e) For Norwegian coastal shipping the Admiral Commanding Norway issues sailing permits with the eagle-stamp. |
f) German and neutral ships sailing from Germany obtain clearance certificates without the eagle-stamp. |
Ships making passages as above, which do not have the requisite certificate on board, are to be brought in for examination (except for para. 10). With regard to other passages, ships encountered are to be brought in, when special grounds for suspicion are present. |
13. |
All ships (except for para. 10) which are encountered in the sea-area of the Skagerrak, especially those desiring to pass the Skagerrak westwards, are to be brought in for examination, except those vessels proceeding at a distance of 5 sea miles from the Norwegian coast which possess a permit in accordance with para. 12. |
14. |
Ships leaving Petsamo or other Arctic ports westwards are to be brought in for examination since, on account of the English mined areas, it must be reckoned on their putting in at Kirkwall (except for para. 12). |
VII. |
Contraband. |
15. |
The following articles and materials, being destined for enemy territory so fa as the latter is not occupied by German forces, constitute - according to the list (Prize Regulation, Article 22 in the (?) notification of 12.9.39) - unconditional contraband: |
(a) arms and war-material of all kinds, their components and adjuncts; |
(b) military articles of clothing and equipment; |
(c) communication and signal apparatus and their components; |
(d) means of transport and traffic and their components, beasts of burden, draught beasts, and _ _ _ * animals; |
(e) power and heating material of all kinds, lubricating oil; |
(f) gold, silver, exchange-material, documents showing claims on payment of dept; |
(g) appliances, tools, machines and materials required for the production or use of the articles or products specified in (a) - (f); |
To the articles and products specified under (g) belong among others: |
(a) ores and metals; |
(b) india rubber; |
(c) timber of all kinds with the exception of precious woods and barrel-staves, particularly pit-props, railway-sleepers, planks and undressed timber. |
*illegible |