08.07.43 ßß |
0516/645 |
My position is AF 2924. |
U-355 |
10.07.43 |
0926/651 |
F.d.U., 13. U-flottille |
Fuel in external bunkers is discolored and unusable. |
La Baume |
ßß |
2007/728 |
Will be off return harbor in 24 hours. |
U-355 |
12.07.43 |
0008/747 |
F.d.U. |
The U-boat sighted by "Skomvær" was me. |
La Baume |
22.07.43 |
2306/797 |
Up to no no traffic, no air, Eisfjord, Glockensund no vessels whatsoever. At "Barentsburg" no facilities for sea target defenses, apparently only anti-aircraft weapons. Off "Adventsbucht" artillery fire, small caliber. 21 July radio mast "Calypsobucht" blown up. ÄG 7791, SW 2, Sea 2, overcast, 1006 mb. |
La Baume |
30.07.43 |
2238/712 |
"Hornsund" full of drift ice, unusable as a harbor. Several times own aircraft, otherwise situation unchanged. ÄG 7857, calm, Sea 0, 2/10, Vis. good, 1023 mb. |
La Baume |
03.08.43 ßß |
1617/701 |
Position 36 hours off arrival point, intend to enter Harstad. |
U-355 |
b) Sent as Radio Repeater: |
10.07.43 ßß |
2011/729 |
Position 36 hours off return harbor. |
U-307 |
c) Important Input from other boats: |
27.07.43 |
0334/723 |
Independent, 3000 GRT, course 100°, speed 15 knots, eastern edge of operations area. |
U-427 |
0412/724 |
2 steamers, southerly course, low speed. Center operations area. |
U-427 |
29.07.43 ßß |
1455/788 |
Have attacked and cannot sink coastal watch boat. My position is AT 726. |
U-703 |
31.07.43 |
0002/716 |
1) 15.30 hours square AT 7283 1 steamer, 2 patrol vessels, course 14. Of these sank: 1 patrol vessel. Depth charges no damage. |
2) Strong enemy air surveillance, . . . ? . . . 6 torpedoes, 50 cbm. Last Serial No. 702. |
Brünner |