Excerpt of the General Radio Log "U-618". |
1.) Manseck, Jacobs report weather between 23.00 and 02.00 hours. Schmid, Ruppelt, Neitzel and Thurmann between 03.00 and 06.00 hours. Add last tendency. |
2.) Baberg if noticed, give situation report. |
3.) Circuit for Loeser, Schmidt and Fenn is America I. |
1.) Walkerling, Popp and Sturm report weather between 03.00 and 06.00 hours. |
2.) Baberg report situation or position. |
3.) Rahe from 10 December at 08.00 switch to America I Circuit. |
My position is square DJ 20. xt |
From Baberg: |
Naval square DJ 1225, 83 cbm. |
1.) From DH 30 very strong air surveillance, dived by day. |
2.) Off main harbors patrol vessels and search groups. No traffic observed. Roadstead DJ 2347 empty. By day continual air by "Catalina". Sea mostly mirror flat. Nights ineffective detection vertically polarized 138 cm. |
3.) Believe presence has been detected and operations with the current defensive situation is not very promising. |
4) Going to DH 22 because still have only 88 potash cartridges. Request further orders. |
Baberg economize on potash cartridges. Repeat advance to the coast. |
From U-432: |
Advance to DJ 2347. Situation like Baberg. No coastal traffic. Position CG 7650, going to DJ 2524. 79 cbm. All torpedoes. SSW 2, 1024 mb, overcast, naval squares. |
From U-432: |
Large tanker with steaming lights, no neutrality markings. Naval square CG 8871, course 75. Question striking. Answer requested on "ry". |
To all boats: |
With failure of the negative buoyancy tanks negative buoyancy is taken on in the deep regulating tank. With failure of one negative buoyancy tank on large boats 3 tons, on medium boats 2 tons. With failure of both negative buoyancy tanks accordingly. On diving begin blowing in good time. The frequent failure of negative buoyancy tanks from leaking flood valves must not reduce the crash dive readiness of deployed boats not appreciably degrade boats and may lead to the termination of a task only when further aggravated by headband cracks etc. |
To all boats: |
1.) The enemy turns on locating gear with the greatest of caution. Locating impulses 4-20 seconds. When detecting target and approaching slowly reducing Volume to deceive. |
2.) Aircraft detection horizontal 137 cm 219 mHz, vertically polarized 136 cm 222 mHz, 132 cm 227 mHz. |
Announced frequency changes "Hubertus Circuit" do not come into effect today at 12.00 hours. More to follow. |
From U-432: |
Situation WT 70: No traffic, roadstead main harbor and square 7347 empty. No indications of troop or material unloading. Medium sea and air patrol, land locating. Heavy neutral traffic between square RF 4591 and SP 6630. Sank fishing trawler 500 GRT. Request freedom to maneuver to the west. Position OM 6340. 58 cbm, 11 plus 2 torpedoes. NW 4, 1025 mb, high Swell, 1028 mb |
- 2 - |
plus 19, missing serial No. 190 of 9 December. |
1.) "Gräf", "Deetz", "Auffermann" and "Clausen" report weather between 03.00 and 06.00 hours. |
2.) Schmidt, Zurmühlen and Freyberg switch to Coastal Circuit from 20 December, 08.00 hours. |
3.) Baberg report situation. |
From Baberg: |
Today advanced to main harbor. Situation unchanged. No traffic. All torpedoes, 58 cbm. NW 3, Sea 2, NW-medium-high Swell, 1026 mb steady, +20°C. |
1.) Hinsch, Freyberg, Massmann and Henke report weather between 03.00 and 06.00 hours. U-123 as soon as possible send radiosonde report |
2.) Schmidt and Rudloff switch to Coastal Circuit from 21 December 08.00 hours. Kellner and Drewwitz Ireland Circuit. |
3.) Baberg report situation. |
1.) Baberg head for CG 47. |
2.) Auffermann and Folkers, continue transit. Go to ED 90. Operation in this area intended. All naval squares. Folkers about when Chief Engineer can be given over. |
3.) U-563 report weather by 16.00 hours. |
4.) Wolfbauer report total inventory of Fu.M.B. cables on board. |
To all: |
Before every tube flooding pay particular attention positive indication for continuous ventilation and heater plug connection. Otherwise there is danger of water intake at great depth when opening outer tube door. |
1.) The following boats belong to new Group "Westwall", occupy the following attack areas: |
U-563 square 85 and 86, Maus square 87 and 88, Piening square 03 and 11, Eppen square 12 and 13, all ID. Fiedler square 64 and 65, Zitzewitz square 91 and 92, both ML. Henke square 89 and 67, Schulze square 16 and 94, both ID or ML. |
2.) Operation on convoy broken off. |
3.) For Baberg operation in 0590 anticipated. Remain unnoticed therein. More to follow. |
Standing Order No. 22. |
Carry out oiling in bad weather up to Sea State 6 with deployed hose of 184 meters long without tow line (first fuel oil then separately lubricating oil). Tanker runs with E-motor KF against or with the sea. Fish the hose with an extra line or by means of buoy on working line of the hose. Attach 3 to 4 buoys on the hose so that sinking is impossible. U-boat runs slightly staggered about 20° with sufficient room. |
To Baberg: |
1.) Operate off main harbor which lies in square 0569. [Lisbon] Here enemy departing and arriving traffic from and to the west, also primarily traffic to harbor in 4644. Detection of traffic most favorable in 0590 and 0830, 0910, 0940. Southbound traffic rins mainly from the cape in 0599 to the cape in 0945. Because this route is outside the three-mile limit, operation here is favorable. Occasionally also small, weakly escorted convoys. All naval squares IN. |
2.) Due to heavy neutral traffic, examine targets carefully beforehand. In no case shoot within the three-mile limit, do not let them see you. |
- 3 - |
3.) Sea defense by patrol vessels, occasionally illuminated, light air surveillance. |
1.) U-86 after taking over from Wolfbauer operate off harbor in FT 1972. There enemy traffic primarily of escort warships, which use the harbor as base. |
2.) U-432 operate off harbor in RF 4162. Ore loading harbor, expect neutral traffic. Observe three-mile limit. |
3.) Baberg on 23 December English "EMPIRE FRANKLIN" ready to depart with coal for Spanish harbor. |
To all: |
With regard to newly approved heating and continuous ventilation for Eto special attention to heating plug and the continuous ventilation closure before flooding the tube, this means: good closure indication. Inadequate closure led to severe water intake at great depth in two boats with not completely closed outer tube doors by the forcing out of the rubber seal. |
From Baberg: |
Brightly illuminated freighter, on both side and astern without neutrality markings, from 0839 via 0559 to the north. Question sinking. All squares DI. |
Baberg let go. |
To Baberg: |
Tonight English "SHETLAND" and "CASTALINA" will probably depart. |
To all boats: |
Despite the order, to operate on a convoy at highest speed and to stick with it, after contact was broken for about 30 hours 2 boats broke off the operation on their own, without making an immediate report. As a result these two boats were not available for the formation of an intended reconnaissance line together with 6 other boats. To avoid such consequences of false considerations by Kommandanten, it is normally ordered: |
Standing Order No. 26. |
1.) If an operational order from Leadership cannot be carried out, or must be broke off during execution due to fuel inventory, material damage, own enemy contact, to heavy defenses, heavy Sea State, this is to be reported immediately by Short Signal or radio message. Short-term damage only if also important for management by Leadership. |
2.) An operational order is binding and must be carried out despite breaking of contact, weather deterioration, etc. and not be abandoned as long as there is no order from Leadership. |
3.) If a Kommandant believes on the basis of the combat situation or for reasons that Leadership is unaware of, that abandonment of the operation is appropriate, he must report this immediately, however continue to operate. Termination is first on orders of Leadership or by the procedures in paragraph 1. |
To Baberg: |
On 6 January at 20.25 hours "RENE PAUL" already departed Tejo estuary on southerly course. |
Announced vessel type, brightly illuminated, via 5816 position 02.20 hours 5845, speed 12 knots. Broke off because coastal course well within the three-mile zone. Square CG. |