06.03.43 |
08.10 |
0715 |
Square 5882. Ready again. In pursuit. S 7, Sea 4, overcast, 995 mb, Vis. 2 nm, clouds 500 meters, rain. |
from "Esch". |
" |
15.30 |
1502/737 |
Position for 7 March 06.00 hours unreachable. Square 5796. W 9, Sea 7. |
from "Esch". |
07-08.03.43 |
21.55 |
2130 |
01.20 |
19.00 hours square 8411 independent course 230°, 8 knots. After 6-hour hunt lost in driving snow. In pursuit. Fu.M.G. bent. Out of service. W 8, Sea 7, 995 mb, rising. |
from "Esch". |
08.03.43 |
11.58 |
0922/767 |
Ice limit square AA 9934, 29, 28 the to the north. N 3, Sea 2, 5/10, Vis. good. |
from "Bugs". |
" |
12.42 |
1228/782 |
7 March 19.00 hours square 8178 independent, course 230°, 8 knots, got away. |
from "Esch". |
" |
15.29 |
1406/766 |
Heavy drift ice west of AE 3212 via 3136 to 96. NNE 4, Sea 3, Vis. 10 nm, position 3277. |
from "Reche". |
09.03.43 |
18.48 |
1840/794 |
AE 3581 and 3822 each one steamer, course 250°. |
from "Esch". |
10.03.43 |
05.51 |
0215/799 |
1.) 22.00 hours square AE 3574. 9000 GRT sunk, course 220°. |
2.) On 2nd steamer 3 torpedo misses. |
3.) 8 March on reported independent 7 torpedo misses. |
4.) Suspect independent traffic south around Iceland. |
5.) Out of torpedoes. Question return transit. |
from "Esch". |
" |
12.39 |
1158/705 |
Have hunted independent AE 2913, lost in very misty weather. NNW 7, Sea 6, Vis. 3 nm, 970 mb, still 26 cbm. Weapons use not possible. |
from "Göllnitz". |
11.03.43 |
12.24 |
1159/713 |
10.00 hours have passed 0° to the east. |
from "Esch". |