SUTTON (DE771) |
YORK, N.Y. |
DE771/A16-3 |
10 May 1945 |
Serial : 01783 |
Memo to: |
The Commanding Officer, USS SCOTT (DE 769). |
Subject: |
Procedure for Taking Over U-1229. |
Reference: |
(a) Allant #20. |
1. In
compliance with reference (a) and other pertinent directives, the following
procedure will be used in taking over the U-1228. |
2. The
sub will be stopped and an armed guard party will be sent aboard in the
SUTTON's boat. This guard will be made up as follows: |
Officers |
Gunnery (in charge) |
1 (lieutenant or j.g.) |
Assistant Engineer |
CPO's |
2 (1 CMoMM) |
Signalmen |
2 |
1 |
Security |
Watchstanders |
3 (GM, EM MoMM) |
3 (GM, EM, MoMM (approx) |
3. This
guard will be fully armed and will carry the gear specified in DesLant
serial 2207. In addition it will carry two sono buoys for emergency one-way
communication, an American Ensign, and emergency communication cable. |
4. Upon
boarding, the armed guard will accomplish the following as expeditiously
as possible: |
(a) Herd the ship's company into the forward torpedo
room. |
(b) Impress on them that if the U-boat is scuttled they sink with
her. |
(c) Carry out the inspections listed in Navop/7 and Deslant serial
2207. |
(d) Pick out a skeleton U-boat crew, consisting of the Executive
Officer, two junior |
officers, and fourteen men who will be able to run
the ship on a watch-and -watch basis. |
(e) Send the remainder of the ship's company to the SCOTT AND
officers to SUTTON. |
(f) Half-mast the Stars and Stripes. |
Subject: Procedure
for Taking Over U-1228. |
(g) Set U-boat watch and armed guard watch, consisting
of signalman in conning |
tower, officer and chief in control room, security
watch forward and aft. |
(h) Proceed as directed by SUTTON. |
5. During
the boarding operations the SUTTON and SCOTT will remain abaft sub's beam
on either side and keep her covered with all guns. The SCOTT's boat will
stay near the SUTTON's with five armed reserve boarders. Once underway,
maintain station 1500 yards on sub's quarter. Designated officers will
be on the flying bridge at the hours specified: |
00 - 06 |
CO |
06 - 12 |
XO |
12 - 18 |
XO |
18 - 24 |
CO |
In view of last night's activity, hostility is not anticipated, but
the foregoing will be carried out in a firm and businesslike manner.
Hostility will be dealt with ruthlessly. Fraternization will not be
tolerated at any time. |
Constructive criticism of this memorandum is welcomed. |
Achtung! |
Lieutenant, USNR |
Commander, Task Group 22.13.1 |