20 April |
Coastal Circuit |
10.35 |
5. U-Flottille With Sommer and Schwaßmann taken in convoy, Began transit. |
Östen |
22 April |
07.36 |
5. U-Flottille During deep diving test heavy water intake through port stuffing box. No success by tightening. Question dry-docking in Oslo. |
Sommer |
22 April |
10.29 |
U-853 Go with escort to Bergen. Confirm. |
5. U-Flottille |
22 April |
10.49 |
5. U-Flottille 0930/22/11 solved correctly here. |
U-853 |
9 May |
Ireland Circuit |
02.17 |
Sommer 1) As passing report give Short Signal weather report. |
2) As temporary attack area occupy AK 40 and 70 and therein send Short Signal weather reports twice daily. Begin on entering this area. Strive to deliver at each of the ordered times. |
13 May |
04.19 |
1) Following boats occupy new attack areas and report therein report weather twice daily at each of the ordered times. Sommer area occupied up to now by Valentiner [U-385 AK 30]. Valentiner area occupied up to now by Reff [U-736 AK 60-90]. Baden area occupied up to now by Wendt [U-765 BD 50-60]. Reff and Wendt begin return transit. |
2) Radio Message 1242/10 is authoritative for setting off as well as for transit to new attack areas. |
3) Additionally send reports in transit to new attack areas. |
14 May |
05.28 |
Supplemental traffic report. |
WW position 58° 30'N 23°W . . . . . . . . (Short Signal weather report as passing report) |
"U-853" |
17 May |
15.29 |
Supplemental traffic report. |
WW (Short Signal weather report) position 60°N 29°W . . . . . . . . |
from 17 May 2 times daily weather report sent. |
18 May |
02.53 |
Valentiner begins return transit on 20 May, therefore Sommer occupy previous operations area of Valentiner [AK 60 90]. Continue reports while in transit. |
20 May |
02.22 |
3 May square AE 6590 T 5 miss on destroyer. All drowning circular saw steady tone. |
Sommer |
20 May |
01.49 |
To weather boats: |
1.) Tonight again no reports were received also not from Sommer, whose Radio Message was heard with Volume 4-5. If there is interference: send reports twice by day. Importance is pointed out again. From Baden no messages for 3 days. |
2.) Sommer tonight report shooting data for T V. |
21 May |
05.30 |
Target speed 10 knots, target angle left 90°, range 1500 meters, NS, depth 5 meters, behind destroyer on torpedo course overlapping other vessels. |
Sommer |
23 May |
02.33 |
Short Signal weather report on 36 meters with Volume 3 received and solved. |