6 |
43° North Latitude. |
"U-618" |
27 |
Was attacked by aircraft naval square CG 9555. |
U-421 |
24 |
To "Baberg", "Schümann", "Thater", "Klövekorn". |
With strong defenses act according to own discretion. Set off to the west if necessary. |
26 |
Enemy reconnaissance sighted a U-boat at 13.02 hours in naval square CG 9585. |
4 |
From "Baberg" |
3218 east of green BW. Return transit due to boat condition, clear to dive to A +20 meters. Am missing from 21 March Serial No 78, 79, 91, 98 to 2, 4 to 8, 12 to 17. |
39 |
Return harbor for "Harms" Nazaire, "Baberg" Pallice. "Baberg" free to enter on Piening Route. |
from F.d.U. West. |
27 |
F.d.U. West to Baberg |
Contrary to precious orders return harbor is "Nazaire". |
54 |
Was attacked by aircraft. BF 9157. |
U-618 |
55 |
Position 30 hours off meeting point with escort. |
"U-618" |
59 |
U-618 from 7. U.-Flottille |
Escort positioned on 8 April at 06.00 hours Herz 439. |
67 |
"Baberg" from F.d.U. West. |
1) 8 April a squadron of Ju 88 flies close escort. Arriving at about 08.00 hours. |
2) At intake the convoy leader briefly sets red with top lantern or night signaling apparatus. In low visibility weather, is U-boat is not at the convoy intake point, star signal cartridge fired. Repeat half hourly on non-arrival. In fog bearing signals in accordance with Standing Order 30. |