The pages below represent an intermediate step in the creation of the final interrogation report.  Bits of information derived from recorded room conversations, passed to interrogators via other POWs, and from direct interrogation are assembled into the chapters of the interrogation report.  The interrogators seek to verify as much of the information as possible by checking other sources of information and against the statements of other POWs from the same boat.  


The information on the page immediately below is taken from a recorded room conversation.  LIMMER is one of two false identities used by cooperative U-118 POW Werner Drechsler (See U-118) who was placed in Matrosengefreiter Heinz Taubert's room to elicit conversation.


18 November 1943
  U-841 had Vierling, a 2 cm. and the MG 50 (15?).  The latter carried away at last attack.
  Plane flew over, one wing was quite badly damaged, banked sharply - dropped 8-10 bombs - a hit on the stern of the boat - Heckraum flooded.  C/O gives the command, "Einsteigen".
  Taubert secures the 2 cm. and is the last man below with the C/O right on his head.  Go to 40 m. - C/O had sighted destroyers (DE's)
  The "old Man" asks, "what shall we do now?" (Was machen wir nun?)  Turns to the Obersteuermann - who replies, "I wouldn't have dived - we could have survived as Prisoners - and might have sunk something on the surface, but now!!"
  Taubert sat quietly in the C/T - then came 12 D/C's - 60 meters depth and going deeper.  The boat jarred and became heavy at the stern (400-450) batteries not working properly - 120 meters depth - boat lost way.
  Obersteuermann:  "Her Klt., shall we surface?'
  "Herr Klt., if you are unable to surface, I will take over".
  The Obersteuermann, Steuber, (Deutscher Kreuz in Gold) began to operated one of the pumps.
  The C/O ordered:  "We do not surface!  Whoever gives any such commands, I will shoot on sight.  You - an old U-boat man!!"
  Then, from the C/O himself, "Blow all tanks!"
  The Commander was completely beside himself.
  They surfaced.  The DE was standing by 800 m. distant.
  Taubert meanwhile had gone to the Bugraum.  Came the command, "Abandon Ship!"  The L.I. made the scuttling charges ready.  The C/O stood on the bridge shooting at the DE with his pistol.


  The DE opened up on them with everything they had because it looked like U-841 was manning the guns.
  A "mixer" (Weber) waved his handkerchief - firing ceased.  The crew went overboard.  Quite a high sea running.  DE swung around so that survivors were driven up to her.  Taubert was 1-1/2 hours in the water.
  U-boat sunk on 17 October 1943.  The birthday of the C/O.


2 November 1943.
THORAUSCH, Rudolf (direct)  
  P/W was sleeping when the attack began on October 17.  He was off watch.  Only one A/C attacked, a Liberator, and the boat returned the fire.  The bombs fell close but were not hits.  However, they damaged the Wasserstandsmeter and some Manometers, and some lights were put out.  After the attack the U-boat dived.  After it had dived, P/W left his action station and went back off watch.  About half an hour later depth charges exploded, causing serious damage, and the order was given to abandon ship.  The order had already been given before P/W reached the Zentrale, so he got out on deck immediately.  He had no equipment other than his Schwimmveste which he always wore.  The whole crew climbed up on deck through the Zentrale.  Many men were wounded on deck by the fire from the frigate because the Captain of the U-boat failed to give any orders to his men or make any sign of surrender to the frigate.
SMARZ, Albin    Matr. gefr.    P.I.  
  He was off watch below when the first aircraft attack was made and 4 bombs were dropped, which straddled the submarine but made no direct hits.  There was considerable minor damage, especially to oil pumps which caused oil to leak inside the boat but no water came in.  Lighting was affected, also some gauges,a nd there was gas given off by the batteries.  The attack was believed to be made by a Sunderland; they were firing on it, and whilst it was circling after the attack, they dived.  He believed them to be fairly close to a convoy at this time, though he never saw it himself; they had made no previous attempt to attack the convoy at close range, and had not been previously depth charged or bombed.  After being submerged for about half an hour, they heard the frigate approach; it ran over them and it sounded like another U-boat.  Then four charges exploded suddenly and shook them badly.  The boat became stern-heavy but the captain decided they could carry on.  The frigate apparently circled and ran in again he estimated four charges, which were very close indeed.  Water was entering by the stern and all men had already been ordered forward by the captain but this was insufficient to regain any sort of trim and the boat appeared to be going steadily deeper, though all gauges were smashed and they could not tell properly.  There was only 40 kilos of air left in the bottles, as against a normal of at least 60-80 and they feared that if they did not use it while they could they would never be able to surface.  The Captain gave the order to blow tanks, also "Halle Mann aus dem Boot" and there was considerable confusion on deck, although he said he had no difficulty getting out.  Someone put his hand on a gun and they were also in a very favorable position for firing a torpedo at the frigate, which he thought might have been responsible for the intense fire directed by the frigate.  No torpedoes had been fired at all.  He was wounded on deck, but jumped straight into the sea and was supported by his life jacket till picked up by the frigate, he estimated a bare 1/2 hour later.  The U-boat did not return the fire of the frigate at all and all the crew abandoned the ship successfully.  Many of the men were wounded by the frigate's fire.  The P/W stated that many of the inexperienced crew, and especially the Petty Officers, got rather excited during the action instead of remaining calm as they should.


2 November 1943.
GUENTHER (direct) From air bomb - damage to batteries.  Aft Tiefenruder veklamnt wabos:  Wasser einbruch in Heckraum und M-Raum.  Whole crew went forward to trim.  Thinks it may have given oil trail.  at A/C attack - Fired 4-ling - Obersteuermann and Oberbootsmann,
  2 -   - - - - ?  2 cm.
  Thinks M.G.s (were 4) not up on bridge at attack.
  Were 8 or 11 miles away from convoy.  Had not yet reached convoy.
  Fliebos 4 o'clock.
  Wabos shortly before 7 o'clock.
BRENDEL via Schiefke Were 38-40 meters deep when 1st Wabos came.
  Brendel on Horcher.  Thinks DD coasting and couldn't hear it. 
  Funkstruck "Werden von Flu zouge an e ri'fen"  Then gear smashed


6 November 1943.
SCHWERIN via DANNENBERG, JOHN 17 October.  Twice planes were contacted (with SADIR?) U-841 dived.  Then message received that U-964 had been sunk.  By planes.  1530 - SADIR, FuMB, FuMG not in use.  Plane attacked.
  Then got bombs.  One diving tank was torn. An oil trace was left.  Torpedo tube leaked.  Ventil to taking on oil - connection for hose - leaked.  Stevenrohr leaked.  Batteries damaged - - 12 of the 20 tested showed they were useless.  Dived to 60 meters.
  Then they were pinged by the corvette.  They were then at 40 Meters, D/C'd, and leaks already caused were made worse.  L.I. couldn't keep trim.
  Forward Tiefenruder had to be operated by hand.
  Again they were Asdiced.  Blew tanks and surfaced directly in front of corvette which had to swing to avoid ramming.  Corvette continued firing.  SCHWERIN and L.I. opened Bodenventil, entlufte the boat, to sink her, then left boat.  All men got out of boat.
  Corvette continued firing until a Mechanikergefreiter waved his handkerchief in surrender.  The C.O. schimpfed him for this.  Neither C.O. nor L.I. were wounded.  Were seen swimming after boat sank.  Impression that the C.O. wanted to drown.  He was very ambitions and had "Halsweh", for a Ritterkreuz.  L.I. was a Volksoffizier.
  The Ausblasen einrichtung with Diesels was faulty, especially at end.  Had to blow with air.
  At rescue, Stabsarzt was climbing aboard, up the ladder of the Frigate, then apparently dropped back in and drowned.
  At sinking Diesels and Maschinen were cleared.
BOEHME via Blumenberg At sinking aft batteries were kaput.  Forward batteries, 12 zellen kaput.  Wasserinbruch in Heck.  I E-raum, water over the Flurplatten.
GUENTHER via RHODE L.I. blew tanks at sinking without orders from C.O.  Some men left boat before others knew that it was being abandoned.  All men left boat.
  The Versenking quadrat was 28-46.  Last message sent by U-841 was signed with the name of the C.O. in code.


4 November 1943
SCHWERIN (via JOHNS & DANNENBERG) Principal water entry was through tail shaft casings.  Tightening of glans did not cut off water.
THORAUSCH (direct) Versunk  Fliger alarm (afternoon 3-4)
  Seruammer auf Der Bricke
  Shot 2-cm.  Think makes hit.
  Only 1 (Liberator) (this is what his buddies said)  A/C.
  Liberator dropped bombs.  No direct hits - 20-25 in. away - broke out.
  Instrument glasses and depth gauge - no water.  Einbruch - tauch - then all clear.
  Then U-841 dived, down 3/4 hr. to hour.
  Wabo attack from D.D.  Everything was already in confusion from first attack.
SCHNART (direct)  
  Came on watch 4 (on 2 hours)
  Attack about 6.  (P/W had left watch)  Seegany 4-5.  Saw A/C at 2,000 - 3,000 meters range.  Clouds 300-400 meters (200 meters high)  Came from aft.
  4 bombs - near misses.  Dived - 1/4 hour.
  Fregatte - 10-12 Wabos not many.  P/W in U-Raum tried to sleep.
  Boone (?) changed on his watch.
  P/Ws Gefechts station was at M.G. (boat had 4)
  M.G.'s were below never mounted at sinking.
  Only 2 single 2-cm. were fired.  Saw no water entry.  When he got on deck Turm Veckleidung kaput.
WITT, Horst (direct) At time of sinking P/W estimated the weather was about "4" or "5".
  About 1-1/2 or 2 hours elapsed between the time the Fliegerbomben were dropped, when U-841 was on surface, and the Wasserbomben, when she was submerged.
  U-841 was at Grosse Fahrt when she was attacked by the first aircraft, and slowed down to Halbe Fahrt after the bombs were dropped.
  P/W said he had heard that 17 men from U-841 were lost.  He estimated the crew at about 56.


2 November 1943.
SCHWERIN, Gerhard (direct) Sunderland attack on Sunday, first attack.
  Submerged, resurfaced after depth charges from Destroyer - were fired on by Destroyer.
GUENTHER, Reinhard (direct) Sunk 17 October 1943.  Seegang 5.  All crew got out of boat, some wounded by fire as they came topside.  Those not brought to Newfoundland believed drowned.
  Plane seen patrolling on horizon.  C.O. could have dived U-boat, but stayed up.  When attacked by plane, she dodged bombs by zig-zagging.  P/W GUENTHER awakened by bombs.  Two batteries broken.  Fuel oil tank broken open and they presumed an oil slick developed, which later betrayed them to the frigate.  AFTER THE bombing, BENDER ordered the boat dived and they proceeded under water about 2 hours.  The frigate came up and started D/Cing at some distance and then closer.  Final pattern was directly overhead.  Water entry in stern compartment resulted.  P/W stated that supply of compressed air was available.  L.I. blew and boat surfaced.  C.O. ordered ship abandoned.
WITT, Horst (direct) Was on duty at time of air attack.  Observed no water entry from the Fliebos; did note that U-boat increased speed.  Knows of no oil loss and denies chlorine gas in boat.
  After they submerged he went off duty and to sleep.  Was awakened by explosion of Wabos (he was in Bow compartment); grabbed life preserver and went out C/T hatch.  Then overboard.  Seegang 4/5.
EDER   P.I. The Sunderland which attacked U-841 on 17th October dropped 4 D/Cs.  Klt. BENDER steered his ship so cleverly that 2 dropped to port and 2 to starboard.  But the stern sustained damage and an oil track resulted when U-841 dived so that the English Frigate was able to detect and destroy her.


Chapter VI  SINKING OF U-841
DEBUS (direct) There was no chlorine gas at the sinking, as water entry was only in stern compartment.
WITT (direct) Was off duty in bow compartment.  Diesels and motors/generators in operating condition at sinking.  No water entry or chlorine gas in bow compartment.


15 November 1943.
BOCHENEK (direct) There were 12 boats attacking the convoy against which U-841 was proceeding when sunk 17 October 1943.  Bochenek claimed 3 others were sunk within an hour of their sinking.  U-841 got a message that U-964 was sunk by plane; 3 men were said to have been saved.  The contact keeper sank 1 steamer that day before being sunk herself.  The 3rd boat unknown to informant.  (Inference is that contact keeper and U-964 were not the same boat.
  The sea too high to use 10.5 A.A. 4-ling and 2 cms. were used.  M.G. not used as were below.  Bender stood on bridge and blazed at the Frigate with his pistol.  He stopped; the boat was scuttled and jumped into the sea with life belt on and still clutching pistol.
  NAGAND was aiding ROSENTHAL who couldn't swim well.  Reached Frigate but were driven against its side by a sea.  Life belts broken by impact an came off over their heads.  Both drowned.
  HÖRRICH (L.I.) jumped with C.O. and was drowned.  Funkmaat REIL refused to leave boat and went down with 8 or 9 wounded.


Chapter VI
SCHNARE (direct) Schnare himself remained by the one 2 cm gun, and continued to fire - - when the C.O. shot with his pistol against the approaching korvette.
  Weber - was the one who signaled the Korvette with his handkerchief to stop fire.


Chapter VI.  Sinking of U-841
TAUBERT Direct 20/11/43 In the A/C attack he observed their fire striking the fuselage - wings of the A/C.  Was told - after being rescued - that it had been shot down.


1 December 1943
  Were on 500 course when sunk 8 miles in front of convoy.
  Attacked by A/C 1600 ME2.  A/C approached at 300 meters dropping to 200-250 meters.  Came in from dead astern, U-841 altered course few degrees to starboard.
  First bomb fell to starboard - next three to port.
  Taubert opened fire with single 2 cm. on Platform I, at 1,000 meters.  (800 meters is best range for 2 cm. tracer can be clearly seen at this range.)
  Vierling shot only one magazine each from three barrels before they jammed.  Fourth was         before action - due to heavy sea.


4 December 1943
  Sinking Continued
  No chlorine gas at any time.
  When Flibos hit the stern went down 2-3 meters and waves broke over bridge going down c/t hatch.
  Men at 4-ling were chest deep in water.
  L.I. set charges before abandoning ship.
  C.O. was extremely cool during A/C attack - too cool.  Everyone criticized him for staying up and fighting A/C.  Weber thinks C.O. was influenced by radio message telling of other boats shooting down Sunderlands, said, "next time we stay up and fight."
  Had ample time to get up ammunition from below - did not need to use emergency ammunition in upper deck containers.
  But when C.O. heard propeller noise he knew the game was up, completely lost his nerve at the sinking.
  Weber thinks C.O. good officer, but young and inexperienced.
  I.W.O. always talking for effect before C.O., who shut him up once in hearing of men.


4 December 1943
  1.  Barrel Vierling unklar
  H.  Shot 4 from magazines and started fifth
  Bender good officer but should not have attacked A/C
  Obersteuermann criticized him for staying up to fight A/C.  Should have dived.
  Two days earlier a radio message came in telling of two boats shooting down Sunderland.  Bender thought he would do the same.
  They sighted the A/C plenty far off.  Could have dived - Liberator did not come over for 10 minutes.
  Dived immediately after A/C passed over.
  Stayed under about 1-1/2 hours.  Kept going toward convoy.  Went first to 160 to escape possible return of bomber - Liberator which they expected although they had made many hits on A/C.
  After 1/4 hour came up to 40 m.  Could not go deeper because of danger to air.  Remained at 40 m. during whole wabo attack, 8-12 d/c's.
  After A/C attack went to 45-50 m. - never dared go deeper because of water entry in E-Raum.
  Damage by Flibos:
  1.  Wasser Ein Bruck (water entry) in E-Raum (not serious)
  2.  One battery out
  3.  Electric aircraft out - only emergency lights remaining.
  4.  Oil bunker pierced.
  5.  One rear hydroplane stuck.
  Kept good trim until hit by d/c's.  A/C attack at 1500 central European Time.  Water attack at 1900 Central European Time.  Damage by Wabos:  (3 pattern of 4 d/c's)
  1.  Heavy by stern due to greater water entry in E0Raum and new entry in Heckraum.
  2.  Believed break in pressure hull.
  All men order to Bug Raum - trim regained for few minutes - 3-4 then tanks blown and ship abandoned.


10 December 1943.
SCHNARE and TRAUTES (direct) One chemical pill fired by I.W.O. when DD. direct overhead.  This was a tactical error - partly due to fact that first they mistook DD for one of many U-boats in vicinity.  DD was running very quietly.  Finally they distinguished it as DD because revs did not correspond to any U-boat engine speeds.
  U-841 was leaving an oil trace.
  Water entry in tube no. 5.
  L.I. insisted on attempting no dive deeper than their original 45 M.  C.O. wanted to go deeper.
  L.I. wanted to blow tanks at prior Wabo attack which drove boat down to 135 M. against their will.
  While A/C did not attack U-841 for 8 minutes after first sighting her, the A/C came out of clouds about 1500 M. high.


Chapter VI  Sinking
SCHNARE & TRAUTES Direct  10/12/43 Corvette found U-841 by accident.  By oil - not by direction of A/C.
  Corvette stopped from time to time waiting for Convoy.  Therefore prop. noises misleading.  Three to four hours from first prop sounds to sinking.
  Corvette never used Asdic.
  L.I. advised dumping whole oil tank at once.
  C.O. refused.


Chapter __
16 Dec., 1943
TRAUTES (direct) States that the Fregatte did not fire with a 3" gun.  Believes it was about a 4 cm.  In any case shots did not - and could not penetrate the C/T armor.  Did penetrate the Verkleidung.


24 December 1943.
TRAUTES and SCHNARE Seegang 4.5.  The aircraft appeared shortly before 1600, (1200 - 1600 watch).  The 2.W.O. saw it and the Flieger Alarm was sounded.  The Kommandant was on the bridge.  U-841 was proceeding at A.K. and when aircraft was sighted, - it came in from the stern - course was changed.  At first it was thought to be a Sunderland, but later it was seen that it was a land plane - a Liberator.  Six minutes after sighting it the plane attacked.  Four bombs were dropped - 1 fell to starboard and the other three to port, forward.  The Vierling was manned.  Then came the command "Alle Mämner aus dem Boot" - but Ps/W did not know who gave the command.  This was at 1630.  The boat dove.
  After diving the Hintertiefenruder was kaput.  Everyone into the Bugraum to keep trim.  Things were a mess with glass smashed and boxes and Proviant loose.  The batteries were "empty" - (of distilled water and acid?) (This was the result of Wabos).
  When the boat surfaced after Wabo attack by the Corvette she was fired upon.  4 cm. shells hit the Verkleidung rechts von Peilgerat.  The Kommandant was panicky and shouted "Aussenbords, Ausenbords".  The L.I. was a fine fellow and liked by everyone.  (It was stated here parenthetically that the L.I. is the most important man on a U-boat - even more so that the Kommandant.)


12 November 1943
KUERT (S.P.) SCHNARE The Altmark is still sailing.  She is at present in Denmark.  She was pretty well broken up and was taken to Germany for repairs.  Exactly when this happened is not clear, but she is in any case fully repaired.  The P/W (Schnare) saw her in Kiel.


20 November 1943
  In Fulda there is a French P/W camp.  Two German women had relations with Ps/W.  The SS found out about it and the next day two corpses were found in Fulda.
  Whoever has relations with Ps/W is given 3 to 4 months imprisonment.
  The Poles are most severely punished.  In stead of being shot they are always hanged.
  In Hirschfeld, a British P/W camp the prisoners are well treated - Sportplatz, etc.