03.10. |
12.09 hours frequency sa Volume 3 1145/3/137 |
B.d.U. |
Square AL 5119 164°T. From aircraft 37 km 173°T. |
Suhren |
16.22 hours frequency sa Volume 3 1531/3/143 |
B.d.U. |
10.30 hours Square AL 5418. Bearing aircraft 145°T. |
Heydemann |
17.43 hours frequency od Volume 5 |
"Yes". |
U-83 |
21.40 hours frequency kz Volume 5 2054/3/152 |
B.d.U. |
1. Square AL 42, 25 cbm, return transit. |
2. 2 October square AK 69 1 destroyer 1 U-boat trap, 2 steamers, of them 6000-tonner sunk, 4000-tonner sinking probable. 16 hours depth charges. All operable. |
Heydemann |
04.10. |
03.06 hours frequency kz Volume 3 |
50°N, 35°W, 1006 mb, +11°C, Vis. over 10 nm, NW 1-2, 6/10-9/10 cloudy to heavily overcast. |
U-372 |
03.07 hours frequency kz Volume 2 |
Position in 36 hours off return harbor. |
U-552 |
20.55 hours frequency kz Volume 0/1 1930/4/178/248 |
B.d.U. |
Was overflown by Condor at 16.10 hours square BE 1244. Request navigation check. Wind S 5, abating, rain showers, Vis. up to 2 nm, 1016 mb |
U-Suhren |
05.10. |
01.42 hours frequency od Volume 5 Alfa 527 0130/5/182 |
Enemy in sight square BD 2647, the sighted enemy is 2 units strong, enemy is under escort by 3 destroyers, steers SW course. |
U-431 |
02.25 hours frequency od Volume 5 Alfa 872 0214/5/183 |
U-431 |
Send bearing signals. |
U-372 |
16.36 hours frequency sa Volume 2/3 1607/5/101 |
Formation located BD 4619. S 7, rain squall, 1014 mb. |
Dommes |
18.58 hours frequency 0/1 1735/5/106/271 |
B.d.U. |
Enemy out of sight. Square BD 4566, position BD 4536. Pursuit hopeless. 35 cbm. Delayed return transit. |
Dommes |
19.43 hours frequency od Volume 4 1932/5/105 |
B.d.U. |
After new correct navigation fix 18.00 hours probable position of convoy BE 1660. |
Suhren |