Excerpt of the General Radio Log "U-618". |
New objective for Quaet, Mengersen, Kessler, Wallas, Baberg, Geissler, Trojer and Mässenhausen is naval square XY 92. |
Kapitzky, Lilienfeld, Wallas, Trojer, Baberg, Geissler, Mengersen, Mässenhausen and Quaet, at economical transit speed occupy patrol line from naval square JF6745 to 9816. Boats form Group Pfeil. |
Geissler, Trojer, Mässenhausen, Baberg operate on convoy reported n naval square AK 6427 probably steering easterly course. Go! |
Wallas, Kapitzky, Lilienfeld, for the time being run at transit speed towards the convoy |
To U-216, Brandi, Mässenhausen, Baberg, Trojer, Geissler, Wallas, Lilienfeld if at the beginning of darkness there is no contact break off, report position and fuel by Short Signal. Head for square TC 92. |
It is reported: Mässenhausen 95 cbm square 1968, Trojer 100 cbm square 0165, Baberg 92 cbm square 41, Kapitzky 103 cbm square 2581. All naval squares. |
Lilienfeld, Kapitzky, Wallas, U-216, Trojer, Brandi, Mengersen, Mässenhausen, Baberg, Quaet form Group Pfeil. In named order occupy patrol line from naval square QM 6714 to 9816. Disposition to detect westbound convoys. |
To Group Pfeil: |
1.) Trojer, if sudden shooting opportunities arise utilize them. |
2.) Visibility deterioration anticipated only for limited duration. Confused bad weather front. |
3) Carry on as long as thick fog and no contact, boats in the vicinity of the convoy come to convoy course and run along. |
From Trojer: |
Convoy located square 4581, SSW 4, Sea 2, fog, Vis. 300 meters, 1020 mb rising, Am missing Serial No. 104 of 13 September. |
To Group Pfeil: |
1.) On Trojer report. Go! |
2.) Mässenhausen immediately report weather. |
3.) Trojer free to attack as soon as one other boat has contact. |
From Baberg IF 6728: SW 3, Sea 2, light S-Swell, 1018 mb steady, fog. Am missing Serial No. 116 from 13 September. |
Trojer contact 08.52 hours convoy naval square AK 6938. |
Group Pfeil: If by darkness there is no contact, break off operation. On 18 September at 20.00 hours in named order U-216, Kapitzky, Wallas, Baberg, Mengersen, Mässenhausen, Quaet, Trojer and Brandi in reconnaissance line from WV 7966 to 1814. Course 65°, speed 6 knots. 19 September 09.00 remain in patrol line from FV 8587 to 1654. Further westbound convoy was expected here on 19 September. |
Group Pfeil 23.00 hours course 245°, speed 7 knots. On 20 September 10.00 hours come about, course 65° 6 knots. |
Group Pfeil at highest speed operate on the convoy reported by Jahn at 11.07 hours |
- 2 - |
in naval square AK 4168 on course 50°. Immediately switch to America I Circuit. |
Composition of the groups: |
1.) Pfeil U-216, Kapitzky, Wallas, Baberg, Mengersen, Mässenhausen, Quaet, Trojer, Brandi, Lilienfeld last on the transmitting side unclear. |
2.) Lohs: Köpke, Sturm, Breithaupt, Loeser, Hinsch, Dierksen, U-432, Göing, Jahn. |
1.) Köpke, Breithaupt, Sturm, U-216, Quaet, Purkhold, Brandi, Mässenhausen, Mengersen, Makowski, Wallas, Baberg, Trojer, Kapitzky, Schulte, U-437 as Broup "Blitz" on 25 September 24.00 hours be in patrol line from square ZT 2317 to JW 9559. |
Baberg is located in square 2685, 60 cbm, Trojer square 2250, 56 cbm both naval square AK. |
From Trojer naval square AJ 9981 up to now two 2 smokestack steamer, behind it several smoke clouds, 2 destroyers forward and 2 set out on the starboard side. |
From Baberg: |
During day attack could not reach shooting position. Fixed periscope out of service. Position naval square AK 6935, no contact. Still all torpedoes. 45 cbm. In pursuit. |
Group Tiger: |
1.) General course of the convoy probably 240°, speed with medium weather 7 to 7.5 knots. |
2.) If convoy is not found by evening, continue on search courses from 230° to 270°. Evasive movement in southerly direction due to boats being detected operating to the east of the convoy. |
Group Tiger: |
1.) Continue to operate at low speed to naval square AK 70. Hold there at economical speed settings. Convoy position is probably still behind. |
2.) Supply anticipated about 4-5 days in area naval square BD 40 or 70. Orders to follow. |
Group Tiger, Grimme and Czygan. |
1.) If by darkness there is no contact, Wallas, Trojer, Mässenhausen, Baberg begin transit o naval square BD 7555. Supply there about 2 October evening from Grimme. |
2.) For Mengersen about 5 October supply anticipated in the same square. Bopst, U-427, Schulte no supply. Boats under paragraph 2 remain in current area until proceeding. |
3.) Grimme and Czygan report estimated arrival and giving inventory with own economical return transit with a bit of reserve. |
4.) Boats, which for machinery or other reasons are not suitable for further operations report this immediately. |
Wallas, Trojer, Mässenhausen, Baberg, no longer belong to Group Tiger. |
1.) After completing supply Baberg, Wallas, Trojer, Mässenhausen in order of the departure from supply place occupy patrol line from VI 5257 to 5591. On giving completion report from Grimme named boats also Grimme switch to America I Circuit. |
2.) Grimme in completion report give departure order of boats |
1.) New objective for Baberg, Mässenhausen, Wallas, Trojer is naval square AJ 88 orders for patrol line are thereby canceled. |
2.) Circuit is America I. |
- 3 - |
1.) Baberg, Mässenhausen, Wallas, Trojer, Sturm, Kapitzky, Mengersen, Breithaupt and U-216 on 8 October at 08.00 hours occupy patrol line from naval square DA 0255 to RP 4315. Boats form Group Wotan. |
Group Wotan: |
1.) 11 October an eastbound convoy is expected. Patrol line except for Lilienfeld must be taken up by morning 08.00 hours. |
2.) Report completing supply. |
Group Wotan: |
1.) Operation on eastbound convoy broken off. |
2.) Wallas pursue, immediately report contact. Remaining boats operate on Wallas report if position is not unfavorable. Report operation by position Short Signal. Failing that occupy old position in patrol line. |
Group Wotan: |
Immediately operate on convoy reported by Trojer at 01.55 in naval square AJ 8358 on easterly course. Give contact keeping reports immediately and report if observed easterly course is certain. |
From Baberg: |
Convoy 04.30 hours naval square AJ 6997. Zigzags around 80°, 8 knots. Sank freighter 6000 GRT, torpedoed freighter 5000 GRT, sinking likely. Hit on further steamer likely. Forced to submerged by destroyer, depth charges. Repairs and pursuing. Position naval square 9331, 40 cbm. |
Group Wotan: |
1.) Continue operation without regard to fuel. In case of necessity supply for return transit in naval square BD 50 is possible. |
2.) U-216 and Lilienfeld immediately report position and weather. Mengersen between 12.00 and 16.00 hours report weather and trend. |
1.) Group Wotan immediately report contact. |
2.) Bopst, Herrmann, report position. |
Baberg sighted 17.34 hours 2 destroyers naval square AK 4878. |
To Baberg: Return transit without carrying out supply. |
Baberg 26 October 16.00 hours at meeting point off Nazaire. |
From 7. U.-Flottille: |
Escort for Sturm and Baberg positioned 26 October at 15.00 hours at Point Herz 438. |
Baberg requests Radio Beacon Group II. |
Baberg from 7. U.0Flottille: |
Set off to sea, first tomorrow 13.00 hours at Point 438 join Sturm-convoy. |
From Baberg: |
Am with escort. Waiting on Sturm. |
Baberg send bearing signals for Sturm. Sturm report convoy intake. |
From 7. U.-Flottille. |
I send bearing signals in accordance with War Orders. |
Baberg from 7. U.-Flottille: |
Wait with escort for Sturm. |
Sturm arrives 2 hours later at escort meeting point. |
Baberg send bearing signals for Sturm. |
Arrival at prescribed meeting point anticipated 4 hours later. TJ |