Excerpt of the General Radio Log "U-594". |
From Fenn: |
Naval square BE 6696 request return harbor. |
To all boats at search action in naval square BF 70. |
1.) About 18.00 hours Spanish units put to sea, probably a destroyer to search distress scene. Do not attack. |
2.) Schneider, Schneewind, outbound transit through sinking location, Mumm proceed via naval square BF 7120, search briefly. Sturm, Kruschka, Stock report position immediately. |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Kruschka, Stock, Sturm, continue search based on Kruschka report. |
2.) Schneider, Schneewind, Mumm continue outbound transit without supply. |
From U-594: |
My position is square BE 53. |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Nölke head for square Nanni Xant 16 and occupy as temporary attack area. Conserve fuel. |
2.) Mumm head for square Paul Anton 49. |
3.) Hessmann, Borchert, Heine tomorrow 08.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) . . . . . . . . |
2.) . . . . . . . . |
3.) Mumm gave passing report from naval square BE 53. |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Tomorrow between 03.00 and 06.00 hours report weather: Mumm, U-664 and Döhler. |
2.) Reichenbach report situation. |
From B.d.U.: |
Ruwiedel, Mumm, Poel, Hellriegel, Holtorf, Jessen, at transit speed occupy patrol line from square XB 3799 to WV 7541. Boats form Group "Jaguar". Northeast steering convoy is expected about evening 12 January. |
Radio silence except for tactically important reports remains in effect. |
To Group Jaguar: |
The passing of a 9-knot convoy is expected from 12 January, a 7-knot convoy from 13 January. Both convoys northeasterly course. |
Report every indication. |
To Group Jaguar: |
12.00 hours in reconnaissance line course 200°, 6 knots. |
- 2 - |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Group Jaguar come about at 21.00 hours, course 50°, 9 knots, on 13 January 12.00 hours in position line from EX 3927 to VD 7382 come about, course 230°, speed of advance 4 knots. |
2.) . . . . . . . . |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Group Jaguar today at 20.30 hours stop and occupy reached position line including Hermann from square BX 3893 to CX 7443 as patrol line. Heightened alertness. Passage of the announced convoy is to be expected. Delay due to weather conditions is likely. |
2.) If there is no contact tonight, tomorrow at 12.00 hours in reconnaissance line course 230°, speed of advance 4 knots. |
To Group Jaguar: |
From 20.30 hours move position in the direction of the patrol strip at most economical transit speed 30 miles to the NW and occupy the newly reached position line from square BX 3829 to CX 7531 as a patrol line in accordance with Paragraph 2 in Serial No. 803 (Serial No, 182). |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Group Jaguar stop at 20.30 hours. Remain in position as patrol line. |
2.) Von Schroeter joins Group Jaguar and occupies one position southwest of Hermann. Interval 20 nm. |
To Group Jaguar: |
Continue radio silence except for tactically important reports. If U-123 is low on fuel, supply anticipated as for Hermann. |
From Scheibe: |
Naval square BD 8478, 20 cbm. Etc. . . . . |
To Jaguar: |
Most economical fuel consumption. In 3-4 days operation on convoy intended. |
To Group Jaguar: |
In order Ruwiedel, Poel, Holtorf, Mumm, Hellriegel, Jessen, Schroeter, Zitzewitz and Normann on 19 January 20.00 hours be in patrol line from XO 2915 to NL 7135. |
NE steering convoy is expected from 20 January morning, another convoy from 21 January. |
To Group Jaguar: |
Radio silence except for important reports remains in effect. Only report aircraft sightings if seen with certainty and if behavior suggests close-range escort for convoy. |
To Group Jaguar: |
On 20 January at 00.00 hours be in new patrol line from NJ 2661 to 3827. |
From 20 January 12.00 hours course 200°, speed of advance 4 knots. |
To Group Jaguar: |
1.) After Hellriegel fell out constrict the line. New reconnaissance line from naval square 7565 to naval square 8816. |
2) Hellriegel report by Short Signal as soon as ready again. |
- 3 - |
To Group Jaguar: |
Today at 21.00 hours remain in position in reached position line as patrol line. Each boat absolutely ensure own area is monitored. |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Poel report immediately, what was observed and course. |
2.) Group Jaguar operate on Poel report. |
3.) Poel check square. |
From B.d.U.: |
Group Jaguar continued on. The enemy is moving more slowly than you. Attempt, by all means to get a situation report through. |
To Group Jaguar: |
Continue tenaciously as long as fuel allows, it is your only chance. B.d.U. suspects England convoy with strong northerly course. |
To Group Jaguar: |
Continue searching for speed levels between 5-8 knots. |
To Group Jaguar: |
If by darkness there is no contact, break off operation and occupy the following attack areas at economical transit speed. |
Poel naval square 07, Mumm 08, Holtorf 32, Jessen, Ruwiedel 36, all naval square WA. Supply each according to situation, for Jessen already anticipated. |
To Jaguar boats: |
Operate on the convoy as long as possible. Boats low in fuel break off so that naval square BD 30 can be reached with 10 cbm. |
From B.d.U.: |
If no contact, break off operation. |
1.) Group Jaguar: |
At economical transit speed begin transit to naval square MC 10. When passing the latitude of naval square AK 72 report fuel by Short Signal. |
2.) . . . . . . . . |
From B.d.U.: |
As temporary attack area occupy: Mumm naval square 99, Poel naval square 31, all DO. Both boats begin return transit as soon as this is necessary at economical transit speed without supply. |
From B.d.U.: |
1.) Neumann [typo Mumm in boat's' KTB and BdU KTB], Poel, Teichert, Struckmeier, Münnich, Wolf, Forstner, Rudloff, Franke, Hackländer, Lohmann form Group "Pfeil" and occupy at highest speed patrol line from AP 3421 to PH 7316. |
2.) Tinschert and Rudloff do not operate on Teichert-convoy. |
To Group Pfeil: |
1.) Disposition serves to detect a northeast-bound convoy, which is suspected about on the same route as the Teichert-convoy. As soon as positions are taken up, further transit in reconnaissance line is intended. |