cancelled shortly after as the officer had meanwhile died. |
2) |
U 185, 172 and 604 were attacked and bombed by a Liberator at the rendezvous in FD 9555. The aircraft was shot down. Boats suffered only slight damage. U 172 suspected a searching group in the vicinity. Afterwards the whole crew of U 604 was taken over by U 185. Orders had been given to sink U 604 because of damage suffered on 6.8. There is no report of this yet. U 172 and 185 are proceeding north and will meet again later to exchange personnel. |
3) |
So far U 489 and 647 have not reported passing the latitude of AL 15; the report was due several days ago. Both last reported on 28.7. from AF 7369 and AF 4848 respectively. On 29.7. they were informed that the crew of an aircraft, which had been shot down from a carrier-borne formation, were in the water in AF 70. It is not impossible that both boats were destroyed by the same formation. There were also 5 destroyers in the Iceland Passage on the 10th and 11th, so that they may also have been picked up by a patrol. Both must be presumed lost. |
4) |
3 boats, including U 155 and 306, have now passed through Biscay along the Spanish coast without being detected by Radar or aircraft. It remains to be seen how long the enemy will continue in ignorance of this route. |
V. |
Reports of Success: |
U 181 |
1 ship |
10,528 GRT |
U 185 |
1 aircraft. |
VI. |
General: |
a) |
With the loss of U 489 the last fuel reserves for boats coming from the south are exhausted. All boats will now have to be refueled from U 117, which is at present still with U 66. They are: U 84, 415, 653, 510, 333, 571, 600, 257, 508, 358, 618, 185, 172 and 230. |
b) |
U 525 and 129, on their way out, will be kept back in DF, in order to provide a reserve of supply. |
c) |
U 359 and 615 (Caribbean) and U 86, 445 and 468 (Freetown) will also have to return within the next few days, so that there will be no boats left in the operations areas in the Central Atlantic, except for U 403 off Dakar and U 43 off Lagos. There is some anxiety about U 199 (Rio). She has not replied to several orders to report. |
d) |
U 196 and 197 are still in the sea area between Madagascar and Africa. U 198, 177 and 181 are on return passage to Western France, U 178 on passage to Penang (IXD2 boats). As these numbers show, successes can hardly be expected in August. |
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