Torpedo Firing Report form typical of those used in 1939-1942
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Approach sketch with firing diagram. How was firing data acquired? Special observations, Defence, Explanation for miss. | ||
Effect on the target, Height and appearance of the explosive column, Time to completely sink, Perception in own boat. | ||
Signature of the shooter - Signature of the Commander - certified to be correct | ||
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Commentary, analysis and decision. | ||
(Signed - date) |
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Key and Notes
Line No.
1 |
Zeittakt in sec und Streuwinkel in Graden |
Time interval in seconds and spread angle in degrees |
For Fan Shots, the time interval in seconds between successive torpedo firings and the angle between the torpedoes fired. |
2 |
Torpedo Art, Nummer |
Torpedo Type/designation, Serial Number |
Throughout the war there were two basic types of torpedoes (G7a and G7e). Torpedoes were further described by designation (TI, TII, TIII, TIIIa, TI Fat I, TIII Fat II, TI Lut I, TIIIa Lut I, TIV, TV etc. |
3 |
Torpedo Vt und eingestellte Laufstrecke |
Torpedo Set velocity set and running distance |
Speed settings in knots and resulting running distance (typically 30 knots/12000 m or 40 knots/7500 m for G7a and 30 knots/5000 m for G7e) (30 k = 15.43 m/s; 40 k = 20.58 m/s) |
4 |
Torpedo Eingestellte Tiefe |
Torpedo Set depth |
Running depth setting in meters (0-12 and later 0-15 meters in one meter increments) |
5 |
Pistol Pi Nummer, Art der Aptierung |
Pistol Serial Number, Type of adaptation |
Pistol (detonator) at the start of the war was the Pi I which contained both contact and magnetic elements. These were frequently identified as being set for contact detonation only (AZ) or magnetic detonation only (MZ) and lines 6 & 7 left unused. Due to problems with both the contact and magnetic elements a series of adaptations were introduced for example: A+B+N. The Pi G7H (Pi H) was a contact only version of the Pi I. The Pi 2 with both contact and magnetic elements was introduced in November 1942 for use on the G7e only and the Pi3/MZ 3 with both contact and magnetic elements was introduced in August 1943. The T IV employed the contact only Pi 4a and the T V employed the TZ 5 / Pi 4s/c combination (magnetic and contact). |
6 |
Pistol Pi Z-Einstellring |
Pistol Pistol "Z" Setting |
Magnetic firing was selected "on" or "off" and magnetic sensitivity (zone 0 to 16 or 0 to 64) could be set |
7 |
Pistol Pi S-Einstellring |
Pistol Pistol "S" Setting |
Unknown. Generally left blank but occasionally what appears to be a number of meters is specified (120-250 m). Perhaps only used for the early Pi I pistol. |
8 |
Rohr Bezeichnung |
Tube Designation |
The tube from which the torpedo was launched (Roman numerals were used - I-IV forward and V and VI aft) |
9 |
Rohr Ausstoßart |
Tube Ejection method |
Whether the torpedo was fired on the surface (über wasser) or submerged (ünter wasser) - On the surface the torpedo was usually fired (ohne Kolben (o.K.) - Without piston) by compressed air between the torpedo and the piston leaving the piston in place behind the torpedo; submerged the torpedo was usually fired (mit Kolben (m.K.) - With piston) by compressed air behind the piston forcing the piston and the torpedo down the tube. When the piston reached the end of the tube it stopped thus preventing the compressed air from escaping and leaving bubbles to mark the firing location - sometimes the pressure used to expel the torpedo was noted in kg/cm2 |
10 |
Beim Schuß Eigene Fahrt |
At firing Own speed |
U-boat speed in knots |
11 |
Beim Schuß Eigener Kurs |
At firing Own course |
U-boat course in degrees |
12 |
Beim Schuß Schiffspeilung |
At firing Relative bearing to the target |
Target bearing relative to the bow of the boat in degrees (0-359) (symbol = psi - φ) |
13 |
Beim Schuß Schußwinkel |
At firing Firing angle |
Torpedo course relative to the boat's heading in degrees (0-359) (symbol = sigma - ς) |
14 |
Zielstelle, Ziel- und Rechengerät |
Targeting Device, Optics and Computer |
What device was used to gather the targeting data and compute the firing solution. Options on the surface included: bridge/T.U.Z.A. (Torpedo-Uboot-zielapparat) later U.Z.O. (U-Boot-Ziel-Optik), the Peildiopter (telescope fitted over the gyro compass), or simply the netzsage (net cutter); submerged either the conning tower/attack periscope (Angriffssehrohr (ASR) or just Standsehrohr) or control room/search/sky observation periscope (Luftzielsehrohr (LZSR)). The torpedo data computer was known as the eVorhaltrechner (T.vh.Re or T.v.Re.) |
15 |
Abkommpunkt |
Aim point |
The aim point on the target ship, for example: mitte = center, Brücke = bridge |
16 |
Torpedokurs |
Torpedo course |
The course of the torpedo in degrees |
17 |
Eingestellte Schußunterlagen Vg = γ = β = |
Set firing data: Vg =, γ (gamma) =, β (beta) = |
The data that was input into the torpedo data computer: Vg = target velocity in knots γ = gamma - target angle in degrees β = beta - leading angle in degrees |
18 |
Tauchtiefe beim Schuß (nur bei U-Booten) |
Depth at firing (only in U-boats) |
U-Boat depth at firing measured at the keel in meters |
19 |
Lastigkeit beim Schuß (bei Schiffen usw. Krängung beim Schuß) |
Trim at firing (heeling angle) |
Bow up (Vorlastigkeit) = + m, bow down = - m, an even keel (Nullastig) |
20 |
Entfernung beim Schuß u. beob. Laufzeit |
Estimated range at the shot and observed running time |
Estimated range (Entfernung (E)) to the target in meters and actual running time of the torpedo (Laufzeit) – measured in minutes and / or seconds. |
21 |
Torpedoniedergang und Lauf |
Torpedo declination and run |
Plus or minus angle in degrees the torpedo varied from the expected torpedo course and any malfunctions (failure to run, tube runner or circle runner) |
22 |
Schuß im Abdrehen oder auf geraden Kurs |
Fired on changing or steady course |
The torpedo data computer accounted for the changing course of the boat during firing |
23 |
Eingestellter Winkel nach Farbe u. Graden |
Gyro angle in color and degrees |
The angle in color and degrees the torpedo was set for (relative to the U-Boat), color refers to the international standard for navigation which is Red (rot) = Port (Left), and Green (grün) = Starboard (Right). Torpedoes could turn up to 90 degrees on leaving the tube. |
24 |
Bei G7e und Schußweite über 3000m: a) letzte Nachladung vor dem Schuß: b) letzte Heizung vor dem Schuß: |
For G7e at firing range over 3000 m: a) last charging before firing b) last heating before firing: |
This only concerns the battery powered G7e torpedoes. These torpedoes had to be charged every few days preheated to +30 degrees C before firing if they were to achieve their maximum range of 5,000 meters (7,500 meters for the T IIIa) at 30 knots. Without preheating speed was reduced to 28 knots and range to 3300 meters (4,950 meters for the T IIIa). |
Click the icon to view the associated records | |
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Torpedo firing reports from U-47's 3rd war patrol |
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Torpedo firing reports from U-100's 5th war patrol |
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Torpedo firing reports from U-48's 9th war patrol |
Torpedo Firing Report form typical of those used in 1943-1945
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Approach sketch with firing diagram: 1.) How was firing data acquired? 2.) Special observations. 3.) Defence, 4.) Explanation for miss, 5.) Reason that "MZ-off" was used or that the "small test" was not performed before firing, 6.) Enemy's actions before firing (depth charges - aircraft bombs) | ||
1.) Effect on the target, 2.) Height and appearance of the explosive column, 3.) Time to completely sink, 4.) Observations in own boat. | ||
Signature of the shooter Signature of the Commander - certified to be correct | ||
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Analysis of the Torpedo Inspectorate | ||
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Key and Notes
Line No.
1 |
Zeittakt in sec und Streuwinkel in Graden |
Time interval in seconds and spread angle in degrees |
For Fan Shots, the time interval in seconds between successive torpedo firings and the angle between the torpedoes fired. |
2 |
Torpedo Art, Nummer, Kopfart |
Torpedo Type, Serial Number, Warhead type |
Throughout the war there were two basic types of torpedoes (G7a and G7e). Torpedoes were further described by designation (TI, TII, TIII, TIIIa, TI Fat I, TIII Fat II, TI Lut I, TIIIa Lut I, TIV, TV etc. |
3 |
Torpedo Vt und eingestellte Laufstrecke |
Torpedo Set velocity set and running distance |
Speed settings in knots and resulting running distance (typically 30 knots/12000 m or 40 knots/7500 m for G7a and 30 knots/5000 m for G7e) (30 k = 15.43 m/s; 40 k = 20.58 m/s) |
4 |
Torpedo Eingestellte Tiefe |
Torpedo Set depth |
Running depth setting in meters (0-12 and later 0-15 meters in one meter increments) |
5 |
Fat Eingestellte Geradeauslaufstrecke |
Fat Set straight course distance |
Distance that the Fat travelled on a straight course after making the initial turn on leaving the tube |
6 |
Fat a) rechts od. links b) kurz od. lang |
Fat a) right or left b) short or long |
a) The direction of the second turn at the end of the straight run, b) the length of subsequent straight courses, could be set to short: 820 m, or long: 1500 m, resulting in a speed of advance of 5 or 7 knots. |
7 |
Pistol Pi, Art, Nummer |
Pistol Type, Serial number |
Pistol (detonator) at the start of the war was the Pi I which contained both contact and magnetic elements. These were frequently identified as being set for contact detonation only (AZ) or magnetic detonation only (MZ) and lines 8 & 9 left unused. Due to problems with both the contact and magnetic elements a series of adaptations were introduced for example: A+B+N. The Pi G7H (Pi H) was a contact only version of the Pi I. The Pi 2 with both contact and magnetic elements was introduced in November 1942 for use on the G7e only and the Pi3/MZ 3 with both contact and magnetic elements was introduced in August 1943. The T IV employed the contact only Pi 4a and the T V employed the TZ 5 / Pi 4s/c combination (magnetic and contact). |
8 |
Pistol Stellung des MZ-Schalters ("ein" od. "aus") |
Pistol Setting of Magnetic firing switch (on or off) |
Magnetic firing was selected "on" or "off" and magnetic sensitivity (zone 0 to 16 or 0 to 64) could be set |
9 |
Pistol Kleine Prüfung: Wann? (erfüllt: + nicht erfüllt: 0, nicht ausgeführt: nein) |
Pistol Small test: When? (met: +, did not meet: 0, not conducted: no) |
The details of this test are currently unknown. |
10 |
Rohr Bezeichnung |
Tube Designation |
The tube from which the torpedo was launched (Roman numerals were used - I-IV forward and V and VI aft) |
11 |
Rohr Ausstoßart |
Tube Ejection method |
Whether the torpedo was fired on the surface (über wasser) or submerged (ünter wasser) - On the surface the torpedo was usually fired (ohne Kolben (o.K.) - Without piston) by compressed air between the torpedo and the piston leaving the piston in place behind the torpedo; submerged the torpedo was usually fired (mit Kolben (m.K.) - With piston) by compressed air behind the piston forcing the piston and the torpedo down the tube. When the piston reached the end of the tube it stopped thus preventing the compressed air from escaping and leaving bubbles to mark the firing location - sometimes the pressure used to expel the torpedo was noted in kg/cm2 |
12 |
Beim Schuß Eigene Fahrt |
At firing Own speed |
U-boat speed in knots |
13 |
Beim Schuß Eigener Kurs |
At firing Own course |
U-boat course in degrees |
14 |
Beim Schuß Schiffspeilung |
At firing Relative bearing to the target |
Target bearing relative to the bow of the boat in degrees (0-359) (symbol = psi - φ) |
15 |
Beim Schuß Schußwinkel |
At firing Firing angle |
Torpedo course relative to the boat's heading in degrees (0-359) (symbol = sigma - ς) |
16 |
Zielstelle, Ziel- und Rechengerät |
Targeting Device, Optics and Computer |
What device was used to gather the targeting data and compute the firing solution. Options on the surface included: bridge/T.U.Z.A. (Torpedounterwasser-zielapparat) later U.Z.O. (U-Boot-Ziel-Optik), the Peildiopter (telescope fitted over the gyro compass), or simply the netzsage (net cutter); submerged either the conning tower/attack periscope (Angriffssehrohr (ASR) or just Standsehrohr) or control room/search/sky observation periscope (Luftzielsehrohr (LZSR)). The torpedo data computer was known as the eVorhaltrechner (T.vh.Re or T.v.Re.) |
17 |
Abkommpunkt |
Aim point |
The aim point on the target ship, for example: mitte = center, Brücke = bridge |
18 |
Torpedokurs |
Torpedo course |
The course of the torpedo in degrees |
19 |
Eingestellte Schußunterlagen Vg = γ = β = |
Set firing data: Vg =, γ (gamma) =, β (beta) = |
The data that was input into the torpedo data computer: Vg = target velocity in knots γ = gamma - target angle in degrees β = beta - leading angle in degrees |
20 |
Tauchtiefe beim Schuß (nur bei U-Booten) |
Depth at firing (only in U-boats) |
U-Boat depth at firing measured at the keel in meters |
21 |
Lastigkeit beim Schuß (bei Schiffen usw. Krängung beim Schuß) |
Trim at firing (heeling angle) |
Bow up (Vorlastigkeit) = + m, bow down = - m, an even keel (Nullastig) |
22 |
Entfernung: a) geschätzt b) eingest. c) Laufzeit d. Torp. |
Range: a) estimated b) adjusted c) running time of the torpedo |
A. Estimated range (Entfernung (E)) to the target in meters. B. Adjusted range - the computed range based on the actual running time of the torpedo and the torpedo speed. C. Actual running time of the torpedo (Laufzeit) – measured in minutes and / or seconds. |
23 |
Torpedoniedergang und Lauf |
Torpedo declination and Run |
Plus or minus angle in degrees the torpedo varied from the expected torpedo course and any malfunctions (failure to run, tube runner or circle runner) |
24 |
Schuß im Abdrehen oder auf geraden Kurs |
Fired on changing or steady course |
The torpedo data computer accounted for the changing course of the boat during firing |
25 |
Eingestellter Winkel nach Farbe u. Graden |
Gyro angle in color and degrees color and degrees |
The angle in color and degrees the torpedo was set for (relative to the U-Boat), color refers to the international standard for navigation which is Red (rot) = Port (Left), and Green (grün) = Starboard (Right). Torpedoes could turn up to 90 degrees on leaving the tube. |
26 |
Bei G7e: a) letzte Nachladung vor dem Schuß: b) Säuretemperat beim Schuß gem. Schußtafel: |
For G7e: a) last charging before firing b) Acid temperature at firing per firing table |
This only concerns the battery powered G7e torpedoes. These torpedoes had to be charged every few days preheated to +30 degrees C before firing if they were to achieve their maximum range of 5,000 meters (7,500 meters for the T IIIa) at 30 knots. Without preheating speed was reduced to 28 knots and range to 3300 meters (4,950 meters for the T IIIa). |
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Torpedo firing reports from U-628's 3rd war patrol |
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Torpedo firing reports from U-435's 7th war patrol |
Torpedo Firing Report form used for T V torpedoes from 1944 onwards
Schußmeldung für Wendeschießen = Firing report for reversal-shooting - The term Wendeschuß [reversal-shot] is used in firing reports and KTBs to refer to the firing of acoustic torpedoes. The term may have been derived from the idea that acoustic torpedoes were intended to counter escort vessels, turning the tactical situation in favor of the U-boat. |
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1. Tactical picture at the time of firing. 2. How was firing data acquired? 3. Special observations, defense. 4. Explanation for miss. 5. Did the opponent change course between shot and hit? 6. Was the target aimed at hit? 7. Was another target hit? How was it positioned in relation to the target aimed at? 8. Position of the hit (relative to the ship). 9. Effect on the target, explosive pillar, observations in own boat. 10. Aircraft bombs or depth charges before the shot or during the approach. |
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Analysis of the Torpedo Inspectorate | ||
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Key and Notes
Line No.
1 |
Torpedo Art, Nummer |
Torpedo Type, Serial Number |
Presumably only used for T IV and T V |
2 |
Torpedo Eingestellte Steuerung u. Laufstrecke |
Torpedo Set guidance and running distance |
The T V could be fired as a straight running torpedo or as an acoustic homing torpedo |
3 |
Torpedo Eingestellte Tiefe |
Torpedo Set depth |
Running depth setting in meters (0-12 and later 0-15 meters in one meter increments) |
4 |
Pistol Nummer |
Pistol Serial number |
The T IV employed the contact only Pi 4a and the T V employed the TZ 5 / Pi 4 combination (magnetic and contact). |
5 |
Rohr Bezeichnung |
Tube Designation |
The tube from which the torpedo was launched (Roman numerals were used - I-IV forward and V and VI aft) |
6 |
Rohr Ausstoßart |
Tube Ejection method |
Whether the torpedo was fired on the surface (über wasser) or submerged (ünter wasser) - On the surface the torpedo was usually fired (ohne Kolben (o.K.) - Without piston) by compressed air between the torpedo and the piston leaving the piston in place behind the torpedo; submerged the torpedo was usually fired (mit Kolben (m.K.) - With piston) by compressed air behind the piston forcing the piston and the torpedo down the tube. When the piston reached the end of the tube it stopped thus preventing the compressed air from escaping and leaving bubbles to mark the firing location - sometimes the pressure used to expel the torpedo was noted in kg/cm2 |
7 |
Beim Schuß Eigene Fahrt |
At firing Own speed |
U-boat speed in knots |
8 |
Beim Schuß Eigener Kurs |
At firing Own course |
U-boat course in degrees |
9 |
Beim Schuß Schiffspeilung |
At firing Relative bearing to the target |
Target bearing relative to the bow of the boat in degrees (0-359) (symbol = psi - φ) |
10 |
Beim Schuß Schußwinkel |
At firing Firing angle |
Torpedo course relative to the boat's heading in degrees (0-359) (symbol = sigma - ς) |
11 |
Zielstelle, Ziel- und Rechengerät |
Targeting Device, Optics and Computer |
What device was used to gather the targeting data and compute the firing solution. Options on the surface included: bridge/T.U.Z.A. (Torpedounterwasser-zielapparat) later U.Z.O. (U-Boot-Ziel-Optik), the Peildiopter (telescope fitted over the gyro compass), or simply the netzsage (net cutter); submerged either the conning tower/attack periscope (Angriffssehrohr (ASR) or just Standsehrohr) or control room/search/sky observation periscope (Luftzielsehrohr (LZSR)). The torpedo data computer was known as the eVorhaltrechner (T.vh.Re or T.v.Re.) |
12 |
Abkommpunkt |
Aim point |
The aim point on the target ship, for example: mitte = center, Brücke = bridge |
13 |
Torpedokurs |
Torpedo course |
The course of the torpedo in degrees |
14 |
Eingestellte Schußunterlagen Vg = γ = β = |
Set firing data: Vg =, γ (gamma) =, β (beta) = |
The data that was input into the torpedo data computer: Vg = target velocity in knots γ = gamma - target angle in degrees β = beta - leading angle in degrees |
15 |
Tauchtiefe beim Schuß |
Depth at firing |
U-Boat depth at firing measured at the keel in meters |
16 |
Entfernung: a) geschätzt b) eingest. c) Laufzeit d. Torp. |
Range: a) estimated b) adjusted c) running time of the torpedo |
A. Estimated range (Entfernung (E)) to the target in meters. B. Adjusted range - the computed range based on the actual running time of the torpedo and the torpedo speed. C. Actual running time of the torpedo (Laufzeit) – measured in minutes and / or seconds. |
17 |
Schuß im Abdrehen oder auf geraden Kurs |
Fired on changing or steady course |
The torpedo data computer accounted for the changing course of the boat during firing |
18 |
Eingestellter Winkel nach Farbe u. Graden |
Gyro angle in color and degrees color and degrees |
The angle in color and degrees the torpedo was set for (relative to the U-Boat), color refers to the international standard for navigation which is Red (rot) = Port (Left), and Green (grün) = Starboard (Right). Torpedoes could turn up to 90 degrees on leaving the tube. |
19 |
Letzte Nachladung vor dem Schuß |
Latest charging before firing |
These only concerns the battery powered G7e torpedoes. These torpedoes had to be charged every few days preheated to +30 degrees C before firing if they were to achieve their maximum range of 5,700 meters at 24 knots. |
20 |
Säuretemperat beim Schuß |
Temperature of acid before firing |
21 |
Wassertemperatur beim Schuß |
Water temperature at firing |
22 |
Wie waren die Bedingungen für Wendeschießen? |
What were the conditions at the reversal-shooting? |
The tactical situation. |
23 |
Lag starke Sonneneinstrahlung vor? |
Was strong sunlight present? |
24 |
Fliebo-oder Waboeinwirkung vor dem Schuß bzw. Anmarschweg: |
Aircraft bombs or depth charges before firing or during the approach |
25 |
Verhalten des Bootes nach dem Schuß |
Behavior of the boat after firing |
Typically the boat would go deep. |
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Torpedo firing reports from U-967's 3rd war patrol |
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Torpedo firing reports from U-952's 4th war patrol |