Secret |
Enclosure 1 to Operational Orders #55. |
Naval High Command 2 Naval War Staff, |
B.d.U. Op. Order. Group Command 2564. |
Instructions regarding Defence against |
Enemy Aircraft when surfaced. |
1) |
Experience has shown that it is better to ward off the attack of aircraft, which have been spotted too late, on the surface that to expose oneself to the danger of accurate bombing by diving without using any defence. |
2) |
The boat is only safe from bombs from a diving depth of A meters. From the time which is required to attain this depth may be calculated the distance under which it is not permissible to dive from an aircraft. This distance is between 0 and 6,000 m., according to aircraft type and position (flying boat, land-based or carrier-based machine; flight to, from parallel or over). |
3) |
The Commanding Officer must give his instructions to the Officers of the Watch clearly and repeat them, when boat is not to dive upon aircraft being sighted. |
4) |
When there is any doubt as to whether to dive or not, it is better to remain surfaced and ward off attacks. |
5) |
Watches on the bridge should be trained to give full reports (distance near, medium, great; flight to, from or parallel), and the Officers of the Watch to give their orders clearly. |
6) |
According to our own experiences and statements of prisoners of war, the aircraft attack in a steep glide or dive across the course of the U-boat, and, in order to equalize the small width of the target, release 4 - 6 bombs, generally depth-charges, in a series. |
They may be expected to fire with their guns at the same time, particularly when running up to the target. |
7) |
The defence measures by the boat, i.e. continuous fire from all guns and avoiding action, must be directed to avoiding bomb hits. |
8) |
Fire is to be opened continuously from all flak guns. If conditions indicate remaining surfaced for a long time the defense guns should also be used, if weather conditions permit. The order to open fire is to be given so that the guns' magazines need not be changed just when firing might be most favorable. According to experiences the inclination is to open fire too soon. |
The crew manning the flak guns must be trained by practice to get into the boat for crash-diving in the case of an attack having been warded off, so as not to extend the time required for diving. There will be about 1 1/2 minutes left before another attack. |
9) |
Avoiding action must be effected at maximum speed and using full helm to the side most unfavorable for the aircraft. It is usually recognized early in the attack whether the aircraft is likely to fly past and the boat can then sheer off. It is nearly always correct, when there is a strong cross-wind, to turn to windward, since the aircraft has difficulties with drift of the wind. |