Transcript of the Radio Log |
From 22.10.39 to 5.12.39. |
2125/9 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. West. |
20th day of the current month aircraft attack on English convoy north of Humber. Ob.d.M. and Chef der Skl. has ordered the implementation of a badge for submarine warfare. |
0724/26 Urgent |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
STRAHL reports have encountered a diving U-boat 54°24'N, 6°55'E. |
1835/18 |
To U-26, U-53 from F.d.U. |
In Communications Orders Atlantic prescribed wavelength "sq" for U-boats was replaced with wavelength "rl" from 24th day of the current month . Correct Orders. |
2047/19 |
U-31 from F.d.U. West |
Report position. |
2200/22 |
F.d.U. West from U-31 |
My position is square 1280 of the large square E. |
1457/40 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Naval Forces from F.d.U. |
From the 25th day of the current month from 12.00 hours Recognition Signal Key Number 27 is in effect. |
0506/45 Urgent |
U-16 from F.d.U. |
Is task finished? |
2058/27/69 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
In order to preclude surprises: 1. Do not go aboard steamers for inspection. 2. Always sink steamers only by torpedo, even if this is done after examination or after breakage of resistance by artillery. |
1138/29/83 |
All U-boats from F.d.U. |
Full weapons use against passenger steamers, provided that they are in enemy convoys. |
1951/29/88 |
All U-boats from F.d.U. |
Caution during artillery combat with steamers. Keep sufficient distance. Boats do not initiate. |
2237/31/54 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. West. |
When sighting convoys and valuable targets on which other boats can operate, report without regard for own attack as soon as possible even before own attack. |
- 2 - |
1001/1/159, 1056/1/62, 1135/1/58 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
1. Torpedoes steer 2 meters deeper than set. Consequently depth settings 2 meters less. Draft of the target, however due to danger of a surface runner not shallower than 3 meters, in strong Atlantic swell than 4 meters. 2. Coup de grâce to sink stopped steamers only depth setting 3 meters. G 7 a torpedoes only shoot long range shots. 3. Do not shoot from ranges less than 300 meters. |
1355/1/61 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
When setting the safety distance of the combat pistol 120 meters, make sure that the adjustment corresponds exactly with the 2 of the number 120. |
2022/1/71, 2027/1/72. |
U-25, U-26, U-53 from F.d.U. |
Patrols at the Gibraltar corner are normally 2 to 3 destroyers, 1 M Boot. Schnellboot lie in the bay of Perejil Island, often change paint and the arrangement of position lanterns. Aircraft east of Trafalgar- Larache. Work together with U-boat traps. |
0803/3/83 |
U-26 from M.N.O. Kiel |
Radio Message No. 1315 received 20.16 hours on 35.71 meters with Volume 3 and interference. |
1252/3/84, 1338/3/85, 1403/3/86 |
All U-boats identically from F.D.U. |
1. Safety range is only still 200 meters for all torpedoes, in so doing set range exactly on the mark. Use only the prescribed setting key. No further pistol checking. 2. Depth setting minimum 2 meters less than target draft, however not less than 3 meters, with Sea and Swell over 3 not less than 4 meters. 3. With shooting range is below 1000 meters due to low initial speed of the torpedo deviation moves ahead, especially with close range shots with G 7 a. 4. Radio Message of 1st of the current month concerning setting of the safety range 120 meters is canceled. |
0903/4/100 |
U-26, U-53 from F.d.U. |
5 passenger steamers of the ALMANZONA Class should depart Gibraltar for France on the 4th or 5th day of the current month. Ships are English troop transports. |
0818/5/50 |
U-53 from F.d.U. |
Continue transit to the south. |
1315/2/80 |
F.d.U. from U-26 |
Passed 45°N at 13°W. |
2305/5/56 |
All U-boats from F.d.U. |
For the required check of setting safety range to 200 meters. Note: It must be dash on dash. Carry out during minor adjustment. |
- 3 - |
2334/5/57, 2343/5/58 |
All boats from F.d.U. |
Situation: Norwegian Government has freed the German prize [vessel] and the interned German Prize crew. The Reich Government has praised the release. Resettlement of Germans from Russia to the Reich in exchange for the Russians and Ukrainians, etc. America has lifted weapons import ban. |
1339/6/59 |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
For Kommandant: Mother and child are healthy and well. |
1806/6/62 |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
Only carry out mine task if it seems executable after determining the defense strength and in favorable weather conditions. |
2210/9/98 |
U-26, U-53 from F.d.U. |
End of the week a convoy departs from Gibraltar to the west, minimum 17 ships. U-48 and U-37 are returning. 36000 and 35000 tons sunk, U-46 sank a tanker. |
2148/9/95, 2207/9/97 |
All U-boats from F.d.U. |
The Führer expressed yesterday evening in his speech "They will not subdue us either militarily or economically. Here only one can win, and that is us." The attempt of a bomb attack on the Führer failed, because the Führer had already departed. |
1402/10/44 |
All U-boats from F.d.U. |
To reduce the danger of bearings being taken keep radio messages as short as possible. Tune transmitter well. Transmit properly. |
1615/10/48 |
All U-boats except U-28, 49 from F.d.U. |
Immediately all G 7 a torpedoes when shooting with impact fusing still only as long range shot at 30 knots. |
0443/10/41 |
F.d.U. from U-33 |
First we stalked the enemy, then we walled him in properly. After a day's calm lying on the bottom, we turned westward to new discoveries. |
1923/11/60, 2046/11/62 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
1. Black flashing buoy placed in 54°2.2'N, 7°12'E 3 flash group green each 1.5 seconds, pause 2.5 seconds, repeat every 16 seconds. Only free to pass west and south. 2. Red lighted buoy in 53°45'N, 6°15'E. 2 flash group red each 1.5 second, pause 2.5 seconds, repeat every 12 seconds. |
2358/11/63 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from M.N.O. Wilhelmshaven. |
In Radio Message 1923/11/62 the definition for letter group 30 : Pause. |
- 4 - |
2339/11/64 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
On the Western Front more lively reconnaissance patrols and artillery activity. England announced the loss of the U-boat OXLEY. America prohibits its own ships to call at ports of warring countries and change of flag outcome remains to seen. |
0520/12/66 |
All U-boats from F.d.U. |
From 12th day of this month at 12.00 hours Recognition Signal Key No. 17 is in effect. |
0421/13/74 |
To all U-boats from F.d.U. |
Black lighted buoy 2 blinks red each 3 seconds, pause 4 seconds and 8 seconds in 54°57'N, 6°45'E. Buoy free to pass, do not deviate from Route Blau. |
0712/15/96 |
U-26 from U-53 |
05.01 hours enemy convoy in sight, square 9473 of large square CG. Speed 10 knots, westerly course. |
2306/15/58 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Naval Forces from F.d.U. |
13th day of the current month aircraft attack against the Shetland Islands, A heavy bomb hit on an enemy cruiser were not observed with certainty. Two flying boats destroyed. On 15th day of the current month an English destroyer ran on a mine and was sunk. |
1310/15/46 |
U-26, U-53 from F.d.U. |
English merchant ship runs tonight out of Ayamonte, located there is WROTHAM. |
0804/16/61 |
U-26, U-53 from F.d.U. |
A French destroyer arrived. Position U-53 05.00 hours 35°37'N, 8°10'W. |
1528/17/77 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
Against all known with certainty enemy passenger steamers, on which armament is recognized, or armaments already known, immediately full weapons use is free for U-boats. |
2213/19/67 |
F.d.U. from U-26 |
No fouling completed, return transit. Position 36°30'N, 9°W. |
0121/20/70 |
U-26 from M.N.O. Kiel |
Radio Message 2213 at 2318 M.G.Z. received with Volume 3 on frequency 5650 kHz very well without interference. Kenngruppen encoded. |
1504/20/81 |
U-23 from F.d.U. |
Square 298 of the large square Jota 3 enemy battleships, high speed, course 180°. |
- 5 - |
1730/20/79 |
U-33 from F.d.U. |
To Radio Message 1504, sailed from the Clyde. |
1645/20/85 |
F.d.U. from U-33 |
Radio Message 1504 square given unclear. |
2000/21/51 |
F.d.U. from U-33 |
Return transit, 5 enemy fishing trawlers sunk monitoring the entrance of the North Channel. |
0756/23/80 |
U-33 from F.d.U. |
If there is still fuel and torpedoes, attack disposition in sea area up to 30 nm north of North Cona [typo North Rona]. U-47 is positioned south therefrom, U-35 northwest of the Orkney Islands. Enemy operations here before. |
0845/23/81 |
U-26, F.d.U. from U-43 |
Reported convoy 08.00 hours 44°56'N, 7°40'W. Southwesterly course, low speed. |
0853/23/82 |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
Continually man very low frequency for contact keeper reports of AFB. |
1250/23/90 |
U-26, F.d.U. from U-43 |
Convoy square 7388 of large square BF. Course 240°, speed 9 knots. |
2021/23/43 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
Do not take crews of steamers on board, except for those such as prisoners of war which are to be brought home. |
1655/23/95 |
U-26 from U-43 |
Convoy 16.30 hours 44°36'N, 9°44'W. Main course 240°, speed 8 knots. |
2030/23/45 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
The Commander of the Home Fleet has taken over the Northern Patrol. Light warships are in three hours readiness. |
2040/23/48 |
U-26 from U-43 |
Forced off, have lost contact on convoy 19.00 hours 44°30'N, 9°33'W. |
1631/23/92 |
U-26, U-41, U-43 from F.d.U. |
Cruiser MANCHESTER located at 20.00 hours in 41°30'N and 11°30'W. Transit speed 20 knots to position 43°57'N, 11°30'W and 48°30'N, 8°03'W. |
- 6 - |
2230/23/47 |
U-33 from F.d.U. |
Continue transit when required by supply inventory requires, report position, when passing 58°30'N switch to North Sea Circuit. |
1012/24/66, 1029/24/67, 1041/24/68 |
U-33 from F.d.U. |
1. Return by Route 1. Red lighted buoy set in 53°45'N, 6°15'E. Identifier 2 flash groups red each 1.5 seconds, pause 2.5 seconds and 6.5 seconds. Wilhelmshaven give for own bearing from 25th day of the current month to 26 day of the current month at 20.04, 22.21, 00.31, 02.59, 05.18 and 07.22 hours. Repeat by Borkum then List, frequency "ly". 2. From Juist clouse under land due to U-boat danger. Enemy U-boats on Dogger Bank. Own warships in Deutsche Bucht. |
1328/24/69 |
From M.N.O. Wilhelmshaven |
In Radio Message 1012/24 Letter Group 37 and 38 : oqdz, faxn. |
0600/24/50 |
F.d.U. from U-33 |
English auxiliary warship U-boat trap 7000 tons, Holland disguise sank with artillery west of the Orkney Islands. Position square 1285 of large square E. |
2252/26/41 |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
Situation: On the east coast of England many ships have run on mines. English cruiser BELFAST torpedoed. In the last period several own air reconnaissance over France and England. Munich assassin arrested. |
1227/29/86, 1249/29/89, 1336/29/88, 1405/29/87 |
Boats in the Atlantic from F.d.U. |
Following Order in effect on 29th day of the current month at 20.00 hours in modification to previous Communications Order. 1. From 21.00 hours frequency "od" 53.10 meters. 2. From 20.00, 22.00, 02.00, 04.00, 06.00 hours frequency "pc" 46.05 meters. 3. From 00.00 hours MGZ frequency "kz" equals 62.57 meters. 4. Frequency "sj" 23.17 meters from 10.00 hours and 12.00 hours. Program duration as before 50 minutes each hour. All times in MGZ. Standing War Order from No. 17 and Communications Order are to be corrected in pencil. |
1954/30/52 |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
Shift to North Sea Circuit at 00.00 hours MGZ. Return by Route Blau 1 or 12. |
2307/1/16 |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
For Kommandant: Heartiest congratulations on promotion to Korvettenkapitän. |
1542/2/21 |
From M.N.O. Wilhelmshaven |
Radio Message 1130/2 not solved, give again. Check encoding means and procedure. |
0437/4/31 |
All F.d.U. subordinated Armed Forces from F.d.U. |
Due to mine danger due to U-boats in the vicinity of Northsea Lightship F Wangerrooge Channel is blocked. |
0531/4/33 |
U-26 from F.d.U. |
Initially go to Cuxhaven bypassing the squares 2479 and 2429 of the large square L. |