c). |
During charging, complete Ack Ack readiness. Commander on the bridge. Keenest lookout. All armament ready and unmasked, so far as weather conditions allow. Gunner in layer position with shoulder-piece in position. In weather conditions which enable accurate surprise attacks, if necessary man only the twin barrelled gun, in order to be able to submerge more quickly when located. |
d). |
Set up the available FUMB. If there is FUMO on board, warm up well before surfacing, and use as follows:- Immediately after surfacing a circular sweep with the FUMO, then only Radar observation with "Wanze" and/or "Borkum and Tunis". If airborne locator has been observed, in general, submerge. If charging is urgent, when detecting a locator, D/F with FUMB, search by FUMO, and continue to observe the enemy. Until picked up by FUMO, a longer period (up to 30 mins.) can elapse. If no enemy is detected, do not return too soon to FUMB. If the "Hohentwiel" set is in perfect order and the servicing crew well-experienced, the apparatus, in continuous search alone may be used, when underway as an air-raid siren. |
e). |
Do not remain on the surface longer than the time required for charging, as this endangers the boat unnecessarily. Exceptions: In especially unfavorable flying conditions and if the FUMO is functioning perfectly. |
III. Procedure in the operational zone. |
A. |
Submerged on principle and only while schnorkelling. On breakdown of the Schnorkel, in general, return to base. In this case carry out charging as under 11. |
B. |
Keep close to traffic focal points and to coast routes, for it is only there that interception of traffic can be guaranteed. Lying on the bottom and taking advantage of the density of water which renders it more difficult for the U-boats to be intercepted by hydrophone and radar, facilitate, according to the latest experiments, a successful U-boat operation even at a depth of well under 100 metres (325 feet). |
C. |
Initiate all measures for daylight attack, since this is most favorable. Submerged night attack promises success only at full moon. |
D. |
Go frequently to periscope depth, do not rely upon the hydrophone. By night and when there is traffic, go down to the bottom, to save batteries. |
IV. General Rules for "total submerged warfare". |
A. |
Avoid surfacing by astronomical reckoning as far as possible. According to experiments so far to hand, extremely exact determination of position is made possible by very accurate dead reckoning, by taking the current into consideration and by making full use of the sounding device, electrosone and radio-beacons. When close to our own, or to enemy coast, make full use of every means of determining a position by land. |
B. |
As it is not possible to service weapons before putting out or before starting out to proceed under water cruises for any lengthy period, well lubricate the armament. Submerged cruising damages the armament less than the continual change between air and water. Surfacing, necessitated by other causes, should be used in servicing the armament. |
C. |
Even when proceeding without incident under water and when on operations, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of air and current to the minimum, in order to shorten the charging time and to have sufficient battery capacity for the attack when contacting the enemy, and further, in case of pursuit, to be able to run on it long enough without being forced to Schnorkel and/or surface. |
D. |
Especially when the Schnorkel is out of order the boat must continue to run submerged in order to evade the shadowing aircraft and to be as far |