Excerpt of the Radio Log U 223. |
Thäter, Wächter, Gretschel, Manke not TH 75 instead head for KI 84 at economical transit speed. Orders in accordance with Radio Message of this morning thereby settled. |
3) Gretschel, Wächter, Thäter, Manke on 25 Jan 08.00 hours switch to Hubertus Circuit. |
[25 Jan] |
Naval square AK 0137 independent, course 80°, 16 knots, hunted unsuccessfully. NNW 5, high Swell, Vis. good, 986 mb, rising, 103 cbm. |
U-223 |
If no contact. |
1.) Rosenberg, Drewitz, Gretschel, Wächter, Thäter, join old Group Haudegen, currently named order Heydemann, Gräf, Muth, Clausen, Döhler, Mengersen, Borchers, Hesemann, Kremser, Heine, Franzius, Soden, Kessler, Köppe and U-752. Be patrol line from FR 4553 to OS 9185 with spacing of 20 nm. |
2.) Until 27 January 08.00 hours Rosenberg slides in between Mengersen and Borchers, Drewitz between Borchers and Hesemann etc. Gretschel, Wächter, Thäter, each between the next boats. Also Thäter between Heine and Franzius. |
3.) New Group Haudegen on 27 January 08.00 hours proceed and on 28 January at 08.00 hours be in new patrol line from LN 7214 to NX 9816 with same regular spacing. |
Group Haudegen with highest speed operate on destroyer and sound bearing. Suspect awaited convoy course (assumption) SE to E. |
Position AJ 3567, last faint sound bearing 10.00 hours 3821 course 20°T. Operating further to the NE |
U-223 |
[27 Jan] |
If no contact break off operation. |
2.) Group Haudegen. |
On 30 January 12.00 hours be in new patrol line from BC 7442 to CF 2132. Named order: Wächter, Manke, Thäter, Gretschel, Hesemann, Heydemann, U-69, Huth, Rosenberg, Clausen, Drewitz, Döhler, Mengersen, Borchers, Kremser, Heine, Franzius, Soden, Kessler, Köppe and U-752. |
3.) Passing of a NE-bound convoy is expected on 30 January. |
Position PA 8328, no bearing. |
U-223 |
Group Haudegen: |
Do not operate further on uncertain, not confirmed sound bearings, break off, begin transit to patrol line. |
PA 8320 and 8360 no bearing. Serial No. 832 from here. |
U-223 |
Group Haudegen |
After failure of Thäter remaining boats evenly distribute in patrol line. |
2 - |
To Group Haudegen |
The passing of 3 north or NE-bound and a SW-bound convoy is expected up to 2 February. Pay attention, however, in general, economic fuel consumption. |
[1 Feb] |
Group Haudegen |
Today 12.00 hours with speed of advance of 3 knots and SW-course proceed as reconnaissance ling. On 2 February be in position line from 9318 to 4911 at 12.00 hours. Both DV. |
[2 Feb] |
Convoy square AJ 1943, course 10°. |
U-223 |
Wächter reports 14.03 hours convoy naval square AJ 1943 course 10°. |
Convoy FW 6921, course 0°, 10 knots. Up to now only 3 steamers 2 corvettes distinguished. |
U-223 |
Group Haudegen |
1.) NW wing of the group up to and including Drewitz without Gräf operate on Wächter report in square 1943. |
Convoy FT 6687, course 0°, SE 3-4, Vis. good, snow showers. |
U-223 |
Convoy up to 5 steamers naval square AJ 1682. |
U-223 |
To Wächter and Manke. |
For the engagement of Haudegen it is of great importance to know whether it is a larger England or smaller Greenland convoy. Immediately report, if there is the impression, that it is a large convoy. |
Convoy 3 steamers, 4 torpedo boats FW 6389 zigzags between 0° and 50°, 10 knots. During submerged attack by zigzag away too great range. In pursuit. |
U-223 |
Contact lost 22.00 hours. Convoy located naval square AJ 1386, course 20°, strong visibility deterioration, snow. |
U-223 |
Enemy located naval square ÄA 3882, speed 12 knots, course 20°. |
U-223 |
Naval square AJ 1325 sound bearing 300°T. |
U-223 |
Enemy located naval square AJ 3887. |
U-223 |
Stand by for my bearing signals. |
U-223 |
Naval square ÄA 3852 04.52 hours 5 single shots, 3 hits, one determined sunk, 6000-7000 tons. Hunted by escorts. Star shells. Position 3864, contact lost, breaking off pursuit. 64 cbm. |
U-223 |
3 - |
To Group Nordsturm |
Pursue up to the coast. Penetrate if opportunity is favorable. |
To Nordsturm. |
[3 Feb] |
If there are no further attack opportunities, set off to the south, head for naval square AJ 56 and after setting off report fuel inventory. |
Group Nordsturm. |
1.) From 3 February lie 2 English attack reports from naval square ÄA 3950 and 0382. Boats in question report if attacked or own attack. |
[5 Feb] |
Group Nordsturm. |
Occupy the following temporary attack areas at economical speed: Manke 58, Wächter 83, Hesemann 59, Gretschel 91, Heydemann 95, all CK. Operation on NE-bound convoy intended. |
1.) Group Nordsturm from 12.00 hours course 225°, economical transit speed. |
[9 Feb] |
1.) Group Nordsturm dissolved. Boats join Group Haudegen and occupy with depth 40 nm the following positions: |
Manke 7849 |
Hesemann 7972 Both HX |
Wächter 6255 |
Gretschel 6384 |
Heydemann 6695 All CF. |
Group Haudegen with economical transit speed: course 70°. |
Group Haudegen suspect passing of a NE-bound convoy in the entire area of the group from today. |
To Group Haudegen. |
3) Remaining boats course 45°, 7 knots. |
Group Haudegen. |
[10 Feb] |
1) If up to 23.00 hours there is no contact, course 45° economical transit speed. On 11 February stop, remain in reached position. |
Naval square AJ 8489, was noticed by independent destroyer, course 220°, high speed, after surfacing no contact. |
U-223 |
To Haudegen |
NE-bound convoy is expected in the immediate area from tomorrow. Do not be soft! |
[11Feb] |
1) To constrict the disposition if Group Haudegen named boats occupy the following positions: |
Hesemann 7595 |
Gräf 8716 |
Clausen 8887 All EG |
Döhler 7433 |
Drewitz 7813 Both TM |
Mengersen 5218 QI |
The not mentioned boats remain in their areas. Depth for all 30 nm. |
2.) Begin return transit first at 20 cbm. |
4 - |
To Haudegen |
Group Dissolved. Drewitz, Heine, Borchers, Döhler, Mengersen, Gräf, Kremser, Rosenberg, begin return transit. Boats that must supply, head for TB 51. On passing OF right edge all boats report fuel inventory by Short Signal. |
Group Taifun and retuning Haudegen as far as fuel allows operate on Gräf convoy. Supply for return transit will be provided in JX 92 from Schnoor. |
To ex Group Haudegen boats and Taifun. |
Take advantage of your last chance. If need be further supply will be provided in SF. |
[17 Feb] |
Group Taifun and all boats that operate on the Gräf convoy report position. |
My position is BC 3414. |
U-223 |
To Taifun and Haudegen. |
Continue operation as long as fuel allows. Low enemy speed and dispersal due to weather conditions is expected. The torpedoes work even in the bad weather. |
2.) Break off so that the supply place can be reached with 6-8 cbm. |
Operate on Clausen report. There are still more. As long as getting there is possible, shoot, possibly athwart the seas. The torpedoes work even in the bad weather, the destroyers are powerless. |
Position BC 2669, up to now no bearing signals heard. |
U-223 |
To Group Taifun, Haudegen and Clausen. |
Attack. |
1.) Group Taifun. If up to break of dawn there is no contact, break off search and go to supply square naval square 4255. |
To Taifun. |
Operate on Drewitz report. Drewitz attack and hold contact, as long as there is any possibility. Send bearing signals. |
Wächter and Mengersen report weather by Short Signal between 03.00 and 06.00 hours. |
[19 Feb] |
Boats of Group Taifun and Haudegen after breaking off operation with economical transit speed head for supply square. Concerned boats squeeze every last drop of fuel, most economical consumption. A total of 11 boats to supply. 9 medium at mist 28 cbm, 2 large fill to 35 cbm, No reserve held back because otherwise the entire supply situation is in question. Each third boat after moving off report completion. All boats, including Schnoor after supply return to France. |
5 - |
WW 50°N, 44°W, rising, 1002 mb, +1°C, Vis. up to 10 nm, Cumulus clouds with precipitation in positions in the area, SW 7-8, W-Swell, high. |
U-223 |
Position BC 2659. Breaking off patrol. |
To Taifun. |
If by lightness no contact, break off operation, report fuel and go to supplier. |
Still have 22 tons fuel on board. |
U-223 |
Began my last Short Signal incorrectly coded, must mean 22 cbm. |
U-223 |
Position BD 4569. Operation on convoy to the east. Still have 17 cbm. |
U-223 |
For boats at Höltring convoy. |
If there are no contact keeper reports at convoy, operate on course 270-240°, speed of advance 8-16 knots. Do not let go. |
Convoy BD 4641. |
U-223 |
Convoy BD 4566, course 230°, speed 8 knots. |
U-223 |
Enemy reports: Wächter 4641, Hesemann 4675, course 250°, all naval square BD. |
Convoy naval square 4566, course 230°, 8 knots, reports Wächter 05.40 hours. |
To Schnoor and supplied boats. |
Special caution. Further W-bound convoy by day suspected in the vicinity. At the moment no contact. |
[23 Feb] |
09.51 hours naval square BD 4559 tanker 6000 tons sunk. Submerged before search group, depth charges, no contact. Going to supply, 4 plus 2 torpedoes. |
U-223 |
Höltring convoy: |
1.) If weather conditions allow, always attempt as quickly as possible to get ahead for submerged attack by day. |
2.) Report successes at convoy immediately. |
3.) . . . |
Positioned at ordered meeting point. Send bearing signals in accordance with Standing Kriegsmarine Orders. |
Wächter positioned at ordered meeting point and requests bearing signals for meeting. |
6 - |
Again in position. Request bearing signals from Schnoor, not heard yesterday. |
U-223 |
Wächter and Heine take over fuel from Schnoor. Afterwards all 3 boats return transit. |
1.) Hesemann and Wächter supply at Schnoor. |
Supply of Wächter and Hesemann completed. |
Boats have begun return transit S 4, Sea 3, light W-Swell, overcast, Vis. good, 1034 mb, +19°C, position naval square 4356. Question return harbor. |
Schnoor. |
3) Hesemann, Wächter and Schnoor on 27 February 08.00 hours switch to Coastal Circuit. |
Return harbors: |
Brest for U-218, Höltring, Ölrich, Hasenschar. |
Lorient for Schwandke, Hesemann. |
Nazaire for Wächter, Lamby. |
Pallice for Johannsen, Mannstein, Kock. |
Bordeaux for Gretschel and Schnoor. |
Position 48 hours off meeting point with escort. |
U-223 |
U-223 on 6 March tomorrow at 07.00 hours be at convoy intake point. |
-v-v-v-v-v- |
Excerpt of the Radio Log " U 223 " . |
[2 Feb] |
Group "Haudegen" fron Gräf to Schroeter continue proceeding reconnaissance line such that the further position line from Gustav Otto 0774 (zero, seven, seven, four) to 4879 (four, eight, seven, nine) is passed on 4 February 12.00 hours. The in Serial No. 846 (eight, four, six) paragraph one named boats as ordered with economical transit speed |
1.) Group "Haudegen" continue from 12.00 hours wit day's run 120 (one, two, zero) nm beside new position line from Luzie Wilhelm 2569 (two, five, siz, nine) to Viktor Dorn 7644 (seven, six, four, four). |
2.) NE-bound convoy is expected. Sharp lookout. |
[4 Feb] |
Group "Haudegen" with economical transit speed occupy the following attack areas: |
"Gräf" square 6189 (six. one. eicht, nine) |
"Huth" square 6444 (six, four, four, four) |
"Clausen" square 6737 (siz, seven, three, seven) |
"Rosenberg" square 6548 (six, five, four, eight) |
"Drewitz" square 6883 (six, eight, eight, three) |
"Döhler" square 6598 (six, five, nine, eight) |
"Mengersen" square 9347 (nine, three, four, seven) |
"Borchers" square 6982 (six, nine, eight, two) |
"Kremser" square 9682 (nine, sis, eight, two) |
"Heine" square 9399 (nine, three, nine, nine) |
All Otto Fritz one four zero nm |
[11 Feb] |
1.) Boats of Group "Haudegen" occupy with depth 40 (four zero) the following positions: |
"Manke" square 7574 (seven, five, seven, four) |
"Wächter" square 7685 (seven, six, eight, five) |
"Hesemann" square 7838 (seven. eight, three, eight) |
"Gräf" square 7995 (seven, nine, nine, five) |
"Rosenberg" square 8764 (eight, seven, six, four) |
All Victor Paul. |
"Clausen" square 6358 (sis, three, five, eight) |
"Gretschel" square 7156 (seven, one, five, six) |
"Döhler" square 7419 (seven four, one, nine) |
"Borchers" square 7549 (seven, five, four, nine) |
"Drewitz" square 7725 (seven, seve, two, five) |
"Heine" square 7848 (seven, eight, four, eight) |
All Otto Fritz. |
"Mangersen" square 5152 (five, one, five, two) |
"Kremser" square 5514 (five, five, one, four) |
Both Zet Lucie. |
2.) If longer than two days fog or bad visibility, "Mengersen" report weather. |
[15 Feb] |
Occupy the following attack areas: |
"Manke" square 87 (eight, seven) |
"Hesemann" square 88 (eight, eight) |
Both Cäsar Karl. |
"Wächter" square 71 (seven, one) |
"Clausen" square 72 (seven, two) |
"Gretschel" square 75 (seven,five) |
All Luzie Paula |
Boats remain Group "Taifun" |
Supply Group "Schnoor": |
[21 Feb] |
New meeting point is Anton Gustav 9595 (nine, five, nine, five). Carry out supply in darkness. Southwest-bound convoy at the monent in naval square BD 37 (three, seven), "Ritter" and "Knappen" operate here. Instructions concerning further operations procedures for short-term operations follow. Due to strongly western convoy course meeting point shifted to naval square 4355 (four, three, five five). |