III. |
Reports on the Enemy: |
a) |
1) |
Air attack on U 629 in BF 5731. |
2) |
Air attack on U 415 in BF 5449. |
3) |
Air attack on U 107 in BF 4824. |
b) |
None. |
c) |
1) |
U-boats were sighted in DC 3457 (U 129?), BF 4964, BF 4664 (the same plane) BF 4584. |
Surfaced submarines were located by planes in following positions: BF 5574, course 900, 10 knots; BF 4688, course 450, 10 knots. |
At 0304 plane reported ASV location and at 0307 that it had given up the attack. No position given. |
2) |
English units were located in BF 2621, BF 2613, CG 8897, AM 9978, CG 8875. |
d) |
None. |
IV. |
Current Operations: |
a) |
No fresh reports from Groups "Ruegen" and "Borkum". |
b) |
None. |
c) |
1) |
U 629 was unable to dive after being attacked by a plane (see paragraph III a) 1). 2 minesweepers were sent to meet submarine, also U 426 and U 539, who were on their outward voyage, were ordered to make for the scene of the attack. |
At 1300 U 629 was picked up by escort. |
2) |
U 426 reported: At 2015 depth charges were dropped in BF 5439. After getting a hydrophone bearing at 2032, boat fired torpedo T 5, 4 minutes later dull explosion followed 16 minutes later by a heavy one. No further hydrophone locations. |
The shot was not justified, firstly because several of our own boats were probably in the area, and secondly because what were assumed to be depth-charge detonations could have been bombs. |
Following message was sent to all boats: |
Admonitory Radio Message No. 74: |
Yesterday a boat reported from coastal waters that after depth charges had been dropped, she fired a torpedo T 5 a quarter of an hour later after getting a hydrophone bearing. Boat heard 2 explosions. |
This shot could not possibly be justified, as the boat had not definitely sighted the enemy. A blind shot in an area where out own forces operate, and which our submarines run through when entering or leaving port, is strictly forbidden. |
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