Radio Messages intended for the boat |
and received direct from other boats |
in the period from 19.7. to 16.10.1942. |
______________________________ |
10.42 |
Short Signal |
Passed square BE 64. |
V P |
11.33 |
1045/2/20 |
"Krech" |
10.42 hours passed naval square BE 64. |
2125 |
1700/2/24 |
Square AL, NE, 8/10, Vis. 15 nm, 1024 mb , steady. |
Aircraft in square AE 83 and AL 32, square 86 and 88. AE several patrol vessels. All naval squares. |
U-660 |
19.28 |
1829/2/22 |
"Vogel", "Krech" and "Vogelsang" |
113/244 |
Give weather report. |
01.06 |
Short Signal |
46°N, 18°W, 1024 mb, rising, NW 3, +18°C, 9/10, Vis. over 10 nm, low NW-Swell. |
weather report |
23.22 |
2305/3/34 |
Aircraft: |
30 July 13.50 hours BF 4693 course 180°, |
31 July 15.54 hours BF 6699 course 180°, |
31 August 16.04 hours BF 6578 course 50°, |
3 August 12.23 hours BF 8118 course 160°. |
All naval squares. |
Krech. |
20.46 |
1830/4/136 |
1.) "Vogelsang" and "Krech" report weather. |
2.) "Kühlmann" give situation report. |
3.) On 5 August 08.00 hours "Dierksen" switch to America Circuit. "Möhlmann" and "Uphoff" Ireland Circuit |
23.40 |
2255/4/138 |
Aircraft: |
31 July 16.27 hours course 110°, 6960 |
19.20 hours search course, 6960 |
1 August 14.00 hours course 270°, 6970 |
16.05 hours course 270°, 6970 |
2 August 14.35 hours course 200°, 9240, all square BE. All "Sunderland", position square CF 5886. |
Würdemann. |
01.44 |
Short Signal |
44°N, 25°W, rising, 1024 mb, +21°C, 4/10, Cirrus or Cumulus and Cirrus, Vis. up to 10 nm, SW 5, W-Swell, low. |
weather report |
16.46 |
Alfa 214 |
Enemy convoy in sight square AJ 9178. Enemy steers NE-course. |
1510/5/145 |
U-693 |
271 |
17.59 |
1654/5/148 |
Naval square AJ 9176, course 40°, 7 knots, 1001 mb, Sea 1, Vis. 12 nm. |
275 |
Kelbling. |
19.17 |
1822/5/149 |
Numerous drifting mines and spherical bodies 83 fits and starts heavily smoking patrol vessel 8580 little air 88, all naval square AE. 1026 mb, 7/10, WSW 2, Vis. 10 nm, Al 26. Question "Kelbling"-convoy ? |
U-256 |
12.32 |
1117/6/161 |
"Stiebler" give remaining inventory to "Krech". Meeting point in square PA 3644 on 8 August from 10.00 hours. Only report late arrival by Short Signal, if arrival is first possible after 20.00 hours or 4 hours after reported arrival time. Bearing signals from "Krech" from 20.00 hours and 4 hours after reported arrival time. "Krech" after completion report own inventory. |