Excerpt of the Radio Log "U 482" |
Patrol from 6 August 1944 to 26 September 1944. |
06.08.44/1035 Coastal Circuit I: |
5.U-Flottille: Boat Point "Rot 01" taken in convoy. |
U-Matuschka. |
06.08.44/1901 Coastal Circuit I: |
"Kneip", "Meermeier", "Ulber", "Matuschka": Work in accordance with Test Order Kurier Paragraph 6: "Kneip" weather boat 2, "Meermeier" and Ulber weather boat 3, "Matuschka" weather boat 1. |
B.d.U. |
08.08.44/0410 Coastal Circuit I: |
2 torpedo tracks to starboard in naval square AO 1683. |
U-Matuschka. |
10.08.44/1241 Coastal Circuit I: |
From 10 August 20.00 hours switch to "Coastal" Circuit: |
"Fischer" "U-244", "Eudow" (U-248), "Rademacher" (U 772), "Reckoff" (U-398), "Schäfor" (U-484), "Ackermann" (U-1221), "Ulber" (U-680), "Meemeier" (U-997). "Matuschka" (U-482), "Schumann" (U-245) and "Kneip" (U-1223). |
11.08.44/1753 Coastal: |
"Ulber", "Meermeier" in convoy to Kristiansand. "Schumann", "Matuschka" proceed to Bergen. At named points released from convoy, thereafter proceed into the Atlantic. Objective RR 13. Transit route: "Ulber" via square Green KK 35, the 3 other boats proceed via Green DA 63. Behavior in accordance with Standing Order No. 13 and 14. Passing report on demand. Generally use darkness to snorkel. |
13.08.44/2055 Coastal: |
Due to failure of the very low frequency Paris I and II night arrangements: |
1) Repeat service for Africa II and Africa III temporarily out of service. |
2) For Ireland and America II transmitter Kootwijk works on 16.84 Khz from 02.00 hours to 4 collective day roll calls as follows: 02.00 - 04.00, 07.00 - 09.00, 15.00 - 17.00, 20.00 - 22.00 hours. |
3) Roll call begins with Ireland Serial Nos afterwards radio messages for America II. |
4) At the same time all short wave day roll calls except for Africa II from 02.00 - 05.00 hours are out of service for the time being. |
5) N.B.U. boats correct accordingly in pencil. |
14.08.44/1455 Coastal: |
For U-boat Atlantic Circuits from 16 August 00.00 hours only the following short wave day roll calls run: |
1) Ireland: 00.00 to 03.00 hours frequency "kg" = 4185 Khz. |
2) America II: 03.00 to 06.00 hours frequency "pu" = 7650 Khz and "kg" from 06.00 - 09.00 hours frequency "pu". |
3) Africa II: 02.00 - 05.00 and from 21.00 to 24.00 hours frequency "er" and "qk". |
4) Frequencies should not be used by boats to transmit. |
5) N.B.U. boats No. 202, 204 and 207 correct in pencil. |
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| Coastal: |
All short wave day roll calls are out of service due to transmitter malfunctions. New regulations follow. |
16.08.44/1159 Coastal: |
To boats proceeding to the Atlantic: |
1) "Matuschka" contrary to previous orders proceed to square Green Jota Viktor 35. |
2) Schäfer, Ackermann proceed via square Green "QR" 63 to square Green "BB" 53. |
3) Past experience shows that the enemy reinforced air on detecting submarine movements on the Norwegian coast. Proceed with caution.
19.08.44/1718 Coastal: |
Ulber, Schäfer, Rasch, Matuschka, Schumann, "Emde", Meermeier: 19 August 08.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
21.08.44/0131 Ireland: |
To all Kurier boats: For the time being send no further Kurier signals. Expect further instructions in 3 to 4 days. |
27.08.44/225, 220 Ireland: |
From 28.08.44 20.00 hours the following very low frequency program is given: |
1) Coastal: "Kootwijk" Program time: 04.00 - 05.00, 06.00 - 07.00, 09.00 - 10.00, 11.00 - 12.00, 17.00 - 18.00, 19.00 - 20.00, 21.00 - 22.00. Day roll call: 00.00 - 02.00, 13.00 - 15.00 hours. |
2) Ireland: "Nauen I" Program time: 05.00 - 06.00, 07.00 - 08.00, 09.00 - 10.00, 12.00 - 13.00, 14.00 - 15.00, 16.00 - 17.00, 20.00 - 21.00, day roll call: 23.00 - 01.00, 02.00 - 04.00 hours. |
3) America II: :Nauen II" Program time: 13.00 - 15.00, 17.00 - 18.00, 22.00 - 24.00, day roll call: 03.00 - 05.00, 08.00 - 10.00 hours. |
4) Africa II: :Kootwijk" Program time: 07.00 - 09.00, 15.00 - 17.00, day roll call: 22.00 - 24.00 hours. |
5) Africa II "Nauen I" Program time: 01.00 - 02.00, 06.00 - 07.00, 10.00 - 12.00. 17.00 - 19.00, day roll call: 17.00 - 19.00 hours. |
6) Diana: "Goliath" 18.5 Khz. Program time: 08.00 - 09.00, 12.00 - 13.00, 17.00 - 18.00. 20.00 - 21.00, day roll call: 23.00 - 01.00, 04.00 - 06.00. |
7) N.B.U. Boats correct order in pencil. |
28.08.44/0210 Ireland: |
All Kurier boats: |
Further Kurier testing suspended temporarily, because transmitting system is still uncertain. Send no further signals. |
30.08.44/0357 Ireland: |
From B-Dienst report at 1538 hours tanker torpedoed on naval square AM 5623. |
01.09.44/0331 Ireland: |
According to B-Dienst report about 07.00 hours torpedoing in possibly naval square AM 6412 (10°T, 11 nm from Skarry Island). |
03.09.44/0206 Ireland: |
Westbound convoy in square AM 5291, speed 8 knots. |
"U 482". |
03.09.44/0509 Ireland: |
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03.09.44/0509 Ireland: |
Ireland Short Signal 0206/3/140 with garbled Kenngruppe not solved, was still garbled, if signal is important, send again. |
03.09.44/0612 Ireland: |
1) Despite all speculative attempts could not solve Short Signal on Ireland Circuit 0206/3/140, send again. |
2) Serial No. 140 is settled. |
04.09.44/0015 Ireland: |
Occupy the following attack areas: |
1) Emde same area as Matuschka. |
2) Schäfer same area as Reckhoff. |
05.09.44/0305 Ireland: |
1) Matuschka, Schäfer, Emde: |
In your operations areas there has been an increased number of detections of enemy units, possibly reinforcing U-boat hunts. If defenses require move off to sea. Wait for calm. |
2) The same behavior for all other boats in operations area under the coast with similar defensive situation.
05.09.44/1731 Ireland: |
To all boats: Enemy air operations northwest to southwest of the North Channel have increased considerably in the last period. |
08.09.44/2335 Ireland: |
Boats in the vicinity of the coast moving off f necessarily to send situation report, if necessary also with Short Signal. Important for the approach of new boats. |
10.09.44/2044 Ireland: |
1.) Reckhoff, Schäfer, Emde, Matuschka: In your areas at the moment intense U-boat hunt. Free to move off to sea according to defense situation at own discretion. |
2) Zorn and Trauberg and so on . . . . . . . . |
10.09.44/0145 Ireland: |
To all boats: |
1) Kommandanten of boats operating under the coast must decide on their own, if |
a) due to defense situation the boat must move off temporarily or permanently. |
b) if due to too much stress on the crew or the boat to return transit before required by fuel and torpedo consumption. |
2) Leadership is aware that basically submerged operation with snorkel drive under strong enemy defenses places high demands on performance especially on inexperienced crews. |
11.09.44/0416 Ireland: |
AM 2911, return transit, out of torpedoes. Sank 1 September AM 5612 from search group destroyer, from inbound convoys: 30 August in 5397 tanker 7000 GRT, 8 September in 5387 freighter 5000 GRT, tanker 6000 GRT. Shot T 5 SS freighter 5000 GRT, detonation 2 minutes 47 seconds, 95 cbm, situation follows. |
Matuschka. |
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11.09.44/1210 Ireland: |
Matuschka: Bravo, that is an excellent performance. I confer on you the Iron Cross First Class. |
Your Ob.d.M. and B.d.U. |
11.09.44/2347 Ireland: |
2.) Brauel Radio Message and so forth. |
3.) Matuschka continue return transit. Proceed carefully, do not be cocky now. |
12.09.44/0239 Ireland: |
Situation: 10 days 3 strong convoys destroyers air. Route AM 5282, 5387/97. Sound buoys cover convoys, 2 nights at depth 40 meters first detection at being overrun. Submerged attacks. Defense air very heavy. Over 300 depth charges, none dangerous, no destroyer runs. Listening locating bad. Sound buoys with own movement, Asdic 4 second, depth charges, systematic hunts by air, detection by buoys suspected, methods inaccurate here. Night snorkeling undisturbed. |
Matuschka. |
12.09.44/1209 Ireland: |
Matuschka, Förster: |
In recognition of your splendid accomplishments I confer on you the German Cross in Gold. |
Your Ob.d.M. and B.d.U. |
19.09.44/2248 Ireland: |
3) Schumann, weather area II and so forth . . . . . . . . |
4) On 20 September at 08.00 hours switch to "Coastal" Circuit: Matuschka, Rodler, Tillessen, Treuberg, Zorn. |
21.09.44/0017 Ireland: |
Radio Beacon Group Bergen North and South run at the following times: |
21 September North 04.00 to 06.00 hours, 22 September South from 03.00 to 05.00 hours. 24 September South from 15.00 to 17.00 hours, North from 00.00 to 03.00 hours, 25 September 20.00 to 22.00 hours and 02.00 to 06.00 hours. 26 September North and South from 01.00 to 04.00 hours. |
21.09.44/0058 Coastal: |
1) For boats with return harbor Bergen escort positioned: |
22 September 17.00 hours Hellisöy. |
23 September 18.00 hours Marstein. |
24 September 06.00 hours Hellisöy. |
25 September 18.00 hours Hellisöy. |
26. September 06.00 hours Marstein. |
For these days no arrival report, radio silence. Escort waits for 2 hours. |
2) Boats that cannot make these times move off from the coast and join the next convoy. |
11.U-Flottille. |
22.09.44/0420 Coastal: |
"Matuschka": Return harbor is Bergen. Convoy intake Marstein. |
24.09.44/0624 Coastal: |
Was attacked by aircraft, AF 7687. |
U-482. |