0435/25/242 |
Departure route a patrol vessel, no air reconnaissance. Return transit. Position square Willi Nanni 0217. 109 cbm. |
U-352. |
2034/25/262 |
1. Mützelburg, Zetsche and Rathke on 26 January between 01.00 and 05.00 hours report weather by Short Signal. 2.) Topp, Berger, Kröning, Ites, Vogel, Zetsche, Bülow, Borchert, Ulrich and Rehwinkel on 26 January 08.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
47°N 28°W, steady, 1005 mb, +15°C, 10/10, drizzle, Vis. 7 nm, SW 5, high SW-Swell. |
- Mützelburg - |
0420/27/297 |
16 cbm, position square Willi Quatsch 7212, W 3, +9°C, 1004 mb, overcast, rain showers, medium Swell, Vis. 3 nm. Volume 1. |
- Prätorius - |
2217/27/217 |
1.) Mannstein, Löwe, Gysae, Heinicke on 28 January between 01.00 and 05.00 hours report weather. 2.) Heinicke, Müller, Rosenstiel, Hartenstein on 28 January 08.00 hours switch to Greenland Circuit. Mützelburg, Prätorius Ireland Circuit. |
Beta Beta |
Am 36 hours off return harbor. - U-203 - |
Sent on 28 January at 02.20 on Ireland, at 02.36 on Norddeich, at 03.07 on Ireland. Confirmed there. |
02.56/28/46 |
Mützelburg will be on 29 January 14.00 hours off Brest. |
1016/28/53 |
Mützelburg from 1. U-Flottille. |
29 January 09.30 hours Point 30 be at for convoy intake. |
2121/28/66 |
1. U-Flottille to U-203. Officer-Only Otto. |
1219/28/56/189/230 |
Return harbor for Mützelburg and Uphoff is Brest, for Hardegen and Zapp Lorient, for Thurmann, Mannstein and Degen St. Nazaire, and for Cremer, Pallice. Entry route Lorient still Point Tanne and Ceder, Route Bogenlampe still blocked. |