50°N, 36°W, 1004 mb, +7°C, NW 7-8, Cumulus
clouds with precipitation, hail showers, Vis. up to 2 nm |
U- |
GO 7698 1 destroyer course N, 10 knots. |
U-69 |
Position in 36 hours off return harbor |
U-203 |
Position in 36 hours off return harbor |
U- |
Began return transit due to engine damage. |
U-77 |
Position in 36 hours off return harbor. |
U-74 |
34°N, 9°W, 1018 mb, +20°C, E 9-10, cloudy to overcast,
without precipitation, Altostratus with Cumulus or Stratocumulus,
Vis., up to 2 nm. |
TX |
50°N, 35°W, 1000 mb, +9°C, W 5-6, Cumulus with precipitation,
light rain showers, Vis. up to 10 nm. |
U-561 |
51°N, 29°W, 996 mb, +10°C, W 5-6, light rain showers,
Vis. up to 10 nm |
U- |
46°N, 40°W, 1008 mb, +8°C, W 1-2, 10/10 overcast,
light rain, Vis. 5 nm |
32°N, 40°W, 978 mb, +6°C, W 9-10, 10/10 overcast,
Vis. up to 2 nm |
U-38 |
Position in 36 hours off return harbor. |
U-77 |
JX 1425 destroyer sighted. Southwesterly course. Lost
in rain squall, WbyS 3, Vis. changing up to 6 nm, rain, still 50
cbm, in pursuit. |
Rasch |
20 cbm. |
U-373 |
Replacement of both batteries, diesel and main clutches required.
Request Brest, because preliminary investigation took place
there. Square 1652. |
U-373 |
Request escort be at BF 5828 on 18 November 06.00 hours.
At 21.00 hours unknown U-boat. |
Bleichrodt |
50°N, 35°W, 996 mb, +2°C, W 5-6, light hail showers,
Vis. up to 2 nm. |
U-105 |
Disposition order can not be carried out due to fuel inventory.
Began return transit. |
U-567 |
Position in 24 hours off return harbor. |
U-38 |
Position in 12 hours off return harbor. |
U-38 |
45°N, 35°W, 1006 mb, +13°C, NW 5-6, Cumulus clouds
with precipitation, heavy rain showers, Vis. up to 10 nm |
U-372 |
Still have 28 tons fuel on boars, have begun return transit. |
U-572 |
Still have 36 tons fuel on board. |
U-69 |
No. |
U-98 |
No. |
U-201 |
49°N, 30°W, 998 mb, +14°C, SW 5-6, Cumulus clouds
with precipitation, light rain showers, Vis. up to 5 nm |
U-201 |
No. |
U-201 |
Still have 75 tons fuel oil on board, BG 20 UE. |
UE |
My position is BG BC 45. |
U- |
My position is FU 43 |
UA. |
Condition of the battery is again worsened, was warm with charging.
Battery change after return urgent. 110 cbm, PM. |
Lüdde |
47°N, 24°W, 1026 mb, +21°C, W 3-4, 1/10 up to 5/10,
clear to cloudy, Cumulus, Vis. up to 2 nm. |
U-572 |
55°N, 20°W, 1002 mb, +10°C, W 3-4, Cumulus with precipitation,
Vis. up to 2 nm. |
U-127 |
Only have grid chart 1874, 1890-92 on board. KB 9875, 74
cbm. |
Neumann |
Complete grid charts, nautical charts only B 302 and 309 on hand.
Square PM 8675, NW 3, 1030 mb, air +8C, water +15°C, 2/10, Vis.
7 nm. |
Heyda |
1890 to 92 G, LM 74, 65 cbm. |
Neidemann |
Charts like Neumann, AF 55, 60 cbm. |
Gengelb |
1890 to 92 G, LX 92, 65 cbm. |
Heidemann |
54°N 32°W, 1004 mb, +7°C, W 5-6, at times overcast,
snow (hail), Vis. up to 1 nm |
U-69 |
43°N, 58°W, 1018 mb, +14°C, SE 5-6, 6/10 up to 9/10,
cloudy to heavy overcast, Cirrus or Cirrostratus, Vis. up to 5 nm. |
Heyda |
53°N 30°W, 1014 mb, +10°C, SW 2, 10/10 overcast, Cumulus
and Altocumulus, Vis. up to 5 nm |
U-69 |
51°N, 26°W, 1006 mb, +12°C, SE 3-4, 10/10 overcast,
layered |