ßß |
Going to take over fuel. nt |
796 |
Baberg goes to get fuel. |
ßß |
Still have 52 cbm fuel. nt |
149 |
Baberg still has 52 cbm fuel. |
1.) As new Group Adler Lüdden, Rehe, Uphoff, Kapiztky, Tinschert, Bülow, Müller, Möhlmann, Köppe, Rodler, Wolfram, Mässenhausen, Poel, Heinsohn, Pückler and Baberg on 11 April at 08.00 hours be in reconnaissance line from EM 8757 to OO 3459, course 225°, day's run: 100 nm. |
2.) . . . . |
3.) NE-bound convoy is expected morning of 11 April. |
4.) . . . . |
195 |
1.) Boats operating on Bülow-convoy form Group Adler. |
2.) A new Group Meise be in listed order: Neide, Poel, Heinsohn, Pückler, Baberg, Wolfram, Mässenhausen on 11 April at 08.00 hours be in patrol line from AK 7593 to BD 4617. Circuit for named boats remains Ireland. |
227 |
Group Meise today at 14.00 hours reconnaissance line course 230°, day's run 120 nm. At 20.00 hours switch to Hubertus Circuit. |
932 |
21.28 hours convoy naval square BC 3146. Signature Short Signal not fully taken, believe it was U-618. |
ßß |
No, my position is square BD 1274. nt |
852 |
1.) Möhlmann, Neide, Poel, Heinsohn, Pückler, Baberg, Wolfram, Mässenhausen and Müller as new Group Meise on 13 April at 08.00 hours be in patrol line from NY 4798 to 7869. NE-bound convoy was expected about tomorrow. |
2.) . . . . |
3.) . . . . |
878 |
As new Group Meise the following boats on 14 April 10.00 hours in patrol line from JF 4777 via RD 8579 to 1667. Tinschert, Rahe, Lüdden, Rodler, Uphoff, Köppe, Bülow, Möhlmann, Neide, Poel, Holtorf, Heinsohn, Pückler, Baberg, Wolfram, Mässenhausen, Freyberg. NE-bound convoy is expected. |
896 |
To Meise: |
Keep a sharp lookout. Convoy is expected from about 18.00 hours. If however there is no contact by 23.30 hours proceed in reconnaissance line with course 50°, speed 6 knots. On 15 April at 10.00 hours come about, Course 230°, speed 4 knots. |
899 |
1.) . . . . |
2.) . . . . |
3.) Group Meise with 18 boats steers from 23.30 hours from line from FF 4777 via TB 8759 to 1667. Course 50°, speed 6 knots, and tomorrow 10.00 hours comes about to course 230°, speed 4 knots. |
902 |
To Group Meise: |