9.2.1942 - 04.07 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"62°N, 22°W, steady, 1031 mb, Wind: SW 3, no Swell, Vis. 3 nm, Clouds 8/10." |
U-352 |
9.2.1942 - 09.19 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"61°N, 21°W, steady, 1030 mb, +19°C, clear to cloudy, Vis. 5 nm, Wind: SW 3-4, low SW-Swell." |
U-352 |
9.2.1942 - 15.08 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"61°N, 20°W, falling, 1026 mb, +8°C, cloudy to heavily overcast, Vis. up to 5 nm, SW 3-4, medium SW-Swell." |
U-352 |
10.2.1942 - 04.07 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"62°N, 21°W, rising, 1028 mb, +16°C, NE 3-4, layered clouds with persistent precipitation, light rain, Vis. up to 2 nm, low E-Swell." |
U-352 |
10.2.1942 - 09.19 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"61°N, 22°W, rising, 1030 mb, +5°C, NE 3-4, Cumulus clouds, Vis. up to 3 nm, ENE 3, low ENE-Swell." |
U-352 |
10.2.1942 - 14.24 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"61°N, 23°W, rising, 1030 mb, +6°C, Wind: SE 1-2, clear to cloudy, Vis. up to 5 nm, medium-high NE-Swell." |
U-352 |
11.2.1942 - 04.08 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"62°N, 21°W, 1021 mb, falling, +6°C, Nimbus, misty, at times rain, Sea 4-5, medium W-Swell." |
U-352 |
11.2.1942 - 09.26 |
Short Signal weather report: |
"62°N, 22°W, falling, 1016 mb, +9°C, W 3-4, overcast Altostratus, Vis. up to 2 nm, medium-high W-Swell." |
U-352 |