2) |
In accordance with the deployment of forces scheduled for 3 - 4.11, boats belonging to Group "Schill", strengthened by U 228, proceed towards grid square BE 84. U 306 has not reported again in spite of requests, U 441 returned to base because of damage. |
At about 2030, U 953 sights a convoy proceeding on course 400 at high speed, in BE 8183. According to our own dead reckoning the convoy consisted of a fast troop transport convoy (Naval M/T). |
Boats belonging to Group "Shill" which, in spite of their advanced position, are able to reach the convoy this same night, should operate against it; those unable to reach it should proceed towards the position laid down in the orders. Further orders do not apply. |
b) |
1) |
U 358 receives instructions to adjust speed as much as possible in order to reach BE 80 during the night of 4.11. Boat should contact the convoy from within Group "Schill". |
2) |
Alleged particularly strong carrier-borne aircraft, in square BD at this time. Boats proceeding in that direction should submerge during the day in unfavorable weather. |
c) |
According to a signal from U 214, the rendezvous for refueling with U 488 in CD 7331, has been compromised by carrier aircraft. |
As it was not possible to tell from here if U 214 had already refueled, and if, because of the low state of fuel in the boat it was still possible to postpone the rendezvous, the following orders were laid down: |
1) |
If U 488 and U 214 are together, the refueling position should automatically be altered 50 sea miles to the north. |
2) |
If a meeting with U 488 has not yet occurred, U 214 should immediately propose a new rendezvous with U 193, in order to receive full supplies from the latter for the return journey. |
3) |
U 129 and U 530 to proceed to DE 8155 and on about 7.11. should receive full supplies from U 488, if the latter is still reporting. The same orders also apply to U 193. |
d) |
1) |
U 103 has successfully completed mining operation Takoradi. |
2) |
According to reports from Tangier, the Straits of Gibraltar are very heavily guarded at this time. |
Boats en route for the Mediterranean which are still to the W. of the Straits, should abandon the breakthrough ordered, and should turn aside to the west. |
3) |
U 306 has not answered again queries as to position. As the boat did not make an appearance to the last convoy operation by Group "Schill", she must be presumed lost. |