III. |
Reports on the Enemy: |
a) |
1) |
U 466 reports 4 bombs from a Catalina in EP 4811 on 23 July. Attack warded off, hits observed. On 24 July in EP 4323 a Liberator warded off, 1 motor and the tail shot into flames. 4 direct bombs on the stern. 1st Watchkeeping Officer, 1 rating badly wounded, Commander, 2nd Watchkeeping Officer, Warrant Quartermaster slightly wounded. Returned home quickly. Air activity as in the Bay of Biscay. Location by day and night. No traffic. |
2) |
U 415 on 24 July convoy of 20 steamers course about 315 towards EE 7745, then west. Air and sea escort. In 7773 continuous running of four-engined aircraft with short location transmission. Warded off. No possibility of diving for 30 minutes on account of flares. Otherwise no traffic. Strong location defence everywhere. |
3) |
U 615 up to the 11th July fast single ships on E. and W. courses, some escorted, above the edge of ED 76. On 12 July chased without success tanker, E. course, 15 knots. From EC 96 to the S.E. small independent coastal craft. Limited sea patrol off the main ports. Heavy traffic from the N. to the N.W. Detached convoys and groups of tankers up to 6 ships, are in loose formation. Exploratory sweep on an A/S hunt, slight air activity. Submerged by day, location detected once at night, without attack. Sank tanker 6,000 GRT in EC 9626 on 28 July. |
4) |
U 333 situation in Freetown area: On 25 June convoy of about 20 ships in ET 2586, course 3000, speed 8 knots. Prematurely located by destroyer, chased, and forced under water, location 140 - 144 centimeters. |
Off the approach point, bad listening conditions by day, continuous bad visibility on account of the rainy season at night. On 6 July fast convoy 2200 in ET 90, 50, 60 and 20 as well as the left half of EU 70, continually on the surface at night, no air activity. On being observed in EJ 71 a day of continuous air activity, location. The boat proposes that several individual boats should be disposed along the 200 meter line from ET to the south. |
5) |
U 572 reports in ED 9960 single ship traffic at intervals escorted by sea and air, N.E. to S.E. course and opposite, also neutrals. In ED 9650 slight single ship traffic N.E. course. EN 33, along the coast no convoys located only sailing freighters. Daily airship and flying boat reconnaissance, air activity with location at night after boat had been observed. Attack warded off in EE 7591. |
6) |
U 634: Off the harbor in ED 1326 and eastwards, traffic close inshore, nothing at night. Except a liberty ship, only a coastal steamer, a PC boat and an aircraft supply ship. Continuous location at night, probably from Mona Passage, as boat was not picked up. Area changed after boat was picked up by a continuous night air activity with location. |
7) |
U 732 nothing in DN 7559 from 25 to 26 July. Slight air activity at night, location from the land. In |
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