I report the following on the sinking of the Norwegian steamer "ENID" : |
"U-25" surfaced on 17 January 1940 at 13.15 hours at φ = 60° 56'N λ = 01 ° 02' W, to stop the Norwegian steamer 4500 meters to the south which steered a southwest course. Soon after surfacing the steamer steered zig-zag courses. After a shot before the bow the steamer came to a southeast course and obviously tried to escape capture by fleeing in the direction of the Shetland coast. Therefore, he had violated the Prize Regulations. Both boats were put in the water only after the third warning shot. Then fire for effect was opened (21 shots) which lay direct to the target and at least 7-8 observed hits achieved. Both boats had retreated to the north. The possibility that a ricochet went near the boats is accepted, although the observed impacts lay mostly on the side turned away from the steamer's boats. |
"U-25" quickly reduced the shot range and at the end of the firing for effect was positioned to the north of the steamer "ENID", nearly between her and the lifeboats. A shelling of the boats did not take place. If the destruction of the boats was intended, it should have been easily executed. Every effort was made to sink the ship with complete protection of the boats. The fore ship was shot by torpedo, the burning floating stern section was left to its destiny. Its sinking may be relied on with certainty. |
Korvettenkapitän |
and Kommandant "U-25" |