Excerpt of the Radio Log of U-202 |
for the patrol from 27.5.42 - 25.7.42. |
1005/31/78/147/254 |
From B.d.U. |
Contrary to press reports a state of war with Mexico is
still not entered, but attacks by Mexican air and warships must be expected
during the next days. |
31.5. 2308 A |
My position is BE 67. |
2316/31/83 |
Linder reports his position from naval square
BE 67. |
2052/1/97/157/294 |
From B.d.U. |
Mexican Parliament has declared a state of war with Germany.
Mexican air and warships as well as merchant ships are recognized as enemy. |
1307/5/49/186/263 |
Traffic situation in the American area from U-boat reports
as new Supplement 1 to Operations Order 50. (See Operations Order). |
1800/5/58/198/268 |
To all boats. |
If there is no danger to the boat while taking over and
without affecting the combat power by greater consumption of provisions,
take Captains from sunken ships as prisoners with ship's papers. |
2156/6/107/201 |
1.) Folkers, Linder, Varendorf
and Bigalk between 01.00 and 05.00 hours give weather on 7 June. |
2.) Gießler switch to Ireland Circuit
tomorrow at 08.00 hours. |
7.6. 0131 A |
Short Signal weather report. |
1525/7/99/111/206 |
1.) To all boats. |
In the latest period in the Bay of Biscay heavy enemy air
has been determined. Also by night greatest attention is required.
Experience indicates that Englishmen can be driven off from attack by
machine gun fire. Ensure that M.G. 30 are ready for action by frequent
functional firing. |
2.) Order to proceed submerged by day are still in
effect. During moonlit nights man machine guns. |
2225/7/116/214 |
1.) Liebe, Deecke, Linder
on 8 June at 08.00 hours go to Greenland Circuit. |
2.) Hartenstein tonight short situation
report. |
8.6. 2318 A |
From Linder |
Still have 82 cbm. |
- 2 - |
9.6. 0025 |
Linder reports by Short Signal with volume 4 at
23.18 hours: Still have 82 cbm fuel on board. |
0947/6/259 |
Dietrichs immediately report weather, Linder immediately
report position. |
9.6. 1137 A |
From Linder |
My position is CB 3921. |
9.6. 1137 A |
To Linder |
Boat is not proceeding at economical speed. Bad fuel
utilization. |
2314/10/36/141/248 |
To all boats |
Attack on independents on Route Anton north of 35°N
and west of 10°W is released from now
until further notice. Regulations for weapons use outside the blockade
area apply there. |
1633/11/57/157/284 |
1.) Undeclared Swedish steamers are exclusively in
enemy service. Are unarmed. Stopping is desired, as far as
danger permits. If steamer behavior is very suspicious perfect zig zag
etc. sink without warning. Report if ship has English or American
Escort Officer Ship's Warrant! on board. |
2.) Prize Regulation examination of Portuguese are
strongly desired. Sinking only in perfectly correct prize regulation
cases. |
14.6. 0325 A |
From Linder |
Have completed auxiliary task 1. |
0334/14/281 |
Linder reports by Short Signal have completed
auxiliary task 1. |
1040/14/285 |
1.) Linder and Liebe free to maneuver
in sea area west of the longitude and north of the latitude of square
EG 1999 [CA 6999]. Focal point square 27. Go at the new moon! |
2.) Poske free to maneuver. |
2349/14/202 |
From Linder |
Appendicitis case. Today is the eighth day. Fever
up to 39° rising. Today 39.7°.
Only occasional moderate pain. Pulse strong 115. So far, only
opium and ice packs. Abdomen soft, limited small hard painful area.
Good general condition, Mech.Gef. Zimmermann. No more opium
on board. |
0335/15/208 |
After eight days rupture danger is over. Tea diet,
ice packs, opium now useless. Thinking of incarcerated hernia. |
Flottillenarzt 1.U-Flottille. |
2010/15/226 |
To Linder |
Mech.Gef. Zimmermann bed rest,
restricted liquid diet. Opium no longer necessary, but for severe
pain morphine 1-2 times daily. Occasionally report concerning findings. |
- 3 - |
0944/17/51/110/282 |
New Standing Order No. 13 (See copy). |
1520/18/209 |
1.) Deecke occupy same operations area as
Linder. |
2.) Liebe attack free to the north in Berger
area. |
2335/19/244 |
From Degen |
Situation Cape Hatteras: Traffic in batches, no longer
by day, recently set off far from land, rounds Diamond Shoal 10 nm away.
Sighted: 18 June 2 tankers, 1 freighter in line ahead formation without
escort, N-course, far out of effective range. Was surprised by guard
vessel in the haze. Destroyed in 1-1/2 hourly artillery combat.
6 torpedoes. 74 cbm. Serial No. 299 of 14 June, 219 of 15,
248-252 and 269 from 16 June missing. |
0946/20/250 |
To all boats on the American coast. |
Traffic situation in area HQ 29 in accordance with Radio
Message from Degen again quite favorable. Boats occupy
this area as long as fuel allows. And report this with "Yes"
by Short Signal. |
1126/20/89/142/253 |
To all concerned: Expansion of the previous blockade
area. (See copy). |
1021/21/278 |
1.) Linder and Deecke go to naval
square 79. Return transit first with 25 cbm. Supply now possible. |
2.) Fuel economy of Deecke is bad.
There is no reason for high consumption. |
2025/22/164/234 |
1.) Mohr, Borchert, Höckner,
give weather. |
2.) Höckner, Lehmann, Vogelsang
23 June at 08.00 hours switch to Greenland Circuit. |
3.) Linder and U-67 short situation report
tonight |
2359/22/298 |
From Linder |
1.) No traffic close under the coast,
medium air, no sea patrol. |
2.) Today a steamer proceeding independently sunk.
Cyclic traffic New York - Buenos Aires. Without flag and neutral
markings. |
3.) Still 8 plus 2 torpedoes, 50 cbm. LK 0935. |
4.) Sun haze, bright moonlit night. S 1, Sea
1, +24°C, 1007 mb, steady. |
5.) Appendix healed. |
6.) Am missing Serial Number 227 of 15 June, 54 to
56 of 20 June. |
- 4 - |
1221/20/254 |
To all boats in the American area. |
1.) If operation in square 29 is not possible, go
close under the coast. In square 0132 and 33, the bays on the 20-meter
line are especially favorable attack positions from the statements of
returning Kommandants. |
2.) All NQ. |
0413/23/201 |
To Linder |
Serial No. 254 of 20 June was repeated. All other
missing serial numbers settled. |
1644/23/221 |
Linder, Liebe, operate north of the latitude
of square AN 2950, Degen, Deecke, Bülow
south there from. If at all possible, close under the coast.
By day on the bottom, nights attack submerged, traffic still runs as before
close to square 290 [typo square 790]. Focal point of the attacks
here. Stay tough. |
2250/23/233 |
To Linder |
Immediately report: |
1.) Time and location of the sinking. |
2.) Visibility conditions. |
3.) Course and behavior of the steamer. |
4.) Was it recognized as "Argentinean"
and as "RIO TERCERO" |
0023/24/237 |
For all boats in the area of square CA 79 including Berger
possibility of supply is likely. Further details follow. Nevertheless
conserve fuel. |
24.6. 0133 A |
From Linder |
To 1.) Naval square
CA 5627 on 22 June 12.38 hours. |
To 2.) Good visibility,
hazy horizon. |
To 3.) Course 135°,
without zig zag. |
To 4.) After statement
the Captain was subsequently released. |
24.6.1622 A |
From Linder |
1.) 10000 GRT passenger steamer type "NYASSA"
hunted from naval square CA 9510 to 9127, 14 knots, course 320°.
Sets lights at darkness. Closed to 500 meters. Portuguese
markings. Believe misuse of flag unlikely. Possibly Portuguese? |
2.) Still 44 cbm. Request decision on supply
otherwise return transit. |
3.) NNW 2, Sea 2, overcast, 1006 mb, Vis. medium.
Serial No. 281 missing. |
1856/24/259 |
Serial No. 281 for Linder settled. |
- 7 - |
1415/6/277 |
From Linder |
Arrival 10 July 08.00 hours with 6 cbm. Day's consumption
2.2 cbm, request 30 cbm. Ob.Masch Petersen injury
on both shins. Periosteum probably damaged. For over three
weeks, no cure. So far, cod liver oil dressings. Naval square CB
8453. |
2018/6/291 |
To Linder |
Healing not expected. Rest and continue cod liver
oil. |
Flottillenarzt. |
1208/7/210 |
1.) Linder, U-402, Bülow report
weather. |
2.) Höckner and Lehmann give
situation. |
3.) Wolff 9 July at 08.00 hours switch to
Greenland Circuit. |
1822/8/226 |
To all boats |
Expect neutral traffic of the countries France, Spain Portugal,
Switzerland, Sweden, Chile, Argentina as well as the Brazilian vessels
used for diplomatic exchange outside the blockade area in the "Caribbean"
and in the Gulf of Mexico. |
2134/8/226 |
To U-202. For Ubootsmaat Mühlhausen. |
Sunday boy. All doing well. Congratulations. |
0312 9.7. A |
From Linder. Short Signal weather report. |
1136/9/249 |
To all boats |
It should be noted that at present U-boats are at risk
in the Bay of Biscay due to air surveillance more than in operations area.
Kommandants must take all measures to keep risk to a minimum. |
1.) Sensible division of submerged transit and charge
times depending on weather situation and visibility. As possible charging
transit by day, risk is greatest at night, probably less in completely
hazy or foggy weather. |
2.) Reinforced best lookout, possibly 2 Watch Officers
on the bridge. Hard action against carelessness by the lookout.
Both machine guns ready and manned at the beginning of charging transit. |
0446/11/275 |
From Deecke |
1.) Schäfer reports: Fueling
completed. Linder 31 cbm, 2 cbm lubricating oil, 14 days
provisions. Deecke 34 cbm, 14 day's provisions. Remaining
inventory 228 cbm, 83 day's provisions. |
2.) SW 5, Sea 4, 2/10, 1020 mb, Vis. good. |
2033/12/207 |
1.) Piening, Linder, U-402 report
weather. |
2.) Linder, Deecke, Wilamowitz,
Heyse 13 July at 08.00 hours switch to Ireland Circuit. |
3.) Löwe, U-67, Degen give
situation report. |
- 8 - |
13.6. 0217 |
Short Signal weather report. |
1713/15/133 |
If no other return route is ordered by Radio Message, boats
running for Lorient via "Kernlader", for Nazaire via "Morgennebel",
for Pallice via "Handgepäckt". |
1904/15/139 |
Standing Order 13, Paragraph 4 (see copy). |
1837/15/137 |
Standing Order 20 (see copy). |
1251/17/153 |
Return harbors are: Nazaire for Wilamowitz,
Lorient for Bauer, Brest for Deecke and Linder. |
1855/17/156 |
1.) U-654, Linder, U-402 report weather. |
2.) Kölle, Lehmann give situation. |
17.7. 2146 A |
Kr Kr |
From Linder |
Convoy naval square BD 6979. Course 250°,
medium speed. |
2227/17/158 |
Linder remain at convoy as long as fuel permits,
Suhren, U-654 go. |
17.7. 2258 A |
From Linder |
BD 9313, general course 210°,
speed 7 knots. |
17.7. 2329 A |
Radio Signal |
Enemy steers southerly course. |
- U-202 - |
18.7. 0005 A |
Radio Signal |
Enemy steers southeasterly course. |
- U-202 - |
2324/17/161 |
Wattenberg reports his position by Short Signal
from naval square CE 4730 with volume 2-3. |
2336/17/161 |
Wattenberg reports his position by Short Signal
from naval square CE 4730 with volume 2-3. |
2338/17/164 |
U-654 reports his position from naval square CE 10 by Short
Signal received with volume 5. |
0021/18/165 |
Serial No. 163 is solved with Signal Table 3. |
- 9 - |
18.7. 0006 A |
Forced off by destroyer. Last convoy position naval
square BD 9327, course 130°, speed 8
knots. Pursuing. |
2319/17/160 |
Wattenberg reports by Short Signal at 23.07 hours
with Volume 3: operating on convoy to the north. |
18.7. 0130 A |
From Linder |
Convoy by sound bearings BD 9354. Southerly zig zag.
No wind, Sea 0-1, low clouds, Vis. bad, 1030 mb, +19°C. |
0209/18/169 |
According to Short Signal Scholtz is operating
on convoy to the north. |
0228/18/170 |
Position report was heard from naval square CF 13 from
U-108 with volume 4. |
18.7. 0346 A |
From Linder |
Last sound bearing is from BD 9375. Therefore taken
initial course of 215° again. |
0619/18/172 |
Continue operation on Linder-convoy, even if contact
is broken. |
18.7. 0744 A |
Radio Signal |
Enemy convoy in sight BD 9563, course 210°. |
- U-202 - |
0927/18/175 |
To Linder |
Hold contact without regard to fuel. Supply from
an outbounder is assured. |
18.7. 1106 A |
Radio Signal |
Enemy located square BD 9566. |
- U-202 - |
18.7. 1317 A |
From Linder |
Escort vessel course 255°,
12 knots. Position BD 9594. |
1157/18/180 |
From Bauer |
Convoy naval square BD 9591. Question holding contact. |
1255/18/181 |
To Bauer |
Hold contact without regard to fuel. |
1158/18/183 |
From Wattenberg |
CE 39 Wednesday 2 R-boot types shaken off. |
- 10 - |
1355/18/185 |
From Bauer |
BD 9831, course 130°,
7 knots. |
1434/18/186 |
From Bauer |
Visibility 1 nm. |
18.7. 1448 A |
From Linder |
Was hunted by corvette and fired at from great range with
artillery. Last convoy position BD 9598. |
1524/18/188 |
From Suhren |
BD 9839, northeasterly course. |
1630/18/189 |
To Suhren |
Check course northeast and send again. |
1551/18/191 |
From Bauer |
Square 9863, course 130°,
8 knots. Distinguished: 16 vessels in widely separated line
abreast. Visibility heavily changing. |
1833/18/192 |
U-108 requests bearing signals from contact keeper. |
1814/18/194 |
From Bauer |
Scholtz has contact. |
1835/18/196 |
From Scholtz |
Have contact square BD 9942, course 130°,
8 knots. |
1921/18/197 |
Forster positioned west of the enemy. Kenngruppe
gives ship transmitter key. |
1930/18/198 |
From Scholtz |
Convoy square BD 9946, course 130°,
8 knots. |
1915/18/199 |
From Suhren |
Forster has contact. Convoy position square
9972. |
18.7. 1943 A |
From Linder |
1.) Have shaken off corvette, Operated for
three hours on convoy. Am still positioned 30 nm behind from the
last position from Scholtz. |
2.) Question return transit, if there is no contact
by darkness. Supply then still not required. |