SSD Cooling water piping port diesel broken. |
2.) In 10 hours over 500 liters lubricating oil lost. |
2.) Return transit, request approval for old entrance
route. |
Position 09.00 hours at Point 36 for convoy intake. |
My position is BE 29 - U-87 - |
51°N 16°W,
falling 1008, +12°, S 2, total overcast,
mist, visibility changing, 3 nm, long medium-high S-swell - U-87
- |
My position is BE 23 - U-87 - |
My position is AL 93. |
1.) Further success + camouflaged, "KARS"
burned out, on 22nd in 7746 and 7557. |
2.) Situation: Heavy air and patrol vessel
operations on the coast. Also destroyer with set navigation lights.
Since 26th in CA 35. Off the Gulf patrol vessel line. At the
coast many fishing vessels. Also illuminated in red. Heavy
air. No traffic observed. (off) from Lehmann. |
53°N 17°W,
rising 1018 mb, +8°, wind strength 3-4
NE, 7/10, visibility 3-4 nm, medium-high NE-swell . |
My position is BF 71 "CG". |
In spite of bad weather attack. 4-fan miss. Weapon
use no longer possible. JT 6826, Sea State 7, 982 mb falling, +11°,
continuing transit to the north. from Brütorius.
[Praetorius?] |
Long wave transmitter Coastal Circuit again ready from
Radio Center. |
B.d.U. |
- 2 - |
- 2 - |
46°N 41°W,
steady 998 mb, +8°, W 5-6 occasional
overcast, rain, visibility 5 nm, high W-swell. |
Request Radio Beacon Group 2 see Standing Kriegsmarine
Orders. |
55°N 17°W,
steady, 992 mb, +15°, 10/10 mist or hail,
visibility up to 2 nm, S 1-2, low SE-swell. |
Enemy lost from sight AL 6974
- U-507 - |
My position is AM 02
Berger. |
Positioned 36 hours off meeting point with escort. |
HB 9447. [Porire? Operating?] on Ites-convoy.
Request from 04.00 hours bearing signals from Mützelburg.
Convoy naval square 6583 course SSW speed 8/9 knots from
Ites. |
Position off return harbor in 36 hours. U-87. |
Positioned off return harbor in 30 hours.
U-87. |
Request bearing signals from Transmitter 2 Lorient.
pb. |
Boat positioned for 11 hours at N1, fuel only up to "Nazaire"
from Vogel. |