Appendix for Operational Order |
"Marco Polo". |
Communications Order for "Marco Polo". |
A. |
Radio Programs: |
1) |
As Second Division Naval War Staff/B.d.U. Ops will control the boat to her port of destination, communications between boat and Operational Control will be effected via German radio stations and services as a general rule. |
2) |
Until boat reaches the Indian Ocean all communications are to be made via submarine services in accordance with Communications Manual for Submarines (NB - Uboote). |
3) |
While proceeding through the Indian Ocean a change to radio service "Bruno" will be ordered. |
Communications on service "Bruno" will be radiated on the service Group "Bruno I" (beam transmitter) (see Appendix I) and on the service group "Bruno III (see Communication Manual for submarines) for extended short and long distance services from Norddeich (Erweiterter Nah - und Weidienst Norddeich). |
Messages to and from submarines on service "Bruno" will be coded up in groups of four using "Aegir" cypher (identification groups!). These groups will be consecutively numbered in the text, so that the boat will know definitely whether she has picked up the entire message. |
All communications will be radiated at least 4 times on radio services "Bruno I" and "Bruno III" , i.e. once after reception in radio room, then twice within 24 hours, and a fourth time between 24 and 48 hours after the original transmission. |
All groups of the communications being radiated will be made twice if the transmitting time allows. |
The boat will transmit her messages to Operational Control on any wave of radio service "Bruno III" that seems favorable. |
Short signals, short weather reports etc. will be given a routine acknowledgement by Norddeich interspersing the four figures of the time of receipt in German standard time twice running during its current transmission on all frequencies. Radio messages will be repeated once by Norddeich as rapidly as possible after receipt. |
When the message is garbled and requires lengthy decoding, only the preamble of the message will be repeated at first. |
The Naval Attache, Tokio, has set a receiving watch on radio service "Bruno" and is equipped with deciphering material "Aegir". |
4) |
If, contrary to expectations, the boat, when east of 900 East, has absolutely no transmitting communication with home, she may send messages via Choshi Radio to the Naval Attache, Tokio ("Aegir" in groups of five). |