KTB Translation and Format |
Translating a KTB is much more difficult than it would seem. The translator must combine a knowledge of English and German language with a thorough understanding of U-boat tactics, techniques, technology and operations. The language is highly technical and specialized and events are often expressed in a shorthand of acronyms and abbreviations. In order to adapt the original KTB to the web and make them as readable as possible the team has adopted a number of "rules" to standardize the format. |
Data |
Format |
Example |
Date |
9 May 1942 is 09.05.1942 |
Time |
HH.MM.SS on the 24 hour clock |
01:30PM is 13.30 |
Grid position |
always in the form of AA 1234 |
Commas-Periods |
Decimal separator is the period (.) instead of the comma (,) used in the original German documents. |
24.5 nm instead of 24,5 nm |
Thousands in numbers with six digits are separated by comma (,) instead of the period (.) used in the original German documents |
100,000 grt instead of 100.000 grt |
Names |
Written in cursive letters |
Ships |
Unreadable text |
if just a few letters/numbers: represented by lower-case xx |
if entire sentences/paragraphs are unreadable then [text illegible] will be inserted |
Click the icon to view a few pages of the KTB from U-123's second patrol to the US East Coast |
In order to make the KTBs as readable as possible the following abbreviations are used in translated KTBs: |
Units |
Abbreviation |
Equivalents |
Seemeile |
nm - nautical mile, used for navigation |
1 nautical mile = 1,852 meters or 6,076.1155 feet |
Knoten |
kn - knot, used for speed |
1 knot = 1.852 km/hr = 1.121 statute miles/hr |
Kilometers |
km - used for distances |
1 kilometer = 3,281 feet |
Meters |
m - used for distances, lengths, depths and heights |
1 meter = 3.2808 feet |
Centimeters |
cm - used for lengths and caliber |
1 centimeter = 0.3937 inch |
Millimeters |
mm - used for lengths and caliber |
10 millimeter = 1 centimeter |
Kubikmeters |
cbm - cubic meters, used to measure the amount of fuel |
1 cubic meter = 1000 liters (~25.3 cubic feet) |
Bruttoregistertonnen (BRT.), Grobe Registertonnage |
grt - gross registered tonnage, used to compare the size of ships |
1 grt = 100 cubic feet (~2.83 cbm) = 1 brt |
Note: The gross registered tonnage of a vessel represents the total internal volume available to transport cargo. Not to be confused with the weight of the ship or its displacement. |
Atmosphären-druck (Atü) |
atm - used to measure pressure of air in compressed air tanks - unit of pressure equal the average pressure of the Earth's atmosphere at sea level |
1 atm = 29.92 inches of mercury = 1013 mb or 14.696 psi |
Millibar |
mb - used to measure atmospheric air pressure. |
1 millibar = 100 pascal or 29.53 inches of mercury |
Grad (degrees) Celsius |
°C - used to measure temperature |
0° Celsius = 32° Fahrenheit - to convert temperature in C to F, first multiply by 9/5 and then add 32 |
Click the icon to proceed to the Surface Engineering Forum's conversion calculator |
Addressees listed on the front cover of KTBs |
2. Admiral der Unterseeboote (2.A.d.Uboote) |
2nd U-boat Admiral (This was the official title of the Admiral heading B.d.U. Org.) |
Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote - Operationsabteilung ( B.d.U. Op.) |
Commander in Chief Submarines (Operations) |
Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote - Organisationsabteilung (B.d.U. Org.) |
Commander in Chief Submarines (Administration and Supply) |
Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote (B.d.U.) |
Commander in Chief Submarines/Flag Officer U-boats |
Boot |
The U-boat itself |
Führer der Unterseeboote (F.d.U.) |
Commander Submarines - title used prior to creation of BdU in 1939, after that F.d.U. were regional Commanders reporting to B.d.U. |
Führer der Unterseeboote Nordmeer (F.d.U.Nordmeer) |
Commander Submarines Northern Waters - Formed on September 1944 from the redesignated F.d.U. Norwegen. Exercised operational control of all U-Boats in Northern Waters |
Führer der Unterseeboote Norwegen (F.d.U.Norwegen) |
Commander Submarines Norway - Exercised operational control of all U-Boats operating from Norway |
Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine (O.K.M.) |
Supreme Command of the German Navy |
Seekriegsleitung (S.k.L.) |
Operations directorate of Supreme Naval Command |
Unterseebootsflottille (U.-Flotille) |
The Flotilla the U-boat was assigned to |
Stamps found on front cover of KTBs |
Secret Military Document! |
Please find enclosed copy number _1_ at 2nd U-boat Flotilla Registry Number Secret Military Document _124_ of _11.2.42_ The Flotilla marks their copy of the KTB with the registry number and year in their their classified material tracking system |
Please find enclosed copy number _38_ at Operations Directorate, Supreme Naval Command _3871/42_ Secret Military Document The Operations Directorate marks the number they assigned to their copy of the KTB and the registry number/year in their their classified material tracking system |
Please find enclosed at Supreme Naval Command _961/42 _ Official The Supreme Naval Command marks the registry number/year in their their classified material tracking system |
Copy Number ___1___ |
Official Document |
Handle only by Officer |
Each KTB bears the Admiralty stamp noting the PG number assigned by the Naval Intelligence Division at the time the records arrived in London. |
Headings of colunms in KTBs |
Date and Time |
Position, Wind, Weather, Sea state, Lighting, Visibility, Moonlight etc. |
Events |
KTB Attachments |
Angriffsskizzen |
Sketch of attack |
Auszug aus der Funkladde |
Excerpt of the Radio Log |
Barographenstreifen, Barometerstreifen |
Recordings barometric pressure |
Funkkladde M-Allgemein |
Radio log for General messages |
Funkkladde M-Offizier |
Radio log for Officer only messages |
Gefechtsskizzen |
Sketch of combat |
Geleitoperation |
Report on convoy operation |
Geleitskizzen |
Sketch of convoy operation |
KTB Maschine |
Engineering log |
Kursbericht |
Summary report of patrol |
Schussmeldung, Schussunterlagen, Gefachtsschussunterlagen |
Firing reports one for each torpedo fired, sometimes submitted for gunnery actions as well |
Wegekarte des boots |
Track chart of the boat |
Wegekarte zur Geleitzugoperation |
Track chart of convoy operation |