7. |
Radio Message 0847/30/188 |
Group "Drossel". Shift patrol line
60 nm to the west. |
11.17 |
8. |
Radio Message 1806/30/103 |
To Group "Drossel" air reconnaissance today
without results. Therefore, southbound convoy not expected
before tomorrow afternoon. Remaining submerged optional.
Tomorrow afternoon new air reconnaissance scheduled. |
18.41 |
9 |
Radio Message 2310/30/107 |
Group "Drossel" 1.) For air
reconnaissance on 1 May contact holder "Emil" in accordance
with Order 211 a. |
23.39 |
2.) Cipher group table issue "Nordpol" in effect. |
10. |
Radio Message 2247/1/123 |
To Group "Drossel". 1.) Air
reconnaissance on 1 May without results. Southbound convoy
not expected this evening, remaining submerged optional. |
23.46 |
2.) On 2 May at 18.00 hours air reconnaissance in same area.
Contact holder "Anton" in accordance with Order 211 a. |
11. |
Radio Message 1656/2/137 |
Group "Drossel". Own air reconnaissance
not initiated due to weather, therefore no air reconnaissance.
Air reconnaissance intended early tomorrow morning. |
19.33 |
12. |
Radio Message 2219/2/145 |
1.) Group "Drossel" if possible remain
surfaced by night and monitor the line. Own air reconnaissance
3 May from getting light intended. New times follow.
Standby for bearing reception. Contact holder "Anton". |
23.57 |
2.) . . . . . . . . |
13. |
Radio Message 0740/3/149 |
Own air reconnaissance from 08.00 hours in area Group
"Drossel" and north therefrom. |
08.34 |
14. |
Radio Message 0825/3/150 |
Group "Drossel" immediately course east, 7 knots. |
08.35 |
15. |
Radio Message 0909/3/151 |
To Group "Drossel". 1.) Southbound
convoy detected 08.30 hours naval square BE 6944. Count on
speed 9 knots. Report bearing results immediately. |
09.30 |
2.) "Bothe" to "Stock"
at highest speed, course east, "Siegmann", "Teichert",
"Jeschonnek" independent operations. |
16. |
Radio Message 1137/3/155 |
1.) Convoy located 10.00 hours in naval square
6977, course 180°, speed 9 knots up to 13 knots. 10 merchant
ships, 6 escorts. |
12.13 |
2.) Group "Drossel" "Stock"
up to "Bothe" with highest speed occupy
patrol line from naval square 9812 to 9932. |
3.) Report bearing results immediately. |
16a. |
Radio Message 1237/3/157 |
To Group "Drossel". About from 17.00
hours another Condor at the convoy. Standby for bearing reception.
Send bearings immediately. |
12.58 |
17. |
Radio Message 1325/3/158 |
To Group "Drossel". 1.) Convoy
position possibly further to the southwest. |
13.48 |
2.) "Jeschonnek" to "Siegmann"
contrary to previous orders do not operate independently, but rather
in old named order extend new patrol line to the west up to naval
square 9722 |