13 October 42 |
Radio Message: |
1) Sank 13 October GR 8996 British EMPIRE NOMAT 10000 GRT, new construction 1941, course 180°. |
2) Sighted: 21 September FU 4119 freighter course 180°, 2 October GQ 6392 freighter course 110°, 11 October GR 8248 2 destroyers course 280°. |
3) 2 + 8 torpedoes, 182 cbm, N 2. |
4) Square JJ 1247 all naval squares. |
- Witte - |
18 October 42 |
" : |
Boats in the Cape Town area: |
1) Sobe without regard to own situation immediately report position or situation. |
2) Other boats report new insights and/or success. |
" : |
1) 17 October square 4899 double miss on freighter, general course 90°, air escort. |
2) 40, 72, 89 nothing. Bad weather poor visibility suspect traffic stoppage, incoming air escort. |
3) Downloaded, 9 torpedoes, 163 cbm, square 8938, high Swell, very hazy, all naval square GR. |
- Emmermann - |
" : |
1) Since 13 October nothing seen. |
2) To Radio Message Serial No. 436 of 13 October weather must mean: NW-hurricane. |
3) Matr.Ob.Gef. Irmschler for 3 weeks severe inflammation of the penis. Syphilis suspected. Request transfer to doctor boat. |
4) Downloaded, 173 cbm, high pressure weather, naval square GQ 9537 |
- Witte - |
" : |
1) Since 10 October bad weather, advanced to the east up to KY 62. There heavy westerly traffic through mined area north of 34°10'S. No attack possibilities due to weather, submerged by day, heavy air. |
2) Intention: NW sector due to weather and moon. |
3) Ju-compressor out of service since 8 October request from out-bounder 2 engine pistons, 2 compressor pistons, stage I-IV with rings and rods, 2 cross-heads, 4 toothed rods, fuel pump with gear and 1 spare valve for the E-compressor. |
4) 7 Atos, 161 cbm, square GR 7691, all naval squares. |
- Merten - |
" : |
1) Sank 17 October naval square JJ 1313 EMPIRE JAGUAR, heavily armed, course 230° otherwise nothing seen. |
2) Naval square KY 8612, 179 cbm, 10 + 8. |
- Poske - |
20 October 42 |
" : |
To Cape Town Boats: |
1) Operations area for boats is extended. Eastward limit now runs from JL 2610 via KQ 6110 to KP 53 naval squares. |
2) Ibbeken free to maneuver in named area according to traffic situation off important harbors. |
25 October 42 |
" : |
1) 19 October 7525 freighter 5000 GRT, course 55°, submerged two-fan in high Swell unexplained miss, range 400 meters, depth 4 meters, was sighted, shot at with artillery. During pursuit forced to submerge by air. |
2) West sector, route in accordance with Officer Only Ysop and north sector up to GJ 72 with very good visibility nothing. Going west and southwest. |